The Exeter Times, 1890-6-12, Page 11 • AND HURON 66. MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE. CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL XVII. 'NO; a6. EXETER, ONTARIO, TBURSDA1 ATORNII G, JUNE 12, 1890 JOUN worm ,so SONS' Publisher$ and Peoprletore "LEGAL. The M oisons Bank . DIOEIS(T1, Borderer, Soli *. (CHARTERED • citoxof9upreme Coart,Ilotarppuhlio PaidupEzapital 8e,000,00 Conveyances Commiseionex,eze Money to Reclined ... 1.000,OC Goan. 0 u Fa ecn's Block, Exeter. FfoaaORlce, nfontxeal. F. It OLPERSTAN TR43IAS,Esq„' fl LI S, Gsuatnai.3.taxaose !� N O • 20 brsnrhoffices inthe Dom inion. Aseneie Batrrister,Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ito., in the Domini on,v.S.A.aneEurope. Exeter Branson, Olsen every lawful day, from 10 a.m,to$ Into S iT URDAYS,10 a an•to l non. 41.'crCont.perannum atlowedformoney on Deposit Receipts ZE, ARCHER Manager, elt leoe'ETI . - ONT. OfficeearuwellesBleele 11x11"sola offiiee.) - LLIQT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publ•ac, Conveyancers &o, &o. t money to Loan at Lowest Baton al interest. OFFICE, - MAIN -STREET, EXETER. TEIR. D. v. 31140T. 3. newer. DENTAL, .13 L. BILLING%, A -L• r.?B1s eMTST. OFFICE: eve, ()WEIL'.1 Baal:, Nitraua Oxide Gas for Painless Extraotiou. 11• $annvell, s Block, Maiu•st, Exeter, Retreats Teeth wltl,outeata. by gRiving VegetableYopor. iletd Filings awl all outer dental worm the best posew da. tide to ?oaten onlaatrhuredesiu Dao» repute 'KINSMAN , DENTIST,i.i.D.S MEDICAL 3 W. 13.1101fT�iDIG Vii. D„ I. G C7 • 1'.:i,Ir:tduateslictoriaUnfverst-tyanneo inair e*ldenee,T)ou::i'ion aboratarv,l.noter .ILYAlD.T . L coroner f•,r rho County of iittrou, 011loo, opposite Mr. ., Carlintl's storo,l+xeter. ii,, J. A. ROLLING, 2.8 0, dice, Main S,,.e xotex,On£.Ro+iden cettousorocontlY 000upied by 1' • lfol'hrlUps, Esq. LF. CUTTEW, M D., G. b1., . Graduate Trinity Vfniver:+ity, Tor- onto I Fel. 'Prin. Mod, school ut Toruo ; Grad. Am lust*, Cranioloz -, Member N. Y. Acad. Auth ology;limber Col. P. Se Oat.- oflkoey shweed.0 nt. AUOPIONE1ItS. iaNRY SILBER, Licensed Ana - dormer tor itay,Stephen, and dtctlilli' ,ray Townships. 13alesoondaotodatrnotcerato :ages, t)Mlle.AtPoet-ofee,Oredttaneent. �0 vsf 'ILL, Auationeer for the a of Stephan, Hay anti Tialtoruo an n. !ago of Excitor. All solos prornutly e sttona. andaattafaat1on guaranteed. grant oad. a3a1s arreueo�l,atthis officio. VETERINARY. QFIELLINGLAW & CURRIE. Voterinary Surgoons oan be consulted at Clark's Hotel, Orediton, or at Staffo. A full stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. R. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon, . Honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary Coltege,;foronto, wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to do all work in Vbtorinarer lino, Calls answered at all hours. Office, Kirktou, 3 mo , Ont, TT C. DOAN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College. Wresto. honorary member of tho Medical Society, Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Office, opposite Bosseeberry's hotel, Iionsall. N. B.-Vet- orinary dentistry and surgery a specialty. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, rldeat es of the Ontario Veterinary Ooliege OFFICE : One 'Mier South of Town Ball. MONEY TO LOAN,.' - ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 • per cent, $20,000 Private Sounds. Beat Loaning Companies represented. L.II DICKSON, Barvister,l Teter, INSU1 .1WE. HE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF felei'-&De. ead (Mee, London, Ont. After 31 years of suceossfut business, still continues to offer the owners or farm property and private residenoes, either on buildings or oaiitents.the most favorable proteetuon in naso or loss or damage by fire orlightninx, at rates upon siuoh liberal terms. that no other respect- able oompany actuate rd to write. 