HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-5, Page 5Common Sense, Red `tar, Blue Ribbon
Flax, Binding twines,
.'1avrng secured apractical ttnscnith
are now prepared ko take work
1n eavetrortghhngn furnace,
rooting or repairs.
now oulitancl
Milk Cana, alts Tinware a£
every description.
Daisy Cliurns,
A case of triple birth in the history of
the equine family occurred at Marshall
( Tuesday, A fine brood mare dropped three
colts, They are small, but all alive and
doing nicely, being perfectly formed and as
lively as crickets.
Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed
Wires, :ails, T.eniks,llinges,Z?ainta and
Oils. orders tloly taken fez. Oheatnut
blacksmith and stove coals, far early
GROCEP►IES—^Stook com-
plete. Produce taken in
exelian ,e.
11. Mont Jas, . Howard,.
Manager. Proprietor,
TirftiiiHr4,st Current Nowa Throughout the
lr. Ilollardl Dungannon, sustained
rather tr heavy Mass recently in hawing
horse stolen, valued at SM.
The last issue oethe Canada Gazette
eontarned ostlers for regular drill
throughout the Dominion.
The people who have been boring
for gas near Blenheim have struck
what they think ion vein of gold quartz
Joe liens, the great temperance lec-
turer, will conduct a temperance i'eviv.
al in Seafortlr for one week, cornnlene
rug on Sunday, June 15th,
Sinicoo's assessment roll for 1590
gives that town a population of `d,lifi'l :
real property ;5760 ISO; personal pro.
perty, $658,0U0 i income, $ Q,4e9 ;
total, $S92,48.9.
The gentleman who was in Parkhill
recently in the interests of Reliance
Electric fight Company did not re-
ceive suflicient encouragement to
warrant bun in going ahead with the
Mr, J. A. Courtney's house, at Dres-
den was struck by lightning the other
night. The bolt passed down the chim-
ney into the floor by the :stove where
Mrs. Courtney had just been. Tho
.carpet was torn and burned.
On the 9th coneesaion of West
Wilhams in the school section near
Springbank, near whore Mr. John.
Waters' M' P I'.. resides, there is only
one pupil attending the Public School.
The section is thickly settled.
The semi-annual meeting of South
Huron County Orange Lodge will be
held in the ]Orange hall, Clinton, on
Saturday, June 14th,; at 2 p.m. It is
requested that every lodge in the
county sand as full a representation as
Geo. Simmons, a respectable farmer,
committed suicide Saturday about two
miles north of Longwood by cutting
his throat with hisjack-knife. He had
been suffering with la grippe for over
three months, and had been despond-
ent for some time. He leaves a widow
and four children.
Mr. Jno. Grey, a laborer,was serious-
ly injured on'1'uesday last week by fall-
ing from the residence of Mr. Jas Rey-
nolds on Victoria street. He was taken
home and medical aid procured, when
it was found that the spine of his back
was damaged, to what extent it is im-
possible at present to say.
Winnipeg, May 27.—Reports just in
from sections of country to Regina,
Moesomin, Glenboro, Plum Creek,
Deloraine and Brandon, shewing an
increase of about twenty per cent. in
acreage under crop. Farmers are in
good spirits over' prospects for large
yield. Grain well rooted and promises
for good crop could not be better.
Joseph Langlois, living near Cloches -
ter village, Co. of Essex tried to com-
mit suckle by hanging. Edward Atkens
found his body suspended in a stable
and in haste to cut the rope he also
out the face of the supposed dead man,
and the body fell a considerable dis-
tance to the floor. Langlois wasbrougl;t
around by the doctors and is still alive,
but in a precarious condition,
On Thursday last, Mr. Samuel Thoel,
of the township of Morris, met with
a very sad accidentby which he
he lost his life. He was drawing out
manure, and while on the way to the
field he in some way fell off the load
among the horses' feet, and was tramp-
ed or kicked to death. He was found
about noon dead, and it is supposed he
lay tbere most of the forenoon.
Geo. Uooper, a resident of Windsor,
tried to commit suicide Friday night.
He had been drinking heavily during
the day, and had the delirium tremens.
He waded into the river at Walker -
villa, and then went back to the shore,
and, picking up a large stone, tried to
break his skull. Chief ot Police Grif-
fiths saw him, however, and arrested
him and locked him up. He is quite
seriously hurt];
]Children Cry t'or Pitcf_er' Cartori
In the Brooker settlement, Essex
County, on Wednesday night, two
farmers, named Jones and Speedily,
got into an altercation about a cow,
and when Jones started to take the
he s m he
animal o S etc 1 f was set
a off farm nr Y
upon bythe 1 rter swifa and son,who
used a pitchfork Jones.' body and
bead is frightfully cut, and his phy-
sicians have grave doubts of his re.
