HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-08-04, Page 9.KINC4-04-T.PGE„,„,.; d5riit$,Ilie past week,
and Mils: 140rn'llen •014.01301111, 0 pr.„ and MrS. 3'.casper and
Detroit, spent the ,ppet, Weelt at. OK.. Detroit, are „Vagationing at "'a
the' hoine Of 1VirS, Jaek Kinney.
cottage teref Couple 'of Weeks.
arnt1yMr- end Mr4, Waiit9rPaiton and -
i?f Detrolit, visited- -with Mr‘ 424rS Ktz Of -Kitchen -
relatives here diming the past er, spent the 'Clreelxnd M the home
of Mr. andMils0;
Mr. and rs 'Leo. blare and HAM ‘,.F41Win Garvey, of :Windsor,
three children, of Mantrealeevisited vacationing .4 the hinne of' his
at the hone of nr- 'and Mrs. brother, ThomaS Oarvey.
•Mr, and Mrs. Len Woodley, of
Mucfata, are fli'44ring two weeks'
holidays at the hteie of, Mr. and
Mri. Clifton Austin.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Reid, of
Torte; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hartman
and Shirley, of Kitehener; M. and
•Mrs. Wilfred 'Lambertus,
ten; Doug* Frayne, a Toronto;
Mr: and !Mrs.. John, Dietrich arid
family, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack McConVille, of Toronto; Cadet
Peter Lierrnan, of Camp rpper-
wash;Miss 'Elizabeth Bowler and
Maurice Bowler, of Toronto, were
week -end visitors to this commun-
ity. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarthy,
of- London, visited with friends
here during the past week.
.Mr. and Mrs.,Fred Vassella visit -
AT CLINTON ed with their daughter, Maureen,
in London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare at,
tended a wedding in Hamilton on
Saturday, July 23.
The C.W.L. are sponsoring a re-
ception in St. Joseph's parish hall
on Friday evening, July 29, for
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tigert (the
former Reta Doherty) of Port Al-
Mrs, Mary Sheridan and' daugh-
ter, Mary, visited with friends, in
Hamilton during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambeetus,
Florence, Mrs. Lyal Lannon, Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis ,Dalton and Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Meyer, attended
the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
Alex Oehringl, at Walkerton, dur-
ing the past week.
Mrs. Patrick Murphy, Joseph,
and Raymond, Cyril Austin, Joseph
"d Q
-Moorebeck, Austin Bros. and John-
Diamon• ueehLannon, of Toronto, motored to
Detroit to attend the funeral there
of the late Antoinette Sutter on
Thursday morning, July 21. • Her
death occurred fallowing a car
accident near London a week ago.
Austin McCarthy, of Vancouver;
Mrs. Louis Dalton,"of St. Augus-
tine; -less Catherine McCarthy, of
Detroit, visited with friends here
during the past week. Austin Mc-
" Dial 'NI' For Carthy, who has made his home in
Vancouver for many years, came
Murder'', East to attend the funeral of his
• brother, Percy, who died- in De-
troit a couple of weeks ago.
(ADULT) Word was received last 'week -of
-the death of :Mrs. John Bowler,
formerly 'Bridget Courtney of thie:
perish, who has made her home
for many years in Saginaw, Mich.
• Miss Marianne Kraemer, of Kit-
chenere is spending a week with
her sigter, Mrs. Gene Frayne, and
Leo Moorebeck who has been a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital;
London, since a car !accident a
week ago, is now in Goderich hos-
pital for treatment.
Requiem High Mass was sung by
Rev. Henri Van Vynckt,.P.P.! on
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
in St. Joseph's Church here for the
late Mrs. Mary Austin, with Rev.
Father Durand, of Wingham, and
Rev. Father E. Garvey in the saw-
tuary. Many relatives and friends
from a distance attended this fun-
Mr. and Mrs. John Lannon and
four children, of Toronto; Mrs.
O'Rouke, of Dublin; Mr. and Mrs.
Kilgallan, of Seaforth, vigi with
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry O'Co 4or and
Box Office Opens at 7.30 p.m.
First Show at Dusk
Thurs. and Fri. Aug. 4-5
Sat. and Mon. Aug. 6-8.
Fernando Lamas, Arlene Dahl
Tues. and Wed. Aug. 9-10
Ray Milland, Grace Kelly
Thurs. and 'Fri. Aug. 11-12
Bob 'Hope, Arlene Dahl
Children under 12 in cars FREE
• ' " • .144 • • • +II, . ; ete .
' •
' ...:1!:;:r
Aug. 3. -Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon McPhee, of Catnrose, 41.
,berta, are gifests of 'Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McPhee. '
Miss King, after a two weeks'
visit with Miss M. .Currey, has
left far her home at Niagara Falls.
George ,Currey, of Port Arthur, is
the guest of his sister, Miss M.
. Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth McClin-
tock, Nelda and Evelyn, of Streets -
vine., were weeli:end visitors with
Mrs. H. Morris.
The regular W.M.S. meeting
with the as guests, was
held at the home of Miss M.
-Currey. Scripture reading was
given by !Mrs. Jn.hzr Clement; read-
ings by Joyce Johnston and Mrs.
H. Morris. Contests were conduct-
ed by Miss King and Mrs. Burwash.
Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schram have
sold 'their farm to Donald Sowerby.
--Joyce Johnston. is holidaying
with her aunt, Mrs. V. Falconer
Goderich- Township. Diane and
Karen are with Mr. And Mrs. E.
Johnston, Goderich: , LEEBURN, Aug. 3 -Daniel Led -
Ray Robinson .is *ending and dy is waned. to his bed at his
varnishing the church floor. home.
0 0 0
ASHFHEILD, Aug. 3.—Miss 'Jean
MacDonald, of Kitchener, spent!
last week with her ' aunt, MisF
Annie MacDonald.
Guests at the home • of Earl
Howes, are Miss Anna Mackenzie, 1
of Toronto, and 1Virs. Ronald Oke
and children.
Mr. and Mrs.' George Leadbetter
and Barbara, of Toronto, spcn
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Colin
witz, of Munger, Mich., visited
the latter's cousin, Mrs. Terence
Hunter, and Mr. -Hunter last Thurs-
Mrs. Pearl Bogie and mother,
Mrs. W. Wilson, of .Midland, visi-
ted with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Bogie on Sunday. 'Also visiting
over the week -end were Mr. and
Mit. John • Quaid, Betty, Robbie
and their ii -e* --,baby girl, Donna
Evelyn, of Sarnia.
. „
; Clarence C nnolly, of Guelph,
MacGreeer. is visiting' his brother John Con -
According to the Dominion Bur-
eau of 'Statistics, 63 per cent o.p
Ontario's 103 highway accidentii
occurred cn a dry read surface.
.0 0
'Canada's railroad corripanieLnow'
have oyer four billion !dollars in -'e
yeeted in track, equip-
nolly, Mrs. Connolly and family
and while here is assisting with
the threshing.
Teacher — Johnny, give me a
sentence using the word "diadem."
Johnny—People who drive onto
railropd crossings, withoulooking,
diadem sight quicker than those
who look. and lis,ten.
Stepping .out in a new De Soto is a wonderful way to move
ahead in the World!
Here's a truly modern car—bold, and broad, low and long. It's
motion -designed for The Forward Look—the new concept in car
design that's setting a new trend in automotive styling.
Here's spirited power—a mighty 185- or. 200-11,p. V-8 engine
eager to carry out your commands. •
Yet, a big new De Soto is easy to own! You'll find it costs less
than many Models of smallercars. And a De Soto riovicles
you with many conveniences, such as PowerFlite automatic
transmission; at no extra cost. Qn many competitive ears, the
automatic transmission alone adds more than $200 to the price!
