HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-06-30, Page 9• IS HEL4D • .„ • Many Paranis Were the UudielleP when a recital, y. the pupitS ,a Mrs, El0AnO, tElWing. C,M., was lkeld at her home on North street, Thursday .evening, last. —Among, the piipils taking, , part were: Catherine. Anderson, • Shirley Benjamin, Iiidy• Vflt,Iner, Nancy leeera;. th NitallaCe,.Judy Linklater, Norma 3701:01 Hamilton, Ruth Linklater, bran Harris, Donna. Gardner, Catherine Potter,,yraye,:- tea. . 6 „ • Arereton, Aarbara EiUs Wanda Wijjqn,fle1en1Potteri Linda Breck.., enridge and CilayOlIngbes, On -be4al1 of the mants and pupils, Mi sa .Linda Breckenridge presented a 'gift to Mrs. Ewing and Mrs. (George Ellis briefly expressed thanks to Mrs. Ewing for her terest in her , Mr. and Mrs. Ewing are .moving to Burlington. A prize was presented by Mrs. .Ewing to Donna Gardner as the pupil who had shown the most.. progress during the year. Lunch concluded the program with Mrs. H. A. Dickinson pouring CONGRATULATIONS TQ THE .MODERN NEW STORE OF FILSINGER JEWELRY AND GIFTS ALL PAINTING IN THIS STORE WAS DONE BY JACK WILLIAMS PHONE 1241 PAINTING CONTRACTOR MIN1110, or Jntermediates 4 Jo1hwrng is a eatifflete and coc- reefed' schedule of softball games, in the Interktnedlate "D" Group 4 WO' series fon the balance of the season:, ,e June-- -30—Underwood at Benmiller 1 ----Ripley at Bervie 4--13enmiller at lUvirie 5--Luoknow at Port Albert 8-,--Bervie at Underwood Port Albert at Ripley 14—Ripley at Lucknow ' Port Albert at Underwood 15—Bervie at Ripley LIAPIERONV: at Benmiller, Underwood at Port Albert 18—Port Albert at Bervie 19--Lucknow at Ripley 21—Ripley at Benmiller „ 22 --Underwood at Wane* • Bervie at Port Albert- 25—Luck:now at Underwood Bervie at Bennailler •26 --Ripley at Port Albert 29—Benmiller at Ripley Port Albert at Lucknow Underwood at Bervie August - 3 --Port Albert at Benmiller Berrie at Luolmow 4—Ripley at Underwood 5—Senmiller* at Port Albert Luelmow at Berrie 8—Benmiller at Lucknow O—Undletwood at Ripley 10-4Locknow at Port Albert 12—Ripley at Berrie 15—Bennailler at Berrie a•alAmawApormipadtpaaawadtpastademoiloasta•alifroal le at '20''RQ MOM a PERSONAI .. Miss Winni004-443%**RegN.,•• of. St: Joseph's Hospital, Lopdon), , is enjoying a vacation -•vAtlb hex parents,.. -Mr. 44d Mrs. !tioittk-4-474 nerd. • XT. and Mrs. George, A. Bruee of Toronto have returned to, their, summer -borne on Bennett street; Mrs. C. (arrow, _ of. Toronto Is. at, her, home on North street 'Or the summer months. - • Mr. A. Gori, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Wilson accompanied Mrs. W. Law- rence, Huron road, while in Tor- onto recently ' at • the Rebekah As- sembly, Royal YorkHotel. F1,t. Lt'. Leslie It Natal, RC' Reserve, .is. relieving for several weeks at King Street Recruiting aation in London. Mr. and Mrs. William Cox and Rev. Benson Cax, of Holyrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon New- ton recently. ' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Anderson, Elizabeth. street, recently were Mr., and Mrs', S. H. Gatenby, Mr, and Mrs. S. Gaten- by and Mrs. William Gatenby, Mr. and1VIrs. R. Scarberouh, Mrs, M. Hudson, Mrs. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans, aT1 of Londeva• Mr. and Mrs. Van Valkenburg, of Detroit, and Mr. and. Mrs. H. Wat- son, of Goderich. o --- Two out of three labor® union members in Canada belong to Can- adian branches of U.S. labor un- ions. D " I I ilmookiEliftrome.moommogeitiMINIMIIIIIIISINIIMINIM=11104 namool000mogootastuallOMIV I , • A suceessful 104 sponsored by St. David's group of St. Anglican Obureh Woinan's was held on the lawn at the home of Mrs: A Shore, 39 Vietoria street south, Wednesday' ,afternpan, of st week. A 'profusion of roses in the flower beds and on ;,the. small tables made al,t ,,attractive setting. Beautiful mixed 'bouquets in the -house were the 'donation'0! Mrs, Bert Mtinday, • Receiving ,guests were Shore and Mrs. H. Palmer. The well-patronted touch -•and - take table was supervised, by Mrs. Wil- liam Lawrence and Mrs. J. Wilson. Home-made (baking. was sold by Mrs. J. Handley and, Mrs. John Vrociman, 'Convening the tea were Mrs. H. Sowerby and Mrs. Thomas Legg, assisted 1y Mrs. U. J. Martin, who made the tea, Mrs, D. Sitter, Mrs. L. bannister and Mrs. H. A. Kempster. Miss Ethel Elder held the lucky ticket for the draw on the angel cake made by- "Mrs. Thomas G. Glazier, East street. o . 0 CHILD IS RESCUED BY ASHFIELD YOtJTIZ , An Ashfield Township youth has been creditekwith saving a three- year-old girl from drowning at Tobermory. The youth, Leslie 'Hallam, 18 - year -old son. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Hallam, is a member of the crew of the Norisle, which plies between Tobermory and • 1., 14,10447t 4 40:41114.. • 4•Vai'lle$1;4$04 in refuelljn8 ePer4tiOM and wage „ dck coal pile. when he ery for help. FIe dashe 101) yards, '„,, boots deep waterthe the He bad ficr 01)700 tinle5+ ,fore he gat the, little Orli 1.$,harair atamixerry, who had goneunder foilhertiTird time. She was thrown into the muter when two motor, boats leollided. One of the Wats, overturned ,ansl sank.- Hailam later recilvered the motor from the sunken eraft. 0 ' o VISITS HERE „ . A visitor here 'the week -end •he - tore last was Harry Washington, a former Goderich boy, who left this town as a young man in 1910 and had not been' here since a brief visit in, 1918, ' He has an iinport- ant paaition with the Federal, De- partment of Transport, with head- quarters at Edmonton, and was on. his way to consult with the De- partment at Otitawia. While in town he met many old friends and was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Walter Buchanan, and Mr. Buch- anan. o o Bride—"X made this pudding all by myself." Hubby-,-"SpIenatidf eat who helped you lift it out of the oven?" o Japan has a population of 86,- 000,000 people in an area of 142,000 square miles. A 11+, ly 5 ernoon of last week and was - ened by -the preside • • •.•;••• Scripture leoPen. W04,••read y, TheM5.011., Alttlt 'was 'offered by Mrs. go was .;sung by Miss cynthia seut. Young,. who is leaving shortly Or •a tax: of 'hospital •nursinfo-in San card •Francisco. • • The seeratarY hitter .1? a than from Rev- a Alberta, and Rev. Alex 10; n for the gifts _lare-Sentgd at their illation; (Mr. .100(19404 ana. his Wife „will be leaving Canada for missionary work in British Guiana. . During the month, .57 119$Pital calls and 22 home,calls-Were made and a, XLIE031401` , of gifts were ceived( for Men:,:in Byron Sanitort: hum The guest speaker was Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, who gave an interesting .summary of the. highlights of the Syliodteal, meet- ing theld in St. Thomas. Miss ,Gordon, expressed the thanks of the members to Mrs. liane, 0 0 STIRLING .OLAN HAS • KINCARDINE REUNION The annual Stirling reunion was held recently at Landsdowne Park,. Kincardine, when 54 people enjoy- ed a picnic and lunch. Mrs. Lawr- ence Stirling and her committee I '4 X $ ,0:•% e, .4) titT4,4t r e, ' • • sports for ne,., f,,„ 1. whaQtt140a)140C4AJNAJ410,4:1:tit,14:141,49I0,1:'„: t$e°A;lievia'lb'ealgi ;t1IvhsP''40104.7.f"!441444 2.2°°years ago?N '403ots who' entered Canada last ',$rear blew 'were elassed'AWIffetkeicS? 3. Since 1939 spending by •the.prO:- • vincial governments combined has increased about fire times. Ry how much has federal spend- • ing increased in the period? 4. smaWhillehestofartheae ofpxoreen&opsiedliO4 rmt he land? 5. What proportion of the Can- adian labor force is,•employed in agriOultinle? - ANSWERS: 5. About one-sixth. 3. About 9 times. 1. Captain Kidd. 4. Newfoundland. 2. 84,000 were classed as workers. Filsinger's Jewelry & Gifts Announce the 0 enin Of Their Very Modern Store, In New Location, On July 2n FREE GIFTS LUCKY PRIZES SPECIAL IPRICE JULY 2nd ONLY FREE GIFTS • First 70 Lady Customers„ will each receive FREE one Evening Star. Jelly Server by Community; valued at $2,00. BE SURE YOU ARE • IN TIME. TO. RECEIVE THIS VALUABLE LIFT • JULY 2nd ONLY if Registration Free Bulova Watch 4A-DiEs OR GENT S Value $49.50 2000 REGISTRATION CARDS with watch serial number have been mailed to , the public. Bring in your card to register it with your name and number with Allan MacDonald in •charge, of our modern watch repair dept. If your number is. the.: -same -as that, on the: wateh displayed in our, window, it is yours absolutely FREE - ....„ Free Engraving We have featured for quite some time "Free Engraving" on every item sold, regardless of value. 'PERSONAL- IZR, YOUR. GIFTS with our beautiful engraving FREE. '• Alf engraving done in our store with no dela,ys. Diamond Room 41011001fi.tenelen. .In keeping ,with the trend of the times, we have installed this sp#cial service for the public. You'may 4purchase this time honored and cherished .• gift in utmost privacy. 1Choose your -diamond ring from. our wide selection of all well-knoViii makes of first quality, in the restful atmosphere of this' finely decorated roam: • After hour 'Et,ppohitmearts on such all-important purehaaes are481cinned .at any time. All diamond rings ,(Arry an all risk insurance policy free of .charge far one year. - • • .rog0000goetotoommosailoomeneestmenopeonewoommalogia* • JULY 2nd ONLY 8 Lucky • Draw Prizes • 3 PIECE SILVER PLATED TEA SERVICE 22 PIECE- SET ENGLISH , CHINA DINNERWARE REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVER SILVER PLATED BON BON DISH LARGE, 18 ENGLISH .CHINA SANDWICH PLATE LADIES' GOLD FILLED EXPANSION WATCH BRACELET GEN'TS' GOLD FILLED EXPANSION WATCH BRACELET. FINELY FITTED ENGLISH COMPACT. First 8 Registration Cards drawn will be the lucicy ones. , Watch and Jewelry Repair Service A most modern and efficient watch repair department combined with fine 4 jewelry repairs is at your serviie under the mangemeirt of Allan MacDonald, certified watch maker. Be safe with your watch by a certified- watch maker. Free Gift Wrapping Service Filsinger's,have been Widely known for many years for this special and free service. All your purchases' from $1.00 and up are always. , attractively wrapped free of charge. Our Prices and Services Stand Comparison Anywhere. "For the GiftYou Will Give:With Pride Leif's" SINGER'S Be Your gide' SPECIAL PRICE ,aiiimmaniumaimummiammionalimm, „ „. „ „ ENGLISH.• BONE CHINA CUPS AND ,SAUCERS. Reg. $1.35' Opening Day 99c "CORO" WHITE SUMMER NECKLETS AND EARRINGS Reg. $1.00 each Opening Day 69c each 3 PIECE SILVER PLATED ON COPPER TEA SERVICE Lovely design; good --quality. $9.95 EXTRA SPECIAL Purchase one 52 Piece 'Set "Fantasy Pattern" Silver Plated Flatware by Rogers including -large Walnut Chest. You Receive FREE 8 SILVE•RiDECORATED SMART tDESIGNED-0 10 oz. GLASSES 8 SILVER PLATED -FANTASY PATTERN. ICED TEASPOONS. TOTAL VALVE $75.45 All For Only 59.9 Extra Special on Watches LADIES' OR (1,-ENTS' BULOVA GRUEN &MEGA TISSOT •CERTINA All Watches carry our regular one year warranty. EktIrt Introduatorf Offer on "PrOpOSal Eat.. ware by. Rogers. ,• 4 ,Caffee Spoons-74eg. Value $2#56 • , 1 • .L'