HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-22, Page 8t-. +,n za •uv- r a.r x , 04 =4,M.1,701177 4."V Ik ANIAWViAlit gihrl r c T'P
iar;1. the Boaa'eLtl.talaireele. of Lion match with Exeter team on the ,*rounds
tree]. asci the Oe TART.O UV t`1tets Tates of the latter on Thuredey, 29th lust,
A.5'iil teetiClel,CO'1e of Waterloo eetelenshed
3a7a), A,ssurren.eeinforee,aohlee, uo, Bonuses Mr Sam well declining the appointment
every year letter 3rd year.
Collection of Wall Papers. The.
balance of our spring stock at
reasonable prices to intend-
ing buyers. Our stock ot
Croquet Balls, ,Express
Waggons and Geo-
er Farcy Goods st:t~
is complete With OUR STOCK OF
tew @,:cep- r inswol;;xs.
hold a
very suit -
obit! flue of sEE
goods for Wens- taun. STOCK 01
ding gift presenia- FinEwoaes.
ti-' os, and our album,
and hyalin book
st',:k merit afention. In
small wares our stock i e full
Paries mentioning this adver-
tisement will receive a special
tela on market days till further notice
Attractive Stock
o New S> .vivaTweecis
'1\Toilsteds E sad: Trou,s-
lugs. now being shown
wine special bargains for close cash
butters. We have a large amount of
money to make up before the end of
this mouth, consequently we are gouig
to Bio some deep cutting, U1 course
cutting prioes mens a loss. Never
Sefntl, our loss is your gain; we Ara inks
ekse Corner anti must get out, We
were never stuck yet and will not be
this time •see. if we are, Now listen
to -otne ot the BIGGEST BARGAINS
tr�ti liECU1fD:--•••All our beauulul stock
of Dress Goods to be cleared out at any
prive. We must get money ! 12o.
Dress Goods down to 7c. ; 15c. Drees
Moods down to tiac, . 20o. Dress Goods
down to 14e. ; :loc. Dress Goods down
to 170 ; we must get money. Ml our
black Dress Goods and Merves. to be
cleared regardless of cost or value.
This is a great opportunity to buy
lovely Black Dress Goods at your own
:force tremendous big drives in
dents' Furnishings. 25o. itubberine
Collars down to .12!c. ; 50o. 1' ubberine
Cuffs down to 25c. ; 25e. Ties down to
Hate. ; SUc. Braces down to 25e. ; this
is the cheapest ]grace an Canada—see
them. We must get money.
Immense values in Parasols. We can
cave you 50 per cent. on some linen
All Carpets and Curtains clearing at
slaughtering prices; we must get money
Boots and Shoes away down ; a iine
of boys and girls Boots 65c. down to
25c. LadiesTan Oxfords, Children's
Tan Oxfords, Boys Tan Oxfords; Gents
Boots of all kinds, CHEAP! UREA? 11
Come every careful buyer, came and
see hove far your money will go with us
while we are hard up for cash. Come
taxi), in the day if possible and avoid
.,t''he tremendous crush in the afternoon
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter,
in (Sever Mum.
THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1890
Crael.at, Wanting.
A meeting of the cricket club will be
held this evening (Thursday) at the band
rooni at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of
choosing a "match committee" and ar-
ranging for the match with Clinton on
Thursday, the 29th inst., etc.
Or^snize 1 Organize 11 Organize 111
.Tule that the party have nominated a
strong roan, in the person of Mr. Holmes,
let the officers of every association call a
meeting, and let us have a perfect or-
ganization. Show the Reformers no
quarter, whether their candidate be a
strong ora weal.
-man complete
a com let e
it able to bury Mr.
orient beneath a majority
Holmes oPP
two or three hundred, at the least.
There is notime to be lost. Make hay
while the sun shines.
Mr. W. J. Clarke, traveller for Messrs
R. Brock & Co. of Toronto, formerly of
Exeter, spent Sunday in town, the guest
of his lsrother, Mr. J. P. Clarke. Mr.
