The Exeter Times, 1890-6-12, Page 8INSURANCE
4"R1S 51 alt110 , ENTF Olt
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tiTA:‘n,u as et.
net t,.\ 1 cL rr nye.1 AL
1 ▪ ,J. issinanteesinferct,.eitine .eon notteses
every gear after sral year.
Collection of Wall Papers. The
-alauce of our spring stock at
reasonable prices to tntend-
ing buyers. Our stock of
Croquet .Halls, Express
7::..s.„ -..ons and f'se:x-
'• tl Fraley Goods
; autoplate with oc ti fro :i or
:,c117 exeep- FIn511'oR➢iS.
t io tl _.
'. GR? , 'R,:t ITIO' ER .
g ncia
of It \Anti al'
n: a t
.� pe t.:esir acre etion. In
eatail-a; ti es taxitiuEL I9 l.: l
aeaes eeenttening tilts ad'ver-
. slit a special
etr{2Q ,.:11.1art.: ano'ie
t etre.; ea
+t New S;.il.'iug 4 et ,c
Worsteds slid Trous
ings. vi being .sb ow
YE -4S rt1K !111 is booming
,fl t :L, ..1 i"A a':slikrilpt Store.
n �
asked S 1
r r
� �
�3 r1' . tla•il ;i 1:r ) a ;ish t;'a,ie
there IS so much cry i.f
1 tithes." 11vwwt mlzan
ige our business is the saeret
< (
our '\ti:+.'t't `* . We may tell
:t'fii =ill om other.
ties. We never tire tilling
ti a tL t r 3;t� our: Lig veLttute?s
,in Drei,s Goods. Would you
think it possible for u:l to
handle skirting embroideries
by the case 2 Well that's
just what WSe are doing, a11.1
stake our reputation that
there bas never before been o
firm in Exeter had nerve
(;iiougii to tackle a whole case
of white Dress Goods. We
have case upon case of white
Embroidered Skirtings and
Lawns ; and buying direct
by the case as we do, 'wo can
save you on every purchase
from 20 to 40 per cent,
' - We are elearing out all our black and
xolored Dress goods, Silks and Satins.
If you need a dress of any kind it will
pay you to see what we are doing.
Only a few of those Beaded Visetes
left. The pnceaare RIGHT for the
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter,
THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, .890
ibiver.ide Farm,
Mr. Thos. Russell, Thames Road, is
fast arsiii`ng an enviable reputation for
raising Thoroughbred stock. A recent
visit to his farm was a revelation. He
is now raising some choice spring calves
of the purest strains, and we understand
intends putting them in shape to com-
Fair atC
Chicago in
at the World's g
992. A uxa niifioient 3 months old steer,
spot]ess white, bounded into the yard
while we were looking through, and one
cnulrl he easily pursnaded that ib was a
yearling ; but our choice would be the
pretty dark roan heifer calf, destined
also for the World's Fair. We have
never seen a finer speoimen, of pure
•--•* ..tihortliorn stock, and predict that it will
cleat the lsoerds in competition with the
World's best. A visit to his choice herd
well amply repay any of our readers, and
Mr. Russell is ever ready to do the honor
to any who may call on him .
Sieenal values • in Corsets at the Dig
Pane -runt atere
Over 34. Aurgeow were caught
weeit inn tin peered pea l of Deyedele.
Fee r..• t,. 1 air*,, ,x ., to 0.I.utz's
t., ritr::.l roles Store.
Large quantities of wool is being brought
#o the market, Price, 18cts per pound.
The etreet Commissioner, Mr. Wes.
Bissett, has about 30 men digging the
ti rain on Anel street.
The boys in the senior room itl thepablio
sehool petitioned the '.trustees for a halt
holiday tachy (Thursday), The petition
was greeted.
►lessrr. Oke i Prior shipped from the
Exeter station on Tbarea:ay last two ear
load i of fat cattle and hogs for the Mon-
treal market.
Cheapest hoots and; Shoes in the trade at
the Bid l; nlsr.aa t Store. See there.
Mr. Thais. McCal➢utn inten,ls 1'uil:ling la
large edtlitient to Lis tann ry. He has ca
large quantity of 'pick on the „round.
