HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-29, Page 2ntelottaeel7ffzet.stolliztwae•azoolapraond 14.741.1.. etrMarretgy, BLOOD NOT WATER, -de Joseph Martini evhile in A temporary at Oi insauity, during- the eolatence a which he *.lW011aaailli Strength of the Forth, The Awful Di,soovery Guest in a also eouemitted suicide. But for the blood Loueeking through the ceiling the =Imo m ate British News, •••••••• ight on Reeteatratit. have one unnoticea for two or three days. morbid eun • ree rersons Instigated The restaurant is bmiegea by Bridge, library and bur other rooms in wleich Sir Walter's booas and persona relies ere still Ikept, Aamtesion is. to be melt on certain days of the week, eral a smallch fee arged as usual, Last year these fee a aggregated no lees then £419, which shows that the I grea.t novelist's popularity at home auti ' abroad is by -nn means on the wane. Setr-Saerittee or Th ay a Husband's tnreasouatoe Jealousy osay .1 POLO MOIDENTS Iff INDIA. I knowa thief to cverer 1,000 persons ;1111887, In England, in 1868-69 there was one see els. -Pathetic and 1;uprecellented Trag- edy, A. Very i'retty. Custom, 88 the pereentage had fallen bynearly half, 1 There is a very pretty Dui custom A Remarkable Walk, 1,943 person& The deerease intim eceivers / r 1, and there was ouly one known elief to every A. patitetie tragedy has been developed by %then the fairy sterie happens to fly down ---- of stolen goode is still greater. In 1868-09 a coronern inquest hela in London, Eng-, the chimney with a littlegirl baby, a giving Intatela ettattalaa Stra0tetTate , \yes one to eery 2a,699. In 1869 88 the . last week. The inquest wee of a most ion her upon. her first birthday eltatchingeheatthere was one to every 8,430 people ;1111837 , . t'll re usual diameter, uo less than three victims as handeoutely earved aid ornemented I as cite 1, e, , *Win., Winded in the atiliir. These were eunistances will permit. This custom hae ohe =amnion pug of England weighs but that were 1,962 houses kept by receivere a fiye pouud. stolen goods ; in 1888 there were ouly 778. Marta), is sending a thousandliogsheads The number a suspected publie, houses el wine te Anieterdane • !beer shops, and coffee shops has fallen with: in the same period from 3,197 to 7. Iii Lora Tweeadale has been appeinted her ! 1868.69 there was one policeman, to every Joseph Martini, aged thirty,four ; Viola, Ms been introduced end le repos acem,..mg e wife, and her son, a boveobout seveu years popularity in America, and nothing affords ' of age. The dory tlevelopaal by the inquiry se much pleasure to the girl, =id =matron is oue of those indeseribably tragie results as the eouteuts of her hatching thest, or or marital infidelity which the wealtnesees . iuto it goes first of all, a beautiful spoon of men rtaa women sometimes lead to. There g i veil her each year by the person whose 'was al's° an aatremelY sewaliellal leature , maim elle bears. When the little gal is 12 exposed in eannectiou with the dieeovery of years old a dozen spoons, each differing from the crime. For some weeks past the -Mar' other in design is ready for the day of tittle have oecupied a couple of rooms in a her wedding, 'Then the gift thanes to lodging -house cotheeted with a -small re- tablespoons, aid as the years ge on the etauraut such, as is known there ma, ',coffee- compleamin gradually accumulates. At the shop." The house Was Sittlateti in High' same time some adoring aunt, skilled in street, Ielingtou, and the rooms occupied by the woneauly art a needle.work, adds bit the :Martinis were iinmealately °yea the by bit exquisite sets of napery and-bea linen. restaurant. On 'Monday last oee of the Others bestow with the. chilaiat tovs awl eust°111eas seated in the retiemaa°1 felt scan' trinhets each year some ehoice piemoasilver thing drip onto him from the ceiling above, • 0, etre dish oe china, until the hatching And looliamx up evas astonished. to see a dts- chest contains a weddinl outfit of unique eooration °of the paint. He lii•et aeought there. Ilea,. ee„,„„n „4,„,,,, same., tv.,.. t'llAt tilV, tritembermaid heti spilt stone derty uterayedue' ete"eheia ttaitacena`g in' quateitia water io the nom above, but a seeaud drop, Bt perhapsabe will never nivry, von say. fell upon his baud, when he saw at once that, Well,as aniee little tot seidreeentleattagql- Mg with the old saw until she faucieashe - a tee w V; DI,OOD INSTIP-VD OP WATED had it Main : Ti is aareat Jed. beeter to • the establishment, who weut updates to see I I Now theharrors of this Hest Africantracle, Tile sharpest possible lookout is kept ou alajestes Lord High Commissioner to the Gamma Amex -ably. 1853 people ; 1887-88 tberawaa elm police. inan to every 769 peeple. Such are the lest The collection of old silver plate formed • etatisties. by a Mr. Tennent of Dunalastolr has remitted, a °mat deal of it, fuer pounds an ounce. c'Professioniai florists of England are cia- daisy, tbe eoluaibine, larkapur, hollybock, tivating oldfasitioned fiowere, such as the , there that the great market is heal= wittelt and Chaterbury bells. It is astonishing, considering tile great the agrims buy slaxesto takeback witlithem on eir return from Mecca. But slioula there ! Rev. jr, Stoddart, the perish minister of interest felt in this conutry .on