HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 7A Fact fORTIE knowing is that blood dia. If epee which all other remediea fail tQ cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Fresh, constrma. tion of this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even stuos. deep-seated and stubborn come plaints as Rheu- matism, Rheum*. tie Gouteann the likeare thorough. ly eradicated by the use et this won- derful alterative. Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West %ye 125th street, New Teets, certifies " .e.bout two years ago, after suffering for nearly two yams from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with gloat discoinfort,, and having tried various remedies, Including mineral waters, withseat relief, I saw by an advertise - me in a Chicago paper that a man had be& -relieved of Tine dietressing emu -- platen after long sufferiug, by _Mixing Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then deculed to make atrial of this medicine, aud took it regularly for eight months. I aux pleased to say that it effected a cora- Vete cure, and that 1 have aince bed no return of the disease." Mrs. L. A. Ste*, Nashua, NS Ife writes: "One year ago I was taken ill with rheumatism, belnes vouflued to iny house six meths. I cunt out of the 016;ness very much nebiliteten, with no appetite, and my system dieordered itt every way. I commeucel to mos Ayerti Sarea.partale, awl began to improve at once, gaining in etrength and SPOn Te - covering my usual health. I cannot say to tocb, lu praise et thie well-known Medicine." III have taken a great deal of =ea. eine. but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I telt its beneficial effects before I bad quite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify that it is the best blood.. medteine I know of." -L, W. Ward, 8re, Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilia, PERFARED BY Dr; ‘1. C. Ayer do 00., Lowell, Masse Price el; six betties, ea Worth lee a bottle, • A STRANGE tgURTSHIPI , CHAPTER III. etas. eteasnerses Notwithstanding the rebuff with which, as she imaglued, her approaches tower& Miss Denham had been received, Mrs. Mar- shall WU 110t discouraged. She was deter- mined eo melte friends with a, yowls lady t. had stood to his guns the first time, e rather, too thrave to dee, had remained to ender° all the, horrors incident to an ha defensibbt poet which is carried by assaults quite rigiat to say that. But whose husband mitalated a horn the open window, but not, Infore one AnEnglishnes Ati house is his castle, and a can you be speaking of, my poor dear? But "Well, there teas nobody there, my dears, of the three had. pereeived her, and. with te, h, first floor a,p, melt at The Grand, he haa if he does Iteep you short, he's not worse tobe called anybody. Let me see; it wee movement of :courteous Apology, removed: fondly them s was eqeally inviolate. The than the xeet of them, I do assure you.- not Aragoe, of eourse-Aragoe, is not an his Havone, front hie lips, and threw it upcow fire and etitt a Mrs, Marshall's eloquent Theron that nasty cat Again. I'll give it blend. Ah I it was Patagonia." the erog,uct-ground beneath. have no more taste for it now than if it was t' Lor, Mrs. Marshall !" hay and water. You must let nee put it Thereconteur'svictory was, complete. Both down to my own account." theyoung ladies drew neerer-"Idtched their "But, my good Mrs Marshall," remota chairs up, we sheuld heves/mitten had they stated. Ju,, "I ain not speaking of my hue- been men, for that is what they did -and band." anxiously regarded their visitors "Eaten? "Yes, yes; of course, of course. You're Why, I thought you said the island was ma "Hush 1" exelaimed Mrs Pennatet imperse atively, and pointing to the farther windows, whichwasolosed, but through whiela welch be seen three gentlemen standing on the bal- cony, and watehing the sun -b; the odour of their cigars was also very perceptible ; the same time, Mabel drew hanily beef= who was acknowledged to be the belle of remineseeneepad laid waste, however, for a this creams for it would eltok,s me now to "The land of giants Ieiaculeted Mabel. " There was no occasion to do that, roan The Grand,. aodiiltely to reign there aeries full hour, met he had registered a vow that, swallow it, Pines PUBS!" I "Jest so, My hive ; but not a wheeled con- good sir," said the cheery voice of Mr. Fred - her stays Tne humiliation was not greater with him it, they should never dosoagaila No, you mustn't; indeed, you mustn't," veyanee in the place, let alone a earalean. it emit Palma ; " nty wife end sheer -in -hew perhaps than many of us are prepared to On the second hwasitin, thereferes when the said Julia, rising precipitately to interpose hos been always a matter of surprise to me are very indulgent in the matter of tobisee. undergo under analogous. if not quite similar heralanrought the summons to surrender, or, bettveen the old lady and her perpose„ she didn't write A book about, it ; Lady eorl circumstances. We "put up "with a great in other words, the waiter presented Mrs. "My husband hates eats, and cream would Hester Stanhope did, you know, as well as ',Why, who on earth can my husband mat deal in order to win the acquaintance of Marshall's card, Frederick had with lineal. only encourage the creature." Her terror many other Lame of quality who have hati Mr. Flint have got with them t" whispered celeinities of all sorts; and it in this seise eulating preeipitation tied into the balcony, lest Fred should be eise,overed in his hidings similar experiences. But, as far as I temente Mrs. Peneant with amazement. " Why. I could be but short-lived, upon. the ether Ito had. remained for hours wild with rage, protested that she had to go and dresa in so there was no advantage in her case, have just been talking about 1" home again, do believe it's that, very Mr, Winthrop. wee the refleeted splendour of such friendship from tvhich there was no outlet, and where place gave Julia the courage of deepair ; she ben Lady Hester never came hand it would be patent to all eyes. It and exposed to the gravest suspicton of weeldnotbenecessaryto state Mabet's claims playing eaves -dropper' at his next neigh - to admiration, as it unhappily se. 'often is hour's open window. Ile bad listened with literary, scientific, and other lions. willy.nilly to an that hen passed. Her surpassing 'beauty spoke or itself, between his wife and. her visitor, He had 1permanent, and the door of their apartment expenses in Patagonia, besides :not that Mee Mrs. Pennant caught at her gown wait an. To be seen with her even ea ehaperono heard the latter express her delight at find- had been jealeuely guanled against her ever ; would have been much, by all accounts ; she . incieive " Iton't I" but too late to etsap the duennoe or familiar gossip, would ,being the forraer quite alone., sloes they could since. (could not hare gone into society, for there , impulsive old ladys to hold a position in the hotel of some now have "a niee long Chat together over' Mts. hlareliall herself was dimly conscious , WAS none to go Into I; and as for milliners' i 'I have got a bone to pick with you, Mr. social importance, and. one Whieh WOUla 0141 time's." She had, even cengratulated thet she was shunned; but her desire to' bills, there was a heartlees joke, I remelt- t‘ Flint," cried she gaily, on accautte of a. make the young men civil to her ; and Julia, upon his beteg t, out," little galosh's, Make the ampaintanee of the adinited ber, at the time of her having come home i trick you put on me at dinner; and. I'll the civilities of young men were very poor obi soul, that he was only outside. Mabel now gave her an audacity es -en be- - "in weeds." only forgive you en eonditioa tins; you'IF welcome to Mrs hlarstian. Thts respectable t' It LI jest as well, my dear, that he yowl the intrepidity with which nature had 1 "My dear Mrs. Marshall 1" exclaimed , come a little nearer, and let usennenthe full - old tatty re-sembled in some respects an ill- should leeve yon at times, so don't you. fret endowed her. Julia. reprovingly. 'flavour of these exoellent cigars." I."' dividual whom she would 'two liked to have about that, as 1 we you have been doing ; he She bad fortunately overheard Mr. Flint 1 "It was most unfeelios, my dear, 1 know ! (TO BE CONTINVEIX) known itaMenselY-tbe Wandering Jew, will not get tired of you, half so soon, if he invite Mr. Penuent to smoke a cigar with. that -I only mafiosi the fact to exhibit the! Her age wasfabulous;lost, indeed, in the has his libc..rty ocea5iontilly. It's uot in him after dinner ; and when the ladies rose Inlet of ages. She had neither relatives nor lowed nature, as It it in aura'my dear, to be from the tahlo•note, she at once tuldreesed The Winthrop necklace -made of sea -shells ; want ot feeling of the faxhionenle world. 1 e home. but paseed her life in migratious always attentiveen ive d devoteil. What 1 al- herself to Julia. a, fasitionahle resort, in Tinibuctooshe would eeetting moped, was ; "Don't mind me, going to be alone with yoursweet stater, Fan I ejeut how los the world came this poor I I B. B . B. B from niece toplace. If Timbuctoo hatlitecome ways 'used to say to Heavy, whet 1 slw hint "My dear," 8.51(1 she, "alum you you are( 11-1,14t,.a finite a rim throughout that emit - f undoubtedly have been found at the due Hen., but go r.nd have your Mug "-rather you 'do with me, as the Irish call it, Just . lady to be east ashore without her bus - season. In the early sprine, she honoured ' a vul,gar expression, you are thinhing, my for a half an hour? 1 have got something ;haw r, inquired Mrs. Pennant, "Whaebe- • '014141.41.MIS, DAWAL Bitters tIteeonthe, and her nutid-sert'ant Janet, she fact is, betsinen luau, and wife ---you Are not ter of my beloved- old friend—Thenk yeu, 1 "Oh, the Alp was all safe enough; the'. T5 a. FIral7 'vegetable c"aixtinaiPmgegallig Brighten with her presence ; wall Itt r man dear ; 1 can read it m yeur eye; but the very 'particular to tell you ; and at; the daugh- ' e4,ote of the ship r took up her toartere at the Thlegetheritun a wife yet, my dear ; you niey thiuk you my dear; I hum You wOuld- Toil. mean% ship was in the Sound -us I was tog the 1 Irtlirt regtulatinTwertIrlitaigiA?"8"41 inansitm on the West (lift), where alie de- mac; but you're not --you are only a. bride. introduce me to htise Mabel -she will excuse . story -though it could hardly h'Ive been i Live irseiMp' allA ccjti bloodotti-c1'Iowa its propriehm by her condeeeensien \Odell is very different-ith much better, 1 MP Calling her by her Christian name----beo within, hearing. I don't understond those , ' 4) - un ea 6 4 1 - in dining at the pulite table ; hut the fact say, between man ann wife, to be out. CallSe 1 hare Introduced myself, 1 shalt nautical matters myself. My own idea in wasthat to have timed:v.-1th lees than a (knelt spoken, If ever I Amine marry again-- borrow her arm to help me up these stairs. 1 people would have steel thie devatee of soule- what's that noise in the balcony ? It sounds There's a dear good girl. How all the youtts that she and the servant were being towed ; P, a boat 'behind, awl that her hueletnil slily ty n indigestion. She was ever greedy like neat spitting. -Where was I? -"O menumend the rope, arid sailed away. 1 can '* envying me, ill wager I" in , a qu for new acaintances ; her anection Henb ,," etiti I, "go and eve your Mug." She bad conquered; but the victory had t I for whom grew as rapidly. and perished answer for the tietual fact& Naval ac. as abruptly, as Jaek's beaustelk ill the fairy tale, If any of them wore cele- brities, et• much the better ; and they must have been exclusive indeed, and wary as the Indlau of thesprairies, to have eluded her attention% Rut if unknown to fame, she conferred upon them suet! attributes ast if they had not been evolved from her ineegias aelou, would have I. een well ileeerving Of a public statue. "Mr. Brown was," she would. assure non, "altogether out of the common way,"eutl "a Meet superior person ;" that one treat to listen to him, he was so full of ane (elute :" he was "the best of Men, and “a blood -relation of the kite Earl of Ilablileton." Or 31re. Smith was "simply the sweeteet creature, my dear"-slie called almost every case "my dear," quite indepen- ent of sex or age --"the r ry sweetest that 1 ha,ve ever come across. None of your talk- ers, hat oh, so full of thought I To see her tat -you know what tatting is, of e01111e- it's quite a picture 1" If three mouths afterwards. you should ,chance to minion tha ese mazing folto ks Mrs, Ilaraliall, she would pretend tohave for- gottenallaboutthein. "NlyJanet wilireinein- . in a p ace that shall be nameless -well, 1 ber,Idaresey; she has themostwonderfulre- ' may tell you in confitleuce that it 'was at my collection for names and people; but for my Lord Bilberry's, after a picnic in the open part I see so malty new faces," But in air -I have seen that =lime his wig on the this the um lady did her own powers of end of his walking -stick, for coolness, memory great injustice ; she forgot neither and because he hadhad toomuch champagne, face nor name ; and upon her recollection of nail laugh like a demon. There's that such matters slut relied, ana with reason, ' nasty cat again -My dear, I see nothing to for the prosecution of her social calling. laugh atin it. mann making old age ridiculous Her now favourites eclipsed her old ones in that manner. The idea of bit taking off order to be ready to walkout with him, And whereas Mrs Winthrop did, and would mai- "Then we'll eertainly have lune in, creed. so contrived to getrid of the eommon enemy. lout doubt have been a lion -it's curions one Mrs, Marshall, rising and hurrying to the; But the alum thia invasion inspired in. the never says lioness, when it's a feinale-uate "window, with a speed of which her yearseenl breast of both 'bride and. bridegroom was the lion af tbe Loudon season, audpaid all her mos would have seemed wholly ineapelnee THE BEST BRING POWDER -4.2$ NM'S UM COOra Fitit No Alum. - Nothing lelutiotia. IRMO CIERIVIHERE, GARTH & CO, FACTORY SUPPLIES. Valves, Iton tt lead Pipe. Loose Pulley OflereStum Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind Maio Dream Repose atom, Dairy and Laundry Utensils* 536 CRAM STREET. MONTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOL COTTO For Hand antl Machine Use. HAS NO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATHEROID ST.EEL-LINED IRUNRS In Semple, Indies' and all other hinds. Llghttit till MinaflC R 18 In the World. J. BYELEIGH &CO. MONTREAL, rnielifrs, far 111 Dominion HOTEL BALIVIORAL 1TIONTIFLEAlh. Sotre IMMO St., ono of the most central ' and elegantly furnished Hotels lathe City. Accommodation for 400 guests. ItateetITWOODRUFFF to $3 per day. SI , VY Manager. E RZ Sth lor Canada, s. 111.11ER &SOH Wholesale Imp'trs of ditUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, -1743 NOTRE DAME IT,, MONTREAL SOAP. * DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY, Thee he woult1 go to hie study, and read Plutarch or Plato, or something of that sort, for he had an. eminently classical mind. The =tare of the fling, of course. depends self for having eon way at all, Sle knew the painter but I could mate nothing n one's huthend's character. I daresay, it would eve her hushend to find this dread- of his remark, for Mr. Winthrop paiuten r. Dennalit.11OW, a hexing.% quiet game et hal old lady ettablisited tu their room when There% no harm in that, except he retanied, andehe even sutpected that her himeelh-I mean, of course. piettwee.ami not in what it leads to, the a dear old Seetelt atimistion had been obtained under false frientl-e lady of the first quality., with a pretence% title in her own right -"I dinna nund Dan- " Well, Mrs Maraltall, and what is your aid" (that's her husband) -rdinna mind his lamest inquired she somewhat austerely, drinkin'and-and-siedike, she says; "but when they all three seated themselves what I do oldeet to is his ;akin' to cards or in front of the open window. CURES Ali blood humors and diseases, from le toth t oftdous-or hie oombined with its unrivalled reaula,ting, cleansing and purifying influence ou the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels an& akin, render it unogssallea as a cure for all diseases of the men gained, as xt were, by, a dead Int. Mrs counts, are always so obscure. Admiral t neinanth acquiescence had mit been over. term, to whom 1 narrated the thing. erecious, awl she now telt angry with her. said that yesethrep west have 4, eta as the Patagoniaus ilid-in e small way ;and ' so it et -as she, us I told the admiral, if any. body, who mat lave cut the painter, tut he only laughed. in his rude loud way: he as what ie celled a very "bluff" moan and . dien las I alwaya said he would) of an a.pop- 1 e.eeettee, lextql.:.:tt, how did this peer lady get home t I bie things ae you lose money by. And tio ' "My news?' returned hire Marahall with vou warn Your husband agaiest bettiug with her accustomed vivacity, not un i however, by a titan of fillrprise. . ea, ) ear ee es st, was sou g 3., enrii.imuired Mailellith connected with very p ry:struts:. sIelsinntai3ntt .3 1 jOntyfobrugeeettmylinscsivItraieMiy. , the tratlawinds, whatever they are, that who bad no suspieion of what was gen% to promieed myself that you two should be the brought her. An English ship, just four 1 you will be the Rrst to hear about it. I haPPelt to them- He leeks ha al mid de- very lirst. You saw those two gentlemen crepit, you see, that they are naturally who came so late to the tableel'hotes desirious to challenge him ; they expect an Everybody saw them, of course, and every - easy victory, aud then they find themselves hotly is talking of them. Such a very re- in the wrote; Wt. He is as : Tharp as. s tfer- markable pair, tuul such a contrast I Major int, and looks unemumonly like oue, with :Pomeroy would give his head to be here: he his wig off, My dear, I have wen him won't, lind it easy to make their acquains tance in it hurry -not he. Well, my dears, I know all about them ; they are the Wap - shots of Winthrop. You have heard of them, without doubt 1 'What i Not of the Ws.pahots of— What am, I talking of? I meant, of course, to say that they were the Winthrops of Wapshot." that Major Pomeroy at billiards. Mfdear, he would win the shirt off Ids butt, as I have known hint to do, or something very like it, with halittadozest other young men, Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOAFID Steam racking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thi8 is a Perfect Friction RECKITTS BLUE. THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS 7/rapping, c'"47 *NEWS, ct. ALL 0 SIZES •k• ANO ra WEIGHTS _ -v To ORDER 21DeBrosoles St, taiLLs : PORTNatli, nth CHA.PTER LADY'S CONFAB.' without absolutely erasing them. She Went the wig that Heaven had given to him -for to London for a few weeks in the season, , it had simeliedehim with themoms to pro- The remarkable revelation just made by Mra Marshall to her two young companions had. by no means the effect -which she had looked for. The Denham family had been • "buried alive" in an obscure southern Village, separ- ated by the whole length of England from Wepshot, which had but a very uncertain sound in their cam They knew that it was not e .cathedral city: but, be 'end that, because "alt the world." could not be there cure it -and exposing Ins gray hairs sti that without her. But she did not, like town; nutnnert! You wcaddn't like to see nis do it, the hotels bad too shifting is tenantry to I hope." (Mrs. Pennant hints; her head, and suit her, and of eourse it London bottrdini- I covered her face with her hands, while lier house was "not to be thought of." Sue 11 whole frame shook with emotion.) "01 was hor own expression ; but the fact was , course, not; you are sorry even to hear me that she had thought of it more than once, ' suggest such a thing. -Puss, puss 1 I hate a and with some favour; but she was afraid cat, because of that horrible idea of its of broaching the subject to Melcombe. He sucking you're breath when your asleep ; they knelt- nothing more than t tat such a placed black gaiters, who would have pessed especiallylvhen they are black. It may be place existed. The name was not one of "Well, my dear, he was living quite broken - was it man, upon whose calves if you bad but I always speak civilly to the creatures, e, bishop anywhere, except in the colonies, 1 superstition, but there must Ilene been some- those which at once absorbed the attention- hearted, upon the homily estate, from which tor for which he would have beets far too thing in all those stories 'about black cats such as Great Grimsby -and they would not he ought never to have stirred, except at the the fa august. In the autumn, Mrs. Marshall , and witchcraft ;bat mid like the „gentleman have even known where to look for it on the due seasons. He apparently aid all Ile could to Leamington, Scar- i who took off his to fallen statue of map. Mrs. Frederiek Pennant confessed recoverbiswife; perheashe AVMS sorry whcithe pruned her wings for Lea borough, Matlock, or Shingleton-on-Sea, I Jupiter, I ales-ays wish to be on the safeside her ignorauce upon this vital point with i found he had. got rid of her -husbands some- times t t 1 t have heard of the , times are. A storm drove the ship out tosea on the very day the boat, was missing ; but he where wo now fincl her. in the win- in everything. Why does a eat spit, for in. «But considerable sang-froid. Winthrops, my love," aretied Mrs h. farshall, , returned as soon as he could -it cost bun a 1 . years afterwards, was waiting for the trade - winds air the coast of Patagonia, and picked her up on the sea -shore with her ' "With her child?" ejaculaten Mee. Fred- erick, with quite it little scream. "Well, yes, of course. The fact is, hlra 'Winthrop, poor dear soul, was in an interest- ing situation when she was east away, and, of course, not so much as a pin -cushion in the tvay of preparation. But, how- ever, Heaven tempers the wind to the infant without baby -linen, and both mother and child dill uncommonly well. The savage people treated them both with great kind- ness, though it may sometimes have been misdirected -they would not let her cut up her awn food, for one thing, And. they had not such an article as a knife amongst them; and their drinks were made very much in tho same way. "Manners none, anti eustoma abominable,' as the midshipmausain-Yes, I'll have One more cup of ten,, my dear, since you are so good; and that shall'he the last, for I make a point of never exceeding five." "But, my dear Mrs Marshall," end the hostess, when she had emptied with this modest demand, "what was the husband - this Mr. Winthrop, of Wapshot-doing all this time'?" soonrs 11.113 E.F.f THE REAT STRENGTH GIVER /5) PERFECT FOOD pm THE SICK "IA WARMING & thlTRITIOUS EVERAGE .A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR .... ter, sho moulted, it was not known where, stance? Tell me that. She doesn'e smoke but it is my belief she went to Bath. At like a man, you know, and she can't be W- all events, in the epriug, when she came . leap quarrelling. with her husbattd. The out quite fresh again, she used to vague- thing's inexplicable. -My dear, mount you ly attribute that miracle to "the waters ;" mind. pulling the bell, a.nd ordenng myself a and it is certainly at Bath that ladies of cup of tea,? I generally take one at this her description do hibernate in prodigious thne, and eepecially if I can. get a nice per - numbers. Shelled also a store of marvellous son to listen to me. I talk no muali better anecdotes connected with . card -playing- over tee, just as a man does over his cigar. such as how General Jones and others had , Yon pulse let me have i1. put down to. my sat up to their lames in cards for eight-a,nds ' own hill; you must, indeed. Very well, if forty hears at a stretch,. svhich could; only you insist; else I know vane husbands don't have emanated from that dissolute but like it : Here's an:shilling,' they Say, for superaunuated city. A necessary result of 1 that horrible old woman's tea.' "Money, my Mrs. Marshall's constant migration and dear, is the tenschstone of the male char - protracted experience was, that she knew ' acter. As for women, they :are all mean, somebody wherever she went, or if not or nearly so. Ah, you thin,k .• other themselves, their relatives, up to. the fourth 1 wise; but, then, you haven't lived generation, She had met Mr. Frederick ! quite so long in the world as I have. Of Pennant's mother years ago, when the course they ere very tender-hearted ; latter was herself a bride, and. upee that give stheir tears quite . cheerful- iediepthable groped had made acquaentance to any tale of distressi-but that's with her 'daughter. • .- • 1 all. They are worse- than the American "When I look at you, my dear, 1 seem to gentleman who considered that three -cent see your poor dear mamma again. We lost pieces Were ihverited,especially for the exert sight of one another for many years, but we cise of charity, for they will give nothing. I were fast friends at one time, though, of • once went around to get subscriptions at course, there was' a greet divinity of years Leamington, to bay a poor, would-be washer - between us. . was three times her age woman a mangle. The excuses, my dear, then -for she Wag but , gitl--;:end new from the great ladees-patrcesesses of the supposeX am ieut tithee yours. Your pea lioepital tall; and'holdere of stalls at the inieband„is emaiingly like what My Henry Fancy Fair ih aid: of the Lunatic Asyluni-I- esed to be at his age, just half a century: were such aa you wouldn't believe if they age. Here's his .portrait on this broeelet. t were written he book • One :Of • thee): clie- The hair, and eyes,' and features ash differ.' centeted .that: the washerwonia,n did htot ents but the complexion, you see, is very belong to, the Church of England, and tried sunilar. My Henry did not 'joke go much as to Pt& a quaieel with mac (sooner than peer) yours --he %had toe 'classical a. mind, for for endeavoring to entrap her .ieto sebscris humour -rather severe,. teethe -pee :401.; you bhig eowards a Peesbytenan mangle. Anothe came to khoW died. in youth.- 'eh -it was the Dowager Lady Giemjaive-pro- Thank you, aisveyti earey ttnys own smell- tteeted that nothing nvould , have given • ever ing-salts about with ante e 1, get them at '.gTeeter pleasure, but that the had pfsesecl Cox's at Harrointete, siMI it's evondetfeltiont ; tioleren prOmilte to het litishanden hie death-. they keep tied; etegegstle • Ifeyee 'eee ersy ebed not to indulge ineiscriminete charity. name -and you're quite Weleomeenyeus are , tell Me that that old woman ie gene to sure:tenet the bestn, 1 havantenethe dozen !. heaven enyalear, it to giee'me a elistasite for bottles, on Etecount:ok,rny eIstrome ; the .pleces 130- all , women are shin-fiihts ity, • atid.alse becease. these• is aheeneetion I more or Less. I " shotild oho MYself, if upon taking a quaneity.S ;,. , 1 Melcornbe 'Would lettne : but she keen me puts a step, to etl my little •Miti Marshall Was nota character tto :suit straight,. and Mrelhederick Pennant's taste, but the claim economies in the bed.", " • she had made to her acquaintanceship t Here, ter the first tixneS Mrs. Pennant be scarcely disallowed. One's father's frieedn'venturecl to interpose a remark beyond an or he who professed to have been such, is interjection. "I think you ere ',too lath net, as mess *ell know, en individuate° be upon our sex,: .Mte lteafehall./ They have, lightly' shaken off; and the, someehieglotde as a rule, much less money to spare, for etty- attmag womee. .Under cover,of this ,femily : thing than men and'obtam what theY. have coesseption (which in ;eaten liaci coilsri:tcd With greater diificulty e they have; ;Often, to et !the interchange of few formal viStts be- press ;Led press for it, even when it .elue, .eween Mrs Meethall and MIS Pennant, upon because the man will not pert With his whichn occasiene. the latter lady had h& ' means of extrevagauee and dissipetion" dome sacrifipe t� her ohm' scittpuloile "Oh,' ilay. goachiess 1" interrepted -the old geed for tenth by being -"on 'hoirie"); "the lady. "Ulm is' SO bad as that:when he is.a Genner had Phaldsd her iidCa1Meil ' with bridegroom, what will he come toamy poor Julia so far that she. hatwices teactsed• the dear, -before the first six moths are.out ? I Pommies' private sitting -room. Freclex'ick an aseerry I have had tine tea as can be. I , growing more affectionae, as her hostess • mint of money to persuade the captain -and cooled in manner. "Why, the Winthrops remained off and on the coast for weeks. At are the oldest family except the Howarffs, last he gave up the matter in despair, came in England. They have had the most home, and. bulled himself in seclusion. The curious hereditary disease-Ithink it's on thc county families •were thus placed in a most first joint of the little finger; but we shall embarassieg position, since nobody of any soon see that -for live hundred years. • You consideration could permit, his daughter to must have heara of the Winthrops." . I marry a man whose estate was entailed, and . "We never have," returned Mrs. Pennant 1 whose lawful wife and children might turn wearily, "I do assure you. What have they up at any time. Ana very lucky it was for es -or done 1" . 1 all parties that he temained singleesince, ex - "Done, my clear? What strange . ideas actly four years after his sad loss, , Mrs. you have! I hope it is not necessary, at Winthrop reappeared again with the son least in this "coitutry, for an old family like and heir -that very handsome young man, that to have done anything, eo'be respected my dears, whom you have just seen with his or looked up to. They have lived in the father at the table.d'hote." tame place, father and son, since the Con- 1"A very bold and impudent young ma -n," quest."observed Mrs. Pennant: "r never was so "My dear Mrs: Marshall," returned her stared at in my life." " hostess, laughing, "there is A fanner in our 1 "A young inan with ten thousand a year'in parish --although he is 'decayed in fortune land entailed upon hhn can affeedtostare, my 110W, and indeed his son is the postman- I dear; his mannermay be Patagonian, but, so is whose family has done the same; yet, I his fortune, you must recollect. It assumed S"Bute:my dear Mrs. Penuhads the Win- I which Mr. Winthrop spent in seclusion ; daresay, youhave never betted of them?" giant proportions during these four years throps . have alwa:ye had, ten ' elinestuid a though of late, they do say, that the young yea.; and given' the tone to- the county. I man himself -hes made a considerable hole in This man -the very ote yon have just seen Ibis father's savings." , ., • s, down -stairs --is the .firse.• of.. bus' line who "But 'thenght, of leaviagethe •4041' ' Wap- what has become of his mother 1" in - ever 'Hall is in onnref 411e iskewSplacee of eV:red:Mabel, "Iteeems to ine that she is shot itglahde with a prieeVs.kolestenden hhentel t e most interesting person of the three." E , "She may have been dead. these twelve ed 'wing's -and: everything., Nellainsteed 'of, months, though I • sew that Mrs Winthion. • of 'stayieg. there, as was e eh:rested of him, who has excelletit tastes: still wears slight n� tomer did he comesol age than Ise max- mourning for her. I'll leak in the county ried, and took his wife ,ehipseetilet the, world Families, which I alwanweerry about me - for her honeymeon. , I eenwealeee else eAnsa- that and. the Bibleemy dear, axe thee only . tion:svhich the mattencreeted:sa, palette as books that an old womanlike me- 'toed. posh though 'it happened Yesterday. :,Of hoerSe, sess-but I don't think he can be a .ffal more everybody: thought he waistedto kill her, , t han forty. Upon My word, if ' I eves a which seemed so sweept fet ee heidegreom ; a:was at all etwrdetthe4 young girl, I shonletle puzzled' to- now and nobody pise he . which to eake-tlte ecia:ce the fetlieint0 I ' came home again withent her." "my, deer ehts mattolen,,,., ettp9seoteee "Poor thing?" exeldimed liffebelpitifully ; • ' "Listen; and you ;shell hew, my dear.- 1 i Mabel Was looking out te iee; thihking, Julia, hhow can you hay 'such thing* en _, . - 'it did kilt her then, did.% ?".: .• -cup . of tea, if you please, for. perhapi, of the unhaedp,y lady Coat IitWaY by Yes; another mech of a telling Storieti -always pa.rehes my throat; if : the cruel.wayes .o.ii that fet-eff itileespitable 1 Wes :talker, h should 80011die, s, , shores. and she, dist notSee' ;the. expeessive tithe's dertein.-No, ' Mt. ;Winthrop clicin,t glance which her easter gone toWards her-, iteppe-eor rather his wife, for the ', self, in nisapprevel Of the old. Iticly'S remark. -kill his bride . affair rted some months after, they set Mrs Marshilinedded a greet Many times, sail --but he did worse, if anythingeehe lost to show that she Understood ' ;the reproof, and then smiled asinany more, an prove that . . . it bid n'ot put her out of temper.. ' ' "Lost her 1", echoedboth the young ladies ' ',Quite right, my • dear, elle whispered, with genuinelntereet : " do you mean that yet not se low bet that,in so' eelmen even - she was drowned at sea?" ' " ing, Matei coulci hear eery Syllable,: "one ' "Not it bit of ' it my deers. Better for shouldn't pub such thingsinto youngpeople's her, perhaps, if she had been; for Heiven heeds. It is not panned tothem to entertain only nowe ' What 'she went through. She such ideas. It is the young teen, of course, was wise away .upon a desert island." who takes their fancy. .A gentlemah. of "What 1 alone ?" , . , forty seems to thene to nivel Methuselah. or at least, I believe she had a Your dem' Mother indeed sheeted a mature servant with her ; but he was eaten by the judgment at a co/Operatively early age ; but it's not Usual."' , savages." . F AmyEiXE T E:ii TIMES. Exeter Bp:toiler Shop R. D4VIS3 Butcher & Cierheig,Deal0 kisk,rd. EINE. 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