HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 51,40 j 11.A.B,13497,411E 1 and who,on this aide of the Atlantic scaled the heights,. of Abraham and. placed the flag of victory and liberty on the citadel of Quebec, going to et ,oar with arms if and see the rights for which their ancestors fought i and died, so calmly usurped f If not ' go forward on the fifth of June, and tiny I) with a solid determination, oast your ballot againstthegovernment which b ecop neat has been aiding 0 In pilot, b exr;ea 1 r yp 9 ban a U e_....-----, and abetting a design to este Common Sense, Red Star, Blue Ribbon new France, on this part of the Flax, Binding twines, North American Continent, but which, if attempted by force of arms, every citizen in Ontario would be at the fray. ORDERS T4KEN NOW Saving secured apractical tinsmith we are now prepared to take work an eavetroughingi furnaces, rooting or repairs. *tow onStazi4 Milk Cans, and Tinware of every description,. Daisy - Cliurns, Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed Wirea, Nails, a ooke,ftinges,faintsand Oils. Orders now taken for Chestnut blaokamith and stove coats, for early •delivery. GROCERIES --Steck com- plete. Produce taken in exchange. W.11, Moncur, Sas. H, Howard, Manager; Proprietor. SHALL IT .I3E STOPPED ? We call the attention of our read- ers to the report of the commuession of the Toronto Telegram, who visited Essex schools last year, and which re- port at the time appeared to the Tviale ;Cdr. Boneaky, a German farmer, was Conservatives and Retormery let us be men, put shoulder to shoulder with a view to repelling such an invasion, and on the lifck of June vote for John G. Holmes who euunetates the broad and liberal platform laid down by W . R. Meredith. waited upon by this commission, and the following is an extract front the interview r-- "'1tlr. Bonesky called hie little boy Hoe- man to him and in reply to questious he said that he had been taught English read In about half an hour a day in the school and that during the reset of the day he simply slit in leis seat. fie had never seen English Grammar taught fa the school or heard history taught in .elle English lan- guage. fio is a bay of about fourteen yeers. Since about four 'months ago he has been attending the-cbbool in another 'section: Emma Bonesky, a little barefooted maiden,.wvas also out in the field. She said thatsome of the .French in the school were taught English, and some were not. Tho scholars all talked French among themsolvec. "Do the scholars use beads in school ? was asked her. "Beads1 Oh yea ; they=say their pray- ers every morning with beads." "Dons the teacher have. -beads V' "Yes, she goes along with the scholars saying their prayers. "What aid you do in the school when the rest were praying on their beads?' "Sometimes 1 tried too along with the words, but of course I had am beads.' It was not on account of the distance that Mr. Bonesky withdrew his children from the inrkey Creek School. Some five or six months ago he went to the trustees of the English schoolsection, No. 7, and aakedthat his children be allowed to attend the school, as they were not learning English to any extent in the 'Turkey Creek School. The trustees of sectfon No. 7 were David Clarke, Luke 'Tourengeau and Eli Tourengeau. The -two latter would not consent unless Mr. '"Bonesky paid 50 cents per month for each .child." Who ean read the foregoing without -experiencing a feeling ot the most in- eense indignatien ? Here is a man in an English country so-called, so situat- ed that he cannot secure der his .children the rudiments of an English edueatien in the school section in which he resides, and is compelled to send them to a distant school and pay a speeial rate of taxation. Some i Tench 4,anaseiane talk about their nights. What eight, forsootee, have they beacon - .duct a public school in suoh a "way that no child ean learn the language of the people who own the country, or even attend school wathout the fortes of Roman Catholicism being practised before him ? The day of battle is drawing nigh, when the electors of this angio -axon Province shall have it in their power, by the peaceable means of the ballot, to repel! this French invasion praotised by the French of Quebec, aided by the gov- ernment of the Hon. Oliver Mowat, The question to be decided is no mere cry such as the Streams Bill or Boundary Award, but an issue which affects Re- -formers and Conservatives alike. It is an issue as to whether the country .shall beoorne a French nation