HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-09-08, Page 9. Y rixtt . A"f�ree�1 ahW :f• arte.pX Iat .da .Leveaing ty : �'• 1o7�f* eY� per. Huron County_ for :Darold• ?faker,. •i .oat ,xcul.�t rai Reresez tai, u titre, A •li •t' Who left YAC On Huron xi � Y .Saturday'' to take, .1 post :'graduate ,. di h �stii ets >fi� �;grik'i��ftllrt', at tote ,Uxil ve Nsi of Wisconsin, tMadisbn.. About 500 people attended.. ' On tbebialf of the- farxn. - . eap�,lEfu. p n I was pre - septet], county; x.l�akr, $ seated with a 35 xn,'ni'.. aide cam- era, . ,a eessordes an&,a binfoI con- taining on- t 'niia ai a s of Money, : ' was 'i recognition n ''tti "1 -Ser- vice trn ,of.thfi e u cU e a tihat Mr. Baker has .& aven• to a glvttltR a in the counter, R jarbr fel Ilitnior,VaOner' a Pg., grams, atln a coming to •' OIq� Jane 1, i *Y . 'Mr. 13 lac, w =be' taken by ,Ar.th Bolton, tDuhl+in, who, is a nativ,n-'nf rnBolton di -ted fr o01 the Ilntaria Agricultural College lin- the spring :of 1955 and has a in home been, f . ,g. Qn, �e oxii farm prior to . len iixg the. Peppaartment ',e September 1. of Agro u1l;ure on Sept m r . o n,,, ........ fo , TO. GUELPH Rosemary Clark, a' member of this year's. graduating ' class at God vela i'srt,�riacoll gL o Insti- tute, nst i- ttute ° la • to -enrol at Macdonald. � plansM a.d. Institute, Guelph. .A. .Fax ,,. w.. MINION AUTOMOBILE . ASSOCIATION HAS APPOt:N''rED R. JACESON AS ITS . RrRENTaTIVE 11: G,OQ$RIH. ANYONE WISHING TOP MAY ACIQU`IRE A MEMBERSHIP BY CALL$NG MRS. JACKSON AT' 13$6. • smoso trN N NNiI. l Nlo...N. �IIr , 1 � r. 't d:- ut> $IDrden • 1�, e e OA F3IT�oi�k'+�� gR . e' a x�t.. Mt It t � wme+a ''q w h � Be*E ett. kms. a d_ s. ' io t . . a � �Contgra,taYlat . ns, �# iron Walden (nee Lo's' Kole), Ifin- 'ne 'on -the birt of a da4ug]'ter: al Kin- cardine, �: lute hgspabal• tin"' want- �M}e :,n�'Y'dIWXI ^ix st uet4kr at Clintoxi Air ' School,, 'spent the week-exid and tMrs. with his parents ,, Mr� W xZbuB�ro►wn. 6 1V.tis�'r Clara. Spxoui, Mrs. J. D. 11e sson► ' .qtra.ffor d �e a t the e we eud with �riesNettie andReb. i ua Sproul„ ' r. liessen visitedon Monday, w nthey returned hoee. Mrs. William Si11ib, who under - wit an operation at Victoria Hos- Pita' on dne'.sday of East weed, Can be e , eoted. s» lir as an � ,. ia. ' .a v� doing y Mrs: ` Violet Famish and her -daughteran-law, Mrs.Stuart .John- ston, and "chit en, of Blyth, and Walter Stafford, of Toronto, were recent visiters with Mrs., J. Hamill; _ , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris, of Detroit, were week-endvisitors with • their. mother, Mrs. Abner Morris. Mrs. Morris-returned'wifh e a arrj as �a ' 0), s with hear dao bter,.:y . rs.' -Rues e S 'lRrI:'., a nnauz. 14r. "and Mrs, D411 M► cClu and the e xt . tri ',fib pare xr►�, p • , .1 00- of a _n a 'M :s. � `nr Sunday, In,. August �y enjoy e d a fine cara "ngtip wt"' oar, teM and oat, to Manitoulin 'fs nd and Carleton Waal spentthe week„ end, with his, sister, .Mrs. John Fennell, 'ant, brother, Fratddin Stan'gel, at Bar Herb S. Stothers, whowastaken quite -.ill '•a Weelc a: Sun a' , WAS able to returnn.home after spending a wek under observation at Gode- rich hospital. • Hurt In Fowler received a cut on the head. last Sunday when he fell down 'a stair- way, at the United Churcth after the service. , His head,' struck the edge of a door at the bottom of the. steps. The eut required' 11.' stitches. He is a Grade XII pupil Of Goderieh District 'O llegi'ate In- stitute •and was' able to return to school on JVuesday. The Unfitted ' Chu ch anniversary services will "be held Sunday, Sep- tember. 