HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-06-23, Page 6EJNGSBRIDGE JIttnee20,2.—Mrs. n KiianeY atUt friends, of De- , it,• are spending a few days gh r how here. • Thomas Wallace is visiting rela- tives in Flint; Mich." " Mrs. Ed. Sinnott and Jim Sin- Tilatt, of Detroit,. were recent visit- ors at the O'Neill, flame. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Kraemer, of Hesson, Miss Mary Ann Kraemer, of Kitchener, Barbara and Joanne pinseman, of Hesson, were Sunday' yisitors at the hare of and 'Mr, Gene Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. 4W:red .Dalto,n and son are spending a few days at the home of Ittr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton. Mr. and tlVIrs. Kerr, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of ,Mrs. P.,,•.Mtuphy. Mr. an41VIrs. Van Dominick and baby, Y Cxf 'Detroit, are visiting at .the home of Frank ;Sullivan. Douglas Frayne, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Frayne, of Tor- onto, were recent visitors with the Frayne Maurice Bowler, of Toronto, aspent' the week -end with his fam- ily here. o About •132,000 square miles of Greendand's total 840,000 square miles is ice -free. • • "•,.• NEWS rOF AUBURN AUBURN, Awe 2. — Mr. and $rs. Jack Bennett, Jinaniv and Billy, of Ridgetewn, visited last week with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan. Jaek has just finished a course at •Halifax.., and has obtained' hrs papers for Cap- tain of ocean liners. Bill Rogers, of Rivers, Man., is spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and ivirs. Emanerson Rogers. Jesse Waldep spent a few days last week in Ottawa. Mr.' and Mrs: Keith Machan and Randy attended the Machan re- union at Moncriel last Saturday. Misses Stromberg, 'Ross and Mc- Andrews, of Syracuse, New York, visited last week with Miss Minnie Wagner. 'Mrs. Thomas McMichael and Miss Evelyn McMichael attended the Fisher reunion at Bayfield last Saturday. Harvey McGee, of North Bay, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen this week. Twenty-two children of Auiburn Public School, their teacher, Dun- can MacKay, and 19 aducts boarded a bus last Friday morning and 1 Is Your Lawn Mower Sh p? Campbell's Garage has installed a new modern machine especially designed for sharpening power lawn mowers. t.- 'This Machine automatically grinds the blade of your power lawn mower to JUST TH PROPER BEVEL, thus assuring you a PERFECT CUT- TING JOB. . We make old mowers CUT LIKE NEW And they'll STAY SHARP LONGER. You'll be AMAZED at the way your mower, will work when we do a job on it. Don't, delay — — see us today, Remember ---All Sharpening Jobs FULLY GUARANTEED. Campbell's PHONE 1097 ST, DAVID'S ST. NOTE: We have new ,and used power mowers for sale. .„ • . nly you• r FORDNMONARC DEALER tc,7"/"tird MEI frionARcii / WHAT . • MEANS • EVERY .USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE A-1 SIGN HAS BEEN lecionclitii;iied by expert servicemen for appeitirtirste and perforMance. Inspected and cheated for safety. Priced forOutstanding Truthfully and accurately advertised. Warranted by your Fprol-440,9arch Dealer arid backed by Ms rOpideititirt„';A ..4•'••••. travelled to Detroit,, where they visited the zoo and the Ford Mus- eum. Mrs. Rose Herman and her 'daughter, .Mrs. W. Klinger, and children, of Tavistock, visited last week at the home of Walter and - Miss Minnie Wagner. Miss - Geraldine Dearing, of Mindemoia, Manitoulin Island,: a student at the United Church Training School, was a visitor last week with Miss Margaret R. Jack- son, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, Gall and Gary, of London, and Mrs. Nelson Hill, of Goderich, visited last week -end with Joseph Carter and Miss Sadie Carter. Miss Laura Wagner, R.N., of Syracuse, New York, and Miss Luella Wagner, R.N., of Detroit, „are