the subjeet Madaerty, Pertlithere, conducted services there recently, and preached vigorously for of the sleve trade, how little is known otthe bedangereither front the weatherorthe prate aa minutes. are is 97 Years of age' i little is done to attem t it most revolting sale of ape quesstistionp,parteussihrina: suppression. cargoes auywhere to thenorthwa d of P im huity of hostile eruieeratbey williana their r er le has been. proved that it is not'necessary The general idea seems to be that toe slave- and march them up to Jeddah inlaid. Tbe Forth Bridge, Ana Edinburgh to Thorten- Africa and the Persian Gulf is the only ono vessels are net built specially foy this trade 3i1 miles -bas been aceomplishea in 35 Min, , WOrtIW of our consideration, and that if a as they are for that on the east ea:1st ;hot utee. • F certain number of British men-of-war patrol any passing tishing-hots are requisitioned by the leader of the caravan, and the pesseges An argument wilich bas exeitea much at. theanstfrom Magadoxa to Mozambique dur- tention this year in favor of the Deceased in g the south-east monsoon, and eceasionai. of the slaves are paid for a the rate of seven Natf '- a• lall • that it el I should, 1 • make a capture England has done all dans a hetd when the)" are landed on the TEE RED SEA SLAVE -TRADE Mab Bay for his emberleation, The Golf of Tajurah, being under French. Mflueuee, io a favourite locelity foe this purpose, as the French do not interfere With the trade in any way, even if they feet direetlyl eueouraee it. As Engle:41ms no treaty with France on the subject of the sleve-traele, her cruisers caunot stop vesse4 flying that flag except for the purpose of verifying their right to fly it, and even that caunat be done in sight of a French maumf-wer or of a French flag. flying ent shore. Consequently, it is a very commou thing to see a dhow - when chased. by an English man-onwara boat -hoist Pretzel), tfoloure and run in for Obokla in sight ofwhica place they know thatEoglish cruisers catalpa an Freuth =lasers will not, interfere -with them. aromthe Gulf of Tweak they liug the African coast until past Roheita, when they are_generally able tolay up to the ikortawad a Petim, and strike the Arabion coast, and bee pu be Je :lath. They nee' er make longer stretelies off shore than are allsolotely fleece. sexy, soas te be always able to nut in shore i end I Lea» nrOne moons , if there ereaar signs of danger. Theirobjeet IS alweya to mach Jeddah, if possible, asit is EY AN E.P.C-WITszss. to reduce the speed of A treat crossing the trade carried on between the east coast of distauee acroe.s the Reel Sea being so smelt ' be ready ana tuarricCa then uot to be .. ready and loft be married. assimilete her letislatith to rhat of the tat neea be done to prevent the t 111 Ue inunetlietely notitiea the proprietor ofcoast of Arabia. colonies. ra wliere the Morel rental be coming from. Het muraerous raids on defenceless the cruieingloats, ell their motions are Some New Don'ts, I a Imo were SO Mally aeOhICTAS a th,.. with its 4 • tribeS, ita etael march throw+ the desert eloselv watched. The elaves kite= well that , Unmated at the afar of one of the rooms ma • cupial by the Mertinis toask for an explan- ation, but el:tea:hug AO reply, tried to force an entranee. The lame was not loeketi„ but there was :some, 311)AtAgle whielt prevented him from gettieg it open. He marageti to squeeze ilito the room with some difficulty and a terrible sight met his gaze. The Abject . which hail kept him from .opening the door Was the body of tlertiui. and. almost cold, - witieli WitS propped up against it. aaretelied open a lounge was the Wily of the son, pretty ehila with tlexen hair awl blue eyes, with Ms throat eat -from. ear to Car. lie Vas illlite 41041 awl his eves. were wide open. - In the nil:Idle of the iloor was the 1.aly of 'eirs. Martini, the only . one of the three livino,„ Her hours were,:uevertine lees, mina feral, aut she fortuuetely se:ream:1 . long enettoll to give an Mo. of the eause of the terriale- tragedy, width woula otherwise 'har IwIlletiedletehPeetruplolleartegy.' 8.3•3"1, flle ImPe 1111-11 ceen,le et.m.. neve1 en tee ehastie. h„teheee, was riganeult les eawitag zew watt oats pea ;wooly Some philanthropic and thoughtful triena raginteutal :Polo touranniellt ut et a -mjungle, and its terrible voyIe these boats are dependent on a depot for their Suggestions for Housekeepers, tet of ucw innate " in effect following.: is mid to have mum an or; er pro* e tit a slave -dhow, have often, been never be either 1,-ery Jong or 'very far Away . • • Frederic) Roberts the Cominentler.in- 'T' g • t- bee euriehea tho %total with a 'taw- 1,111* • • t. e six weeks or more in the crowded ho supplies ut euai Eltatt tl,,.1.Ate.1`2 and oat tney l'411 I re goes kettle le hot be. pone marry tee youeg -------------. ees AW,ging such tournament& deseribed, aid are Wilde= in, all con. from it; and If the fat in the nying children are taken from his domidoos; but I hope that was partly the object of the Abyssiaien embassy 'which vieittal Zeilab in November laat • Tile question at to whether the employ- e -ea of adult negroes slayea for manual labour is.a good or a bad thing for them is one that has been much discussed in the past; but there can be no two ways of