HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-5, Page 8INSURANCE RH ES EILLIOr+ACTT NT FOR i nn WESTERN ASSURANCE t Oft• PINT: i SI.". aa C, c A.'.l et F -1, -;'..nest, h a Ran il, w a,$ A* t 3\t eta•. ci a ;tt d 1 3sa tr t-, csllt are:',fl i..*... �s ever y. y.c.kr aft.o: tar.I ye Ir. WE STILL OIFI ER, A NICE C,allectim of Wail Papers. The 4.:1 our pr iggt%2el :y at prices to f a;'$+11. irag b:t.t•. Our ,. stcawk phi C+Rb..,;i:e�t,aT.,:ails, .Express ag ansl Gen- ts co p:l t Al it.lA V• 4 IR s a t)tr',1. Y,: td101h. C iia'. 4 gg A Civery 4A�w&u, 3.4431xya Brevities Mr. Foil has erected a new bake *hop and ovem. Read Catein Bros' change of advt. in 'tic ( 1 1) : ie p;aint:r, is hid tip with sore elder?, :l:ee;cr was visited by tsipsies yesterday, As usual, ou the horse dealing. Sheron correspondence received too late fel. this i. see will appear in our next; 11r. H. D. IXurdon a few clays ago, e,13 d,, Cell in one hour with a hook. Ca.• reereiel travellers have been too naraernus to mention of at in our town. A rental er of horses £or shipment passel tliroaa li tvawn on Sunday last going north. Br. Lutz is re-slhiegling and otherwise ''Vin's „end Tweed Vest for9acts, at the Dig Bankrupt Store. McColl ,Bros, '1'u1'nnto have a Change of advt. ha Vele lisle, :timer what they have to .,y Exeter )Inuielpal Claimed will meet a :a::hn1 next, June 70 at "A Ser aln"--•^ 4 .anis Sanitary flannel far ply . c ;1, at the leg I1eu ,reapt Store. I' ; a 4E' tali i tt tic s c -l. a as -nest thirs- t r FA & n� or„t„ ht front the L. eat Grand Duma, a:Zonen, an 1 diene etil of is town. . 1'. ,.., .. t 1 ,etre ::rt:.. mttice .1e} t:t ac'tzve Stock Wors.':eds wad Trous- �7.ugoa. aL, by WL.i.. GRIGG. II Ex.et ea• R;7.71' ST011.1 ET1. . 901a. r 'liF:ahlq in our melt. i ta.lti.k., still ltt�1t11 a. superb >erb .,, ;c+� sof . arllalt:el' D:iuw 11,1 toril;i . We Brevet some Very ‘ffct.i ill Robes r� n ' t n A v ...at„ �,d, lilt llttdtla7llp., All of which we will sell at prices, ol`tsv for the buyer. We bo the Dress Goads trade of Exeter no doubt about that, We tl: n't ihow you any small old : s1iiO3itc1 stock We don't p.sk you high old fash- ioned prices. No. But we slow 1y far the largest and phQiosst stook in Wes- t 'r ].b dario, and at prices that makes our compitetors wonder where and how we ever get the goods. Well we Tet then never Mind how. "We are always open for snaps. We will sell lots of Beautiful Dressesduring the next two weeks. We have Some Big Snaps in skirting, embroideries, and white lawns. Come anti see us for your Dress Goods, we will please you. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter u Culla Ulm. THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, .890 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Lost. A black home-made woollen shawl on 24th May, between Exeter and Moores- ville. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Mooresville P. 0., or at the Thal Lice, Exeter. Personals. Mr. Geo. Knight, son of our worthy station agent, is visiting his parents and friends here. Geo. has charge of the station at Ethel.—Mr. John Elliot was in London last week.—Mr. P. McPhillips of London, spent Monday y in n.— to w Mr. Isaac Carling, jr., who has been at- tending University College, Toronto, returned to Exeter on Thursday last.— Miss Muir of Clinton, who has visiting in town for some time, returned home -on Thursday last.—Mrs. John Spackman of this place, who has been visiting friends in St, Thomas, returned on Fri- day last.—M.r, S. Poplestone, who has in the employ of Messrs. Brumptou Bros., Exeter, left on Tuesday for Lon- don, where he has secured a first-class situation.—Mrs. Douglas, accompanied by her brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas. H. McCallum, left on Monday morning for Cresswell, Mich., Mrs. Douglas having been informed by telephone of the sud- den death of her husband.—Mr. H. E. Huston. is attending the Methodist Con- ference at Chatham .as;deleeatefrom the Main-st. church, and Mr. Andes. Eicks represents the James-st.. church.—Mrs. J. H. Northcott left on Tuesday evg. to ' ••visit friends in London. --Tsar. William Arming, of Exeter, who has for the past two weeks been ' visiting ` friends in Toronto, returned home last week.