The Exeter Times, 1890-6-12, Page 5rfnuIr Dn in Nc. Common Sense, lied Star, Bine Ribbon Flax, Binding twines, ORDERS T4 K€M NO W Ma, secured apraotical tinsmith we aro now prepared to take work in eavetroughing;furnace, rooting or repairs. now oulgtalvit Milk Cans, and Tinware of every description, Daisy - Churns, ,Bugled Wire, Ribbon and Aoneeled Wires, Naito, Locks, kluges,Paints and tails. Orders now taken for Chestnut blaot(soaitlland stove coals, for early delivery-, GROCERIES—Stoerk l)lhte. Produce tali exchange. i>4our, Jas. N, Howard, !lager. Proprietor. 1 DISTRICT DOINGS, The Ltateet Canrrent ;Qe+vst Throughout The Dettrr Mr, D. 0, Gesner, warden of Kent, died Monday afternoon at his home at ()Jeanette. Ile has served his county faithfully as councillor, deputy reeve and reeve, and at the January session was elected warden of the county. A staunch adherent of the English Church and the Conservative party, he will no hissed by Ms numerouic friends of all eh ore!), denornieatious and both politi- cal parties. 'Why allow 1 =r:* li e t me.1s, .r, fry. buzzing -insects, when Wieieee i;y i' :swill annihilate there .mid give you peace Y Try them Sold by all drugeiste The annual ge heriee of the Satiety of Friends le beim; held ,;t Sparta. THE Ili:' A'"r:.EN ('uz1NJ;r and all Christiane ore are fast reelingontt that the only reliable is the Iaaperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, made by ee Gillett Toronto, macer et the famous Royal 'i:e est Cakes, to a Braddon, tinsmith, at r^' tall na� ., Ha 1 130 Ther steamer, n } , y T c h �Qa L 13.urgo,u_,isre man about 24 years of age, and a bona tanning i,Nr."r �rk dtBa va. yarned eW ikinson, went ant to a farm an Wednesday near Mount Brydges t4 take the measure for an eavestrouglt on a barn.. The ladder was not quite long enough, and standing on the side pieces at the top ire Trent to shift hie position and felt about 32 feet, IIe ares in a serious condition, and it is not known whether he will survive or not. A farm of :.i0 acres en the Pati con. of Btddulph; near Wanton, has been sold to Mr, Jame ~ lleenanfor gl,gh0. Cyeses. Thomas and Poad, of the Gore or London, brought some new potatoes to the London Market Satire day last, They were grown out of doors. Peter Draker, working at the farm of Chas. Seeley, in Nelson township, near Waterdown, was fatally injured while drawing stumps with a stumping tnaalrine. Mr, Wm. Meech/ma, Blacksmith, of St. Tbomss, while shooing a horse Saturdriy morning received a bate kick. i aesiatant was working at the anvil al the flying sparks frightened the horse which kicked :Mecham, break. ing two of his ribs. Near Wardsville the other night thieves made a raid on the clothes lines of 'Mr. Evans find Mr. Edwards, am Tarried of several shlrta, a print end some blankets. They also id Mr. Evans hen house and sto.e some chickens. A son of Washington Mills, of Mob - mond, near Aylmer, was drowned on Thursday in Otter Creek. The lad, who was 14 years of age, was wading with his brother an the flats, which were flooded. Getting be}ond his depth be was drowned before help could be obtained. Some :,230feet of the St. Clair tunnel have been completed on the Amercian side and 1,935 on the Canadian side. During Tuesday night's rain the pump- ing gear on this side broke, and great difficulty was experienced in keeping the tunnel from being flooded before the necessary repairs could be done. Bothwell Times: -"A youth not far from here whistled ata prayer meeting the other night, and when rebuked he claimed that he had been insulted, and drew a knife to carve some one. He was knocked down with a chair and disarmed, butlbe and his four brothers propose to see who runs the prayer meetings in that neighborhood. Toronto