HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-19, Page 1Intr ' A STI HTR 111 & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. XVII. NO. 37. "HEW ,s TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE. THEY MAY," EXETER', ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 19, 1890 LEGAL. 7 . $. DICICSOIV, Barrister, Soli- -4 i elm or -,'t •luprorno Court,NotaryPubiie Lionveyaneee C1.uomiasioner.&c. Money to `Loan, inftce'^ 1+'artson's 131ock. EXeeer. ee.ipLo , O1.arr 5, Barrister, Solicitor, eonveyatnaer, Etc., 1ri2LETF.tR, - ONT. Omce¢an evell'al3loek Aall'sold office.) E{ LLTOT & : LLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, notaries Public, Conveyancers c&o, &43, t 'honey to Loan at Lowest hates of iutereat, OFFICE, • MAIN - STREET, EXETER' 1t, V. 1'141,10 , 4, Zl,rlaeW, -1 L. I3TI,LIN(•rS, 0FV11)Ec aycr O'.Jt',VIL'SRank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 1CUNS1U N,D1 NTIST.L1.D,S ticu yell's Block, Mnill.st,Exeter, elxtraeta. Teeth n•lt),outpaln, b • givineVegQetable Vapor. Gold Pilings rand- 411 other dental work the beet possible. Gees Zen sir on]aatThuradayiu la mouth. MEDICAI, W. i3d0WNINO M. D., 141, 0 ia.luateYictoriRQniversity.Office tndiresidenoe,l)oo 'P1or,Laboratorv,Ex* ter R. ILYNu5TAN, coroner for the. County of unroll. oatoo, cppolate Mr. , Cariing.'s a tore, Exeter. J . &. ROLLI M 0. E. S 0. 0 t11ao, Alain 6,,,.Sxeter,Ont.Rexiden etloetnee°eeutiy occupied by P. AfaPliil 1pd, Esq. P. CUT"QEN, NI. D., 0. M., « (};adnate 'Trinity Untvoraity, Tor- ronteFel. `Cris. hied. eahool, Toronto ; (}rad, Alin lust , Crauielercy ; Malabar N. Y. Acad. ! Anthrop,t'r) , Bamber Col. P S„ Ont.- odloo. 0 ashw eul,Ont. AUCTIONEERS. EN1 Y 111ILBER Licensed Aua- tioneerfor ETay',Stepbeu,seiI Ta(lilli• rWee* Townsltipd. Sales ;so nducted atmoderate rates. t)tlleu-••AtPost•ofllee,Crediton,Ont. ' TOON ELL, Auctioneer for the e! Towneh of Stephen, Say and reborno a net the Village o •Exeter. All galea promutly g,ttoudod,andeettsfaction guaranteed. Sales srran ,god at this officio . VETERINARY. QHELLINGLAW & CURRIE Veterinary Surgeons can be consulted at Clark's hotel, Crediton, or at Stnffa. A full stook of Veterinary medicines kopt constantly On hand. Veterinary Dentistry and. Surgery a specialty. NAT T• R. CARR, VETERINARY Surgeon, Honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, 'Comte, wishes to inform the public that lie is noir* prepared to do all work-in Veterinary line, Calls answered at all hours, Office, Xirkton, • 3 mo Ont. TTC. DOAN, VETERINARY �. Surgeon. graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, Toronto, honorary member of the Medical Society. Calls from a distance "romptly attended to. .Veterinary medicines ept constantly on hand. Office opposite E. Bosseeberry's hotel, Hensall. N. B. -Vet- erinary dentistry and surgery a specialty: Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, r tduates of the Ontario Veterinary College Oiuric e : One iroor.South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i percent, • 325,000 Private Funds. Best Sea ning Companies repro gelded. • L. S DICKSON, B arrister, E x eter, INSURANCE 11E ,ONDON MUTUAL Jahr, ; •INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA- • o'�.d.O(itee, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continuos to offer the wieners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or oantents,the most favorable protection in case of lugs or damage by fire or lightning, at rates on suoh liberal terms. that no other respect - a as: eotnpany can afford to write. 42,375 poll: Olen force '1st 'Jan ,1890. Assets 33378.428.00 in.oaelvin hank. Government depost, Debeu- tares and Premium Notes. Juts GRANT, President; D. C. Ma Om; A to), Manager. DAVM Jar1v s, Agent for Exeter andvictnity. TB Wtt,'1ERLOO UtITUAL ;FIRE /NS URANCECO.. Establishedin 1868.. VEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comxenv has 'been over 'Eighteen ,oryrRio4ueeesefel operation ill Western. On- arto,end)ontinues to insure againatloss or anpmige by, ir,o 13aildiugs,Merouandise,hlan- ,fa`otortes,andtll other descriptionaotlinsur jaleeroeerty.tutending insurers have the p(ionofcnsurtngoh she Premium Note or "tlj ur ystom : t n wring Elie Pas to years this Company �hasiaseed ;7,006 Polrciee.covoriveproperty' o tlte,imountof540,87;2,038;and paidintees. ea alone s 709,732,00 q•a,xetS, ;8170,100.00, c ousisting "of - Cash A 0,0lc, C3overnment•Depexit ',an d the trims:). dseeerelrxiumNotesoneandandintorce. r ,v WA:LD7Ei�lt3 1). Preside£.t. 0!. M• Ta mon secretary. 