HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-09-22, Page 8Renes of 05 and costs apiece
or 15 da 's in jail were imposed ori
two Cliianton airmen when they
appeared in court t here last Thurs-
•Eoay before Magistrate A. F. Coot,
of , tratfOrd, and pleaded guilty
Pt,o charges of theft.
The airmen, James Morgan, 19,
end Gordon Mooney, 21, bothad-
mited stealing gas from a vehicle
en the Murphy Baps. garage Mato in
Clinton on ithe early morning of
September 11.
Morgan was also charged with
speeding. He pleaded, guilty and
was fined $10 and costs or 10 days
in jail.
are still
Available f r
Men Interested
The Army
ecr iting eer
Goderieb Town Hall
Every Thursday
10 a.m. to 6.46 p.m.
''PHONE 200W.
Council Proposal
Access to a beach about six miles
south of Goderl h was promised by
Goderich Township Couinoil at its
September meeting held at
Holmesvill ;.
Council, atter receiving a peti-
tion from a number of ratepayers
for either a road or steps at the
bank on the end of the Cut Line,.
decided to build a road and to have
it prepared by next summer. The
Curt lame is midway between Gode-
.rieh and Bayfield and many sum-
mer cottages are located along the
lake bank in that area.
A petition was received also at
•the meeting from a ,nom,ber 'of
ratepayers asking to be••transferred
from Polling sub -division 5 to 6.
Due to the shorter distance that
these people would have to travel
to vote, counail concurred with
the petition and decided to take
w the necesaiy steps to change the
boundary. as,•
Another recjuest ' was made to
change one farm from School Sec-
tion No. 3 to S.S. No. 2. Council
agreed to the change, provided
that the school boards were agree-
The following account:; were
passed: H. Tyndall, brucellosis in-
spector, $12.60; H. McCartney,
brucellosis inspector, $24; Print
Shop, supplies, $7.98; Stanley's
Abattoir, relief account, $155.7.5;
Provincial Treasurer, insulin,
$2.34; road suuperintenden,t's pay
roll, $3,757.32.
Council adjourned to rpeet again
October 3 to 8 p.m.
Seven vice-presidents have be-
come president of the United
States because of the deaths of
their superiors: John Tyler, Mil-
• lard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson,
Chester Arthur, Theodore Roose-
velt, Calvin Coolidge, and Barry
On .arrival at flonolu.lu we were
d 'yen AO the ROyal Ilaivafisn for
tllifrrther n'i'ght and day stotioVer,
courtesy of the airline. This must
be, without doubt, the most
popular stopover in the world.
As CPA supe aintendenEt for the
South Pacific, W. "Babe" Wooliet,
who was pronline'nt in Canadian
Pacific's training of navigators for
the. Air Furce during the war, is
an hand whenever possible to wet -
come arriving and bid "Aloha"
to departing Bights.
Nowhere else in the world does
a departing tourist get the send
off he pis given •on leaving olulu
Beautiful scented 'leis accom-
panied by "busses" are standard
procedure and 1 pnade a mental
note that, the Islanders' habit of
presenting dowers while you are
in this world seems a far more
practical and desirable one than
waiting until you're in the next!
Even the bus driver .gets unto
the act. A big Hawaiian) with a
fine ,voice, he sang the beautiful
"Aloha" on the way CO .the .airport.
You could have counted the dry
eYe, 1 .. lye ealmarl8 c)!n
thumbs of 'two hands!
We arrived newt morning at Sea
Island Airport,with all passengers
giving way or ' ouren r air
traveller, '11Ixs. Et'hiel Wilson.
eighty -flour years of age, she had
accompanied us all \the way from
Sydney and thought the trxp''was
"just marvellous."
Before writing "thirty" to this
story, I must mention one thing
No Canadian making such a trip,
weekly editor or not, will ever
regret at.
He will make friends, good
friends, in the fascinating land
"Down Under" and will return
with a clearer idea of Australia
and a greater appreciation of its
wonderful and hospitable people.
Austtralia — faithful ally in war-
time, whose citizens have the
enviable reputation, of being the
staunchest friends . a man could
have. What could be finer than
u o- . o
Julia 'was the name of several
famous women of high rank in
ancient Rome.
s 1 qtr ta t(ra CIa.Sa v� oq<
r44'a ;•
s ti
? Itz1 `#z11£ >sr
Members of Goderich Badminton
The spirit and' dignity' of a funeral honne centres around
the men who have built it, and the personal service they
and their staff provide. We aim to give every family
served the finest.
Club andothers interested
ON THE BEACH AT SYDNEY: Husky Australian life savers, a famil-
iar sight on Australia's golden beaches, are the point of attraction
for two outdoor girls in the "Land Down Under". Beautiful beaches
such as Manly and Bondi,both near Sydney, were among the high-
lights of a 20,000 -mile tour of the South Pacific experienced by John
Freeman, editorial representative for the Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association.
Thursday, Sept. 22
AT 8.15 P.M.
Floyd M. Lodge
formerly BROPHEYS
i,, +4�a' y'jht4G, :r:: {•�� .. � : Ye:.Sti:^r\{+.•:\i:',ati•O,CUnS'r�. C+��:F�.,
:.r:: k'. •.X: acoo .,.i'.''av'...`'A.'�S.' bMi '.. �.�.� `.,?r,��.`,tr•"i.$.'hx ;!'ri?'::f
The final of four articles by JOHN FREEMAN, weekly editor,
who recently completed a 20,000 mile trip with Canadian
Pacific Airlines as CWNA editorial representative.
"If you have some bird lime
on your German Bands, take
a General Eisenhower and.
meet me at snakes alive."