whose destiny shall be controlled by an alien church and to whose honor the tri- eolor flag shall be unfurled from one end of this Dominion to the other as to whether the French laws and lan guage shall supersede those of Britain; or on the other hand as to whether On tario shall become purely Anglo-Saxon. Are those worthy descendents of their noble forefathers, who in the past triumphantly subdued French erro- gence on every battle field in EuroPe, 1 both languages. Ladies who are tkeubled with roughness of the skin or crooked. should keop a bottle of Parisian Balm in the house. it is delightfully perfumed and softens, heals and beautifies the Skin. An earthquake shock occurred at Billings, Mont., on Friday, k MARVELLOUS RECOVERY, I as so ill with inflammatory rbeumatlsm in 1882 that 1 was given up, and Led all my earthly business put in order. One of worms begged me to get Burdook Blood Bitters. After the third battle I could sit Pix tgood meal,and in one and ea a rep ale weeks I was out of bed feeling better than I ever felt. I take three bottles every spring, and two every fall. Mae M N D BENAnD, Main St., Winnipeg, Man. A young man named Cgu_einsan we, burned to death in a house at Valleyfield on Saturday. A 1300N TO MANKIND. fihe quickest, surest one best remedy fee rhenmatiem, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, soreness and lameness, is Hegyard's Yellow Oil. It quickly cures sprain*, bruises, burns, frostbites chilblains, etc. For croup. colds, quinsy' eta„ take 10 to 30 drops on anger, and apply the ail extern. ally also, when immediate relief will result. Dobson Brothers store and other shops MR. MOWAT, lArt. G. W. Ross and offices in Bowmanville suffered from fire Monday morning. and the .Globe say that the Arch sTIK- Bishop, as head of the Roman fgtet;klioeilAterb nb nedneaartla wl b eak CatbohC [hutch, ought to be *recog• in another place rather than where cemented. nized ire our educational institu• Price *5aantsfromdrut;eiets. &t. Santereau is said to hare cabled to tions. What about the Bishops of Panama thstlie has contracted for the Qom - the church of England, the M,odera- pterion of the canal in ten year*, Of the Presbyterian General The irteh tenants defence fund tors yamounts to something like $3000,000. Assembly, and the 3eneral'Super- This would make a considerable num• intendent of the Methodist church ? ber of families comfortable for life, Have these ecclesiasticaldignitaries Savages expect to imbibe bravery by drinking the blood of their brave anemias. no recognisable rights in the matter A mora enlightened method of vitalizing of ilia educational institutions of the blued is by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It braces up the nerves. area gives strength this province ? Do they not repro- and fortitude to endure the teats of life. sent a majority fit the people Of, Slight derangements of the stomach and Ontario ? Most assuredly ; then bowels may often be aorreeted by taking only one of Ayer'e Pills, Thangh Pot hay. let the electors of South Huron ing the Pills at hand. your disorder in - give Ur. 'iowat unmistakable evh creases. and a regular fit of aioknesa follows. "For the want of a nail,the thee was lost," Bence of such, by marking their eta, ballots on the 5th of June for John Warmer weather with fregnent showers G. Holmes. Tell him by means of iris n inin a anitoba, to the benefit of the growing p your ballot that no priest or prelate The deposits in the Dominion postoflice .of - any church .wilichave any right savings batik for the month " of April were to interfere with the educational $408,428' and the repayments 4856.699. ins - tutlons of this Province + • and "TRIM II CRUSHED TO]..ARTR will rise." So with Biscuit and bread made that the state only shall control with Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. educational matters. Itis the only reliable. Repairs to the Champlain canal at Me ohanicsvillo, N. Y., ROM completed on Thursday. and the water was turned into that notion.. Boats began moving Friday morning. MARKET REPORTS. xxxralt Red Wheat ., r Spring W4eat.,. ,» tserioy Oat* ..e. Clover Ssed Timothy ' ••. Peas ... Corn ... Butter --, Flourperbbl .. Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per nag t D ledt>pple*pr b t}eeee pax ib. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb Obickensperpr Ilogi,dreisedperle0 peel 13 ;desrangh, .., Greased BheepskiA* eacb Calfakins Wool per lb nay per ton Ouloneoerbn*h• Woodpereord sea Ora 000 95 so $100 0095te$100 45 10 0048 » 33. to 34 • 300 to 3 23 • 1 50 to 2 u0 ... 55 to 50 ... 0 40 to 52 ▪ 11 to 11 • .14to014 0010516 ., 40 to 050 ▪ 1C0 to 100 ,.. 0 Oto 050 • 06 to 0 O8 to 10 ... 006 to 007 ... 025to030 .., 4501o500 -• 400 10525 .-- 2 00 to 2 SO - 8 5010590 ... 060to 20 ▪ 050to05C 0 18 to 0 80. - 7 00 107 00 ▪ 050to005 ,., 25010300 ST• MARYS $ Sell Wheat ................. ......... 095 098 SpringWh t - 95 098 _ ea . ....... Savoy.......... 0 O 3- 3 038. oats clover Seed Timothy Peas. Eggs Butter 12 0l6 Poffatoes per bag .. ........ , ... , 75 090 Apples perbush Wool per lb 20 0 20 BAY Parton- ......,. ..... 550 650 Bran per ton 14 00 34 00 shorts', '" aaimesepextrbl.... .......... .•.• 6 00 7 00 ONE OF MOWAT'S FRENCH LIANDIDATES. Tiow Ile 'Proposes to Make Canada A Breech Catholic Nation. At tho laat Local EIection the North Riding of Essex was carried in the iutercet of the Mowat Government by ono Paned, the o Canadian, from a French Ca i , recently Province of Quebec. fie had then hat two planks in his platform. Ono wee re- venge for the execution of Louis Reil—the other was a tirade against the Canadian. volunteers, whom he denounced as thieves, murderers and ravishers of defenceless ,women. The Han..G. W. Ross and W. T. Preston, were so .anxious that Mr. a'acaud should again represent the Riding that they attended the Grit convention and did all is their power to secure Ms re-nomina- tiqu. Since the opening of the campaign. ho has announced himself a purply French Nationalist Candidate in sympathy with the -ends and aims •of Premier Mercier, of Quebec, and hae.boldly taken the platform in this interest. 21n order that our readers may learn the nature of this man's appeals to the French. Canadian people we append a few extracts foom a.speeoh delivered by him recently in a French locality. After eulogizing the Mowat Government he then proceeded : "And now gentlemen, Icome to consider the vital question of -the French Canadian race of which I claim to be the accredited representative in Western Ontario For years we have groaned under the tyrant's heel of the Anglo-Saxon, and have patiently waited an occasion to unfurl the tri -color flag. The judicial murder by the fanati- cal "Cerangietea" at Ottawa of one of our competrniss, Louis Rail, of heroic memory afforded the long looked for opportunity to organize, consolidate and cement together the discordant elementeinto which our conu- try men were divided. Louis Reil is dead —his voice cannotbe heard, but his winged spirit has visited the heart of every Fiench Canadian and implanted there a Beed --a germ tc be cherished and fostered till it takes an the proportions of a great tree under -whose wide, spreading branches all French Canadians will find shelter. Our ,countrymen were the pioneers of this continent. Their holy priests and our sainted Jesuit fathers took their lives in their hands and braved the terrors of Indians and wild beasts. They planted the cross and established their altars and to -day if the ruthless hand of the hated Anglo-Saxon had not been placed upon their throat, voyageur and the habitant, would to -day possess the land—not this Dominion—but the whole continent, and "La Mureth France" would .oe its name. True to the-teacbings of our forefathers the Hon. Honore Mercier has proclaimed these sentiments and unfurled the tri -color flag of French Canadian nationality on the banks of the river St. Lawrence, and here on the banks of the Detroit river I enun crate the same message. As sure as the waters of this great river sill soon mingle with those of the mighty St. Lawrence so sure will our people here mingle their in- terests and their destiny with their com- patroits there, and in a few short years their outstretched hands wilt clasp each other across theintervening country and the fertile fields now held by the usurpers of our rights. will be ours if we are only true to ourselves. Then will the day of Jubilee have surely come, when Canada -- French Canada, Catholic Canada will be once more in possession of its rightful .own- ers—her laws will be made by faithful statesmen, her language will be the language of the French Catholic nation, and her holy priests will drive the heretics from the, land. Mr Mercier conceived the idea of an inter- provincial Congress, and Mr. Mowat gave him every assurance of his hearty support. We must be sustained. Mr Meredith, the orangiste, is the enemy of our race and our creed and every French Canadian is hound by everything he holds sacred to work and vote against his minions. Cries of Sacree—Sacree--down with Meredith. The above speech was delivered in French and isuearly as possible a verbatim report having been taken down by one of the audience, who is perfectly familar with 019 310350 250400 053054 LONDON. *heat, 81 to $1.05 per bus. Oats, 23#o to 34o per brie. Peas, GOfo to ale per bus. Bar- ley, IKniting.43 to 480 per bus. Barley Feed. 3,4;o to 41e per bus Corn, 450 to 474e par buaha1. TORONTO, Toronto. 