June 6. -Despatches from Bowmenville, Owen Sound, Tottenham, Port Rope, Pickering and other parts of eastern Ontario report serious dam- age by heavy rains and floods, dams bursting, bridges being carried away, railway tracks washed out, and streets and cellars flooded. Fortunately no loss of life is reported. Stratford, .Pune 7,-A. young boy of about 15 years, named Neff, a eon of a workman in the Srnith Purifier Works, was burned ao badly Thursday night that he has since died.. it seems that he was one of those, who were engaged in building a bonfire to front of the Reform headquartora' at all events his clothing having received a portion of the octal oil, whtoh wad being moil, caught tire, and he only was saved trom immediate 4e.atruction by a bystander wrapping his coat about, hint. The annual Orange celebration of South Huron will be held at Minton this year, They have many induce- ments for the pleasure seekers on that day. There will be one of the largest processions ever held in Western Ontario. The railways have granted very favorable rates to those wishing to go. The Canadian Pacifica Railway Com- pany have published a new and hand- some and.some map showing the main line and the various extensions of their road, and bringing before the reader in a forcible way its claims as "the world's highway to the Orient." The map should prove a good advertisement and also be very useful to the public. TO sepltVOUS,D-2111LITATED If Sea will lead ns yourasiesess.wc wiUinait sou our i ustrated pamphlet explainiugall about Dr. ;Wee Celebr ese Lleet i io Laic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they wilt quickly restore you tovigor and man- hoodhealth. Pamphlet free. It you aro thus adlioted, wewitlsendyon a Belt and appliances Sir Edwin Arno:d in Yokohama met his son, who disappeared six, years ago. oa taiai. VOLTAIC BELT CO.. 'Manila 1.AtiQh' WITAT rr wlrrla lac, 1 to 2 bottle*es a1 Sai ilour eh eadacha. 1 to 2 bottles of B 13 fi ,rill care Billcamess. 1 to 4 bettlas of E BB will euro t,'amstipa• tion. 1 to 4 bottles of B 1313 will cure Dyspepaie. 1. to G battles of B R B will cure $act i3tood 1 to 6 bir'ttes of B ll B will eure Serolule Int dug eaeo relief will be had from. the Orae few 4460 0. Tlbotntra I,awreues. at Atarmora tawnsbip, poisoned himself with atryaliniue. Uiarry Tear, an Engliah lad d abo u t I S yeare ofa�e. who haa been employed ed as .hostler at the (.'"pnulereial Hotel arlet with a queer accident Wednettday night and a narrow escape :front being lulled.. The boy la given to aomnam• tauisiettt and during the night he got out of bed in the Comnaoroiat and walked eel of the lvtndow, the lower sash of whtuh had been removed, to ventilate the Nona. Ile fell radistance of about 20 feet to the ground at the hack et the hotel. Ile was 'unconaoioua of anything until he found binned be- ing carried back to his room, and stated that he fell * sleep reading. Iiia iambi* a are at a rather serious lama. tura consisting of right ehoukder badly bruised his ear split, and the right side of his face and eye greatly diacolorod, Dr. Ivey was called and droned the lad'a wound, Ile will recover. Orangeville, June 9,---A fire broke out in the second storey of the Camp. bell block, on Broadway, ocoupied by W. II. Dated, photographer, at eleven o'clock Monday- night, Tisa firemen responded promptly to the alarm. but the Maros spreadwith fearful rapidity, and the entire block wee soon envelop - cad. by the 'devouring, element. By hard work and with the assistance of several limy streams of water the firemen succeeded in conhntug the flames to the building in which they originated, but not until the second and third storeys diad been badly dam- age& The stocks of Crozier &Fleming general store ; G. A. Campbell, boot and shoes, and T. McAdam, grocer., suffered severely from water. It was found nocessary to remove the library of the Methanes' Instituto to a place of safety. The office of the Bell Tele- phone Compauy, in which the public. reading room and library were situated, was alae damaged by lire and water. The firemen had the flames under eon, trol at l a, m. The losses were al covered by insurance. Rains and Floods of last "Weak. Greenwood, Juno 6. -The worst freshet ever known here occurred last evening. For the past two nights ter- rific thunder storms have raged and the waters were high, but the climax was reached last night. Four small dams north of here gave way and the mighty flow of water carried away F. L. Green's large dam. Then the now dam and the race broke away, and, last of all, the dam of the Oatmeal Milling Company broke away. Roads were submerged and gutted, cellars were flooded, bridges were carried away and telegraph wires broken. Timber and trees were seen floating in all directions. Several people have lost cattle an horses. The roads in the vicinity are in a terrible state. M. Gleeson looses heavily from his store cellar being flooded. The loss to F. L. Green will be trom $1,500 to $2,000. Tottenham, June, $.-There was a washo4, caused by yesterday's storm, betweJ4f Palgrave and Caledon East. Trains cannot run, but are expected to e able to resume to -morrow. Most of she bridges in this neighborhood are swept away and the roads are ahnostim- passable. Owen Sound, June 6. -Yesterday and to -day several electric storms passed over this section, doing considerable damage in telephone and telegraph offi- ces. Two washouts have occurred on the C. P. R. between here and Orange- ville.' No trains leave come through since yesterday noon. Aurora, June 6. -Yesterday's rain caused the greatest flood here within twelve years. The mill dam belonging to G. S. Baldwin is broken. The skat- ing rink is,wrecked, and fences and crops on the low ground are carried away. Mr. W. R. Davis, of Mitchell, the Conservative candidate for the South Riding of perch, has met with a severe accident., He bad obtained two bottles of medicine, one to be used externally and the other internally. Tbe bitters were inoorreetly labelled, and Mr. Davis took a mixture containing iodine or carbolic acid by mistake, with the result that he is seriously ill. The members of the county council assembled at Goderich, on the 3 inst. but as most of them 'were anxious to take part in the election, the meeting was adjourned , until the 17th inst , (the County' Court meeting in the inter- val), The only business transacted before the adjournment was the pass- ing of a fall quarter's salary to the credit of the late ' inspector of East 1.Uron. MANY P— OPLF. LIb awake nights suffering from acute dyspepsia, caused by sating food in, which alum and other cheap Baking Powders are used. The most reliable is Imperial Cream Tartar Bak- ing Powder. Quebec Local nomination took place on Tuesday. "For a long time I had no appetite. was restless atnight, and very much debilitated. After taken two bottles of Ayer's Sarsapare. illa, my strength and appetite returned, and my health Was completely, restored." -D. M. Fisher, Oswego,; N, Y. Numbers of Dakota settlers are crossing over to Manitoba. A. box of Ayer's Pills has saved many a fit of sickkess. When a remedy does not happen to be within reach, people are liable to neglect slight ailments and, of .course, if serious illness follows they have to suffer the consequences. ''A. stiteli in time saves nine." Russia is negotiating fer the purchase of war ;materiel in France. Wilson's Fly Pads Slaughter House Flies 'in millions safe, cleanly and effectual. They R34R ?a sick. w 0 gave her CRIAIdar. Mr`#t'xI olaa wa. a 1 bifid., sl;a c.;.e 1 for t:aetoria. MINI sae harems Aries, alta clung to t:a,atert.i, When alae bedCtaldree,aal.ogevethem cr-astv*, 11laEBET REPOB,TS. Red Wheat spring ttarley Cats ()lover Seed Timothy •' Peas Corn eggs Batter Flonrperbbl •.,, Petar„toinepor bushel Arl & er 1 oag e rid es A A 1 x11 Breese per lb. Turkey por lb Racks per Db (lhickenoyez pr 11oes dresseclperie0 Beef ddesrongb, dressed. $heepskine each 0alfakims Wool per ale .,. 