looking at the case of those nufortunate childreu„ and all Europe should rise and insist that such a scandal amnia eease. The new Treaty bet- ween Englanfl and Italy-, provides that ves- sels cerrying slave under their flags should be treeted, as pirates, and. surely yeasels under any Jam' whatsoever should be so treated when, they are eaught carrying ,OWILDREN AS snares for such, a traffie as this, 13= the 'Farkielt goveremeot seems te eensider two years' imprisonment an adequate punish, inent ; and, the Freuch government apparent. ly thinks the offence too trivial to require legislating for; while England whith has al, ways led the wayin the endeavoux to put down slavery every feria, conteuts aselt with making 'what may be called a nominal pro- test against the most horrible sidttof i and are forced to acknowledged that th bets 'WS'S have sitcom treble the zeal wed e that they breve. It is high time that this state of affairs should cease, ami that England ehould once more resume her proud position as champion a the oppressed ; and there never was a more favourable time than the present for commencing an attack upon this abominable tattle end - carryiug it to A satisfactory eon. chleiCon. Beteelealandeb means "the gate of tears," mid the mine must have fearful eigniaeance for some of these peer children; but if Perini --which might be yelled the hinges of the gate -Pi Made the headquarters of a 00014 of English heats for the.purpose of releasing the slaves, the otime ot the Strait nmy be altered to "the gate of the drying of tears." mother to tind her way home s best she The House of I. ommons has voted three MIR EVERT MOVEMENT seienee to make every man with •ordinary fore you are ready for it, put in a dry crud Venue on Dieestabliehmeut • for Seothend. feelings of humanity anxious to do all that is always reported by some ok lade nun- of. bread,. It mill not burn as long as it .has • can on al, dark night, while, without ti ought or word of apology To her he bake Tae Mat time, in Mil), the aelscioe neejurit): lies in his power for their mitigation; ens canoes whose .azeuparde .tualte awir somethine, to do, only when Ms left Idle. after. you, One of theee days,. when fieS was Ilat In 18S7 it had Wien to 41, ant DET THE MISERiES END lhing hy fisting in the Itea Sea. The, It is convenient to have iron holder novelty has Net:en off, he will leave you te, ea hit NITA sartuar still farther to 1i$, Vi. I • , carateme are - frequently kept for many attecked by a long striug to the band of the alone as best you eau, .whae seeks Mr,' Peter Clements, Pooped, Sale, le- with the voyage, and when once,a .slave„nas weeks on the coast. More favonrable apron when cooking ; it saves burned fingers selfish enjoantent at the dub,- ioria, Australia, Who died in • jemmy last, been bought in the market. his LI semi= opportunity =cure for eridearkaig the or scorched •aprons, and is alwaya at hand. Den% marry man who ellen a eanmfal has left the resiaue amount- an nithappo one. The Persiens and Arabs slaves. Aujar, Rae Stye% :and, Ron- - A spatula or. palette knife Is the hest ut, when eneeeent Ana the rale are speiten in. to 'op 0A for Nivea of the poor of Me are geed wagers, and treat their slaves well elm. are also favorite places for the ear. ", thing for scraptng batter, porridge, eta, native town of coot. Perthshire, which he and tindly soloug as they do their work, pro, eatlieg theta with good foaa and emit elothes northward of Perint even from Khor Aujan expensive, and soon awes its 'cost by pre- .ot, anti who has all the niistakee of arms, as dhows me as a rale fetch to :the from the tides of lionis pots ; le not, Atal the minleetle of Soleenou at his tonereas teet eeet. so eears ago, A fire cavor,ni in the house a zdr. ;tames as the require; allowing them to marry, and. It is little use to wateh tae point of on- venting waste. end. A copy a iutidel leinures on the lay- , . , ,r) , eonsiaering them as meinbers of their on baltation, because the sievmownere simply Keep a tamp knife ora lalifeleith a handle kir table, Instead of the faunae a' BAxter, siawareeser, neriontuomi, 4 nal 434' r itt remain ;picnic= when they kaew that the diaarent from those in common use for the very pour anatantee of a 11Appy. family life. Ilmtallre" 8cuthilla the Ilxvellts' B t fete of the mtfortanate rattans of ernisere are unite coait. Even if they have sole purpose of peeling onions, Alad SO ;IVOR r410101,•41. ind ren 1Laft marry a Mall lame inewle tenile at tlays each .other waen: his name is Mentioned, ana the Mil seT7e. slave-traue is a very oinereut engageel vesssls to take their slaves, they the ilavor aml, odor of them -where it is e „ .• •year. lly OW. It is true they are spered the eix Weeks' mike eome signal from the eirore, on eceing neither'expected nor desired. ruenatnie .S.-agirS -WON, fattisuateetted. teepee, ns - the ran aortas the Rea Sea -which theveaele you= their oramery ota a Half a - teasponliful of sugar will nearly-. An tzlbz orrespondouten-ilia:. 