;'ere 1lt t➢t' ,..:e, flesh. as C. Luis C"en-
nd Drag Stere.
The officers of the Exeter S elvetion. liuy •
ate hoe t1ng r.teetinees ever, Wednesday
ev .time end nth el, .:...aa:s atSele e,
wide eue eee,
T l e Exeter CrieNt?t•Cinnit have eeeepte,l
tl ere: ., f.n,tet the See Mere -3 chair to Vey
te.aele +aen;e on thegeonnatsthe former
1., eta a7µ tt fi: t°t4 pt;;-p:e slocrctwa tz the
'lig Ben/aunt- tt,:tr 1; de indeeal l In-
tked it .l.+
+ - ,..,
Mr. S. Annie. do was shot (at and
. rg l,'. h t
teen Bled on tilnnntlay last, inert the eli6rcta
c,f which it Lae aka. lt: :Hanning now
,t;rt n,ls /1 ons, • s to the amcent of Sri fur
th. 14',:as of ]fire ciag.
1essre W. 11. Verity 47, Eons Katie
shipped :.',.a earlomie of 1„ow.e and ether
implen eats this etaeon, to N1iaitolia and
;\ artiewestern Territories.
Mr. James 'leer, of this place. had the
:Lisa -anew at inn a nail sono distance In •
} is feet tile other day while altingling a
loern, which indicted a severe wooled,
Mr. George Hodgins. who lives on lot
1 £. carat' tae inlpn. a;;el 101 gears, east
iiia vote nit Tienteley last for W, 11. Hetet:-
nn as, coeservative. ME. Hoilgina hal
vett-`.1.a g+. b:,; 4, . t 1: .. t0'a p1ue.
ti:uG+m mtarsrtf the 'Exeter C°ricketClul,
,xrr cseteeetei to attenol as aatex•tieg tonight
1 "C* leyo• at. the Vend meta at t+tail
,itt°ts'e:,t',,arrange for fie:!eTaltattatils,eta,
'Tenn 1' lleelpit District L. G. L. fiend-
e nu•
a•asw l meeting wall he held in Lneatl on I
Auttety E • E °ee% rA. A full
a- a
..ane,:. rE t ,,,
att/.i: 3
.• 1i •
}t ► , ,t. ll , 1)..i
they' „a fun pie 'ee oat that sanitary flannel
1 -•fie- yarde fair titeeet the Dig Deaktuta
r. Thos. Acheson of the Central Ii'otel,
seat with a Itainfuul accident on Featly
e a titin,' l* • wee p acing. with his
tl <e 4w 1+ ►r he stir n,t, 1 anal f;'1°,. breaking a
*real' Item td I►i, le ft's g,
The Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Presbyterian
mini -1(T tit the `! ii nota Road. omni xi'•tl the
pulpit of tete Jana^.set Meth, cthnreh an
:.anelayy evening. The pastor, ltuv, ithe
Clement, Luing at Conference.
Tate stiirtn w1114ii visite.' this eeeticet on
Friday* afternuen, hail stones the eine iof
pigeon ante, ae:(M1i°�t:iufeil by heavy reins,
felt in the township of 1.Tsl.nrtae on the Sth,
eon. ,diet, eenth of Wittehuce .
A lalge quantity of briek ie Lcing hauled
from the Crediton 'trick yards to Exeter
North. then to be taken the other side of
:Slitehell. The Crediton brick is the best
in this ee, ticn of the country, being both
white awl hard •nuke ht n.lsome and sub..
stantial buildings. to• the announcement last
'week, the lalailA•st elrur,:h and Presbyterian
church congtegatiene hell union services. an
Sunclayllast-in the Presbyterian church
in the morning, and in the Meth. church
in the eve;. Rev. Mr. Martin eonducted
both services.
Mr. W. B. Verity has received word
from his son, Mr. R. H. Verity, of his ar-
rival at Seattle, Washington Territory, and
that he has much unproved in health. He
called on idr. Thos. Ramsay, son of Mr,
James Ramsay, 11xcter North, who is in
business there.
Straw hats for men, women and children
all being cleared at half regular prices at
the nig Bankrupt Store.
