HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-08-11, Page 6ry
Ni`�4 ` •S .1i�•S v�,i
i�,•�(((j� p^�y ' ° i•;A•P+.Mn" ii/#.9 AUGUST 1�1.01;
Gederach and Mr. and M,rs. o
Tees and family, of Thendid, Who
*ere on their way to their Cottage.
near 'Vtriapton, for a short vacation..
" Earl Cox, who left Ontario the
end of April, 'by riotor on a tour
o4 Western Provinces and part of
United States, has been spending
a few days with friends in British
Columbia en route to a visit with.
his., aunt and uncle and. other
re atives' in ,Lynden, 'Washington,
and vicinity. While in ,Alberta he
attended the :Calgary Stampede.
' ON MAI) PI F. "'ON'
• Wondering whether a pig-
eon -fancier May have- lost a'
valuable bird, F. Lapaine, of
oderich, brought in to The
ignal-Star on Monday a tag
which he found oni, a' dead
pigeon while driving on No. 21
Highway Sunday,_ evening.
The t small tag bore the
markings: CU 5147955. Mr.
Lapaine said the bird had ap-
parently been struck by a ear
and was on the -highway about
three miles south of town.
News Of Auburn
tA: UM, •Aug. 108.—Miss Aud-
Mitchell, of Goderich, is visit-
3x►g her sister, Mrs. Dan McPhee,
Mx. MvPhee and faaily this week.
Kenneth W iison, of London,
, • visited with Mr:• and Mrs. Wes.
Bradnock last Saturday.
Clifton MacDonald, of Guelph, gate to the Free Methodist Con -
.is spending his vacation at his ,,,gate
held at Thamesford last
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc-
Michael and Miss Evelyn.
Mr. and ,,Mis., Beverly French,
Margaret, ,Ellen and Jimmy, of
Detroit, visited last week with her
Patents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Thomas McMicllael was a dele-
'. Home here. ,,, t week.
William Andrew, of the Bank of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardin and
(Commerce, BN of' Wingham, visited family, of Clarksburg, are visiting
1M:r. and u •. Larry Glasgow on at the home of her parents, Mr.
Friday,, even i;. and Mrs. William Straughan. Ly -
Misses lief = and Evelyn Moore, man and Bonnie are remaining for
of Goderich, • . are visiting their a longer visit.
• friend, Miss: Mary Goddard. At Knox Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds and next Sunday Joseph Montinarello
Billy Dodds, ,jr., attended the will speak on "Co-operation."
Carter -Bolton wedding at Strat- Mrs. W. J. Dale and family, of
ftlyd last Saturday. Kinburn, visited with her. parents,
Mrs'. William Stewart is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. and Evelyn, last week.
:Elmer Sproul, Mr. Sproul and fam- Bobby Robinson, of Clinton,
ily, of West Wawanosh. visited last Tuesday with 'his'
Mr..and Mrs. Allen Meridth, of friends, Bill and Gerald Dobie.
Oharleinont, were recent visitors , Miss Sheila Doerr, of Niagara
: •
1 SALE• 1
0 Swim Suits 40 Shorts �
1 i T -Shirts ID Slacks
Summer Skirts
Falls, is visiting at the home of
her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Ohamney and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stafford and
daughter, Mrs. Charles Polk and
Larry, of London, and Billy Dobie,
of Toronto, visited last week with
(Mrs. Catherine Dobie.
Congratulations to Miss Joanne
Easom, who . .successfully passed
her exams in nurse's aid course at
Wingham hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson,
Paul and Louise, of Seaforth, visit-
ed on Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Charles Nevins and Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pentland,
who spent their two-week vacation
with her mother, Mrs. Charles„
Straughan, returned to their home
in North Bay on Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and
Nancy Jane, Mrs. O. F. Mefveen,
Mrs. Duncan MacKay and Mrs.
Fred Ross attended the Ross-Trant
wedding in Toronto last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Finnigan,
of Dungannon, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ezekial Phillips
and Laura.