42,`;75 poli: cies in foreelstJan ,1890. deficits .fa 3/8,429.00 in oash in bank. Government deport, Deben. titres and Premium Notes. Jearlts GRANT, President;' D. C. Mouo;rAsn, Manager, , DAVID Jeeves, Agent for Exeter "andvicinity. ll WATERLOO UT'UAL v L'iiil; INS RANO E00. Established in 1863. .1EAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO,ONT. This com.any has been over-11tfhteen ertrainiuoeossxul operation in Western Ou- ttrio,iundsoritivnes to insure agaiustloss or ,t age by ta'ire Bulldlugs,Wteronaudise ltfan- faotories,nnd 1,11 other leseri1 tionsoftinaur- blot>eopsrtq. Cate ailing insurers have the ptionafiusuein mita Pronhiuni Note or O ash System . • 0 During the past ten. years this Company "" hasiseued ;7,090 Policies.coverinl nroperty o the Lateentot'i40,872,088 ;and paid int oss. os alone 1700,712,00 AssetS, ''3176,100.00, i oneistinpe 1 O ash ndank ,GovernmentDerosit,andtheunaee. ss ederemiurnNotesoa nandandiu force. 3' . W WALDEN M D..Preeidei.t O. ht.TASLon Secretary, J.BetluG'Kne,in;peotor, OHAS. Nt1LL ARontfor''hcoterandvlcinity, • oldsmith ,. Hall! -es-ear es -077 ee. WATCRES,- CLOCKS, JiWI':LuY,- SILYERWARE. --AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. flee- Personalattontiou given to repairing of watchm,olaohsandiowe ry: C.ItEICHENB, .CEE, Opposite I'ost Office, PAR,KIXILL CENTRAL arber Sho FANSON' S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and, flair Cutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paittte cutting Lad eesart(AiJlula e:t,s`iarra 4 , Eyes Tested FREE --BY-- .C.]-. S 1 t,J RR.4. -i- , Practical Optician, Graduate O tic School N'Y. Eros tested ; defective sight roatorodby the aid offine slaws. Largo assortment of tho finestglasses on hand. A oallsolioited. A S- S Zim.A.'s"r 160 XrCTIN'9.A8-ST London. Special Drives For the next few weeks iu good fast colored plaints, Beautiful goods 10, 11 rx 12io., , just what you want for your hildirell, and every piece washes., 13 yds for $1.00. 'ARASOLS. We are surprised to see them go so fast ; but we bad lots of them and have, plenty to please you yet. Nice colored parasols ?acts, Sum- mer Dress Goods—ire can more than astonish you, People say where did you get then—well, we got therm cheap and aausell them °heap and, not only dress goods bui all general lines. Remember you a a,n get cash for butter eggs at the old established, RRUMFTON BROS. WA -N T.L-+�D. Mon to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal- ary orComimssion. I cenmako a eu000esful SALESMAN' of anyone who will wort and follow my in- atruetioae. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM.Nursoryman, Moh1613t Toronto, Ont. 5 Packs of Cards, FREE Escort ; One MayI.Flirtation Home nePack, Peek to the light; Ono Pack, OurSofe Inst holds two. One sample book full of Novelties, all FREE, if you send 5o. silver. for postage. .A..'W-. S=NS7'r -, Yarmouth 1'T g, FRED W. FARNCO�iB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- a-zrrF3emR, Offloe,TTpstairs,Samwoll'eBlock. Exeter. Ont. Sari ESME INT "Vic” Taim: Good Salary and Expenses. or Commission paid to tho right men. S want ;men 25 to 50, Years of a o to sella full line of first class Nursery Stook. All stook guaranteed. Apply at once, stain; nee and references. • C. L. BOOTB:13y. Rochester. N. Y Valuable Fftr pillage Prolierty -F R: SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF ,EXETER. Tenders are invited and will be received up to TuesdaV, 15th July, purchase of the following valuable prop erties, belonging to the amen Pickard, Exeter. 1.