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The Exeter Times, 1890-6-12, Page 7
G k t. LATE IIRITIS NWS Tin in the House of Ominous, A cCRIOYS ACCIDENT. Death of a Leper in Dublin, A SHOCKING GCS' TRAGEDY There is one pauper in every thirty-seven inhabitants in England and 'Wales. Again the lament is heard that the sweet low knglisli voice is becoming high pitched, shrill, and harsh. We are told that all Englishmen must sacrifice their beards and let their, moue- taehes grow as long as possible. and o ion of daring Luncheon for the London now boasts of a Sop ent Promotion of Relaxation from Business Care get discouraged and many give up tree pl int n Hours. mg, as too difficult an undertaking, A t >; ballet dancers sued the Foe- Nothing is easier; fir the proper season, .. to " publishin some reflections with soil lit to grow the kind of tree you. of Daaee k they have reee - ' wish to plant, if tate tree is in good order, , a verdict, with with a little care you ought to succeed, But the trees you dig out of the wooclsare seldom in good order, and they cost you a high price in time, if not in money. It you wish for goodtrees, io great ntrm r, safe o grow, How to Procure Good Tree for Planting BY IL, ( JOLT BE LOTBENIsisS. It is not easy to procure young forest trees, worth planting. The trees raised in the aaur:eeriex can generally be relied, upon and they are sold at moderate prides, but, owing to distance, want .of easy communica- tions, delays in forwarding and delivering (which are often the cause that the trees, when received, are unfit for planting) and to the cost, however moderate, it is very seldom that farmers have recourse to the nurserynnantor the forest trees they intend planting (I do not allude, here, to fruit tam) They generally go to the woods for them„ often a distance of several miles. Those who have tried it know how hard it is to theywant,bow m t' such l trees h w =eh time flu tet re sas d and trouble it takes to digthem up, and show impossible it is, even with the greatest care, to avoid wounding and tearing off the roots. They know, too, how little satisfaction they have generally derived from all that work. Trees taken out of the forest and trans- planted on the open, are placed at a great disadvantage ; they fail so often that people Tdee an a i15 damages. The Established Church of England is un- questionably in danger.. Speaking at the t of theChurch Defence I t Ole Aunt Mary's, Wasn't it please. t, 0 brothel mine, In those old days of the lost sunshine Of youth, when the Saturday's chores wero through, And the "Sunday wood' in the kitchen too, And we went visiting, "line and. you,' Out to Old Aunt. Mary's? It all conies back so clear to -day 1 Though I am as bald as you are gray— Out by the barn -lot, and down the lane, We patter along in the dust attain, As light as the tips of the drops of the rain. Out to Old Auut Mary's We cross the pasture, and through the wood. Where the old iu-ay snag of the poplar stood, Where the hammering ""red heads" hopped AWAY, And the buzzard "raised" in the " clearing'" sky. And lolled and circled as we went by, Out to Old Aunt Mary's, And then in the Bast of the road again; And the teams we met and the countrymen ; And the long highway with sunshine spread As thick as butter on oountry bread, Our cares behind and. our hearts ahead, Out to. Old Aunt Mary's! Why, I see her now in the open door, Where the little gourds grew up the sides an o'er The clapboard roof 1 And her face—ah, me Wasn't itood for a boy to see, And wasn't it good for boy to be Oat to Old Aunt nary s; And. 0 slily brother so f ar allay, This is to ten you she waits to -clay welcome us; Aunt Diary Ml Asleep this morning, whispering, "Tell The boys to comet' And all is well Out to Old Aunt Mary's, annum: meeting; tore . e encs ns 1- be f t 3.aaws Wirmreo3m PrrBa. tution, Lord Selborne confessed that dis• without trouble nor expense, proemthem establishment hail coma "within the range fon a nursery, but let that nursery be you Waddad Fiappiueas. of practical polities." oeror, BY T114UM'. Im J i101.'1rFti JOHN LABATT'S Indian Pole Ole and XXX Bron Stout Highest awards ana yiedals for Purity and Excel lence at Centennial lxhilrition, Phil adclphia, 1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris; France, 1878, TEST.IMONIAI9 SELECTED: Prof,$ E Croft, Publio Aualyst, Toronto,says:- "I find it to be perfectly sound containing uo impurities or adulter- atfoes, and Can strongly recon amend it as perfectly pure and a very superior malt ihquor, John B �sdwara$, Professor of Chemistsg ,:lfontreel, says: ""111ndteem to be remarkably sound ales, brewed from. puronialt and hops. 13.ev.1':3.a♦d.Page,Professerof Chemiatry Leval 1Jn ver slty, Quebee, says ""T sieve analyzed the in ran Pale 1. 