HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-06-02, Page 9BU15INE8a DIRECTOlT ELERBERT rt. SUCH, D.O. Doctor of Chiropractic. OM* Hours: Mon., Thurs —9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m, Wed. do Sat. 9 to 11.30 atm. Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South St. and Britannia - Road. Phone 341. -Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 17 Montreal St., Goderich Ronald G. McCann PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: 561-455 Office: Royal Bank Building Res: Rattenbury 4t. • CLINTON ONTARIO HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11.661 ,or FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. HURON GRAIN' OMEN NAW LIFE* BY RAIN Rain during the past week all OM the county has .giveaa, new life to spring grains 'and hay and pas -- tore fiends. Land for corn and. white beans •is now workiaarg up better and,eseediing acts earn is gen- eral all over the county, G. W. Motitglolmery, Agricultural Repre- sentative for Huron .County, says in hips weekly Crop Report. Two hundred and seven, contest„, ants took part in the annual Coun- ty Livestock Judging Convpetition. Hensall and 'Clinton Spring Shows both had good exhibits of live- stock with average attendance, The. Hensall Feeder Calf Olu!b Show and Sale saw 98 calves sell for an average of 2114 •cents per pound, with the grand champion cal sell- ing for 30 cents per pound and the reserve for 28 cents. U '0 'o NEW OFFICERS FOR NEXT TERM NAMED BY CLUB o 0 The following slate of officers for next term was named at a meeting of the Lions 'Chit on Fri- day 'night last: esident, Mery Stephens; first vice-president, Andy Boutilier; second vicepresident, Glen Gardiner; third vice-presi- dent, William Lumby; secretary, Bill .Gardner; dues secretary, Bruce 'Armstrong.; treasurer, Howard Heath; assistant treasurer, Art Waters; Lion tamer, Frank Curry; tail twister, r Edgar Pri d�ha , m, assist- ant, Bryan Ainslie; directors — Alex Alexander, Darby Garland, Malcolm Mothers and Matt Ainslie. Past president is George Filsinger. COUPLE HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, of Lucknow, were honored on their 48th wedding anniversary by a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonagh, their son-in-law and .daughter. Mrs. Anderson is the former Ruth Girvin,, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Girvi•n of the Nile district. •• AGENTS NAMED Election agents in Huron are Eugene Beaver, of Exeter, for Thomas Pryde and John Arm- strong, of Londesboro, for James Scott. Businesses and industaies .of a towns and villages are being dus- Y;:.. e./,. ...:*tic}>}:45.'.' iY•: in > d• `. .. h .k <Jd .,G , . G;:: .: �,�{.+: C++:>.:r.<>:. .. ., .G}.Y •: .. , Sixty-two members of the Student Leaders' Club, sponsored by -the University ,„of Western Ontario and The London Free •Press were guests in London on May 20. In the above pidture front row, from the left are John Darling, Durham; John Hunter, Arthur; Robert Mann, Listowel; George Hamilton; Guelph; Neil Widmeyer, Hanover; William Yungblut, South Huron District High School, Exeter. Middle row, from the left are John Hinchley, Owen Sound; Bill Gottschalk, Kincardine; Douglas Lawson, Meaford; John Krug, ChesIey; Allan McCharles, Ripley. Back row, from the left Ronald Steepe, Clinton; Bob Yungblut, Goderich; .Murray Kirkby, Seaforth; Mack MacDonald, Lucknow; !Norman Thompson, Guelph: Liberal Leader Lashes Conservatives dor Lack Of Ontario Administration A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 39 West St. Goderich Phones: Bus. 343 House 920 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and sati.sfac- i tion Guaranteed. none 1100 for appointment SQUARE w- GODERICHt Stanley Jones tells of being on a plane en route to Europe. A team of U.S. skaters was on board on the way to compete in the Olympics. When the steward of the plane passed out cocktails—a vicious custom where the non- drinkers pay for the drinks of the drinkers—he came to this Olympic team and remarked, 'Of course these will not take any,' and the coach nodded agreement. If they had they would automatically have ruled. themselves out of the severe competition. Pruning away handicaps is a "must" for Olympic competitors— indeed for all who • strive in sports to reach the top. ° Surely in the severe competition of mod- ern living this "stumbling block" should be avoided by all youth. Very often the one who' begins as a cocktailer only,"becomes one of life's tailenders. This.. advertisement sponsored by Huron County Temperance Federation (By Signal -Star Staff) Lashing out at the Conservative Gosernment for what he termed "lack of adnr"irristration," Hon. Farquhar Oliver, Ontario leader of the Liberal party, called for a "reassessment of the highway problem in this province" in an •'"address last Thursday night at a rally in Goderich Public School auditorium. Mr. Oliver, speaking in support of the Liberal candidate in Huron, Jim Scott, .and the Huron -Bruce .candidate, Hugh Hill,. called for• a revamping of the Highways Department and the setting up of a new approach to highway coustruetion. • Probe Halted . Referring to the !highway scand- al, Mr. Oliver charged that the Conservative Government - had . stoppdd the investigation into it before the probe was finished. "The Government shut off the whole, work, of the investigating Committee and must bear the re- sponsibility," he said. "If the Tory Government is able to stifle the truth, one of the basic principles of our democratic in- stitutions has been violated," he said. "It has -always been the right of the Opposition to probe -deeply and thoroughly into all regularities." He charged also that a lot of money had been wasted in high - WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE SEE Get Insured—Stay Insured . Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 268W Backache is often caused by lazy.kidniay action. When kidneys get out of order, excess adds aria wastes remain in the system. Theta backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER way construction. "Somewhere along the line there are links miss- ing and thele had been lack , of administration," he said. "At the end of 12 years in power, the Gov- ernment is in such a mess that we've had the greatest scandal in the history of the province." Mr. Oliver lashed out also at hydro reconversion done by the Canadian ' Comstock Company, charging that the firm •had been wasteful. He said a "loosely - drawn agreement" had been made between the Government and the company. A Liberal Government, he prd- eialsed, would revise and revamp the contract. Speaking on education, he said that the Government's policy was one that .left' "a lot of room for improvement." He said that the Government should be copdemned for lack of appreciation for the searcity of school teachers. "This year the Minister of Education is right up against it. The teacher shortage Problem ,should have been; corrected years ago. He suggested that some of the • financial burden caused by the cost" of education must be lifted Pram the shoulders of municipal tax- payers. "The mun>ic>,palit!ies, are, not getting a square deal from the „ province," he said. Nix Promises Premier Frost, he said, has told the people that a 'health plan' is coming, but he has made no pro- mises. "He has just made a re- statement of what' he said in 1951• •and what he said in tlfe Legislature last year: Actually, all ;Mr. Frost said was that a health plan was a good' thing." Mr. Oliver did not proise, how- er,. that a Liberal Government .,•would provide a health plan, but he said that it would be "willing -to-werk'-en-a national scheme with Ottawa." He 'added, "It's not our plan at the moment to bring in a - provincial health plan."' • The government must be ,brought back to the people, he concluded, so than there will be nothing hidden from their view. "It's time for a change in Ontario y to a part"with new ideas," he said. Mr. Oliver was introduced by Benson Tuckey, , of Exeter, and thanked by W. H. Robertson, of Goderich. - Mr. Scott, who was introduced, by A. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, charged that the province had been • crlinirtated against under the pre- • sent county equalized assessment system, lgayor J. g. fiuekins, of ,Goderich, charged at the • jnual ,meeting of the town and village section of •the .;Ontario, Municipal Association held in Paris on Wed- nesday of .cast week. 'Mayor IHuelrins, who was unable to attend because of poor health, sent his address to, the meeting where •it • was read by 0. Ff. Ken- nedy, clerk of Hespeler an seere- taryy-treasurer of .the association. He icomtended that a farm was - as much a 'business as any store or industry in a town or village. These, are assessed a business tax for county purposes, while a farmer is only assessed on buildings and property basis. Claims Unfairness As a solution to the situation, MayorIiuckins swggested that 'business assessment be left out entirely for county equalized as- sessment purposes. He claimed that unfairness existed in farming businesses not contributing to the ,county finances. The chairman of the association, Mayor George Kemrp, of Dun das took Mayor Huckins' argument farther and pointed out that he felt the present system of assess- ing businesses was all wrong. He said there was inequality in tax- ation to a 'business withz a large turnover operating in a small store as compared to a businiess that required a large store but still had a small turnover. . Answering Mayor Kemrp, Eric Hardy, secretary of the OMA, said the provincial municipal relations committee, which has OMA .r-epre- sentation, has businessassessment under consideration but has as yet been unable to arrive at what it felt was an equitable basis of tax- ation.- He did not agree that the abolition of the business tax for county purposes was the complete answer, as he held, the problem was much more complicated than that. •The discussion ended with un- animou•s approval of the following *notion: "That municipalities in the• county pay county .rates only on ordinary assessment of lands anidv buildings," which resolution will be submitted to the ' parent body at the convention in North Bay. MARK ANNIVERSARY Anniversary services will . be held in ,Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday neat, June 5, at 11. a.m. and 730 p.m. Rev. William Henderson, of Walkerton, will preach. *Mkt( TO NORTH xonsts'ble Hugh 0• ga , Will0has been stationed 4It Malars, Yukon Territories-, `is ho - on leave. for onth,, and 1.146 " een Take advantage of these big savings! Place your order now at today's. low prices. Have your supply of colour -marked 'blue coal' on hand .w• when you need it. Make a small down payment now—and spread the balance over many months. Order now! CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. PRYDE & SON General Insurance --Real Estate West St. Goderich • G. B. CLANCY Optometrist—Optician (successor to the latle A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, ' Goderich. ,EXETER LOCAL .REPRESENTATIVE ALEX SMITH GODERICH • 146 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 158 Features Fast, Friendly Farm Service REPAIRS — Home; auto, tractor, SPRING PLANTING — Sprays, barn, machinery, etc. fertilizer, seed. PAINTING — House, farm build- ' LIVESTOCK — Poultry, cattle, Logs, implements, etc. • horses, sheep, etc. • T s-zsonat likes to make loans to farmers. Cash promptly. Bankable security not required. Write for loan entirely by mail! Or phone first for 1 -visit loan ... or come in today. Loans $50 to $1.200 or more on Signature, Furniture, or Auto �(OMPA"'' �J,fs'IRA,t° Jince. 9? NEADOARCPWATERLOO.ONTAR/0 21 DOWNIE SL, 2nd FL., (Above salt ops) ST'RATFORD Phone: Strotterd` ,. Ask lei the YES NI!ANager OPEN- EVENINGS by •,t.PPOIN'tMENT--- PHONE NOR EVENING HUS loads made to retidifitt of ell surrounding tewne • Portend Finance Company ot'2anada M. ROSS Representative EBB ROSS Stays: With modern life insurance; you don't "die to win". More than half of all life, in- surance payments go to living policy - owners. Let's talk about the things, you can do at retirement with an assured income. Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 EDWARD COAL PHONE 98 Co. GODERICH • JIM SCOTT "mismanaged and badly misman- aged in the 12 years we have been unfortunate enough to shave had a Conservative. Governanent." Referring to the Government as a "straw man," he 'said it was fall- ing apart at the 'seams. "Smelt End" He reiterated a stand made in earlier addresses that ,the riding of .Huron was getting the "small end of the stick!" He noted that the per capita grant made this year to Goderich• amounted to about $1.75 per per- son. while the grant to Toronto was approximately $4 per person, and said that there would have been a difference' of about two mills in the Goderich tax rate if Goderich had received a capita grant on the same basis as Toronto.,"That should be proof enough tat we're not getting our share," he said. No. 8 Highway in Huron County is in the "most deplorable con tion, of any 20 -mile stretch tha. have ever had the misfortune 'to travel over," he said. "And the tender for paving the Seaforth- Clinton stretch hasn't been called yet. If a road can't be cornpleted in three 'years, then there's some- thing wrong." There had been much talk of a new bridge on No. 21 Highway in the Saltford area, he said. • "At least four surveys have been made for that bridge, and • still -nobody kh'ow:s where it's going to go," he said. Speaking of school grants, he charged that Huron municipalities were getting building aid grants in "bits and pierces" until deben- tures for new schools were paid off. Hits Hydro Mr, Hill's chief criticism was of the rising .costs of hydro. "Rates have gone up consider- ably and hydro has become a political football," he said. "Thirty cents of every dollar the Hydro ' Electric Power Commission col- lected goes to pay interest charges on 'hydra."' Mr. Hill wasCliff introduced by Dunbar, president of the Huron - Bruce Liberal Association. Civic greetings were extended by, lVLaryor J. E. Huckins. Chair- man of the rally was Harold Shore, president of the Goderich Liberal Association. b - o 0 "How is your wife?" the man asked an old friend he hadn't seen for_years. "She's in heaven," replied the friend. "Oh, I'in Sorry." Then, realiz- ing that was not thething to say, he added, "I mean I'm glajd." And that. was even worse. Ile finally conte ' out with, "Well, I'm sur- prised!" . At the end of the day there's nothing more cxciring than Dad's voice to report when he will be home for dinner. It makes such a big difference to little people who have waited all day for Daddy's voice. It makes a difference to your wife, too—she likes to have some warning when you have peen delayed: This is just one of the counties§ ways your telephone pays its way as it makes life happier, easier, more secure. •