3.13: tIv0Rms,leermetee, ORAS N1;LL Agoittror auceterautivieinity. The iolsons Bank lr, WOLFERSTAN fl0-I.AS GsJ;:abrMANw ca(0ICA1TEREIBPARLIAIENT1855) Paid up Capital ... 02,000,0 s0 RestFund ,000,00 Head Office, Montreal. .t . 20branebotl'eeesintlxsleeminion. Agonc o in tbeDominion.U,S.A.and Rurope. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, froml0 a. en. to 3 p.m SATURDA'S'S.IO eon. to 1 p,na. 4PerCent.perannum allowedformonoy an Deposit Receipts R. IL ARCHER Manager. coo :PQ - Goldsmith 4•. Hall! tip* IFO Ev X q? 17 ti„ WATCHES,- CLOCKS,- JEWELRY, ATCHES,,-.CLOCKS,,-,..JEWELRY, --. SILVERWARI'.,- -AND ,SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. fa'Personalatteutiea given to repairing of watches.elooka andiewelry: C. BEICHENBACFI, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL. CENTRAL barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hair mitring in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting LadiesanaChiiaren's h'a/, . Eyes Tested FREE .•131.'-- A. S �'VIURF AY, Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School 1'.Y. Eve tested ; defeotivesight restored by the aid offine glasses. Largo assortment of the finestglassea on hand. A call solicited. .A. 8- M1TRS� A Y , 1.Bo =1TJ'N]a.&s-s' London, EVAN TED Mon to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal- ary, or Comimssion. I oanmako a successful S A L E S M A N of anyone who will work and follow my in- structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or commission every wook. Write for tortes at once. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman, Mchl613t Toronto. Ont. 5 Packs of Cards, FREE One Pack, May T. C. U. Home : One Pack Escort; One Pack, Flirtation ; One Pack. Hold to the light; One Pack, Our Sof•, just holds two. One sample book full of Novelties, all FREE, if you send 5a. silver, for postage. ..A., W. g2N'STMY-, Yarmouth N 8. FRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En - Office, Upstairs, SamwelPs Block, Exeter. Ont. SAJL ESMT_IN WAN'TEe:::: Good Salary and Expenses. or Commission Paid to tho right men. I want Amen 25 to 50, years of age to sell a full line of erst class Nursery Stock. All stook guaranteed. Apply at once, stating age and references. C. L. BOOTHRY. Rochester. N. Y Valuable rant Property —._FCR SALE IN THE-- VILLAGE OF EXETER. Tenders are invited and will be received up to Tuesday, 15th. July, 1890, for the purchase of the following valuable properties, belonging to the estate of James Pickard, Exeter. PARCEL 1. -Part farm lot 20, first eoncoeeion, 0 Usborne. containing abort 20 acres. PARCEL 2. -Farm lot 19, first concession, Usborne,eontaining about 85 acres. PARCEL 3, -Farm lot 18, first concession,' Usborne containing about 60 acres. PARCEL 4. -Two brick stores -three storey's high, fitted for Dry Goods, (occupied by Brumpton Bros.) ; and, Hardware and, Groceries (occupied by J. N. Howard). PARCEL S.-=Village;lots 4 and 5, Main St., and splendid two storey brick dwelling., thereon. ALSO Village lots 1 2 g . 3 and 4, Main St. north, corner Mill road. lot 10 Mill' road ; lot A. Andrew street, north. Lots 78, 79 and 80 Huron St.. and lot 69 Amelia street, Exeter North. 2'he hitthest.or anytendernot necaossarily accepted. Further particulars on application GEORGE SAMWELL, " Assignee, une 1�_-.t•Exeter: � ) Special Drives For the next fey weeks in good fast colored prints. ,, Beautiful goods 10, 11, 12ic., just what you want for your children, and every piece washes, 13 yds for $1.00. SALE! AT THE ti { EXETER.