1c nuanufeetured bvdollnLabatt, Lend on. Ontario. and lava "'.,found it a light ale, -containing but little alcohol, ot , deli- derio r awl m r qualt , su yen erasable taste x ern olax sa o•oue never, and g i , and compares with the best imported ales, r hive else p also analyeedtbi6l'ortex" =Stout, of the same brewery, which is of eicelleut quality: its flavor Is very agreeable.; itis a, tonlo more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richeriihalco11a1, and can be compared advantage* ouslywith any imported artic3;e. ASK YUUltr Grit OVER k'OR The Australian wine which was said to , Any farmer can start, in a corner of leis c, t,}!► findeth,4 wife, fnideth a. good have sueh excellent prospects of being ex- garden a nursery of forest trees, by sowing thing and ohtainsth favor #rem life Lord," t • swishes gut,. s gds of the fee hetol 'a •► thee a c Europe ' re" dant' i insist poried to l;u in t t rt csp Wm wait unlit alae - cgan get some wood in i With a little observation, it is easy to find is one of the praverba of Solomon. This Australia fit to mare casks. All that they alit avhen the seed is ripe, far instance, to. question of marriage is at the basis of true have injures its flavor. wards the end of Jupe, beginning of July, the happiness and of good society. God arreng• seedof the elm and of theee t maple (aver rub. ed the institution of marriage to set the rum) is ripe; by sowing it at one; it will' solitary in families. It is the lirst knot in sprout and the little trees grow nearly one the secutl tie that, repeated, spreads foot in height this summer. ieach generation in a silver net=work over The maple, oak, ash, birch, butternutfie, 1 the face of the earth, and a marriage sold not be enforced. ripen their seed in autumn; better sow'it at, on wrong principles eau never he exactly once than winter it in the pause. Sow in like dile. on right principles Separation The British courts have awarded £I,•7(10 straight rows, with a garden line, leaving a is no remedy for ill•assorted marriage, T'ho to the steamer Virginian for towing, tiro picket at each end, to guide you when inharmonious parties should cultivate corn - Fonar into Boston an Marell 20, a distance weedutg. Sow an melt deep for the maple patibility of temper by resolving to make of 110 miles, which required two days top seed, and for other kinds in proportion to their uame net merely endurable but pos. traverse, so severe was the weather. The the size of the seed, and two or lisps inches itively pleasant. It they would uotaprseoto Raw had been drifting far thine days, deep, for butternut and walnut. Thin after striveto please each other, they could atleast Nothingbut the great spread of fine cattle the drat year, if needed, and transplant fur-, agreetnot t to ea] ea c Boot her, V un a e ep e Cara account far the suras prices given at the then an the little tr'eearemoved in thinning. }' y sale of Lord Falmouth's Herd of Devons, After` three or fear years, more or less (the law of (god written iu their bodies before one: of :he finest. Only 160 guineas was bail time will depend on the rate of growth of they joined hands in matrimony. Miss Will - for the bull that has won the Royal Agri.- , each kiwi of tree) plant your young trees sial rightfully said a girl was too young to cultural Society's prize three tithes running, where they are destined to stay. Choose a marry unless she had enough womanhood to A laborer, named Richard Thompson, was cloudy or rainy day in the spring and, with. refuse to unite herself with a, man steeped in chaining up a caw at Colchester when the out leaving home, with no'tnnible, without nicotine and liquor, deteriorated physique, animal attacked him, and thrust one of her breaking any roots, yon will take up and and who could notbring the same purity for horns into one of his eyeballs, completely plant at once, without allowing the roots purity. - What impudence it was ill 3 suitor i "'h'shing it, Thompson sustained serious time to dry, one hundred young trees, ees• t of that kind to try to trade off pewter for injuries air mouths ago by being tossed bye, Iain to grow in less time than it would take silver. The reciprocal attraction of a man buil. you to go to the woods, and dig up ten trees, and a woman, singling out each other from The young Polish pianist, Paderewski, has with a poor chance of their tuning root and the million, was one of God's methods fns appeared., in Loudon. 