Clarke, we aro pleased to learn, has, .by
his affable disposition and assiduous
work, won for himself an enviable posi-
tion as a salesman. He commands a
very large salary, being one of the fore-
most travellers on the road. -John At-
kinson, who has been working in Wood-
stock, arrived at his hone id Exeter on
Saturday, suffering from a severe attack
of inflammatory rheumatism. He is con-
fined to the house but is doing nicely.—
Picnieing at the lake bas already come
of Returning officer. far South Huron \1r.
John Hannah, of Seaforth was appointed.
Master Barton Hooper of Exeter, was
mailing with some other boys on ►3'ednes
day forenoon of last Week, and by some
means broke his arm.
The uominatiou for South Huron will
take place at Hensel' on Thursday, 29th
inst., at 12 0 elock noon, and polling ono
week later, Jerre 5th.
The Exeter lodge or the Sons of England
society attended the James St. church on
Sunday last, and listened to :;u eloquent,
practical and forcible sermon, by Rev.
J. O. Allan of Landon -
At the meeting of the Official Board of
the James Street Methodist church held
Monday evening May 19th, the Pastor,
Rev B Clement, was cordially invited to
rehire to the charge for the third year.
Mrs. Annallaearthur, relict of the late
James 4aearthur, and mother of Mr.Mise.
adieux of irensall..iied on Friday last at
".Lynne Farm," East Williams, in her 59th
year. Mrs. Macarthur was widely known
and highly respected.
'Messrs Carling Bros have one of the
best bird dogs in town, and it is not a re_
triever either. One day last week it killed
about twelve thoro'bred chicks for a neigh-
bor, and for which the owners of the dog
had to pay a geed round sutra.
Saturday was market day in town—the
second since the new movement.. -and con.
sitieral,le produce was so:d• Many, how.
ever, not being satisfied with a high cash
price went to tile stores where they were
.iVeeeg one cent in ale -awe in trade.
Mr. John Merarliue and Wm. Reid of
Rodgerville, left for Belfast on Thursday
via Cunard Line. Mr. Win. Thompeou of
Hearedl also left for Glasgow via the New
York State line. Tickets were sold by the
popular ticket agent, Capt. Geo,. Kemp,xeter,
Mr. D. Tait, a ho some time ago left to
take a position in St ;ilarys has returned
to town, and says there is no place slice
Exeter. He will again identify himself
with the band end Paso ball organizations,
of whieh he had not only 1 ten an aeries;
but va'uable member.
On Thursday last Arr..elam'1 Westaway,
whiie helping lift a large eoe wheel in the
Exeter grist mill, was knocked to the
ground and severely injured by the wheel
falling upon him. His head and body
were badly cut. lie is confined to the
hones but is doing nicely.
4r. Joseph Holman, one of the oldest
employees in the McClary firm, London,
well llnnwn in Exeter. left Saturday evg
by the C, P, R. on a visit to his sou in
lritial; Columbia. No also intends to go
to Salem, Oregon, San Francisco and Los
Angeles, California, to see leis brothers and
sitters. All wish Joe a pleasant journey
anl'eafe return.
The Liberal Conservative Candidate for
South Ilerou will address meetings on the
stirring questions of the campaign at
r the following planes:
Z arna
23, Dixon's tlall,Brucoleld
24 Wes en's School Rouse 2:30 p ni
24, Cook's Sehoot House, Goderieh town-
ship. 7:30 p. m
2F, ( Afternoon) Turner's School House,
=0. (Evening) died Sawed .kfcuso, Tucker-
', 23.T wnflai1, Bay geld
" 20, (Evening) Lumley
"' 30.8 isle 33oBall,Dashwood
Juue 2. Township Ball, Elioxvlle
'" 3,Farcluhar
Except where otherwise mentioned, all
the above meetings will be opened at 7.30
o'clock p.m. The Nominee of the Reform
Party or other Candidates cordially invit.
ed to be present and address the meetines,
Ladies are especially invited to attend
all these meetings,
Exeter Municipal Council.
Met Saturday evg. pursuant to adj=on
ment, ,Alenebers all pre'eut except Mr.
Ross, who is at present absent from town,
;Minutes of previous meeting read and
Spackman.---Bissett:—.-that orders be
granted for the fodowiug sums :-.•Mrs.
Piper,, S3 charity ; H Jlcl ntosh.42 charity.
Spaekman•.-Oke--that the clerk be- in
strueted to order 81500 feet of tile; 40
twelve inch tile with six inch junctions;
3 twelve ineb double junction T's; to be
got from the Toronto PL Hamilton Co'y,
who offer the tile at 23e per foot; to be
used in the drain on Main and aim streets
Stark Clark appeared before the council
seeking aid, and especially asked that the
council provide him with a building in
MAO) be might carry on his work. The
membera of the Board were unanimous in
their refusal, holding that Mr Clark was
quite capable to taking care of himself in
every respect.
Biseett—Spackman--that $5 reward be
offered for the apnrehenbion and conviction
of any persons found breaking windows,
street lamps. or destroying village or pri-
vate property. --.Carried.
Persons who are in the habit of damping
yard scrapings and other refuse on the pub -
lie highways. erg cacti sated to discontinue
the prau tile. as iu future all offenders in
connection will be punished.
Upon enation the commissiouer was in -
eructed to procure a Place to dump refuse.
The council adjourned to meet on. 27th
May, immediately after tbo Court of Re-
lion Thos. tircentsay, Prouder of Alani- •&Rejected Poem,
vol?.i, , v
itisro. rota were never brighter
than eminent general ,indicate this aping. To the Editor of the Ratter Time.
Vast progress was male in seeding. opera. Sir.,—I sent you a poem last week and
times, and the grain being put sae the asked you to publish ;t in your paper..
ground under good anapioes and the subse- You declined and returned it to me with
quent rains having been plentiful and warm the crushing reply that I was no poet, and
the yied promises to eclipse anything; that you could turn better poetry out
ever heard of of a sausage machine. No I won't be.
Rev. Jas, Cook, of Hoasall, gave a crushed, and I propose to show up your
stereeptiean entertainment iu the Muin attempt to throttle building genius. Pub.
St. Methodist church on Wednesday even- list; this card and the following poem in
Ina of last week on the sulijeetof "Wesley your paper, and charge me emir full
anal His Times." The address wassuccess. advertising rate,
fully illustrated by the aid of his lime yours in Haste.
lights, and on the whole proved very in- I stood upon the ocean's sandy beach
teresting. The attendance was not es. And with a reed I wrote upon the sand
pecially large, and those absent deprived these words :
themselves of a rare treat. Agues I love thee;
At the annual meeting of the South But the winds came and the waves rolled
Huron Reform Association held at Hensall mountains high,
last week, the following officers were ap• And blotted out the fair impression.
Nninteal; Dr. Browning, Exeter, President. Cruel waves, treacherous sand, fragilereed,
ice -Presidents :—Seaforth, W. M. Gray ; No longer will I trust thee ;
Exeter, B. H, Collins ; Ushorne, James. But from the highest mountain peak P11
Haeknov; Tuckersmith, W. Doig God- pluck the tallest piece,
°rich tip., Capt. McDonald; Hay, Dr. And clipped in the crater of 'Vesuvius
Buchanan ; Stanley, A. M. Campbell; with it I will write
Stephen, T. Ratz ; Bayfield Dr. Stanbury. Upon the high and burnished heavens,
Secretary, E, Roberts, Exeter; Treasurer, these teniier words.
