HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 4,I01010011,011110P Established 1877. E. es crwErr.,,, BANKER, FIXE TER, •• ONT. rreesaeta a generalbauking buainose. Receives the aeeounts of merchants and thereon favorable toms. Offers every accommodationconeisteet with afeandeonservativehankingerinciples. rive per cent interestellowed on deposits. Draftsissued Puebla al sow office of the IKercla ants Rank - NOTES DICOVNTED, ,NIONEY TO ?LOAN' ON' NOTES AND MORTGAOES f3tin TTiURS'1X IA 29eti 1890. NEARING THE END. ,,,,,••••••••ffl EVerY agY the feeling gOWS that Metwat has had hislast lease of power in this province and that the. fax did it extend north and howtfar ith o Junewill see him relegated to private life. The Equal Rights ovemeut which was encouraged 'and ferneuted by 'the liberal leaders because at first it threatened to overwhelm the Dorniniou 'Govern - called to power. It was only then that Mr. Nil:mat began bis peculiar tactics as a Provincial champion. 1 -le saw 'how the suit could be timed to political advantage, and 'used it for all it was worth as a source of party eapital• Endeavors were made to prejudice the people by outcries of "robbery," and the Little Premier loved to pose in the light of the honest householder standing at the gate armed with a blunderbuss to 'keep off intruders. The attitude thus assumed made it all the more necessary that the boundary should be strictly and finally settled, so -as to prevent the question from becoming a chronic sore as between the two govern- ments. But to set thetrue boundary 'was a most -difficult problem. How west? Hon. D. Mills was employ- ed for see months in examining authorities in the Parliamentary library at Ottawa, and be made voluminous report's. At one time the boundary was claimed to be at -meet, is acting like a hownerang, the Rocky Mourrtains, at another and Mr. Mowat is more afraid of it The Miseissippi River was define than any other issue in the cern- S such The whole point was In Au a well be may be. For a muddle. But instead of CO1114112- if the Mercier.Government is offen. ingi in the calm spirit of kgq-1 quiry, as begun, it was as said be, sive as a tr-eckler to eofluences which are inimical to the general good, and is to be oondernned therefer, the Mowat Government is a =lore flagrant wrong -doer, In Dominion was seeking •to sfeob Quebec the meority o the people Ontario." Vocalists appeared at 5 are with Mr. 'Mercier, and approve .1"'"ss rneethlgs*'sizlgittg, "The trait - m band is on my throat, Ontay. of theicempact which Ire heti made With the hierarchy. Therefore he ree°." And Mr. ?Ms talked "re- seal() bellion veryloudty until the subject doesnet resuch reprehens- ible 'tactics tri keep 'himself in was becoming red!culaus. The court at last gave its judgment, power. But ?SE:. 7.‘loweat's couree t wee intended tool.° m any event, throughout has been to get votes to bold lira in .noine, andit'it is and it was in favor aextending the said he telds Office rough efer western boundary Rainy River nce to a chiveln because that thd- and Lake of the Woods, thus giving e church votes solid in his favor for Ontario more territery than she had be.fore, but not to the: extent benefits received, it is not going be- fore, made by the Mowat party a onestiou of hot political warfare, and the howl went forth that the yond theonarlc. The aim of modern polities is to keep clerical influence from bearing o the state, but these are not, nor have .they been Mr. Mowat's pates. He has de- ferred to the church in the educa- tional system .especially, and if there is anything which should be stoutly guarded froni any encroach. ment wbatevereit is the educational system. If Mr. llowat's Govern- ment'has been an offender in act, it hasbeen a greater offenderin in- tention, for it has laid the founda- tion for clerical control in this pro- vince which would -ultimately ruin any government which counten- anced it, and ruin the country as -well. The time 'has come when all men who value freedom, who honor integrity in public life, and expect honest dealings in all things, should gather together and put a linietus on the rule of faction which Mr. Mowat has encouraged in this prov- ince more Than any legislator who has had to do with its government. MR. MOWAT'S PET CACKLE. Mr. Mowat's pet theme is still, the so-called anti -provincial policy t of the disputed boundary. He tells. his friends what an enemy of the province Sir John was, omitting all mention of Sir John's majority sin Parliament from Ontario. Now, the question at issue in respect of the boundary was not one of politics, but law. It was forced upon •the Government of Sir John TA acdonald in pursuance of a suit begun against the Province by the Hon. Alex. Mackenzie during his term of office. So long as Mr. Mackeazie was Premier the case had the com- plexion of mutual amity. There was no charge against the Liberal government for having instituted it ; Mr. Mackenzie was not de- nounced from the husting as "an enemy of Ontario," an antipro. vincialist and a robber. On the contrary, it being a matter purely tor the law to determine, a friendly suit was set in motion for that pur- pose. The lands were required for settlement, the control of the tim- ber reserves was necessary to be settled one way or the other, and to do this it became requisite that tile exact boundary should be located in a way that• neither party could cavil at. And the question was going on smoothly enough at the time the 1\fackenzie government was defeated and Sir John was re - Child or Ftcrs by a tang shot of that firet claimed by the Mowat Government. PERSONS ENTITLED TO, VOTE. (1) Must be on voters' list. (2) Must he British subject and I year's old. (3) Must have xesided in Ontario for nine months preceding tirne fixed by .statute for &ginning to make assessment roll on which list is based, viz., xsth Eeb., 1889, unless altered by by law.; see R. S. 0. 1,93, sec. 49, or twelve months preceding time up to which corn - plaint can be made to County Judge under Voters' List Act, viz., 30 days after list posted by clerk ; see Ontario stat., 1889, cap. 3, sec. 13. Get certificate at once from Municipal Clerk when posted. (4) Must have been bona fide resident of and.domiciled in mun- icipality at the time fixed as afore! said, viz.,for commencing assess - meat roll forenaking complaints against voters' 1st. i(se Must, on polling day. be a resident of and domiciled in riding, and,must have resided in riding continuously eince the time fixed as aforesaid, viz„.for commencing assessment roll, orifor making com- plaints against voters' list, as the case may be. Temporary absence, as lumber- man, m.ariner, fisherman or student does not disqualify. man or a party should be allowed to fasten upon the country so loeg. It encourages (barnacalism in public offices and breeds a 'desire to rule always, and men who are poseessecl day that desire will do any injust- lee, resort to any unfair or underhand means to keep the power they have got. If the people of Ontario perpetuate thia' rule, which has done limn to encourage faction and arouse religious animosity, it will be at their own cost, for 1* sure of it' that if Mr. Mowat be retuned the Church will not let him forget that it was to it. that hetewed his victory and :rt will make him pay, and pay dearly, tfor it. WHAT MR, MEREDITH PRO- POSES. Mr. Meredith does not propose to abolish :separate schools. Ho could not abolish them if he would, nor can any powerabolish them -withoutna change na the British North America Apt. Mr, Meredith said in his speach at London "ow, sir, we have implanted in our constitution the deettee that *here eball be separate vhoolo, audthat deereepresgribea teat they OAR exist MI a, Imola upon which they existed at the time of confederation. We cannot alter that if we woulti." What 'the conservative ileader does propose is this 1. Every ratepayer who notifies the municipal clerk that he desire.; to be rated as a supporter of seearate 'wheels shall he so rated. and. We echoed taxes ahall be paid to the separate :school board, indeed and 461!?%oTe 71;igslerk regt1a proper praa1Zeitides desire to withdraw his support from -the -separate seboola. 2. Every ratepayer Who has not notified the municipal elm khat he -deems to'be rated as a supporter et separate schools shall be rated as a aal ppm. ter of pdblie scheele, and his achcol taxesaihell be paid to the public school 'board 3. The assessorelshaltheverno power to echedule a ratepayer as a aupporter of a public or a separate-a:hoot ; but the Hat et separate school euppoetera shall be made up wholly from the writtevenotices sent to the municipal clerk. wed to lee the law until Mr. Mowat chenged it,eortacting. treat "The assessor shall Oecept the statemeut of, or made on behalf of, any ratepayer that he iaa Raman -Catholic sot auffielent prima facie evidence for placing ouch per- son in the proper coli.mnef the essetomeat roll for separate 6114o1 supperters, or if the asaeaior knowe rem:tally any ratepayer to he a Roman Catholic this shall akin be sufficient for placing him in ouch last inentioneti colatun." Mr. 'Meredith's propose' would place it beyond the power of any peraou save the ratepayer himself to say which school ho desires to send his children to. Mr. Mowat's law leaves the ratepayer no choice, but gives power to others to compel him to eetul.lua-ehildren to th separate school - 4. Eugliab shell be thelanguage of lnstrue tion in all public Nein:foie. Whore pupils •do not understand English another tongue (nay be used to give them instruction, but English ahall be taught Le all sehools701d ,The the ofheial Lineage. 5. No teeeliee eball-be employed in pain lie schools who does: not hold proper certificates of qualifieations. .Mr. Ross stated in the -house that the policy he was punning "was all that was necessary and all that was satisfac- tory," but the report of his own corn- minsioners said "Tho supply of teachers has been ob- Wiped in the past alaaost.entirely from the public schools within the counties, and from various educational institutions in Ottawa and in the province of +Quebec Of -the 69 teachers employed in the French sahools inspected by us, tenly three had attended a high school, and only two had received any trainiug hi either a normal or a modal school in Ontario. One had a second-class certificate, 000 had a third- class certificate, two had county board certificates, forty-seven hadolistrict certifi- cates, and eighteen, 91 whom five were assistants, had permits granted by the inspectors. Taking the proficiency of the French teachers in the use of the English lantruage as the basis of olassitication,, twenty.sig may be classed as good, twenty as fair, and nineteen as not competent to teach Englishwith any degree of efficiency." As the,effect of this state of affairs the commissioners say, "many English par- 9nts.complain that their, children are imperfectly taught by French teachers, whose knowledge of English is too limit- ed to.enable them to impart instruction properly in that language ;" and that "some have taken their children from their,own •sehool, which is taught by a French teaoher. and have sent them to an English sehool in another section." 6, No books shall he used in public schools but thoae authorized by the depart- ment, There Are Good Men In Store. On this point Mr. Mowat's commissioners reported: The Toronto News an Independent 44The readers. a graduated series of five Reform ,paper has the following to say books, were prepared by Mr. A. N. Mont. with reference to Mr. Meredith form- petit, and are ;known as the Montpetit series. Whatever features of excellence lug a Cabinet :— these books may possess, they are unauth- " Mr. Mowat is an old man and feeble- orized and they contain teachings peculiar news is gaining upon him. It has .been as- to the Chureh of Berne. Protestants com- serted to the prejudice of Mr. Meredith plained to your commissioners of the use that he has not the material about him of these books, as it brings their children from which no form a cabinet, but who in contact with religious teachings contrary would there be to lead the Government to their own convictions. 13y far the most should Mr. Mowat from any cause become objectionable hook from this point of view incapactated. Mr. Fra•er is unquestion. is an elementary reading book, Le S311a• ably the cleverest znan on the Government baire des Ecoles Chretiennes, which is used side of the Rause'but there are masons in many of the schools. . Toussaint's why he would notrnake a successful leader history and the Ahrege are written in a of the party in Ontario. Next to him spirit unfriendly to the British Empire comes Mr. Hardy, whose retention of office and to the • devolopment of a patriotism is cellainly not owing to any remarkable embracing the whole Dominion of Canada." ability he has displayed. The Roams are 7. .Authorized text hooka shall be used weak men both, and there are hundreds of in separate schools ; but books for religious intelligent farmers who could administer instruction may be such as the trustees the Agricultural Department as well as desire. Mr. Drury. Should Mr. Mowat find him- self',Jan any person object to such a pro • unable to bear the work which comes to his share, it is upon these men the gov- vision as this ? Yet Mr. Mowat an erning power would fall, and it would be a his followers refused to enchiree pretty poor House that could . not furnish 8. Trustees of public and separate superior material. Should Mr. Meredith sehocde shall be elected by ballot. secure a majority there need be no fear that be will be unable to call to his side men qualified to assist him in governing the country far better than Mr. Mowat has governed it. There are many things to Mr. Mowat's credit, but the one fault of being the creature of the hierarchy has largely destroyed confidence in him and soured liberal -minded people against him. It is upon that shortcoming he will be judged, and upon it he will be punished. He has been twenty years or so in power, and it is not in the public interest that a No one has objected to this provision but the Roman Catholic clergy, and at the last election of separate school trus- tees in Toronto priests sat in'the polling booths to influence and intimidate the voters, and with such effect that every candidate as a trustee who was known to be favorable to the ballot was over- whelmingly defeated. If the. 'ballot is a good enough way to elect municipal or legislative officers, it is good enough to elect a school trustee. 113111,0 S.' STAR Just Received a di-- lierinesey's13randy in Casks Also,other grades Brandy WEIOLESALt GROCERY reot Importation of and Cases. Corby Whiskey French a Domestic Wines. AND RETAIL Lake Huron, LabraciorWhite Fish Trout in Bbls. 1-2 Bbls (lust -received a conskn- ment of Tins Season's Teas: Our -Grocery Department is Complete X. Every Branch. EDITORAL NOTES. Tit e Thoroughbred Running Stallion. The election seat in the "E DINE 15 G" House of 000in m Lincoln.' Will stand for mato Ibis seasoa as follow 2740rotuh: caused by the resignation of LC. T.tlatPirgYfireVet:1.12VNI:t torea hotel°, oeaforth, for Rykirt, came oft Friday last. Mr. nigrhutr, ;Ttuestlan"y.Coema menial betel, Clinton, for noon ; thenoe to Swartes hotel. Itayfield,1 Rykert was again elected by a lair forefeet. Wednesciav, with on Bronson sized majority. It must be interr- ed that the people there are satts- 4ed with his stewardship. Faith in theeople is the prin. ciple underlaying of the Meredith platform. A. John (.9, liolmes Isi the people's candidate in South Huron. He comes squarely out o the Meredith platform. Work for bim yourselt, encourage others to work far him; vote for bin/ yourself, encourage others to vote for hirn and at the dose of the poles on Thursday nexthe will be the mem- ber tor South Iluron, in whorn every elector-I:nay well feel prowl. 13EIVORE the next Issue of the TAMES reacitemts many readers, the electorate of Ontario will have ren, dered their verdict on the great issues now belare them, and that verdict will either sustain the pres- ent government of Mr. Mowat sanetioning its fastening on this Province at an alien state ehurch, as also of an alien language. But out& other hand should the var. dict'he in lavor of W. R. Meredith, whose platform is Equal Rights to all ; no ecclesiastical meddling with the affairs of thee -State; one language and that the English tongue for the British Province; one national- ity, and that Comedian, a de- cidedly different order of things will pnevaid. Electors of South Huron let your watchword be : "Meredith's platform," its principles are equality to all, and these principles are subscribed to by John G. Holmes for whom you are asked to mark your ballot on the 5th day of June. Electors you haveyour part to do in this important issue. and if it be yourl desire to.accept Meredith as your premier, you must send to support him, a patroit Oanadian, one who can stand on the platform with both met. Let every young Can- adian rally around Mr. Holmes ; he s a young man, he loves his country and his interests are iden- tical with yours. Mark your ballot for Holmes. NOTICE. The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meetin the Court House in the Town of Goderioh on Tuesday the third dastof.Juno nest. PETER ADAMSON. Co. Clerk. USII MN 1 FOR POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, - Vegetables, —and all— Farm Produce. EXCEPT Crain, Wool, and. Dressed Hogs, will be opened on the Town Hall Grounds :Exeter, on, RLTUHDAY, MLICA..-"2" 1.0, 1_890, to be continued weekly. MARKET HOURS: 7 a. in. to 1 o'clock p. m. • This market is established by Village by-law. By order, B of T . • lane to Blake. for noon ; thence to Dashwood. for night. 'rhorlday south to K hive, thenoo east /JUN Mete, Crediton, for poen ; thence via London Read te Exeter. re ilawkshevett hotel, for night, Fridar.vie London Road to Ms own stable for noon and remain until the following Monday Teeming, JANno3 Baum', Prep. EMOVE DAVIDSON BROS., Builderm and attilItat, erahave removed to Swallow's old sten, oor nes Main and didlor etroeto and aro Prepared to sell Deere, Saab and Blindand l)foulding cheaper than an other Arm in town.13uild- ingatientracted for. Plans. Speoidoetions and Estimates furnished if required. An work done with neatness and despatch and saiisfac- -ion given. Seasoned liuntbor elvers on band DQ.vidsorL Bros,, WU. DAVIDSON. •TOEN DAVIDSON NOTICE. 4 Fresh and Now STOOK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery, Mao Pore Extracts and Spices. A. beautiful piece of glass– ware given away with one lb. Alayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Boller Flour for seta. Call and examine our goods before pm.: chasing elsewhere. G. A. ITYNDMAN. STANLEY. Stanley bas accomplished more than any other discoverer before him and has made for himself a name that will go rolling down for coming ages. People will hear of his achievements with wonder and amazement, and on all sides decorations and honors will overwhelm him, During his late expedition much labor and inconvenience would have boon obviat- ed by a liberal use of cti camm.e...aws WASHING COMPOUND by the means of which all dirt and infec- tions of disease can be removed and utterly destroyed. ITIS TBE SAPEST, MOST EFFECTUAL AND ECONOMICAL washing compound that has ever been dis- covered, and the people of Canada use and appreciate it more every day. Be sure and ask your grocer for C. W. C. and let no amount of plausible excess induce you to take a substitute. 33..A.MT Comwookr, London, Ont., Wholesale Agent Your chancohi Life ARE YOU A FARMER ? Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure land in the moat fertile region in the world, olose to the kr, oat markets of St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Duluth, where there is a ready mar- ket for all the produots of the farm, In one year you can save enough in railway freights alone to pay for a farm 10 a thickly settled distriot where exist all the advantages of schools, ohurohes, and general civilization, You can procure for sixty cents an acre, as a first instalment—balance on long time at low interest—a farm in the most flourishing State on the continent, described by the celebrated English officer, Col. Butler, as "FERTILE BAYOND DESCRIPTION." Remember that 400 miles from a shipping port meansiS cents a bushel for freight and elevator charges, all of which you can save by settling on the lands here offered. ARE YOU A MECHANIC You are certain of employment at high wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled laborers of every kind who want to better their fortunes should go to the progressive State of MiDDOSOUL. BIODIEMBED that less than twenty dollarswill carry YOU to the great oities and rising towns of Minnrsota which are growing faster than any others in the world; St. Paul and minneapolis are practically one great city with a combined population of half a million. THE GREAT LAND GRANT of the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way—much of it withheld from settlement for years—is now thrown wide open and popula ion is flowing in amain. but there is room for all. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS At Rates which are Practically ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP proGrn0 0 mRsrabiTeTJ, wItiliNrelaTvEleIoNecDaAnnan Doints for INTERCOLONIAL R A ILW A. OF CA,NADA, The direct route between the West and all paints on the tower St. Lawrence and Bala do* Chalenr,PrOvinte of Quebec; also for Neer nrunewbak,Nove Scotie,PrIeee Rclward capelyetontalancle, antl Newfoundlau fl and • e• Axprese tritue leeve Arent real filA 4 1Telifaz daily (Sundays excepted) and run through without ohange between. *IMO potash; AO home. The through express train cars of the zn- tercoleuiel Railway An brWtit1yl$Gbtad, by electricity and heated by steam from She locomotive, thus greatly increasing ales cote. fort and safety at travellers, row and elegant buffetaleeping and day carevnn Oa thrOURIS exPrese trans. ••••••WP.4.1, Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. Psisiongere for Great Ilritainor the emits, aegt by leavitog 3101:41041041 lerldtiy rooming will join outward mail steamer at lialifitx on Saturday The attention of shippers is directed tothe sup erior tasllzties ouered by this route For the transport of dour and genera merchan- dise intended for the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundlitrid : also for shipments of grain andnveduce intended tor OM Doropeaurnar.. ket, "rteicateutoy be obtained and Information about the route; Mao freight Sad ipasaeuger ates on application to lf WISA THEASTUX, WesteraPreight Passenger Agent aallusairliouseElloek.Tork tit .Toronio D POTTINGElt, Chief Superintendent ilw*yec,aogon,N,ii,.Nov. 14, '69. One Door South of Post Office .1..•••••••••••14 —HE ETAS— A NEW AND COMPIXT1i1 —STOCK OF— Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSQ115 MINNE SO TA April 22nd and May 20th, 1890 Special inducements to Horneseekers aocom- panying may excursion. Further Particulars on application to J. BOOKWALTBE, Land Commissioner Great Northern Railway, St. Paul Minnesota, or to the Travelling Land Agent of the Company, GEORGE PURVIS, Masonic Temple, Lounoti. Ontario, Canada. Minard's Linnnent Lumberman'e friend. Spring Goods In order to make space for Spring Goals We will dome the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE FOR CASH ONLY INCLUDING : Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Genta' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Capml A nice stock of Fur Trimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined kid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth V. Ladies' Fur Capes $2 e cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash MATHESON Dominion Lal)ratory HEADQUARTERS ----FOR— ' Pure Drugs; Patent Medi- • cines Dye -stuffs, ' . Perfumery and Toilet Articles. School Books and,Stationary. Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. , Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand PrepscarriepdtiforDnosmrucgtahsr.eepfuulrleystpre- Remember the place,'" Sign, ,GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St., Ji W. rownla 11 . f