1 an- item eat. to titirty.sie hours ; eupniene, and when eearehal, have nothing always revive •41 41N 414'0, 41111, IMMO ENO VAL' OZ laj•Ve imilt nest., ha the ahdlipa which they undergo in to show that they had contemd. en-platefew. tlraps of mid oil withal so-eants are So thk*:'s Are now four -egg*, the snea 111 tae tla• nail and on the mareh are fully afi f,enat gaging in any but lawful business. The fella of using, and wilieb have Days' Boarel..sehooa. Boseastle, The elf is so those enatireil Icy the slaves. brought from only aance of czaching them al by a strict inaut• saa acedents, perfettly safe. e* and careful bloarade of the coast on whielt To mend a very large hole in Isocks or the -disembarkation takes place, and this- woven underwear, tack a piece of strong net with the Meths at mem, at the disposal over the aliertere Nua tient over it. Titus of the naval officers -is possible only to a mended the garnieot will be stronger than very limited extent. A meal steamantter wben new, end look far neater than if darnea able to steam. a the outside seven • knots in in the ordinary wkly. smooth water, and canying coal enough for I To keep the:: bright, green color of me - twelve Imre' continuous deeming at full mar 'calibageand eente other vegetables, boil speed, eau be Very easily located by those fest in plenty of water in Which has been whose very existence depends upon evadiug dissolved a mece of washing sodo, the WO of twelve, and the youngest barely seven yeara her, and the sailing -boats may be said to be , two peas cover until the water boas and of age, every one of these infants. hadaun absolutely useless. : I then take off the lid. If the stet= •e• eh= By the thirty-eighth annual report a the fered simian"' and indescribable cruelties, With fotne-or still better eix-powerf : in -the vabbage will be yellow And sight- Itereember thee what is WWII befure lying evoL. the few leomeared with blood. umv- , . _ ... Its ,isiti,,u i;.,b,a.t.,,i th,it, a, hal been used en:all:tee is reaped atter manage. it will 1 lea be vet,y awkward for ftvou. to be obliged. to by , w aoti;,.. „t.,t if she :me ot these days ; and, If person, but tenor:ling to her statement it reap that trop onle, four teet liont the mount an in , theeast coast, and are augmented by the %. 5, eu man) him, you will bose the most of it was Joseph alurtim who carried out the t a . - I view of the eeholare. Om: of the birds spent . faet that they are all children of tender triple exemition, and it was proved, satistia- onat gather m. at hours M the nest one day recentle- during ,years, For this revolting traffic is kept up for tonly that ehe was not in the habit of usiug Pon t marry a man whose linen is inore 1 i. 1 1 ii school hours." the purpose of supplying the harems of the collar is more inflexible than his integrity, I In the village bloaaemitlishoP at Atallem: I wealthier classes of Turkey and Arabia with her spotless t tan as e mmeter, w tose s 1 rt , m:Fr MANI) INSTEAD OP VIE LIMIT. and whOSO ueektie is the only inlaulculate • Cheshire, Eng., hard by the blacksmithat , children of both sexes, and involves cruel - The womena ante-mortem statement was thiug about him. Collars aua culla ana , bellows, a robm lum built its neat Oa a ledge ties unspeakable. Tanya/nee ehaaren to the effect thatMartini in a fit ofjealousy neckties are all very well, but they do not , close to the spot where the homes are shod: only weroreleased atAden in the year NS% inaucedby a eonfeesion which she made to ,make no a good husband, though they tio , and is now sitting upon its eggs. Neither and of these, eleven were girls. Though him mnriiered first the boy, then attempt- ; very Well on a tailor's dummy. Integrity I the tremendous din ot the hammers nor the the eldest could not have been more 'than ed to oill her, finally ,completingthe tragedy of character is as much moia important than , flying ,sparks front the anvil appear to ;Ba- by killine himself. lie tounnittea the crime these 'alines as a man is of more importanee hub the bird. Ragged school eineetwo seeiet, of Eng- and they all t'adto be Beath the hospital steam.launches such as those known in the ly lane, it appears that the weekl,y average at Aden, There, needless to say, they re- llaVy as pieltat.boats, a really efficient block. I Fasten ono of the cheap three -fold towel earninee of each boY is SOO. Of this sum, • ceived eete. Id:Tines% and were treated. ivith ado of the Aeolian emit, aould be inaintein- racket securely to the kitchen Wall uear the according' to herstatement at hersuggestion in the wor d than a dude, and the boy cousenteti to hive his life sacra fled for his mother's gnilt. They haa always -- hitherto lived a peaceable aria happy life, How to Talte Stimulants. itee.ording to the system of diyheon ..t4 Is the greatest awl . but the eonugest, child ed. ateauung twelve knots with ease, and stove anti it will serve to hang your jelly both being warmly attachea to one another, Shortly after her marriage to Martini the wo- AV honest physician will admit that the e , a • . 1 11- •. id' cl. I it b ' .10 , amid- carrying meal enough for four Clays' primer)* action of alcohol, the incitement of aloelind to pe _boy as waoes e I IS saved u for le s tort • after her militate 1 e a • tee y murdered v the inhuman enteltice re. 1. bag, whielt should be provided with foan sweetheart of her who induced her to be °ode* and mind to maketheir hest effort, can-soelet lal ' al f I* f it The' STEAnin AT rm. SPEED, loops of strong tape in place of the usual man stated that she was elated by au old 1 i in has hank and $1.18 Mantel by y, NI, 1.‘ I prom. es a com one Jle home erre. o. treatment to which the boys , , . - not be prolonged; in general the first dose stein. altp the two loops opposite each =faithful to her Mariettaavoits, The result end an everang school had been subjeeted was equally cruea these little crafts could watch the coast so excites mentally- end quickens the eiroula- ,other on the outer arms at the rail awl the duringthattion; in the tragedy. It had alwats been a Mat- 4011 on season. It ia " worn opeu, made of earned on on it small scale. The political 1 po it without being intercepted, while them it'll fl tlatl 8 " le Inult"e it" Yin4 ter of surpriseto Martini that they Waled very rough cloth, oftenest very woolly ;lark ' officers at Aden reckon that from two to superior acconneodation would render life al 1 11 il ar more convenient tl ' u ty g If vitality is so far exhaustea us to require .1 this eharp recall; combine 'with the spirit ae ittg to backs or logsof theirs. MO more childreu after the lad one, and he gray, and silk liued. The waistcoat is don. ' fil.-e thousand ehilaren aro taken acrosstho more bearable for the officers and nmn cm- 1 some absolute nutriment which will not taxTo avoid the horrible o lor a • k li. Mit too had beeu threatening form= time to have Me -breasted and cut low " There *said ' Red aee for th'e a a * is to , . , i t ursul purpose every P 3' , u largely diminish le •ed in them and we Id ' ' " the organs of digestion, Several are well . . •ft 1111 I his wife examined to discover what was the bealatle besaation whether waisteoatshould • year, and yet the market is never glutted. the number of invalids sent home from this o en s t to house 'When cabbage or other cause of this stete of Madre, I match coat or trousers. Last Year the bou. If the law promulgated et Constantino o ni station. green vegetables are boiling, follow these - • known. The gravy of beef ,cookeil rem* a 1 Fearing that this examinatioa naght re- thick , :deeplye i onn =ewes sm. --1) en a sing e ower to on ie al . ecem fee ell ft ''' 1 fl 1 tl r 1 n- 1 --1. • • -- Tb qthe am -lush Govern- o a nuts t tiring the past yen. loam thnple demotions': Pat your .co.bineolz in - • beef -steak broiled rare, and eloSely scored with a sharp knife on both heriumakin nstren - 0' I ' "Mt. and• when you 11 • boiled . - SA 0 It fiVil Stlit ill the discovery ef her sin, -the woman da the young anau with 11 ' ment et I st: 1 b I • uous e orts to i estroythis sides and Veen. squeezed between two platters _ . y_ t _, _ g a a ewer m . 3_ ( sam. umet y nmerial trade, is _ ..a , mini te * tl 11 in amoment of oyer excitement athifessed co Mb t 11 t e I b t ;I d. t b - ' I f d t • ute it a r„ a t s in the ret pot f water, lif • net as m en e o strict en at , an: maing eo-operate with • n len g 1 out, t ram for a few seconds, and piece o t it 11 on in e s ageers nee er a owl y -enforced, , most heartily by givitto information when ha or in a lemon press ; the juice of elo.ms, fresh 1 ti t f el n • • • A DEADLY BLOW thOYabtnined it from their native agents at or pet, w ne you must have full of fast -boiling water on the stove. has been struck at this traffic ; but I fear near Massowale :The kept three men-of-war ty the first water away, and boil your her husbant thate was n oysters, broiled., roasted, or oven =moo cup g rawitig e its -the clad.. ttartiei first laughed at the Room day-"roses,garaenitte, lilies -a very • - • • • ee oi cocoa, or aglass• tontaininga tee. • ' f fl " stela-, tiunlanget,unpess speoufnl og phosphates, aglass of cocoa extract • , taat those who best- know the Turkish na. . . 3 could. have deceived hire, but Oi ein4isted on pilgrimage, aid bought and maenad native beingbelieved,mdthentheraseoftheelieated. or wine, some raisins or fresh grapes, some I A:bill to -abolish suits for breath of prom - non will be the most doubtful of their bona cab age till tender ai the emend. eltheolate eaten with fruit. As soon. es pos. ise of mareia,g,e has actually been introduced, s in the matter. Slavery itself has the husband beetuue terieble. He.hatl loved the vesselsewhich cruised separately in the same sibIe follow 'this with a substantial meal of :in the Imperial Parliament. Such Actions at .aa? child, believaig him eoae his owe flesh and beefsteak- or chops and some bread itedfruit, law have become so frequent that Sir Roper directsanction of the Koaan, and the horrible way as the boats of English men-of-war. Ladies' Men.' blood, and. the affection had always lea . peactiees for which the Red Sea, traffic pro- they:would certainly join with readiness in • :warmly returned bythe hot-, whowas a very any soheme Of bletikatie that was proposed Frenchmen, Spaniards and Italians with and rest as soon thereafter as possible. ' Lethbridge has drafted a bill to pat a stop noble etheled little fellow,. and Arabia withany. of the disgust which by the, British Government, and their head- them various raee branches, are, as a' rule, - 1 laileswthere is entire collapse it is unwise to them, syhich is complete in thisforni ; "1. vides victims are notlooked upon in Turkey osnoteeao IIT HER IirSBAND'S ANGER' . they exeitein the minds of the people of gee:aces at tlaseowah would. form an ati- very agreeable men to encounter in society; Ito depend upon the actioh of stimulants. • From and rater the. passing of this aet no and seeing euethutg leat misery ahead 'for all ' civilized countries. rorelfle linkbetween England's two stations but they have literally no appreciation of When it seems impossible to avoid their use person shall be entitled to maintain ari ao. of them, the womaua'ent down on herknees If Article 7 of the -Irade were obeyed in of Perim and Sualtim. - that uneononomisingsiucerity which is the take also some digestible bread, a cracker or tion in reepect of the breach ota promise to and supplicated her h,usband to end all three the wey that a sienilar law would be by cavil .I.No putee tomtit be better adapted for the liret of the Saxon Race. With a man of the simple cake, and eat a pleen, nutritious meal marry : Provided always that this act shall ' of theirlives. The temptation which her sug - • as soou after as can be., received by the not apply to anyaction commenced before , functionaries ofta estern nations, therewould base of operations of a flotilla such as I have a.= race a spade maybe called. almost any- ystem. It is always more or less injurious to the passmg of this net." • . , be a nd of the traffic at once es all the suggested. than -the islan,d.of Perim. - It al). thing but a -spade, and he takes- it for grant - el tl t if h ll " e gestion offered was too unic for e mita drink liquor of any kink' without ments some ' her husband, overbalenced by the coialictina . sabstantialfood. ... , , emotions of which he wastbe prea,,and, seiz.-- __.--; , the knife which lay upon the table, he bade 1 the boy and lits mother to prepare for death. • .,,, .•.a: Zatn 1,,irriaole Qnstora. They all ptayed for afew minutes, and then ' ea, . . , lum at bas word have seen cause to dee I the little boy. laid down on the lounge, as - Onepart of the Zulu marriage ceremony is is lio : Y -aea from the southwYerd without undergoffig the traffic themselves * if not .actually P ' VI a ' d': d lain andhie throat -was cut very peculiar. The 'groom eomes. forward anew all tbe ft!ats twb trearS ago. At that . - . regret their. credulity. The cavalier who p y as owners or ' consignee's of the vessels, 3 y v The question whether a churchwarden solutely commands the araat of Bab -el -Man-, markets are held on the 'western • coast Of perfectly well that it iszat one, and that to hiest also be a Christian is before an Arch- deb, so that given efficient boats andofficers , Arabia, where the of the Sultan is call it so is "only Ms fun." The Spaniard whoge•hearts were in the work -and 1 ven- deacme of English 'Church. A church- ' undisputed ; but this is hardly to be expect- tells his guest that his house, his horses his warden in Wereesterehire, 'being objected to ed, as the great officials on this coast are- ture to think that there would be no lack of by the Vicki•Ohaa teibliely declared that he zaniest without exeeption-ninterested in these latter iathey were eskeafor-it would hereditary jewels ate yours, and yours done; but the few persons who have tried to take b 1 f 1 1 instantly bathe executiotter. Mertiti then end sits on the • -ground. His bride . then turned to bie wife, aral,•a,s hethought,plung- dances around him; laughing at and ritlicul- knit t her heart but went a little hire,•kicking dustin faceedisarrang- une e g eriost certainly as customers of the slave- P • makes a, morning call or writes a note of in - it. was desirable that his own chipallwarcien dealers to whose misdeeds they are cense- the Perim Coal Company, wao have always ouirv after the ball declares that he kisses ' should be a. Christian, a did nbt so much • tl ti bl 1 H th shown the greatest courtesy blase]. officers — 33 ' • biIt ing mattei about a people's churchwarden -and • , rade immensely strengthens the hands of teMPIVed in. the supreseion of the sla,ve-trade. held out a foot to accept the proffered sa- ane 1001 01 InC y me, uise below it. Satiafied that both of themwsere irtg his elegant head-dress, and otherwise th -1 's •13: • 11* d h be e,peop e c um war en e came. I was tne neadquarters of the brats of IL dead, he must then have Wined the bloody taking liberties with him intended to show . those nationswho are really in earnest about ta ' weaponuponhimself, but Mee. Murton had he is net as -yet her, master. Tee eon= Two young Bondeners hhve jett returned putting a stop to this traffic, arid few M S. liqnger last year, and they were as- lute, he wouldaetreat in ala, thinkingshe 'become uncialicious and saarnio more. If -sits silent, never replying3 and as she ceases home after a year's walk amnia Europe. • Englishmen would etre to believe that their sated by theeompeny evdry possible way, • the same spirit he telli nearly every young had gone mad or wished to insult him.