Owing to the very imperfect way in
which returns este the result o£the Ontario
elections were received, the majority riven
in the Teems of last week to Mr. Bishop
was 35. It was afterwe had gone to press
that we learned of 'his correct majority,
which is' l40 over Mr. Holmes, the Equal
Rights candidate.
Mr: Thos.Prior, was in Se
th this
week -Mrs. J. H. Northcott, after -a
days ,«
few G 9 41811 in London returned hone
Saturday evening. -A. Bishop, Esq., M.
P. P., and wife, intends. visiting Scat -
land as snon as the agent, Capt. Kemp,
can secure a birth fur them. -Mr. Fred
Knight, son of our respected station
:.sten, returned home on Saturday
:morning after as absence of several years
in. South•weetern States. -Mr. Charles
:Reed,of Fullerton, was in: town on Sun
clay. The R•ev. Mr. Gundy has been
olectecl President at the London Con-
ference of the Methodist churoli -Mrs.
1'Brit n
bas returned from her visit to
Z+,'�ewbury.-Mrs. Done, of Rodgerville,
left on Saturday for Stratford to have a
cancer removed. -Dr. Cartwright, for-
merly of Exeter, but now of Salt Lake
City, 1L S., arrived'in town on Monday
ov g, on> busyness.
If you wish to visit the Canadian north.
west this summer, it will be to your advan-
tage to take in the C. P. R. excursions,
commencing on June 17, June 24 and July
8th next, at the following rates : Deloraine,
ivloosomin, Glenboro, Saltcoats and return,
$28 ; Moosejaw or Calgary and return $35.
See adv. in another column.
The Rev. S. F. Robinson preached an
eloquent and historical sermon in the
Trivitt Memorial church to the Orangemen
of Exeter and surrounding lodges on Sun-
day afternoon last, taking his text from I
Samuel, 21 chapter, 8 and 9 verses. The
congregation was very large. After the
sermon was over, the brethren marched to
their hall, where a vote of thanks was
tendered to the rev, gentleman.
building was owne43. by Kr. Frank ,An-
derson, It is higlc time for our town
authorities to make an effort to find out
the perpetrators of this She, as it is the
second inside of a few weeks. This
st to vs; affairs should be put to a stop,
as there is so talents where it will end,.
for once the mania for firing old. build-
ings takes possession of whose who may
be, evil enough to set fire to a building,
be it ever so old and escape detection,
they will undoubtedly for lack of old
structures try their band on those of :a
better class.
Exeter Municipal, Council.
Minutes of a conned meeting held pun-
stunt to adj surnment at the town ball,
Exeter, 7th June, 189a. The Reeye, Dep.,
Reeve and couneillor Spackman present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and confirmed,
$packenau-lsis:ett-•that orders be grant-
ed for following sums viz : James Creech,.
:l charity to Mrs. ,Ic1utosb ; do, 82 ebanity
to ];I McIntosh ; do, 82 charity to .31rs
Piper; Flo, charity to Jas Gould;
823 6Q ft.r freight on #i!e; ,Ino Parsons,
.9 33 e•thor ; Wager S; esteott. 1 83, do;
Glen H a 13 do -Carried.
Rise itt-Slraiket n---tttat elenk order 3
12.12inch aeuetiousmad 2x12 inch stoppers.
--hart net.
Mr' Creech to ascertain the quantity of
cedar smutting r,'sintired an' the clerk to
ruler the eente,
llissett -Sp Le tim n -that this council
adjourn until Saturday, 214 lout., at 8
hi. 1•;t.cut T, Clerk.
Monthly Se;hoQ1 Report.
The following is the nonthty report
of the different classes in the four
highest divisions of k.t:ttter Public
School, the names occuring in order of
raixeU'aM.'a n:ooai.
Sixth. clams.-Afi'a Essery, Rennie
Fifth clams, -Chas. Curreliey, Wm.
Browning, Me1Yille ,ylarttn, irate 01e.
Sen. Fourth Blass.•.. -Elsie McCallum,
Addis holland, ,Lida Treve hick, W m.
Jun. Fourth class,-•'-l:uritt Myers,
Cecil Hersey, Nettie Martin, Prescott
)'ISS voSPEC"S Itul0M.
