HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-22, Page 51f ARDIA%II.B.E. 7t is n singular coincidence that the number of bills passed by the DQ- "11 minion House has been exactly the same in each of Oa past two sessions. The negotiations between England said Germany for delimitation of their 'territories in Africa have not yet _ re- -felted in anything definite, ---- Suit has been brought against a Win - i 1 nxpeg teacher to restrain hitu from im- q 1)011111 'parting religiqus instruction, on the ground drat he is violating the xtew 11 pp o" pi �i cab and tri School MI �� ho � g, c oe Oat, May i7.— T o -n iht while Moine boils were playing near the railway station a log rolled over a col- ored lad named Jackson, crashing him ere that he only lived .a few minutes afterwards„ 'Common Sense., Red Star, "Blue Ribbon Flax, 'Binding twines. OR'DER'S T4 KEN NOW Having secured apracrlrcva'1 tinsmith we are 'now prepared to take work an eavetreughyug,furneoe, rooting or reptiira, 2 wQ 2 3l2ilk Cans, and Tinware of every description. Daisy Churns, Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed Wires, Nails, Looks, lirnge%Unto and Oils. Orders now taken for Chestnut 4lacksmith aatt stove coals, for early delivery. GROCERIES --Stock com- plete. Produce taken in exchange. Black leg hart appeared among cattle eeotiolaa of Scaharie county, itx Ara. ateadana, N. Y. Olde farmer at $baron Hill, Jacob L. 1?`Ma, lost seven cows last week, The rapid spread of the disease pauses great alarm, QA Saturday night Reynolds' mill at Starner, Ont„ was entered by burglars The safe Was cracked and about $flit in cash taken, W. Watson's jewelry store was also entered, and about $300 worth f.ringe, ohame, eco„ taken. Air, til, Westlake sold his Bronson line farm, to Messrs P+obt l?1, and Thos M. Snowten. It is a eplendld pesturo farm, 'These boys are now controlling iD aorea of land and are pushing, energetic young men, The arguments In the St. 'George railway case are ell in, and Judge Rose bas decided to meet et ten o'olooic on 'Wednesday. June 1S, to proceed with *the essesament of damages in each case 'before the salve jury. This, was the longest and most important jury trial ,over held in Canada. Information from Tokyo, Japan, up 'to April 28th, says,—ilirs. Large, wife of the masstonaryso brutally murdered and who herself was frightfully slashed by the long swords of the assassins, is now oat of danger. Although the native police have arrested 23 men, Frank Leslls's Popular Monthly sou nee, Frederic ArthurP idgman,theQrientalist Painter, is olraraotorized by Mea, Sohuyler Van lteneseleer, in Freak Lee Bea Popular Monthly for June, as a typioai Americau artist, because in art, "just now, it is the oosmowolite who is typical, the thorough- pased American who is eeceptional," Some admirable engravings and fao-similes of Mr Bridgman's pictures are given, Another notable attraetion of this number is a. p ro- fusel illuetrated article an that "mile of history;" tate Bowery, of New York Oily. by Felix Oldboy. the well known local htetorian, who seems to have iolterited Irving's charm of style and fund of Gotham lore, Other interesting illustrated articles are: "The fere of a Longshoreman Dr Guernsey's tmuglading paper on "Fre4eriok th4 Great," "Women Wearers of men's clothes," "A. Mysterketit and dreaded Saurian" (the Gila gagster), "Tia last of the Mohicans," and ""Trevollieg by Air.." The short ateriee, poem'!, literary and other miscellany, sup, plied in the abnndauoe Welt is oltarecterte- tio of title magazine, make up an ancone= manly rich number, "A. tiABREL n1114 OF MONEY." is a load thing to have, but what's it good i your !cental is poor Preserve your health by uslug Imperial Cream Tartar Aakiug Eowder, Ladies who are troubled with roughness of tho skin ar araitted. should keep a battle of Parisian Balm tn tho house. it is delightfully Perfumed and softens.hculs and beautifios the skin. W.11. Moucur, Jas. I. Rowand, no ono has been positively identihetd Manager. Proprietor. as the one who did the deed. imaienwasosseas Our readers will remember that ein June of 1869,1lir,Jas. Sutherland, Bast DISTRICT DOINGS. Nisaouri, had a number ot cattle pots. `Tho Latest Current 'Nowa Throughout the oned, two of which died. Last week 'nlstriet. David l:foilingewortb, (formerly of Mrs. Geo. Vale, of St Marys stied on Lakeside,)of Denfield, London town - Wednesday last. heart disease the ship, was arrested and tried tor giving cause. the poison to the cattle. The Magia- There aro about seventy appeals trate sent the poisoner up for trial at fyled with the town clerk of St Marys the assizes. Bait was accepted. against the assessor's valuation. eros the Assessment roll ot St. bis. Geo.1'hiliin, ot Parkhill, former - have for 1590 the following statistics ly of Wingham, has returned to town !lave been .gathered: The total attiaeas- again. Wtn ham is good enough for ed value of real and personal property George. g is $1,263,110 an increase of $.1,720 1', over last year. Total population 3;644 Mrs, W. IL Whetstone left St Mary's Total number of children attending on Monday for Victoria, British Colon- schools x,0411, There are 277 cattle, bia, whore she proposes spending the 81 sheep, 116 hors, 259 horses arid 'f' summer with her brother -in law. 126 dogs. XAREIETsREPORTS. Red woe Spring Wneat ., earls, oats Mover S38d Timothy Peas corn logge Ratter Flourporbb 1 ..R Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per oag DriedApplespr b (*ogee e per lb. b Turkey per ib ['Atoka per lb t113iekensperpr fthCe.dresssdperlt0 fleet gidesrough, " dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskins Woolperlb Hayper@on Onionsnerboeb Woodperoord $▪ 00 05 to o 00 02 95 • 40 to 00.42 32 to 33 .▪ ., 30to321 1 50 to 2 t+0 -. 53 to 55 .. 40 to 52 1t• 3to 4 0 15 ▪ OOto516 • 40 to 050 ... 16Oto3(0. • O 4to050. • 0- O6 to 0 07 ▪ 008 to 10 .,. 006 to 0 07 .. 025 to 0 30 ,,. 450 to000 - 200to260 ▪ 350 to 390 .,. 060o 20 • 050to05C, ▪ 078 to0T,0 -. 4 fro to7 ta" ,,, 0 50 to 0 ( 5 260toSoe faT,;irAaare Vali Wheat 095 0 96 Sprint Wheat . . 0 3z 0.36 0 97 0 93 Der.oy .., , 0 31 0 27 Oats .., . 0 gal 3 20 Olover Sed.o.„„ o 0 400 Timothy MARVELLOUS RECOVERY, I gas so ill with inflammatory rheumatism in 1882 that 1. was given up, and had all my earthly business put in order. One of raceme ltt'gged me to get Burdock I31cod Bitters, Alter the third bottle I could sit up alone autl eat a good meal, and iu Pix weeks I was opt of bed feeling better than I ever fait, I taxa three bottles every spring, and two -every tau,. •.'itua M N D Bair ti p. Main St., Winnipeg, ,fan. The rateriu,e. wedge of a complaint that May prove fatal is often a siigbt oold,Rhich a !1080 or two Pt Ayer'ti Cherry i"eototal might have cured st the commencement. It would be well, therefore, to keep this remedy within reach at it times, A BOON TO tf t IND, Thogniekost, surest and best remedy for rheumatism, > eural jia, inmbago, sore throat, soreness and lameness, is Hagyartra Yellow Oil. It quiokly'cures sprains, brpines, burns, frostbites chilbiaina, eta. For croup, colds,•gniusy" ale„ take 10 to 30 drops on sugar, end apply tho ail extern ally *leo, when immediate relief will result. STIP. strength of this artiolo isoatraordinary. After being cemented moat erticloa will break in auether plena rather than where oomeetod, Price 15 cants from druggists. has. Ailsa Craig, n u n of A't fshorme r W,'4]. 7io isswarming wt h i M .y,The lake av g received the writ as Returning Officer from Sarnia, who are building shanties for North Miedlesex Election for the all the way from Grand Bend north, Legislative Assembly. near Bayfield and setting trap nets. Mr. Samuel<Grigg late of the Grigg They have a spite driver, and are busy House London, has been appointed driving spites and putting up their Manager of the Northfield, Alass.,aum- shanties, It rumored that some of mer resort owned by evangelist Moody the neta used are not made in oomph - Mr. Archibald McCully, eon of Jos. anon with the law, bet ot this we aro McCully, of the 3rd con of Stanley, Is not positive. now editor of the North Dakota Advo- • Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the •oate, a paper published at Grafton, evangelists, on Friday concluded a Dakota. sucoessful revival in Oshawa. Mr. Those who have passed the Easter hunter said they had about 400 con - examinations at rxueiph Agrioultural verta in Oshawa and would open a •College, from this section are : D. three weeks' engagement in Tilson- Buchanan, Hensafle R. Elliott, Sea- burg on Sunday ;evening. He stated forth. that Mr. Crossley and himselt aontem- J ames Thom, one efthepoen.° oohool '. plated an evangelistic tour from Sault scholars, Mitchell, fell on Wednesday Ste; Marie to the Pacific coast, starting while playing football and broke his in September and occupying about a arm just above the wrist. 'Pbe arm year. was broken in the some place only It will be remembered that some about a month ago.. time ago Mr. Thompson. and Alby Df r. Bunter, who has resided on the Robinson of Parkhill, bad an alteroa McMullen farm, 3rd con of Hallett, tion over house rent, in which Mr. for some time, died on Saturday, from Last Monday rethe several hard . some internal trouble from which he Thompsonsubstituted the te was beard. Mr. had been suffering for some time. He the charge of was an old man and leaves a family, assault for aggravated assault, so that Mr. Dickson could dispose ot it. Alby Mr. David IS.irk of Kirkton, lost a pleaded guilty to the charge of assault, valuable mare heavy in foal on Monday and was hned$,10 aid costs, and pays last. The mare was dissected by W. Mr. Thompson's doctor bill while dig- it. Carr, V. S., of that place, and a fine abled by the assault, Coal taken, alive from her. At last Last Friday forenoon Mr. Geo. reports the colt was doing well. Christie living just East of Parkhill On Friday last Mr. Robert Jackson had the misfortune of losing his house delivered at Mr. S. R. Stuart's mill by fire. Be was at the time in the Mitchell, a load of wheat containing field at work, Mrs. Christie was out in ' over one hundred bushels for which he the garden doing some work, and all received over $100. , 'rhia was one of the children who liye at home, were at the 'largest loads of wheat ever deliver- school, when the fire broke out. When ed at the mill. ' • ' Mr, Edwin Gaunt, of West Wawan- osb, sold on Monday' last, to Mr. Wm. McLean, the finest fat heifer we have ever seen. The animal is a little over two years old, andr, weighed 1500. lbs. It has been shipped to the old country and the price paid for her was the hand- some sum of $I00. Ernest the eldest son of Mr. B. Mal- pass, of the 4th con., lot 5, of the township or Nlesouri. aged 5 years, was drowned in the creek passing through the place on Sunday last. It is sup. posed that, his hat blew into the water and he undertook to get it out, and, in doing so fell into the, water and was washed down the stream. ; Mr, Janet's Dickson, county regiatrar has` been appointed' re'urning officer for this riding in the coming Provincial elections, and sheriff Gibbons in the East. As the County Council will tweet in semi-annual session on June 3rd, et, is likelyto,prove rather. Moen - velment. A change of date can be made.only on request of the Counoii Death; has ,again'"visited . McKillop township and summoned to her long home one whose memory will ever be o'.aerished by all who knew her. Janet Howell beloved wife of Rev P. Mus- grave died on. May 9th, after a severe affliction, lasting about three years, two of which were pased in bed. Ttiougha sufferer for so 'long a time, Mrs. Musgrave; endured her tifffion n with the greatest of patience a .d She w s:a ',den esi nation.:: a s r it ,. g Coyses the hilted Ptrap . ........... A 5S 0 S4 aas ....,., „ ..,..,.,.... , lgge .,.., .,,,,, s e a Butter ,,, .. 32 016 Potfatoes per bag ., .,.. .. 75 91 Apples per bush 055 saltier lir,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, , .......... n0 020 Bay porton .............. . 5 5'16 5n Bran per ton „ .,14 00 34 00 Shorts ., ," . ,,. , ,.,20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl; ,. 6 00 T 00 L0NDOW, Wheat. `;.1 to $1,05er hue, Qata.28 I to .10 per bus. k'eaS, 64le to Ole per bus, ar-, ler, t.hlting,43 to 48e per bus. Marley I±eed, 33tte to 410 per bus Corn, 45o to 4746 per bnahel, TOR Toronto. nay 21;—Wheat Spring—leo. 2.1 Q2 xa 1.01 per bus : rod winter. N.i.2.1 l'5 to 1 06 per $las. Mtetitaber 2 o.1 hard, 45 to 117 No. 41,1 t",1 to 1 12; PENS 6i 'e to 62o per bus. OATS 3Pa to 37o per bus, -FLOUR. extra, $4.11 to O4.25 per bol • strut$h3! 8 t roller ;t1 75 to 01 a rove bakers,? 4:00 to $4,50. BARLEY. Olo2, 47o to itO ; No 3 extra, 44o to 4;7e ; No 3, 3330 to 40c. EVERYONE SHOULD TRY To secure good health. The great specific for all diseases arising from disordered stomach, such .aa overflow ot bile, siek hecdaobo, toss of appetite, nausea, palpit- ation, indigeation, constipation and all blood dlseases, is Burdeok Blood Bitters. Hundreds of people owe their health to B 13 I3., uatnre's ropu:ator and tonic. •Ottawa, May 19.—Hon Mr. Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, arrived here to -day, tie expresses himself as eanfidont that the Provincial Act passed by the Manitoba Legislature abolishing separate schools will nob be vetoed by the Dominion Par- liament. Cough No More, Tour cough may lend to.disease of the longs, therefore do not neglect it. Wilson's Wild Cherry will cure it quickly and effectually. Bev Col ds.Or< up, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Loss of voice, etc., no medicine equals Wilson's Wild Cherry, as thousands testify. Sold by 5I1 druggists. It appears that the number of registered lunatics in Great Britain and Breland rose from 55,525 in 1862 to 111,979 in 1889. WELL ADAPTED. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general regulating tonin and .purifying action of B B S., especially adapt it for the billions, nervous, costive or scrofulous. Erom 3 to 6 bottles will cure all blood diseases from et common pimple to the worst scrofulous more. GeorgeFrancis Traits arrived at New York on Sunday on hie trip around the world against time. His journey ends at Tacoma, Washington. Train started from Maeoma Mareli 18. TO NERVOUS,DEB1LITaTED MEN. If you will send us your address,we wiiimail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they evil' quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood health. Pamphlet free. It YOU are thus affiioted, Iv will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAta BOLT Co.. Marehall,Mioh A strike was ordered at Philadelphit, Pa., on Saturday by cloakmakers, and 300 Russian -Jewish tailors, with their helpers, have left work. THE IDES OF MARCH. I.R.fWp Ji. . . A: AJ 1, 198 King Street West. Toronto. Ont., TREATS CHROMIC DISEASES—and hives Special attention to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimplts, Uleere, PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Private. Nature, se Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, Nervous De- bility. eco., (the result of youtbful lolly and excess,) Meet and Stricture of long standing. :e. f . xSup- ;so.; u - DISrr.ASES OP 'WOMEN—Painful, Pro u_ o b p o. o. '" pressed Menstruation, Ulceration, Leucorrbi,.a, and all Displacements of the Womb, Office Hours -9 a.m to p.m. Scuola/oil. p -in. to 3 p,*a. Somebody Must FAJ3 ICA_ E -„ 0 THE QUESTION i ION who bought that bankrupt stock ? Several have advertis- ed as tolling cheap- I want it distinctly understood Z did not get it and do not want it. T manufacture all my own Tinware and handle no Bankrupt stocks, ai.d am In a position at all tinges to offer good well -made tinware at lowt•r prices thou any other house can sell their two years and a half shop worn goo Is tor, I ask you to curve and inspeet my stock and you will be eonviucetl that t ata Speaking the trail, My stock is all made of the hest tin that eau be had in the market anal am selling awoy down. i°OAli C1fl a1wa 's 011 batten, Deu't forget the stand, A Trans -Continental Innovation Sleeping car passengers for Pacific coast points via the Ohreato, Milwaukee ds St. Paul and Union Paoiac Oeerlaud Fast ,Mail Luxe no longer have to wait in line at Coun- cil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain oleo). tug car berth reservations west of the Mite souri River. The new arrsngemente made by the Chi- cago, ltiilwaukee <k St. Pent Railway obviate all tach delay and wintertime. For farther particulars enquire of nearest Coupou Ticket Agent ar address A.E.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil- waukee, Wis. „Novice To ,seroma.—rive you tttstnroedat uightaud broken of your rest by a etak ebild suiferin and (frying with pain of Cutttuv Tooth! If to send at ouoe and got a bottle of"Mrs,Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value Is incalculable. It willreliove the poor little sufferer lm medlstoly irenoudupon it, mothers ; there is L.,mistake about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarnccoa, meioses the Stomach and 13owels,oures WitttdUolio,aattens the Gums. reduceslntlammation, and gives touo and ouorgy to tho whole system, 'Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is r htiou r so i to sun to the taste and is the e t p a t p of ono of the oldest and bast female pliysioianc and nurses iu the 'United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Ptioo twenty-flve oouts 8 bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mas Wx$sLow's ieoraxxo a'rnv3' "%ed 110 other ind. first seen tiie roof was all on fire, She ,,Last March mother caught a -severe • and her husband rushed to save what r cold, terminating in a very bad cough. Everything we could hear of was tried without avail. Hagyard'ePeotoral Balsam was at last recomtuanden and procured. The first dose relieved, and one bottle entirely cared her." Miss E. A. STARNAMAN, Hespeler,. Miss Margaret Isabella Blaine, daughter of the Secretary of. State, was married at Washington on Saturday to Walter Dam - ash, of New York. LAME BACK CUBED , "Seven years ago I was troubled with lame bank end could seamen, move. Sew. eral remedies jailed, but on trying Ham•. yard's Yellow Oil I found immediate relief, and two bottlers effected a complete cure." Mee Hosteee. Corbett P. 0., Ont. they could, but succeeded iu saving but a part of the furniture before it became impossible to entre the burn- ing bnilding. Cause a defective stove Pipe. BORN. HitAMAw.—In Exeter, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Thos. Heamart, of a daughter. MANNING.—In Exeter, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. S. Manning of aeon, WALI'Ea.—On`the 14th inst., the wife of gr. Lewis Walper, Stephen, of a MOO. MABRIE U. RAIZ—WmmTzax-AI Tsvietook,'on; the 13th inst., by the Rev S. Krupp, Simon Rate, Elmira, to Miss Mary` Weitzel,.Tavisteek. I{4YMA—BxiaaT.—At Cranbrook, on April 30th, by Rev R. Paul, of Brussels, Mr Wm. Hayman, builder, of London, to Mies'Lavinia, second danghter of Mr J. Knight, of Grey,formerly of Exeter. DIED •'W mans --In St ,Marys` on t :Saturday May. 11th.`1870, Mary"'tllrua1rth Nilson wife• of Charles Wilson, aged 62 years, 11. months at.d 19 clays. GRAY. -1n L(,ndon, ou the 16th May, Annie Myrtle, daughter of Wm, and Jane Gray, aged 7 months, 3 days. Kcoas,vb,—At Devon, on Wednesday, May 21st, wife of Mr. M. lfelland; aged 62,yrs. OTIo When Baby ,car. siclt, wo gavo hog Usstor5e Whon rho was a Child. alio (fried for Caatoria. When she became hiss. she clung to (,astoriu, 'rates oho hod Children, she give tl.ciit eaatoria, OONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician, retired from practice hex - lee had plaood in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and p,rmanentoure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive aid radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous eonpltiints, after having tested its wonilerful eut8tive powers in thousands of t. t oases., a fol this u k o ort ,h duty known t lisp euiforine follows otuated . ,,JJ,,le oty`v�' dna mei* Eogei �i�re dslii lis "1 ertdrrd<i,o clearv, Choice Seeds BUY wil. Mengel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Tuitllp Seed, etc.. 73'ROa2 DoupE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. zoven FOR SALE tE�5'' AP. BVTTBR & 811:31 -CA -S W-A-STTTD. DOTJPE & CO, - T�irkton. ahni 1 0 0^n^ SIGN OF BIG Folland, THE lie haat, One door north Dr. Lutz. iI[IIE11 itTTt\TI A11lIlIi11t?1I131i111llI l 111H111I1 tlPl 1tlIInII k11ii11tf lilftit'11i1C It will be to your interest to call on us before buying yourBuilding Hardware. Shelf hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire, ONIIMUOMBIESIBI . &DVT.AT' il\' S Q - First-class tinware. No two and a half years shelf•wore goods to otfe'r. THL BEST YET 1 TH(:E. CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Overcoatings at any price ; Sult- Ings at any price; Pantings at any price, ARTISTS' 'p4 I I' —�r D SLlUrS: 4 Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing a speciality. Agents for the Raymond. Sewing Machines. A call solicited. . BISSETT BROS. CEN DrngxStore W.H.TROTT Baol k A A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exetei. C LUTZ. est Ordered, Clothing pl educed in Exeter ', Gentlemen; l ,eave your orders eel ly, for allure' the ; best tt4ot,:4•&a.: OUR Spring Stock COMPLETE - Dress Goods, 1)rints, Ginghams, Muslin. s, Snirtings, Cottenad es and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. WE OFFER THE Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones® Sewed Worka8veciaity Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. Sest Value :ice. Tea- , in the ct untr3. Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries and Cheap Sugars. Call and see The prices will; astonish you. DO YOU WAT TOBIJY FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES. T HA i% SHAM GOOD —ARE USUALLY SOLD-- 712BINT 0ALL AT— r Y'S .--ONLY FIRST-GLASS— Kelable &oods 0: At Prices Lower that a sC &r led Cheap Houses can giv; Undo:taking anchcs.