holidaying at the Wagner home. James Bakelaar has successfully passed his exams as motoy mech- anic. He has been a student of the Institute of Trade, of the De- partment of Labor. He has been employed at Clinton. • Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Bennett, Jil• and Jimmy, of Yort Albert, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock last Monday. Thomas Anderson and his daugh- ters, Donna Lynn, Dale' and Lor- raine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and family 'over tne week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Lucknow, called on her aunt, Miss Margaret King, and other friends one day last week. Golden Wedding.—Mr, and Mrs, Harry Wallace (the former Mary Ellen Symington), of Auburn, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Symington, and Harry Wal- lace, of Clinton, celebrated their 50th anniversary at Wilkie, Sask., on May 22. They went to that district in 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have two daughters, Mrs. Fred MacEachern (Olive) and Mrs. Bob • Lamour (Esther); four sons, Oliver, Ttiornton, William and -016-i-4; fifteen grandchildren, and Orke great-grandchild, All were present,- and 65 relatives •and guests were at dinner at Starview School. The mayor of Wilkie pre- sented the couple with a purse ,of money from the town. The family gave Mrs. Wallace a necklace and Mr. Wallace a monogrammed cane. Gordon Raithby and girl friend, • of London, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell last week -end. Robert Thompson and friends, of Brampton, v;isited with his .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Herb- ert 'Mogridfge, last Sunday. Glen and George Raithby were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Raithby last week -end. Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Bean last Tuesday even- ing to honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer. A sing -song was led by Mrs. Sidney McGlinchey. Maurice Bean read an'address and Harold Gross presented the couple with a FORTIER'S RILL porrows imL, June 22 --The W.A. of 'Grace Church net 14st Thursday afternoon in the base- ment of the church for their June meeting. They had as their guests the ladies Efrain the, Bayfield So- ciety. The president, Mrs. A. Lock- hart, opened the meeting, after which Mrs. Bill Mallv,vain led in. prayer. The Scripture was *read by Mrs. Bob Mcllwain. The roll call, 'which was answered by giving your waistline measurement, prov- ed very. amusing. A program was enjoyed, consisting of: Reading, Mrs. A. Harris; duet, Mrs. Bill Cox "and Mrs. P. Harrison; reading, Mrs. G. Liscombe; duet, Lynn Liscombe and Luella Bell. Mr. Renner els- ed the meeting with prayer. The ladies served luncth, and Mrs. G. Scotchmer, president of the Bay- field 'Society thanked the Porter's Hill ladies for a most enjoyable afternoon. Dance Held.—A benefit dance was held last Friday evening in the Bayfield Town Hall for Mr. and •Mrs. Harry .Torrance, who had the misfortune to lose their barn trilite lamp on behalf of those present. Miss Carol ,Beadle is a London visitor this week. William Haggitt had .the mis- fortune to .have his finger badly crushed on Monday afternoon working at Craig's sawmill, He • was taken to Dr. Street at Blyth and .had some stitches put in it. ' Strawberry festival, of the Wo- men's Association is to be at Knox United Church on Friday, June 24. A short program will follow the supper. Shackleton—Dixon. — St. An = ,clrew's Presbyterian Church, Tren- ton, beautifully decorated with, pastel gladioli and fern, was the scene ,of the marriage of Ruth Campbell Dixon, daughter of Mr. .,and .Mrs. Murray Allen Dixon, of Trenton, and Lawrence Allen Shackleton, Ottawa, son of Mrs. Al- bert Victor Shackleton and the late Mr. Shackleton, of Toronto,. on Saturday, June 4. Rev. R, C, Mac- Lean officiated at the ceremony. The Shackleton family is well known in this community. The late Albert Shackleton taught for a number of years at the. Auburn school. A showerwas 'held in the For- estQr's Hall on Monday evening to honor a bride of the month, Edith Daer. Mrs. Gordon Taylor presid- ed for the program, Which started with a. sing -song with Mrs. R. J. Phillips at the piano. The pro- gram was, Piano solo, Miss Marg- aret Clark; reading, Mrs. 