HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-08-25, Page 4CARLOW, Aug. 23. — Prelimin- ary land -levelling work will com- mence in the near future .as a start n a' modern, two -room school' for bo bone Township. The main work of building, however, will not be done until next spring and *re new school will be ready for occupancy for the commencement of the •school term in September, 1196. The new school is to. be located on the same site as the old Zion. United Church, torn down several ieeades ago, at concessions 5 and • Colborne Townsh'i , south • of Carlow. Four acres of land on ;,the farm of William Treble have been purchased by the Colborne. Town- ship School Area Board for the sum of $1,200. Theland was pur- chased on Monday of last week. The entire board was agreed on the need for a new school but there was a difference of •epinion as 'to where it should be located. Another .site considered was also en the Treble farm but closer to Barlow. It was finally thought that too' much money would have tn be spent to level the land on the second choice site. Chairman of the Colborne Town- ship School ,A.rea Board is Charles Gillian, while other members of the board area Benson Straughan, Neil Lowey, , Milford Durst and Clifford McNeil. It was felt that No. 1 school, nearly 100 years old, is beyond repair. No, 3 was condemned and Torn down two years ago. The ,tild;ren from No. 3 have been at - 'ending Saltford school but with the attendance at Saltford school now 'about 77, this number is too large to be adequately handled. No. 4 vas closed • down 'about ten years ago and No. 5 several years later. When No. 1 is closed down ;next year it will be the fourth .school in the township,rto be closed -in the past ten years. Hence the" need,of the new -school, which will he Wfuilt in such a way as to facil- itate the adding of another room iio the two room structure when ae.cessaty. The past three yea.rs has shown an, increase .in the school popula- 'tion. of 'Colborne Township and COLBORNE TWP CN, BEST, BIGGEST S1OW FOR WESTERN FAIR The dates for, Western Fair at London are just around the .cor- ner, er to and all x�x West ra O a1rio an look forward to the's best and biggest exhibition ¢�> in Western Fair history. {l?:' Advance sale tickets are three for one & 1 tar and are now on sale in Goderich. ]air" officials point out that only purchasers of ad- vance tickets can 'participate in {rni, the draw for two expensive sedans on the last night of the fair, ��.. September 17. Space in;' all the buildings has been comipletely sold out.,The farm machinery exhibit wibe r the largest on record. The Western, Ontario Holstein and. Jersey breeders are holding r their ehampdonship shows at the 'F ? Fair. \ The Ontario Sheep Breed- ers' Association will hold a sheep sale on ; Thursday, September 16. Every inch of barn space will 'be -occupied by prize livestock. - Westea'n Fair attractions are more varied than, ever, with some- thing ' fbr every member of the family. Modern BudiDg BRICK OR FRAME HOMES MODERNIZING KITCHENS ALSO DUPLEXING ALTERATIONS -- TILE FLOORS ALL TYPES OF ROOFING Reasonable Prices. Skilled labor—Free estimates. Please phone or contact Bruce E. Ryan �. �r able for draw ort 1 Only Advance Sale Ticket Molders are elig i* CHEYRQLEt 210 DELUXE * D0�11iE REGENT SEDAN ,, ADVANCE SALE TICKETS - 3 for s,avch Eauch ticket admits one adult' °r two Batu day' Sept 17, All tickets must. be in by 9:30 p.m., to be eligible for 'drahick will ed be made at a 10:15 p.m.<.E in front of Grandstand: , When Colborne township's new two -room school opens in September,' 1956, these, children will be among those who will be attending it. They are, from left to right: Shirley and Evelyn Cantwell, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Torn Cantwell; Jane and John Treble, twins of Mr. and Mrs. William. Treble; Roger Mitchell, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Charles 'Mitchell. Standing •,in front is Raymond Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Allen. The school will be located on the same site as old Zion United Church,•razed some years ago. It is en the south portion of the William Treble farm. S.S. photo by R.H. this has • been. largely due to an influx of Dutch immigrants. As the old schools ,were torn down over the past decade the sale of property and building ma- terials from them created a fund which was set up as a building fund for a new school. ft was this money which was used to purchase the new school site on the Treble 'farm. 