HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-5, Page 1AND H-HTTRON & MIDDLESEX EX G.AZETT 1.
VOL. XVII. NO, 34.
L. DLOESO)4, Barrister, Soli -
e :itot��t;uprome Court,NoturyPublic
0onveyancet Cmmntlasiouer.cba. ittone9 to
ja.iI, QQLLXI`lS,
Barrister, aSo1ll'altor, Ganveyancer, TAO,'
le X) TER, e ONT.
O Cettegeanwelkeleloelt Rawsote 0.11100,1
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pitiac,
Conveyancers e4c, &O.
r ,li;,ney .to Lean at Lowest RAtes of
n. Y.1;r,L70T. J. maser.
0FEW E: over OWIEAZIS,I3o,ti;
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
D 1'1NTIST.Li.D.8
S.atnlS t`, 11'S Black, taiat•St.Exetth'.
s: ;tracts Teeth vrttlroutirniti,
bs giving; Vegetable VCPor. told
Fllim;s and all other dental
k tlie best poseible. Ones
oorzua rent onlaatThured Sin
each month;
The M olsons Bank
Paid up Capital £4`4,000,40
R est?` tend ,,, 1.004,02
Hortd aidco, 3fontreal -
f=`nxiseenMax,to ;i
20 branch offices in nn. Agent
ju the Domin1on.U,S•A.and Sarope.;
xeter Brunetti
Opea ever' lawful day, from le a, tn, toee p.m
SATUItlaAysao a,tta.tn 1 p.m.
4PorCeat•por=Inept allowedformimeo, an
Deposit Receipts
, . 4IO3i1
MAuo er. ,.
Goldsmith 'i' Heli
`kereonalattentionuivento repairingci
watchceoluehe audiewelry:
Opposite Post Office, P;i1LKHTI.i.
T W. RAO Wx NG Vit. D., Id, C
ttr • 1"-S,'iraduateyleteriatlniveratty.OflleT
tad,veeldance.Dorc.pioiLaboraterv.Ex to
R, I:i.YNDM .N, aorener for the
County of Baron. Office, opposite Ur.
. Ceriing's atoro, Exeter.
Et, ,) ..A.. ROLLIEb, O. .1.).S
0.0ince,lstate 5...1:ltoter.Cnt.ltostdon
nohoueerecentlyocoupied byP.Mcrhtllips,
L• x=. CUTTEN, i. D. r, M.,
ot !n • rot. Prins. Mod. s ate Trinity Toronto Graaf.
Amfnest..#lraueologe; Member N. Y. Acad.
Antfirepology Amber Cal. P t"s., Ont. -
else, Dashwood. 0 nt.
EN1 EN1E;ILB1t3R,Lioensea Aua-
i ■.
rammer tor llay,Stephon, soul a0 O1I1i-
totes oinceilAti'Oat*Of110e,Cratiitanunt to
ti-('I1Y GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, lily and t.7abarne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
sttended,nod satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
erran god at Chia office ,
Veterinary Surgeons oan'bo consulted at
Clark's hotel, Lrnditon. or at Staffs. A full
stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly
on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a
1f 1 • Surgeon. Honorary Graduate of Ont.
Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform
the patine that be is now prepared to do all
workin Veterinary line, Calls answeredat alt
hours. omoo, KirktoOn,
3 m
11 • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet-
erinary College. Toronto, honorary member of
the Medical Sooiety. Calls from a distance
promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines
kept constantly on hand. Office, opposite
E. Boeseaberry's hotel, Hensall. N.B.-Vet-
erinary dentistry and surgery a speoialty.
Tennent & Tennent
teduates of the Ontario Veterinary one go
OVIfI033 : Cue door South of Town Hall.
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and flair mitring in tho latest
styleof :be art.
Every attention palate engin
ladies a ra WvI aren's Haft.
per oent, $25.000 Private Funds. Bost
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Plxeter,
CANADA.;` 'end Office, London,Ont.
After 31 years of successful . business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
oentents:,the most favorable protection in ease
of loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates
upon such 'liberal terms. that no other respect-
able oompany can afford to write. 42,375 poll;
cies in forme 1st Jan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in cash in. bank. Government demist, Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAilxs GRANT,
President; D. O. Mo DONALD, Manager• DAVID
JAacas, Agent for Exeter 'and -vicinity .
Establlehedin 18.68.
This, company has been over Eighteen
earafni uoce,sfu1 operation in Western Ou-
ario,andeoatinnes to iusureragainatloss or
amage by fire Bgfldangs,Mer ohandise,Man-
faetoriee,and ill otherdesoxiptioneoft iuser -
ble property. intending insurers have the
ptionoflnsuring°nthe Premium Note or,
Cash System . •
During the pasttem years this Company
has Issued 17,096 Policies.coverini•property
o theamountofS40,872,088 ;andpaid iniose
es alone4709,752,00
AaeetS, 8176,1o0.0o,00nsistin o f Clash
nr3auk,GovernmentDePosit,eendthe unaae-
esedereminmNoteson nandandinforce.. S
W WIat,BNM D. Presides.t 0 . d. TATLOR
Secretary. J.B. Hvenes,Inspector. CHAS:
,1'{ELL Agenifor Poaeterandvioinity.
Eyes Tested
S . URR.A.xO
Practical Optician,
Graduate Qotic School N.Y.
Eyostosted; defectirosigbtrostorodbytbo
aid of fine glasses, Largo assortment of tbo
fines tglasseaon hand. Aoallsolioited•
.A. es. 1VL'C7' , --t. .-2-..
u.eo a7'D 'a7.11 -S -ST Loudon.
Mon to tuko orders for Nursers Stock,on Sal-
ary or Comtmasion. I eaumako a sacooaofnt
E.;A.T...I MA N
ot anyone who will work and follow my in-
structions. Will furnish handsome outft rem
and pay your salary or commission ivory
week. Write for terms atnce.
E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
1Ieh1613t Toronto. Ont.
win stand for the improvement of stook this
season at Bissett's Livery Stabio,Exeter.
5 Packs of Cards, FREE
One Paok, May L0.1T. Home: One Pack
Boort; One Pack, Flirtation • One Pack, /fold
to the light; One Pack, Our Sof.. just holds
two. One sample book full of Novelties, all
FREE, if yon send 5o. silver, for postage.
..A-. W g2STleTneY. Yarmouth N S.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
Offioo, Tlpstairs.Samwell's Blook, Exeter. Ont.
1VLX5 5 5T "r`y'e' LE,
Teacher of painting, including pencil draw-
inir-cra1ons, water colors, and oils ; also
China decorations, silk. velvet. eto. Punil of
late Prof. Chapman.Belmutb College, London
Terms moderate: The Rectory. Itirkton;-Im
`3-A-1.... ERME N
Good Salary and Expenses, or Comnnfesion
Amid to the right men. I want ;mon 25 to 50,
years of age to sell a full line of rrst eines
Nursery Stook. All stook guaranteed. Apply
at once, statue ago and 'references.
0. L. BOOTHBY. Rochester. N. Y
Notice to Creditors !
in the Goods of William Whit-
lock, deceaseds.
NOTICE ie hereby given, pursuant to the
Revised Statutes of Ontario. Chapter
Ilov P
110, that all persons having olaims� upon or
against the. Estate of William Whitlock, late
of the Village of Exeter, in the oounty of
Huron, Gentleman, who diad on or about the
1st day of March, 1890, are on orbefore 'the 1st:
day of July, 1890, to send by post, prapaid
or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for the
Toronto General Trusts company, the adminis-
trators, with the will annexed of tho Estate
and offsets of the said deceased, a statement in
writing of their names and addresses and full
particulars of their claims and the nature' of
all securities (if any; held by them.