1io appears to be an living. lour happiness. The foundations of the State undeniable virtuoso, but not such a great 'These young trees will cost you nothing, ,. and the Nation were iu the hoarse, in the musician. His fingering is extraor;lwary. your• children will soon learn how to weed way that the childrea were brought up and He is more at home with the modern piano them and take caro of them, especially if the home governed, and the foundation of writers, especially Chopin and hlendelssulau, you sat them the example. Our own chides. the house was marriage. In this conn°. than with the oldermen. ren where quite young, took pleasure in sow. tion the right training of children was seen Captain Peters, master of the Hull steam- - ng acorns and watching the growth of the to be necessary, and the Sabbath school, er Severn, which reached Hull from Stock. Yining ohs, as tiros came up. By sowing, then, should be just what it ought to be, In yore can procure, with no expense, any num- that neighburhood were a good many wild her of young trees and re -wood, by degrees, 1 boys and girls, and this must be because all the land which is not fit for cultivation there was something wrong at hone. and ought to have been kept as wood. land. 1 Toward a happy marriage an engagement But, do not forget to '. are carefully your on right prilwiples was a requisite. Why nurser} and your plantations, so as to keep Bili so many engagements run so lon ? Ono outthe cattle. . o use planting re s with- excuse was in , A member of the British Ilouse of Com - mane created considerable amusement by gravely asking the Home Secretary whether the law of 11374 making it illegal for any person to send a telegram concerning betting e holm the other day, reports that while off the island of Oland, iu the Baltic, a seaman engaged in painting the vessels side fell ' of ereoard, The mate lowered a boat, but • it was sized, and the urate and seaman were ht: rowned. g A °a hast " has been brought to ttl '� t e the words I want to be my • London, for an attempt similar to that of out fences, the cattle will destroy every. own roaster awhile longer, and x antsier Iow' Lostx, HOW Restored " 71MW° hill, Eighty Arabs and a few thing, I reason was, they said, they couldn't afforded Just published, a new edition of Dr. Gulvcr• negroes, including women and children, In many (:r3.� 1, nature will groundsgane • it the prompt aelshe marriedhero it se©ped sierra Celebrated angapsrity in used ay elxcc 3 el 1 where the is f. t o began when; I l rt sowing i w oe e1 mn 'trouble c 8 a, i oration. t:oeE O ental. ,asses, mple, tents---in—fact, able, in July and August, the ditches or tlae (triental ontfit complete—have come 6 along > , to end. `Clic Americanshe maiden could run Val celebrated author, in this admirable essly, • ever to exhibit the life and to execute the the roads, the fences, err the mass on barren around as much as pleased, while the fantasias of the desert. patches, wherever there is alittle dampness, ! wife was a sort of recluse, almost haltered in the neighborhood of the elms and soft to the house. There was sroneed of so great of Dura at once nunpte, darts n and eftaotuai, by A tragi veil Thomas `solidi is in ens- mauler, you will find hundreds of young a change as often occurred, though, of course, , ,means of which avers suIIerer no matter tyhathie tidy a,.., . 8amptoi under peculiar circum- elms and maples, just sprung up front the i the wedded pair had to snake mutual Sur- condition may, be Wray cure himealt diesels, pri- stances. He entered the bar of th3 Forest- seed fallen from those trees; plant them in l renders, the woman giving up her flirtations vately andradically.bee g. ers' Arms, and being ordered out, struck your nursery, try it this summer, the seed of , and gadding, and the husband his bachelor telt' an radicre should be and the handset every Airs. Clark, the landlady, and thou Agr Mr. Clark. The latter, who is said to nave suffered from heart disease, fell dead. He was only thirty-nine years of age. A eenttny ago the Duke of Grafton called up his jockey, who had won two important races for hint and said. : " John Day, I have sant for you as I ant going to make you a pre- sent for yodr good riding. There is a twenty pound note for you, and I hope you will not waste it, but take great care of it." A mod- ern jockey has received as much as £3,000 for winning a single