HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-10-06, Page 9I N STAR CHIROPRACTIC ;1TWBBI RT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of ChiropracI te. 0010e Hours;, Mon., Thurs —9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ,Tues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.ne...to 8 a.m. Wed. ds Stk. 0—et 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner o South St and Britannia Road. Phone 341. Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich G. E. CLANCY .Optometrist --.-Optician. (successor to the, late A. I.. Cole, optometrist) For appointment . phone 33, !Goderich. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, ennuitles, business in- surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: House 343J 343W - 39 West St. Goderich C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire., Automobile, Casualty Reay Estate 80 Colborne St., Goderich phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by !Bang Phone 463J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong. OPTOMETRIST Fhone 11,00 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH 1 Geo. G. MacEwan Agency Peter S. MacEwan General Insurance—Real 'Estate. West St. Goderich General Insurance --Real 'Estate ' West St. Goderich ti • TIMBER r --r, roars' the woodsman above the chatter of his power saw as a skinny jack -pine swishes through the air and crashes to the ground. Felling is the first step in the pulpwood harvest and. the beginning of an industrial operation that benefits every Canadian. For trees like this, even though mature, are too small for lumber. But they do make' good paper. • By harvesting such trees the pulp and paper industry promotes the complete utilization of the forest resources and generates a big chunk of the national income. Lower right : Sixteen foot lengths of pulpwood make a big splash as they are dumped into a lake to begin their journey to the,, mills while, upper right, a huge boom of pulpwood"Iogs dwarfs the tug pulling it down a slowly moving river. (Photo by MALAK, Ottawa) AUTUMN COLORING ,I Hog Producers Want Open Market, Many people correctly credit the Higher Prices, President Claims M sugar maple with the brilliant coloring seen in the fall. There are other species that add to this coloring and several 'color weeks earlier than the sugar maple. The red maple turn a brilliant -red along the middle of September and they are followed soon by the !white ash which has a bronie col- oring. The hickory are yellow and they color before the sugar maple. Another species that has brilliant. coloring later in the fall, and which has an advantage that the leaves stay 'longer on the trees, is .the red oak. The leaves of this species turn' a brilliant. red. It will grow any place in Southern Ontario,although it is . not dis- tributed generally and there are several species of shrubs that also color early and they are found growing in all^ parts. There are two species of dogwood, the blue beech and sumach. 0 0— o Known as "Hub City" and '"Salt .city," Syracuse, New York, began its history as a salt manufacturing centre and first was settled by the French in 1654. monommodwomonamoommor DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS 1S OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. B. R. Munday Phone 598 127 Widder St. 22tf WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE SEE A. J. Alexander .Get Insured—Stay Insured Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE_ 268 CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. PRYDE & SON EXETER LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE— ALEX SMITH GODERICH - 146 ELGIN AVE.. } • PHONE 158 EXAMPLES , OF LOANS Is M0. 