13a7perton Ouionsperbnsti� WOodeeroord The billions of the St Etienne district, ire France, have r• .'ive1 an, 112 ges .^ :ti strike, MOSES READ ASTHMA. Us' husband had asthma ler ti;itt pare with severe acui;ti, anti his hinge Heade wezo affected, lie eannl l neither rest, want, nor get relief from env reseo•itre b' is ' f' Sotuo lime *ea we got llegyard'a Peetorai Salm/tn. arttl aflerteking six or eight hetdea hie oau}lt'isentirely calve}l, theaethua greatly relieved, and laia lungs t;reatir benihteed, 3Ins. Alo;'ioi Corot, apaley, Out An English asedia rte is °tail to be bus - in rep lavep iron wants at Parkersburg, W, O. (I.l;r'nlnrtars,a (1x'lfe, Fl; sprained my lel* so la.. ilr that I bad to has <.lrim twine in a carriage. I im- mediately applied MlNABIVH LINIMENT freely and in 115 hours could use ray leg again as well as over. Bridgewater, N. S. Jtlsuea. Wvw;aa)alrr. Diserdsr bas broken oast among the Somali tribes, whish aro tributary to'Zanai. bar. I3lf,1O1SNI:SS ;1'`I) 41i31Y S`l,'OMA.0l1. Having mei your 13urdenak Bkt'Dd Bitters anea.ssftiily for some time tituo past for my complaint, bil'nuaness and ache stomach. I have never found its equal Tits% W. Scrim, St. Thomas, Out Y M .� The. :+tati�rsion , ta<nimitt..p of dm Toronto Mtytla,a,liet 1",r• f r ue' ln't en, Mintlay ill Toronto ai child, nv'y b' enff iettel by a' bad attack r.i se gala, ti"a;sn'tli Will Oberry gives itcrm ]a at, ;elle! an 1 rl t.:tly curca:a croup, ),i ! ,aa'Si, VolT '1 0 0l 1 t, A t1 _n the Heed, I>rn.n r;a.It,', a'x i Slit i.:.t. t..ist Zama. txiot a bottle awl keep it in the louse, it n.ay save your cbiltl'a life Ili it 1138 done in ntauy cases. It is sa pleasant that children taste it like syrup, For Coughs and Colds in adults i beano equal. Oet the genuine in white wrappers. s. A fire eans:ada con llarab;e amount of damage in the Campnell block, Orangeville, Monday night. FOR COLDS OR PAIN Yellow 0i1 is the best remedy lever used. I hail a healing breast 15 months ago, which was very sore. I got no relief until I tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil, white gave instant relief. Mns . 7vo. Ooana T, St Marys, Ont For croup, quinsy or colds use Yellow Oil. The invitation for tenders for Montreal's now three per cent. loan in London fixes the mihimnm price at 83. The Political Situation Ms not materially changed within the last year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry is becoming better known every week as a euro for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Croup , Loss of Voice and other affections of the throat, Cher and Lungs. For twenty years thisrel labia medicine has been used in snores of families with tho greatest success. Sold by all druggists. Get the genuine in white wrappers only. Count Ealnoky, in a speech to the Austro-Teungarian delegations, said the triple slliauce was in good condition. Yellow Oil has cone good work for 30 years in curing muscular rheumatism, lum, bago oronp, quinsy, colds, sprains, bruises, burns and all pains and aches. It is equal- ly good for man or boast, Peter Darin, the M,rmora murderer, was informed on Sunday for the first time that his death sentence would not be intetfared with. London, ,Tune 