HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-06-02, Page 27, THE GODERICH ,SIGNAL -STAR alnilericli signal -star HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Established 1848. In its 108th year of publication. Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited I4 ,.� ■ ., ABC • `" '�'�; Subscription Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United rAe Vw States, $4,00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa: Out -of -Town Representative: G.W.N.A. 420 Temple Bldg., Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. jmber of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member ' of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Weekly Circulation of over 3,200 GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and 'Publisher. THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1955 SEE YOU AT THE POLLS, FOLKS! "The freeman, casting with unpurehased hand, The vote that shakes the turret of the land.' So it was many year ago. And so it will he again here iii Ontario on June 9th, This column does not presume to advise its readers how to vote. There are far too REMEMBER S Owing to the regrettable illness •of Mr. •nest. Barker. who' in previous years •has led • the campaign for the observance of Shut-ins' Day, be has not been able this year to conduct the usual campaign. However, it is hoped many other sources with great wisdom along' this line. We prefer to present in oun news columns a fair and impartial report of the claims of opposing parties. Then, we have every confidence in the intelligence of the voters to vote as they see fit. They •will do that, anyway! But we do urge with all sinver'ity that everyone exercises her or his franchise. That might seem a worn phrase to some people but its importance is inestimable. If ybu will not be at home on June 9th, there is no reason why you should miss your vote. An advance poll will be held at the Goderieh Town Hall ori: June 2, 3 and 4. Make use of it, if neees- sary. HUT -INS' DAY that on Sunday next, the first Sunday of June, as many as possible will remember the anni- versary -and help to make the day more pleas- iant for those who otherwise would be unable to partake to the fullest of the joys of spring. CONSERVATIVE WIN IN BRITAIN The British general election on May 20th geseulted, as generally expected, in a decisive victory for the Conservative party led by Sir ilnthony Eden', Of 030 seats in the House of Commons, Conservatives will hold 345, giving thein an over-all majority of 60, in comparison with a slim margin of less than 20 in. the .last Rouse. • The Labor party lost much support by mason of the split between the extreme leftists led by Aneurin Bevan and the more moderate, and larger section of the party which followed the o.fficial apposition leader, Clement Atlee. There was. no outstanding issue on foreign policy, although Bevan has persistently at- Racked the •Government for too closely follow- ing the lead of Washington in foreign affairs. • Britain is riding high on a wave of pros- perity''aft.er years of "hard times," and per- haps more than anything else this contributed to the suivess of the party in office. Sir An- thony Eden holds the confidence of the British a people iii the realm of foreign policy, in which for many years his tact and good- judgment - 'have achieved- a great measure of success. Most important .of all, the smashing. vic- tory at the ,polis ends a virtual deadlock be- tween the two great parties. and Sir Anthony and his colleagues. will now have a freer hand in advancing the causes which they have at heart. • Evidence of the political activity of Bri- tish women in a .greater degree than is to be seen in Canada is the "fact 'that the new House of Commons will have no fewer than 24 woman members. • •eoname Backv�'a�rd spring weather and excessive rainfalls had greatly re- , tarded completion of seeding oper- ations in Huron. County, especially in the northeast section. In the fields er e SO h Y `rig w ..•.D er Mr 'M nd , •C .W White Y Fibr's a n with Mr.a d � Detroit, are guests 'Jas. A. White, Huron road. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs,,, William Gordon, of Norton, Virginia, visited the Signal -Star office n Thursday last while passing through Goderich on a Motor,' trip. Mr. Gordon is a nephew of a former GederY.eh resi- dent who`for some years has been advocating'by hundreds' of person- al letters the building of a main highway from a paint in Canada dear through to the south of the United States. The latter is W. G. Coutts of Big Stone Gap, Vir- • ia, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinder will be at home to their friends, St. David's street, Goderich, on June 5, 1055, when they will celebrate 'their 60th wedding anniversary. - Miss Agnes Chisholm, of London, 7., spell/ling a ley days vith l r' Personal Mention LeoChis- holm, Mrs: • nts Mr. and parents, e .holm, Gloucester Terrace. Mr. R. S: Atkey, publisher of the Y Arnprior Chronicle, visited with his mother, Mrs. G. Atkey, and his sister, Mrs. R. W. Hughes, and Dr. Hughes and family over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seabrook and Mr. and Mrs. Del Seabrook and daughter, of Saginaw, Mich., also Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Isherwood, of Detroit, were week -end guests with Mrs. Fred Seabrook. Mr, and Mrs. William Hill and Ethel spent the week -end with Mrs. Hill's sister, Mrs. Pearl Gra- ham, and #�amily, .of Fingal. Miss Belva Howatt, B.A., a 'stud- ent the past year at Emmanuel College, Toronto, was a recent visitor with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Later she left by. motor .to spend the summer with ,her Down Memory's Lane 45 Years Ago Vessel owners expressed the opinion that if Goderich expected to get any package freight business,, 'a freight shed must be built at the waterfront. At a meeting of Goderich Board of Trade, members voted almost unanimously that Town, Council should,, provide the needed accommodation. An apparatus for measuring the water level had been placed on the south pier at •Goderich, harbor by the Federal Government. Ari ai tomobile belonging to a Goderich marl came to grief on Hamilton street. The car Tan into a wagon and was u+ps'et and con- siderably damaged. The owner of the car claimed that the wagon should not have been left where it was on thestreet. • County CCo tncil decided to buy a new fag for thepole in, Court House Park to ,,;put a stop to a suggestion that a pocket handker- chief be presented to the oounby to take the place of the abbreviated piece of bunting that had been doing duty for some time. 25 Years Ago Rev. Canon A. P. Shatford, of Montreal, was guest' preacher at '50th anniversary services held in St. George's Anglican Church. At a meeting of Goderich Board of Health it was recommended that garbage at the town dump be cov- ered up and that the channel at the mouth of the°sewer be -cleaned out. Robert Stoddart, of Goderich, won the Canadian interscholastic pole vaulting championship at Mc- Gill College, Montreal, setting a new record of 11 feet, six, inches. He was selected to compete in the British Empire Games in Hamil- ton and at the Toronto Canadian lirials. Goderich's baseball team got off to a poor start, losing 20-2 to the Hensel]. squad in the opening game of the season. 15 Years Ago Goderich Town Council set a tax rate of 451/ mills on the dollar :for 1940, the same rate as the previous year. The :general rate was one mill lower than the 'pre- vious year,' 'but the. Collegiate In- stitute' n-stitute' rate was a mill ,higher. Word had been received in Goderich that contracts had been let for the gravelling of the Blue Water Highway from Bayfield. to Kincardine. T. Sandy, of Gode- rich, had the contract for the por- tion of the road ,between Bayfield and •t Albert and had already aced work Goderich Lions Klub marked past presidents' night with Past President J. A. Graham as chair- man. Magistrate A. F. Cook, of Per and Huron counties, had been a pointed judge of the Juvenn Court for the two counties. 