Dr. Buohanan, Hay. The Big Bankrupt Store is ltoldinrt the
Every well ,regulated newspaper takes a ' biggest low priced sale of shoes ever hell
pride in having reliable correspondents, in Exeter. They are now offering boots
who give interesting items of news, free and shoes so low their cheapness will al -
from personal drives. But every settle- most take your breath away. And I
ment has a Merry .Andrew as well, who would like to see any dog -gone wave wash
takes a delight in wounding people's feel- that out.
ings by writing mean little items, and hav-
ing them so well covered as to lead an
ordinary reader off the track Tin Tense
has of late been bothered by such •a per-
sonage, but will not in the future. The
capacious maw of the waste basket will
deal with his unrivalled productions . here-
The Neepawa Register of last week
says : "Mr. F. Skelding is having, to say
the least of it, a remarkable sleep. For
the last 40 hours up to last evening he had
not been awake, all told, more than an
hour and a half. During the fore part of
the week he had a cold, but otherwise he
was as well as usual.. When wakened
Wednesday morning he expressed a wish
to be let sleep. Since than he has only
awoke when shaken violently, and goes to
sleep again as soon as he is left to himself.
ae eats and seems to be in good health
and is resting comfortably. As we go to
prey; Mr Skelding is still. steeping. This
is one of the predicted results of la grippe.
A sudden death moored at Clinton
Monday morningin the- person of 1). M.
Maliock, aged 56 years. Deceased had
been a resident of Clinton forabout twenty
years. He became headmaster of the
Public School, where be remained until he
was appointed Public School Inspector for
North Huron. which office he held until,
his death. He was .a . prominent Mason
and high up in the Orler, In politics he,
Conservative,and was well andMr. Thom o o 1
was a ps n f,C�Vi hur, Nebraska, who
favcr:.gl known throughout he countryhas been visiting friends in this' '
yt', vicinity, for
intellectual abilitiesof". a 'let
as possessing i stns a come time, ton Thura:lay for Giaagow.
high order, and as a man of the strictest There died. in Clinton on Friday, 16th
integrity and morality. He ,leaves a wife May, Mrs. Samuel Fitsimmous,` widow of,
and a son to mourn their loss. the late Samuel Fitsimmons, aged 70 years
"iilr. Musgrove, the Conservative can- Burial took place tto Clinton cemetery 'en'
didate for East Huron, was once called in Monday, a large number of relatives and
to la school examination at in
to at nc Wing friends attending. Deceased ,was one; of
ham. One of the scholars failed to pass a pioneer residents of the county, was born
certain examinatian, and at its close., the j Fermanagh, Ireland, and came to this
father of the unfortunate scholar came up country with her parents • in 1336and
to Mr. Musgrove and. said :—"Well, if my shortly after settled in Goderich-
boy failed to -day,. he will pass yet,' for I
thatshall grow n to a The band have engaged Miss Laura 'Mc -
am determined he s 1 p �� 1) . Minis, the whistling: soloist' to give am
a second Edward Blake."That' boy is entertainment inDrew's:Hall .on gat d'
the' Conservative candidate in South Huron ' lir a -
at the present election,'J. G. Holmes and evg., May 24th'.. las sa 1mpannis ' is supp-
orted by a first class' company, and e
as Mr. Musgrove tolls the story himself, it
has' an interest in beingrecounted ;'at the. who wish te, have a rare treat will do Weil
present time." -Clinton New Era.---Yes;to see her. What the Toronto World shy
Mr. Holmes' father is a Reformer, 'but about her.:— •
,The feature of the Opening, however, was
Mr. 'Holmes, being able to think for him- the whistling of Miss Laura aioManis,a oharm-
seltard becoming convinced of the crook- ing little lady from Indianapoile, with ,piano
edness of the Mowat government, left. its accompaniment by 'her sister.' She gave un
ranks and helped to inaugurate the Equal,
operatic e :tarts -Med
the audience -cumin by request,
Was well'
Rights platform. • epeeive4•-TorontoWorle, w
winsome vs Down,
This is an action brought up by Mary
Ann Williams of Philadelphia, to set aside
the will of the late Jelin H. Tynon, who
died in. Exeter in March, 1838. The
plaintiff is a sister of the deceased and the
defendant is his wife's son and executor of
his last will In the last will the property
was left to the deceased second wife and
she dying almost immediately left the
property to her son, the defendant. The
plaintiff held that the deceased was not of
sound mind,and that undue due in$nence was
brought to bear upon him when the will
produced was made.' The former willswere
shown by the plaintiff by which she was to
obtain more or less important life interests
in the estate. The plaintiff's witnesses.
gave their testimony, which being of an
adverse complexion, the Judge suggested
that the counsel hold a conference. The
conference was held and the parties agreed
to compromise the suit by dividing the
estate. In this Mr.: Down has shown him-
self to be a perfect gentleman, for hurl the
case gone on, it would surely have been
decided in favor of the defendant, as His
Lordship had intimated that the evidence
in behalf of the plaintiff was poor indeed.
