HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-11-03, Page 9111 •c, gri 4 dk ftrif4PRouviv,. '?...(1•• • t5 vAuJ 1 A&P'a savings-policy.is tried and tested and proved. by thousands of wise shoppers every day. It's time for you to take the A&P -way toSound economy. We've developed an accurate programme.of price -wise shopping for food, drawing on manyuyears"of valuable experiencel - Make it your business to become part of our business.. . • wh1e1 la to save money for economy minded shoppers. 010010 Orr 4100,01.0 "SUPER -RIGHT" MEATS BECAUSE .MEAT REPRESENTS ABOUT 25% OF YOUR FOOD BUDGET,. IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW . • • A&P "SUPER -RIGHT" Quality is a reliable standard of top meat value. "SUPER -RIGHT' assures you that whatever you choose at A&P is QUALITY' RIGHT . CONTROLLED RIGHT ... PREPARED RIGHT ... OL..D RIGHT ... and PRICED RIGHT. sTEAKs Boxivis:‘ or , BONLESS RUMP ib or ROASTS PSIRLOIN Extra LEAN MINCED BEEF Choice MEATY SPARE RIBS Super Right Rincfless SMOKED SIDE. BACON JelliedRK HEAD CHEESE EssexBrand -. PURE smPolicieriyitUSAGE • Braunschweiger • ! Dressed & BACON Large Size - Headless LAKE ERIE SMELTS Lake Eriej Fresh CiiiCKEREL FILLETS 29c 43c 1 -Ib pkg. 5 9c 3 -lb tin 79c lb 35c 10-c.. chub 25C 1625C lb 4 7c, *&P Choice Cream Style Corn .A&P Choice Small Whole Beets .A&P Choice Cut Wax Beans' A&P Choice Cut Green Beans A&P Choice Red Pitted Cherries A&P Choice -Halves Peaches Keiffer Dessert Peari Del Monte Fancy Cryshed Pineapple A&P EViiporated Milk Ann Page Chili Sauce Ann Page Ketchup A&P Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon Primrose Sweet Mixed Pickles 2. 20 -oz tins 294 2 15 -oz tins 31c 2. 20 -oz tins 29c 15-oz,tins 33c 215 -oz tins 3 7c 20 -oz tin 21c 2. 20 -oz tins 354 10 -c -Y, tin 19c 216 -oz tins 25c 11 -oz btl 27c 2 11 -oz btls 39c Va's on 43c 16 -oz jar 23c Iona (Pectin Added) Strawberry Jam Iona (Pectin Added) Raspberry Jam Ogilvie's Wheat Hearts Post's • Sugar Crisps Quaker Muffets Jubilee Cheese Slices Kraft Cheez Whiz Canadian Mild Cheese Nippy Canadian , Old Cheese Robin Hood Spice Cake , Shirriff's Mix Pie Crust Betty Crocker Bisquick Campbell's - Tomato 'SOup AO FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 2 20 -oz fins 23, 48 -oz tin 25, LIPTON ONION SOUP pkgs 3 , 3 IIMO6 RED ROSE ALLEN'S ORANGE PEKOE APPLE TEA JUICE • 1/2-IbPk4eic 2.200.t. -25c Another New A&P Opens in LONDON This Week rit 46 1NGTON ROAD 24 -oz jar 39e 24 -oz jar 33i 1 -Ib pkg 171 81/2 -oz pkg 2, 5 2.9 -oz pkgs 31a 8 -oz pkg lie 16 -oz ja,-- 59a lb 39c Ib 45c 1S -oz pkg 2.9C for 9c 18 -oz pkg 3 5c 40 -oz pkg 45c 2 (in; 2.5c • POTATOES White Table Stock 10 -lb bag 2 3c /Pt DEEP -CVT SPECIALS CLEENEX . SliES 9"x 6" ' SAV8: AND' x 10" 4is QUAKE4 OATS PANCAKE FLOUR SAVE INSTANT 20 AUNT SAVE JEMIMA 2c CORN SYRUPTRWBINIE:13:D A&P CORN WHOLE KERNEL BAKERY SPECIALS PIE PRIM FOR INE VALUE- WISE! A PIE Jane Parker EEACH Plump with pride of the 'orchard apples nestled in a golden brown crispy crust REGULAR PRICE 55c— SAVE 16c Jane Parker SAVE 9ts RAISIN BREAD 216.z6aves 29 c Jane Parker Apple Raisin COFFEE CAKE • Gad, 27c SAVE 2e boxes 35( pkg 37, 20 -oz pkg ch SAVE • 20• 129C 3 14 -oz- tins 49e si-rciAL FUDGE DELIGHT CAKE "th43c SPECIAL JANE PARKER LEN" CAKE Awl, 43c jANE" PARKER DA" DATED /MEAD 24 -oz loaf 13 FRESH FRUITS a VEGETABLES California No. 1 Emperor, New Crop, Finest Eating RAPES California Fancy Valencia ORANGES Now at Their Best Bradford No. 