No — I'm notacrazy.
' Tie foregoing is just a sample
of Australian slang •and translated
means; "If you have some time
on your hands, take a shower and
10 days sale sale
sale 10 days
New Styles
New Fabrics
and Colors
# New Comfort
New Value
2 ~Piece Chesterfield Suite, wool
frieze, green, Pillofoaiii' cushions $250.001219 00
(Fry and Blackhall)
2 Piece Suite, wool frieze, red, 260.00 229.0®
(Braemere )
2 Piece Suite, wool frieze,. comb". 190.00°'' M178.00s,
re and blaick �.
2 Piecefomite, nylon, apple green 285.00
2 Piece, Daveno Suite, Boxwood 210.00
ice pink
2' Piece, Daveno Suite, Empire 200i00
ice pink
2 Piece, Deveno Suite, metallic 1.25.10
green boucle ....:. , r .:.
Ohester$eld Bed, frieze, red 120:0
(Kroehler) Drop Back Couch, Mattress and ' 37M0
Space -savers, in assorted tapestry MOO
coverifgs . ,
ice► � Cti`otehlcer Suite, Tele buss grow
r►Nrfallie" tvitiiit i grey bud brown.
V REG. $245.00'
meet me at five."
Takirig liberties with the English
language was only a sideline. with
Jim Betts, a lad ' I met in Mel -
'bourne Who was to me the genuine,
modern, "dinkum" Aussie. • 1fard•
working, successful in business,
married with two children, Jim
'could tell a story, boast of Aus-
tralia's great strides since the last
.war, and discuss the merits or
otherwise of the two cars he own;
ed—a '48 Buick convertible (which
he drives as though it were , a . jet
•bomber), and' an English M.G.
At -about this time my action in
bringing/11tfs all the way from
Canada ca'ugh't up with me, and
one Saturday morning I found .M31 -
self skiing, about 6,000 feet up,
on the heights of the Australian
Alps, operating from a private
lodge pant owned by Betts and
named "Gray Rocks." •
For :the enthusiast, good skiing.
is available -in Australia; -.and being
harder to get at than in, ,;Canada,
tihe average of skiing -is very i2t;b.
Public lodges will accommodate
visitors for around $12 a week -enol
and a Canadian has no trouble in
borrowing a pair of "boards."'
Sydney's Youthful Mayor
Included in. my Sydney stay was
an hour's visit with the Lord Mayor
of that city, youthful Pat Hills,
whose appearance is that of a
'young business executive rather
than'the popular conception• of. a,
Lord Mayor.
With my return to harness, as
a weekly, editor in mind, I asked
"His Worship" for something to
take back in the' nature of a greet-
ing to our own Mayor Olive Urqu-
hart. of Pointe Claire, Que.
My reportorial ,feeling was re-
warded by my being entrusted for
delivery to Her Worship with a�
pictorial volume, on Sydney en
titled: "Sydney — The Soul of a
CSity:"•I was also able to scrounge
a .two -col. glossy print of Mayor
Hillh in full cere•monial,.robes.
For all his youthful appearance,
Mayor Hills is a go-getter for his
city. I saw a scale model of a
new 500 -car underground parking
lot, on which work has Stari;'ed
and which also included a 6foo
double Jane MOVING walkway
through the city gardens to the
downtown shopping area!
The Mayor is also amateur
'pltagrapher and I enjoyed his
colored *ivies of the inaugur 1
,flight of CPA's new overathep
service to Amsterdam, on Which he
represented his city, 'the southern
tofinal of the service.
E Wever, fluoridation; to halt
tooth decay, now being somewhat
timidly accepted'* Canadians, was
a cittplctre mystery to hiM.
• "• AUssii Wiettly Editors
" There are'over'400 weekly news-
•paperrs in Australia and their
editors do the sa'mt. grass roots
hebss as their Canadian cousins do
'They attend, the Town's Council
Meeting, double as lino operators,
p men, and,. collect bad. debts.
e of their first loves is the old
3tatb' a +3Joubie a yai Wharfdale
'atbed .press, 'en 'Which -.Many of
the count 's',weeklies, are- printed.
They r eive recognition for the jots they do for thetir, communities,
ldom get "a'aeh'; 'always • have
E esteem . and' rspee ' of 'their
fellow townspeople as cotapeilssa
Goodly `o. 'Sydnotvl ,
I departed from Sydney on
Wednesday for the return flig)
via CPA's "Empress of Mexico"
but my adventtures •,were not over.
We set down at -dawn on Fiji:
and after a sliower a breakfa`at
of, paw •.,pave iti%ia�I'.fa+ie. eggs fink.
of dor .Ea rain Where vve arrived;
4a0eor'di to the . edtiie
Kr. hula alit' l+e: Sydne !
u e
enterna ion tt a Li de t -
»e rji- fti f ,10'th week:contained
1 bt, daylineltfd two Wednes-
You will find Personal Loans useful for home furnishings, purchases of era,
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If you are on a payroll, salary, or have other regular income, you can benefit by
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No collateral is ,required. Personal Loans are based on the borrower's character --
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You repay the loan . in easy monthly instalments -an arrangement readily
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Life insurance arranged for by the Bank coven, all loans in good standing.
Ask for devils about hirsorial L, io$s bt our Oiiareat Inns ti-4hers oro lata* Navin Alta to Wail yeti/
Tki�ta inccluufs e
• iiAP*D1G if waut •
• ntavaLEaS' catQuis'
r4 CommOte)at Lbaws
' ooDekikH I RANCH: ' 0. A. *Mori; Mll.wai*r