HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-09-08, Page 6Six
laRs. TR•t AS..DUE1
Mrs. Thomas Drensa , #7,, pass-
ed. away Saturday in A,lextandra
Saxon and, General Hospital after
a lengthy illness. She was the
' last of a tainily of seven.
I1fuss. Drennan, the former Annie
O'Reilly, . was born in Ashfield.
Township, daughter, of the late Mrs
acid Mrs.' 'llamas O'Reilly. She
lived in Ashfield Township, until
seven years ago, when she came
to Goderlch to. reside with her
,son T. J. Drenn+an.
She is survived by her husband,
one daugh+te , Mrs.., Nick Perry, of
mouth.; T..• J•, of Goiderich. Pad
;Earl, of Kingsbridge; 1 4.
children and five great-grandsons.
She was a member of St. Peter's
C.W.L. and Altar Society and the
Octogenarians Club of.. GQderich.
The funeral was held Monday
trona the residence of her son,
T. J. Drennan, then to St. Joseph's
Chards., Kingsbridge;, where Sol -
emu Requiem Mass was sung by
Rev. Fr. H. Van Vynckt, assisted
by Rev: Fr, M. J. Dalton and Rev.
Fr. P. Sheridan.
The pallbearers were five neph-
ews and one cousin, Joe Finn, Wil-
fred' Drennan, Myron O'Reilly,
Gordon Drennan, Henry Drennan
and Dr. G. Frayne. Interment was
in Kingsbridge cemetery.
No Conventional
Oil pu+'tp to
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TRE, ' 7rQ ivii, I .SI NA A. M_
F•°*AUBURN - �..... WinghamDistrict High School.
The Ea
of the Auburn xBaptist emitch will
who have been hark- be held on Sunday, Se,�tepn4ltex
AUBURN,thur,Sept. -,Mr, andark- Yb ;gblbt , asnbn p.rn
rk �diayin�g here fax the slimmer, reams ,services at �f4 ' �e encash* 30 p,m,
spent Art week -end, Judy and Mark, with 'them. The speaker
Mwith Mr. and +Corned homeFederation of elect, e
spent ther • Last Tuesslay..'thc ladies, of the . the the general
�' i secretaay a;•Iect of
Mrs, Kenneth Maskers, of Wood- Women's (Tissan :Society . Rev.Dr. T.B. Mc}ormand. S'p
Knox Church. attte'� the 'W.l�ia� rr r, music for
stock. n, x •Char ,.. , Coder a h, and { ii a', t h •e d a r
ent .and lila• Ronald Rothwell h Ido len Motti ll, ,toff .Yahsi,
parents, ,}'•1..ba: snly-
s eat the holiday with his 1?a and
Indl d Stephen ddress on ,his native; ;* � s °���. ori x #°�i p e b y
a Mrs. Lionel Rath'well a tiitiia, give last after-
, members of
fax andThursday CA� �r• " � �;n . '�'� '� %pwl� ngC u, t 5;,,3�- x7.
it at Fart Elgin, r ladies del t e -,V� 4, x �I r a;; ers of
,fam Y, the same.. 'attended � -�,
Mr. and Mrs. of C n, ingtonn Du, ion W:14 S. ;ee ..#g ins the : ,. the Clinton,F
and son, John, of , Iltrr�$a Mt' Wails'
and d b y
xe eptly with his sister, gngtoyitery ► th pr
' S of th+e�� �s, a n d
t. G•aod the prey t ens s k r . ti ,;�:t Rey
visitede• andE'as T,ingtoxr•
Mrs. Charles fa ti, e took eharge• Mr 4 � .„ t v. John
71liam Maines ti
Rev. and Mrs: a Auilaurn srzci �',,
week with Ed. Daviesand Mrs. J'�ahn Graham` , : ,4,. ,' {fig O s t r o in.
M Embrb, visited lastDuring the
ofMr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. -led in the devotional perxbd. 'and,r's• .week spec-
Amelia IVh liwain has re Wes. Bradnoek sang a solo ia1 services
Joseph Montinarello was guest '
turned o her home here offer
will b e
being employed in GoderichZ or speaker. "Mrs. Donald I3'aunes a held. r The
some mon,t'hs. Mrs. Wes. Bradnoc�k sang a duet. J. TetlKelr
Mrs. McWYainney rel present and eMrs. speaker will• be Rev. J. E. Tetley,
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Craig, .Brent societies p 9t, Church.