�� -- "laving bought over 10 tolls of sugar just prior to the TS - sharp advance ; and part of the Wholesale Bankrupt Stook of Skirting Embroideries, Lawns and silk Gloves, be- lon,4u1a, to the Estate of White & Pettoi, Wellington St., Toronto, flI>o a, large portion of a wholesale stock of leady-M ido Clothing. We are compelled to ra.iee a large amount of money quick. In order to do this we are going to sa terii!ice our whole stock. We will give if\ 474•"- ' �y f,r H�. as Exeter novae before heard of. Test the veracity of our statements by comparing the prices ',1'e quote with what you have been paying for similar goods. Remember we never copy, we never follow, we always go below the lowest. No use in regular dealers trying to They can't do it for we are the leaders. Now listen to what we are doing in 0 IN IC C i�, W it 0' irm 1 - 5 14 Kg. 0 We have just opened up a beautiful lot of �'" c Suits bought for 50c, o11 the $. In. men's , Suits we have a good Suit for $3.75 and for $4.99 wa give you a good pure wool Tweed Suit worth $0.00. This is a great snap. We have a tremendous lot of -thein and that's why the price is so low. Then for $7,00 we give yon a pure Wool Suit, regular price $11.00, and for $9.50 we give you the best Suit in the shop and better no man can get in Ready-macles. Boys suits. from $1.75 up. We have a very heavy stock of Boys Clothing and prices will be cut close during this great sale. Men's odd Vests for 75c AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND S II ES all at clearing prices. A ease of odd. lines going at 1QC. per pair. Now for A. I goods at the closest prices ever quoted in Exeter. Ladies Oil Goat Lace Boots for $1 17 Finest Polish Calf Lace Boots for 1 27 Rid Buttoned Boots for Calf Oxford Ties for - " Tan Oxfords for Misses' Fine Fancy Oxfords for Boys Tan Oxfords for Ie PARASOLS. We are surprised to see them go so fast ; but we bad lots of them. and have, plenty'. to please you yet. Nice', colored parasols 25cts, Sum- mer Dress. Goods -we can more than astonish you, People say where did yon get them --well, we got them cheap and can sell them cheap and not only dress goods but all general lines. Remember you earl get cash for butter eggs at Elle old established, BRUMPTON BROS. That Controversy. To the Editor of the ;Exeter Timet, DEAR Sre,-Since ao much has been. said about Mr, A, K Todd's lecture at Elimville, it is only just that your readers should know wbieh is right. The Trustees of the church distinctly undoratood and so announced that Mr. Todd would lecture on "Equal Rights." What his agreement with the Orange order was we cannot say, but it was distinetly stated to the Trustee Board that it would not be a lecture on "Orangeism" but on "Euual Rights," as that question agitates the public mind at present, and it was on the strength of that statement that the church was open to the lecture. Suffice to say that they and the audience were disappointed, for Mr. Todd devoted himself apnoea entirely to Orange. ism and on Orangemen's obligations. Signed on behalf of the Trustees, Tiros. \VERILY, Elimville, Juno )7th,'90. See'y. Hensail Robert Morrison in returning thanks to his numerous easterners and the public in general for the liberal patronage he has received in the past, begs to announce that his stock of general goods for the spring and summer seasons trade will be found complete, well assorted and at prices to meet the prevailing hard times. Having added largely to his stook of wall and ceiling papers he eordially'invi tes an i nspeotion of the same feeling confident that tor variety, quality and erica it will coin Rare very favorably with any in the market. Give him a call for anything you want. No trouble to show goods. Highest price for butter and eggs. Remember the place -double stores -Marshall's Block, opposite Murdock's tC Co , Mansion House. ►-+111-.-a Luoan. The semi-annual District Meeting was held here on Saturday, 14th inst. A large number of the members of the Lodge in the distriot was present and a great deal of business was tranacted, The District is going to celebrate the coming 12th at Clinton, At the close, the Royal scarlet chapter was convened and one member raised to the scarlet degree. The election of officers took place as follows : W. 0., John Neil; E. 0.. F Davis, ar.; Chap., W, Mi vers ; Scribe, W. Saunders ; Treas'r, F. Davis, jr.; D. of 0., Alex. Gerrit ; S. H. at A., Wm. Turner ; Outside Herald, R. Suns ; Inside Herald, F. A. Dobbs. 