-Part form lot 20, first concession, • Usborne, containing about 20 acres. PAROEL 2. -Fn rm lot 19, first concession,Tlsborno,no ntaining about 85 acres. PARCEL 8, -Farm lot 18, -first concession, 'Osbornecontaining about 00 nacos. PAPC)EL I. -Two o brick, storax -throe atcres's high, fitted for Dry Goods, (-occupied be Brompton Bros.) ;and Hardware and Groceries (occupied Howard).J•,N; oward). PARCEL ono l,ota,y and 5, Main St., and .splendid two stoles brick dwelling s 1, 3. and 4, Main St. pgirth, corner roadlotl0 lWlillroad ; lot A. Andrew street, north. Lots 78, 79 and 80, Huron St.. and lot 69 Amelia street, Exeter ani tender not noceessnrily acoepted. Further particulars on application GEORGE SAMWELL,, Assignee,] Exeter: 1890, for the estate of J . ' 5. -Pill thereon.. ALSO Villsge lots ' North. The highest , or the to June 12-5t. Joshua Johns and the Orange Order. To the .'Suitor of the Exeter Times. na.e.lt Stn. --My letter to the Trams re. Gently, "'Rebuking a Slanderer," canned Mr, Joshua Johns, of Elitnville, to father the false charges calmly made against the Orangemen as a batty. Since the correa- pondent has been unwillingly tatnnasl.ed the brethren have had au opportunity to gaze upon, to their heart's content, a Pro- tectant who does not care for an Oraugo. tnan'a obligations, Mr. Joshua Johns claims to have dealt vary kindly with me in hie first epistle, but to forgets to state that in the same breath he shoots Ids poisonous arrows at the Orange order. If it is a disgrace to calla spade a spade, or to characterize a false accusation as a slander, or to unfurl the banner of trach before the eyes of one who reiterates his former false charges and who in his desire to get away from the subject fortuuletes new ones. Why, then, I must pleats guilty o But Mr. Johns has thrust Int»self in an awkward position and an intelligeut public, and a great brother. hood will judge him according to the mer- its of bit case. If Joshua Johns bets no love for a war- fare ofthis hind or wish feel- inga sltoin' injure e , 1 u e inga of Orangemen whom ho highly es- teems," he should not have thrown down the gauntlet. There was not ono word in the lecture to warrant the aspersions he cast upon the Orange Order. His repeat. ed slanders "apply equally to grit and tory." He says I object to three of his assertions and cannot prove one of them Woe. I am on the defensive, and if Mr. Johns wire' honest he would certainly prove his assestions to be true. The Orange Order is composed of Reformers, Conservatives and Independents. It is a well known fact, especially since the men - dates recently issued by Archbishop Cleary were made public, that Catholics in parlia- mentary elections go either one way or the other in a body. What position does this place Joshua Johns in ? It must be one of two. That all Orangemen vote either grit or tory in a body with the Roman Catholics. He has stated so in plain words, and I characterize the accusation as a slander. I still hold that he slander- ed the Orangemen and the above should be enough to convince au intelligent public. It would not be a surprise if Mr. Johns were now to formulate a charge that all Orangemen are Roman Catholics. One would be as ridiculous as the other. Joshua Johns can see nothing in Equal Rights except from his own narrow view, My lecture did not please him because it did not resemble something Rev. Principal Cavan has said. Consequently ,Toshua Johns is not a son of his father because he does not happen to resemble hien. And then to cover up his slanders against the Orange Order, makes this bold statement: "You stand convicted of deliberately de- ceiving the people by obtaining a chance of delivering your lecture under "false pretences " I agreed in writing to lecture on Oran eism and an Orangeman's obliga- tion, promising to incidentally refer to Equal Rights and Jesuitism. And yet Mr. Johns, the good man that be is, has the hardihood