Allan and Brian, and also Mr. and Benne has recently came .
Mrs. James T. Graig, aTe on 'vasa �It ath•e fined, thanks. of the •Tetley
has centu
' tion. The sawmill has been closed Mrs. Catherine Dobie is visiting Blas c tIe from Ireland.
her son, Eugene Dobie, Mn. Dobie
i for a, week. •
thwell and Mrs. and family, of Toronto. Jesse Walden was,- a Lq�ndgn
Mrs. Ronald uta ' " Ambrose Brophey, of St., Angus-' •viaitor last week. -
ors elan Taylor were Toronto visit
Mr. and Mars. . Charles McNeill,
ors rlast Wednesday. They visited -tine, who has been seriously x11,. visited on Monday
their cousin, Miss Mabel Winmill, was able to call on friends in the with of OMr. c and Mrs. Charles E. so
he public School pupils, here
from the Nlariti-me Provinces, who
village last week. Bridges, of Asquith..
is seriously ill in Sick Children's Mr, and 1VLMrs.
dig Roy Vi+sitid, last Visitors overs h Seers
wnd eek -1
school this°tearin eTherwil
j Hospital.
riSheppSaginaw, end with Fr 'Billie Rbbin-
mother, Mrs„ C. Seers, were 'Mx. be only.one beginner,
Friends i Mw. W. H. leased to week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald's along beginner,'
Jim -Robinson,le Rbi
lot Blenheim, will be pleased Fowler.
off Mary anddhas the coon. of
Layton and r• son,
hear she is recovering from a very Aubrey Toll took a truck load Cariadian+ and Mrs. Einest and Mrs Ronald Layton, all � Sharon Jefferson. W'xl-
serious illness, horses to enter in th avin them h and contract
I Mass Ruth Arthur, R.N., of Tor E I bat on >n 'poront° Seers and Gail, of Benmlller.11iIr.gand Nia•s, Ernest Craig, of
M and Mrs Lloyd Miller, of The sympathy of this common
Mrs. week.-
eek ••
(onto, is visiting her mother, Gadr. an were Sunday visitors
, John A.rt'hur' uo has been London visited last a with Mr. Mrs. R. Chimney.
Mrs. Rasa Murray, wil d family of Blyth. 1V Mr. and Mrs J. C. har ineynt,of,
with hair niece, s, r erne Ruddy, The lades of the Wanner s Ix1 Wingham,Mr. and Mrs.. binsoatraf
da hter months, returned to her Gil
Monday ma of the Landesbmee ng branch, a d xo ,y of LMr• nandvMrs.d on Sun-
�a� � ter's. home at Fort Enie.Dan. M Ra Wert Cram and. Vera t t to were guest last T urs y
d Mr and Mrs. Kenneth huisday 1 ft dabartson
N f Wieland to v'lsrt ctal time was held. Sunday visitor
°t Ingersoll, visited on Thursday at U.S.S No 5,
t Miss N,Largaret King. her father. F M Il ren are Mr an
DO Y OO Dorothy, a
NN'' 0O ept. 7: '1?lielre .re n s
u afte*nddnc.e at Donny-
wa�sag� on
brook .. annriversary servigeS
Sox dray „ Ins rig messages were:
givers - by, - the guest speakers at
bath services, in the morning
Rev. A. W. WatOO•m,B•,th
Sl• innited Church, and
eve ng by Rev. Charles A. King,
ore assist-,
of Belg�rave� iTnacl, . � .
ed by Rev. C. C. Washington wind
Joseph Manllinarello, student4
ister of Knox Presbyterian Chuch,-
Auurn. In the morning, Misses.
Grace Thom!psen and Louise Jeffer-
son sang a duet, "The Lord Is My
Shepherd,'' and the choir sang two
anthernis. with Mrs, H. _Jefferson
taking the solo part .,s tha>hoie �ang
ing a Young Peopl
two selec•tion:s.