race. John Murphy, the old soldier affected with leprosy, whose case caused a good deal of alarm in: Dublin a year ago, died on Friday evening in the Hardwick° hospital. He joined the 73rd Highlanders in 1845, served in South Africa, India, and China, and left the army in 1872. In 18'75 he was admitted l ii- al Hospital, eta K as a pensioner to the Roy p , mainTham, and in 1882 first noticed the ailment which proved to be leprosy. MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square � Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion Seven Thousand Pianos Now in U. The Heint ran Ri anos ares noted oaf: Their Full, Rids Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced S'ea"lillil: The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough World n' Mp Send For Illustrated Catalogue. Warerooms and Office, — u t King - St. ��t Toronto i� 4r i��VtWsiiirpFa�i�o�' IIIA� +� �' Kin MANHOOD clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' euccrestul practice, that the alarming consequences of mit. abuse maybe radically oared ; peluting out a mode the elm is so minute and delicate that it is boorishness and nomadic life, his club -room butter to pick up those young seedlings than i absorption,androvingfancies. Singglelifowas to attempt sowing the seed, I arithmetic, and married life algebra. The In the maple groves, the ground is cover- , responsibility of sating th eemea1swas differ- ed with a regular carpet of young mmaple ' entfromcookingthree,andthelhymenealaltar seedlings. You can pull them up easily by like every other altar, was a placeofsaorifice, hand in the fall or early spring when the, thesurreuderoftime,liberty,andpreference. ground is still damp, without breaking any Bothparties should go to the same church. of the small roots. Plant them, at once, in The girl that couldn't get her beau your nursery. ( converted before marriage would probably It is very diffnculttocollect pineandspruce wait a long time afterward. No girl seed. Early in the spring, when the ground in her senses would marry a drinking nnan. is still soft and spongy, in the pastures, i Better marry amen who talked in his sleeper near where those trees grow, you will see a snored. Charles could afford to marry the number of young pines and spruces that you right girl because it would be as cheap or can pull up very easily ;plant them at once, cheaper than single life. Tasteful, not ex - for that kind of tree, you must shelter them pensive, attire made a woman attractive. from the sun, until they are well rooted. 1 The woman was to blame for extravagance, Whenever the ground of a garden has if indeed economy was neglected, and as a been dug up and worked in the fall, if there matter of fact a man didn't know the dif- t t and one of are any maple or ash growingin the neigh- ference between a $3 shawl vl cashmeres. Everywoman ground Queen Victoria's that the borhood, it will be noticed in the spring is more or less covered with knew that she was as adorable to her hus- maple and ash seedlings, grown from the band if in a plain 10 cent calico as in a 81 seeds fallen from those bees. It takes a silk ; whereas in some fashionable circles it 'very little time to pull up and replant hun- costs more to dress a daughter for one party dreds of them, and scarcely any of them will than to send two sons to college for a year. fail; of course, they must not be pulled up Dont let the married board, but keep house too roughly or it may damage the delicate ever so simply. The woman who didn't roots ; if the ground is too hard, use a trowel. keep house lacked the opportunity for the As much as'practicabie, they ought to be cultivation of all true home affections and pulled up when they have only got their two graces. In selecting a companion, marry first leaves, which are easily known by their health, marry appetite, don't' marry on the peculiar shape, long and narrow, ' from one sly. Make the wedding day the happiest inch and a half to two inches long and about of all your life, a day of song, kindly greet- ing, warm hand -shakes and congratulations. On Tuesday an alarming accident occur- red at Monkbretton Colliery, near Barnsley, by which six men and boys narrowly escaped with their lives, and all were seriously crush- ed and injured. A runaway horse caught a timber train and, dragging it down the in- cline at a terrific rate, caught the men in a narrow place. Two of the worst injured are John Barnes and Frank Slander, Barnsley, who are in the Beckett Hospital. The four others have dislocated shoulders and severe internal injuries. The lions of India are going like the buffalo of America. Within the memory of many persons lions were common enough in Rajputana, and even now a roar may be heard occasionally in the wildest parts of Central India ; but the new railway from Nagpur is now being built through this country, and that will drive out the few re- maining lions in the Central Provinces. Pra ideally the only lions remaining are said to the race existing in Kattywar. Their r., her remains, it is believed, pretty sta- onar.