YoCtr dea,Igr can give you dollars -and -sense reasons why, De Soto
is your smartest buy . . . as well as the smartest car on the road!
S� call him sobn. He will gladly arrange a demonstration with
you at the' wheel.
A styling and
engineering achievement . .
manufactured Chrysler Corporation
of Can , Limited
.... ..... >:.*•;:i:K*,-
$9, • . .
. ..... .
•44'.• . • • •
' -, • ' . „••:
•''' - •
• . : .. •
' • -xt:rer•
• •'•:: :••••••-.' : •••
• -1'.• •'‘
• •
4!!*;'. •••VM:1,,, •
-04,x •,...••
1, .ASHiFJFY D, Aug. -3.--11frs. Jane
Stock Wand daughter, Vieronica, of
Saskatoon; after , visiting with
friends ,in •London, visited with
Mrs. CorL OKeefe •and family.
They attended the consecration
service !of their cousin, Most Rev.
Thomas J. McCarthy, as Bishop of
Nelson, B.C.
• James 'Grant, of Chicago, visited.,
with -,his_. father, R. A. Grant, also
• with his aunt, Mrs. Kenneth Mac-
Kenzie, of Montreal; and daughter.,
Mrs. Fisher, who are spending the
shimmer in their cottage at Am -
1 berley.
Miss. Jean MacDonald, a nurse-
! in -training in Kitchener hospital,
spent the week with her aunt, Miss
Annie 'Mae !MacDonald, and father,
Bain MacDonald.
A wiener roast was held Tues-
day night at the lake in hon
01 Mr. and Mne. Stephen Ellie".
Stephen, after spending a few days
1 with his mother ,at Flint, leaves
• for England, Where he will be
stationed. with the American Air
Mr. and Mrs, Norman O'Connor
'entertained for Mr. and Mrs.
Nfaurice Edwards and family of
• Araprior, on Saturday evening
• with a buffet supper. Slides of
YeUowtone Park and Arizona,
'also slides of .the, Kintail Peach
were Shown later in the everting.
, The guests included Rev. Father
I Edwin Garvey, CSB, of Assumption
I College, Windsor; Themes Garvey,
; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan and
I Michael, of London; Mr. and Mrs.
Kinahan, of St. Augu..,l.4.c.•.;
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kasper
son Jim; Mr. and 1rs Norman
O'Loughlin, Mr. "and Mrs. Gene
Hebert, ef Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Murray and family and John
aid Reunion. — 126 de-
' scendants el the late Donald and
Murdoch MacDonald gathered for
their annual reunion on Saturday
in a shady nook on the !farm cf
• Alex MacDonald. Races were en-
• joyed by the children tinder the
direction of Danny Rose, Robert
Simpson and 'Bill Harris. Some of
the ladies excelled -in kicking-thc-
slipper. The gathering was en-
livened by the skirl of the pipes
Played by D. A. MacDonald!, Sandy
MacDonald and John MacRae. The
latter sang two Gaelic songs which
gave a truly Highland atmosphere
„to the gathering, coupled with the
lively bag pipe selections. Little
joan 'MacDonald and Finlay Mac -
Lerman thrilled old and ydung
•wi:th the 10!ancinge cf !the Highland
Fling to the music of the pipes.
Alex MacDonald as. usual, "'fiddled"
• lively enets for the Scotch danc-
ing. Supper was served and -pre•
cents presented to different mern-
bers of UT? clan. Th. Chieftain D.
A. MacDonald went the honor of
'being the oldeet present, although
elastic of step and acting as regis-
tfar; Ws. Rod -MacDonald, torn
Minneanclis, the most popular;
Little -Marion •Isabel • MacDonald,
daugter of Mr. and Mrs. 'David'
'MacDonald, the yetingest, and
ald Mr.t.iKenzie, • from Banff,, for
corning the farthest, Others pr -
sent froth a distance --Mr. and
Mrs. Tom 'Lennie. and'Bob Lennie,
' of Weston; .,Mrs. Campbell and-
, Mrs. MeNaught, Haquiltdn; George
Blue and Marjory Mary Edith
Agnew, Detrbit; Dr. and Mrs. Ford
and family; Fordwieh; !Salina,
Louise and MabeLIVfacaenald Jaek
Carrilaehie; Mr. and Ilfrc-
CaM belt . Welland; M'rs. Grant,
Hamilton; !!MTs. . lVfargaret; r-
, genzia; mra. Fisher and Kenneth,
troth- Montreal; JeanMaebonald,
1 -New Ranibugg. _
' The- caption -nutter a wedding!
picture in a Toronto daily read:
Mr. n4 Mrs. exchanged cowa,
,at the eeremony; etc.
50 i2kr:RgPk,,AARIn4„9.
84, eI •;04 'elt4Nte#;,'44erVi
R910.40 .0040.'10
Davidby •the branch directors.
Sports. were enjoyed also. i'fte • :
results of the • raees vere: Si
aY 4 U. ni IredrS— :1Latdr4:41 :ill: Lamb4Da 11
Ohiglotlin, Rodger Mitchell;' to
15 year ---Douglas Thom, Bent
Bean; young ladies' Mrs,
Elmer Minter, Mrs. Verne,
:i1:uThol4kiett1 sl ,
James Horton; driving the ',nail,
men. -Terence Hunter; boYs—Bert
Bean; girls—Diane Chisholm;
ladies—Mrs. W. Thom; oldest lady
present, Mrs. Algin oldest ,
sgeanndt,rIaHitunCltaerrk; essn
; Zuouptge: ocumbildb;
• of beans in a jar --Dave Buchan-
an; guessing sugar cubes in a jar
the children only)—Diane
0 0 0
ald Sowerby, of Goderich Town-
ship, has purchased the farm of
Mr. and Mit. Alan Schram. We
welcome Mr. Sowerby to the com-
• munity.
Mrs, D. Calhoun spent the past
week in °tithe with her sister-in-
law,. Mrs. Le Croix, Mr. Calhoun s-'•
and Ken spent the week -end in
• Qrillia, and Mrs. Calhoun's father,
!Richard Delworth, of Midland, ere-
, turned home with them.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Norval Anderson,
Shirley_ and Jerry, returned to
their home in Toronto Monday
• after visiting with Mrs. Anderson's
mother, Mrs. A. Foster.
' George Dougherty and sons are
busy these days threshing in the
-'Mrs. William Foster, Misses,
• Margaret and Marion Fester;
Kitchener, visited with Mrs. Agnes
Foster on Monday.
Barbara Foster has been under
the doctor's car the past week
with virus puemonia. Barry Bogie
is recovering from the chicken
Mr.! andl,Mrs.. William Medd, of
Goderichiv'Mrs. B. -Smith, of 'Tor-
onto and 'Alf Rollinson, of Aeburn,
attended the funeral of William L.
Ferguson in Windsor Iasi week.
Mr. Ferguson was the brother of
Lloyd Ferguson, of„ G oderich; Mrs.
Maude Fremliii,4 of Auburn, , and
Mrs. Alberta Taylor, of St. Helens.
Mr. Ferguson was born in Auburn.
Mr. and Mr. Spivey, of Point
Edward, are visiting with Mrs..
Spivey's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Fielder.
1 Tim man had just saved the little
boy from drowning and was being
questioned by the boy's father,
you u the man who saved little
' johnlife• from drowning?"
j "Yes, I am," proudly beamed
the man. ,
' "Well, where is his hat?"
Helena Rubinstein"s
Two for the money... limited time only
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SILK...TONE@ FOUNDATION—flawless, all -day tiepild makempi
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MINUTE MAKE-UP—foundation and powderlusheinosn.
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WATERPROOF MASCARA—won't run, streak Or smudge:
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Combination yahoo 2.18, Seve ;1170, both'1,50, .
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