1 Pascal CELERY STALKS California Iceberg LETT ucE Large Size Heads ib 1 • 5-46 cello bag 55,4 2629c New Brunswick No. 1 "'OR COFFEE THAT'S ALIVE WITH FLAVOUR BUY A&P'a VIGOROUS AND WrNEY BOKAR COFFEE - Ib 99, 3 -Ib bag 291 EVERY POUND CUSTOM GROUND • DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION 2 /5 DOG FOOD•an. c CHAMPION 2tms2.5c CAT FOOD NEWPORT FLUFFS 5-opkg29c • SULTANA PEANUT EIMER •16-n Jar 31 e •• Lido CHOCOLATE MALLOWS pkg 3 7c MacFeeter's GOIden Bar CHEESE Margarine SOLO Cleanser BIG 5 Chan SPEED COAT Wax HOME WAX Otedar No Rub Furniture POLISH STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY.. • 8.30 — 12.30 THURSDAY 830L --76:116—-c 8.30 — 6.00 8.30 — 9.00 8 -oz pkg 27c 2,1b, 5,5c 2 tins 19c 20 -oz tin 5 9c 1 -lb tin 29c 6 -oz btl 3 3c 8.30 — 6,00 8.30 — 6.00 FRIDAY SATURDAY (4 NOVEMBER ISSUE WOMAN'S DAY MAGAZINE NOW ON SALE 1111691111, PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 6th, 1656. • arkets tattAt ilatMtnei PACI$10 COMPANY • ' • • Around Out (11F Bill AO Jlieen Lovett) Once again. Bill and L are re-. nriadedethat Fall is our yerif avor- ite seaSon. Picture us these autumn Saturdays raking leaves and generally tidying up the garden and toward the end of the day standing around a. booaie 0 burning brutsh, sipping steaming cups of chocolate spiked with a touch of nutmeg. than:0A for the day is this ----we are allowed these heaven- ,ly fall days to -prepare for the stern realities of winter. I't's Bill's job to get, the ear ready for cold weather, which means a complete cheek of brakes, tires, exhaust (re- -member, winter driving usually means the windows of the ear are closed) and, of course, putting in the anti -freeze. Did, you. know -that the amount of heat given off by a ear's cooling syRem during heavy driving is enough to heat- a six room 'house, so 13111 says! That's why only the best all -winter type anti -freeze which revents rust and will not boil away, will give your ear the 'protection it needs. F'or the very young. . . . Keep children's shoelaces even and in place by tying a knot in the middle of each before threading into shoes. Don't be in such a Merry to put away those electric fans just be- cause -the hot weather is aver. On cold, rainy days , ehey're a wonderful help for drying the laundry indoors. Set on a table a few feet frorn the wash, a powsrful fanif4wbirIllecu.tti9civvVYI:orxl,g 6inkivitoe.f#PproP f• " tft ri ;I'll:: he 1' ae:°11oup:4:1$117ballhoginod:: :1i2aet1 Y1:4 40.4"Ur* .4;414141a '1. • cl°1Vil.l..took the trouble this ion"' 'to separate the gla4toli• color/ /-aying thenvon slOtted trays , to air dry, away fropi Iteate.444 moisture. Nett year ;we'llhave our own kalcidoscOpe of color. You can perk uto* your .nylon petticoats by dipping an a 4eavy starch solution. Apply this, also, to 'a limp,erinoline and let it drip dry. Tlas way the hem will regain nthe. essn,ecessary fullness and stiff- AppleS are • in abundance this time of year. Next time you're maldn-g applesauce, or an apple pie, sprinkle with orange juice fa a line piquant flavor. It's easier to keep pictures and mirrors straight if ,you use two ,naills instead of one. Place them about 'three inches apart- exactly in line with each other. Again a safety note. One of our good neighbors has made a house to house canvas of our street urg- ing all of us to park our cars in the driveway and not at the curb: much safer for our youngsters And now that it's getting dark so early _every child should, have a.. goodquality flashlight and be care- fully instructed, when out after dark, to walk on the left-hand side of the road and to use his flash- light.BI says: Ideas are like children, your own are always so wonderful. County Presbytery Of United Church Meets At Goderich Beautiful -baskets of chrysanthe- mum's graced the lower auditorium of North Street United Church, Goderich, Wednesday afternoon, October 26, for the lual fall rally of the. Huron Count Presbytery of the Woman's -Association of the United 'Church. ' More than 100members of the various auxiliaries of the County were pre,sent and 17 auxiliaries answered the roll call. Mrs. Nelson Reid, of Walton, the ,president, was in charge of the Meeting. , Mrs. G-eorge Ellis, president :of North St. Auxiliary, welcomed the guest's. A message from the president of the Dominion Council, Mrs. J. Kinsman, was read by Mrs. N. Reid. Minutes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Earl Wightman, of Auburn.mrs.s S. Argyle, literature secre- tary, gave an interesting report of the literature she had on dis- , play for use in women's groups. Mrs. C. Higgins, devotional secre- tary, brought greetings from the provincial president, Mrs. Gavitz. Mrs. Alex. Boyes, of Seaforth, presbytery convener of visitation and friend -ship, urged 'the members to visit our new Canadians and in- vite them to church, also the lone- ly and the aged. • Mrs. L. McTaggart, convener of Christian educat%n spoke briefly on co-operating,: with other organ- izations in Christian education, Mrs. N. Reid a.dvised the vice- presidents be given more work to do. Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Washington, Auburn, past 'president of Huron Presbytery, introduced the special' speaker, Mrs. D. J. Beaman, Chris- tian stewardship convener of Lon- don Conference, who brought greetings from Middlesex Presby- tery. ' - Mrs. Beaman said in part: "People outside the church; we often think, need a lift, but we. inside the -church often need a lift, too. , Paul preached Christian stewardship and also practised it, by giving his -time, his talents and his crafts to the work of the King- dom. Years ago, money -raising was primarily the meaning of Christian stewardship, ,but today it means much more than that, it is an investment and develop- ment of ourselves. Everything is a trust from God: • We are wit- nesses for Gad in whatever we are doing. Women in the church must be informed today that Christian stewardship is a personal thing. It is love in action." The speaker Went on to say: "Any campaign is successful if it is the subject of prayer. Without the ehurch and without Gad, we cannot go anywhere. We can -not get away from the frustration of life, we must face it. It was the individuals who received the Mis- ter's special attention and the suc- cess of the- Woman's Associetion. depends on the inveetmenteof oir- scives." ' An enjoyable film strip of Five Oaks Christian Workers Centre was shown: Five Oaks 3s situated ,in the Grand River Valley near Paris, and -Comprises 25 acres. An invitation was extended, and accepted, to hold the next semi- annual rally in Ontario Street Church, Clinton. Mrs. Robert Townsend, Unties'. boro, expressed courtesy remarks to North Street Church for the use of the church. Rev. H. A. Dickinson, minister of the chttreh, closed the meeting4 Members of the hostess auxiliary served refreshments. ONE RECRUIT There was only one enlistment, a 17 -year-old boy from Listowel, when the Army Recruiting team visited Goderich on -Monday. The recruit expressed preference for 'the Provost -Corps.