'An artesian well will be .drilled on the new school site in the. im- mediate future. ,, o• :5=s FOR POWIEIC UL GETAWAY CABINS POPULAR ,. Mr. G. :Hazelwood, of Silver Birch Grove cabins., three miles north of Bayfield, on Highway No, 21, reports that the volume of summer business this year is up to that of last year. The heat wave created a strong demand for cabins on the lakefront. First white man ever to see Great Salt Lake was • •the famous western scout, Jim Bridger, who made his way to the shore of the lake in 1824 while on a trapping expedition. o 0 0 Hotel manager to idling em- ployee: "Why aren't you busy? Can't you find something to do?'' Employee: "Do I have to find it, too?" (Hansard) Mr. McIlraith: If you look at statistics showing the net•, income of Canadian farmers over the last 30 years— ,Mr. Charlton: I imagine I have looked at them more than the on. member for Ottawa West. • An Hon. Member: But do you understand them? Mr.. Charlton:. I think I under- stand them better than the hon, member 'for Ottawa West. If he •had spent as much time on a farm as I •have he would realize what they mean to the farmers. I have studied- these statistics. Can the hon. member for Ottawa West tell methat the farmers' net income is A high now as it was four or five years ago? Mr. Mcllraith: Mr. Speaker, if I am being asked a question I shall answer it. • Mr. Charlton: You may answer it. • .Mr. Mcllraith: I just want to point out that the last statistics, I have available at the moment, having had no •warning of the question, show that the net income of the farmers of Canada was 18 Plyw�ods rDoors for every need for every ur os •� Materials Asphak�: make those Shingles "Phone 782 times as high in 1948 ;is it was during the regime of his •former leader, Bennett: An Hon. Member: That is irrel- evant." Mr, Mcllraith: 'It is an. answer to the question. Mr. ,Charlton: Perhaps the hon. member is quite correct when he says that it was 18 times as high. The fact that it was 18 times as hinh 'does not mean one thing. Mr. Mellrait'h: That is my point exactly. Mr. Charlton: I say it does not mean e thing. I ',stated in the house the other day that the net income of farniers has decreased by .48' per•• scent in the last four years. Would any other part of the economy take that reduction and say as little as: the farmers have said in the last year or so? The price the farmers have to pay for the article's they purchase has gone up 50 per cerit in the last few years, while the price they get for their produce has gone up, bronly 17 per cent. The net income might be 18 times greater, but the dollar value is down. I suppose the 'hon. member is referring to the thirties when the farmer was not getting as ' much money. . Mr. Ml:•raith: "That is right. He, was getting nothing. There was an impossible government in office at that time. Mr. Charlton: We have heard the same"''Fgument so many times from members of the Liberal party in this houses and it can get rather tiresome when everyone in this country, knows that the depression began before the Conservatives came to powern the thirties. Mr. Fraser (Peterborough): When the ,Grits were in power. Mr. -Mcllraith: I did not suggest they started it. Mr. Charlton: I have figures on record on many occasions, proving beyond any doubt that our exports of food products from Canada to Great Britainincreased. from the time the Conservative government came into power in 1930 over the exports of the 1928.29 period, Will. the hon. member refute. those arguments? • ' Mr. Mcllraith: If they are re- levant I •would be glad to do so. Goderich Pair Wins At Clinton Tourney A team from Goclerich skipped by Roy Sparling with Cliff Mc- Manus as lead, ciefe•ated skip Ilugh' Hawkins and lead Bob Vodden, of Clinton, in the last round of the men's doubles tournament played on the 'Clinton ,greens on Wednes- clay , aft nocn and ,evening of last. week. They were awarded suits of. clothes en they racked up a score of thr wins plus 35 with' an aggregate o 66. A double dr w was necessary and competition was keen. Teams were present ,i.rom Wingharn, God,erich, Lucknow, Seaforth, EX- eter, Listowel, Strathroy, Tees - water, Mitchell, London. and Clin- ton. Runners-up, :in order, were: We MacLaren and E. Harris, Goderich, with three wins pfd's 19 and an aggregate of 54; L. 'Luckinan, and C. Brown, London, three wins plus '20 and an aggregate : of 56; • R. Besse and J: Roze11, Goderich, two wins plus 20 and an 'aggregate of. 56; B. Christie •arid F. Sills, Sea-' forth, two wins plus 18 and an aggregate •of -NAME WICK tO W MAN O 1JNIVERSITY 'STAFF Steve Stothers, son of Mr.' and 'Mrs. S. E. Stothers of Lucknow, .has accepted an appointment to - the -staff of the animal science tdepartmen t of the University' of rManitoba with his duties to corn - in erece with the fall]. term. Steve has a string of letters to his nate--.B:S,A., M.Sc. and Ph.), Ile spent four years at the.. On- tario Agricultural College,., Ottelph' and four years at Michigan State College. Sze 'imadttated a year ago at -1VCichigan ' State College with ,'AtiOctoel degree and .has spent the'f past year ,in, post -graduate work, 1 JACKPOT CKPOT of, $48.00 for full house, in 58 calls. If trot won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of call$, will be raised each week until 'it is won. - 15 GAMES $1:00 $10 CASH. PRIZE 4 SPECIALS -Share the " Wealth JACKPOT WILL .BE . PLAYED FOR 4 TIMES. Jackpot — 25c. or 5 for $1.00 Regular extra cards 25c , i` DOOR •PRT'LE---$5, $3, $2. Norse Show SEPT. Hatoll77 L®NI DOO ill, Ont .', r �,■�. W. o, JACKSON, Manager TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Fresh Killed jht Killed Under Supervision Locally ` and Strict Inspection