HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-09-22, Page 9Waters went e oipenet. in
*Me (stroke
13tPt staged over the weeltend at
IVIshitland Golf Course Staged by
an,ch 109, 'Canadian' Legion.. He
edged out Frank Reid, wh.ose score
was .89.
Jit was t/he-first such:'tournament
staged by the Legion, and 19 golf
ers ttook•part,
Following are ,tile scores:
Bill nam, 79-76---155
George 4chwane 770--143 -
Bud man 47-40-- 96
Jlirn Adams 72-67-139
111 D.av!s
o Venus
erY i• �.
anis Young
Jack 'Mitin
Frank Reid 4445--- 89
Bill Dolby 7--95
Art Walters . 2---'88
Jack Seaman . 61-65-126
Neil Shaw y ' 49-56.104
Bucky Doak 45
9 ---�— --� 0
Although they havebeen -called
the "Thousand Islands for three
centuries, this section of the St.
Lawrence .River actually contains
more than 1,700 islands.
!t 2.
I. ®
R t
f ,
Mr,..d, �r►+s. Leo. Oo ney, John
k'�Co!1nor, MMr . and Mrs. Ray Dal ='
tcm' a.8d' ‘41)343', !anti. Mrs,
J'oseph' IlteTitt3ire and ' family. at-
tended Western Fair during the
past week.
IMT. and Mrs."A. Kraemer, Marg-
argaret, Nell -and -Ought of "lesson,
'spent Sunday at the daa of ytrr:
and (Mrs. Gene Fr'aylne.
M r• and Zl ms. Mark 'Mallon ' are
vJsMitin� With relatives' in .De
Waiting �� is
Mrs. John Kinney of Detroit,
Mee. and Mrs. J. ]Fitzgerald of Lis-
towel; 'Joseph, MOOT of Fort
Erie; Walter Kelly and intrad, , of
London; 'Douglas Frayne of Tor
onto; Maurice Rowley ;.of Toronto,
were among the week -end visitors
Mrs. Van Vynckt, of Toronto, is
aest at the Rectory. Mrs. Van
V guest
recently returned tem a
three-week visit with relatives in'
BelgideriVia plane, and while in
Europe, travelle4 to Rome, and
was granted a private visit with
His Holiness Pope Pius XII.
Congratulations to •Ur. and Mrs.
Emil P•auhi (nee Finances Martin,
daughter of Mr. and •Mes. Blaize
Martin), who were married in Han -
I .
try t�;•
a b
ry PSr
.n, .eIUt a t 'w. @ a
her• parent's home here.
J1sst'.' Jean- Gilmore• spent the
week -end,. at ;her home 'bete. Her
fatlieT, Ed. Gilmore, wlao s -been
, t 'abient ' in ° St. Joseph's Hospital,.
London, far some time, u "zww
znalQing sa+tisfatory� progress. .
L C�apcte n,' �of Langt , vrsi ed'
'at the home of Mir. and , Maw P.
Captein over the week -end.
Rev. J Hennesse'the `Erlocesa'n
Director of the.Cayyt��ho1Ie
'fLeague, Officially installedthe of-
of (the 1C.W14. in this 'pgah,
In a lovely cerernony'an Sundny
at 3 ,p.nx. • ,
Sullivan --Cleary. -.. Vows were
exchanged dor Holy Faintly Church,
Wallaceburg, by Colleen Rose
Cleary and Laurie B.' 'Sullivan.
White gladioli graced the altar for
the double ring ceremony per-
formed by the Rev. Michael Dalton,
of Windsor. , The bride 'its the
daughter of Mrs. 'Geary and the
late John D. Cleary, Wallacebarg.
The groom ars the son of Mr. and
Mrs. James I. Sullivan, Sarnia.
Walter Dalton, Dearborn, -Mich.
and Ray Dalton, Kingsbridge, were
salloists, acearnpanied by Miss
Arlene Melonson at the .organ.
DUNiGANNO'Ne Sept. 21.--Visit-
ars on Sunday .with Mr, and Mrs.
George Hodges were the latter's.
brother, Allan Smith, wife and
family, of Brussels. Mrs. Wilfred
Hodges" returned home to Windsor
after visiting for two weeks.
.Mr. and 'Mrs. William Elliott, of
New Liskeard, visited three weeks
with Mrs. William Caesar and fam-
ily and other relatives in the' dis-
�ir' Miss Lois Webster and Delmer
Maize each ,spent the week -end
at their homes after their first
week at Straftford Teachers' Col-
lege. .
Citizens were :sorry to hear
Tuesday 'morning of the death 'of
Mrs. Bert Treleaven, formerly Am-
elia .Hrackett of the Ashfield and
Lueknow district. She •pass�s�ed
away suddenly at LIage'rsville 'after
a heart attack on Monday evening.
Mrs. Abner Morris spent the
week -end with her • 'daughter, Mrs.
;;::,;:f�'>::«:•.::.�`-; .; •.<;..;�'•>; Anderson Mugford, London.