'Miss Irene Jefferson resumed
her teachrng duties this week at
Dunnville. Miss Lucy ThamPs°n
will teach. at •O.a'k'ville this year
and Miss Grace Thompson is coxn-
me�n�oing her teaching near Simone.
Those, attendli�ng Wingham Dis-
trirt high School from this section
fihis year are Louise, Donald and
Robert Jeffersof,"_'William Thorne-
nd . Roy Hardy.
National x ii i '
r' S turday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and
a' .
rs. rn,ing for
Jane e ° '
l3otwood, ew ou >
visiting with their son. Frank, and
farm y,d
family, of Detroit, visited' oyer
the week-e•nd with Mr. and Mrs.
The tachers have 1:
m t Hamilton;
1 i Col-
Doer, at a sc oo near
and Mrs. Margeri e p
Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. i.
ity is extended to William Watson
an ,
+i, uoro
After their regular
so The 'beginners of were Gail
Linda Bean, b '
organized the MacKay Mission
Band of the Belgrave
Mr. d with ,Mr:
and Mrs. Eugene Dobie,
of Toronto. •
Here's the most spectacular
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owl Furnace Burners.
Canadian Manufacturers
Belleville, Ont.
For full information see your Dealer
e�°v1Ce �EIectric
Visitors at the home of
with her aunt, c .v d . Mrs. Norman Thompson
Miss Margaret R. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs 0 Hallett auburn School, Mr. Cecil. Chaxn-
Mrs: Leaders'
Straughan attended �tIailer, lady Arthur, Laura Deer, ney, included �lg andde; Mrs. and Mrs.
We en's Mi on ry S Sty 1 of 1 of Oshawa, this week B n grigette Schletching,and faztuily, of
Society of the �Mr. and Mrs ,Kenneth Oke an Edwin Thompson,}
Women's Missionary Wilkin and Johnny MacKay. } ghaT and Mr. and Sohn
United le,g Church of Canada at Alma Mrs. Wellington Good was at Tiffin ah.d aS�tephen, of Wi Mrs. John
College, Thomas, last week, Arthur Grange family. Belgrave last Sunday when She Sgt and Mrs. Dainty and
Miss Mary Rweek-end w of r par-
so Ss, of Kingston, Herb are inty and
Bel rave PreS,byterian this week the home' of her
spentMts the and Mrs. Char1 s Asquith. ss edd following p t0 , he1r ,schools: h dvva Robinson:, and
Miss ss Mary Houston, a brother,, ..
Mrs. N Nelson Hill of Goderich, Rath 11 at a M and Mrs Wes Bradnock Mos Ronson and other memberswith
Miss Sadie Ca school Brussels,
e Mrs Ronald we ,
vriiss last week r a her snster, bonne Township school; Miss Ruth
Visited an the week -end and f'lfnily, of hEr family.
Carter and brother, Mr, and M'rs. • Elwin Cha�mney,
Joseph Carter. itt, who has t ,Chopin, at —.-
Mrs.. William Hagg -:..
been a patient in Victoria Hospital, ----�
returned to her home last Wed --- r
Mrs. C. Seers has returned from
a trip to Saelt Ste. Marie with her
daughter, Mrs. Russel Keyes, and
Mr. Keyes, of .Mitchell.
Mrs. Gordon Miller entertained
10 .little friends. of her d'a'ughter,
Gail, at a birthday party
Friday afternoon.
Mr. • and Mrs. Larry Glasgow,
Allan and Dennis, returned home
this week after holidaying at Col-
borne, Havelock and Port Perry.
They, were accomtyanied home by
her niece, Miss Lynda Hunter, who
will spend two weeks, with Mrs.
Glasgow, while her parents - are
holidaying in Western, CanadKeith and
Mrs. Kenneth Scott, her
Wayne, visited on Friday with
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Aitcheson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Govier and
family, of Exeter, visited on the
week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Pitblado and Barrie.
r, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson,
Barbara, Mary, Margaret and Min-
nie and Walter Wagner, visited
on Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Youn.gblutt and family, near
Woodstock. Earl and Marie
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