9, -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review o't the British grain trade, says: -English wheats are dull and Gd lower. The sales of English wheet during the past week were 51,916 qrs at32s 10d,against 46, 682 qrs at 28s 9d during the corres- ponding week last year. • Dakota farmers are bringing wheat to Gretna, Man., where they realize 7 cents more per bushel, after paying d uty. AAA (IR IR 61/)0" - GO ei :o $1 CO 31 to epi 3 to 325 1Soso 200 .Z to 55 040 to e1 1210 12 521x012 0to5It" 40 to 05v.1 5 39 to 1 T., 0 4 a a O(6to037' 0CSto 10 0 Oe to 0 07 025 to08'O, 4 se to 5 ti9 400 10523' 20010250 55010392 0 63 to 20 050 to 055 018to0 050100 e 25010aloe AAA AAA AAA Ine AMR ball Wheat 096 0 to Spring Wheat 0 ee 0 93 BAracy 0 3., 0 38. Oats ... aD 211 Glover Seen ., , ,,, , ,, ,,,, ,, awe -4:o ATim thy .-........ ......... ..... 22 105441 rsggs5 0 S $utfor 12 016 relir;toes per bag ... 75 Wool per Ib.., 20 020 Ray AArtoat ,s O as 6 S D IOWA per tort. 13 O0 14 00 Short;' " 20 00 20 00 8 04 700 LONDON, Wheat. 31 to 31.Q5er bus. Dats, 251a to 34o per bet. Peas, fr95a to Ola per bus, tar- e bus.SeilerPeed. t39le to �perthuut Uo 10 1i7ic per bested. TORONTO. Toronto. elay23,--1P.heet Spring- No. 2.1.02 to 1.04 pot bus • red winter,No.2.1 CO tea 06 per bus. Manitoba No.1 hard, 1 AA to 1.17 :'Io. 2 1 00 to 1 12; PE&S6ea to 52o par butt. OATS" 3C' to 87c per bus. FLOUR. extra. $3.15 to 54.20 per 1101; straight roller, i,1•75 to SAM; strong bakers 94.00 to 24.50. BARLEY. No 2, e7o to ire ; :''10 3 extra. 44o to go; u, 3)a to4ie. A. Trans- tiol txuea1al xiTxovatl PRACTICAL POINTERS. As a simple, natural laxative, stomachic, blood, brain and nerve tonic, when taken as directed, the value of Burdock Blood Bit- ters cannot be over estimated, while as a cure for constipation, indigestion, Tver diseases, impure blood' sleeplessuess, nerv- ous and sick headache, it is the best that moues, can buy. CONSUMPTION CUIIBD; An old physician retired from practice.hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent Duro for Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh,Astbma and all throat had lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debilityand all nervous complaints, after' having tested its wonderful curative noWers' in thousands of cases, hes felt it his duty to make is known to, his suffering fellows. actuatoclbythis motive ane a desire to relieve human sulfering,,1 will send free pf charge, to all 'who desire it, the recipe, in 'German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent ,bymail by:addressingwith stamp naming this pater. W • k. Novas,: 821) Powers' Block, Roch- ester,N. Y. are (hildre,a Cry for pitcher's Castori Sleeping ear pa;seugera for Pacido cod pointe sin tico Chieai:o, lltlwaukre it St, Paul and 1 u1 n braids: Overland Fast Mail Imine no longer haveto wait in lino at (,'.rauu• ail Bluffs'Tranafer Station to obttde Alec-':". fug car berth reservations went of the Ails. aanri Inver. The new arrangement's made by the Chi- cago. Milwaukee c;t St, Paul Railway obviate All tuck delay and annoyance. For fu' cher particulars enquire of nearest Courtin T ck+t Agent or address A.E.11, Carpenter, General Passenger agent, Mil. week®, Win. W. fr. 198 1Kir1 ,; Street West,.. `oro12to• MATS CURONI() DIS; ASES-tu.j gists Slaceiaf p £- t:iiUii CO 1i11 l.? �::1 5 .., a 1':4-i.:C , [CII.', rte, PRIVATE DISEASES -and Diereses of a I'rivt:te Nat me, as Impotency, Sterility, 'Paris e.•ie, ?es:sees lie. bi1 ts'. etc-, (rite result of yoanti:fel folly and eeeess,1 G:c•e1' • and Stricture of love standing. e\ DISEASES OF OMF -Pk Tafel, Profuse or 5.es • pressed Mens:ruatien, Ulceration, Leueorrbo a, anti ClllcSuMndoausa-3pam ttoo SS pp,n.am.. Dies ',icemen ts the Iv .