—M. 'McInnis left for Mitchell:on Monday. Mrs. John Hawkshaw and daughter left Tiesdayto visit friends in Toronto. ,.y IT t n .r".l 'nth .le:l tee' _ t t c a _ at Sharon edit diel,}.,•- a, veiling 1:st. lids t*; tat a 3,i., t a in tete freight t lail,nient, lt.eing Bu,a 11,st wetii, the n,iacti train has lee,it ton, 1 e: h al time. A very Ft icy : is and win 1 storm visit - e tl n cin 1'e $ l:ay a euro: ^:a+ doubt the etch st nal „ra.nii4 alArnage tree ulophs. For puro,1re;lt l cllelga to G. Lutz' Ceratr:d Den; Store. Our tem; he 1 *elite a city aspect on satura1ky evening hit, the etree.ts Laing ]unci w^itla ptieents .end vehick . '3 i,ts 1,11S.5 a panted d of pure Bakilig Pow- der, r and a 1 ,eut:£ul enasamel Tray tree, et tl e Less 1 ,ila;upt Store. atdcrs of the T•Dlrs warp please take native to the new advertherncnt of Mr. rr•.. tin! ieeta, Centralia, in thie issue. lJusiee #la taset weetit the weather has been tine anti warm, the result of which s aet'b-icn hes lh: tale rer.;art, .Ala hese wev. Rev. ,S F P..r.:aa a w ti' Rrc;na:h a ser - nem cn ttrange:eta in the Trieste Memel:Lel khan la on Sunday afternoon next at 3 °a 1S r„s c i<',q fl Bal r rat Stare always ere ': I *trate y ltl4 aa,st+, t.0 •:.an cilwans be -t the Rigel et lierraias -there. lRarnt•;'sa 1:55.1814041 to :Manitoba Ewa, the N. \A' l ,° C.ta ; :ata Jetta; a, p' .It ..tell . . and( ,i ala ', h. ll ey your ti,.. tri from Capt. t t , nate Ex, ter. .t.r. p:ldttl, of the News te;eon], Clinton, has sunt ue a reply to 31r. Josh. Johns_ ; I tat p -e of father ltaa.ttt•r prevents ts pul lltatant this week. The f'reditaan Lanai kindly cache to the rewne t,f tate tsane.1 and ter Saturday eve;. last, a nd deer nant4 tth oli`ave the attention oe all lweetal of tusle. A horse belonging to ttr. Roht. ~adders of this Oat,te whale ;sewing in his garden a few days ago, got its feet into a hot -bell awl eat an ugly gash in one front lei;. ~(,thing steccetdslike suceess. The emc- ee of the. Rig Thnkrupt Store is unpreee- tdentedl in Western Ontario. A flet, sure. a seal complaints have been glade of late of pinions picking end idestrnyiee givers in the cemetery. This is unlawful, and perpetrators shout,' be ui;ule an ex- ample of,. C'an't do better than bay your Groceries a.t the frig Bankrupt Stoio ; :We tea for ; 3 pounds best baking soda for 5c The 8. le. Store always leads. White dresses for the first time this season were seen on Sunday last, worn by several of our young ladies. Thigh a gold sign of warm weather and can be relied on. Mr. Prank Anderson, of this place while etatebing in a match game of ball between Exeter and St. Mares, at Parkhill a short time ago, had the misfortune to break his little finger. Persona going abroad will do well to secure their passage via the Vancouver Royal Mail Ship. from Montreal on Wed- nesday, May 28th, Tickets from Capt. Gee. Kemp, Exeter. Don't buy your summer parasols till you hear from the Bigg Bankrupt Store next week. They are just closing the biggest parasol deal they have ever made. We understand'. the Exeter Woollen Miles have received some very large orders, nd are paying the highest price in cash and exchange for wool, as they must have a large quantity. .A. new scheme for cheating unwary farmer is a ploughshare fake. A farmer receives on trial a new ploughshare. If it suits he signs what he believe to be an agreement but which turns out to be a note, John Ross' new brick store and residence is assuming a more finished appearance every day. The brick work is completed, the roof on, the floor laid, and in a short time the building will be ready to move into. We understand that our cricket club have receive -I a challenge from ,the Forest club to play a match shortly. We would advise the boys to take alittle morepractise before acceptiug any challenges from other clubs. Messrs, Oke & Prior shipped,from Exe- ter station on Monday, a fine load of cattle and bogs. A week previous they shipped ten car loads of export cattle. This makes quite a boom to our town and we wish both these gentlemen success. Town Ticket office -Grand Trunk Rail- way.—Ocean, lake, riverand rail tickets issued to all parts in Canada, United States and Europe at Iowest rates. Prepaid Certificates. Capt. Geo. Kemp, Exeter, Ont. Some mischievous young scamps have again been destroying public property. Several shade trees have been haggled and otherwise injured on some of most promi- nent streets during the past few days. When will this sort of thing be stopped? We have had left with us by Mr. Wm. 13alkwill, a prominent farmer, a short dis- tance istance south of Exeter, a sample of fall wheat, which was grown on bis farm. It measured e4' inches in length and the heads are -well filled. • Who can beat this 4 During May, .Mr. A. Q. Bobier of this place tookin.39,590 dozen of eggs. Mr. Bobier has two or three men on the road continually- buying eggs and the above member' does not include what has been bought by his men on the road.There; is. not another man in any town , in Canada that can equal this, and people are beginn- ing to learn that Exeter' is one of the best produce markets in the country. as Pure Hellebore, fresh, at C.'Lutz's Cen- tral Drug Store. On account of Mr. Clement's absence on Sun.iay last, who is attending the Conference at Chatham, Rev. ,lir Nether- cott, Slyly= circuit, preached Loth morning and evening in the ,lames -std Methodist church, J:ile sermons were interesting and atbeetive. Saturday last, being market day, there was a boom in town, People from a dis- tance came with large gnauthties of butter egad eggs, for which they received the highest cash price and r•.etureed home well pleased. .About 1,000 doz. of eggs were sola and also a large quantity of butter. 'On Thursalay,Friday and Saturday ev gs. of last week, the people of Exeter and vicinity were treated to three good con- certs in the Opera douse by the Byers Comedy Company, under the auspices of the band. The attendance the first evg. was not lar, e, but the two latter evenings the atten.iaaee was good. Court of revision was held in the town hell on Tuesday of last weer. Oise appeal only was made, that of Mr, Silas llalkwill, complaining of excessive assessment. • The 0.esessnheat was sustained. The following names were added :—John Coulter and Hartalon Bowern.c;n. Philip Ruwelitfe was pet on as owner. The court then Iles ti. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harney. and Mr. anal Mrs. John Harris of T shorn, were eoteste at the silver wedding of Rev. Mr.l Goatee- of Ilelg n e A large number of r;uests were present front the eastern sec frog n° Ont trio. 'The rev; gentleman was the former pastor of the Henna South' 4.'. The prt,•'ents were loth numeroas and useful. On Thursday evening last, as the C'lin- tan C. C. were leaving town, two of their mmniter wleee standing on the steps in the rear enol of the vehicle were pit'1wt1 off, nn:I sent sprawling ie the road. The driver. t lMeg no notice to them, drove on as if clothing hard happened, and the hays were compelled to show their speed to cutch up to the rig again. Fortunately, neither ane was hurt. W iunipeg. May 27.—Reports just in from sections of country to Regina. tloosn. min, Glenboro', Plum Creek, Doloraine and Brandon slhewing an increase of about twenty per cent. macreage under crop. Farmers in ceotlspitits over prospects for large yield. (train well rooted and prom- isas for geed crop could. not be Letter. I, a.11.aalat.:+,x. tfn Suutitr neat, Stlt inst., in the ab- r arse of Rev. J. 11-ileen, pastor of Main st fled*. church, who is attending conference at (rias:: inn, the Rt '. Mr. 1.lurtin of the Presl.y.cwrian ehatrrlt has iaudly consented til ocwnpy Mr. Wilson's pulpit on S abt,:ath evening next, and will also preach to the +ctingrer:tion In the l rc„hyterlau a ltnrt'lt in waning. We F ad the pdatw,ure of loving shown tbrou, h the Exeter Hill by e. Emery trim is now refitting it to the full roller systehn with a canaeity of 125 hide per day. Ile expects to have it itt operation by the first of July when we think Exeter will. have a trill that we can all justly Le proud of. A good a '1 roller mill a. •i 1. Its certainly been a long felt want in Exeter and now that we are getting the twill It will open up a good wheat nuarket which will benefit the country and town alike. On Monday last, a four-year-old child belonging to Ir. John headman of the London Road, strayed away from the house and was also accompanied by two dogs. After the child had disappeared foe some time the parents summoned the neighbors and made a search but did not sweeecd in finding the lost. A• load of seiool children was taken from our public school to further the search, but on their arrival at Nr.Loadman's ]earned that the missing child had been found in it Eetslake s bush, by Mr. Kerslake's hired man. A Novel Sign, A large barn, which Mr. James Snell purchased, belonging to the estate of Mr. James Pickard, was drawn up Main St. on Saturday last to his property opposite :the Main St. church, 'There were four teams drawing the building. Mr, Wm. Treble engineered the mov- ing of the building on rollers. Nose Bleeding, Obstinatenose bleeding is frequently one of the most difficult things to check. Several aggravated cases have lately occurred at the Hospital of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. As a last resort Dr. M. Hayes Agnew tried hem fat with great result. Two largo cylinders of bacon were forced well into the nostrils and the hemorrhage ceased at once. This is a very simple remedy, and one which should be remembered for emer- gency in the country. Cricket Match. The cricket match, Exeter vs Clinton, on Thursday of last week, on the grounds of the former, resulted in a victory for the visiting team, by 9 wickets and 2 runs. The game from beginning was in .favor of Clinton and continued' so to finish. Mr. Chas. McDonald captained the home team. Although having had no practise this season, "Charlie” did much to keep down the score by his lightning bowling. Lunch was prepared by Mr. Acheson of the Central Hotel, and was much appreciated by everybody. We hope that our boys will now see their need of practise and before accept- ing ept- in another challenge will be able to make a better showing, Following is the score : EXETIen, fat lNxING. runs. I. Carling, 2 F. Elliot, . -.. W. J. Hanson, .10 J. Remington, . 1 Chas. McDonald ...4 F. N. Farnoomb, .. 4 Dr. Lutz, ... 0 W. J. Carling, • • .. 0 Ed. Bissett, ... 0 G. Hyndman,.... ... 0 E. Farneomb, ..• 0 Totals 21 Extrar-1. CLINTON. P. herty, G. DoBarge. F. Koelly, J. Kennedy, M, MoTaggart, F. Eodgensey,, J. Chidi W. Robertson, J. Malurobie, .•• 11. Shepherd, W. Ball, Extras CLINTON..: J. Kennedy, J. Barge, . 2nd INxrxo. rant, 1 ... 0 0 8 0 1 17--38 1st INNINti. runs. 0 7 4 1 5 2 0 0 0 28 10-38 2nd INNrxo. runs. 3 CRMIT I'y''. XZ ESSi.t a. �aa"rr r fix..:PRINTS. We Have Just Received and passed into stock a large range-.,. g We of all -wool double width Dress Goods which we bought at a great bargain. We are offering these goods in all the newest shades at 37+ cents per yard, which is only a fraotiou of the original price. All, kinds of single width dress goods are being cleared at great reductions, INa rEWES We have just opened up a large range of new patterns in wide wicdth, soft finished goods, among which will be found many of the leading ideas for next season's trade. CV • ► r Ay We have the largest and prettiest range ever shown in town in both worked and tucked edges and the prices of these goods are much below the regular figures. c. �, �� Lady should, fail to alas aeot t •- e above specza3 -r riwary or TIT mass Erth flaiatzon. Mamma—Each candidate shall sub. mit fur examination his school work in any three of the tire books prescribed itt Form 1. Boole KErezxcl,-T-Eacie candidate shell submit for examination a set of books, worked ant by himself and eousistiug of Dnvbovk, Journal, Ledger, Dills Re- eeivableand Bills Payable. These books must be brought by candidates at time of examination in July. Exeter Muuioipal Qoullcii. The council met on Tuesday eve., May 27th. Members all present except Mr. Ross. The following aceanuts were passed on motion of Sp-tekman and Oke;m-W J. itiasett, tabor. S,i ,.3 ; A Bissett, teaming auai labor, *440 ; R Williems, tcatntiagand labor, .11 20 ; 5 Handford, S5 70, teaming and labor. Small surae in the amount of Li F3 were paid far street scraping to someei hteeu persons Jas Creech, *23 8) freight ttile , tCou <,�C � hcmlo ck lumber; ;las Creech, $1 charity to Mrs Ptpu , .Jas Creech, ebarity to II +lleInt to;h; Jas Down, .150 es aseesaor. Spaelentan—Oke—that clerk order an order beak.—Carried. The clerk was instructed to order 30 nix -nacre stoppers and 1 curbed elbow, to be used iu ti'e .fain ; also cellar for crossings 9.it tlY crtaalso ad of 3,'u h cif plank, on motion of Oke null Bissett Adjourned to tweet on ateturday evg., June 7th at 5 o'clock. A Literary Curiosity. It may not bo generally known to the reading public how much each individual letter of the alphabet is used. D, b, n, e, 0 and u aro nl third place as regards ordinary use: t, s, a, i, and r are in second place, being used a very little oftner ; land m aro in fourth place, with f, g, y. v, p and b close afterwards; j and k are not common as compared with the rest, while x q ansi x aro used least of all. The letter e isinfirat place, being used far oftener than any other. The following poem, therefore, strikes the average printer as a decided curiosity as e is not used at all. It can rank as a literary curiosity with those peculiar stories we sometimes see, in which every word begins with the saute letter, though in style and merit it is far .superior to them. The author is unknown. John Knox Alas a Iran of wondrous might, And his words ran high and shrill, For bold and stout was his spirit bright, And strong was his stalwart will. Kings sought in vain his mind to chain, And that giant brain control, But nought on plain or stormy main Could daunt that mighty soul. John would sit and sigh till morning cold Its shining lamps put out, For thoughts untold on his mind laid hold, .And brought but pain and doubt. But light at last on his soul was cast, Away sank pain and sorrow; His soul 1s gay, in a fair to -day, .And looks for a bright to -morrow.' GENTLEMEN'S Gold Wateh es. We have just completed the purchase of a large Whole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tiemen's .gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled. With . those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call on us. Here since '55. N. B. -Masonic aprons, best p , quality, 52. 50 each. A. MORPHY & CO., Cor. Richmond and Dundee Sts., London, Ont. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. ut Not lour Trust law PRZCES They ax's deceitful, above all thiugs axed Price and value are equivalent, though some people seem to confound the two. We have set our feet down solidly on the UCKOF QUALITY and we. won't be dazed into fighting shadows, for these so- . called LOW PRICE are but shadows and can not have the substance of QUALITY at their back. Our boast and pride is quality. Nothing leaves our store that is not first-class quality and brings Ifirst-class custom. We shall never lack that and we want no other, E BEST GOODS are the cheapest in the long run judged by Wi�te, Weal' that what we se11. Highest price paid for butter and eggs. Cash for eggs. A call solicited. CARLING BROS. LARI)I11TE OIL I The Farmers Heavy.Boclied Oil, made only by McCOLL BROS. & CO. TORONTO TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. McColl's Famous Cylinder OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. As for Lardin e. FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. and DeloraineReturn 28 Moosomin, 28 / Glenboro' 28 Saltcoats, - 28 4„ez?" Moose'aw 30 'b Cal y ar , 35 c.11%,0,4 SPECIAL. •;.1L ONIST EXCUR- SIONS will leave all points in Ontario, Sharbot l ai lag- ston and West 0,ereof, JUNE ; r ch Return until 3 ray 27th, 1890 JUNE 24th Return until August 4th, 1890 JULY 8th Return null August 18th, 1890 For fullnarticuor Tlars icket applyAgen to neart.estStation Uifliidtl a";ry ?r,' Pitcher's s Castnrip Minard's Liniment relieves neuralgia. Cash For VT! and EGGS A. Q. BOLTER, having leased Drew's Block, will be pleased to pay HIGHEST Cash PRICES at all times for buttes and eggs. A,. Q. 'BOEIEII, May 1st, '90. Drew's Block, C+xeter.• Having obtained ,a patent for my Pea Harvester Guard, I am now pre- pared to put the attachment on mow- ing machines and guarantee the same to do good work under any reaeonalile circumstances, even if the pea straw be ten feet long and as fiat as a 'pan- cake you can cut round-the<field. Price on ordinary mowers $7. Bring on your mowers now before the haying season and avoid the rush. Shop rights for sale: Correspondence solicited, F. L. HAMILTON, Cromarty, May 21, '90.-2m.4 , f