Brampton, Ont., May 3Q, -'-Thu fire
brigade ot this town has been called out
several gimes within the last three weeks
toextinguish incipient fires, evidently the
work of a fire bug, Throe fires were started
in the rear of btark's drug store, one in
the rear of Wood's jewelry store and one in
the rear of the Revere House, but were
extinguished quite easily, Tuesday at noon.
Williamson's stable canght fire, and a valu-
able trotting colt wasdestroyed, together
with the building and contents. Young
West, a lad between 7 and 9, was arrested
and lodged in jail, and admitted treat he
had been trying to start a blaze for some
Thursday last Mr, John Williams, of
Cairngorm, not with a severe acci-
dent. It appears he wafi drrvrng an eld
horse with it molt he was breakt.ng,when
on ;getting out ot his waggon to assists
neighbor some way, the colt became
emoted and ']ricked, striking fir.
Wrillarne en the left eye, brooking
several tones of the face and knocking
him away several it. Dr.A,. Thomeeon
of Strathroy, WM called and dressed
the wound, hut it will be fully two
weeks before Mr, Williams will be
around again.
We are very sorry indeed to an-
nounce* the' death of Ws, Jas.Werry,
which event occured after a short ill -
flees on Saturday last. She was born
in the township of Usborne Oct, l l the,
1890, and was the third daughter of
Wm. Perkins, Esq., of Exeter. About
four week ago she was taken ill ; it
was thought at Ord she would re.
cover, but on `rhuradey last there was
a change, for the worse, and notwith.
tending all, that skilled treatment and
est of nursing could do, she did not
rally,butqui tely fell asleep on Saturday
evening. The funeral took place from
her husband's residence on Tuesday
ernonn, and War attended by a large
circle of relatives end friends..
Professor Wiggins predicts severe
earthquakes in Italy. He says: ---i 1
stated a month or so ago that Vesuvius
will certainly be in aetinn within the
next three months. As Mount "Etna
is not so near Vesuvius, I claim that the.
explanation I gave at the time was cor-
rect, viz., that the earthquake force
ti' lticlr recently crossed the Queen Char
lot teislands would pass eastward through.
the Mediterranean." 1Ie says further
"The earthquake in America two days
atm was caused by the same force, and
he believes that the planets were very
nearly in the 81me position in the year
79, when Ponied was overwhelmed by
ashes and lava from the crater of Vesu-
vius Italy* may possibly be shaken to its
centre during the present summer."
BissrxT—in Exeter, on the 28th ult., the
wife of Mr. George Bissett of a daughter.
$ AR11IEU.
Ceeiriaosi—BAiun—At the residence of the
bride's parents. Parkhill, an the 28th
ult., by the Bev. Mr. Ford. Mr. D. FI.
Cameron, to Miss 1.1. J. Baird, all of
Wxrny-7n Clinton, on the 24th ult.,
Eliza, wife of Worry, aged 39 years and
7 mos.
Chin i.—In Stephen township, on Monday
June 2nd, Alexander, son of Dfr. Tho,',
Ching, aged 21 years.
BAsrERSILLE—In Centralia, on Monday,
June 2nd, infant daughter of Samuel and
Maggie Baskerville, aged 8 months.
As simple, natural laxative, atomacbfc,
blood, brain and nerve tonic, when taken as
directed, the value of Burdock Blood Bit-
ters cannot be over estimated, while as a
cure for constipation, indigestion, lever
diseases, impure blood' sleeplessness, nerv-
ous and sick headache, it is the best that
money can buy.
It is stated in Winnipeg that the Domin-
ion Government will, grant a bonus of $80,-
000 per year to the Hudson Bay Railway
Company for twenty years, which is equiv-
alent to a guarantee of 4 per cent. on
Do not be discouraged because other
r'rnedies have failed you. Mr. Hugh Ryan
says:—For cold in the head and Catarrh
Nagai Balm is the best remedy I ever tried,
and I have tried many.
Ifiumount, Ont., May 30.—This afternoon
about three o'clock while Robert J. Bryane,
nephew of Robert Brynne, of Lindsay, was
out boating, he in some manner upset his
canoe, and was drowned before assistance
could be rendered;
The vocal organa are strengthened by the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Clergymen,
lawyers, singers, actors, and publio speakers
find this preparation the moor effective
remedy for irritation and weakness of the
throat and lungs, and for all affections of
the vocal organs.