'Marian Rathwell; accordian solo, Miss Gladys McClinchey; solo, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock; piano,solo, Miss Margo Grange; solo, Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Miss 'Elva Gross read the address and Miss Mary Clark Mrs Marian Rathwell and Miss. Marg- aret Clark carried in, the numerous gifts. Edith thanked those pre- sent for their gifts and also thank- ed the ladies who sponsored the shower. The ladies of the An- glican Guild served lunch. 1. ” 4,4 1). rv. „an • , NEW BARN? ; ph • • /4, , t, , f. ,`"4. '1, , I. • , • , i illt.11,4 j I • d 0'4 T/ #1, !failfiLLI4 )4A, • • .4444.A1 Q. • 'PR 41 I • , • taelz tiNti '(/ •fr /i ' \-• A IV fa* *0 wow 44" tfr44a4 Is yOur herd outgrowing your present. barn? Have you enough space to store the products of your farm? If not, perhaps you'need a new barn, or an extension to your present one. Don't let a shortage o. ready cash hold back your_plans for a better farm — Whetherit's a new barn or the renovation of your buildings generally. You can get money from the B of I through a Farm Improvement Loan —„at low interest rates and on a repayment plan to suit -your individual circunastances. ,Why not see your B of M manager this week? You wilt ..my vANI{- like his helpful lo I' MON MODIAN1 approch to your plans. Bifm FIL —lite fixer ... bis full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give hitit a chance to help fix up your farm . . . he's eco- nomical, conven- ient,,versatile. He can do- almost anything in mak- ing your farm a BANK. OF MONTREAI . e,40,4064°4 -0:4e sud ' TrGoderich Branch: . BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Manager 2 • ' , ' , '',(:'..i... ,,••• . ., I" • d,:,• - _. • ; . .4040(940 Wirt' 614•Ablet:Ntl, tit IVEit WAtK Or tire $11 -Net IWO , ,• • • bry' fire recently, The dance was Community CIO. - 9E100k were sponsored by the. Porter's 13411 soki, on a basket of ,giloceries, which was won iby John Deeves.‘, Community Ciut?,—The Porter s Hill Community Club •-m.et at the home of MrS. Ray Cox. The presi•-• dent, Mrs. P. Harrison, Was in charge of the •meeting. non call was ,answered by giving "My ma- ternal grandmother's widen name- and nationality." The after: noon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess. The July meeting, will be at the home of Mrs. William Cox. Board Meets. — A parsonage board meeting of the Bayfield and Porter's Hill charges was held last Thur"sday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison. Matters concerning repairs of the Parsonage were discussed and a supper is to be held m Bayfield around the first. part of August. FISHER DESCENDANTS HOLD FAMILY PICNIC About 160 descendants of the late Michael Fisher held their an, nual picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bay- field.' The afternObn was spent renewing acquaintances and enjoy- ing games. The committee in charge was as •follows: Honorary president, -Ezra Fisher; president, Arnold Fisher; vice-president, William Snyder; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Fishes reporter, Stanley Snyder; convener of committees— sperts, Grant Fisher; program, Mrs. Jonathan Fisher; refresh- ments, Mrs. William Snyder; re- ception, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. l Wiltonlltse. selev tiensweel:it)14i- ser:Ezrari a:Fe;r2.vi D. W. Williams, pastor of Vietoria §,aatr44441./ilintttprothig!1,74641.'"oroettix.ot Atistory' of the }]on Tnact, telling of the 4•491....14cite „setter " G*. borne •Townshie, Michael Fisher.. On display was the .original Bfble of Michael Fisher, bearing many records. , Special Piqie,s .went to: ohiest. .Walgate Tebbutt,, 87; youngest person, Jeffrey •Paul, SQ11. of Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher; person- coming furthest distance, Mrs. Partlow, -Toronto; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Fuller; most -recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rowe; largest family, Mr. and. Mrs. Jona- thon Fisher, Mr. . and Mrs. Jim Leishman. • Results of the races were: Five years and under, peanut scramble; girls, eight and•under, Joan Fisher, Jane Fisher; boys, eight and under, Larry Fisher, Donald Rostrum; girls, 10 and under, Ruth.Rutledge, Marilyn Tebbutt; -boys, 10 and'. under, Larry Fisher, John 'Rut- ledge; girls,'12 and under, Dorothy Rutledge, Lois McMillan; boys, 12 and under, Gerald McMichael, Jbhn Rutledge; young ladies, Wilma Dale, Deanna Dale; young men, Gerald Kerr, Terry Fisher;l married ladies, Mrs. Ralph Kings- well, Mrs„ Elmer Fisher; egg on spoon,.Leonard Fisher, Ted • Rowe; kick slipper, ladies, Mrs' William Dale, Jeanne Snyder; men, Arnold Fisher, Cecil Elliott; balloon race, Mrs. Carl Fisher, Ted Rowe, •Jeanne Snyder,. Grant s.i,,sther; 1 laclies" spot uta/k-,-,•Mes.. B. . . I NO,X.hpriotp_ Nig#1040; ipar 1. ed., mop*/ race---Leongd relqber, mtr .Fishei; fe;14g watt George, Ginn,W1liap„ .Snyder, Peter Flaber. • Batt ame01' ne* year waS; Honorary presierept-, AxtOgd- Fisberri*ePident, WiWaiOpyttgi,i mice -president, Orant • N "ftetay - ah e -0C drivipg1 Power9lte `a.utomatio traneryilselon sports, Mr: and Mrs."Milton. Wit Mr. and Mrs. (Bob AlkeMithael; gram, Mr. and Nks. Jonathon Fisher, ROSS FitheT,. refeshments, lVXrs. SW, - der, Mrs,-, Treble,. Mrs. fAeonard 'Fisher, Airs. George Ginn, 13'ra...11,11-sher; reception, Mr. .and JUNB 2-1055 • Mrs, Peter Fisher, M. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder; reporter, Stan- ley„ Slarler. 0 GOING TO DE,TROIT ? Daily Greybou.nd bus service he- tweerioDetroit and Goderich com- menced yesterday for the surnuner months. .Saanis Motors is its local bus depot Bus leay,es Goderich. for Detroit at 4.45 p.m. daily. It arrives • here from Detroit at 3.10 p:m. daily. ° 0-- 0 Mrs. John Wiggins is visiting in Toronto with her son, Don, and Mrs. •Wiggins. IONMPI1*014210110011111 oesteciessossi?isteoessoluStmittossossoossidso,-64v.offsi'...• Sunsei Holel'Opening 01111■11 'Opens On June 24 FOR THE 1.25,5 SEASON. Lunch is from 12:30 to 2 p.m. and dinner from 6 to 7.30 p.m., except on Sundays when dinner is from 12.45 to 2.15 pan: and supper (our popular Buffet Supper during July and August) from 3 t,,a 7.O p.m. We also cater for special lunch and dinner parties. For reservations please telephone 643 -25-26 • - . ,10011211011111110 • N't,„,„ • t ite`' • ' • • 04..0 a • S/7 aheiad a • • • 7., • " I, 5. :IT(' ;.11i.'1•• DODGE tTRUCKS See your DODGE-DESOTO dealer!. .. • • , ad ay miluon times a day at home, at work or on the way There's nothing like a a • •I DRINK 1. PURE AND WHOLESOME Natures own flavors. 2. BRIGHT, EVER -FRESH SPARKLE . . . distinetive taste. 3. REFRESHES SO QUICKLY... a welcome lift. N.44 i* , , 'i, • . 00/ 1, ,,,,,,,, ,•'',,,--. •:. f!'• ://' ... .1: "" •• :i„,,,, '!;,:.:;•:::: .i'.1...' .,,,,, I '''''t.,;','•:•:-..;..js'.',..;,,,z.; '''t•••• -i '', ^q‘•••t s•,...• '..'„'. ,,,,',.,0,, 0 \I '.ii•- -•'''"- I 0 ' lt, II „A..; Authertsed bottler of Coca-Cokt:40det contractwith toca.colla •CAIVEPER141; TWEE,11d12 Goderioh, Opt. ake" he raghotwed • f rv , „ • , , .1. • : , •.a; ••• , a ' '• •' ", • ' --2„, tirt(in iev J?hoi.ig: ibior doasit .1c Per &mt, 454 • '11 t. 11 a a aa• 41 If