Mrs. George Hamilton returned
home on Friday from a visit with
her, niece, Mrs. Charles Merrill,
Mr. Merrill and family, at Summer-
Mrs. Stanley Strasser, Barbara
and Beverly, of Sault Ste. Marie,
are visiting' her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Williarxi J. Craig and 'other
friends in the community.
Rev. C. W. de Witt Cosens, Mrs.
Cosens and daughter, Rev. Mar-
guerite Cosens, of Toronto, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott
last Sunday. Rev. Marguerite
Cosens leaves next Monday for
Japan, where she will be mission-
ary for the United Church in
Canada. '
Thomas Adams, of Toronto, wlio
has been spending his vacation
With Mr. and Mrs. William Strau-
ghan, left on Monday to visit 'his
daughter, Mrs. Martha Reick, of
Mr. and Mrs. Rey Noble and
daughter, Valeen,• of Belgrave,
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, of
Ottawa,: ;,:aze visiting his brother,
Albert - Apbell and Mrs. Camp-
bell, aniVeNher, William Campbell,
and her' cousin, Mrs: Donald Fow-
ler, and Mr. Fowler.
Miss Margaret, A. • Jackson and
Miss Christine Cunningham have
been enjoying a conducted tour of
Montreal, Quebec and the Gaspe
Mrs. Roulston, of Wingham,
visited last week with her cousin,
Mrs. John Graham-.
Billy Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Brown, had the misfortune
to have his foot severely cut at
the dam last Friday evening. He
was taken to Dr. Street, at Blyth,
If so, contact by Tetter or phone 6488, Guelph, for appointment.
Freezer Plan, Gummer Building, GUELPH, Ontario.
This is an opportunity of a life time.
times a day
at home
at work or
on the way
Where i:t ' took qi i:ite a numboi of
snitches to dress the wound;
'Mrs. Jack Bennett, Jimmy and
Billy, of lidgetown, called on Mrs.
Charles Straughan and. Mr. and
Mrs. William Straughan on Satur-
"day evening. Mrs. Bennett is a
camp nurse at the A.Y.P.U. camp
at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washington,
of Kirkland Lake, Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Andrew and family and Miss
Ethel Washington visited with
their uncle, O. Ellsworth Erratt,
one evening last week.
Donald King and Sandy An-
drews are enjoying a vacation at
,North Bay this week.
Harvey Wi'ghtman has secured
a position at Kitchener.
Rev. Howard Bailey, executive
secretary of the Christian Educa-
tion, Deleware Conferenae of
Philadelphia, will be guest speaker
at Knox United Church next Sun-
day, August 14, at 11 a.m., re-
placing Rev.. C. C. 1A ashington,
who is on vacation. Special music
is also being aranged for this
Executive Meets.—The executive
of the Auburn Horticultural So-
ciety was held last week in, the
Auburn Public Library. Owing to
the dry conditions that have pre-
vailed in this district, it was de-
cided to withdraw the annual flow-
er show. Plans are being made
for the next open meeting' in the
fall to be in the form of a demon-
At Belgrave.—The Guild of St.
Mark's Anglican Church were
guests last week of the Belgrave
society which met at .the home of
Mrs. C. Wade. The president,
Mrs. Clare Van Camp, presided
and after the opening hymn the
business was discussed. The pro-
gram consisted of: piano solo, Mrs.
Robert J. Phillips, of Auburn; Mrs.
Bren de Vries, of Blyth, talk on,
her native country of Holland;
Mrs. Edwin Cartwright, of 'Blyth,
reading, and Miss Joyce Procter,
of Belgrave; cornet solo. An auc-
tion was held at the close of the
meeting. Lunch was -served to the
ladies on the lawn. Blyth Guild
Ladies were 'also guests. It ..was
decided to withdraw the August
meeting and the September meet-
ing of the:Guild will be held at the
home of Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt.
Ross—Trant. The Church of
the Transfguratien (Anglican),
.Toronto, decorated With standards
of white gladioli, 'foliage and
candelabra, was the setting of a
pretty summer wedding on Satur-
day, August 6, at 4 p.m., when
Sarah Patricia Trant, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John . F„ Trant, of
Fon•thill, formerly of Toronto, was
united in marriage to Donald Hugh
Ross, son of Mrs. Ross, Auburn and
the lateMr. Frederick Ross. Rev.