•y. They are specially preserved for 'royal sport ; but even they aro regarded as doomed. A shocking gun accident occurred at Sheffield on Tuesday morning. Frank Bell, 23, labourer, and two friends were in a house at Darnall talking about shooting, and they examined a gun which was loaded and cap- ped. The weapon was placed on the table without the stock and the men fell asleep, Bell lying with his head on the table. He awoke at three o'clock, and moving his arms knocked the gun barrel between his legs, causing the trigger to snap and explode the weapon. The charge of small shot struck him in the stomach and penetrated to the backbone. : He died from his injuries in a short time.. youth and every man in the an . Bent undeaid, seal, nsn a receiptiin ofsfour scents, orto rad twa posts, post-paid, 'd, pogtagestomps. Samples atMedicine free. Address a Quarter of an inch wide. For several years past I have been seeking the cheapest and, at the same time, most effective mode of restoring the woods, where Catholics. Except physically the wedded should. be alike, as in culture and toils. THE GULYERWELL MEDICAL CO Ask God's guidance in every step, making marriage a veritable sacrament, as do the they have been completely destroyed ; many of our old settlements etre.; completely de- nuded of trees, and 1 can recommend this, What hisSister said to her "Other Fellow." simple anode as the best, from my personal "Sister's other feller come here last night," experience. Let those who suffer for the ' begau the bad boy, after he was safely in the want of fuel, of timber for building, of trees arms of his sister's regular visitor, devour - for shelter and ornament and Hoose who ing a quarter's worth of candy, "and I would look to have a sugar maple grove at heard them talking about you!' their door, let them start theirr own nurser- ies this very summer ; it Will entail no ex- .penditure of money, take but very little time and repay them bountifully. It will be a pleasure for me to give any further in- formation and advice to all those who may apply for it. • • Leclercville, P. Q., May, 1890; 41 Ann Street New York Post Office Box 450 9686-1y Brief dolleot for the Day. Lord of the Sabbath, smile on us from Thy holy hill, and make this Sabbath through all, its hours a pure delight. • Fill our minds' with thoughts of Thee, our heiirts with love of Thee, and may our fellowship be close and tender with Thee, the Father, and with Thy Son Jesus Christ. Give us to -dry a foretaste of the efsrnrt cwwt1n,t11„ One for the Conductor. "This is a mighty slow road," said the dis- contented passenger. . "No slower than it has ever been," replied the conductor. "I know better, sir," tartly rejoined the discontented passenger. "I've traveled over this road when itwasa mighty sight faster." "I think not," saicl the conductor calmly, as he slowly punched the discontented pas- senger's ticket. "I think not. The road is . the whole hierarchy of the church m India just the same as it was when it was built. placed under the supervision of the Metro - But," he added, with a far away look in his politan Archbishop of Calcutta. These eyes, "the trains used to run faster. " hinges have become necessary because the i r The the dIscontentecl; passenger lighted a Clown of � Portugal, like France in Africa, is ci k, and smoking it viciously, glanced asserting and exercising a right of protec- g fiercely out of the window, unheeding the torate over the Catholics of India, which, beauties of the landscape, which slowly flit- for reasons of State, the British Govern - "What clicl they say?" "He was, mad," replied the terror, "'cause sis goes with you so match." "And what was her reply to hun?" con- tinued the young man, ,the look of happiness spreading further across his features. "Elie said," began the youth again, "that he needn't get mad 'cause you carne to see her, as you was a soft snap and was saving him lots of money that would go to firm' up their house after 'they were married." The look of contentment