HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-06-02, Page 5•
tw z1,.
' IW N, June: Leeseoa atala-
tions to Mri'ss Bose Marie- griSholm,
of Goderich, formerly of this dis-
trict, Whet was a reember , of the
graduating clans of St Joseph's
Hospital, -Linden,
�,? ,.. lad We+bday
evening. Mrs and Mrs, W. J.
Meyers, John, 'Norine and? An.q.
and Mrs. W. Chisholm were pre-
een't at.:the gradua:.tioh eeereises:
Wedding •bells are 'ringing for
Miss Joan Clark this week. A
trousseau tea was given in her
honor at her 'home last Saturday,
when.. her mother, Mrs, T. Clark,
,assisted by the groom's mother,
Mrs. Gibson, of Wroxeter, received
the guests. Tea was poured by the
bride's grandmother, Mrs. Jr Clark,
of Goderich, in the afternoon, and
in the evening by the bride's aunt,
Ma's. A. W. Young.
Mrs. John' Quaid, Betty and Rob-
,lr'lbie, of Sarnia, visited with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Bogle, ever ,the week -end.
quoid enjoyed a fIsht lg trap to
the north..
Mes,lienderson. Young and John
are visiting.' with Nfr: and. Mrs.
Tait 'plank and family, and will
also visit her sister, Mrs. James•.
Greene Mr.. Green and _Peter, of
Goderich, .before returning to her
home in Toronto.
Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Kaitting,
of Goderich, are moving this week
to thetir new home at Dunlop, the
f mer
p opertY. The oc-
cupants, Miss Ellen Healey and
Mr. and Mrs. William Tamin,.ar d
family, recently moved to Gode-
rich. -
Fred Gliddon visited in Mitchell
on Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
S. A. Hewitt.
W.M.S. Meeting. — Mrs. J. Mc-
Bride, Carlow, was hostess for the
May meeting of - the Leeburn, W.
M.S. Mrs. Lock Cook was leader
of the worship service and Miss
Belle Shaw read the Scripture les-
sort. Mra, Sa1h ws an I 11/4,
Bride Sang ;a duet, alai,. it. Clark
read : a nlaapter- from;. • the,. sib*,
book and. 14r 1 1Jl ows . ave a
humorous reedin r 'Alticles were
brought in for' tl (bale which was
to .be ac k e -Mr NI' .
p am,
s �ef3a�d�, Mrs
Gising axed Mrs . Cock.. A get -+wed•'
'card was sent. to Mies Lizzie- Hkir,
ton, Clinton, and during lunch
hour "Happy. Birthday" was sung
to Miss Helen Clark, who was obs
serving her 80rth birthday • that 1
week. The.hostess was assisted by
.'rs. Sallows and Mrs. P. McBride,,
The ladies ,• are "Merited to hold
their June Meeting at the home
of Mrs. Elnaer Hunter.
"Everyone likes a sympathetic
listener," says a psyoholagist. As.
,long as he doesn't interrulpt, ,al-
most everyone likes a listener,
whether he's sympathetic or nota'
a . 0 0
Signal -Star classified' ads , bring
How valuable is your driver's licence?
Does your job or business depend omit?
Do you really need to drive?
Does that vacation you are planning include
the operation of your car?
THINK Don't take' your .licencey.far: granted.
The operation of a -motor car or motor truck is a
privilege which can be suspended.
REMEMBER • Your driver's licence will be
suspended if you are convicted of a criminal offence
or of any offence arising out of an accident. 21,000
licences were suspended in 1954. Many of those whose
licences were suspended lost their jobs—others had
tp find a new line of business. What would YOU do
without a driver's licence? •
THINK and keep your licence.
TE..,.•1.• l 0011
1 .,,
DUNGANNON; June te,e,'' il'eies
with 'kit^. and :Mrs. R. J:
ion Sunday.. were Mr. alio yrs.
Arthur Roach, Listowel; Miss Enra
Durnin, Mark'd'ale, and Bt'own.
Smyth ' and sister, Mrs.. Bessie
Stewart, 6th concession of West
W anosh.
Mr. ,. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven
London, and son,R •
of London, were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Jack Ryan.,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers
spent the week -end with their
daughter, Mrs. Sheldon Baxter ,and
family, Goderich.
Miss Sylvia Stingel, Lueknow,
spent the week -end at home with
her mother, Mrs. L. Stin,gel, Carle-
ton and Angus.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Congram
and baby, and Charles. Congram,
of Wingham, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Charlotte Reid and sons.
Mr.• and Mrs. `Wilbur Brown on,
Sunday motored to Newmarket
after hearing of the 'death of the
latter's aunt, Mrs. W. B. Selby.
Mrs. M. Jackson, housekeeper
for Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, spent a
few days at Gorrie Mrs. William
Kilpatrick, her sister-in-law, of
North • Battleford, Sask., was 'a re-
cent visitor,. Mrs. Kilpatrick has
been for the yast year at Montreal
and Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Comfort, St.
Catharines, are vacationing ' with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake.
Dr, Stanley Avens and wife,
formerly Ila Barkley, of Victoria,
B.C., who have been at Ann Arbor
for the past year, spent the week-
end- with -.the latter's aunts, Mrs.
R. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardner;
Another niece visiting was Miss
Maureen Knox, Kitchener, On
Sunday they all., visited their cou-
sin, Miss Lyle Irwin, at Baker's
Nursing Home, Lucknow, and their
aunt, ' Mrs. Albert Campbell,
Mrs,_ Joe .Prior, Guelph, visited
airy her sister, :Mrs.- Uvey Maize,- and
,they visited their "sister, Mrs. no,
and Grain, Wingham, ' on Sunday.
Mr... and We. W. A. Culbert at-
tended the wedding on qafurclay,
of Miss Helen Van Dorn, ChathaM,
who spent several sumariers at the
Culbert home. H•er mother was
the former Ethel Scott; who for
many years lived with 1Vir. and
Mrs. W. A.. Culbert.
Miss Olive Webster and Miss B.
Parker, Toronto, visited Mrs. R.
Gardner :on Saturday.
Mrs: Harald • Maize visited her
mother, Mrs. Emmerson Irwin,
Lucknow, who - is ill at Wingham
Mrs. May -Sitter, of Wilkie,' Sask.,
who visited her sister, Mrs. W. R.
Andrew, has returned to the West.
Mrs. Charlotte Reid accompan-
ied her niece, Mrs. Stanley Thomp-
son, and Mr. Thompson, to the
graduation last Wednesday • of a
niece, Miss Margaret June Mer-
ritt, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Douglas 'Campbell, St. Cath-
arines, was guest organist Sunday
morning at the Dungannon United
Church service and played an elec-
tric organ, which was placed in
the church` for demonstration pur-
poses, On Monday evening, the
organ committee met and- approv-
ed Of this model and purchase is
being made immediately.
• Auxiliary Meets. -- Mrs. Frank
Pentland was hostess at her home
for the May meeting of the United
Church W.A. Mrs. Harvey Alton
presided. Mrs. George Hodges
read the Scripture lesson and Mrs.
Lloyd Hodges gave the ' lesson
thought. Mrs. Wilbur Brown gave
the treasurer's report. Mrs. How-
ard Johnston, of the parsonage
committee, Agave a report and it
was decided to have some decorat-
ing done. At the next meeting,
Important Notice !
Who :cannot be present in the riding of Huron
on Election Day, June 9th; is entitled to vote
at the Advance Polis.
JUNE,v2nd, 3rd, 4th
at Goderich, Exeter, or Clinton.
For further information or transportation to these
polls, call 556, Exeter, 224 Clinton; 1271,
Goderich, or 480, Seaforth.
- r (Inserted by the'l Uron• Liberal Association)
:You meet the smartest people travelling in a
" ••o::i :VlXr.Vrr:.•r
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f r %/fCur.
Plymouth is styled for the tempo of today... sleek and sumptuous for the most
glamorous occasions ... roomyand rugged for the most actiye, modern family !
You're in fashion when you drive a new '55 Plymouth—choice of
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Every sweeping line of -this big new beauty is low and long—,
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such as the rakish headlight hoods, has a youthful flair. •
Inside, you'll find high-fashion fabrics and jewel-like colours.
What's more, you'll discover luxurious roominess, for as Plymouth
is actually more spacious than many cars costing far more`!
Yet for all its brighter style, bigger size; and livelier 6 or V-8
power;•the new Plymouth is priced with the lowest! No wonder the
smartest people recognize it as the "buy" of the year.
Gay new colours for spring!
Wider range of new colours, in-
'cludink springlike soft pastels,
handsome solids, • smart new two-
tone combinations, has just been
added to the beautiful selection of
Plymouth enamels.
Now-Sportone "hardtop" styling!
You can now get "hardtop" two-
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ntyling—the•d'.istinkive sweep
moulding that carries a contrasting
colour along'she eaederear fender.
:+ter :'.•._. ,,
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Manufactured in Canada by
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%'e60,%s• Jr F tie/'re r.,ese y s
,...•. .r ... fir. •• .. .••. ..• •
ornd'-sea unow for the SMARTEST VALUE .of the` year!
roll call will be inweroa by pre-
Aenting, a bl y+r c or. platter Ion the
cl ueeh;''katekg i a Cx . A+ 'Ite tit and
M'ar's. give repot qf: the
Meeting at, ogeter, A cOMATittee
was appointed for" the Je garden
party, Mrs. 'Lorne fivers' conduct-,
cd a contest before lunch.
A HFIEL•D, June ii --Mr. and
Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie spent last
week in Detroit.
Russell Bissett is a patient in
Goderich hospital,
Ewart Jamieson is convalescing
at the 'home of his daughter, Mrs.
N. Whitehead, in Teeswater
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van der Lay,
Corey and Annie, spent the week-
end in Oshawa."
The usual meetings of the ,Help-
ing Hands were carried out during
the month of May, with the ex-
ception of visitors' night, when a
sing -song was held, and solos were
given by Sharon and Walter
Baeehler. In remembrance of
Mothers'. Day, gifts were presented
to two mothers.
The Scripture was given by Mrs.
E. 4,aecbler. A reading and -- an-,
other portion from the home Man-
uel of nursing were given by Mrs.
W. Burroughs. Nineteen hospital
calls, two cards and one bouquet
sent to shut-ins were reported.
A $2 donation was made to the
Red Shield campaign, and one
overseas parcel was sent. A dainty
lunch was provided by Mrs. Beech -
ler, Phe meetings were brought
to a close with prayer by Mrs. I.
.. • .:til::':
"frreedom from Care"
Pete McGillen, leading
authority on Ontario's out-
doors writes:
"Here in Ontario is the answer
to your fifth freedom freedom
from care. You'll find it in a
vacation spent in this banner
province of Canada, the province
that has the greatest appeal to
holiday-makers. Get to know
your own Ontario—you'll love
How much do Ontario families
value and enjoy the rich
vacation Treasures of
their own Banner Province?
The lure of Ontario's lake,
river and forest areas, boating,
fishing and touring
delights, draws thousands
of visitors each year from
all parts of the continent.
And all these inviting
opportunities are spread
forth for Ontario families to'
enjoy—perhaps only a few
miles from home.
Here's -an exciting idea for
holidays this year .. .
"Know Ontario Better".
An hour or so in bus,
train or motor car can ..
bring you face to face with
new tingling discoveries
or rewarding expetiences.
Send in the coupon below -
and' see the wealth of •
opportunities awaiting you.
fgEC • -'fir -
Ontario's Provincial
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Post crpicr
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kr aw r .A
Ontario Deportment of TroVel & Publicity
Han. tools P. Cecile, Q.C., Minister:
!B:L9 $ ;NO.
nett .fV1,eI o alit
McDougall- bane .returned;: bonie'
adter<'•a. week'&•visit at Wliitbri ttia
cher brother and ' s stetu n l aw, Mr:
and Mrs. .Stewart,:doll'.
.,Mrs. George RaXq t n, Who has
been visiting her si°ster, Vis.. Rfit�
ledge,,, of Seaforth, returned home.
Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Stokes and`
Mr: and' Mrs,- Ernest Craig, of
Goderich, visited With__ Mr; and,
Mrs. William J. Craig on Sunday.
Warner Andrews' visited last
week'rii Ottawa and with Mr. and
Mis. Robrert Evans and family,
of Smiths Falls.
- Mrs. Arthur Grange spent the
week -end, with friends in Detroit.
Mrs. Wiles ,has moved her house-
hold .effects 'ta the home of her
sister, Miss Minnie Collinson. -
David Slorach and Mr. De Vries,
of Blyth, and Wilfred Collinson
assisted with the moving.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Rathwell
visited with friends at Port Elgin
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Campbell on the 'birth of
a dar'Yghter in •Clintoif hospital on
May 27.
Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Phillips were
London visitors last Wednesday.
Mrs. William Straughan is visit-
ing with her daughter, 'Mrs.
Thomas Jardin, of Clarksburg.
Charles Asquith, 'who. has been
visiting in Toronto, returned last
•The sawmill has commenced Op-
erations again; after replacing 'the
motor. The new one was secured
from a mill at Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zinimerman,
of Goderich, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ezikial Phillips on Sun-
day. _
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson,
of Goderich, visited 'with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle,
on the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen,
who have been visiting relatives
in Flint, Mich., returned home this
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McIntyre,
of Detroit, are' visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Beadle, and attended the
funeral of her uncle, the late
Thomas Robinson, of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. George, Paterson,
of Goderich, visited at the home
of Dr. Weir and Mr. and Mrs.
Dunean MacKay and fan -lily on
Mr.and Mrs. John Lemon and
Jahn, jr., of Walter's Falls, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig and
family over the week -end.
Hiram Lindsay ..and Mrs. Clark,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Pile, of Guelph, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson
and family, Walter Wagner and
Miss Minnie Wagner visited Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Yungblutt and fam-
ily near - Woodstock on• Sunday.
Misses Barbara and Mary Link -
later, of Saltford,, visited With Miss
Jannett Dobie over the week -end.
Mrs. Len Arehambault and fam-
ily are visiting ,at the home _of her..
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Craig.
Vital , ,o 'the
0,014 re sale' di
Mi and' , s � gi
emu 'e'
. and Vis. • W��� ��a N � . , ,. .
fir.: and: , .
>. • M7i's Uintas
and Mr. and Mks,, Bevil>rt`sto:;
'Goderich, were ,Po4114y: ri tea .y.
Mr. and Mhrs. Russel, If4ng, ,Totts* ' , _,
Yumgl lu,tt, and W.1 and4fro. Wes,•
Bradnoek visiteelast.,oeek with
Mr. and Mrs. Gar ; Xu'ngblutt and
family, of 'Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. iNiltiarrx Haggitt
and f.amily, Mr. and Mrs. Cad
Govier and Gordon visited recent)
with Mos. Mary McNal,1, .Robed
and Wellington, of Welland.
Mrs. Hazel Ross and her daugg
ter, Miss Florence Ross,' and Mre
and Mrs. Robert Mcllw'ane and
Nancy, of Detroit, were guests
with Mrs. John ' Graham on Mon-
0 F 1
1 M
Mrs., Emily Corey entertained at
her home for a meeting of Beta
Sigma Phi. Mrs. Marie Leitch pre-
sided over the last ,meeting of the
season, when most members were
Mrs. Marg. Miller gave a topic
on Liszt and •Brahms, two music-
ians who found happiness through
love orf music. Biographical 'inter-
interpretations of H. D. Thoreau,•Robert
L. Stevenson and Socrates were
given by Path Sadler, Kay Wise
and Bette Westbrook.
The meting was brought to an
end with the closing ritual, after
which the hostess served refresh-
,A wedding reception was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albers
Riehl, Saltford, on Saturday in
honor of newlyweds of Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Guy.' Mrs.
Guy., was the former Jean Me- '
Guire, daughter of the ]ate Mr.
and Mrs. T. McGuire. Guests were
present from -Vancouver, Ripley,
Lucknow, Wingham, Mitchell,
Fordwieh and Goderich. The bride
and groom were the recipients of
many beautiful gifts and an enjoy-
able evening was spent by all..
Lunch was served by the hostess,
the bride's sister, Mrs. Albert
Riehl, and Mrs. Reg. Bridle and
Miss Ruth Dockstader.
BRIDGESCORESSix tables of bridge were played
at the regular tournament staged
by Goderich Bridge Club on Mon-
day night. 'Scores were: Mrs. E
L. Dean and Mrs. W. G. MacsEwan,
664; Mrs. A. AS Nicol and Mrs.
J. W. Craigie, 56; Mr., and Mrs.
J. K. Hunter, 55; Mrs. Wheeler .ane):
Mrs. J. Thomas, 52. •
to the Polls
on Etection'J ay,
Thursday, June 9tb
Phone 1271
Liberal Headquarters
British Exchange Hotel, South St.
On June 9th
Vote LiboraI - Vote Scott
For Better Representation
For South Huron
(Inserted by Gotteekh l beral Association)