Gordon, Baker, rector,- officiated.
G. W. Evans, Oakville, played the
traditional wedding musle.,arr ,
corpanBied the. soloist, Ronald
Stewart, of Clarkson, who sang
"The Lord's Prayer" before the
ceremony and 40 Perfect Love"
during the signing of the register.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, looked' charming in a,.
floor length gown of white Cbantil
ly lace and tulle; fashioned with
a scooped • necktine and short
sleeves, bouffant skirt .with lace.
appliques and long lace mitts. Her
fingertip veil, • caught to a Juliet
lace headdress,• was decorated with
seed pearls. She carried a white
prayer book covered with demure
roses. Her matron of honor, Mrs.
Victor Counter, of Toronto, and
her 'bridesmaid, Miss Alice Trant,
were similarly gowned in• waltz -
length gowns of green and white
satin brocade, fashioned with large
Bertha collars, matching head-
dress, white 'gloves„ and white linen
,pumps. They carried cascade bou-
quets of gladioli and rdses. Miss'
Nancy Jane- Anderson, of Auburn,
made a winsome flower girl, wear-
ing a gown of white :flecked dot
on green nylon over ''taffeta with
matching ' headdress and -gloves,
and carried a basket of summer
flowers. Arthur Lucking, 'Oakville,
was his cousin's best man, and the
ushers were'11eter Trant, of Tor-
onto, brother of the bride, Donald
Harris, London, and Peter Walter,
of Goderich, At the reception in
the church hall for the 120 guests
the bride's mother wore a gown of'
teal,, blue lace over taffeta, lilac
pink hat and gloves and a corsage
of pink roses. The groom's mo-
ther chose a gown of dusty rose
crepe and lace with navy accessor-
iesand an orchid ,and carnation
corsage. For travelling the bride
chose a white sheath dress' and
Matching navy duster coat, white
•accessories and corsage of white
roses. Following a wedding trip
to the Maritimes and the New Eng-
land Statesrthe bridal couple Will
reside in Oakville, where the
groom is `principal of Westwood
School.. Many telegrams of con-
gratulations were received by the
Wedding '.party. Guests were pre-
sent from Galt, Peterboro, Lake -
'field, Auburn, Elmvale, Listowel,
Sundridge, Leamington, Windsor,
Welland, Hamilton, Goderich, Lon-
don, Brampton, Markdale, St. Cath-
arines, Montreal, Oakville and
o --0
Electric wire carrying hydro to
the information booth and the
band stand in Court Holise Park.
has gone underground. Workmen
this week were putting all neW
wire into the band stand „•and.
installing a switch panelunder-
neath it.
o 0 o
Lumber is an American word,
originating in Boston.
P0RTEWS pia, Aug. 1O.-4Mrs.
Earl McAllister and children, of
.Toronto, were visiting at the home
of her brother, Glen Pickard.
Mrs.sadore Harrison,' - of
..0)Imesville, is . spending • a few
days with her 'daughter, Mrs. R. J.
Mcfllwain, Blue Water Highway.
Ross Stanway, -a 'studentat the
University of Western. Ontario at
London, took -charge of the service
in 7Grace 'Church on Sunday morn-
ing. There wi'l'l,,;.•be - .no •service
there -for the next two Sundays.
Next Sunday, .the., service will be
withdrawal on account- of the an-.
niversary , services :at, St, Andrew's
United Church in Bayfield. Music-
al talent from Zurich ,w,dl assist
with ,the service.
Rev. and. Mrs. Peter Renner left
the beginning of the, week for
Saskatchewan on their vacation.
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Wilmer Harrison, Richard and• Jo
Anne. They expect to be absent
three or four weeks.
Recent -'visitors. with Mrs. Will
Cox were Mr. and Mrs. Will Teb-
butt and - Miss Eleanor Cox, of
Goderich TradeFair-Aug. 172O
We'll be happy to discuss with you your building
problems o•
Drop into our booth at the Trade Fair for informa-
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$In Mercury short -stroke
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This„ reduces friction
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With everything that's NEW ,
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1. SO BRIGHT... so right for you .. .
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