to make the solemn charge against me of deliberately deceiving the people by obtainine a chance to deliver my lecture under false pretences. The charge is untruthful and worthy only of a partizan of the stamp of Joshua Johns I challenge him to prove his assertions by the letter in wbioh I engaged to lecture at Elitnville. No doubt he can procure it. If he can substantiate. by it, or twist or torture one word to mean that I deceived the people, that I wished to obtain a chance to lecture at'1Jlimvfllo, or that I lectufed under false pretences, now is the time for him to demonstrate that his charges are true. He cannot do so. I charged your cerres• 'pondent, who when disrobed, is none other than Joshua Johns, with being a partizan. Bre says theehargo is not true because he never attended a party caucus or conver- sion; Possibly Archbishop Cleary is as free froin pnrtizanism:in that respeet as Mr. Johns. And. again, we know that tlrch- bishop Cleary, a bitter' Romanist cleric, has repeatedly slandered in the most bitter; language, the Protestants and Oraugenteu of Canada ; ,and again, we.: know that Joshua johns, a .-0: dossing Protestant Christian, bat slandered and formulated false charges against the Orangemen of Biddulph district, of the so'siheru part of the county of Huron, and against myself. T leave your readers to judge whether .Joshua Johns is a partizan or not. It is a notorious fact thatto-day we have in our Protestant churohes'men who are towingmade of error, men who seek too o s w.dtsc rd ratherha 1 'v t n o n #t ata unity, and there is undoubtedly moreaffinity be- tween their machinations and Romanisrw than many suppose. The Orange Society is a peaceful ono. "Defence" not "defi- ance," is the principle that guides it. It laYsuo claim to e Io eItv or ox- elasile Protestantism ; but it admits no man within its pale whose principles aro not loyal and whose creel is notProtest- aut. Tile duty of Orangemen is to aid and defend a 1 loyal subjects of ':very religious persuasion. Let me remind Mr, Johns that in future be should "wield the sword of the Spirit. which le the Word, of Cod. and not the word of slander and abuse which will injur a one but himself." If holovea the Etlua Blpllto cause and highly esteems Orangemen as hoipeofestree, he must ceaate slandering the Oraugr,'Order and demon- strate that he has in his heart the spirit of &pal Rights to all, otherwise his pro. teased principles will count for cathing. The Crane Order will stand the most severe dissecting, audit Aar. ,Johne desires I will cheerfully assist in tate work, but he should remember that hie cavo must go to the dissecting room, anti that without the assistance of an M. D. lie will be dealt with ne severely as hie deep rooted disense will warrant. , Yours, ate., A. M. Tone Clinton, June 3r4, 1890. [We would'remind both Aar. Tadd and Mr. Johns that if they with to continue their discussion they must do so throu,gli some other medium.] 1' vaso them 4 yy with. rn ve Or. wee TSift .tC. I g rk a P e$ 3 t W. J. Stacey and J. A. Robinson were altos. en captaiue, the side of the latter gamine out victorious after a close and exciting rape. -.The frost of Thursday niabt last ail o very email amount of damage, leo doubt ownbeg to the excessive quencity of moisture in the row d-V7hito engaged, a eJla glazing a smell boons et Whalen earner on Friday last, Mr. G. 1, Money who wag polling e: large chisel in bis band to secure the glass, rocetved A slitbt electric shock in the left arm during the etorea.