And notice ie further given that 'after the
said last mentioned date the said adininistra-
tore will prooeed todistribute the assets of the
said Estate amongstthe persona entitledthere-
to, Laving regard only to the claims of which
noticeshall have been given as 'above required,
and tho saidadministrators will not be respon-
sible for the assets or any part thereof ao dis-
tributed to
is-tributed'to any person` or persons of whose
claim or claims notice shall not have been re-
ceived by them at the tuna of such distribu-
Solioltors for Administrators,
Dated thisl3th day of April, '90. Exeter.
I -t
ID Brussels, Tapestry and
Hellin that .we will give
cheaper than any other house
in town. Comparison, invit-
Wail Paper
Will Paper
Wail Pape,
We are offering spacial
values in this line to clear"
out our stack. Ask to see
.our o(1(1 lines ill dishes.
Good goods at reasonable
Bmura.---1Ir. Freeulru Dates' youngest
child is dangerously ill with inflammation
of the lunge. Also a ai+n of AU, Joseph
Thompson Saublo bine, is down with the
®Haan diaeast.•--31r.1.", H. Nell lost a vain.
ante thorough, bred heifer a few flays Ago ;
Mao Ur, Cain lost a tine colt. -'-Tho bi auti.
Jul weather of the past few days has caused
quite an improvement in crops in general,
fall wheat in t articnter,--Tito vote in 13it1-
dulph today will not be much different
from former elections the C'atholio vote wilt
be divided up no on former oecasioug tate
contest will becl,eer, then tuna. expected.
(Too late for last seek.)
)31:zntrs.--The Weber, gr., and wife are
visiting frieutla an 3iilvertou.-Oar teachers
attended the Teachera' Convention at Exe-
ter gnat week. -A, number of this vielnity
spent t}ao tweediefeurtlt at the Bend. -Some
of We yanng people of Dashwood were in
Exeter on Saturday evening to bear the
wbristlina soloist,---nTr, D. Pike, who Ira€
left Ohre village for a few days has returned,
--On $auday last dre. Quint was buried iu
the inttlieren cc:tuetery ou the Bronson. line.
A anti res-Ittat !Mac evening. win!'
Dir, Reynolds Wes oil his way home /rote
Exeter to Dushwoo3, one of the axles brake.
No one watt hart,
L mases -`She Ser. G. B. Howie gave
very interesting 'Ind instructive Iecturee as
Monaaty and Tuesday oveeinge ht the Evan-
golle 1 elnireh. Ho appeared in his native
mettnne au as to give tl.e people au idea of
how the Jewe are dreese'a,
trOOT•llaur,:ki.tarlt-On li aturday last our
bays went to the Bend to platy a match with
the team there. The metah began about
two o*elock and lasted one and abelf hours.
There wA% WWI goad playiug done on each
Ade, but neither was able to score a goal.
The DASbwaad hove put the bell through
once, bot the referee. Baia that the ntau who
kiokitl it through was out of play.
13itt ka.-Messrs It. L. Wilson and&,
Sherrltt go to Obatkatln thio wok aa Lay.
dclegailes to the Mettiodiet. Conference. --
At the lest Teenier tueetfl • of Ta. 0. L,.
No 219, it was decided to hold It special
meeting; ,Tina 1:1t1a..'•-The Sena -anneal
meeting of liiddulfit district will be held
in Crediton June l4th.-Tito annual Sabbath
s aboPl piano of (irand Bend circuit will to
held lit the lake June 19th, -Mr. delta ate •
(lteggor said 50 aorta of lied to Mr. Jolty
Shcrritt. Mr bit: rritt has a valuable
propertyeatending from the 10th to t e:10tit
eoneeaaian i ( tuilce.--3.ir. Wm. Englesrn
last a valnablo broad Mara last weds. --Mr;
C. II. Wilson, County coaetable, arrested
an insane tramp Inst week. J P ordered
bun to be placed in the township lockup at
Crediton. The next morning he was tried
before W. Lewis and comruitted to Goderlob
goal for til days.-3Ir. J. Iinukar erected a
h►rge new frame barn last. Mouday. Mr. J
Betnger, is the buildet.