154.19 $12 Above poyments cover everything! Euo_n El gyp' IA for in.bbetween amounts ore in propos t on. +-16111- 21 c 1" — 40F. 4t,a for your RaEintitrip. ► Phone for loan in one visjt. Loan c.ustorti-tailored to needs and income. Use Bill Consolidation Service ... with- out cost ... to r'bduce payments, con- solidate bills. Phone, write, or come in. -:'toast tI• 1r$11001ii'"iiiVa 21 IMIWNIE St, 2nd. (Above Sally Shops), S 'RATFORD -Phone: Straffprit X855 • Ask. forte YES MANager ' . OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE FOE EVENING HOURS loans made to residents of all surrounding towns ® Personal Finance Company of Canada Ontario hog producers -want the freedom of an open market and the chance of ,higher prices, Charles W. McInnis, president of the On- tario Hog Producers' Association said in Exeter last Wednesday night. "We have not had that freedom 'because the processors have been spending millions to keep hogs going direct to„them," he said: ' Speaking to a meeting of 700 producers of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association he said: "It is good business and we cannot blame them, but we want all hogs in a' ,position so our marketing agencies can direct them. to the packer who is willing to pay the highest price." Progress Report W. R. Lobb, president of the Huron association, said the meet- ing was a progress report On: the co-operative since lit carne into • being June 1. "The purpose to get a better knowledge of what is going on," he said. "We have a good class of hog in Huron County and we want to know wiiat's being done with them." He told the producers—that a question and answer period would follow the main speeches.,' General manager of the co-oper- ative, Jake Kohler, said it is plan - hied to open assembly points at Windsor, London, Stratford, Barrie, Peterborough, Ottawa and to util- ize the Montreal . stock yards. "Thesepoints will be staffed so we can direct truckers,, to take the, hogs they are carrying direct to the' factory if we have them sold," he said. "The hogs will not neces- sarily .be unloaded there (at the assembly point). The selling will be done from our head office in Toronto. The men at the assembly point will act more or less .as despatchers." Question Period Theodore Parker; Ellice Town - 41. The roar of an aircraft engine during ground test can rattle windows and nerves for blocks around. So we're glad to report that aluminum has turned up as a noise -absorbing "honey- comb" in an aircraft company's test -cell. Hundreds of aluminum tubes of differing diameters and lengths, filled with absorbent, sound -baffling material, make up the end walls. And we ars told that by the time the giant roar has bounced around in these aluminum mazes it comnes out the other end thoroughly "baffled" and weeket led to a hum. We expect there are lots of aluminum boosters around that factory! ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA,, LTD. , (ALCAN) ship, near Stratford, opened the question and answer period : by tell- ing the producers he was 'Well known for his "so-called opposition to all this." Mt. Parker earlier this year opened --a campaign against th Producers' Association 'and United, Livestock Sales Ltd., which was then the marketing agency for the association. The U.L.S. contract expired May 31. Mr. Parker: "How much money did the Hog Producers' Association have' to pay for U.L.S. and is it registered with the Farm Products Marketing Board?" Mr. McInnis: "We found it to 'our advantage to buy outs'' .L.S." He outlined expenditures which in- cluded $8,000 for co-operation and goodwill, $16,000for rental of the ,buildiix g, and $18,000 for office machinery. He said he did not believe it was registered with the Farm Products Marketing Board. Mr. Parker: "Who were the truck- ers. who received $3 a hog, and who were the packers who paid it?" (Last Month' Mr. McInnis said same truckers were understood to be 'paid from 50 'cents to $3 a hog to take them direct to plants, rather than through the open mar- .ket. Ninety per cent of all hogs were handled this way). rMr. McInnis: "Since the begin- ning of this operation we have never dragged individuals into this and we won't start'now." There was same good-natured crossfire between Mr. Parker and Mr. Koehler during the question- ansWer period. A few other pro- ducers spoke briefly from the floor. 0 0 0 MANY ATTEND BIG SALE OF H. C. CUTT AND SON About 1,000 people attended the opening day sale on Thursday last marking the entry of H. C..Cutt and Son into the Red and White Food Market chain. While the proprietorship,of,the store remains unchanged, joining the Red and White means becoming a imember of a co-operative buying chain of stores located all over Ontario. Each 'customer on opening day received ,a "soft drink free and a carton to take home. Ten times .each day ,during the first three days an alarm clock rang signalling that the customer who was at that moment at the cash desk was the winner of a free' bag of groceries. On October 8, a 'draw will take place to determine the winner of a Kroehler rocker on display now in the store . window. The present H. Cult and Son was established .in 1915—some 40 years ago—by the late John Cutt. Mr. Max Outt, Harvey Cutt's son, is the third generation in the business. 