- In the woman's storyas true Martini musthave , probably for theer want of breath, he arises They first walked toDpter, where thea took own country was not so. And yet to cope Their factory was always at their disposal seatedlimielf agamat'the door planing the , arid leaving the enclosure, returns almost ima the Celine boat, thence proceeding elong and withit theyhave at Aden only one smallgun- for erry• repairs the boate might require, and and good-looking woman he . sees that he • la b -and have drawn ' mediately leading an ox, called the" Ox of nearthe coast of France to Spain gnd Port. vessel. The disturbed state of English possestheir engineers would at any time cheerful- . could not sleep lad nicht for thinking of her, that if he had •Met het: earlier •in -life he weapon ulttu •J41 it out and east ittupow the floor. Martini the Girl." This ia solemnly killed and con - may have done this in orderto make the stitutes the 'binding portion of -the cere- erirne more mysterious' by so doing, as, he teeny. ' had no Meth that the real motive would. be • disclosed. IT' THE WO3KAN'S' STORY IS A FABRICATION and she really conmatted the crime, as has ugal, leaving Spam at 13aecelona belaoat to mons on the Somali coast •renclersit, neees. Y g y makegoodanY should -have been a different man that if , sary a. en s p never ewithoutdefects that would have prevented the boats . • • , • s she is so. unkind and cold toward him he Marseilles, - Then the vette lay . via Italy,th t Ad h uld b left Austria • Poland, through Moscow a,nd St. a men -of war for more than a very few days, from goingto sea. while - , • :, , , I shall. be driven to despera,te courses, that Petersburg to the Baltic, which creased. to so the only Way in whibh the senior naval , . . , rim 1,1101:1L)).33iik PO'S* StBI,', .: ' i whet she . is,preseet the other women fade : Sweden, then Germany, Holland Belgium, officer can contend withtheslave-trade is 4, .• :, . ,,, a . • - •-. into insignificaece, • that he does not know qeaning Sponges. or- leaving•Europe at Catena. A stick and a by detaching the greater number of the ,,e overeszonate z e mseettality and k-uidness whether the prinza 'dottild is singing well or When a. sponge has become slippery, end alevays shown by the manager and his sub.- i 11 b • 11 h• tt At' " eeanse e, , is a, e , len,ie,Exed upon her knapsack formed, the trayelleea leggege. • boats belonging to his ship to cruise on the ' disagreeable to the,touch the, following sim. - e, The annualeeport of the Registrar-Oreoer- coasts where slaves may be • expected :to beboats' eyebrow, or her .waist, or her au., Sze. Most been suiaposed. ba some therees still a mys- ple method' will be found,very effteaceous m al of Scotlanctfor, the year 1889 aie been embarked er landed ' • ealurge9 ° e company ' • f h a • le ' • a • ' . . • . . Th the f the ' ' ' - ' * ' ' lso was always o t e women w o ma ehis can enlarge toey unialved in conneetion• with •the case- eleansin it : Put, a piece of common. soda, published as a Pealiarrientaa'y•Bleelealt. A't ' The boats that at; be 'spited are general ' • 'list indefinitely: I No matter how pretty tea,dSetel give' them the benefit of his Skill had thavictians been maw -Mindy elaught, , . g , about the size of an.egg, into a quart of ace 1 the middle of the year wider review (tan) iy three in no -Mimi -gee stetarecutter, one - k ' • atttaetive yen ere,' therit'are in -every as and attention whenever.it was reauirecl..ana ., Med it-wtield seem impossible for them not i.ag water ; ,allow•it to stand until just brisk , the estimated population of Soothed WAS ' ten.oared,aailieg-cetteie andane five.oared- It'11- f t th t th blage fronenavfaiitY ..ie afty 'tainted equally its i oy en- th ie and, adds greatiyae , eataPanY !awes ,, mos :AR. ter have enthied the peoplein . the honse lie - arena:, wound. a, warm, by Which time the soda will .be en- , 4,077,070 ; of these 1,970,427 -were alleles and whaler, ' They are, , all ' the same length -1 expterten 1 and.ial;:leime_dical, praetitMatt e ae mad and it'iS not 'likely •that any man, e-xcept fore thea Were 'killed.' -M tirely dissolved, then pat in. the epoimee let 2,097;643 females. During, the y,ear theee twenty-fiVe feet, zind iii 'them! from eevento on who Isetitniel ' Wish d t ' '11 y e o marry you, in bneatlithe eight • arm and could -scarcely it rerfain for half oral hour, thee squeeze it, 7 were registered 122,770 births, 72,e03,d,eo,the, ,afteenfulagrown teen have to Hite and ha,ve , Tvalue as et P°4 h-grlicrik ' • It iii • .d - • spend Match time ottronale' in ve: pursuit. a centre,. , :. . • „ • , , have been triltrie"bra person using -their right • thoroughlyi extracting as much of the .elimy , and 26,318 marriages. lather: for every 100 that' being ‘detingathe hotteat time ot the -1 substaatee as possible. Repeat the .process, using clean water prepared. as. above,. ;until , , •of . estimated population there were 3.01 year in the Red aea. ' They are all open births, 1.80 deaths and 0.65 marriages. * • boats, and ' ' ' • , . theft* citify should be the; suppression orthe . , , , pendent of the atainafavereet Aftere„ .and. : , ,- ' ; :' . . 71-17 • ' ' ; . .e, one ies,,.s oa . 9 e, oge , er in ea - , .• — , a . - 111P ' Rome -Dr akin ' essm p• . " • 1 • •• HAB'FILON. SARE IN TEE HEAVY SEAS. - . • , i ' slave -tante and =thing elee ,In ' this way . . . , . , . • - 1 the sof/lige-feels sett, and pleasant to the, ;Nearly one -halt of Inverugie Castle, ear 'i ' - - .: : .