%0. Somebody lvlust FA_B ..�..., ,.,, M. 0 THE QUESTION IS who bought that bankrupt stook ? Several have adv ertis- ed as Selling cheap- I want it distinctly understood d.id, not get it and do not want it I manufacture ture all nay own Tinware and handle no Pankrnpt stocks, and am in a position at all times to offer good wefl'rnade tinware at lower prices than any other house can sell their twoyears and a half shopwarngools tor. 1 ask you to come y G is a and iaspeet try stock and you will he convinced .'sat s am speaking the truth. My stock is all made of the heat tin that can lie had in the market awl arra selling away down. Wr?! 1G4 Uii, Always it Baud* Dan't forget the stand, Armco eamoeUl'.na.-AreyOU etsturoettat nigtatem] broken of your roat by a Stolt chid muttering and *rain with pain of Outtinv Teethe 11 so send at Duce dad get a bottle of")trs.Wtastow"a$oothing Syrup" tor Chit. dran Teething. Its value is Incalculable,. 18 wiilreitevo the poor little sufferer inn inediateh )enondupon it, mothers; there Is ar,Iulsteke- about, it. it cares Dysentery and Dlarrhtra. regulates the Stomach and llowels.otiree Wind Collo, soltous enc Gains. reduces Indium motion, and gives tone and energy tothe whole eystem. 'lurs,Rinslow's 5aottllug Syrup" for otrlldren teething is p1easautto the taste midis thoproscription s. of one of tis oldest and host tamale o physicians and nurses in the United. $taloa and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -Ave mints a bottle. 1:o sure and ask for •bins \VI:tsr.ow'e poOTIIINO 5'(RVP ".and no oehor end. hoice Seed: 3317-z- Mangel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc., 372.2.01VC O UPE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. IEC'QSE TOR SALE CHEAP. B-o•TTER ,ii EGA -c -S w.BNTFD. DOUPE & CO. - Kirkton, ahna1 es J 0 CD 0 z 0 0 Till; BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Overooatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. t Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter eb Gentlemen ! leave your orders early, for with the. best staff of Tailors ; the best stook ot> Fine Trimmings, and the best Ontting in Town,yo't are sure of satisfac- tion a� QZ'TELL. Will SIOON OF BIG Folland,f One door north Dr, L tz, ephan.to MB ITN fill 11 11 11 Il':11`11'11'' 11 11.11.11,1111' le 11'11 111'1' it will be to your internee to call on us before buying yourBuilding lferdware. Shelf hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire. AL TTAYS LIT Sri/ C 1±irst.c.nss tinware. No two and a half years shelf wore geode to offer. A, ,TISTS *UN IMMASIMMAINIASLIMS111.4•4.1•,MBOONIOC Baby Oarziages and Wagons. Eavetroughing a speciality. Agents ts fol., the Raynionct Sewing Machines. . call solicited. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er� the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, UT OUR Spring ;; Stock --'--IS—' 0 MPLETE Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslim, Shirtings, Cottenades and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. WE OFFER THE Seat Value in. Teas in the country. Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries end Cheap Sugars Call and see. The prices will astonish you. J. P. ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov.13,1889. 4,:ct9TT Hoot Shoe Mak Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones; Sewed W o rka8neciat ty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. DO YOU WAT TO BTJY FURNITURE AT LOWER RA'Z'ES THAN SHAM GOOD —ARE USUALLY SOLD-1-- -THEN OLD_. . -THEN CALL AT- GTDLLY'S -ONLY FIRST -GLASS- Reliable G At Prices Lower that so-ce,l- led Cheap Houses can give Ii > U � r takinin ail its S� Branches. S. GtIDLEY,', (Simmer to C. & 9. Gridley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK