HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-08-04, Page 7ars h ve ' over duties . at the alv ' ►h . Citadel ineciloderieli. Second utena T�va' life b 0 vwll. se he Me in:�'' 'Vir l fiver, r, p;iCa; °was. last;est .twfaiod at I an g e mei•; er.at1 onarx.: Lieut, Mary K1asseie:,hes jr. st. ai fished na *purse t ..',.�t h�siW ��� � ph :_ArmY Training College.Her. h oure is in Saskatoon, Sesk. n 4 { i 3Yn k"t .VY t• Br Siw SO D 4 nnol uneem n was d r 0,11? h lBott rbusiness to hro'Bisset, . he sad •; wait a tive o August 1 cl ,an. .. l t . die Q : butt zbg !t buildi?r�rg. ',F1.; , al e Lakes :Super`t: o for aed iHurb i ,,.built ll'y :a .' fi 9 I as a fur , � t 'uv Y nine -Toot lock, onlyl�rge enough for canines. Goto SHORE APPLIANCES for FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS ..:..n;..,.,,.itnr;c•:rf:•:is��'•`.:iCrt;6.�,.i.`$'$/•.:^;�•h�"r±K°%':.•+c'•.',•`�!,•''c7:f�;*x';}.; •y+�`,y.�;�$K� nsr�•',�'`K•i'�'$•$., ?� fray. �••�. }::. s} • .;`�;eur:.: You know, it's pretty, tough •1iy«;, ing in a tourist ttotrn. ' There, you are, slavingawayy lir your office. oil re the heat, S west irng and trying to .kid yourself mat the customer i alwaysright? w�"-h is the biggest �faallacY that anyone- ' e- p'has ever triedto put across in the name of free e#texpr'se. And there, •right ,outside the• wixdow • they go untei •. a>n ; the gals with the lovelybrawn arms and les, Woking so delicious You couldhaly sinka tooth in then%; and 'their consorts, walking along •se arrogantly, he their shorts and white, hairy, 'but eaool' bare bellies sticking n ,out above their shorts. They induce a swift re- action from '$elzght to repulsioa4x- and envy.' But who can resist the children! t§o • brown, so firm, so fully packed, and with suclan obvious joy in being alive. Little ,golden .bodies, as firm and round 'as a speckled trout just out of the stream. Little 'sweet "faces, covered with,;papsicie juice, screwed up against ..the. su Little sunsuits and dresses, fres half an hour ago, plastered with dirt and ice ,cream drips. There goes that happy old fat lady from Columbus, 0.; remember her from last year. There isn't an inch of slack in her slacks, but she doesn't give a dlidldle. She's just in from the cottage and head- ed for the 'Five and .Ten, where she'll spend a happy hour asking for things they don't have, and leaving her sweaty little' finger - Under the provisions d the Weed Control Act, section 12, notice is hereby served that after August 6th, 1955, any n5xious weeds on subdivided portions 'of the Municipality of, the County of Huron in the Province of Ontario,/may be .destroyed under the direction of the County Weed Inspector in any manner he may deem proper. The cost of' such weed destruction shall' be, paid by the owner of the subdivided land or collected in the same manner as taxes. Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act, section 19, every person refusing. to obey any lawful order of a weed inspector, or who interferes with or obstructs any weed inspec- tor in the performance of his duties shall be guilty .of an offense and liable, to a penalty of up to $50.00. have, �h.. There's d t ..ill, s b the - e, d WO tan, the bxg' baS►nn au OW yyhllaw : uiek. *lio'» drivenup and down streethalfad. o times,� favoring i-the,natives ives with g is n e s cand to death ilaaxe boys on thecorner are lookingat her and mutterinv She'llpark,eventually, -buy some deodorant or a lipstick at the drug. store and drive back Out to,. the. cottage,' to 'take up life again with-, her bow-legged, bald,bealdedi tiatd, dle-aged . husband. Who paid for the Buick, by the way. And there are those cute kids' from Ferndale, Mich. The'gu1 girls' are showing signs t►f becoming girls this year, and are quite aware of 'it. The boys are too :tall, have, huge feet and hands;'pimples, and, acutly conscious of it, make them- selves as obnoxious as 'possible, poor lads. They're so conscious: of the girls becoming girls that ' •it's painful to watch Ithent. Coinin'g up- the .other side of the street are a coupld of fellows from Buffalo, N.Y. They're about 45. They went in for a beer • wlciile "the girls" went shopping. Just one beer, mind you, to wash down the dust:' They re as merry as a wedding bell and are busy -buying tickets • on boats and cars. They- , never hey`never drank that powerful 'Can- adian ale 'before. They think it's the exhilarating northern ' air. They had six , each. We'll leave them to the tender mercies of "the girls." The couple 'sitting 'in the car is from Toronto, Ont. You can tell by the suspicious look on their faces. They're not going to be fleeced in' one of these tourist towns. No sirree. They brought their ' own sandwiches and will sleep in the car unless they can get a bed for about the same price as you pay •hi a flophouse ir. Toronto, Ont. And that dear old couple along the street is from Rosetown, Sask:- They left here fifty years ago. They toiled through the drought years. They almost lost the home- stead. They raised a big family and sometimes there was barely enough to eat. But then the good years 'came along, and . a hungry world hurled wheat into gold. The old folks are rete d' now,and the boys are runnind the farm. So they came back east for a trip, and they're enjoying every minute of it, looking up old friends, visit- ing scenes of their youth, and drinking in all those wonderful tree,: and that wonderful water. u't they're" beginning to get a little" homesick' for.the prairies. Dad wants to .get home for harvest time' and. Mother wants to get back to her grandchildren. And there comes a pretty thing, lovely .as ' a doe stepping from a s o aI e*". -s't� along the ave nt...';. Shy ,fives - wig -the, grace'4 .and swift;. `class. a rainbow..trotr,�elu ng. baited book.11er?.limbs. re .golden.. -'.,e �es. ar the ' ' ro. ' ,y� � .,h�nxb.,..of ?melting 'chocolate. 1F you:.wa t :40:'40. is 'protect .her -'I gays hexa. - t =can't Abe t zsl' . She's stop riiruY She's coming to the office, ;xs�i t. as 't oti 'his h �`, a e d t� .e tenture you !clew was hidden' in • tbo, ture xS� leans fnxhe des k zi a miles d whi .. teeth � ;white- Beth flashing. 'a'gainst the- brown of her ace. ,yYpou ,�urr cpil tioasl fro each around' and -ull' your wet shirt from ,bak, ready .any mlxad, mg, Her voice comes, as.. a t andli uad as that oaf. to : die, "Say, �buddyy, wheah would a fahnd the lickah stoah?" .Never id . Then next customer ipold d sin ,. ter an p from . Deehroit; Who eeells you how tough times were when he was a printer's devil, :then' walks ''out, climbs into his Cad'llac and drives ' off to - his `$14,000 summer 'home where• even the Mosquitoes are ill ,at ease. Despite it all, there'• something wonderful^ about living• 'in ' a tourist town. Nothing pleases me more, for example; than to have same lazy slob, who's enjoying his two weeks' holiday, come in and ask me the way to Dorcas Bay, or Little Pine Tree Harbour. With a great show of knowledge and authority, I give him directions that ace going to wind him up in the- middle of a big swamp, en a one-way road, with quicksan on both sides of him, and rattlesnakes just 'a-rattlin' all around him. o--0 Destroy all noxious weed and weed seeds on your property before August. 6th, 1955. '11*seriph 'iv bay. fever', soexsi sou!: 0 �• t G �Y a nc ,�, . tnI�" � 'alk t' ., A '" 'ate' ani e, xn s axed s % a theA d: Bast frost' .ro befit a'bixrc P' h e 1e. oln week in >< r veY s ofd :O zJto� o x n�dlcape. . that � st' the number of hay; ;ever, .s. averag a out' " fox�the La on, Vildlr~axea2oT tor T ro .ard•. 19 for the 'Peterborough -Ottawas area. -thoseallergic For. Who are ai, etci<. ragweed pollen the, only sure way of obtaining relief' is to go to ail area where there little or no • ragweed., The Field Crops ' Branch/ of the 'Ontario Departnten!t'of Agri- culture advisesthat almost all disc tricts of Northern Ontario, includ- ing Muskoka.'and Parry Sound are\ safe havens from 'hay fever. By careful planning of the sum- mer vacation most of the hay fever. days can be avoided. Those with severe cases of 'hay fever, perhaps accompanied by asthma, should go as farnorth as possible and select resorts isolated as much e t� 1R M t e. mpl�tel� t II.LL' t • ole, th a e f m e' e� 1 hit .. . :�► a . �. ro ?� '� �`; `'t S t z e e � i s, a.. 1. r." V' areif�.!' �.. ale '�•#�x ,: +��=. '.:....w�oox°; �.. �Q H: �l- of, 1114,0'1 t .�t� N. F� d `. !device, w n x In by .a i r 0 1 a rwil a th 's. .':.aunt 1. eft er .l�a�{rr�'J�,esh proirection.a ,named qtr.. Hsgay''fever , s �e rear.... can 'help. oltte�; r 'themselves • to same extent by clearing up. all sources o£ • infer » bL��7, melt a8 itfectdteethe .and 'beatxeating well balanced d meals and 01.107,614,__,ne tbie.Program Of exerci, ' recreation and. Test -- part ularly rest. These a ices tends to 'build up, resistance. The use of -drugs to relieve hay fever symptoms should only J be practiced on the advice, of.;: mud, under the direction of the family physician. Tilt SUPER/OR LATEX-Jh.'r,,SE WII L /M/NT To Interest People "Our program is very definite and ' 'appears to be succeding in our first objective, to interest people, notably youth." Huron County recently experi- enced the - truth of this pronounce- ment from the 0,T.F. headquarters. During the week -end of the Tem- peratl.ce Conclave held in Goderich in ' May;•" upwards of 1800 people from•:all over the County were in at- tendance. On Saturday night, Teen Agers and Young Adults to the nomlber of more than- 500 flocked to the ` new G.D.C:I. and Knox Presbyterian Church for a unique new -type temperance rally. On Sunday night many of these returned for Goderich bringing parents and friends. Knox Church, auditorium, S. S. room, Chapel, parlour, nursery, were . filled. Twelve hundred .people gathered - to hear Dr. E. Crossley Hunter. This was the eighth such Tem- perance Conclave sponsored by the O.'.F. in the past two years,, A worth -while educational pee - jeer? We of Huron County cer- tainlybelieve so. This advertisement sponsored by Huron County ,Temperance •thicket into the dappled sunlight. 