Senior clews Evie Huston, Ida
Johns. Jessie Creech, tiertie Hersey.
Junior class, --Alex Martin, 'Maggie
Sweet, £lattie White, Gertie flicks.
dist eneeona'S neon.
Senior cm -s. -Ata Treble, a, Gilbert
Horn, May Sanders, .Tarry Browning.
Junior class.--labez Dennis, Mabel
Walters, Mary Westaway, Frank Willis.
Wes ones nowt.
Senior ol,tss.--Eddie Crocker, Rose
Barton, Mary horn, Louie Manning.
WOO, r
Junior clans. -hila Y 1 1�1esi , ,,te!la
Gregory, Ellen Brown, Louie Long.
Methodist Conference Apj oin
=tents. of
EXx;rxit mimes.
Exeter -Main street, Jasper Wilson, M.
A. ; James street. A. L. Russell, D. D.
Parkhill -W. J Ford, h L 1).
Elnvale-T. Kennelly ; one to be scut.
Centralia -T, 11.
etrediten-R. Redmond ; liirr-D. M.
I:rayan stop a -G . 13 Thompson,
Melrose -S. Salton.
Sylvan -J C. Nethercott,
Grand Bend -J. E. Holmes, one wanted.
Another Suicide at the Falls.
Niagara Fella, L nt.,June 10. -At one
o'clock this afternoon one of the park
policemen saw a man on Goat Island
bridge climb the railing and jump Into
the water. He was carried down by
the current and passed over the Ameri-
can Falls. A few minutes afterwards
the body was Been in the middle of the
river near the Maid of the Mist Land-
ing. The Maid of the Kiat started
after it, but it almost immediately
disappeared, and it has not yet been
recovered. There is no clue to the
identity of the suicide. The park
policemen are investigating.
.Mowat's Majority.
Toronto, June 8. -Despatches received
on Thursday night reported the election of
the Liberal candidates in Algoma East,
Algoma West, Bruce North and East
Hastings, and that the result hi Victoria
East was in doubt. Complete returns show
that the Conservative oandidatea carried all
these conetitaencies. In East Peterboro'
Blezard (Lib) is elected instead of lid
(E. B). This makes the standing of parties
thus:,---Miniaterial, 53 ; Opposition. 38-.
Mowat'! Majority, 15. Following are the
correct figures from the constituencies
Algoma, E, -Campbell (Con.), 107 maj.
Algoma, W.-Macdonell (Oort.), 9 maj.
Bruce, N. -George (Con.), 7 mai.
Hastings, B. --Hudson (Con.), 6 mai.
Peterboro', E.-Blezard (Lib.), 86 mal.
Victoria, E. -Yell
The correct retains have also been re-
ceived from the following: -
Grey C. -Rorke (Con.), 69.
Perth, N.-Abren (Lib.), 92.
Perth, S. -Ballantyne (Lib.), 63.
Hastings, W. -Biggar (Lib.); 136.
Prince Edward. -Johnson (0on•),1.
Mr. J. G. Holmes, the Equal Rights
candidate, left on Friday on the evening
train going north. He wasescorted to,
the Exeter station by a Iarge number of
his friends and supporters in carriages from
Usborne,Stephen and Exeter. Mr. Holmes,
during the short time he has been in the
riding, made a 'host of friends. On the
arrival of the train at Wingham, his home,
he was met at the station by a large num-
ber of the citizens, who had .assembled to
do him honor. When he alighted from
received with roan
the train he' was e y con-
gratulations the noble he
in South Huron. A procession was fornt-
ed, headed by the Wingha:n brass band,
andescortedto his father's residence. Mr.
Holmes is, undoubtedly, a very clever
young man, as well aspopular, and at 'no
distant day he will be found guiding the
affairs of his native country.
At about one o'clock on Sunda .
Y morn-
ing .last, the town was thrown into a fit
of excitement by the sound of the fire
alarm, and iii a few minutes ' crowds
were Pocking in the direction of the fire.
The fire company turned out, but did not
reach the hurtling building, as it was dis-
covered that it was an old, unoccupied
dwelling, and, the limes had almost
swallowed the entire structure. The
CXM T D IV, a d.