An old physician retired from practice. bay
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and lung affections, circ a positive
and radioal cure for nervous debility and all
nervous complaints, after having tested its
wonderful' curative powers in thousands of
eases. hos felt it his duty to make is known to
hie suffering fellows• actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, the
recipe. in German, French. or English, with
full directions for preparing and using.' Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this
paper. W. A. Novas, 820 Powers' Block. Roch-
ester,N. Y.
"!My daughter was greatly troubled with
Scrofula, and, at one time, it was feared she
would loose her sight. Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
hag completely restored her health, and her
eyes are as well as ever, with nota trace of
scrofula in her system."—G, Ring, Killing-
1y, Conn:
We aro told that miracles have ceased.
Possibly they may have been diseontinued
in order to Rive full scope to human intelli-
genre. Certain it is that the wonderful
developements and achievements of science
in these latter days have rendered direet
supernatural interposition in hernan affairs
unnecessary. Two thousand years ago
Taoar�s Horx owAY would probably have
been deemed a worker of miracles. The
euros effected ea
tod by his Pills and Oi tine
wonld have been considered supernatural,
Even now they are looked upon as marvels;
yet we know that the medicines which have
healed the sick in all parts of the world a'e
the legitimate fruits of profound thought,
unwearied study and research, and a long
series of practical experiments. It i3 a
singular foot, and one that established be-
yond question Holloway's theory of a coal-
men origin of disease, that the people of
every country into which his medicaments
have been introduced have considered thorn
specially adapted to the complaints most
common in such country, The reason is
that they operate upon the deleterious prin-
ciple in the blood of the patient, which is
the immediate cause of his disorder, what-
ever it may be. and hence their effect is
always salutary. In Canada every settler
on new land who has ever tried them in
intermittent or bilious remittent fever, will.
aver that there are no diseases in which
they work 040h wanders 05 in these, The
Canadians also ate impressedwith the be-
lief that the eutaueous and glandular dis.
ordere to which violent extrernoa of beet
and cold resider them peculiarly subject, are
more readily eradicated by the ointment.
than any ether diseases for which it is pre.
scribed. It is ire evidence, however, that
just wiaat these great remedies are doing for
Oneida, they are doing for all nations
under the ann. It so liePpens indeed that
the ailments upon whieb the preparations
exoife the meet direct and pewerful i eilueuce
are ereeieely time which are the olifef
scourges of British Mullen, and home
they seem to be, and in one sense are, mora
especially required in that region than in
some other eoaptries, But their unbounded
celebrhy, and the enormous increase of the
demand for them in all our colonies, fndi.
rate their value more significantly time any
eulogism that wo 40u14 beistow. Within a
few years they have become stables of the
medical. market throughout North America.,
The oonatant iu julry for them readers it
inexpedient for any drng house or apothe-
eary's shop to b0 without then]. Teo
druggist who does not keep there, makes,
in effect. a tacit admission that he is un-
aequainted with the wants of his customers,
His stock Is not merely iucomplete; it lecke
two et.sential articles which the stoic mat
and will have frone same scum or other.
Suchio lai
1 puri
ll, as this is the niced only
of superlative excellence, and it places the
sapOriority of Holloway's IIHUADlns beyond
all controversy. -.-.Tile Elocutioner.
Why allow your llfo to be made miserable by
buzzing insects, when Wilson's Ely Pads 'will
annihilate them and sive you peace? Try them
Sold byte! druggists.
and all Christian people are fast fiuding out
that the only reliable is the Imperial Cream
Tartar Baking Powder, made by I3, W.
Gillett Toronto, maker of the famous Royal
Yeast Cahee,
If you will send us your addressw] 11M ft,i I
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all.
about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eleetre-fioltale
Belt and Apro emcee. and thter charming effects
upon the nervous dobilitatod system, and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
hood health. Paurphlot free. It you are thus
afflicted, wowill5andyouaBelt and Appliances
on trial. VOLTAIC IMO' 00.. Marshall,Mieh'
1 to 2 bottles of B. B. B. will cure headache.
I to 2 bottles of 1313 13 will cure Bilieusness.
1 to 4 bottles of B .1313 will euro t:onstipa.
1 to 4 bottles of B B 13 will eure Dyepopsie.
1 to 0 bottles of B 1313 will euro Bad Blood
1 to G bottles of B B B will aura Scrofula.
In any naso relief will bo had from the fret
few doses,
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Caetorla.
When she was a Child, she cried ter Caatoria.
When she became Mies. she clang to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thous Castoria,
Wilson's Fly Pads
Slaughter House Flies in millions
safe, cleanly and effectual.