5iay28.-Wbeat Spring No. 2.1.02 to 1.04 per bus ; red winter, No. 2.1 r5 tea 46 per bus. Manitoba Nest hard, 1tato 111 No. 2,1 00 to 1 12 ; PEA$ ea to 02o per bus. OATS are to 370 per bus. FLOUR. extra. 84.15 to 84.26 per Uhl: straight roller. 24.5 to4,80; erotic bakers,$4.00 to $4.50. BARLEY, �No 2, fooit o 43c ; NQ 3 extra. 44e to 45o ; No 3, 390 E' TERYiONE SHOULD TRY To secure good health, The great apeoiflo for all diseases arising 'Lim disordered stomach, such as overflow at bile, aiek headache, loss of appetite, nausea, p alpit- At10nindigestion,constipation and all blood diseases, is urdonk Blood Bittore. Hundreds ot people owe their health to 43'13 43„ reset r0'a regnhstar and ionise IN E. Hart of Pittston, Pa,, agent for several coal companiesio Now York, has disappeared. There is • shortage in hie accounts df about $20,009.. Cough No More. Your cough may lead to 6iseaeo of the Iungs. therefore ilo not neglect it. Wilson's Wild Cherry will euro it quietly and effectually. For Oolde.Crcup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Less of voice, ate.. no medicine equals Wilson's Wild Cherry', as thousands testify. Sold by all druggists. It is again rumored that an Englieb syndioaleis negotiating for the purchase of the Union Stook Ysrde at Chicago, the price bring 410,000,000. WELL ADAPTED. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general regulating tonio and purifying action of B B B., especially adapt it for the billions, nervone, costive or scrofulous. Erom 3 to 6 bottles will core all blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. DR. We IT. ? A.I AM, 198 King Street West" 'For Ont. TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES—and gives Special attention to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples, Ulcers, etc. PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Priest(' Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varioocele, Nervous De- bility. ete., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of long standing. DISEASES OF WOKEN—Painful, Profuse or Sup - tee pressed Menstruation, Ulceration, Leucorrhoea, and all Displacements of the Womb, Chloe Hours -9 a.m to 8 p.m, Sundays,* p.m. to 3 p,m. Somebody Must R ICATE. -- -- O THE QUESTION IS who bought that bankrupt stock ? Several have advertis- ed as selling cheap- I want it distinctly understood did not get it and do not want it I manufacture all ray own Tinware and handle no Bankrupt stocks, a".d am in a position at all tunes to offer good well•rnade tinware at lower prices than any other house can sell their two years and a haif shop worn gools for, I ask you to come and inspect my stock and you will be eouviuced that I am speaking the truth. My stook is all made of the best tin that can be had in the market and am sailing away down. COAL OIL Always on Baud. Don't forget the stand. A Trans-Oontinental Innovation Sleeping ear paeaongers for Patella coast points via the Chimes. Milwaukee & St. Paul and [inion Paoifia Overland Feat Mail Lina no longer have to wait in line at Coun- cil Bluffa Trausfer Station to obtain sleep- ing oar berth reservations west of the M!s- eouri River, The new arrangements made by the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & Bt Peal Railway obviate all such delay and annoyance. For farther particulars enquire of nearest Coupon Tioket Agent or address A.E.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil- waukee, Wis. -- ADVICE TOAIOTHEAB.—Areyou distaroedat ntghtand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at onoe and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, It willeelieve the poor little sufferer lin mcdiatol+ isenondupon it, mothers ; there is r.amialako about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbwa., regulates the Stomach and Bowels,oures Wind Collo, softens the clams. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the wholeaystem. • Mrs.Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste and the proscription of o ea n beat female one f the oldest and physicians and nurser; in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Pfi00 twenty-five °onto a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mas WIr eLoves enATUING sups "%Ad no other ind. A young woman, named Maggie Smith. is under arrest at Chatham for making and passing counterfeit 10 cent pieces and nickels. The latter are very clever imita- tions. She was remanded for a week. TO NBRVOITS,DEBILITATED MEN. Ifyou will send us your addresa,we willmail, you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaio Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood health. Pamphlet free. It YOU are thus afflicted, wewill send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Marshall ,Mich It is announced that Mr. G, Nelson Kidd, Reeve of Huntley township, will oppose Mr. 0. W. K. Monok, in Oaarletor county. Mr. Kidd is an Independent Conservative. A Obieago policeman found at the foot of the Haymarket monument a can of dyna- mite, the fuse of whieh had been partially burned The charge was a heavy one, and its explosion would have made a general wreck of the neighborhood. LAME BACK CURED "Seven years ago I was troubled with lame back and could scarcely move. Sev- eral remedies failed, but on truing Hag. yard's Yellow Oil I found immediate relief, and two bottles effected a complete cure. • Mas HUMBLE, Corbett P. 0., Ont. when Baby was sick, we ;Nave her Castors„ When she was a Child. she cried for Castorta. When she became Miss, she clung to Uastoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, 0. C. BIOHARD5 & Co. Gents,—I sprained my leg BO badly that I had to be driven home in a carriage. I im- mediately applied MINABD'S LINIMENT freely and in 48. 1 o yrs could use my leg again as well as ever. Bridgewater, N. S. Joon), WYNAUGHT. Mr. Thomas Macfarlane, Government a ialyst of the Inland Revenue Department is at present eugaged at Ottawa in exarnin- ine samples of butter purchased in open market thaough the Dominion. SHE IDES OF MARCH. 'Last march mother caught a severe "old, terminating in a very bad euugh.. E •erything we could hear of was tried w these avail. Bagyard'sPectoral Balsam was at last recnmrnanden end procured.•. The first doge relieved, and one bottle entirely cured her." Miss E. A. STAIN/AMIN, Hespoler, Out. Choice Seeds �v-s• Mengel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc., 33'R02)2 j )OIJPE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. HOOSE FOR SALE OflEaP. BATTER & EC#CH-STE . DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton, a:hina 0 0 z Fs'1 0 0 0 0" r tFiy One door north Dr. Lutz. BGILDE�S ITTEITIOi� 1111411i111a1"111111311` 311 11.:11';11' 11:N1d11,!WW1111, It will be to your interest to call on us before buying yourBuilding Hardware. Shelt hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire, TEM BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI 11111111111111111111.11101 Sr110 First-class tinware. No two and a half years shelf -wore goods to offer. ARTISTS'1(�IA'ND BRUSFIE�S Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing a speciality. Agents for the Raymond. Sewing Machines. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store Overooatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothingproduced in Exeter Gentlemen ! eave your�orders early, for with the , best staff of Tailors ; the best et'ek of bine 'trimmings, slid the big C11 ting in Town. yon are sure of stub e- io t .8a J. SNEILL. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition WIHITROTT Boot! Shoe Maim Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones' Powd- ere Sewed Wo rkaSpecial ty the best _ in the mark- Repairing promptly and sat- es and always isfactorily done. fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. c LUTZt. OUR Spring ;; Stock —IS—'i COMPLETJ. • Dress Goods, v.,;74,;14 r Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Shirtings, Cottenad es and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. eS - ` 11WE OFFER THE :4-7 'Km �3est Value iso. Teas in the country. Pure' Spices, Fresh Groceries and Cheap Sugars Call and see. The prices will astonish yon 13. ROSS„ I Market Store, EXETER. Nov.13, 1889. • A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHA*.' GOOD —ARE USUALLY SOLD- --THEN GALL AT— GGrDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-CLASS— R:eliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -cg, led Cheap Houses can giv; Un itakang it all it Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C & S. Gidley) ODDFELL' OW'S.BLOOR rs r;+