<;;;;.; ;;<.,.,;:..•>:.<:,;:, a>>. f o Mrs. William Kelly, Seaf rth•
:•:,iw;:::':::::'Vi"':;.,•,•.<2.>,:::>:.,;::,�.'•:•'••::`::iY•�s»:v:'r::::•'.,'•<:i ,
Miss Mabel Klillough, 'Byron, and
Miss Eva Krllough, Toronto, were
visitors for a couple of 'da s with
••.•.,:.. former Dungannon friends.
Mr. , and Mrs. Parkie Wiggins
"svisited .Mr. .and Mrs.
John Hopkin-
s�:,:son, Owen Sound,. on Sunday. They
were former , 'fellow students at
G RDNER i� TOR SALES Belsemge I ith Mte. -They were
pa Belleville
wdtli 1VI•r, and Mrs. Alen
Reed, who visited 'their cousins,
Mr. and (Mrs. 'Cliff Denny, and
8+0 Victoria Street Phone 234 aunt, Miss Jane Montgomery.
®. Size .670:15
Plus your retreadable tire
pay your piled -up bills, protect family security'
Here's a wise couple that paid off piled -up
bills with a TransCanada Credit loan. He's
a considerate husband because he protects
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Trane Canada Credit provides to its
customers at no extra cost ... on loans up
to $2,5001 • ••
No more scattered bills to pay ... no more
irate creditors ... juet one easy instalment
each month, and the secure, comfortable
knowledge that life insurance protects the
whole amount. If your present loan lacks
this vital protection, call.Trans Canada
Credit right away. •'
Th6usands' agree, from coast-to-coast that
Trans Canada Credit is- the place to.go
when you need a cash loan in a hurry,.
Service is private, prompt and courteous:
Rates are reasonable . . and there's a
repayment plan to suit everyone.
So when you need too borrow,,,, see the alt
Canadian company that thinks of your
family's security. Phone or see your nearby
Trans Canada Credit manager, to arrange
your life insured loan.. » "�
t?e dei - annivlers,., services hi
sox United Claureh, Auburn, an
S.wnday' W
•a" ver ";y Mah . .!am there
Wil.,be sernce here.
quite a few from this vicinity
attisXlded Western Fair at London
last week. .
Mics Grace T tom ecru,
Sikneee, was 'twine over the week-
• Mr. and Mks. G. A. Maaeaugelin
and Joanne, orDettnodt, were week -
eek' end Visitors with" Mr. and Mrs.
1Olarence iChamn,ey and other
Meetings Held --The September
meetings of the W.M.S: and W.A.
were held on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. R. Ch'arney.
Mrs. H. Jefferson was in charge of
both services. The Scripture les-
son was read in unison, followed
by prayer by Mrs. Jefferson. Mrs.
Norman Thompson read an article
on Christian stewardship. Arrage-'
i encs were made for a special
meeting in October with other
auxiliaries to be inted. Thank -
you letters were read from Mrs,
John R. Thompson forflowersre-
ceived and from IiVitns. Bert Taylor
for the life member's certificate
Presented • to her. Delegates were
appointed to attend the sectional
•mee mg at Hothiesvil'l,e. Donatioris
for the bale to be packed this
PORI', ,"'$ HILL, Sept. "21. --The
W.A. of Grace Church held the
epternlber• meeting in 'the church,
with a good. attendance. The pres-
ider t, Mrs, A. Lockhart, opened the
meeting.„: Mrs. T. Sow.erby led nn
prayer. The Seniptate lesson; was
read by Mrs. G. Meaning. Articles
fax -the bazaar were 'brought in.
The •pro rn was conducted by
MT's, BiEl Cox and consisted of 'in-
Mtere+sting• readings: . ,
'Anniversary services will be
held in Grace Church next Sun-
day, September 25, at 11 a.m.And
7.30 p.m., Standard Time. Guest
speaker ` will be Rev. 'Pitt, of
Varna. Special: music is being
prepared by the chair.
For that Wedding Gift
Select a Beautiful Picture
For their living room
Smith's Art &, 6ift Store ,
East St. . Phone 198
. ? atlie +'M e+
li2rie, °vu the 40
father, NIx'
;George MacLeod.
:Ruth ..Dockstader, ,;da u ter
of• Mr. and Mie: W. Doekstade .'left
thi week- . 'the teaching staff
. Ontario S h � for tthe +B4rzd
ad ntlord.
Mr.' Bob Doekstader,son of Mr.
and :Mrs. W. Dockitader, left Inst
Friday to corn mence his studies at
the 'University an Tor!o?..
Dr..,and Mrs. R. E. Doak, of
As`h'boro,. N.C.,. are ;visiting, -the
Like, eta �?!
?1thteslon, and
C. Mal4isso?n.:
"x hear you advex, l
wife. Any. replies?"
"Sure. Hundreds,,"
"Good. What dead they say?"
"Theyall said the same, Tog
can have snipe"'
Exeter" Legion and Lions
will ap ansor
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Maize spent
a week with their daughter, Mrs.
Glen Springer, Mr. Springer and
daughters, Lynda and Dale, of
Tillsonburg. They returned home
at the week -end with the, Springer
family, who visited for the 'week-
Mrs. Jessie Oliver and Miss
Elizabeth McMillan visited on Mon-
day with t1i r friend, Miss Mary
•McKenzie;'crit Albert.
Visitors one •day last week with'
Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul
were Mrs. Pearl' Powles, Mrs. W'il-
l'is 'Powell„ Exeter, and Mrs. Ben
Allen, of Lo'ndesboro.
Mrs. Ben Male and Nancy are
visiting her daughter; Mrs. Dan
Walden, Kincardine. •
Miss Pearl Caldwell, Lucknow,
aday§ few d ys •at her home this
MDloyd Sproul, Whitby, visited
last week with his brother, Howard,
Sproul, •and. sisters, Mrs. Clarende
Hoy and Mrs. Eldon Culbert.' ' •
Miss Patricia Young has recov-
ered from an appendix operation
at Wingham hospital. She spent
a week at-home with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Culbert, ' and
returned to work, at Wingha'm on
The United Church service , is
withdrawn at Dungannon next Sun-
day so that members may attend
ann iversary _•services at .Port .Albert:,
United Church.
Miss Sylvia Stengel is spending
this week with her sister, Mrs.
John Fennell, Bradford..
Herb Stothers is out again after
his recent dllmess.
'Walter Stafford and son-in-law,
Peter Thenester, Toronto, visited
Slaturd' y with Mrs. J. Hamilton. .
0 0 0
NILE, Sept. 21. — Mrs. Harry
Ryan, -ea 'London, is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee::
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ralph Godfrey and
Gail spent a week recently at
Mr. and Mrs: Howard Godfrey
have gone to Brighton to work in
the canning factory.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews
had their four grandchildren, Jean,
Gordon, 'Marlene and Eric Dren-
nan, of Kinttail, staying with them
while their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
,Henry Drennan, were on 'a visit to
WiSe nein for a week. -
The regular meeting of Nile
W M.s. was. held in the church,
September 16, •with Mrs. Graham
McNee an charge. • There were
eight members present. Scripture
readis s. 'Were' read by Mrs. H.
Morris, ,Mrs. George Rutledge and
Mrs. Ross McNee. Questions and
discussions on the chapters that
were read were held: Miss Currey
led in prayer. It was decided to
'aecept the (Ben:miller W.M.S. in-
vitation to attend their Thanks-
giving meeting on Friday, Septem-
23. It was decided 'to ask Mrs.
John (Clement. toe. take Mrs. S.
Taylor's place as leader of the
C.G.I.T., and AO ask the Orcer
sisters to e assistants. Mrs. Gra-
ham McNee read chapters' born
the new study book.
The September meeting of Nile
W.A. wa eld in 'the church",
September 13, with 17 members
and one visitor present. Mrs. D.
McDiarinid• was. in charge. Scrip-
ture lesson was read by MTs. N.
Wiggins. The topic was given by
Mrs. A. Kerr. Mrs. Watt was pre-
sent and gave a splendid' talk on
(their recent trip to Brandon, Man.,
by car. She told of some of the
interesting places along the way.
Mrs. G. McNee gave the ,treasurer's
report. The blinds have come for
the 'basement windows and $100
was donated to the organ fund.
.The October meeting is to be held
Oebaber 4, one week earlier; on
account .of the anniversary supper,
October 14. Hostesses are to be
Mrs. G. McNee, `Mrs. O. Moore and
Mrs. C. McNee. It was decided to
have a turkey supper in connection
wU`h the 100th anniversary of the
church. Mrs. H. Watson Mrs. R.
McPhee .and Mrs. C. Mcertee were
Mrs. William Walters and
her daughter, Mrs. Davidson,
Of Detroit, are visiting with Oss
Walters, at Benm,iiler. Mrs. W.
Walters, who 'has made her home
with herr daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Spragge, and. -Mr. Spragge, since
peaayr is ' ghite aetivagain. She can
heat' well, but is `'blind. She will
be 92 this month.
o-- o • - b
Many scientists once believed
A. transiently telephone would be
impractical because of the five-
hour difference between European
and American >tflne.
At arid .Baku, on the salty Cas-
pian, sea water can be -distilled at
low frost because of plentiful oil
Rn Hwy. 21-3 miles n. of Goderich
From 6 to 7.30
Phone for reservation Carlow 1406
Dinner Parties through the week given special attention.
Our modern set»ice, planned with
experienced skill and directed
with sincere consideration for the
wishes of those wee serve, gives
true expression to the family's re-
spect for it's departed., -
Funeral Home
JACKPOT of $44.00 for full house in 54 • calls.
If ,not won` on Saturday, value ' of jackpot and also
number of calls will be raised each week until it
is won.
15 GAMES $1.00
4 SPECIALS—Share the Wealth
• to& to' '11Y BAN.If
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If you need more covered space to house
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space which could perhaps double
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• Go-ahead farmers everywhere are
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He'll gladly show you how a Farm
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help you to more
.1.1 YIIIA(
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FIL — the fixer .. .
'his full name is
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can do almost
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better farm.
Jackpot ---. 25c or 5 for $1.00
Regular extra cards 25c
b00R PRIZE—$5, $3, $2.
Doors open at 7.45 p.m.
Goderich Branch: BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Marager