- : lithe trade could be i)ractically pita an end to • 1 Women. who. do their oWe. • dressmaking . touch. remewe-„ae.'ifi are gtherally suffident 'Peterheadencotlendeha.s.been blown clown • - Pe eteh a course ,havmg• been and anticlet: squallS,. which so • frequently • as long es the bloekadeof the Arabian coas are often puzzled oyer the.nmeter of linings. t t� ilidimee- pursued.' it is' Orobable that the -women's. , -, - P . ,.., , o in. e - • it, eof al , , d ' ' wits a, it ine •• u ha re an -- • y, ' ' ' ' ' a • mut. th 8tra B ) el Men eb ,ana in i ta,.. d,j) t t g at d gei would Now take m advice, says a water in ea• to e ee ie =pose.. by the recent gales. The portion of the story wes etrietly in accordeaceewith -the • e ....ie. ' . a . e , ,... steacture which has fallen was that knotma . , the southern • part of the Red Sea., 1Theae. be the Witadreataa,Of the:an:eats 'as (mon as Philadelphia, Inquirer, and never buy black truth., iis Whee it-wa,s' teed -she* *was aware . ' ' ' • ' : • , ' • , • as the Cheyne Tower, whica epntained a cir- ate far inferior in speedto the native veseelea: the trade allowed -Cigna Otero:tend' diminu- eambricaor this purpoee, as it is very apt to hat cube staircase by which, the highest peat aff ' &Ma yeti ' I a" '' i • ' ay that, she eouldeare live tordathereforahad, no ' , ...a,tes are hew g mil they call.'1eobweb'apartieAa Biala-, a ,Yarn. the ruin, was reached. , The tower is believed . and the officers in charge. heed barely arta- tam. ' Tail,' 'Was thine in' -the et the Etna soil' the 'nederclothion. ' The double faced purpose in. making any falseStaternentsinor ' • begin to kern • sornething of :the local ' don, ,statianazt at Zarailiar:' for the suptima eilicias, which are black ow one side and fig. of aeriote coloreare unwound, one end bemg to have been erected' about 130e. Inverugieto • ' wouldehe 'have hearlikely teadeiturhet own eutrents, Sze.--- with. the 'slavetra,d'• 1 sion otthe slave-teacle, on tlie 'Mat coast a : itead Oreani oa pearl orithe Other are always . faster:Ad tothe chatidelier bathe paeloin and. Castle was the seat of Earl Marischaa, who, , otherwiee itietarhithed reputatibia he such :a ' useleas mania= file. bhir. other'purpose than the other . Mrefetinell 'Oa= the hoope, its with • his brother . (the celebrated Marshalaers are of cheese - intimately , acquainted ' Africa. As- poen as a, year Mira ine which a sate investment.: :With lece bet' grenadine any one of the transparent fabrics eilk lin- course,being asantrica,tely.deyeloped as iaos- .Keitha was .attainted, and the estates- for, -before it becomes necessary •to send, them ' fete ca,Pturee. *ere ntaele,•• It was, concluded I *or lea -vin aiiiheliestebtfasion behind her: • • g to some • cooler part.of the dation, -if,. in, : that, the slayeara,de wes'alially crushea, and ' ing is iedispensableeand care should,be tak It , e es....,,, ,. , et,,,, a , • e. , . ,-. 'elate. • The colors. Doe, divided -ameng the: ,feited, for his conneetion wita the risin of ' HE TRAGEDY es At eXISEINTEI4Y BATHETIC gudsts. . a alt's given • thee'eath .eelects his - • ' ' _aced, they have not ,so broken :clown •inl thavesael was vvithdrawhe,When the trade to setecta fast aleck. ' Fet light silks, erepee or her :corresponding 'colOr eietheeheadelier. late • Maxwell. Scott tl t ' f - , le present owner o health under the eontinuous work, anxiety, ' at once - yetiveci: with alien more , than its de chine surahs mulls ' ' d • ' be 'd ' , . , , . , , , . , , . . : , an eat ca enes, and: exposure to the terrible heat as to be original reigettr. '1,.'e' de Onsagood, the trade ' white linen or lawn 18 an excellent substitute the family. ha,ving.beeloalletrongly attached , .a;nd starts out' on, e tour to and the other end. Abbotsford, long the residence of Scotland's ' to each other and the man having hitherto The ehe finding the end ' Of the ball fleet is great etovelist and poet, Sir Welter Scott, forced • to return, 'to • Engla,nd . to recovee • Must 'be kept down with if,,, , steona hand for for silk, itnfliat lining the,skirt , of an.y limp '.. . • . • , ,, a ' borne an excellent character. He was a deelared.the wiener of the 'eoieteeta ' The 1 has let it, along with the flthinn,and shoot- • ' , e: printembeetta'an tie d of Italian extraction. rivalry as "ratite' 'decided, tend' the • 611.--- o e • ia m g ing, te. a Liverpool gentleman for Z200. a ' their strength. .- • • - enchigh yearsfor thepeorde tolearn to do material silicianpereale,eMintedcambric The 'slake' ev are brought iii cerans hm e . without slave, and so stoo thedetnand. will be found servicd4e., Th. color light gray Itseeins Mantilla thet 'ace king of Abyssin- 'may be need, but the safer Plan would be to The sacrifice of the innocent oause of all the poems most delightfully, . ailach ' guest finds year. In the lease, . however, she, reserves far inland, and niaratiaa to. the coo,st tobe em- 1 , • i trouble lends an unusually tragic cast to the at the end of his hail a beautiful little sou- I to herself the right, during the 'tourist barked, the leader of the canteen- Choosing ' lia, d.oesnot take more active, steps for the have the liningathe same shade of the dress ' • whole affair. The jury brought in a verdict venir in a small crocheted cobweb. 1 months, of throwing open to the public the as a rule some point between Zeilah and Proteetion Of his eubjects, as most of these materiel, black excepted.. hand", uelesit he liad•placedlemselfon- a, pos- ition to be elaughtered: In that case he must havelnenolacectagainst the door after- ward. ' There erzio'disterbance• of -the car-