HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 3•i
,eseere.ne:. \neat \\��' ee, n`i\\U\ a :b1\s*.e.\;e.::.•\:
for Infants and Children#
,"Caultor elseowelladeptedtochitdrenthat~ Castings clues Cede, Clogatlpatdee.
lrecommeaditaaisuperiortoanyprescription sour 8tomaoh, Dia> , EruetaUfon,
known to Rae." If, ,A,. AxcaEa, lei, D., !Mils worms, gives • , and prorhotes
11.113Qr Q1Yi. $tta Beigeklyn, ,' Y. sr 1t injurious =ding=
Tot CC TAtla Coueterv, IT Meirray Street, N.Y.
S a• , tta fe It+Ciu e,
Le aerate.1S p. 1n. San '`ton IYrrd 1 ,t
Ar. Kansi�as Cit- s:2n p. M. Mon Toes �T4ar lien
div. liniebiuson•.•,-•-•,•• CO.‘'p. m, 3fan Tiles ( Thar + Btn
11 li •P S '
1 .I8 Tees cd t ' H
►,T u dad. ,... u r �r e
A ri. a• IP, a
ar. Las a eaaF".,,",,..... , Da p. et. Teesed Thu rt ;Sat � ilea
,Ar. AAlts�tcreee i,:se a, m• IVA Thur b ri =Sat San Tues
Ar Barrie r,... ,.. 10;45 a. m. Thur Fri- Sat an Mea we
Sat gg
I. Fri ..at S ii[
bur s iF.
t: n a , .• 3i2t1 • m. h an o ed
A o A les �...,. a
Lee g
Ar�aa llfsgo,�n, .,,,,. ,i.tS D. in. Thur lrrl Sat Bait Mu Ili'sii,,,•„
Y'on get the only line of theeugh mitre without ohne ChiQa ;o to Lo
Angeles, and yen veva 27 hours tin e,
D uAN, PasReuger AgenS
l`s publisped OY3 ' Thursday Morn ng,at
-.�PTE'll RSR'
corm! NS NO
or any injurious meterlals.
E. W. GILLETT, zct;ti l aO L.
E&' sCBLTw'IP.I.fEneenee GAneeetnte
The ilioet Successful Rornedv act (Brom?,
ewe as it isicertain lane eiteediawl does
not blister. Bead proof below.
40LFR1:LAND Bev un T OZTu G Bum SOIL^.: 5, a
DR B J, Stumm Co,seuvroote Z.u., Nov,20,1t ;A.
Dear sirs: 1 have always purchased your 1len-
da ?e Spavin Cure by the 1ta)T dozen betties, 1
WOnld Mee prices in larger quantity. I think fila
one or the beet liniments on earth. I have used it
en ray stnblesfor time yearn.
'roars t 1i1y, CHas. A. S iYDEL
Bn000Lift, se. Y.. November 3, 1E68..
DB. B. J. Karma's. co.
DearBirraS t I desire to give you testimonial of my
good opinion of your Kendalls Spavin Cure. I have
u�sgeed It for LtitneneIa, Stiff Joints nn4t
tipayintt,and l have tounditasure eure,Ieor•
a1t�a9y recommend ft to all horsemen.
Yours truly, A. 11. Gunnar,
1(tanagsr Troy Laundry Stables.
Dn. B. J. KmsnALx Co.
Gents : I feel it nay duty to say what I have done
Pith your Kendall's Spay in Cure. I have ctired
twenty-five horses that had tSpnvime, ton of
Ring Bone, nine affiit\,tedwith 21g Idpud and
Slime havehad on of your
w 1n eIls
books Bier �ae
books and ironowoti the directions, I Wive never
lost a case an land.
Yours trti� • AgnnEw TtntNrn,
b' Horse Doctor.
Price 51 r bottle, or six bottles for 5.. `rug•,
v or can et It Tor you,or it will.. r It
to lets have t o
pie receipt of ib the r "^
address onArk S p c,� ,
say ad
B. J.�EtvnCo., S.nir3Uurgh FaI1s, V
lfain•atreet,nearlyopposite Pltten's Jeweldry
Store,Bzeter,Ont.,beJohn White es Sone"Pro
Flrstineertipn,perline 10 vents,
' noia enbsetlue.ttinsertion,per
TO peure Insertion, advertisement ealtoutd
Sent fn UPtiaterthsas 1Y/Auestlety morning
I the largest and be equtppea in the tlouuiy
I;urou. MI work entrusted to us will roasts
erprompt el ow:lore
Decisions Regarding New9e.
Any pereonwhotakes e.pa erreeularlyfroze
be peat odicA wlleth di t d i Li
Latest From Europe
Baboon for Signalman. One Touch, of Nature.
A well-itnow character: %n the Cape Col -
London Speaker can remember no
ony, but more particularly in the neighbor- invented tale that spears so to the heart ati
n elli
?Ili,- hovel of fort Filizabetli, is an i t gon once of the cruelty of life, and the beauty
boon, says rile Illustrated Sporting Gild of human compassion, as tate true story
Stanley's Latest Coinnest—A British Ap- Dramatic News. '.Phe history attaching to closed this week by a sentence in the • news-
peal to: Russia Anent the Siberian Out- hien is a curious and probably unique one. papers, altnauneing that Joseph ilferriek,
Thraves—Russia and France—Boulan- no fault o£ his own,lis run over b was, tiros Mh the "n soul c t'_1:lau," was deaf, Inia rine a
Y P human soul ciathediun body sotinapea ably
gar's Latest. train, anal Lad to. hve both lege ampntateit frightful that, seeing it, men turned sick
Stanley has made a new anal rapid can- which-s'auld natuiwlly itienpacni,lte him with loathing, and women fainted a being
quest, a marriage having been arranged be- froie work, but the idea strnck him to who had to be conveyed from place to place
11 secure a baboon and train hint to do his in secret; who hardly dared to venture.
tweeze Lim and Mass Dorothy Tennant. The work. abroad even at night f who, finding his fel-
This he has sueeessfully accomplished, low -creatures ran from him, grew terrified
is well known. nob onlyin soviet but -
to the world atlas re as a clever artist. She 'and for pian .years the one ill fluestion has ine
b the terror he created, and shuddered in
has for some years past been almost a pro -
the hart work his attlilicted master, cTl e him driven rk ab like starvation to ite'e t a ld beest, auw-
tege of Baroness Burdett Coutts, and it was y p
at her house, nearly four and a half years
Ago. that Stanley met Miss Tennant.
Stanley has declaimed, times innumerable
that his mission in life was not to be able to
talk to women. From the first day he was question, Uitenhage dunatian, incl about Merrick ill a Benny show its a, rooin oir the
resented to his Future bride bythe Baroness 20 miles from Port Elizabeth, there is a In hiteohapel road, crouching behind an old
p large volume of traffic, the sagacity of the curtain and trying' too warm himself over a
he seemed to find in the quietude of Miss creature is really wondlrfui. brick that was'heated by a gas -jet, Mr.
At first passengers raised a strong protest Treves went up to him not only w ithout
against the employment of the animal, on fear or loathing but with sympathy. For the'
the score of risk of accident, but the baboon •first time in iris lU'e of tweaty-four• yews
A:. OLP 1 1GAG$1dE;�T, • has never yet failed during his many years Merrick heard a kind word and was spoken 1
It will no doubt be news to the public of of -coni;, and on more than one occasion has to like a man. The effect was curious, It t
England and America to hear that three • acted in a manner supply astounding to made him afraid at first. He shrank as au
days before Stanley departed on hisperilous , those 'who never had personal experience ordinary man would from something un -j
,nfs 'on to fund Emin Pasha he proposed to ° of the intelligence of these brutes. canny, , Then, as he ' began to realize the t
Y ¢
1? p
Miss Tennant and was duly accepted by her, One of his most noteworthy performaneess truth, be broke into sobs of gratitude. Days
Baroness Burdett Coutts and same Half lir ; Was the correct switching, of an ulaupauuo- and even weeks passed, however, befare he
dozen near friends were informed of the , ed special train on its correct liuc in recovered from the shookof hearing a conn• I
eug.agement, but all were sworn to the strict- ; the absence of the signalman, The pa, sionale word,
est secrecy until such time as the lovers latter lives about a anile up the Ince, The police prohibited his show ou the
should deem it fit to make their engagement and the baboon pushes him out 0nid round of public decency, So he went to
fpublic. Hoty well these few privileged home, morning and night, and is the ei •iwln, where again the elite interfered,
iends have kept their trust may he judged 1 sole companion of his legless piaster. anti where au gent de lmped with his
from the fact that nearl • four years have I money. Merrick was left destitute anir,
pulsed and not one word has escaped their F'T1A.SHESFBAu THE Wz1RBS,
starving in the streets of .a foreign town, lips. 1 -- !where the ignorant mob thought him a
The UU'flii a cal Recker, of London, publish- Two hundred boate are delayed by a fiend.. j
esanaddr:sstn.t13eC'zarremaustiatnngaganilst break in the Champlain► canal at Mechaaies- He came back to London—how, no one
the outrages tt on Russian exiles in Siberia. , villc,, N.. Y. quite kaoxt•s. At every station and landing 1
" p t o', persone, I The (>ioveruor of New York liras si ed the o I e liim dogged ar ltint,� 5 hemeaners refuse:
The remonstrance is Fle,nc 1 by .. *4 gens t � to havo l;tnl on beard, But he canis track
including members of trio )f'ntae of Lords bill providing for the weekly payment of to Loudon, because in Loudon lived the only
and House of Commons, literateurx, artists l wages by corporations. man who bad ever given biro a kind word. :
and other persons of distinction, due hula I Mr. Ed :yard Brown, the well-known Ile matle Lis xvay to the Loudon Hospital,
dred and. eighty five of the signers of the -vharfinger a1tli coal merchant of Hamilton, found Mr, Troves, who had him lodged for
remonstrance are also in favor of sending a is dead, aged 72. Apoplexy. a time in an attic in the hospital, and deter -
communication to the government suggest- i By the breaking of an emery wheel at minced to find a permanent shelter for him.
lug the propriety of its addressing the Gzar.a 1 hje ot'miek'a reaper works in Chicago on • But now it Was found that no institution
government through the usual diplomatic Tuesday, cue man was killed and three would receive bine, The Royal Hospital for
channels Qn the Bulled of the outrages. badly hurt, Incurables and the British Dome for Incur.
Mr. Gladstone has written a letter in con- The Vienna earres alident of the T London
abies alike declined to take him in unless
tleetion with this matter in which be says n sufficient funds were forthcoming to 1y for
Them learns that all the powers except �•
aminal is possessed of entreordinaryy intelli- mains ofi'er mei be exhibited to the host
gene, and has, never made a mistake, brutal of audiences, that commonly enough
O£ course the hultian servant works the shrieked and nenrpell-mein from the tent es
telegraphs, and rile baboon rile Ise els, ac- soon as the eurtatn was drawn,
cording to instruction ; and taking into l Early in 1886 Ma: Frederick Troves, one
consideration the fact that at the station in of the surgeons of theLondon Hospital, found
Tennant's society that haven of rest whielt
is now rarely his,
WHEN H,EN a, few doses of Ayer's Cherry
VX Pectoral will xelzeveyou ? Try it,
Iteep it in the house. You are liable to
bare a cough at any
time, and no other
remedy is so effective.
as tiais world-
renowned prepara-
tion, No Household,
with young elifldren,
should be without it.
Stores of lives are
saved every year by
its timely use.
Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton,
Mass., writes: " Coalmen gratitude im-
pels me to acknowledge the great bene.
tits I have derived for my children frogs
the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry.
Pectoral. T Lad last two dear children
frond croup and eonsuanptiou, and had.
the greatest fear of losing my only re-
malning daughter and son, as they store
delicate. Happily, l: find that by glrang
thein Ayer's Cberry Pectoral, on the first
symptoms of throvit or lung, trouble, they
are relieved front danger, and are be-
coming robust, healthy children."
""In the winter of 1SEe I took a bad
1 cold which, in spite of every known
remedy, grew worse_ so that the family
pbysieiau considered me incurable,
n et•3su Son.
m tob t m t As
9d 8,
i ., ,p
last resort I tried Ayers (,berry $veto-
rzl, and, iin rG chart thane, the cure was
complete. Siueethen 1 Lew never been
without � e i P In fifty years
,ho t.h ml dein., 1s v ,ta
of age, weigh over i& pounds. and ate
tribute my good henitls to the use of
A;, en's Cherry Pectoral.
laalem, N. J,
""Last winter I contracted a serere
cold, which by repeated espcsure, be-
sarue quite c•bstivate, I was much
troubled with Coarseness lend bronchial
irritation. After trying various medi-
cines, without relief, I at last purchased
y Pectoral. a bottle of •dyer's Chtirr, I'e al, gat
taking this medicine, my cough crewel.
almost immediately, and 1 novo teen
• well evers:nre.""—Pew. Thos. B. Fussell,
Secretary Holston Conference and P. E.
of the Z`sreeuville District. M. E. C.,
Jonesboro, Tenn.
Ayer's heir ectral
rear.s.nrna all:
I Dr. J. G, Ayer & Goe Lowell, Masse
$old t ell Tm mimics. Price el; six batt ea.$5.
that the government al Russia mill be justi• France have concluded commercial treaties
his maintenance for life. Iii"himself Ir; ged
fied in renaming any nate rout to it. in re- with Turkey upon the Lasix of a fixed #arff£ that be might be placed in a blind hospital.
Imre tet the ire itnlcat t;,f the exiles with aIt is hard to match the pathos of this plea.
eoannt udeatiou calling the attention of the 1 t Then in november, 1886, 1Ir. Carr Gomm,
,11^ltiele goverment to the "brutal slaughter A Wiso Clerk, the chairman of the London Hospital, wrote
of Irish people`" at ; Iitehclisto-xzn some ' to the times, asking help for tins case and
c was xecentl
er rex e n s name or A stylishly dtes�ee woman y
Anotherteorwhether hehal dubsonliedornot tune ar. y > the British public resPonded, Arfx.nt -.,Il,
btaught Uof 1' onto city magistrate an l
is respousible for payment.
7 If aperson orders his paper discontinued '
Isemiuetpay all atraars or the publisher may
sout1nue to sone it until the paynn nt is wat1e,
anti then collect the whole' anomia. whether
abo Piper is taken from the office or not.
8 In suits for subaerfpttione, the suit may be fi
natttutedi'athe place where the paper is pub.;
Med, alteough the subscriber inlay reside
nuudreds of utiles away.
a The eourts have decided that refusing to
lake newspapers orpoiiodicalsfrom the post.
ofrico,or remol ing and leaving thein uncalled
or ofacie idc
o rimevidence 1
ncooitnto a frau'
u�9/pp�� g C a
MS Solid
Wort Watc `.5i 1Le�tt,
t s: m •x
watch In We world. re act
timekeeper Warnnwdheavy,
souls a01n limiter area,
Beth bullet' and tear &,esu,'
with weeks end eases ar
gnat value. ONa rxksoals
each locality can return one
free, together prim our large
and valuableilneefilouaebolel
Sample's. Thew *melee,* west
at the oaten, are free. Mt the work von
need de is to show whet stained you to those who coil --year
.friends and. aughbora and those About you -that always moults
Inaaiaabletmdeferua wh,etthaldafareearswhenonceaisrted,
maths* we era repaid, we pay all our tees, freight, etc, After
you know all. if you would like to gore work far es. eau rax
rarfi Atm $•'O to gt6O per week end upwards. Addeo',
Stinson a L..tco.,;1>;oxailt,1'urel:tud, Mabee.
And all points west of the Miasour Riva
via the
Saiita FeItoute
For particulars and tieke a s e ytur
earest ticket agent, or address
GEO. GILMAN, G 'lIA_ ti a eAgent,
lY Y, see r
74 Grstwold at, Detroit, Mieh
General, Paso. ant .ticket Agent,
• Topeka, K !mean.
It is setni•odicially stinted that the report
of an estrangement letween Russia and
1"nmce ie nuar:te. On the c:lntraly, it is
painted on,t that :t; tl.e permission recently ac-
cordee to the Freed: t c .'v'rament to organize
au exhibittw rt \2" i -v, and the otlieial
' blinker given by Ilene: Von Mohreuheim,
the Ituwvlal 1n1I,; s :Mitt• at Paris, in honor
of Preeidt n t trtu,�, prove t"utt the entente
between the twi, countries is undisturbed,
This understanding, it is further stated is
based not upon ephemeral and artificial flip•
but e per-
ustn combinations,tt ou tl1 a
l0 1 c
nlalacnt necessity for assuring Europeen
equilibrium—a necessity thathnsbeen proved •
more plainly than ever before by the war-
like speeches of Emperor William at Non-
IGeneral Boulanger bas written a letter
from the Island of Jersey in which leo rays
i that 11e no longer desires any intermediary
between himself and hie supporters, and he
therefore dissolves the Boulangist National
Committee. The Bottlengist journals pub-
lish the letter without making any com-
ment on it,
9 Cords"'
irons Eas l
RE. 1`�7t
c'" ,C ONE MAN. Write for descriptive catalogue
ontaining' testimonials from baedro,t, ofpeoplelrho.
here eawed.from 4 to f) cords dei .. 20,000. now success.
fully used. Agent*Yy can be tad, whore there is a
Vacancy. A NEW INVENTION for ding saws sent free
with each teatime; by, the use of thin toot everybody
can file tbef; wn saws pow and do it better than the
greatest a t}ert :can without,.lt.. Adapted to all
cross -cute we-sr/Every one 'Who owns a _ saw should
have one.' No duty to pay; we maaurnatore 1n &Media. ak
0V., er SQwrite
to 611 d Opnal S ., SA(lenge, J,•.l.
One of the
eaeot:es I n
p, the va�,ll,ed,an t of rt iliticointroduce
upe io geode
de to introduce cur
to 01011 goodswawill localise
to oar; rumor th. those lonsmit
a, n. 01 ce ly canl rho re of
to .aa! once can make euro of
the.nlinnee All yeti have to do in
ecturreii to show oar goods 'to
thoeea who call -your a.lgbbon
r' , . and those around you, The be.
AYL . ginning :of this"advertieem,nt
. ehowe the small end of rho tele-
scope, The .:,.+ ow. •E 011 ,1r01 thuoppearance of Itreducod to
about the fiftieth part alto 'bulk. 11 Ise great, 4.11,1.010e tele-
scope, as largo as ie easy to carry. Wo will oleo ei,ow you how you
can maim from 1113 to 111.0 a day atloast, •from etc itart,wttb-
opt experience, Better ,crita at onto. We ay all express charges.
Addroee, H. HALLETT.0 CO, Box t360, 001111:AND, MAINZ.
I a package of goods worth
two. dollars to manufacture, and a lams
100p Picture Book, that will surely put yon
on the road to a handsome fortune. Vie, 1;o
quick, and send 6o. silver, to help pay p i-
tege. Montion this:paper.
Jt.;. W.:1I,IIPTI5LY,' i,trtnoutth, iii.!!.
The kiss, •
Because I kissed thee, Minguilio
My mother keeps scolding at me;
Then give back, 0 give back, carillo,
The kiss that I gave unto thee.
Give me one long and _sweet like the other,
And scolding nn future I'll shun;
For then I can,say to my another
That we have the mischief undone.
Thou'lt a gainer be by it, Mnguillo,
And by it a gainer I]1 be ;
Then give back, 0 give back, cariilo,
The kiss that I gave unto thee.
Give it quickly, because, unforgiving,
My mother makes such an ado.
One away thou wilt seem to be giving,
Yet thou in its place wilt have two.
So we over her triumph,113nguiilo,
And keepher from scolding at me ;
Then give back, 0 give back, carillo,
The kiss that I gave unto thee. •
Hints for the Washwoman.
The average waahwoman does not know
that every time she rubs her woolens on the
washboard she is destroying their soft plia- At Akron, Ohio, on Saturday evening,'a
chief charm. L • ose no
which is their
y',,tornado destroyed100 buildings.
time in teaching her to squeeze and not rub
them Bathe would cotton. Pounding them 1 The open:jacket with the high mediei co
is also very effective. The suds should be 'lar is the first favorite. I
strong and the rinse water warm. The Chicago Committee on the site of the
Shetland drawls require in washing them World's Fair has reporteci in favour of the
the same care teat you would exercise in rdo- lake front,
in up fine lace. Dip yourshawl in a lather
Ind cuffs of silra
of boiled soap and gently stripthrouhliyonr 1. Waistbands, collars a r,
hands. When clean plunge into clear water" gold, ° or steel or copper passementerie are'
and derby pinning on a sheet. ; the only decorations seen 011 thine very obit:
clot gowns. .
co t
lather of , ..,
in' a
Muslin should be washed
cold water. Never put it into warm water, W.Dalton-Smith estimates that there are
even to rinse it. If the muslin should bex
green add to the.-xrater a wineglass of vine- 500,000 cyclists in England, and gives as has
g g lkli
d t the a m-lnton ely cyc b 1 rlnn
Full wreaths, of flowers without foliage
encircle many toques and turbans of velvet,
oro a or
a charge of stealing rilibons in a store. The
chief clerk had observed her talking freely
with her counsel, and wee puzzled because
she looked at hint blankly when he asked
her name and residence and replied with a
shako of her bead,
t" She is French,' explained the lawyer
built for Merrick ou t to ground j4Ror in a.
remote wing of the hospital, and there, sur
roumdedwitll hooks, flowers, and a luludre•1
tokens of the kindness that is really teak%
in the public heart, he has lived until this
last week,
He bed fond ttlauy frieeils—the Price
and Princess of }Vales, Mr•.tdladtf,ne, and te,
t ttnc1 rstalxt 1 dish. Put it •
• Docile."'
e Cat �q
frowned incredulously, m
,e is she? he asked. "Twenty-two," replied the lawyer" tl
Then the clerk's oyes twinkled as he said
no stra1L;e' eye 58(1111(1 sec hum. kliddcn
softly t"Tl t t l" l
'V Sewlstarnshine
T, at ever *stabile
trade le tin parrs
plulanoar as
ads.entae , -... wa
we wink sand e
is oath ioae141y ma vow
t erwin$•ataeMse mare t+
Gee w rld,vritle alt the sttarhinesea.
WO Wrill.lw revue, free a eoupieW
a, or 011r 0..07 .1111 ealsabta tett
es. lno lerawe ark that yea
w Whet we read, t2 those w5•e
years at your borne. cad after Se
n1=111141 11011 W910031,10 'eaet
pre rty. 711, mai nta:bioa fa
mole Oat the $%011ar seams.
,.hlchhare rnnoal. •efcrarooms
Mel cut it sakl foe SOLI.
++1�tt r1y,Iarata, std naw ,.50 tht'
0110. L1Mt,r:[Lettrt,mcat.te-
01 mask* la 00 world, All U
tree. Nn a Or rertalred, :lata,
dozen "1Lati :Merrick should be taken to see the (';.rl:t • tile: rre eAaar tr.t , gra who,vrlta to asw epee"n.e.
_ theLt sad the
cit stwiag-r„aohine !a the weld,
'file What elerjt as pantomime at Tlrury Lane, S1,0 e1I;;:1'rt• Tai un rw cu 't4 Q teaser Mown
o luswta, Aiis ma
ed the royal box : she 'had him lnon„ht „ x
frs.Kent a1 is tine t to hippy 88ilggc:,ttun t.lat
„ l le theatre, and took every precaution that
v: fir y- wo • from the rause behind t curtains of the
trio.. ttvonty-ttvo :" maned the fair prls box, the " Elephant Man" tasted an hour or
(ver- two of intoxicating happiness, It was all
Umpp11 1" said the clerk, "you on speak real to him --the fairies, the splendor, and
English, if you don't understand it 1" the jewels,
The First Flies of Spring. Merrick, in spite of his hideous exterior, '
and terrible experiences, was in his way a
The first fly of spring to the air spread Lis gentle sentimentalist, and gushed forth at
tinter under the happy conditians of itis life
For employ was growilig tate weather;
While roaming about, another thawed out,
He met, and they flow off together.
To a playhouse they went on forage intent,
And the people there present did scan,
And one to the other said, laughingly,.
"13rotber, ,
Get on to the bald headed -luau,"
NotDismay ed.
Aramantha to her lover; who has jest
proposed) --"Before I give you an answer I
have a secret to impart."
Lover—"What is it, dearest ?"
'Aramantha (blushing and stammering)—
"My—my iMy—my teeth are false." • .
Lover(heroically)—"No matter; Til mar-
ry you in spite of your teeth."
A Lively Plaoe. -
Drummer (wearily)—"There dosen't seem
to be anything going on in this town."
Sure there's fufteen-1 ig stroikes Gout' onthis
vury mimtte."
Every beginning is cheerful ; the thresh-
old is the :place of.expectation.
at the hospital, iii verse modeled ou the
hymns of lir. Watts, in which he gave
utterance to feelings of gratitude, the
sincerity of which alone ever question-
ed. It, was a tender heart that' was
beating beneath a mask More hideous than
that of Orson.' Above all, it was a heart
that was filled with love for the man who
-was literally his savior, wile first spoke
kindly to Mm, who rescued hint from a fate
a thousand times worse than death, and to
the end was both his doctor and his friend.
Recently it was only Mr. Treves who could
thoroughly understand the poor creature's
maimed utteran ees and to Mr. Treves he
clung to the last with the wistful' trust and
affection of a dumb animal.
It is difficult to speak of this man's case
without emotion. But luckily is is harder
still to hear of it and believethat the " strug-
gle -for -lifers" have grasped the true secret
of life, or even half of it.
Patrick re ( uk-iugl—"Not'in' gvin' on
and white volume.. "In it," says Mr. Smith; "Lord
quantity f monis For, black
gar, in which it is rinsed; if lilae, the same
quare a y o ammonia. Bury says that in 1885 he made enquiries Buffalo in Australia.
muslins use a small allowance of sugar of
Tamed by Perfames,
Wild animals aro completely fascinated
and can be tamed by perfumes. There was
a Mrs. Lee, in India, who had a tame leop-
ard that played in the house with her child-
ren. He was very inquisitive, as all the cat
tribe are, and loved to stand on his hind legs
and -with his fore paws on the window sill
and look at the passers•b
theplace for
When the ehilclren wanted o
themselves they would all take hold of his
that. a was
clown byH
tail and
pull him:
but sometimes, his
generally very amiable, m ,
claws being very sharp, the children were
scratched. So Mrs. Lee taught Sal to keep
his claws sheathed by giving hint when he
diel so a little papertray on which lavender
water had been dropped.
This would throw hum into transports of
delight. He would tear the paper into. bits
and roll over them on the floor. With noth-
ing but a bottle of lavender water I have be-
come the best of friends with a leopard, a
tigress and a lioness in a menagerie.
through the consuls of the C. T. C., with
the result that he was led to the conclusion'
that they numbered 400,000." The increase''
of milkers aiid the large sales of cycles since`
then, he claims, indicate au increase of at
least 100,000 riders. -
One Idea of Punctuality,
The Oriental` idea that time was made for
slaves found illustration in many.. amusing
'ways when first a railway eves opined i, a
Scotch manners can occasionally be
new part of "India. Nothing but bitter' ex- A Glasgow ;gentleman m escortmg some
erience could :convince the natives that a ladies from a dance, found a diamond hair-
pin in the bottom of the cab, and handed it
train, unlike the bullock wagons they had
been accustomed to, would not wait an in-
definite time to pick up passengers. The de-
puty commissioner had on one occasion, short-
ly after the opening of a new line, sent his
servant with his official letter bag to meet
the train, and was much annoyed at seeing
the man presently returning with it, having
missed the train. " You had not half a mile
to go, and you knew that the train left the
the station at three o'clock I" " Yes, truly,
your majesty," replied the'"man in an ag-
grieved'tone, " but when it strikes three
here the train goes from there.That was
sharp praeti.ce of which he had no previona
experience, and it was evident that he did
not think it very creditable to the company,
which evidently placed an undue value on
trifles. .
The Chicago coopers who :struck,. for
h' h wageshave gone back to work at the
to one of the,ladies. ,Tine owner advertised,
and the young woman who had taken it from
her escort received a reward of £10. Then
the young man applied for a share of the
money, and she r •:-ising, he carried ".the
question to court. ',''-le toilet allotted him
1 he succeeds in his undertaking, we will
have an excellent knowledge. of the east
coast from Cape .Farewell ire lat. G0° to
Cape Bismarck in kat.. There will -then
be left to complete our knowledge of'Green-
land's. outlines only the, stretch between'
Koldewey's highest point on the east `coast
and. Lockwood's furthest on the: west. It is.
not believed that much, •if any, over 500
miles of coast line separates these two points.
It would be - exceedingly interesting to
complete the inap of this great northern
d ahnost contineiatal as it is in extent
1111,1 , ,
fund there is little doubt that this will some
It is said that the wild buffalo has f ound a
,congenial .home. in the plains of Northern
Australia, where itis now fotmdin vast herds.
These animais are ;supposed: to be the de-
scendants of the first buffaloes which were
landed in: , Australia 60 years ago. In the I
meantime, the kangaroo, thetypioal:Austra-
liaiunarsupial, is said to be gradually become
ing so reduced in numbers . that •there is a
chance of. its extinction unlees rigorous mea-
sures be takeai for its' preservation. A kan-
garoo will, it is said, eat as much grass as six
sheep, so that from.afarmer's point of view
its extermination would not be looked upon
as an unmixed evil.: It is estimated that in
the years 1888 there were about 30 percent.''
fewer kangaroos. in Australia than there
were in the previous year.
Plebeian Taste'
Nellie—But I;dont like strawberries this
time of year, auntie ;I'd rather wait a uiontli
until they are sweter and better.
Auntie -Yes, I dare say you would prefer
to:weit until they are'hawked about the
streets. Well, child, if you do not like sour
berries now better than sweet ones when
they are to be had by the commonestpeople,
' you are lacking in the first. elements of ex -
1g her ve
ex -
el rates. " .: day be accomplished, elusiveness.—Life.
t it
i:l11 GItEAT
ISnit*titon. tint.
Dear &fr—I have used yoetrd stn
Exterminator to lay faintly for
c.cra'tt►tnlr ttntt n a ntey Is ttr*
Sf ictettwtt b, such as Vou;,hs,r•olds
Ithe»mafban, Sprains arta (luras.
Toothache, and wherever there is
Pain. IWould nut be without it
1II sly house: 1 can ree''ntnxend
tothe world to be a tlrst•claks
article.. beth internal or d external
Your* etc . JAS. l•,E1114tY111 A lY,
Pres. Prohibit IOn Society.
Sold by all draggisttt.
F. F, GALLEY & CO., Proprietors, Hamilton.
Sore Eyes
Chafing USE
Scalds POND'S
Piles I
Sore Feet
1 N
$6 1110:01
r�ra bold Watch
eon.. rnr 56300. unte lately,
Bev -085 watt.la the world.
ertcet timekeeper. War-
$ e
.nv ,11,
eta �. '.
y tt.
s,d 10 (5'0loo Botni'ledok.
and gonts etnetiwu works
and 'teem of .equal o lo,.
One Person la emh lo.
cdltly can seaotn ons free..
fa eb.rwithour1$rgeandvdl-.
ua le line of Al;ouaehoO1
Samples. These samples,, eat
well' an the „watch, we send
Vireo, end after you have kept
them in your home for Al months and shown them to then,
who mey have called; they become your own property,_ Theta
oho write at once con be sure of receiving the Watch •
and Sanoplee. Wepay ay alt oxao ise, freight, etc,._„,,4ddrees
D on dr Va., 812, Portland, Eftilne.