HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 8sioppoppmegoloweammumpoinomwommumumwormurrmirmaii INSURANOF:. 1 RNEST lLLIOT,a(i-ENT FOR Pd'tk Tot TorontHE o alsRN o forRtke kH�AIS JZ Iter. iNSIIE,A?COE COMPANY, or Loudon;, 1;4131:tad, the BOO1'AI,t1ANADIA.N, of Mon. treat, at .1 the ONTARIO tar clay, L1Nl: ASai'R3.NCE, OO'T of Waterloo eetablished 1570, Assurances inforee, $12,127.400. Bonuses every year after 3rd year. WE STILL OFFER A NICE Collection of Wall Papers. The balance of our spring stock at reasonable prices to intend- - ing buyers. Our stock of Croquet Balls, Express Waggons and Gen- et'al Fancy Goods SEE is complete with OUB STOCK of few excep- FIREntiORKS. 1i0 nS. Call. J. GRIGG, STATIONER. We hold a very telt,- t able fine „ f., sl;E goods for OCR STOCK 3F dirt' gift prksenta- 1?Iitaworma, tiot s, and OM.. aibtlm, b'Jla r anal. . In — r1 back stack merit ataer4tiola. Ian small wares oar sock is tail Furies mentioning this adver• tisement will receive a special die. on market days till turtlll;rnotice Attractive Stook ew 1. E ->ring Tweeds Worsteds and Trous- iugs. now being shorn W1V.f. GRIGG, Exeter BA 1Y RUPT STOR, F.,TER. Special for this week. Boys and girls straw hats,. nearly a thousand to select from ; they be sold cy mus t to make room for an immense stock of dress goods to arrive early in June. We have a, very large stock of keens' and Boys felt and straw hats, all of which we will sacrifice in order to make room for the big stock com- ing early in June. We still ruu gents' rub- berine collars at 12.1c., cuffs, s j and 6 ties for 25c. Beat them if you can. Big value in boots and shoes. All tan goods re- duced. Come and see the bargains at the Big Bankrupt Store. Remember we have the largest stock of Dress Goods in Western Ontario. See our Black Mervs. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer. Exeter, Win Satin gi 1111 THURSDAY, MA,YI29th, Is,90 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. most. On Friday last, between Exeter and Winchelsea, a home-made plaid horse blanket. The finder will be rewarded by returning the same to A. Brethour, Birkton, Ont., or to this office. Band Consert, The concert on the evg. of May 24th, was very largely attended. The main feature of the program was the whistling solos by Miss McManis, while some of the very bese local talent assisted. The house was one of the most disorderly one would like to hear, and despite the efforts of the management, a pack of roughs at the rear of the hall could not be subdued. Had good order prevailed, the concert would have been highly ap- preciated, but as it .was, only a small part of the program was heard. Pro- ceeds about $150. 'Personals. Mr. W. E. Gundy visited Goderich on Tuesday.—Mr. Brown of London, was the guest of Mr. D. Spicer during last week.—Miss Edith Verity, who has been attending Ladies' College at Whitby, has returned home - Mrs. Geo. Southcott and Mrs. Geo. Renton of Toronto, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. TI. Verity.—Mr. Muir and Miss Maggie Muir of Clinton, spent Sunday the quests Of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Clarke. -Mr. D, MVtcKay of Chathe,m, and John. McKay of Toronto, are visiting their parents in town.—Masten Cathcart of,St. Marys, is visiting ; Master B. - Spicer —Miss Welsh of Michigan, is visiting friends in town. -It is stetted that Mr. C. MoDonell will return to town and open a grocery ,if: the Mace property. 1 prey -sues. The watering cart was looked for on our streets on Tuesday, but in vain. Large flocks of wild geese have passed northward during the past few days. What has become of the Exeter checker team? We have heard very little of them lately. AU widths in floor and table oil cloths at the Big Bankrupt Store. Several car loads of export cattle were shipped from Exeter on Monday, Messrs. Verity & Sons are weekly mak- ing largo shipments of their celebrated plows to Manitoba. Pure hellebore, fresh, at C. Lute's Cen- tral .Drug Store. The sewer pipe to be used in the large drain .has arrived and the main will be commenced et once. lIessrs. IIowerd Bawden left on Tues- day to commeuee the erection of a very handsome and expensive church at Ilder. toss. For pure, fresh Hellebore go to C. Lutz's Central Dam Store. During the past week we have expert eneed heavy gales accompanied by nice showers; and while the rain slid mueh good, the wind damaged nothing. At three o'clock in the afternoon of June Sth, Rev. S. F. Robinson will preach the annual sermon to the Exeter L. U. L., in theTrivitt Memorial Church, 'i oto can save money on Boots and Shoes at the Bit; Bankrupt Store See if you oat. A contingent of the Exeter Lodge, 8, 0 E., visited Clinton on Brachy last awl in 4ninpmy with the lodge of that place at. tended divine service. The name of 141r. Tornbnll of Qintex), is freely mentioned as the next Inspector for the Pistriet of North Huron, rendered va. sent by the death of Mr. Mailed, .Alt wholesale stook of light parasols at 50ets on the $ at the l,3tg Bankrupt Store, ;air. John Dolbridge of Winchelsea, de- livered a beef cow in Exeter ou Marday Lei ss Melt weighed 1,925 pounds. This is not a small weight and qtr; D, would like to know who Arra heat it The following tines are now in orders -- "Some hold its true wltat'er betide and dean it good what'er befall, 'tis better to have tithed and lied than never to have Oohed at all." An ouive of aqua ammonia to each Ti.p fel of water is said to provide the fluiekest st,ration of tone to exhausted nerves ..,4i nause'es, besides snaking the flesh firm wed smooth. The late warm rains have eaused the foliage to come out very quickly. The cherry trees are also heavy with blossom. It promises to be a great year for fruit of all kinds. Town Ticket office--Srantl Trunk Rail- way.—Ocean, lake, river and rail tickets issued to all parts in Canada, United States and Europe at lowest rates, Prepaid Certificates. Capt. Geo. Kemp, Exeter, Oat. Clothing to order very cheap at the Big Bankrupt Store. Partners are commencing .t•l shear their sheep. A prominent buyer says that by gettiug the wool otf early, wliiell will pre- vent ticks, farmers will get from 25 to 50 cents a head more on sheep and lambs, The Exeter gristmill, which is at present undergoing repairs, including the substitu- tion of roller for the stone poem, will Imam been completed by July 1st. The mill will be run at full capacity of 100 bbls per day. Carpets and Curtains going very cheap at the Big Bankrupt Store, Mr, M. Parkinson, lately teacher of Ryerson School, Toronto, and formerly of the Parkhill High School staff, was pro. tooted by the Toronto Board of Education to he principal of one of the city Public Schools. Mr. Pareinson is son of lir. Par• kinson formerly of Exeter. The storm which passed over this sec tion on Saturday nisei t last was very heavy, the thunder and lightning .seeming to be quits close. The rain came down in torrents, and for a time the streets were made small creeks. No particular damage was done in this immediate neighborhood. Mr, John Leathern, of the Mansion House, Exeter, recently was the recipient of a handsome gold design of the trade mark of the Carling Brewing and Malting Company. The presentation was made by Mr. Wm, Horner on behalf of the office employes.—London Free Press. If you want to see a crowd of eager, delighted and satisfied buyers, just drop in to the Big Bankrupt Store any afternoon. Who weeps when he is sad, and laughs when he is glad, and smiles when he is mad? The editor. Who has to be both kind and wise, and never (hardly ever) lies, and when he does creates surprise ? The editor. Who owns a heart as well as cheek, possessed of spirit, yet is meek, and lives on 40 cents a week ? The editor. The dispute in Exeter on May 24th be- tween the ball clubs as to places, in which St Marys was given the alternative to either play London for second money or leave the grounds, the latter of which they accepted, has resulted in St. Marys fyling their claims, through a so- licitor, for 1st prize. Had the St. Marys club not been disposed to wrangle, the affair might have been amicaly settled. At the Queen's birthday celebration at St Marys on May 2Oth, R. Eacrett of Exeter, won let prize in the hurdle race ; 1st prize in the high jumping contest and 3rd prize in the 100 -yard race. The lacrosse match between Seaforth and St. Marys resulted in favor of Seaforth by a score of 3-2. There was a very large crowd present and the celebration was a success. Unscrupulous bayers are gulling the farmers in some localities by stating that the enhanced duties imposed by the United States force them to pay less for the farmers' products. This is misleading and deceptive, says the Nation, as the Ameri- can tariff is still being debated in Congress and there is no certainty when the bill will become law. It is very evident that the bill will undergo a radical change before it is ready for the President's signature, and it is altogether likely y that, even should the bill pass, it will not go into operation before the let July; 1091. Tuesday evening the little two-year, old son of Mr. W. R. Garner. of London, while. playing about, fell off the bridge into the creek which crosses Colborne street, be- tween St. James and Grosvenor street, striking his head with great violence against the stones, which partially stunned him. The water is very deep at this place, and had it not been for the timely assist- ance of a youth who was, attracted by the child's cries, he might have met a watery grave, This is the third child of Mr.: Garner's that has narrowly escaped drowning in this plane. Mr. Garner was a former resident of Exeter. • Oalekec snatch.. A cricket match beteen Clinton and Exeter clubs will be played on the grounds of the latter, to -day (Thursday.) Wickets will be pitched at 11 a.m. Everybody invited, Notice. The Trustees of the Exeter Public School have placed a notice at the Bites. of the school yard, forbidding trespass, and also cautioning destructive youths not to break the windows of the school or otherwise destroy school property, Any violation of the notice will be harshly dealt with. By order of Board. Accident 1,Vhilst making bents in Messrs Verity Si Sons' foundry one day last week, Mr. 51rIn, Verity met with an accident which might have cost him his life. Two men were yielding sledge -hammers while Mr. Verity held the object ; and one of the hammers gliding off the anvil, struck 1Ta. V. on the breast, ,Had he received the blow a little lower, he would proba- bly have been fatally injured. Good Enough To Steal, Some weeks ago we accused the Sea - forth Sun of stealing news from the Tunes and palating it off as its own ; to which it retorts : "Our rat-poisoneoteni should put some news into its columns.' before accusing anyone of stealing it." Rat -poison, when too ninth is taken, is dangerous, and if the Sun continues Publishing a second-hand edition of the Trams every week, the results might prove fatal to our eaten). That which is stolen is generally coveted, and the Sun must be fond of rat -poison. Exoter Diatriet It3eetts' , The annual meeting of the Exeter District of the Methodist church was held at Parkhill on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The clergy and lay delegates were well represented, and a splendid meeting was held. Besides the rountine business, resolutions were passed niemoralizing the General Con - Terence to make some change in the mauner of raising the Superannuation, Fund, and to abolish the Quarterly: Meeting; system, substituting thereforaa annual ticket of membership,. Concert, The concert given. in the town hall an. Thursday evg, last, under the auspices of the \Vest Huron. Teachers' Assoeia- tion, was one of the most successful ever listened to in Exeter, and to the pro- moters of the affair much craft is due. Although an impromptu affair, the at- tendance was large. Among those who took part, WO might mention :—The Exeter Glee club; Choral club ; Gidloy's orchestra ; besides other local talent in the persons of Mr, Mciatlum, Mr. H. Kinsman, Misses Fish, Johns and Her- sey, Each of the participants laid ad- mirably, and to say the least the concert was thoroughly appreciated throughout. Huron For Stoat, The reputation for Huron county as a stock producing locality isyearly becom- ing better, and now ranges among the best on the continent. On Monday, Messrs. Sparring & Robinson of St. Marys, shipped from Exeter station eleven car loads of export cattle tor the English markets direct. Mr, Thomas Coates of Usborne alone delivered nine- teen head for which he received $1,500. The majority of them he had only fed since March. On the whole the ship- ment comprised the finest lot of cattle that have left Exeter station for some time, and the major number of them were purchased by Mr. James Oke. No less a sum than $15,000 was paid to farm- ers of the surrounding townships, for cattle on Monday. Who says that stock raising does not pay? Exeter at Parkhill, The Queen's Birthday was celebrated in Parkhill this year on Thursday last by a monster demonstration, including a base ball match between St. Marys and Exeter. The game resulted in favor of St, Marys, as will be seen by the follow- ing score : EXETER, ST. MARYa- Eaerett R. 2b, ... ... 1 Nolan, r.f ......... 1 Anderson F. o. ...... 1 Mitchell l,f .....; ... 0 MoDonel l , , ,. ...... 0 La Pege. 2b...... 2 Eaorett G. lb, .. ... 0 Hamilton, o.......1 Farnoomb,3b, .... • ... 0 Oliver, p• .• ••• 0 Tait, p.... ... 1 McDonald, lb...... 3 Anderson G,1.f....... 0 Hoover. e.s. ...... 2 Elliot, c.f. ......... 0 Knox, c.f.......... 1 (lidley. r.f. ... ... ... 0 Ford, 3b, ....... 1 3 11 EXETER.—Base on balls, Oliver 2; hit by pitched obail. Oliver 2; left on bases, Exeter 4 ; Sr, MARYS.