-It is proposed to hold a nni0n picnic this summer us conned- tion with the three parishes of the Sir&ton C. of E. mission --Mr ,T. Taylor of tbfa Mace has paxchassd the Eirkters 1304 awl proposes remodelling it and sna'hlsig other eatenelve ttiteretiona duriee the scaling fall. Mount Clarmel- TboXount Carmel 1.irsnio is not post- poned, it will be field atm Jeuo 25th. The ladies are preparing en excellent dinner. A committee of met nave *barge of gales for winch prizes will be awarded. A football match is expeeted. Among other annum. merits Will lee a five f'latlorat for the High- land fling and Irish jigs, All may prepare for a day of innocent atuuaements, Loop out fors special program next week. 11.+411,10.11 Granton. hitters --;lir. 5, Clark is organizing a Court of Foresters hero. -tire. S. Coxou has just finished paiettes a largo number of uggies, to the aatisfaetion fof the owners, and is at present engaged in petting a few extra tonoltos ou Mr. Pine's vorauda,-Our band boys look start in their new cape and presented a fino appearance at tho .Bryan- ston piopio. They were complimented on all sideelor the excellent music they gave. --The Granton baseball club defeated the Bryauatenn club last week. Saorc, 3$ to 3. Nelson Dang,4ord umpired the gain ver satisfactrrily.-lir. Eagleson McDonald, f l3lansbard, heel barley headed out on May 27th, Dashwood. Bnu rs-Mr B. Cook is in Parry Sound at present. Mr. Stables has charge of the bare. -A number of the young folks attended the tea.meoting hold in Sharon one evening last ween, -There is some talk of having a wheel picnic next week. -On Friday last Mr Greb, Health Inspector, paid our school a visit. -A number of our citizens went to Zurich on Tburaday even- ing last to hear the returns of the election. —Mr. Holmes passed through our village on Thursday evening. He has gone back to Toronto, -Mr. Hardy and wife of Zurich, wore in our village on Sunday evening. - Miss Brown who was Mr Hall's Milliner last year passed through bare on Sunday. - Misses Weber and Voeiker were in Zurich the other day. e11S1 O©tsca,ax--It is with feelinge of regret that we are celled upon to record the death of ono of the most highly respected of our citizens, who departed this life ou Wednes- day evening last, Deceased was born in Scotland, and alter reaehing manhood Mr. Donald Iobluson sailed front (Glasgow far America. Leath to less "Aide S+ It e's heathen hill," but bent on following Dame Fortune in her western home, and he was exceedingly successful, haying muased a considerable amount of this world's goons. as well as that which is necessary for the world to come. Tho legend took place on Friday, the Citi, and the remains. wbioh were followed by alergeconcoarso of friends, were interred in Bodgerville.oemeleryt The Ito,. $r. Henderson who otticiatel gave n chart anal very apptopriete address. Battles --Election being pest butineas is attain the order of the date -it is reported that tate California Clarke is about to be- come "Whits.".. -life are Warmed that ono of oar "mutts townatiea, Mr. C.;A. Arc. Brinell. has purchased an interest in grocery in Exeter. Try and remain here Charlie. -Mr F, Myreeiserecting a dwelling on hie new1ate. Robert Morrison in returning thanks to hie numerous oustotnerrand .the aublio generet for the liberai patronage he has received in the pest, begs to lomat; nee that hieatack cleaner.'" goods for the spring and 4utnwcr seasons trade will found i l be f nd Dora to . welt sa clad and a prices to meet the po prevailing hard times !laving added largely to his stock of wall anti oiling papers heeordialtylnvites =inspection of the same feeling confident that tor varnetia ttuaiity end price i t will compare very favorably with any in the market. hire bt.n a call for anything you want. No tumble toahowgoods. Highest price for butter and rxcgs. Remember the plaoo-deubio stnrea-ltcsrdtelt's Btu opposite Murdock's .t; Co , Mansion house. Whalen. Brume. -The election campaign jug closed ws a very quiet one around -here, and the result is taken very oomplaoently ; but as the Trues did not come to hand on Friday night as usual, some anxiety was expressed as to its effect on the editor,.