0• 0 0 Letter to the Editor Editor, Signal -Star. Sir, --Lieutenant Mayo has writ- ten advising that .the: Goderich lied Shield Appeal quota has • been exceeded. This is mighty good news, and we write to express to you our • thanks and appreciation for the' part which your newspaper played in bringing this to pass. Gcvderioh is well up among the leaders that have com- pleted their -canvass. This is due to the interest and help of good citizens who like the Signal -Star have espoused our cause. Kindest personal regards. Yours sincerely, L. IRURSEY,, Brigadier National Campaign Director. a o o Head,Sas k. and the in Indian mo r. Larson, i n s. H. R. her sister,Mrs. Saskatoo Smith and small Mrs. Malcolm S granddaughter, Kathe Ann Thomp- son, ,of Wyandotte, Mich., were re- cent visitors with the forrner's mother, Mrs. J. W. Smith, East street. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Smith who spent two weeks .with her family in Wyandotte. Your ' time, your energy, and your money makes Red Gross ser- vice possible. If you haven't the time or the energy, your money can help carry, on the work. • 0 o A doctor says the bathroom is the most restful place in the home. Is that what prompts all the sing - sou marrylow-1 so „ +soil was under water o r the it was unwork- able: - waterlogged that able: Permission was, givenby Gode- rich - rich Town Council tolrocal Girl Guide :companies to use Agricul tural Park for a rally, first of its type to be Held here. 10 Years Ago Hon. Dana `'Porter, .Minister, of Planning and , Development in the Drew ..Government, addressed a Progressive 'Conservative rally in the 'West street rink in support of Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, candidate in the Provincial election, w... Victoria Street • United.: -Church had a momentous week -end. At a Friday night service, .the docu- ment covering a 1O -year mortgage on the church was (burned and the following Sunday anniversary services were held with Rev. G. G. Burton, of Clinton, guest' preacher.. - PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, June 1.—The Sunday School Anniversary ser- vice of Grace Church will be held Sunday, June 12, at 9.45 a.m.•:The special speaker will be Albert Martin,. pastor of the Mennonite Church, in Zurich. Mr. Martin is the superintendent of the Vacation Bible school at Porter's Hill. There will be special music by the Sun- day School choir. Everyone is welcome, The Community Club meeting will be held a week earlier, June 8, at the -•home of Mrs. Ray Cox. 0 0 Q A mountaineer saw his first avacado in the .general store and seemed quite puzzled by it. "Want ,to try one?" asked the storekeeper. "Nop," was the reply. "I got so many tastes now I can't satisfy, I ain't aiming 'to take on any more." - Intermediate Loop Schedule Listed Benrmiller and Port Albert teams have been entered in a WOAA termrediate softball league this year with, other teams in the loop from Lucknow, Bervie, Underwood and Ripley., First game of the season was slated to .have been played on Tuesday with Port Albert playing, host `to Underwood. Lucknow has the. only "B" team in the loop and the remainder are "D" entries. Following is the schedule for the ,first round: June---• 3--- tlipley at Bervie !Bemonilier at Lueknow Port Alert at Underwood 6 --Ripley at • LaaknoW Underwood at Benmiller 8—Bervie ,at Port Albert 10JLucknow at Underwood ,Bennwiller at Ripley 13--Benmiller at Bervie Underwood. at Lueknow 14—Port Albert at Ripley 17—Bervie at Underwood Ripley at Benmiller Lueknow at Port Albert 20—Port Albert at Benmiller Underwood at Ripley Lucknow at ,Berrie 24 Part Albert at Bervie Ripley at Underwood Your Liberal Candidate ki'Ve;a All he has learned... The experience and judgment of this man are of direct importance to a large number of people in his community. He is the manager of a branch of one of the chartered banks. Behind hitn are years of training in various branches as teller, accountant, assistant manager, Back of him, too, are the specialskills and broad experience of the bank he -represents. Everything he has learned about people, and business, and sound banking practice is put to work • every day in the service of his customers. He directs a banking service -centre where a wide range of banking services,. designed for ,» specific purposes, are, available to everyone in the cdmmwtity. xffi Of proven ability, tested by years of practical experience, he is a key man in - the , aadian banttrig system • Only a chartered range of banking PERSONAL LOANS To finance your personal needs; repayment in regular instal- ments from your earnings. HOMa IMPROVEMENT LOANS ,For repairs, alterations or additio'nww to our home. r.