B. 13. Osier, foi,plaintiff ; R. H. Collins,.
for defendant.
Tom' 1)S 0-003:DS
We are showing the largest and most taking
ever exhibited in this vicinity. We import these goods di ::
from the old. country Don't fail to see our special line of all -wool Henrietta OloCloth
in all shades, one yard and a quarter wide ,.for 60o. per yard. 'We also. lake a
specialty of .DRESS ROBES of all desCriptlous, Swiss embroideries braided
Oheneille trimmed, hand worked, etc,, etc,
We can show you just what you want and at prices much below the le-. alar figures.
a cash for all our goods and bybuying r �' We
pay � y- �; from us you can save a large discount.
Boots and Shoes Ready-made •. � made Ciothingf Crockery,
Glassware, and Groceries at rock bottom prices.
Gold Watebes
We have just completed
the purchase of alarge Whole-
sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen-
tlemen's gold Watclies, and
are now offering our custom-
ers these goods at prices
never again to be egmtlled,
With those of our Exeter
customers who cannot con-
veniently visit the city at
present, we will be pleased
to open correspondence and
forward goods on approbation
to reliable parties. Our ex-
tensive business, wholesale
and retail, enables us to sell
goods on easy terms of pay-
ment. It will pay you to
write or call nu us. Here
since '55.
N. B.--l,.asonic aprons,, best
quality, $2.5p ea.
A. MORYHY & 00.,
Cor. Richmond anis Dundee Sta.
London, (it.P
Board of Trade. 1+'
The annual meeting of the Board of
'Trade was held on the 14th inst., having
been adjourned from the 7th
Messrs. I. Armstrong and E. J Spaelc
roan were duly elected members.
The council reported that the village
council bad given the Board permission
to erect the market building on the town
hall grounds. with the privilege of realm, -
Lig it should the market be discontinued
for G months.
The Treaaurerppresented his report show-
ing a balance on stand of $24.15
The annual report of the council Mea
presented, of which the following .is a
The council in presenting .their first
annual report, refer to the fact that the
Board was organized by the local business
men far the purpose of increasing trade by
the establishment of manufactories and by
any other legitimate means, also to en-
courage the country trade and to advance
the general interests of the village. Re-
ferring to the grain trade of the past year
it is shown that the light yield and poor
quality of the wheat, combined with the
low price which ruled all through the win-
ter, wore the partial cause of the dullings
of trade, the compaaative'y open, winter
having also its effect in the same direction.
Neither have farmers realized remunerative
'prices for 'their stock. Horses and cattle
have both been below their normal values,
though the markets both for grain and
stock are now showing= upward tendency
of which the farmers: should reap. the ad-
vantage. The Board urge upon the
farmers the necessity for marketing their
products in the best possible condition
This applies especially to the products of
the dairy, where improvement is greatly
needed and will well repay ,the extra at-
tention given. The establishment of the
Cash Market . on the town 'hall grounds
should be au encouragement in this respect.
Poultry, butter, eggs and all;favm produce
except grain, wool and dressed hogs may
be sold on this market every Saturday be-
tween the hours of 7 and 1 ea:lock ; should
this market prove successful a more com-
modious building will be :required. The
stock fairs already held have proved sale,
factory, and it isintended to continue
them after the summer. There has been
no lack of buyers, but the quality of;horses
offered has not ,been•quite up totheir mark.