on the young man's face gave way to the pallor of despair. and he hastily took his departure.. Sir Adrian Dingle's mission as English ambassador to the Vatican, is to arrange for the regulation of Roman Catholic missions in India. Bishoprics will be established in place of the present Vicariates Apostolic and WEAK MEN aqnuicd kie WOeasethem•aREN cin selves of Wasting Vitality, Lost manhood, from youthful errors, etc.,, quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES oar "Bollef forwomsn'" ie nage asd always reliable i bettor tho0 Ergot, OxW,.Tanay or Pennyroyal Pills. Insures segniarlty. Sent for partianlara. Address GILDED ?ILL CO.. TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCED onsmoothest faces, hair on baldest beads, in 8o to SO day's. Magic. Latest and greatest achievement of modern science ! bloat won• derfnt discovery of the ago. Like no other preperationf Meisel, sora, almost instantaneous in action 1 Boys with whiskers 1 Bald heads "hafted 1" Curious spectacles, but positive truths. Only genuine article in market, and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Prise eI °battle, or A. DIXON,aBos2805, TOROettle NTO, CANADA. ono month. Address MIIIIME 6IIYANNINPS PREMIUMS. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR • preparation that wilt uupq p,rm°°ently ramose Pnee SLus hair without sofas, 50 the ,kin. lr.xxauted. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS »<•�°n°°uy removed is Irom Leto 80days.Werranted. Priceforde days tr•n tment, IL ANTI•CORPULENCE PILLS B�ho . pities ppaint is a matter of solicitude whether becalms it is �enw ami. fortable or unfashionable—PAT POLES' using Ar!' ?OBPULENOE PILLS" lase 18 lbs. a month. They wane, no stances ; contain no poison, andnever fail. Peas for one month's treatment, $3; Or three months medicine, as. Warranted. 4(}=OVANNANrS•. COMPLEXION WAFERS ABSENiOAL••• Bleach the skin, develop the form. Harmless. Permanent le effect. tyorranted. Price $1 a box, or els. boxes for $s. address mADADIE GIOVANNANI, 41, a90 Sing Street West Toronto. CW4, ,e c'8.,C-.5. ,on '3. des' t*� ac dot c, a ee, :04;:s.,c,:. , x, {me °� ,...s. ° co.�ae else ,C•. 9�` , � c,4'C, vJ G ?+w� y°,, �`�G�4e.a, o cue �vfl M1G °�� ���e �` ,,4v\,eta.Gr\ S o �SG�Gyo to �,.. N. .' AN0� 'c, 0pe 0S. A 4•`�° • "1,0 414 etti tai °ic' a e., A ier�°400 ° a ,G i e, efi� se' Manufactured only bSS gamar'�d HoStlloway, y,a daNew Oxford Street,. n. ear Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and, P If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1 Exeter Lumber Yard The Undersie,ned wishes to informhe public in general that he keeps -constantly in stock— All Kinds of BUILDING MATE11 DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. {- A. large stock of Hemlock always on hand at mill • prices. Flooring, Sidib dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch.. Sasit Door., Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, dcc. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and atngles An liarlowest theses;prices. my swShati,ped and1. ready for use. No slain -kit assured. A call will bear out the above. . Willi Jas s MIna THE OLD ESTABLISHED t A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure impossible. Malty so-called diseases are simply symptoms of .attrrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing ease of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, louses, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are roubied with any of these or kindred symptoms, you ;ave, Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring i -bottle of .NASAL BALM. De warned en time leglected cold in head' results in Catarrh, followed �,yy consumption and death. NASAL BALM is sold by til druggists, or willbe sent, post paid, on receipt 01 ?rice (5o cents and 51 01) by Addressing F't' A & C0., BROCKVILLE,ONT. G. r rt Et. r 1 !AGENT : Hay Townshij Farmers' Mu.t- ual Fire Insurance Co. A PURELY. FARMERS"'COMPANY. Live Stook also insured, when in the aelds, or on the road in oharge of owner, or servants aleomanufactnrer of the Improved Surprises Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent for TombStones and the Watson .Impletnorits,, Undertaking pronply attendee to. 4. HOLTZ1fA.V, i , , - NO EXPERIENCE NECEss Ja ' . 1'ertrSa tionsguaranteed.a1 Y$Ai�� $tale ®npl and Espensee liar -advantages to beginners. Stock complete, with fast•sellingh O1JTPIT 15'REE. We guarantee. 'what we advertise. Witte u .. Il illeeb'ST'Iftliu" inn, P7narseryooion, Toronto, Ont. (This house isle to