1 15 Greenway. - 90c BRIEFS -Meagre R. L. Wilson and J. Sherritt returned from the Methodist con - 850, ference last week. Mr. Wilson has been 5n, placed in oharge of the Don Mission moat near Oil Springs. lie has bought a beauti- 87c ful well bred driving horse from Dr. Cow. He leaves for his new field of work next week. -The annual picnic of Grace church and Presbyterian church Sabbath schools was held last Friday. The day although a little rainy in the morning, turned out to be very pleasant. A. number of prizes were given to the scholars. One of Miss Annie Bloonfields scholars, Fairy Jennings, re- , ceived let prize for repeating the ten conr- mandments-it'was a beautiful new bible. - Messrs E. McPherson, J. Foster, and R. Wilson have treated themselves to a double you nothw seated carriage. -Mies Rose Brophey has I been engaged as clerk at the Boston nou.e. Mfr. John Sberiilt is in Goderioh attend- ing the adjonrnrnent meeting of the caunly council. Men's Tan Oxfords for $1 27 and hundreds of other lines equally cheap. Don't buy a Boot or Shoe till you see what we are doing or you will regret it, z are away down with us. We guarantee to give ing but the best Best Salmon packed, only 12ac Best Mixed Pickles, only 19c. Best Matches only 0c. 8 Pounds Raking Soda for o -e. Essences for 6 eta, per bottle, Everything in Groceries at prices that can't.be beat. ....,................... We have the finest assortment of E 04 ' o e 1 SI you u ever saw. Part o£'a Wholesale Bankrupt Stook at a little less than GO cents o the B. We don't stop with a :few_ odd pieces but ease upon case of all choice fineood `fire can save you 5 t1pir cent on your white dresses,, g r-.11"..1 Zurion. Saloon P1cNic.-The teachers and pupils of the public school intend holding their annual pionic at Taylor's grovo, Lake View, on Friday, 20th inst. A apiendid time is expected as the committee are doing all in their power to make it a success. -A cordial invitation is extended to all. Bring along your friends and spend a day with the boys and girls of the public school. a Barnes -Mrs. Soldan met with a serious , accident a few days ago at the funeral of the lane Mr. Stella. --The village people have m commenced their statute labor. Mr. Williams Br321has made s lendtd im ovement in the street passing: has mill,. 'both orithe toad and sidewalk This is a ppldoe that has long Remember we need telcos and inneeded improvement. -Mr. Prang en= Renmem y c Melee to get' it quick we. are holding this'+ B . . q g G 1�LA 1 EMERGENCY; SALE. No doubt this will he the . r gaged Mr. Stacey to: paint hap dwelling greatest gala wo have ever bel ,house. --Considerable improvement since we came to Exeter.. Come and' see' for yourself early in,� the clay if ossi , e _'fl 01 hap y possible a c1Mr. made in titeedCommercial giving of coat avoid the tremendous rush in the afternoons. Highest prises paid for all kinds . f farm produce: Afr. Paine has just finished giving it a scat While the assortment 's good - of paint which wonderfully improves its ap- pearance; -hie: Philip' 1lauah is very ill ; t. r TAS .. -'-te ,� .�„p b u w e a e pleAsed to hear that he has taken a change for the better. --Mrs. Latta was visiting in Exeter last week, COUNCIL MEETING. -A: special meeting: tr DEALER R IN PAl\I RUP1' S'I,'QOi. reltrr 'WLfTE SONE; ubltslxeronnd Proprietor,, of the oounoil was held hs Zurich on Satur- day,.Tune Uti4 Tho minutes of Lite prevfonsrneetin� read and approved. A b were y •1aw was "passed for the appointment of Mr. F. Farncomb as engineer under the ditch and water course Act. The following aeaouute were ordered to be paid viz: F. Hess areas. S. S. No. 7. SI ; Wm. Noir S. S. No. 10, 24; Aui;ast Sebooeder repairing bridge, Si G; B. Saralee S. S. No. 12, 24 ;, H. Willert repair- ing bridge on the N. B. $3, oir-Schnbeempoweredeto borrowo Q0PReeveand to tme t ourrentezpenditute,- Carried, The council adjourned to meat again on Aug. S. 183e. SAar, J.I;r4TTA, Clerk. Dashwood. The following ithe reort of ils of S. 5. No, 8 Bay, far the monthhof say, The IOW narks in some cases are on ac- count of irregular attendance : Fou216; 14, Claes-H. I .5; ee, 243 Tt. OIeinstverr,a. a255: U. Hoffman, 148 ; Ida Cook, 77. Sen. Third Giase---D, Weber, 234 ; Wm. Bean, 212 ; L. Schrader, 208 ; D. ktartleib, 194; A. Ethers, 157 ; D. Beaver, 150 ; E. RaJan. der, 9TLf,. ird Class --Ed. Miller, 209; L, Linderfeld,135 ; At. Walper,119 ; D, Snell, 115; J. Eidt,42, Sen, Second 0la8a-N. Mier. 200; A. Kraft, 265 ; Wm, Eleinetiyer, 24.4 ; J. Grass. man, 140 ; iI Steinhagen, 231 ; ai. Rader, 223 ; Ww, Eakstein. 210; A, Miller, 214; 5, Beaver. 