My husband had asthma for eight years
with severe ecugh, and his lungs also wore
affected. He could neither rest. work, nor
get relief from any medicine he tried- Some
time ago we got ]lanyard's Pectoral Balsam,
and after taking six or eight bottles his
cough is entirely cared, the asthma greatly
relieved, and his lungs greatly benisited.
Mus. Moses C.lucH, Apsley, Ont
They are
0. C. RICIIARDs & Co.
Gents,—I sprained my leg so badly that
I had to be driven home in a carriage. I im-
mediately applied MINABD'S LINIMENT
freely and in 4S hours could use my leg
again as well as ever.
Bridgewater, N. S. Josuzm WYNAIIGHT.
Having used your Burdock Blood Bitters
successfully for some time time past for my
complaint, bilousnees and acid stomach. I
have never found its equal
Trios. W. SOTSoN, St. Thomas, Ont
A child may be suffocated by a bad attack
of Croup. Wilson's Wild Cherry gives
immediats relief and quickly cures' croup,
Whooping Cough, Cold in the Head. Bron-
chitis. and similar diseases. Get a bottle
and keep it in the house, it may save your
child's life as it has done in many eases.
It is so pleasant that children take i; like
syrup, For Coughs and Colds in adults i
has no equal. Get the genuine in white
Yellow Oil is the bust remedy I ever used.
I had a healing breast 15 months ago,
which was very sore. I got no relief until
7 tried Hagyard's Yellow. Oil, whice gave
instant relief.
MRs . JNO. CO RBETT, St Marys, Ont
For croup, quinsy or colds use Yellow Oil.
The Political Situation
Has not materially changed within the last
year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry is becoming
better known every week as a a,.rre for Coughs,
Golds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Loss of Voice
and other- affections of the throat, Chest and
Tumgs, ;For twenty years this reliable medicine
his been used in scores of families with the.
greatest success. Sold by all druggists. Get
the genuine in white wrappers only,
Yellow Oil has . one good work for 30
years in curing muscular rheumatism, lam•
bago croup. quinsy, colds, sprains, bruises,
b iris and all pains and aches. It is equal-
ly good for Iran or beast,
Red Wheat ' 95 to 51 00
Spring Wneat-,. ... .. 00 95 se 8100
t3arley 45 to 00 48
3$ to 34
OloverSse,d.. ... ,, 300to325
P Tas othy
., .., -. ..: 1 50 too 2 00
Corn - , 0 40 to 52
eggs .,. , , ..,.. 11 50 11
Batter ,. . 14 to .0 14
Plourperbbl 00 to 5. 16
Potatoes,per bushel ,... 40 to 0 60
A s
1 e a COo 00
p e ro ., 1 0 1
r r
e 0 t 0
Aar d es r b .. 005
apple 4.
008 to 10
008 to 007
Geese pez' lb,
Turkey per lb
Duoks per ]b
Ohiekensperpr ... 025 to 0 30
aogs,dreseedper)CO -. .,, 4 50 to 5 00
Seel .., .. 400 50525
gidesrough, ... , _. 2 00 to 2 50
dressed .� 3 50 to 390
Sheens/ins each ... 0 GO to 20
Oallskins, 050 to 0 56
Wool perlb .,, , , 0 18 to 0.80
Onoperton ., 7 t.o7 00
Ouionsperbueh� ... 0 5000 to 0 (3
Woodpercord .•,, 250to3o0
Pail Wheat 0 95 098
Spring Wheat..., .., ... 0 91 0 98
Barmy 0 35 038
Oats 0 26 1 27
Clover fieette, 5 f0 350
Timothy 2 80 4 00
Eggs. .................. ........ 8 0 R
Butter 12. 016
Potiatoes per bag ... .. ....... ... 75 98
A plecperbuilt.... 056
wool per lb 20 020
JiCagperton „ 5 50 G 5e
Bran per tars .-,,, ,14 0014 00
Shorts '^ " , ,,,.,.20 00 29 00
Ratnlea,iper nen,,,, .. „ ,., 0 00 7 00
Wheat, $1 to 31,05 per bus. 0E08.28 o to
3to per bus. Peas, 60te to Ole per bus. ar-
ier,Afalting,48 to454per bus. Barley Feed.