0 0 0 Signal -Star classified ads bring results. FAST RELIEF FOR . e TIRED FEET FIINARD'S '"KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT SHORTHORN HONORS Two Ton C•.aunty breeders, W. A. Culbert and Soaus, of Dungan- non, and -Andrew Gaunt and Stink, of, St. 'Helen's, took 'top honors a •the Shorthorn Regional Fair at. Seaforth. There were 133 entries in the Shorthorn classes.. Maple Emblem Land;, Mark, 'a junior bull in the Culbert - herd, was both junior champion • and grand champion. ,His dam placed second at the Royal' Winter Falx as a senior calf.The: reserve grand, championship went to Andy Gaunt. The 'senior and grand champion female, Maple Emblem Broatihooks 19th, was also from the Culbert herd with 'Hi -11111 Rosewood from the Gaunt farm winning reserve ch'a'mpion honors. Judge of the show was Redford Gaxdhouse, prominent Shorthorn breeder. Some of 'these prize—winning animals 'will be offered at the Cul- bert-Gaunt ulbert-Gaunt annual Shorthorn 'sale to be held in the Luckrxow Arena on Tuesday, October 18. The Reg- ional Junior champion bull, Maple Emblem Land Mark' is to be sold as well as Milner's Aocounter, the' young bull in the, Gaunt herd, which sired. Hi Till -Count, the sax - months' -old bull that • Chas been doing so well at distract fairs. Huron .has won the diistinetion of being an'outstancbing beef breed- ing county, with several fine beef herds fin the Dungannon area. Tfie second floor tenant called the party below and sh'oute'd: "If you don't stop playing that saxo- phone, I'll go crazy." "I guess it's too late,". came the reply, "I stopped an hour ago." UICK CASH LOANS Borrow thg cash you need., quickly and easily at' Trans Canada Credit, You don't need endorsers or bankable security. Your own credit, backed up' by your car or "home furnishings, is all the security we need. Call us today. THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY ORMY 148 THE SQUARE Phone Goderich 797 T55-6 A uRA caMPA,yr Since /8891 NL4D OFf/CE' NATERLOO. ONTARIO E. INC. ROSS Representative 'EBB ROSS i . Says. Our Dominion Security Plan means im- mediate and substantial protection for loved "ones when Whey needif,W"'and' if you lived it means' a retirement fund for you. Ask me about "Dominion Security". b Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 A. The secretary • ways 0.4,444#14 that Atlur 'Oleg bad • gra .so ilia teed.?, it was inaPo45,Wew god anythilag. The bins was syr .a OW n careful by nature. ��vVell, w !'at shouidi we do14' ' "A.t least," was the answer, "het me destroy lbe letters that,. are more than ten years old.". as a i# as t years 'ate a ' t'3an.ada's for pre couldn't fill tIletr Go to SHORE APPLIA for FRIGIDA REFRIGERATOR •i ,.wrtvJvt C j- rco:i.Y:41Y}i nragaf .^ �&•ft., ... EIITES FOR POWERFUL GETAWAY? aa' For information about AIR FORCE life FJO Gloria Mile (Female -Career Counsellor) will be in ? AT 'PPE TOWN HALL GODERICH On THURS., OCT.' 13, from 12 p.m. to 8 Parents Welcome. That free sample of Nestle's QUIZ{ the postman life at your door was delicious, wasn't it—or did the youngsters get to it first? Now you know how chocolaty -good fresh milk can taste with that famous Nestle's chocolate flavour. And weren't you amazed how easily the QUIK powder dissolved with one quick stir—even in refrigerator -cold milk! Stayed mixed too, right down to the last delicious sip. Particularly'Satisfying is Nestle's QUIK in hot milk —for breakfast, after school or as a nourishing nightcap. Children and grown-ups alike love QUIK's chocolaty -rich flavour whenever and however you serve it. USE YOUR COUPON THIS WEEK! That coupon you received with your sample of Quik is valuable. Pin i°t to this week's shopping list. It's to help you introduce your family to the nourishing chocolaty goodness of Nestle's Quik at a great saving. Quik is always economical. HOT 01R COLO -DELICIOUS EITHER''NIr1'/sf►`11 •