HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-12-01, Page 2POE Two • • THE GODgRIVEL SIONarSTAR • to, ThtitgDAY, bEcEPOtilt.Vik. ir (6n1irricil *tgttal,-*tar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY • Established 1848. In its 108th year of publicatien. or . Pdblished by Signal -Star Publishing Limited Subscription Rates -Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United States, $4.00.- StrWly in advance. Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71. Anthorized_, as secpnd-class taail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Out.of-Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 420 Temple Bldg., Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. ember of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. : ABC Co • 0 GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. THURSDAY, DECEMBER ls-t, 1955 HOSPITAL VOTE NEXT MONDAY Although there is no vote for civic offices next Monday, ratepayers should bear in mind Ahat the vote on the. hospital bylaw wilt be taken on that day. The Hospital Board points out the necessity of increased accommodation at the hospital and asks the ratepayers to provide only one-third of the estimated cost of the proposednew wing. Property -owners therefore -Should turn out on Monday next pint by their ballots decide whether or not, Alexandra Hospital is .to ex- pand to meet the increased needs. of the com- munity. ALL-ROUND ACCLAMATION When last week this paper asked for a Nard. lively municipal election it was the expression . This is not to find fault with the present ei 1 a wish without much hope behind it. The Council"management of the. town's business. mwaieipal offices for the Coming year are filled What is open to criticism is the -apathy of the without a single contest. This, evidently, is eleetorate and the 'bland assumption that, the way the people want it ; atany rate, they without any interest in or attention to civic are not enough concerned to, have it other- afrairs on the part of said electorate, every- -wise.,thing is all right and is going to be all right. ,- . No - talking about a two-year term fur The Couneil-elect for 1956 has our best sivic offices in Goderieh; when a man gets on wishes and we think we can depend upon it results. . the Town Council he can stay as long as he to do nothing so extraordinary as to wake up .,_ likes -nobody else wants his place at the the electors. MRS: R. GOOD PRESIDENT • SUNSET .0IROLE 'CLUB nary Hastings Sunset Circle Club of Goderich held their "annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Robert ,Good on November P. Thirty sat down to a turkey dinner. These includedmembers, friends, two ladies from the Cen- tral executive. Mrs. Hare and Mrs. Livermore, and also Art Cartier, London Free Press, who brought greetings and good wishes from Mary Hastings. Mr. Cartier presented Mrs. Ed. Heaney with a cup and saucer for 'being the member who wrote most recently to M.H..cOlumn from the Sunset Circle. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. John Munday. , An apron don- ated by Mrs. Jean Elliott was won by Mrs. J. Kelly. Mrs. R. Good was elected as president. Other officers elected were: first vicepreSident, Mrs. A. Larder; 4,cond. vice-president, Mrs. James Durnin; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Hartney: treasurer, Mrs. A. Mc-. Lean; flower convener, 'Mrs. A. Vanderburgh; assistant flower con- vener, Mrs. Mitchell; entertain- ment, Mrs. B. McCormick and Mrs. J. Rean; :mystery prize, Mrs. J. Elliott, Bingo was played. Mrs. A. Mc- Lean on behalf of all present thanked Mrs. Good for a ,most en- joyable evening. The next meet- ing is to be held January 19 at the home of Mrs. Fi Jewell, Regent street. 0 Signal -Star EDITORIAL NOTES 'Toronto laughs at itself,'' says The Daily the project without a huge Government sub- sidy'? How many hundreds of millions of Star. Whichseems to make it unanirnous. ' * * . * 4,.. .• public money have been spent on Canada's transeontinental railway, which still produces December -darkest month of the year, more * *. but brightened by the great Christmases -deficits thansurpluses? , . • tttral; shortest -month of the year to Christmas , Results ..of testswritten by applicants for jobs shoppers, but longest month to young folks in a Canadian city show how far the neglect of some of the fundamentals in education has gone / waiting for Christmas morning.; last month / of the year, but first month of winter, when in this country. One applicant had been instructed nature settles to sleep to renew its vigor. to correct the grammatical errors in the sentence:- This is December. ,"I have saw you drive through ' the red signal." • * e 0 it, ' The correction was: "I seen you drive through the ''''• The whiner of first prize for wheat at red signal." But the applicant wasn't the only one the Toronto Winter Fair, Robert Cochrane of wrong. The examiner marked it as being correct. Grand Prairie, Alberta, is a native of Huron. -Halifax Chronicle -Herald. _ Re Was born on' a farm near Kippenand at- And. yet educational authorities act on tended a Hay Township school. Of course it the assumption that grammar can be "picked is not surprising that wheat kings and other -n-p"-in our