HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-11-10, Page 9• :r. r. 11178130,88 Dint/TWAY cmuorRaciric 0141 IORBERT Xt. SUCH, D.O. Doctor of Chiropractic. 01110e Hours: Mon., Thurs --9 a.m, • Tues., Fri --9 a.m. to i p.m'. to to 8 p.m. Wed. dt Sat: ir-to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. PlIono, 341. Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich G. B. CLANCY Optometrist—Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD JAMESON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 amemmtmlim., FRANK REID LIFE, UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. A. M. 'HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: House,,, • 343J 343W 39 West St. Goderich ,001111, C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderiob Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Cortesrenidence promptly an- swered. Ithmediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by eitiling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE SEE A. J. Alexander Gerininred—Sfay Insured • Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg, TELEPHONE 268 ST. HELENS Sr. BEKLENS, Nov. 50th Anniverserie—It was. momentous day in the history of the fat,Helen's Women's Institute when the 50th anniversary of the branch was celebrated recently. The event was observed in the Community Hall which has recently been ac- quired by the Institute and which has been renovated...end redecor- ated this summer. Theeliall, decorated in autumn flowers with the Institute corers of blue and gold •predominating, was filled to capacity .with well over 200 ladies including fernier members arid guests from the LILeknow, Dungannon and White- ehurch branches. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, the ,president, received the guests. l.Frs. W. A. Miller was in charge eof the register and Miss W. D. Rutherford presented, lapel names. Piano music by Mrs. Chester Taylor was enjoyed while the ladies were assembling. Mrs. Gaunt welcomed the ladies and presided for the program which included the singing of the Insti- tute' Ode; a solo by Mrs. J. W. Joynt, of Lucknow, accompanied by Mrs. Grant MacDiarmid; violin music by Eleanor Reed, of Dun- gannon, with Mrs. D. Phillips as accompanist; whistling nueriber by Mrs, Harold Currin, accompanied 'by Mrs. John McGee; readings by 1VIrs. Milan Moore, of Whitechurch. Mrs, Tait Clark, of Carlow, the district president, brought greet - Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road (Corner South Street) Phone 1011 Goderich, Ont. 44-13 1111.1111111111=auggiNiggegagaimizr DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS 15 OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. B. R. Munday Phone 598 127 Widder St. 22tf 1111•11•11111. BAC KAC H E May beWarning Backache is often caused by ri4y kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy-headedighrig may soon follow. That's the tine to take Dodd's Kidney ,Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys hinormal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 • SPECIAL - LOW RAIL FARES TO THE • ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 1 1-19 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND 'TRIP Goodgoing—Nov.1.0th-196 incl. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 20th. P141 n 'formation from any agent. T-5-53 • CEMETERY MEMORIALS • T. PRYDE & SON EXETER LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE -- ALEX SMITH GODERICH •146 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 158 •••• • 00 0 0 41•• ***** .0 • o •••••••999920' ********** 0000tr• COA .E*AMPLES OF LOANS $f -as1 h , 15 MO. 24 MO. 24 0. oet 15419 815.00 15 5.00 Monthly $1 2 1 $42 ,Ij71 Abet,* payre.nrs toyer everyttOngt Even $ Poyments Iti.betwein amountk Me In ptOpealMt., Oat) Get $50 to $1200 or more to Phone for 1 -trip, loan. Upon approval. pick up cash. Loan custom-tailored to your needs, income. Reduce payments, consolidate bills with our Bill Con- solidation Service. Phone, or come in. • tostrt $5,0 to $1200 or more rtin r LIKES TO SAY 0 BeireA...yd tV511,01 21 DOWN'IE St, 2iiit PiAbOie SAY ,thops), 4TRATFORD • Phoneittratford 2855 • Ask for the VE s MANager . OPEN EVENINGS BY OPoiNtmeNt—i PHONE POR EVENING HOURS Loans made to residents O ail eOrMondingt tdwns • Perrone! Finance Company of Canada at14.11-b- 'e44111101,00;e1 s OMR SOMe,1110,041 thq Blue -WOW' •*may,' StgoiloY Tokvoship$ '4;o0e-, sold their Um, a 'moved to GOOterich. Before leavklg iter home sotith of ,pay41,d, ot4er WAreg• liquored at ,a. surPrge C.gtrt" tendert:by .QAI"' Aft.Y begs and other friends Mr.TOitJ , ‘`,0 IM " ings from the ,distiect. Mrs, Nor• man Keating, of Wingham, Feder- ation Board member, was guest speaker. She spoke of the growth of,the Women's Institute since its small beginnang Dy Mrs. 