212; I:,liiller.208; L. Thirtieth, 200; E. Weida, 182; A. Eidt, 155; Ed. 121 ; 5. Goes pien,r1441'; J, Liverg o 51. , 107 Livergood, I, • McCallum, 102 jun. Second Blass -3. graft, 260 ; 1tt, Wil- lett, 254 ; E, Kellerinann, 222; L. Weber. 196 ; J. Nadiger, 194; 0. Genttner, 163 , E. Wartung, 134; A. J0olastein, 110; E. Wagner, 09, ' MM. HAucn, Teacher. Barava-Tho weather has becu very warni. hero lately, -Tho fanners of this vicinity have been busy at the roast work. The town lino is being considerably improved. -- The Babylon school picnic passed through our village on Friday, --The school picufo is to be at the Grand Bend on Friday, June 20th. We bope there will be a large 'turn out. -Mrs. Sehoellig of Zurich, visitedsomo of her friends in Daalawood last week. --Mr. J. E. Tom, I. P, S. visited the school on Wednesday lase -Rev. S. N. Moyer of Sebriugville, 1a visiting friends around here at present. -On Motley last a blind man was in our village asking the people to help him: He says he Iced his eyesight while studying for a lawyer in Oxford. Crediton. I3ulsaa-Mr, Thomas Stable of 'Chicago, paid itis brother Louis a short visit. Toni has grown to be quiet a man since be left Crediton, and was not known by hie old. acquaintanooa,-1\1ra. Janet Young has re. turned from Detroit. She had friends from St. Marys up to see her on Sunday. -airs. F. Murtz and Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dash- wood, spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs., Kibbler.-Mr, and biro. 9.. Rill spent Sun- day in Zurich. Mr. Fred Brown of `Vest McGillivray, called on us on Satarday last. We are glad to hear that he is doiug well. - Some of the brick -yards have started up again, and two of them will make brink for the balance of the season. -Our village tonsorial artist has at last fooled the boys, and "day after to -morrow" has arrived. He has taken unto himself a buxom lassie for weal or wee and has domiciled her in the village. They arrived on Thursday evg, and reoeived the usual congratulations. We join with the rest and bid welcome to the fair bride. May 800005s ever attend them. --On Friday evg, last some of the boys started on a obese, after a certain gentleman noted for his after dark rr.eanderings. The boys thought he had no ocoassion to be acting as he did and started in pursuit with stones and sundry missals, even up to hie. door. The poor delinquent meanwhile begging for mercy, If what we have heard is correct the party in question got off better than he deserved, -A friendly game of base ball was Flayed here on Saturday afternoon last between a picked nine from the east end (Ramrod) and a nine from the villiage pro- per. The two nines were well matched and both had good players, but, of course some one had to loose and the Banarodera were the ones to do it. They were quite sure of beating the Crediton boys and felt chagrined over the defeat, but as both teams are really one club the boys do not take it to heart. The game throughout was a slugging match and the ball was unmerci- fully pounded, the Crediton boys however doing the moat of it, the score was in con- sequence run up to high altogether and as a favor we withold it suffice to say the Oredi. tonn, boys gave them a drubbing: Mr. Wm. EL Wenzel umpired the game in a very satisfactory manner and very . little kicking was done. The next match on hand will bo married vs. rungle inon. Our club would like to hear from neighboring clubs who are not classed with champions. Drowned. A few days ago while off Pipe Island, Lake Huron, W. Corrigan, deck hand, fell from the deck of the United Empire and was drowned. All efforts were made to recover the body, but on account of the speed at which the steamer was going and the time it took to backup to the scene of the accident, the poor fellow, had sunk out of sight. He was about 25 years of ;age, and supposed to be from Boston, Mass. The Fort William Journal is now publish.. ed by Mrs, H. D. Lea -probably the only female newspaperro p rietor i The Tournal furnishes p Canada, n s a good local page, and contains Is large arnottnt of iuterestiva; reading matter, Mrs. Lee was formerly a resident of London. .fil.;OX3t$ ''ra, heel, if you want to make MONEY take hold and eell .our choice Nursery Stook. Now is the time, write us at once for tome. Nurserymen, Rochester, N. 0',