s-chools without its being given a Western notables should be able to claim this /definite place in the curriculum. county' as .their .birth.plaee, for were not the * * * 0 Prairie Provinces settled by . people from RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIGH TAXES Huron and Bruce? Today governments are more often criticized e. 1, e• * ' because they spend too little than because they SOme Ontarionewspapers advocate con- spend too much. There has been little evidence truction of the proposed natural gas , pipe_. , of a desire for economy in public spending among . line from Alberta to ' Ontario and the dis- most Canadians, -Almost every day some group or ' ribution of the gas to be a public -owned and organization comes to Ottawa to press the Governi t perated enterprise. The profits, they sa, ment for some new project or expenditure.'Citi- o hould go to the people, not to private owners. , Y zens cannot. steadily demand more 'expenditures, yet at the same time' . expect taxes to be- lowered. ' Where do they get the notion there are going to be any prOfits when capitalists won -Ross Thatcher, M.P. touch ,1 0 0 classified ads bring DAVE ALLAWS9MKIDS it40 BETTER. COAL WAS EVER:SOLD- IT IS A SURE DEFEAT FOR COLD NEA -7. HEAD, QUARTERS } .;,; • 1., 8...•so,sort THE .HE4pitto HANDS The meetings were .held each week as usual. .Readinge were given by Mrs. F. Lynch... Mrs, E. Baechler read from the Red Cross •manual and !Mrs. I. J. Jewell" took the Seripture and led in prayer. A letter from overseas was also. read; and two gift food parcels forwarded 'overseas; one given locelly; five dollars donated to a worthy cause; eight bouquets sen shutAns. ,It was decided not to hold a Sale bhi's year, but a few -articles have been sold privately to help 111 the members' work. YOU'LL DEFEAT COLD,AND YOU'LL DEFEAT YOUR, HEAT- ING EXPENSE PROBLEM, WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR COAL ORDER HERE!, , // • CANADA'S TOP • WINTER TIRE •Tirestorse • TOWN .& COUNTRY Firestone Town & Country Tires !Pave no equal for dependable winter traction. Deep, • selfileaoing tread zips -through snow, slush.. or mud :.. foils smoothly and quietly on bare pavement. Put them on now and forget winter driving worries. Aberhart's Garage • Scotty Wood's SHELL SERVICE STATION Gardner Motor Sales Goderich Motors 'TOWN & COUNJRY TIRES. VTUSE or TUBELESS VWHITE SIDEWALLS ror ALL -BLACK e... • looking for e something different 0. , •This Christmas, why not give something different • yet strictly practical -the time and step -saving • convenience of an extension telephone? Iniagine.the • " give an Extension TelephOne all wrapped up and ready for the Christmas tree 0. • • • • • • 0 • • 0 a • • • 0. • 0. 0. 0. 0. 8 0. . 4 0. a. 0. 0. 0. surprise of such an original gift on Christmas day,,and the months of pleasure and comfort this service will give. 0. '* 0. 0.0. 8 0. 0. 0. • • 0. 0. • • 0. a 0. 0. a 0. 0 0. es. * Yet, the actual telephone itself, attractively wrapped and ready to go.under the Christmas tree,. can be ordered from any Bell Business Offie,e. We will*arrang!zconneet it at your convenience. You may pay for itnow or we will bill you month by month. • • • A gift you can buy to suit your poke f !Nook (We suggest one year's service as an ideal gift.) You can.pick up your:gift-wrapped telephone at our Business Office or we will be pleased to deliver it for you. * Gift telephones are available at the standard rateLlef $1.00 a month in the smaller centres and $1.25 in • the larger, plus the usual $2.00 installation charge. * Inquire about coloured telephones. Now available in Ivory, Beige, GFeen,and Red. at an additional colour charge. • 0.• ... and so easy to order • • . • just give us.a call 0. 0. • • • • FOR GRANDMA'S BEDROOM FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN it; FOR HIS OR HER ROOM FOR FATHER'S WORKSHOP THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ) 1 l' 111 our Hospitat Stands rossroa On Monday, December t "Yes" On The Byliaw Means It Will Go Ahea A VOTE AGAINST THE BY-LAW MEANS THE HOSPITAL WILL GO DOWN HILL • 9 • No organization, person or institution stands still. It either goes ahead with • the times or it goes behind. • Do you want your Hospital to slip be- hind? Do you realize what this would mean to you -to your family -to your relatives -in time of .serious illness - which could come to any of us at any' time. Think seriously -think of the future - just think of yourself, and YOUR wel- fare. . . and you will vote "Yes" on - Monday., Here are local organizations which ate urging a "Yes" vote oh the Hospital By-law: ASMEEK 'CHAPTER, LO.D.E.; BRANCH 109, 'CANADIAN LEGION; WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OP THE LEGION; 02. AND T. ASSOCIATION; ,O,A,NOER, SOCIETY; GODERICH GRADUATE NURSES' ASSOCIATION; JUNIOR CRAMER OF 'COMMERCE; GODERICH LIONS 'CLUB; LOCAL . 192, AY, OF L., GRAIN MIT.T.RRS; MAPLE LEAF 'OTHAPTER, I.O.D.E.; PARENT -TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION; WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY; WOMEN'S INSMIITE; SALTFORD COMMUNITY 'CLUB. Only Proper' ty Owners CaniVate On.A Money Bywilawe - A • 0 Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Board •• ; 0 ,,,, • • 'P