'Headless over 50 years ago. In presenting the histol of the Institute, Mrs. E. W. Rice stated that the early records had been lost, but the branch had been. or- ganized in 1905, disbanded and Ai - organized in 1907. During the years many worthwhile projects had been accomplished including much: .war work during two world wars. The latest achievement has been the acquiring of the commun- ity hall. Past presidents and secretaries who were present were each pre- sented by Mrs. James Curran and Mrs. Charles McDonaldwitha cor- sage made by Mrs. T. .1. Salkeld and were given seats of honor. These included Mrs. E. J. Thorn, of Lucknow, Mrs. Durnin Phillips, of Dungannon, Mrs. John Miller, of Lucknow, Mrs. W. A. Miller, Mrs. Will Rutherford, Mrs, Gordon Mac- Pherson and Mts. Elwood Uarbour. Mrs. John Swan; of Bervie, was not present., The secretaries were Mrs. Wm. Purdon, Mrs. Earl Durnin, Mrs. T. J. Todd and Mrs. E. W. Rice. Mrs. Fred MoQuillin is the present secretary and Mrs. Allan Durnin, of London, was absent. Mrs. Gaunt read a letter of good wishes from Miss Elizabeth Andere son, of Montreal, who enclosed a gift of $50 in memory of her mre: ther, Mrs. Archie Anderson, whe had been a president for 13 years. An 'electric clock for the hall was the gift of the Aitchison family in memory of Mrs. Archie Aitchison who was president at the time of her death in 1947. A lovely bow quet of golden mums from the Miller family in memory of their mother, Mrs. R. K. Miller, who had served as secretary for 28 years, was on the platform. . • At.the conclusion of 'the program afternoon tee was served. The' lace covered table was centred with a three -tiered anniversary cake, made by Mrs. John Miller ,and beautifully decorated by Mrs, Alex Piirvis. On either side of the cake were silver candle holders, With blue taperstied with gold bows. "Pouring tea were Mrs. E. J. Thom, the earliest living president, and Mrs. W. A. Miller, a former president and daughter...of the late Mrs. -R: K. Miller, Mrs. Joseph Gaunt, a member of the 'first Insti- tute, was given 'the honor of cut- ting the cake. Eight young ladies with corsages of blue and .gold made by,, their. Infeetifif, -31E's...— AMX Miirdie; —add wearing blue and gold aprons, served lunch while an efficient staff of helpers worked behind the scene. It was an event that,Will long be remembered. The following have served as presidents during the 50 years: 1907-08, Miss Minnie, Ramage: DAVE ALLAN'S 9144/KIDS, SPLENDOR OF FALL'S' COLORED TREES WARNS "'ORDER OIL FOR DAY'S LIKE 'NESE" Cold weather is coming all right. But you needn't worry about chills in the house, when- you keep sup- plied with dependable, high grade fuel oil from D. J. Allan's. , D. J. ALLAN SAULTS COAL CO. COAL O,4 FUEL OIL GODERICH d3ennes 75Wot 790 1908-09, Miss Mary Rutherford; 1909-10; Miss Minnie Ramage; 1910-12, Mrs. Archie Anderson; 1912-13, Mrs. E J. Thorn; 1913-24, Mrs.' Archie Anderson; 1924-26, Mrs. George Webb; 1926-28, Mrs, Durnin 'Phillips; 1928-36, Mrs. John Miller; 1936-37, Mrs. John Swan; 193740, Mrs. W. A. Miller; 1940-41, Mrs. Wm. Rutherfcrrd; 194141, Mrs. Gordon McPherson; 194 47, Mrs. Archie_ Aitchison; 194749, Mrs. Gordon" MacPherson; 1949-55, Mrs. Elwood Barbour; 1955—, Mrs. An- drew Gaunt. ATTEND LANAWAY FUNERAL A number of Goderich residents attended the funeral of the late C. Noble Lanaway at -London on Wednesday, November 2, when Messrs. John Baker, Wm. Marwick, Ed. Sale, Thos. 'Pritchard, Peter Bisset and Harry Roper acted as honorary pallbearers. Among others who • attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hog- garth and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hog- garth, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Klemick, of Lockport, New York, and Sister M.' Lidwinea, of Agtokelek, patterns an.d colours Tillsonburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. Teb- butt, Mr. Wm. Bisset, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bisset, Rev. R. G. MacMil- lan and George G. MacEwan, of Goderich. 0— -O-----'---------- Of 77 new vessels built in Can- ada in 1953, Nova Scotia yards pro- duced 39. • • • When sorrow comes .it suddenly seems necessary to 'do so many - things at once. Yet one telephone call can place the responsibility for every detail in experienced, sympathetic hands. formerly BROPHEYS FUNERAL HOME PHONE 120 • GODERICH hand-cui and tailored to raw $4950 measure In the sensational "CLUB CLOTHES" group at 2 pc. CANADA'S GREATEST. CLOTHING VALUE ek.„4,eits A Memorial Service CLUB CLOTHES $4950 TIP TOP CLOTHES 4595° FLEET' STREET CLOTHES 41695° The Major Store Square • Goderich WILL BE HELD AT THE CENOTAPH IN COURT HOUSE PARK ON Friday, Noverriber 119 at 11 a.-ni. sharp The parade will form at 10.15 a.m. in front of the Legion 'kali. VETERANS ARE ASK ED TO TURN OUT. *** ' .............................................. ommeammeneall Smooth as ajet in 1101 ..430m's Enjoy the effortless ease of PUSH-BUTTON DRIVING in the now night -Styled 9 5 P LI( IWOU T H *Push-button Pewit-FM.1s available' at moderate extra cOst. • Plymouth Belvedere 4 -Door Sedan The push-button age is hem! In -the new"°56 Plymouth with PowerFlite* automatic trans- mission there's no mor lever to shift. Just four buttons within easy reach of your left hand. And Plymouth is a car with lines so trim that it seems to ng its way over the road! New, too, is the higher power and torque of '56 Plrponth engines. New six . . . and now you cin have a V-8 in any series. No wonder sifo many people are excited about this all-new Plymouth for '56. You will be, too, when you see and drive it! Manufacturedin Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited' See the new Plymouth with the Forward Look We J. mins Motor ST. DAM'S ST. „, • • now at your deale63 „.„ 1 rt. . 5 •