• • • , INSPECTOR COMPLIMENTS BUSINESS COLLEGE HERE Mr. Fisher, Inspector of Trade' Schools of the Ontario Department of Education, Tor- onto, made his official visit at the Goderien.Business College on Wednesday. As this was his first visit since the school was moved to East street,. he commented highly on the new- location -and. especially the modern ecitip- ment which is being used. Hallowe'en Dance; Many Masquerade The,/ Goderich Pavilion was alive with costumed ,characters of ail kinds on Friday night when the annual masquerade Hallowe'en dance of Beta Sigma Phi was held Miss Dorothy McCabe is as the con- vener 'of the event which proved highly successful. Winner of the door 0-ize was Bill Grace. Prize for :he best comic outfit went to Yrs. Kitty Chapman and Mrs. "Peg': Wood, in humorous nightdress attire. Also winning prizes for comic cos- tumes were Sam Andersim as a comic Scotsman and. Howard Wat- son as an English bobby. Mrs Pearl Emmertan,' and Mes. Morris MacMillan walked off with the prize for original costume, dressed as monkey's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bettger won the prize for the best ' character ,costumes, being dressed:, as motorists of the early days. There was a wide variety of costumes, some of which are: flap- per, gypsy, witch, cowboy, elf, Chinaman, skunk, old time motor- ist, jockey, bell hop, chef, bunny, monkey, rugby player, sailor, cheer leader, policeman; Indian, Scotsman, man dreseed as woman, woman dressed as men Music was provided by a band. from the RCAF St2tion, Clinton. 0-- -0 HELPING HANDS REVIEW WORK OF PAST YEAR The president, Mrs. Jewell, gave a report of the xear's work at the Helping Hands in the, absence of the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. Baechler. A bouquet was present- ed to a new member, Mrs. Lynch. The, lunch conveners were: Mrs. Sees, Mrs. Baechler, Mrs. Bur roughs and Mrs. Kneeshaw. During the year a total of 50 meottings were held, silver collec- tions' of $35.80 taken up and num- erous donations made. There were 24 fo6d boxes Sent to Englandse Seventeen 'hospital patients were remembered at Christmas, also one blind gentleman. A large box of candy was sent at Christmas to the Huron County Home. Donations were made to several public sub- scriptions. The president expressed thanks for the co-operation given during the year. OP .AND T FUND REPORT A SUCCESSFUL SEASON The committees- of the CP and T fund of Rebekah Lodge No. 99 and Huron Lodge- No. 62, under the chairmanship of Mrs. E. Sitter and Mr. Frank Bowra, report a good season as the result of tag days, selling of score cards at race meets and 'seinen' Other activities. The fund: purchased eight wheel chairs , and ten easy chairs for the hos- pital. To wheel chairs are loan- ed ont by the committee which also gave dot considerable relief to.neetly persons„ The -OP 'trot .‘T fund now have one Wheel chair with lOsets,, it wheerchnir‘' one exerciser, one inantle radio 'and dive pair S' of Crutches. .• d SALE A SUCCESS • The auetinh sale held ,by the Knox Chttroh,Meifs 'club lot Oat. urday increased Ile treatto, ptithe Club by about $300.06. Thekarticles ;donated by IpelYrboks it4b0;, ton; E. Et1iott, !f- Miss 4Ctliittt,Lopbc, atiManriltOit • ," with her siste.r,..'110s: gmation were a:ettioned by Mi-. o- re, • 7