We Have Just Received
and passed into stocx largo range of all -wool double width DressGoods which we
bought ata great bargain. We are offering these goods iu all the newest shades at 371
cents per yard, which is only a fraotion of the original price. All binds of single width
dress goods are being cleared at great reductiaus..
Te have just opeutid up a large range of new patterns in wide width, soft finished goods,
amon,I which will be found many of the leading ideas for next season's trade.
We have the largest and prettiest range ever shown in town in both workedfortt.,e.
edges and the prices of these goods are nilich below the regular figures. 2$0, ZIP441.7
ems*troalci. -ail to i aspeot t . e above speoza . Tires.
contempt of court in refusing to obey
A SaaaaLnS 1n an action agaainst lain► for
non•I'ayunent of wages and is at present
loek . d up at Inge He will prop-
ably l'n' lermIghc to Ingersoll thisafter-
Atbly Fatally.
Sitncoe, Ont., ,fano W. -Yesterday
morning a very disastrous fire occurre
at Lynnville, a little village about five
MO.'S from here, by which the general
store., owned by B. Hall, was entirely}
consumed, together with the contents.
The the originated in a room where coal
oil aim etered. One barrel exploded,
senttering burning oil in every direction,.
and fem.. 1'4r10115 were very seriously
burne,i-:iia. 'ind las, Young, Mr. Cabal
and ;tlr. D.Au;;hner. Mr, Young is so
l,ttl9y l,uraa,'il
that :them are very little
hop; s of his rteoa•ery. Stiontineuna
cetala^rti,a;p is supposed to have caused
the lire,
A "Alan Buried Alive.
C1 c .,
, June no a0 .-1n niternum;<
leap ei tele. ►12.0 following storyand
gives a t:araeecolumn account with details
that event to aflirni its truth: -Last
Saturday the funeral of John Burke,
who died suddenly, was held at his resi-
dence, and after the services the body
=led rt
was c u ua 1 ¢ the nlc lY i'
cemetery. . h le the
body was lying in the casket friends
rctuarhea the lifo.liko appearance of the
face, but the doctor had pronounced the
man ale tri, and the relatives slid nut feel
Rho going; contrary to the doctor's opin-
ions, When the cortege reached tete
ceniot,i.ry sr:nxeono au ggested that the j
collie be opened; but this was not hoed-
ed,"notwithahnding that a tapping from
the imide of the coffin indicating there
was life there. As the body was being
lowered into the grnve the tapping be-
came more pronounced, but the people
had asseutbled for a funeral, and it had
to take enlace. The coffin was dropped
inti, the grave,the earth fell on thecask-
et, and in a short time a little mound
confined and covered the secret ; but
for a time, merely, for yesterday the
grave was opened, the colliu opened, and
examination of the bodyshowed that the
victim had been murdered through the
carelessness of the attendants. Burk's
body was twisted, his features distorted,
his tongue bitten nearly in two, and his.
finger nails imbedded in the flesh.
There was every indication that a hor-
rible struggle had taken piece.
A Terrible Charge.
Woodstock, Ont., June 10.- Both the
local papers contain the following ,• De-
tective -B. B. Allan, of .London, and
Chief Northgraves, of Ingersoll, were in.
town last nightlooking up some evidence
in the case of Dr. Moses E. Tripp,' 'of '
Ingersoll, charged with poisoning his
mother. As a result of their visit De-
tective Allen secured a warrant for the
doctor's arrest. An information had
been previously laid by Mr. Knaes}xaw,.
druggist, Ingersoll, bub subsequently
the detective's name was substituted,
`itis charged in the information that on
or about the 10th day of January, 1889,
Hannah Tripp, of the town of Ingersoll,
widow, died from the effects of poison
administered by some person, then un-
known, but since her dearth certain facts
have come out that have convinced the
informant that the poison. was adminis-
tered by Moses E. Tripp,
Dr. Tripp, the defendant, acquired
some noteriety some time ago by;turn-
ing up in Detroit with another man's
w'.fe He has since been arrested for
County Council.