• bank offers a full services, including: , COMMERCIAL LOANS t or business or industrial'lirms, large and small; producers, processors., retailers --every type of enterprise. MONEY TRANSFERS By ; mail, telegram or cable to anywhere in the world. W' H.' i -JL A:it .tE R Eitii - B t J4 '0 •K:S ' +t•V I `W!, YOU U R. 1,0 14 u L t•Y 4a 11 Ns 1! THURSDAY, JUNE 204 Um Lucknow at Denalialer 21 BBervie at L w kaoW Benmiller at. Port Albert 30—Benmiller at Under"woo,¢i July 1—Beryie at Ripley 4--Bervie at Bcmmnilter 5—Port Albert at buuknow 8 -Ripley at Port Albert Underwood at Berrie 11--(ucknOEW at Ripley o. 0 0 fecir9 ,iForrife SELL IT THRU THE WANT ADS I make one promise " only, That you will receive From me, full-time honest and sincere rep resent is qon.'' Hugh Hill Sponsored by the Huron -Bruce Liberal Association 44.44,0 { , we ..f �• �}v :;.yfr.• r ri :.•:•r .r • r; r - ,r • ..... :::Y}�::. }: Nr•�:r r�: rX Y. r f... v •.,r•.::•} IAL :• ♦:: Afy �}�, rl. 4rC . rrr ▪ fii:;{if:�:;�`; r{$::::i{•:!:• '.:%:'ir •�;•'Y,•f{?}v /:. :;{f ni •. lr ��/:, r1 i vl•.• '`^•wrrr RIDEAU FOUR -DOOR TOWN SEDAN METEOR -SMARTEST CAS IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD V-8 POWER BONDS; EXCLUSIVE TRI -TONE .BEAUTY Choose from 4 smart series Rideau, Niagara, Meteor, Station Wagon featuring 3 overhead-►alve V -8's 162 Hp: -175 Hp. -182 Hp.* Come, see the car with more style -setting beauty - than all others in its class—V-8 Meteor! It's entirely new from bumper to bumper, even to its new tubeless tires. And everywhere you look, dramatic touches give Meteor grace and liveliness that set it apart, head and shoulders above the Ordinary! There are 13z, beautiful body styles—all longer, lower, and wider. You gets a V- 8 power bonus without paying a brernium ! Meteor models offer a 162 Hp. overhead-valve V- 8; Rideau and Niagara models a 175 Hp. overhead-valve V-8. Both are backed by experience gained in manu- facturing .over 17 xnillibn V-8 engines. A 182 Hp.* is available with Merc-O-Matic Drive.* In Meteor V-8 you'll feel instantaneous response whenever you need big reserves of smooth power to whisk you out of "tight, spots", level 'out steep hills, or for safe passing on the highway.' You'll be un - mediately Ware of new steering -ease and-eitra- smooth riding. That's because new ball -joint' suspen- sion gives -virtually friction -free front wheel action, and embodies - front springs tilted to cushion out head-on as'Well as upand-down shock. Watch Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town"—America's No. 1 Variety Show -every Sunday eve. -=8 p.m. Channel 10 V-8 POWER IN EVERY MODEL AT NO ADDED COST / LP { NEWSANDOECONOMY Iresult from thoroughly proved; advancements in Meteor's great overhead-valve V-8 engines. Full torque is trans- mitted to the rear wheels. in 7/100th'e of 'a second to give brilliant pick-up in all speed .ranges. With Mer;c-O-Matic Drive yoq, lave the option of a 182 Hp. oYerhead-valve V-8 engine. Complete choice of Power Assists. 4 -way power seat* moves up--down-forward-back. Power -lifts on all windows'", d too, are push-button controlled. Power steering* and power brakes afford extra driving ease 1 Try the DRI f that's miles MERCURY '1.1,7(01v llf r 111eleor SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER. AN1 1 i'S SOY 010,J 11 ahead SUL L L NTERI RS ever creTHE MOST ated a low-priced car. New ideas in colourful interior design, new high-fashion upholstery and trim. *Optional at extra cost MET P R O D U C T nO F FORD OF CANADA IW AND LINCOLN' C 1•• A FOR A SAES BUY USED CAR e 5 aA E YOUR M AN All -NEW OVERHEAD-VALVI V.I 1N EVERY MbDEL AT NO ADDED CoSE GE illiONE 625W EOR DEALER rl.