(Too late for last week.)
Barnes -The 24th ot efey was held in
this town on the 24th, but as tbero was
nothing going on Here moat of the people
went to other planes, --'lbs GrantonVtotora
base ball players Ara again organizing as
they were e0 vietoriona last year -The
Granton brass band is again organized and
are always ready for a call. -Tho Sunday
School Convention of the Methodist °bureb,
Granton, +was held on May 20th, where
several addresses were given by honorable
goon, Rev. J. Renner, Rev. B. 0. Headers,
llov J. Keatle, D. A. Moir, Wan. Birks and
others. A largo attendance was present.
The district meeting was held next day.
(Too late for last issue.)
BItiEFS-Mr. P. BWorden paid the vii•
loge a flying visit on Saturday last, -Mr.
W. H Paisley bas moved his dwelling house
to the corner of his lot, and refitted his
ltitohen for a veterinary offoe.-Mr. George
Hazlewoodhas improved the appearance of
his out buildings by the addition of a few
coats ot paint, --Our hotel keeper, Mr, J.
Stephens, who has been seriously ill for
some weeks past is now oonvalesoent, Mr.
F. Cornish left for Japeer, Mioh., on Satur-
day last to work at his trade. -he Minis.
tonal Association of St. Marys, held their
regular monthly meeting at the Methodist
parsonage on May 18th. -A phenomenon
eight was witnessed by some of our villagers
on Friday last at 7.15 p.m. A large body
fell from the sky, and when nearing the
earth it seemed to explode and throw foith
a quantity of sparks.
5•• •
Bnzrrs.-A number of pinnioers were
here last Saturday from Seaforth.-Miss
Grace Cameron of Detroit, is at home for a
short vacation. -Messrs W. A. and F. Mc-
Clain and D. Cameron of Goderioh, spent
Sunday in town. -Mr. Geo. Stanbnry of
Clinton Collegiate. has been home for a
week's holiday. --Mise Mary 'Osmond of
St. Thomas, is home for a week and on
Sunday took charge of thenSalvation Array.
-We understand a plonk will be held about
the middle of June. under the auspices of
Trinity Sabbath School. -On Dominion
Day the Royal Templars of Temperance
propose having a monster picnic in Mr.
Jewett's grove when Varna, Seaforth, Brum-
field and other Lodges will bo represented.
Everybody should come to Bayfield that
day, it will be one of the events of the
(Too late tor last week.)
Benoxs-A political meeting wasaddress-
ed by Mr. Collins on Wednesday evening.
The best of order prevailed. -A very severe
thunder storm passed over this 'section of
the country on Saturdayeveninit`. The
Evangelical chnrch was considerably dam-
aged by lightning, Mr. Foster's house was,
also considerably damaged. -Mr. F. Hess,
Reeve, and Mr. Heyrock, Dep -Reeve, will
attend the county couneil next 'week: I Xdssrs
It. Steinbach, D. Jacobe and H. Dnmart
spent the 24th in Berlin. -It is rumored
that the public school intend having a pie
nio.-A number of our citizens attended the
political meeting held at Hillsgreen on
Tuesday o,g.-We are glad to relate that' Mr
F. Rummel, who had the misfortune to
break his leg, is progressing favorably. -Mr.
John Hannah, Returning Officer for South
Huron, was in town a few days ago. -The
Queen's birthday was spent very quietly in
this place, -The Court of Revision will cit
in Zurich on Saturday next. -Mr H. Happel
and family left on Tuesday for Berlin where
they Will reside in the future: --Mr H. Peine
hes made a great improvement to bis hotel;
-Mr. A. Roth is able to get around again
with the aid of a crutch.
Jellify *WRITE in SONS
Publishers and Proprietors
Bidduiph Council.
The ceuteil stet pursuant toadjuurument
iza Sahara' Hall, Clandebaye, `.t ho 1';aeve
aud ail the xuenabers present,
!!. petiiiou from F. G. ,tiibett and 13
other ratepayers was read esitleg that the
eon:tell would improve H*wTishawa sideroad
so that it would be tit for ptibtio travel••' -.re,
(erred to cenecillors Davis and Ho3gtww.
`ilia clerk was .aatharized to have 104
copies of tome of.Rona printed fox the ua4 4f
ca utui:wooers,
I,lc(i a-'-ltr:tttun•.'-tile•. fico foltowlog
amounts he paid ani the I1. vel sigh orders
for the saute:
Frau Pres', aarertlsing court at Recision
Sl sal; fleary Stanley. building nese taiige
and rep old, illy 1, ;31.11; 1tickler.i Coursey,
rep bridge and approamace nit' 1, $t eta;
Jobu. Howard. rep eulvert new road div 1,
83 ; John Howard, new Calvert Ansi ditching
div 1, $5 ; Win Dollies, now cuiverteu,t
ditohing die I.;3 75 ; Wan Fore/nen, rear
culvert. SF. Ill. D. Road div a, 3J eta ;1.•ibt.
Radcliffe, G•iuch tile. eatvert con 11 and 15,
div 5.92 lir ; Alex Langford, 9 . ,ordi gravel
terautou and Awoult $37 ; Wm 31,44, part
pay gravel coutraot G F E, div 5. $20 ; Wsc
Galliher ditching die 4, `32 ;1' Breen repair-
ing 2 bridgee div 4, 31 50 ; W. n eagle rep
badge tilt' 4.021 brut. Culbert repairing
approach con 1. div 3, $3 ; Wet Culbert.
fencing appraraen to bridge Dobbs and
Dickens alio 3 to ; Was. Cayes, fern for dant.
ages at Dabbs' bridge, $13. -Carried
Daviai-McGee--thea; too following Aunts
14 paid and the heavy sign urgers for the
Th�omas Abbott removing a tree from c.:&
4 and a div 3 92 ; Jobe Heights rep talent
WO div 1. i:3 ; W bi :myth rti, i app roaatt
to bridge div S. 52 eae; I1'>railler and Neil
msivcrt cedar oats and xe culvertdi 3
Si* 00; Johu posts
ges to cr+ip
dra+alug gravel 1893.9, 43 ; Js rry Lawta
salary In fall as assessor for 1834 $55.40.
Carried. The council a Bourne:,
W. D. Srn..0 r. Clerk.
Canon on 1iccisto r•. -Tine court of eviii-
len for the township of Riddell& wet in
G sellar*' .halt, Clanueboyo, on May 20th,
1820 at 10 am. Present.. 0 t3 Hoagies, reeve,
S Ii lioigins. Deputy Reeve, aud P Davis,
W McGee and A Beaton eouuetllora oath
mowbor took and subscribed to the statuary
oath of aillee. 0 C litrd;;iwi was elected
chairman, Thera were no appeal* to go
before the court. A low oarreetion9 wore
made ou applications of intrusted parties,
Butxn,---Mr. W. B. Geiser who has been
ont *reel Ante last fall leas retarued end will
areal: sows on the 'homestead. -Mr. G. E.
Brown has returned from Miohigau owiup
1 t
to Ili health; He is suffering severely with
an ulcerated jaw. --Mr. Cbrie. Eilber and
1ltiss Carrie Either left last week on a trip
to hfiebigan,-Messrs Lewis and Jory and
families held tbeir anneal picnic at the
Grand. Bend lass week.--OnFridny last Mr. �
'Nilson, conetnblo at Greenway, brought
before magistrates Lewis and Brown, a
Swedish tramp, on a cbargo of vagrancy.