11, at 1.1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. fa' music e , rova y ��e ��",,'1 Ohl��� vii , th' his da't ghter, Mrs'. Murray e' Windsor': ' ?IHear Minister. Dungannon Erskine° PresbterianChurch on's Missionary Society auxiliary e from the was host to 11Q., women fanam� h. :other ehurches •he and from •the t a Church. Mrs. Auburn Pxeahx .ea ice► Ch . ;. Good of ".Auburn was in the: o air for a program am rovided by e Auburn guests. Ws. . cries readthe Seri ure lesson; v s John h a comments sr a ca xtt G- xxi e a on the Lesson; `Mrs. Wes. Bradnoek; sang a solo, accompanied by Miss Bavbara Wilson at the organ, and ass Ruth Meg read a poem. Joseph Montinareno, student min- ister at Auburn, gave a talk on tae 'Comrmunist Missionary •move- :nt, and advised all to be aware -Of the stealthy motives be'h'ind this. :Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. Donald Haines sang a duet. Mrs. :Richard .McWhinney extended a welcome to the guests, and Mrs. John Ben- nett thanked the guest , speaker. Mrs. Allan Reed accompanied for the hymns. 'A lunch wasserved an the basement. Mrs. George. Hodges, in behalf of the visitors, expressed appreciation. .,. `+o inision 1s had niixiorons Phone Calla re the use of ton • water in the beliief that the. • re c e n'd S t na= r. i' e e siG i on . �' $ et. r "an; 1. d t •e i a P,; 'b, a v e zt i ad ertrse� l� s a's�, the :By laW .calls forthe re- strictions to . . la st Sep - iienethris-d. Pla ton rd gainer e'n- .bosc niay he used 04-07 be- bween 9 and 9 p.m< SAIL, Sept. 7.—The Septem- ber meeting Qf the Women's Insti- tute Was held in Kixitail Hall with 24 present. The roll call was a hint on First • Aad. The' 1955 re - Solution was. read. The Vegetable display at the Luckw w fall. fair was discussed.-T.h.e.c0mt ttee is to go ,ahead with the"' help of all the members. Miele l Mrs. Sally Elliott was enjoyted. The health nurse was ..introduced by Mrs. Gordon Finlayson. She spoke on immunizing children against contageo'us diseases. y. en'ly ipvs trofftc a c s Wer. �ed'h 'laY exi� a $ Over th+�; wk. to' n .. at` h . , � . r , :in iR-vee L,r et , ,iy erd ate' ux cxv Iithe . ,. pori •� a n rn ri;a a .b .d a ve s 'street. The driver was nun, In 1 A 'ur bout0' . . �d0 dinamage•,was caused to two ears a crash at the inter-. section. of Britannia road and, Vic- toria. street on Mondayafternoon. : a Police said the cars were driven by ,O1004 Penfound, of London,' Gr and bit, Cooper, of Van Dyke, Mich. The Pemfoun'ii ear was dam- agedon the right side and -thhe' Van Dyke vehicle suffered damage to fibsinjured"right front. No one was TALK IS FEATURE 'OF IN TITI TE MEET The Women's Institute meeting was held. in MacKay Hail. Mrs. D. Riehd,'• the president, was in the chair: • Mrs; W. Abell -read the Scrip- ture. Miss Sandra !Bradley sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. J, Snider at the piano. Mrs. ,Keech tel gave an interesting travelogue on her trip through the Scandin- avian countries. A note of ap- 1? pile u0i fell, in '°,S . � e uni �."th ye 41 a, salY� hay A such. as , su gad: 'h turxups, G. Mu? tg'axxie ; , g c... cultural RepreSentative. 1`O , `Huron Gtyr sayts in' his weekly Crop Report. Considerable progress has been. made with the harvesti ng of the white, bean crop •des n�• y, uneven.ripening .of thgab zp.:Silt - fillitn is • Jthe -order oris; :t da, is � Y most sections of the County, . • 0— 0: + 0 • AUBURN MAIL~ SERVICE Postmaster Alf Bon'insen, of Auburn. points out one example of . . good mail service bet*een ,Auburn an& .Goderich. He stated that a letter date stamped at tGoder ch at 10.30 p.m., on one day arrived at Auburn at 12.45 p.m., the neit day. o o More square people per mile might be of greater help to this country than more people per square mile. Sf5.v cEcl3'”' ' u Sime/88.9i�" NEADOFfICErWATERLO14OMTAR/bi EBB- ROSS „ y{ Says. The Dominion Coronet Policy will pay to Yr k:�:• n fi ;. your estate— ALL THE DEPOSITS YOU HAVE MADE PLUS 'THE FACE VALUE OF POLICY ,;. PLUS „DIVIDENDS . i,PFT WITH THE POLICY—if you die before 65. Let's talk about this new and unusual E. 11'.1.: Ross savings plan. Representative Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 We are proud, to have as our division manager, Mr. Cree Freeman of Goderich, Agent. OUR PLEDGE:,To sell only the finest brands of home freezers and the choicest quality of food. Ourreputation in Goderich area. to customers we have already sold, is second to none. p r OUR DELIVERY Goderich, Lucknow, Wingham, Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell, Stratford, Exeter, Grand 'l.,40006•�l ,:.y,.>..: .:s4�.�•r.•s::;. , � • �` .may` ..,p If you wish to talk over our Royalty Food Freeker Plan, fill in the coupon and a salesman will drop around to see yoit. Send to Royalty Food Freezer Plan, 30 South St., Goderich. Fr�if . vJ,� . ,�.40tti .. i!+ !�Q%n ••:ti'.i• {O.•:•("gppfgpfrfeeor,,� E:.:.¢I �.4:d•'.i: '*�+ v}°•^•Y.•..} �; .c,, r :i% 1!' :/i'!� 'fi!'n5»a'c+r°i'+•f: i JAOKPOT OF $42.00 for full house in, 52 calls. .If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot' and also number of calls will: be raised each week until it is won. 15 ' GAMES $1.00 v. $10 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS ---Share the Wealth 1 wish to have a salesman drop around and see me about your Royalty Food Freezer Plan. JACKPOT WILL BE PLAYED -FOR 4 TIMES Jackpot — 25c or 5 for $1.00 Regular extra cards 25c DOOR PRIZE—$5, $3, $2. -Doors open at 7.45 p.m. 3 MONTHS FOD. SUPPLa' WE GUARANTEE TO R Call frac) our office or phoii money . saving Oan AT A• TIME WITH_ NO MONEY DOWN 51 �M SE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING AT NO EX" FR A COST Goderich, and one of aur %courteous salesmen will be glad to • r ,. yo- EEMAN µYS y ' , • . Openin t Yate 511 This atrday 10th,21955 mak 3d 11 ! ; If>1 t4 , 8Rr *H EXMOOR 'BLOCK, 'Me Door Oft Sure No human relations are more delicate than those performed by a funeral, director. Each call is an emergency;' each family's preferences and needs, different. With man) years of `experience and service, we are equipped and trained to meet the inti. male personal' problems of each family. Our aim is to be counselor and friend. attempting to bring some measure of corn- fort and relief to those who seek our aid. 1 , Floyd : . Lodge p/7'7?/( flROPHFES F I' N F R AL(.� . Ilio; F 1.0 C: ()I) i iC'.l-