The efforts of theBoard to :'induce . manu-
facturers to settle here have se far , not
been successful,+the; exemption offered from
taxation being offset by b
bonus so fre-
quently given
r -quentlYgiven her, o h.
er towns. The flour
now" being placed in an
mill isefficient
condition to do a large business under the
roller system ;: this will be an advantage
Beth ;to town and country: The council
report, that after drawing the attention of
the G.T.R, totheexcessivefreight charged
on smelt packages, he rate ha
a been re
duced to its former figure of a minimum of
35 cents. The Vice. President, Mr. Par-
kinson, who •was :sent as a delegate to the
Hamilton , convention of merchants, + re-
ported a strongfeeling there in favor of
shortening the, terms of credit and,of pre-
e•eventing• the injuryto trade caused,; by, the
sale of bankrupt stocks. The establishment•
of a highschool has been considered by.
the Board and the subject wile shortly be
brought before, the,;uotiee of the ratepayers.
An attempt, is hoeing made, to extend tele-
graph and telephone facilities to sonic of
the neighboring villages which are at
present without them.: The council in
closing their report call for a better at-
tendance of
ttendance''of business men of the Board at
Children Cry for Ptcher's Castorili
Of Carling Bros, by outti .g out this picture
11,0 competitor eau get ahead of Qarliu
Bros, in: any other way. g
00a0000 00 0000000000 0 00000
ooe00000000e000a00000oa0000000� oo
that is a good motto to hang up at home --specially to
married women and children,
Brass is a good deal of a titterer yen know..
tion intended on the glittering promises beinmade byothers. rFflee
Carling 3ros, Have Sex . Silent,
Long enough, because noise lies an influence with some and e(('��
believe thatp "�if'e s y
v Carling Bras, are silent because they have nothing to say
to the blatant boasting of those who claim all duality and cheapness as
their own.
We can bury competition—not with blow and bluster blgdee;s.
Quality for quality and value/or value. We will meet and beat any
prices made by those who vaunt the cheapness of their goods, We
back this speech with our entire stock, not just only with a few lines.
Highest cash price paid for eggs at all tunes.
Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the
Genuine Lardine.. Also Cylinder, Wool and }farness Oils.
the general meeting. •
The election of officers for ensuing year Cash For
resulted as follows :-Pres., R. H. Archer;
Vice -Pres., J. Matheson; Sec'y, B. W.
Grigg Treas.; B. S. O'Neil. Council :—
J. A
Stewart, Gould,J'Far _'
Farmer, J. '
J. Grigg, J. W Biownin D9 '
! A. Q• BOI3IER, having leased Drew's
The Exeter band attended the Heparin Block, will be pleased to pay
races yesterday.
Persons going abroad will do well to
secure their passage ...via,...via,the. Vancouver
Rep.], Mail Ship,
from Monte
al on Wed-
e _nesday,
May 28th,' Tickets from Capt.
'Geo. Kemp,- Exeter.
1 •.
at al
t}mes•for buttex'and;eggs.
.A. Q. 13OEIER,
RED. W. FARNCOMB, May 1st, '90. `• Drew's Block, .r+'xeter.
Provincial Land ,Surveyor and Civil - ,, ,. ,
CI II En ,q.. r
I .
Office, TTpstairs.Samwell'sBlock, Exeter. Ont. ' THS
Teacher of painting, including pencil draw-
ing -crayons, water colors, and oils ; • also
China decorations, silk, velvet, eta.Puoil of
late Prof.'Chapman.flelmuth Coll op. ,London
Terms moderate:'elle Rectory. liirktont-lm
Good Salary and,Expen'ses. or Commission
paid to the right men. 1 want :men 25 to 50,
years of ago' to sell a full line of first class
Nursery Stook. All stook guaranteed. apple
at once, stating age and references.
C. L. BoOTRBY, Rochester, N. Y
Will stn o '```
a df r<the rmprovement of stook this
seasbn at 13issett's Livery Stable,Exeter.
Packs � ,
Cards, s FREE
One Pa.ak, May, I. C- U, Home: One .Pack
Escort; One Paok; Flirtation; One Pac"k,•Eo]d
to the light ; One;Paok, ' Our Sof Justholds
two• One sample book full of Novelties, all
FREE if you send 5e. silver; for postage.
.A. "ea.':,g2N/e7`>T,,' ; Yatmouth. N e,