The old man wee -very difnoult to underatand
with any degree of satiefaotion but admitted'
the theme and was sent to Goderioh for
80 days. -On Sniurday, the 24th of May,
Mr. Sam Hodgina was np before the magis-
trates, charged with abusive language. A
revolver was found on hie person and he
was fined 35 for the first and 320 for the
second offence with cost. He was under the
Influence of liquor at the time but we think
he will be wiser in the future. -The Minis-
terial Asoociatinn held their meeting in the
German church here on dfonday, and a
number of the clergy of different denumina.
tions were present. Several instructive
papers were rend by them.
Pommel, MEETING, -On Tuesday evg,
Iasi, els was advertised, Mr. Collins of Exe-
ter,.addressed the electors in the town hall,
Th& Opposition was not invited and cense.'
que'ntly did not show op. The weather
was very inclement, which no doubt was
partly the cause of the meagre attendance.
Mrs Collins bad the satisfaction of heranging
au hudience of about 40 or 50 for the apace
of three hours, and fully a dozen of them
were so interested that they went tosleep
over it,
ACCIDENT.-Mr.John Trevethiok, jr., had
a very painful accident happen him on Tues-
day last. He attended Mr. John Finkbeiner's
barn raising and in drawing up rafters on
the, plate, fell to the ground fully 25 feet.
He dropped on his feet, but received a very
severe jar and had to be carried to the
house. We have not beard the physioian's
report as yet, but he will be lucky if he has
no broken bones over the fall.
Robertitiorrison in returning thanks to his
numerous customers and the public in general
for the liberal patronage he has received in the
past, begs to announce that his stook of general
goods for the spring and summer seasons trade
will be found complete, well assorted and at
rices to meet the prevailing bard times.
Having added largely to his stook of wall and
ceiling vapors he oordiallyinvites aninapeetion
of the same feeling confident that tor variety,
quality and price it will compare very favorably
with any in the market. Give him a call for
anything you want. No trouble to show goods.
Highest price for butter and eggs. Remember
the place -double stores -Marshall's Block
opposite Murdock's..b Co , Mansion House.
Stephen Council.
Crediton, 26th May, 1890..
All. members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and signed.
"T]ilber-White-that the assessment roll
be accepted.,
Council to meet on special busineps at
call of reeve, otherwise, the next regular
meeting will be on the first Monday in July.
The following orders' were granted ; John
Gould, lumber, 33 '60; O Christie, salary,
$75 ; G ICellerman, gravel, $3 42 ; F. W
Farncomb. serveving, $20 ; Mr Mitchell,
charity, ,33 ; T Wilson, rep culvert, 31 ; M
Keough, C B, 63ete ; M Keys, ditch across
road, 32.
-,Councilorganized themselvesinto a oourt
of revision, appointing reeve us chairman.
A number of appeals- were presented and
dispoeed, the court stands adjourned to
1st July where it bade.
C. PaOurY, Clerk,....
Mineed's Liniment cures danclrui3'.
W. D STANliar, Clerk.
Monthly Report, S. S. No 2, Hay, for the
month of May. The names aro in order of
Fifth --Homer Mussell.
Sen. Fourth --John Campbell,,Jes.Catup.
beli, Aggie Murray.
Jun. Fourth -David Shirray, David
Smith, William Northcott.
Third--Baohel Atkineon, Kate Chapman,
Fred Ettorett,
Seu. Second -Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien,
Annie Northcott,
Jna. Secoud-.Nellie Northcott, Nellie
Gould, Joseph Northcott.
San Second Part--Lowie Smith, Bookie
Sort-hoott, Ellen Corbett.
Jan. Second Part-WillieWarren. Henry
Bnsoh, Sarah Northeott.
Fred Corbett.
Death of the Richest Lady in
The desth of Mrs. Charlotte Nichols, of
Peterhoro, Ont., widow of the late Mr. Robe.
Nichols. is announced. The deceased was
born in Cavan, Ireland in 1817. She own -
pied the position of the "riohest lady in
Canada," her wealth reaching three millions
in bank stooks and other property. She was
very benevolent and gave away large sums
in private charity and public benefaction.
She endowed the Nichols Hospital at Peter -
bora with 1150,000. and one of her last ants
was to put a ohegae for $12 000 on the
plate of her oburch to wipe off its indepted-
nese. Her property will be divided among
ber nephews, nieces, and other .relatives.
who are numerous.
The barns, together aitlt t'teir coateete
bbalemgilag to Retriele MoNelly:, a former of
31aid.t: is township. Essar. wore deetrogel
by are T'u radev morning. .hopes about
92;000. rinse, raeetadiariapt. •
Joseph D454y and wife, of eau; I0,
Tilltary West, went oat to log up, taking
with them their 4 -year-old son, In a shorty
time the boy started ea go to tae bongo. On,
Ida .ray he climbed up a lois beep falling
Jowl* with a leg falling armee pito:. Death
-was inslantanoon,a. Ra WM,, buried at St.
franoie, 3,1.11. ):10 bereared par1rtta have
the sympathy of the whole eoutmanity.
Now 'fork. May SO. -The kiantburj
.mericsn Lina steamer Nerauatnutia
smashed all records for maiden voyages.
She made the trip from Queenstown to
Now York in sir. days five boors ilial one
minute. The N srmaunia collided with
an ieebueg at 5.15 p lit, May l; , tiur-
itt:; rt ilenia for; Tht,i bur,. was turas
Si;;htcol straight ahead, and the en inea
wore ot once rut'ei eti, but there was
rt'.t suilicient thele to stop thee vessel,
though, her course was changed, and she
struck broadside on the port sada.
About forty feet of her plates Were
atnaalledin, but no ane: was hurt.
Thirty people were killed on. Friday
last at San Francisco by a portion of a
train dropping through an open draw.
A Gorman living in the Black Forest
has constructed a clock whichiswarrant•
ed to run without further 'winding until
the year 9999. As the sporting man
says, "this goes."
Several measures have recently been
talked of by the Russian Government
against adulteration and the sale of in-
jurious substances as food. Persons
convicted of those offences will be liable
to a fine of 800 rubles ($240), or to im-
prisonment for 'three months. For a
second offence there penalties will be
doubled, and a third conviction will en-
tail the loss of civil and political rights.
The Canadian Pacific Railroad's en-
trance into Windsor is already proving
of great benefit to Windsor merchants.
As soon as the Canadian Pacific Railroad
announced that they would deliver
freight to and from the depot, free the
Grand Trunk Railroad put on two double
drays, and this morning the Michigan
Central Railroad followed snit. The
Canadian Pacific Railroad dock is being
Carepbellford; Ont., May 80 -At six
o'clock this evening Mr. F. Driscoll, grocer,
was, sitting in his store talking to Mre.
Driscoll, and complained of a pain about
the heart region, and asked her if she could
not do something for it. She went up
stairs to get some mustard. At this raiment
the milkman drove uo, Mr. Driacod got
the pitcher and started for the door, when
befell head first in the doorway, the pitcher
breaking on the sidewalk and attracting
outside attention. Ile was picked up im-
mediately, but only gasped three or fotir
The papers and of davit%inthorase!o'
D aynton r Eckhardt hare been fyleti at
Owls, flail, Toronto,, by Messrs. Full-
erton . eoak.solicitora fertile plaintils.
rhe sonata is an interesting, one, andwill be tried at thontrxtTereatr, 4.4i<ceis.
The plaintiff is Wm. Boynton, farmer,
and the clefeudeut is Wm.
Eckhart. also a farmer of Markham,
The defendant is called upon to pay
fri.000 ei'ttua:;a for tate seduction of the
plaintiff's daughter 1ttayr t• Miss
I a �, hf'�r;rltxl .
Margaret Il.iyutam beeline aa:aivainteti
with Wm. Eckhart about two years no,
while in Toronto, and shortly after be.
caino en .tui to be married. ruder
the promise of marriage the sofcntlont
seduced the girl and 4abautlolied her itt
Juno, ISO-. Previous to this, the do.
tendstnt took Bili Alargaarut away from
her home and brought ilex to Toronto,
where he kept her for a short time.
leaving her as stated iu the month of
;lune hist. On December tai hat, MI
Boynton bald at child, of which Eetitoult
was titer father, and than the present
scut twat be,uu. Oa, or about March
1st., 'while this suit was pending'. the
defendant slurried Miss Eliza hiillcr,.
daughter of Simon Miller, of Unionville,
and prepared to leave the country. Ho
was arrested on capias, but was after-
ultras released. In defeuce Eckhardt
alleges that he has a document releasing
Stint front all responsibility in the matter
and a receipt for money paid to close up
the whole affair.
Galt. May. 27. -Thomas B. Fisher. aged
about .10 years, a married man and a sea.
chinist by trade, was found in the dining.
roam of his own house about 8 o'clock last
night, stubbed in the left breast over the
heart. Dr. Wardlaw was summoned, lint
found it Impossible to save the man's life.
Death marred at 10.30 p.m. An open
pocket-knife was discovered under the table.
and the deceased ooat, seat and shirt plainly
showed the holes made by the deadly
weapon. It is considered a case of suicide,
although no reasons for such an act are
known. The dead man leaves a widow and
four young children.
Wo have just received from Mr. Weld,
editor and proprietor of the Farmers Advo-
cate, of London Ont., and Winnipeg, Man.,
a copy of bis subscription picture, called
"Canada's Pride." The picture is 2is35
inches, anti shows a beautiful landscape.
In' the foreground are the protraite of wine
celebrated draught horses. The owners tip
and the particulars of each bores is oon-
•c aelyegiven. The picture ltaelf is a very
fine original engraving, and is considered
the best thing of the kind issued. The beat
animal artist in the Dominion spent the
greater part of six months engraving it.
The protrait of each horse is true and life.
like. All the experts who have examined it
pronounced it a masterpiece. Mr. .Weld
has had this work engraved to be used en-
tirely as a subscription- prize. He has
generously put it within the reach of every
farmer in Canada.
The Eganyille Enterprise tells of a des.,
perate fight between a stallion and a ball
dog at that place recently. A. man named
Sack was leading his stallion through the
barnyard of another man named SE Louis,
when a bull dog viciously attacked the horse.
Sack vainly endeavored to drive the dog
away, the horse meanwhile plunging and
kicking. At last. ;to esoape the dog, Sack
ran the horse into the stable, but the dog
followed, Seek mould not get out of the
stable, but took refuge in a manger. The
atolls were kicked down in the struggle, and
at last the horse struck the dog with his
foro feet, Imooting him down, then looked
viciously for a few moments, and, seizing
him with his teeth, shook him as a terrier
would a rat, and finally dropped him, strik-
ing him again with his fore feet, killing
him. Tee horse was very much .excited,
but Sack escaped from the stable, and it
was some before he dared ventarein to
seonre him.
Galt, Ittay, 29. -What would arpear to
be' an: attempted murder occurred here last
night, about nine o'olook. Wm. Doidge, an
employe at. Bachmen's limeworks, near the
north-western suburb of the town, does
night duty and keeps a watch. dog .in the
shanty over night. While talking to the
foreman in the shanty his deg ran out and
started barking at two men that were near
by, who commenced abusing the dog.
Doidge camp out and remonstrated with
them, until the altercation became so hot
tnat Doidge struck at oneof them; who ins.
mediately drew a revolver .and fired into
Doidge's face. The ball entered near ;he
mouth, and came out a little below the ear.
The shot was fired at close range, powder
marks being visible all over Doidge's cheeks.
Medical aid was secured, and the'wonnd
dreesed, whioh is not considered fatal. Both
men, whose names ate unknown, escaped,
but constables are after them. Doidge can
times and life was extinct. He was about !identify the man who did the Shooting,
fifty years of age, and had been in his neral