33.1e to 414 per bus Cern, 45o to 473e per
Toronto. Mas28. Wheat Spring-, No. 2.1,02
'to 1,01 per bus ; red win ter,Na.2.1,e0 to 05 per
bus. elenitobe No.1 hard,110 to 117 No- 2,1 09
to 1 12 ; PEAS Gib to 112e per bee. OATS 36e
to 37e per bus.LQUlt. extra. 34.15 to 54.25
per bel; straight roller. x,4.75 to g4.$0;,
Prang bakers,S4,00 t0 34,30. liARraEY, No 2,
47e to 41'e; No 3 extra, 410 to 450 ; No 3, 59e
to 40e.
B. Trans-Lontuielltal Innovation
Sleeping oar passengers for Pacific coast
points via tato Chicago, lfilwaukee & 55.
Paul and 'Union Pacido Overloud Fast A1;aB
Time no longer have to wait in line at Coen -
oil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain sleet).
lug car berth reservations -sweat of the Mis.
sauri River,.
The new arrangemeuts made by the Chi-
engo, Milwaukee d; St. Paul. Railway obviate
all enoh delay and annoyance..
For further particulars enquire of nearest
Coupon Ticket Agent or address LE,IT.
Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil-
waukee, Wis.
ADVICE s To aoritnns.--areyou disturnodat
nightaud broken of your rest by a sick child
sutrerin and or •fug with pain of Cuttiue
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of 31.rs.Winslow'sSoothing Syrup" forcbil.
drop Teething. Its value is incalculable.
111 willcellevo the poor little sufferer im
medisteh. Ormond upon it, mothers; there
Is r.ynllafako about it. Itoures Dysentory
and Diarrheas. regulates the Stomach and
llowols,euros Wind Collo, mottoes the (lnms.
reduces IuAammntiou, and gives tone and
energy tothewltolosystem. 3lrs.winalow's
SootuIug Syrup" for children teething is
pleasautto the taste Midis tho proscription
of ono of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
Suttee. and is for sale by a11 druggtste
throughout the world, Prion twenty-five
cents a bottle. Ito sure and ask for"Alas
W1isAow's CnOTUINO s`rnan "and no
other intl.
hoice Seeds
Mangel Seed,
Carrot Seed,
Fodder Corn Seed,
Turnip Seed, etc.,
and raise a first-class crop.
It will pay you.
It always pays.
DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton,
ainahio Stylos
Overooatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings
at any price.
est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 eave your orders early, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stock of Fine Trimmings, and the tits
Hutting in Town, you are sure of atisfao•
A._ J. SN*LL,
WT. 11. GEAI- A.M.,
198 King: Street West,
Toronto, Ont.,
attention to SI{IN DIST: ASLS, as 1'iulnles. Mears,.
PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Private
Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, Nervous De-
bility. etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet
and Stricture of long
DISEASES OF WOMEN... Painful, Profuse or Sup.
:4c� " pressed Menstruation, Uleeratlon, Leucorrhtea, .and al
Otfaoe Yours -9 a.m.to 8 p.m, Displacements of the Womb.
Sundays,' p.m. to 3 p.m.
Somebody Must
Who bought that bankrupt stock ? Several have advertis-
ed as selling cheap- I want it distinctly understood
did not get it and do not want it.
Z manufacture all rimy own Tinware and
handle no Bankrupt stocks, and am 111 a position at all tunes to ober
good well -made tinware at lower prices than any other house can sell
their two years and a half shop, worn goods tor, I ask you to come
and inspect my stook and you will be convinced that l ant speaking the truth. My
stook is all made of the best tin that can be had is the market and am selling away
down, COAL Olfi Always on band. Delft forget the stand.
One door north Dr. Lutz.
dlil,lI?ilafrIE:ItGU l''irit11':Ah.'tI4I f11U41111,i1
1, will be to your interest to call on us before buying yourBuilding Hardware.
Shelf hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire.
A11W..A. " S x yr SrT 0 CI<
First-olass tinware. Ne two and a half years shielf wore goods to offer.
,53.,:V D-111MilV
Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing
a speciality. Agents for the Raymond.
Sewing Machines. A call solicited.
Drug Store
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
C ii 71 .6
Spring ;; Stock
Dress Goods,
Prints, Ginghams,
Muslins, Shirtings,
and Tweeds,
all marked down in price to meet the
hard times.
13est value in Teas
in the country.
Pure Spices, ' Fresh Groceries and
Cheap Sugars Call and see. The
prices will astonish you.
Market Store, EXETER.
Nov. 13, 1889.
Boot k Shoe Maker
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his old customers and as
many new ones
Sewed Wo rkaSnecialty
Repairing promptly and sat-
isfactorily done.
Reliable Goods
At Prices Lower that so -CEI
led Cheap Houses can gin,
Undertaking in .all
(successor to C. & S. Gidley)