—Base on balls.Tait,9 • hit by pitched ball, none ; left on bases, St. Marys, 13; street( out, 4, Some members of the Exeter club took part in the athletic games. In the 100 -yard foot race D. Tait captured lst prize ; R. Eacrett, 2nd and T. Oke 3rd. The Hyers Comedy Company will ap- pear in the Opera House on Thursday, Friday and Saturday eves., under the auspices of the Exeter brass band. The London Advertiser says :—"The only comedy company in the world, the artists in which are colored, appeared at the Grand Opera House last evening, To say that the audience laughed uproariously would be but stating mildly the manner in which many portions of the evening's per- formance were received. The singing and dancing of the troupe is of an infectious character, and everything seemed to re- quire an encore. The death of. Mrs, Charlotte Nichols of Peterboro, Ont., widow of the late Mr. Robert Nichols, is announced. The de- ceased was born in Cavan, Ireland, in 1870. She (sampled the position of she "richest. lady in Canada," herwealth reaching three millions in bank stocks and other property. She was very benevolent and gave away large sums in private charity and public benefaction. She endowed the Nichols Hospital at Peterboro with $50,000, and one of her last ants was to put a cheque for $12,000 on the plate of her church to wipe out its indebtedness. ,Her property will be. divided among her nephews, nieces, and other relatives, who are numerous. A deputation of Montreal citizens waited upon Bit- Donald A. Smith and Sir Geo. Stephen Friday asking them to accept a bangnet tendered on behalf of the eitizent as a mark of their appreciation of their public beneficence and their many servioee done in the interests of Montreal. qztAT D tIVE IN DRESS GOODS AND PRINTS. •d• We Have Just Received Have and passed into stout a large range of all --wool double width Dress Goods which bought atagreat bargain,g cls we g We are offering these goods in all the newest shades at 37i cents per yard, which is only a fraction of the original price. All kinds of single width dress goods are being cleared ail great reductions. IN PtiIN'TB We have just opened up a large range of new patterns in wide width, soft .finished goods, among which will be found many of the leading ideas for next season's trade. We have the largest and prettiest range ever shown in, town in both worked and tucker' " edges and the prices of these goods should fail to inspect are much below the regular figures. NO Lady' spect t ., a above speozal 1401$4 l Ma ,l." } vl +o 24th 1n Exeter, The fifth annual celebration of Her. Majesty's Birthday took place in Exeter on Saturday last, The weather in the morning threatened rain, which no doubt impressed Many people to remain at hone; but the afternoon brightening somewhat the crowd was swelled, the attendance on the whole being fair. The principal feature of the day was a base ball tournament. Four teams were entered, but Brussels failing to appear, the following teams drew lots to decide which teams were to play first game :-- St. aIarys, Grand Trunk, of London, and Exeter. St, Marla drew the bye. The Exeter and London teatne then took the field, and played a good game. At the and of the seventh inning the score was a tie and an extra int:iug was played, Exeter scoring one and winning the game, the Londoners receiving a white- wash.. Following is the score R. J aerett, 2b R2 . 2 2 Plans r, Sxvxit 3 3 0 F. Anderson o.0, 1 3 Wiley, o.f., 2 2 1 McDonell,e s....1 0 1 `t'hompson,2b u 0 '2 G Eaerett, 3b ...1 2 0 Farnworth, 1.f0 0 1 Dolan, n ....0 0 ti McLeod, a 0 0 2 Tait, o.f 0 1 0 Bell, r.f ... 0 3 0 0, Anderson, 110 0 0 Lewis, La 0 1 1 llumo,lb ...2 2 2 Artbur,lb ...,1 0 1 Dissect, r.f 1 1 0 Jennings, p (1 0 1 Totals 7 9 8 Totals........... 9 9 Exeter ..................: 1 21 2 0 0 01-7 Grand Trunk 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0-11 In the afternoon the different teams repaired, to the grounds. According to arrangement, Exeter and St. Marys were to have played for first rite , but desiring to leave on the five o'clock train requested St. Marys to play theist for second prize. This ,St. Marys would not do, as in case of London winning, St. Marys would only come in for third prize, not having had a chance to play for first prize. But had St. Marys, beaten London, London would have been. elected for third prize ; and the first place could have been settled by Exeter and St. Marys, The prizes were award- ed as follows t Exeter, ($45) first; Lea- den, ($25) second. In order not to disappoint the specta- tors the Exeter and London teams played an exhibition game in the afternoon, which resulted in favor of the London team, as the following score will show : =MS. n. ii, 5. GRAND TRUNK. R. 0..iz R.;Eaorett, 2b...2 1 2 Player, 3b 1 1 0 F.Anderson,o f.1 1 0 Wiley, o,f. 3 1 0 MoDonell, s.s...1 2 1 F, Ball, 2b. 0 0 0 G.Eacrett,o..,,,,i 3 4 Farnworth,Lf..0 2 1 Hume 1b 2 1 1 McLeod, c 0 0 2 Tait.p ..0 2 0 w.Ball, r.f.......0 0 1 Bissett. rf 0 0 1 Lewis, 3.8 ,.2 1 1 Dolan.Sb.........0 0 1 Arthur, lb 1 2 1 0.Anderson,l.f,e 1 1 Tinsley, p 1 1 1 Totals .......,7 1111 Totals8 8 7 Exeter 111020020-7 Grand Trunk .0 01 0 1 3 0 3 M-8 At the conclusion of the ball game, the athletic sports advertised, took place as follows : Farmers' race (half mile) for one of Verity's plows, Mr. IL Tin- dall, Hibbert ; throwing base ball, Chas. McDonell ; base running, Frank Ander- son ; boys' race, under 15 years, lar, W. Brooks ; 2nd, W. Dignan, Boys race under 12 years, lst, Frank Willis ; 2nd, E. Dinnin ; 3rd, W. Westcott. Girls' race under 13 years -1st, Hettie Hand- ford ; 2nd, Rhoda Handford ; 3rd, Eva Browning. GENTLEMEN'S Gold Watch es. We have just completed the purchase of a large Whole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call on US. Here since '56. N. B.—Masonic aprons best , b st quality, $2. 50 ea. A. MORPHY & CO., Cor, 'Richmond and Dundas Ste., London, Ont. COMPETITION CAN GET AIIF,AD "-iOf Carling .Eros, by etlttirig out tris picture hint no competitor can get ahead of Carling Bros, in any other way, 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0exp 00 SILENOB IS GOLDEN 000000 oceaoc0000000000003000000000000000000000000g00o0onoeohnomao that is a good Blotto to hang up at home ---specially ter') married women and children, ' "• ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD." Brass is a good deal of a glitterer you know No reflec- tion intended on the glittering promises being made by others. Carling Bros, iIave .Seem, Sile�al, Long enough, because noise has an influence with some and people will believe that Carling Bros. are silent because they have nothing to say to the blatant boasting of those who claim all quality and cheapness as their own, LEND US YOUR EA.RS. We can bury competition—not with blow and bluster but deeds. Quality for quality and value for value. We will meet and beat any prices made by those who vaunt the cheapness of their goods, We back this speech with our entire stock, not just only with a few lines. Highest cash price paid for eggs at all times. DARLING BROS. FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MILL OWNERS USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL1 TRY IT ONiCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine. Also Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils. McCOLL BROS. & 00., TORONTO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. MEREDITH'S PLATFORM! LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS. aTOS3ST ca-. H02,MES, The Liberal Conservative Candidate for South Huron will address meetings on the stirring questions of the campaign at the following places: 29, Nomination " 29, (Evening) Lumley "30, Wilkes Hall, Dashwood 31, Grand Bend June 2, Township Hall,ElimviIle 3,Farquhar Except where otherwise mentioned, all the above meetings will be opened at 7.30 o'clock p.m. The Nominee of the Reform Party or other Candidates cordially invit- ed to be present and address the. meetings. Ladies are especially invited to attend all these meetings. Already parties in the States are ar- ranging their tickets for the presidential election of 1892. It . is said that the managers of the. Democratic party have agreed upon QroverCleveland and James E. Campbell, Governor of Ohio, for president and vice-president rear ectively. The latter nomination will, however, de- pend on whether the Democrats carry Ohio 'next November. Minard's Liniment relieves neuralgia, OTTfl sed EffGS A. Q. BOBIER, having Ieased Drew's Block, will be pleased to pay HIG EST Cash PRICES at all times for buttes and eggs. A. Q. EOBIEI,, May let, '90. Drew's Block, Exeter. Pea Harvc1cr1 Having obtained a patent for my Pea Harvester Guard, I am now pre- pared to put the attachment on mow.,. rag machines and guaraiitee;the 'same to do good work under any reasonable circumstances even if the .straw be ten feet longand as °fla pearaw t as a pan. cake you can cut round the field. Price on ordinary mowers $7. Bring on your mowers now before the .haying Shop rights season and avoid the rush. for sale: Correspondence solicited.' F. L. HAMILTON. Cromarty, May 21, '20,•-2m