-. The excessive rains of the past week have done considerable damage to erops on low lying land. The downpour of rain and hail on Friday almost washed things oat of the ground. -For some reason, yet unexplained, the garden party announced for 28th May did not come off. -Mr. end 'Mrs. George Langford of Milverton, who were visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. Morley, returned home last week. -Mrs, Steele, of Toronto, and Mrs. l3opkin of Seaforth, are at present visitingparents and friends hare. -Potato bogs aro droned in ample time and usual iunumer 't b . oculi ale q y Crediton. fid). . Burnes -•Mr Wm. Levis left on Thursday last to attend Conference at Chatham and was aceumanied by Mr. Wm. Sanders as far as Lonon.-Mrs. W. L. Siebert and Mrs. J800b. Ilaist are visiting friends in Berlin One. -Master Bayle Kibler had the misfortune the other day to break hiscollar bone, be bas had it reset and is doing nice- ly again.--1l3ase Ball is having a good run, and the boys get out on the field every evening when the grounds are fit. The village people have helped the boys along well, and financially they are "all right".- Our band Bus' secured :the engagement for the Centralia Festival on the first of July. - Mr James Clark has commenced alterations on his livery atabie and will make extensive repairs on it, which when :completed will make it We of the best in the County, Our tailors. intend "taking in" the tailor's picnic, at Grand Bend on Tuesday next. 114Ir Ohm.. Brown bas commenced operations. for the seaso:tt,in tbe cheese factory. Kirietote. Bruen. Kinner i;nzt�ns,-itev, J..dunor anei : Mr. A, A, Doupe were in attendance at tbo Methodist Conference field in Stratford Hest week, At the first reading of appointments' Rev. J. Kenner was stationed for ICirkton,-On Saturday last a number of willing Lauds gathered together at the residence of Mr. W. M. Leigh, for the curpose of raising the framework for his new barn. Sides were chosen and after the astral amount of jang- Tedt,eed from 5650 to 31,;O; D.Steik rogue. rr 4 ' d from 993J to �7a0; P. aortal reduced from. 51200 to $000: August Bhnes reduced from $200 to f,WYJ -Carried. Iieyrack-viol.-thettbefollowiug changes be eerie ie the sss:sstneut roll,--Sairtnei Treilry be assessed for S. 13, L. R. B.; rslo.ro -.r. )Il _ASt ot ]$ iu.toaa o. l:'rri Jseze iloriel Bell for N. [ 17. eon. a, instead el Wirt. Caiwill ; George If e r for S. A 5. can. 1, in'teud, of I), null P. iutry ; H. 'reser. for N. of W. A 33, 1. D.. iusteal sof 0. Co ; S. Livergeoet arid, A"1:at'faint. far R', y 10.004. 8, rastered of C. Ca: John Chambers,, for& N..E Chneacr for W. } of &. 1. *mad of Rife..• 110u4riak;.a Se-men:x*0er and l3. Embers for `ll , Qom 15, bonged of O. Co ;; Ed, Wee ler N. l=ie t,'c 20, goy. 5. taste ll, a,1' N.nt. tdatwell ; anti that the foliewing naumpe, be aide l e--Ge.n. P. ArnatJ, James Baty oaneh, Wm. Rabinseo, F, O'Neil, Eat. Az', tit 13enelier.--earrie>df :i .t t-sll - Icir -aha* tire court of Revision L' ct, :o l en i the: tate Mementout roll ap - r:svinetl he adopted et the aviesestneet roll of 1',.oJ-Cerrsed. After the aljoarmmm it of the Gaut cf liaviaian the cauneli met when thin follow. ing business wee divested of; The taieettta of the previnae tweeting read end. Approved. Moir -Schnell -that J. -McEwen be el 0 3 to do hie statute labor on the Za,ich toad d nigeLJe his Perm. ftiayrocic--.'oelker-•that Air. :F. Fare. Counh be appointed en,,,lneee Ander the Dutch and water amuse Act, and that be he eeii43 per tray, 92 for an award 10e eac;t writiue necessary uotieee and milage, and that 3 l v ..a patted Noontime the atafur. Wit r th,t the following. awls. pyi•i, ;.w • 3, il'illia re, Sour for inligeatl 3t.'.25; .1t.=. ;Amgen, 'needier Air. Paula. d KO. Kasper Weber, moving hall farnitare. 75x; Eli11m:stlfer, digging drain, $7.ir): D. 43 -iia, repairing cnivtrt, Tao; Win. I, ,,, „rs8et, ', 25 ; 11.:R. Jolmaon, clerk ere t'n '., ; clan, Diller. repairiug clrivert. , ,--t'ar:i•' 1. e' are 11--lfuir-that the following Myra - rut "' -, .:t far roads be made, as herein num- t; ,•r1, vita centre road, Div. No. 1.1i. Carlyle. ;«ia,t No. 2, Collin Smith, 42'25,; No. 3, J. Solseutler. $100; NO. 4. N- Mum. $ :d; N. B , ti, Troyer and H. Giea, $200; S. It.. .r.lt. tiohneideraad J, Wagner, 8l30. Vie the council ,i: 'cru to meet en the 19th of Jaty next. Sax J, Tiara, Clerk, Bayfield. Bmcrs.--Mr. Andrew' Towllo, who has boon from home for a year or no, returnel last week. -looser*. Jatuu Ferguson. Anti Israel Jeffrey are home from the Unsterile. -Rev. \Ir. Rodgins and wife were in town one day lost week.--M.t�ics Nesbit of London, is the guest of Miss Mose, Goderiolt tp.- Wo are pleased to learn mth t Mr. M. Baker is getting better. At ono time his life we despaired of, but under the skillful treat- ment of Dr. Wright, no is progressing favor- ably, --Mr. Thos. Anderson has been veru ill, bet is now improving.-- ufosere. 3owttt, Edwards and Aloorbonse have built are• froshment stand in Mr. Jowett'° grove. - On Wednesday, 25th June, the church of England Sabbath school scholars will picnic on Jowett'e hill. -The Royal Template are making great preparations for their mon- strous picnic here on July 1st. Five lodges aro to take part and each lodge will furnish a part of the enteatainment which will cou- siat of songs, °haruees, recitations, speeches' eta. Varna and Bayfield are to play foot- ball. Be sure and awns. Sharon. ANsursit ons -The tea -meeting of the Sharon Methodist church which took plana Monday evg , the 2nd hist., was a success in every respect. There was upwards of 300 took supper, which was served from 6 to 8 o'clock. The tattles preseuted a gorgeous array and were the admiration of all, which speaks well of the young ladies who deoorat- ed them for the oceasiou. The cooking was excellent and wae.the praise of all, which shows that tbe Sharon church ase not be- hind in that line. The program, which commenced at 8 o'clock, :was a very lengthy one, in which the Exeter Harmonica Band took a prominent part, which was much relished by all. Mr. Wm. Hardy, of Mc. Gillivray, 000upied the chair in a very efficient manner and caused a great deal of amusement by hie anecdotes. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Redmond, gave a terse epeeoh which was enjoyed by all. Much praise is due to the Harmonica Battd for their part of the program ; and the spies bytherise P g n 1ll es 'Gill were well. rendered. The organist, Miss Laura. Kinsman, did her part well, and de- serves great praise. The program was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem, assisted by the Harmonica Band. Mr. Redmond then pronounced the benediction. Atter tbia a sale took plane in the shed --eatables of which there was abundance and flour, tea, sugar, eta., was sold to the highest bidder. Proceeds over $50. Mr. Samuel Broltenehire's valuable horse, "Jumbo," bade farewell to this earth one day last week. Ur. Hartnoll, of Eaoter, preached to the Methodist church here on Sunday last, Mr, Redmond being away to Conference. Hay Council. Comte or Brvxsrom-Council met as a Court of Revision and appeal' on Saturday May 31st. The members all present. The oath prescribed by statutewas taken by each member and the coact became ar.gau. 'Ned with the Reeve as chairman thereof. Heyrock-Vorlker-that the .'appeals tc, this court be considered and : lis. P.aged of ma follows :-George Whiteman, appeal not sustained ,• Alfred Whiteman do ; John Preng appeal against not suetainea John Beichert do ; George B11cliauan do ; Da io1 Steinbach do ; N. Foster do ; R. Cook 6o ; E d. Hardy do; J. Treunsuer do ; W, tfeiontmus do ; C. Millar appeal not sus- tained. Dan Sippel be reduced from •g450 to 6350. b, Gottchalk, appeal not sustained; William Colwell do ; J. Sobentler do; P. Beichert do , P. Bender .do ; Chas. Brill U`ebarne Council. (Toa late for last week) 'alto Council met as a Court of Revision on the alga of may, pnratumt to uolass duly piv,'tr. All the members were present and duly sworn. - • 11h:revterenoappeals, but the Assessment 11 di was thoroughly examined and the faluwing changes and additions made on aecouut of removals, deaths. property olsnngtng baud*, ole„ viz : 11 Harney was <ov,:l,:e,1 es Taunt, lot 23 con. 4 ; John' Vopelaud assessed as owner of lot 11, S. E. R., and W. 3. Pearaon's name atruok off. L•i% E. 6, con, 4, was assessed to W. and R. Quintan, owners; Joseph Davis as- sessed as faint owner of part lot 14, con. 1, mei Thomas Cornish asseaged for part 16, con 2, instead of James Westoott, whose name was struck off:, Henry Weetoott was eutured jointly with James Frayne as Tenant N. A 17, con. 2. Christopher Hodgson was added as owner of Iot 18, con. 3, and John Sample as Tenant of Lot 7, con 12. Grace Campbell was SubstitutedforAndrere Camp- bell, deceased, lot W. A 16, E. A 15, S. T.R. William Birk struck off as Tenant of lot 11, S. B. B., and Thoa Fotheringbam assessed as owner of pant of lot 14, S. E. B., instead. of Hugh Nixon, William Squires and Relied Richardson added by assoasor under M. 1•*. act. Shier -Cameron --that the Assessment Roll as revised was confirmed and the Court of Revision Closed. OosJxuIL MEETING The Council met immediately after the Court of Revision adjourned, The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Halls-Kydd-that the Assessment Roll of 1890 be accepted and the seseanor e salary paid. -Carried. A petition was then presented from Union 8. 8. No 13, signed by Jolla Copeland and seventeen other ratepayers of said S. S., pulsing the Council to make an annual grant of $30 to the TJsborne portion of said School Section. .FIalls-Kydd-that the petition of the ratepavers of inion S. S. No 1.3. asking fo especial grant of $30 be rayed over until the next meeting of the Council, and that the Reeve,Clerk le k and. T. Cameron be a Committee to devise some tebeme for the butter arranging of the different school sr etions, said scheme to be laid before this Council Board at its July meeting. -Carried. Kydd-Halls--that Henry Dougal be appointed Pethmasterin Division No 3 N. W, Ward instead of H. Doan. -Carried. Halls -Shire -that a special 'grant be given to glade a road across the swamp be- tween lots 5 and 6, con, 5, and that Mr. Kydd, the mover and teeonder be a oom• mittee to let thesame.-Carried. Moved in amendment by T. Cameron, that 475 be spent in grading between lots 5 and 6, eon. 5, and and that W. Kydd, J. Shier and S. Halls be a committee to expend the san'o.-No seconder. Halle-Kydd-that Dr. Rollins be request, el to examine Samuel Skinner's child on lot 2•; oou,10, as to imbecility, and tnat the' Reeve lay the matter and the doctor's re- port before the County Council, for consid- eration.--Ca—tied. Kydd-Shier-that To . y I,• 6 and 7, 1800, as n,w read bespassed.-Carried. The following eiders were ;meted via : -- w. '17 Brownlee ;:$4; M Sam well, ;$1:3; T. ITe:period. 556;' T. 'Brirnacombe,: i5 ; J: Arusstrone, $2;;W. Bray, "s1,25 ; A, Stee 50ots 3. Polon, $1 50 ; S. Martin, $3 i0 ; Ci- Fergnson, $7 60.' S. ,Atter-C:tmerou-that lila (,ouurcil as-' jnurned to meet ''again 'first Saturday in July at 11 a in. Geo. W. HoLnxtes, Clerk. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. �•Y