The council was called to order on
Tuesday, 3rd inst., pursuant to adjourn-
ment. All the members being present
except Messrs. D. D. Wilson, ])r. Stotli
ors and Dr. Whitely.
Minutes of last day of January session
were read ,and confirmed.
The Warden addressed the Council on
the death of the late Mr. Malloch, and
the necessity for the appointment of a
successor to his office; on. the removal of
the timber jam in the river Maitland at
Wingham ; on the equalization of the
assessment rolls, and the plans for the.
heating and the sanitary improvement
of the court house and registry office.
Moved by Mr. McMurchie, seconded
by Mr. Kay, that the Warden be em-
powered to issue his order to the legal
representative of the late D. M. Malloch,
Inspector of schools for North Huron,
for the amount in full of the quarters
Prillat, 1890, and
that the clerk on behalf of tlxis. Council
request the Education Department to
act in the same manner. -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by bir
Manning, that this council do now ad-
journ to meet again on Tuesday, 17th
inst., at 2 o'clock p.m. The motion was
carried on the following division : Teas
Graham, Manning, Sherritt, Jacques,
Mooney, Benneweis, Howe, Dulmage,
Errata, Gregory, Beacom, Beck, Torance,
Bissett, Ross, Morrison, Loohart, Tay-
lor, Bryans, Either, Thompson, Proud
foot, 'Scott, Anderson, Kay, Kydd
Hayrack, Kelly, McMurchie.-29.
Nays -Weber, McLean, Cox, Johnson,
Cook, Henderson, Girvin, •Steiger:,
Rutz, Oliver, McPherson, Saunders, Mc-
Kenzie,' Castles, Malley, Milne. --16.
Council then adjourned.
Minerd's Liniment cures dandruftl
';iJi.lX 3 Z,
Teacher of painting, inoluding pencil draw-
ing-oraYons,winter colors, and oils.; also
Obinadeoorations, silk, velvet eto. Pupil of
late Prof. "Chapman '.1•lolnruth College, London.
'kerma .moderate: 'the Reotory, liirkton;-lin.
ut Not Your Trust
They are deceitful above all thing ax,z.r
Price and value are equivalent, through some people
seem. to confound the two. We have set our feet down
solidly on the
and we won't be dazed into fighting shadows, for these so-
n,re but shadows and eau not have the substauco of
at their back. Our boast and pride is quality. Nothiu4
leaves our store that is not first-class quality and brings•
first-class custom. We shall never lack that and we want
no other.
are the cheapest in the long run judged by
Wi�te, Wetiothat what we selWoift1
Highest price paid for butter and eggs.
Cash for eggs. A call solicited.
The Farmers Heavy•..Boctied Oil, made only by
McColl's Famous_ Cylinder OIL
Is the finest in Canada for. engine cylinders. As for
Lardin e.
Deloraine lisp», $28
Moosomin, = 28
Glenboro', - 28
Saltcoats, - 28
Calgary, 35
0 el/
on,. aXCUR-
SI NSwilt leave
Ap� all points in Ontario,
Sharbot Latc
' o-
ston and W ottheredf
JUNE 3.!'act
Return nntfiJilly 77ttt,1800
~•, JUNE 24t}i •
Return unto August 4th, 1890
JULX 8th
Return unto August 180h, 1800 '
For full particulars apply to nearest Station
or Ticket .Agent.
Will stand for the improvement of stock this
atBissett's Livery S table, Exeter.
W. G. BISE ff'MMinard'sLiniant
relieves e e.
snear neuralgia.i.
Cash For
A. Q. BOI3IER, having leased Drew's
Block, will bo pleased to pay
at all times for butte.: and eggs.
A.. Q. 130131E11,
May 1st, '90. Drew's Block, Exeter;
Having obtained a patent for my
Pea Harvester Guard, I em now pre-
pared to put the attachment on .mow-
ing machines and guarantee the same
to do good work under any reasonable
circumstances, even if the pea straw
be ten feet long and as fiat as a pan-
cake you can cut round the field.
Price onordinary mowers $7. Bring
on your mowers now before the haying
season and avoid the rush. Shop rights
For sale: Correspondence solicited,
Cromarty, May 21,'90.--2m.