't'. , Federation - KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry and dishes are dene in half the time. BATHROOM—all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. Why lug water' by hand any longer? Install 11t Duro Pumping System now and coy rumains water as you pay for la. Save time, save !about)) cut operating costs. AS LOW AS !O% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too R The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your colo ' plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchee and bathroom fixtures, taps in all building* and the cost of installation.• You 'can. have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over dg next year and a -half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked obit• on the EMCO Budget Plan. . Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay ; " ��.ma.la.nma�0®aensas®m®®®e,sr®�sa,a� BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and so mudh. extra protection against fire. Empl re Brass; Mfg. Co. Limited Tt-54 key. NEED CASH FOR THESE PURPOSES? Paying. Piled -up: Bilis— Meeting Medical,. Hospital, .Defltai Cosh . - Buying Home, Business Equipment—. Making Car Purchases, Home- Repairs' • Borrowing is good business when a 'loan will solve a financial problem and you can'repay within your budget. Trans Canada Credit's moderate 'rates and long term monthly repayment plans make it .easy for you to repay your loan out of income over as long as 24 months. So, .eton't hesitate to take advantage of Trans Canada' Credit's fast, helpfulservice,, whether you need cash to pay off piled -up' bills, meet unexpected medical or dental bills, buy .needed equipment for your home, faro► or business -- or for any other good reason. FAMILY SECURITY PROTECTED AT NO EXTRA COST WHEN YOU BORROW NEEDED CASH FROM TRANS. CANADA CREDIT You owe it to your family to insist on life -insurance protection when you borrow. Trans Canada Credit gives you this important extra measure of security at no extra cost, on loans,to 2,00 To safeguard the borrower's family security, in the event of death, life insurance pays off the -entire balance of the loan, up to $2,500 Life insurance protection. is yours automatically when you make your Trans Canada Credit loan, provided only, that you are 60 years of age or under. So , be sure, when you borrow. Get the cash you need from'the All -Canadian company that thinks of your family security — arrange a Trans Canada . Credi dile-insured loan. The All -Canadian Company Serving Entire • Dominion Your car, household, effects, farm or business equipment are .all the .security ' you need for a Trans Canada Credit loan. (You retain full ownership and use of such effects.) In some cases, signatures of a ••sips a" d and wife are sufficient. When roans are made for the ate of a tar, truck, business or, farm equipment, the 'article V ,Ing bought can often be used as sectrty. Trans Canada Credit, is an 'A -Canadian company. It is owned and' operated by Canadians, 'serves, only .,catiadiatia through its scores of branches from coast to coast. Trans Canada Credit is is subsirdia y of Traders Finance Corporation, which is iso Canadian - owned and is one of Canada's largest automobile and apjjliaftce financing institutions. LOAN. PLA 001( EVERY NEED PAYMENTS TO WIT INCOME !fere are sone examples of loan fans showing how loans of varf us amounts can be 'cep over 12 or 24 months: "We are proud to weld&e this community to the family"' of Canadian cities and towns served by ,Trans Canada Credit," 'said Mr. F..1.: Chalk, President, in announcing es- tablishment of his Company's., hew office here. "Opening of this new Branch is another -forward step iii an ambitious program of expansion throughout oue . nation ifoi=` this all -Canadian company." Cash loans are available for as little As $50' or as much as $2,500 on any oneof Trans. Canada-' Clredit`i many standard loan plans. ' hates are moderate and repayments, can be made fiver is long as two yea rsi in amounts arranged_ to suit . inditrieluat budgets Sp=e01 telt can be arranged i for loans' over $2,500. �.: AMOUNT OF LOAN' MONTHLY REPA°f MENTS - 12 MONTHS ' • 24'-MONT144 $100e it $525 $49.64 l• ,,$27.76 $1600 $94. 7' Trans Canada . Credit Loans quickly, easily arranged in three simple steps Telephone your Trans Canada Credit manager for a private appointment, or call in to see him -at our office. - Tell him how much cash you need, how you v ould like to arrange repayment, and give him the few facts he needs to complete your application. Theta, as quickly as possible, final details are arranged and the cash is yours. Arrange Loans By Telephone Your Trans , Canada Credit manager will be delighted to discuss your cash needs with you on the, telphone. In many cases, all the necessary arrangements can be made in one' telephone call — leaving only one visit to our office .. . to pick up your loan,. So, if you need cash now, just call this ' number: GODERICH THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY