HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-22, Page 3Af • >Ii# Pcople XVouder 113EloT they find how rapidly health is restored by taking Ayer's Saxe saparilla. The reason is that this preparation, contains only the purest and moat powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves is veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, Mich., writes : "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For mora than four years T suffered un- told agony. 1 was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. A-1 kinds of food. distressed me, and only the moat deli - crate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth: lug that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the use of ducesda wonderful which Soonaro- fter commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I .mild see an . ,.mprovement in mcondition, my appetite began to return and with it cause the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength Improved each day, and after a few months, of faithful attention to your directions. X found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank 0 7ctWe,mtl a undersigned, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mete., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence,' —O. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, 0. A. Weds, Armlet. "My brother. in England. was, for a. long time, unable to attend to hia ocen- Patiou by reason ct urea On ills 100..i sent lima Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced hint to lay Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Atter using it a little while. he was cured, and is now a well mau, working in a sugar colli at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." A. Attewell, Sherbert Lake, °uteri°. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Phi:PARai sir Or. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mash, Price els six bottles, el. Worth $3abottle. THE BEST BAKING POWDER • —4.1s 4— GENUINE CoOkJr1Ond No Alum �' NNothing Injurious, RETAILED DEMMER. GARTH & CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES` Valves, iron & Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley O1Iexs,Steaia let Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind Mills, Cream Sopar. ators, Dairy and Laundry Utensils, 536 CRAIG STREET. MONTREAL, D.A.M CASKI LL . Co tv1:gNUVAQ,TURERS OP'.VLNE CARRIAT .VARNISHES&JAPANS ' 4. SA YER°MEDAI SAWARDED 'MON,fREAL CHADWICK'S LEATHEROID S POO LSTEEL-LINED T Ia Eiemplo, Ladies' es' an sad all other kinds. GOTTO11 lightest WI Strongest '�-Rt1:13 gip!' Baird anti 1 - the World. Jta'h ne uSC. �. EYELEIGH & CO. HAS NO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL. ASK FOR IT. 5o1e1111s, for the DEMI HOTEL RALMORAL. MONTREAL. ;Tette Dame 1St.. opo of the most otantr� and elegantly fu nisltedl lotels lathe City. Aoeouamoda0ton for 400 guests. hate,,:i WOODRRUUFF. to to $s, phis day. Se Y ager. DOMINION Sole Arts for Canada, PALIRES & SOH Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, rias RIiTRE DLIE ST., MONTREAL LEATHER BOARD co M PANY, Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOAR•D Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This is a Perfect Friction, ANEODOTES OF STANDBY. The :dost Nuecessful of Explorers.—Sonne of the TrattS That have Made Il/m So actor. When Gordon was appointed to To prevent African Slavery—Fears thatthe —Ills Wonderful Itea(tiuess of Ire- pp source, relieve Stanley on the Congo he wrote an I tuenea is Again Starting Round the enthusiastic letter to the explorer, in ev'lfel( hesoea ig a- north, in the exploration of Victoria Nyanza, g please1 World'slair Befetre the British Farris- Ment. The Anti -Slavery Conference at Brussels made much progress last week. It has agreed to adopt measures for repressing slave raids, and will shortly pass the proposition requir. and bends every resource to its accomplish- LATEST BY CABLE meat. But he never undertakes more than • he has promised to accomplish. An amus- ing incident shows this trait of bis char. Col. J. A. Grant, the companion of Speke p k f ush n onw ipd i o tit, scnth World — Stanley's New Book -- The and cast• " 'o ether, God, we will exterminate the slave trade at its roots." " I reckoned." said ,Stanley, " that it was time for me to git, My orders said nothing about exte'monating the slave trade." During his founding of the Congo State he made it a point never to push a mile lug all European countries possessing ter. forward until he had thoroughly organized the mile behind him. Sometimes he ryas ritories on the African eoast to prevent the' confronted by difficulties that seemed in passage of firearms through such countries. superable. Then he would retire to his lleasnres for the creation of armed stations tent to think the matter over, and the on the slave caravan routes and for the sup - chances chances were nine in ten that in a few Hours p - he had hit upon some way out of the situs• pression of maritime slave trafile have been tion, He was never chummy with his sub- adopted. A proposal will be made to reverse thinks that England should do something great for Stanley now that be has retreated to that country. Ho mentions the fact that Stanley has never received from the British Government ally reward .or recognition, and he thinks it about time that the land of his birth should handsomely recognize the services o£ the greatest explorer of the age. What England may do to honor theexplorer officially remains to ))e seen, but it is not at all likely that a title of nobility, for instance, would give Stanley half as much pleasure as some of the honors that have for years been lavisll.ed upon him. In the way of more honor there seems to be little left for a man who is heralded all over the civilized ordinates, nor even ordinarily sociable, the free trade provisions of the Berlin Con - world as one of the greatest of explorers, when his load of care was heavy, though Terence in favor of the Congo Free States whose records of travel hare been published at rare intervals he would be delightfullyr , in every European language, and who has enioriainfn • fuconver'sation hard the on whose behalf power to tax not spirits wined he highest awards of the leadin • b p g 6 b confidence and esteem of every loan who only but also all imported goo(ls-villll® ask - geographical societies. ever served under him, but they did not ee Probably nothingleas contributed more love him, One of his Lieutenants wrote of largely to the won erful success of Maniere him : "He lives apart from us, I would than his mastery of the art of managing that,' i never think of asking him for reasons. child. man, the untutored savage.. The many Sometimes he would say to me, "Strike fights that Stanley has had with the natives 1 your tents ; we start in ten minutes,' Had of Aisles have given rise to the utterly 1 Ibeen foolish enough to say, t Where are With the announcements of the Austrian medical experts that the mysterious sleepy disease "norma,"which followed in the wake of the Russian iutlue in Italy, is a form erroneous notion that he is to. to 1 we going?' he would have answered, t Mind of neurosis, effecting only persons of (lebilit• human life, and that he has even shot dawn " your own business, not mine.'" ated eonstitutious, comes the statement that natives in pure wantonness.e11 stagy is d ! Father Soignee, the Vathotlie missionary the more active influenza in an acute form of his work know that he an verto it { who returned to the coast with Stanley and has reappeared in Poland, and. Loudon idly shot at a native unless, 1 e . Emil' from the south of 'Victoria Nyamta, by the dangers that threatened himself and draws this graphic picture of the command- stotans are discussing the question, whether his expedition. When H, II. Johnston, I er : the international curse is about to start oil who aerate the first book, after Stanley's, I el: is a leader, a commander. Re a new round of harm while it has not yet on the Congo, was about to start up the a native, slap flim if you will with the .open hand, but never strike him with the clenched fist, and never shoot until you are first attacked and escape seems hopeless," Stanley's policy from first to last io deal- ing with the mtives could not bemore terse- ly stuauned up than in these words. He has always been willing to waste any amount of tune in stopping to talk, to argue, to cajole, to disarm hostility with wheedling words and humorous tricks, and he !las resorted to fire -arms only as a last resort. Herbert Ward tells a story illustrating Stanley's readiness of resource in dealing; with a crafty savage tryiug to overreach hint, When the explorer reached Stanley Pool on his last expedition the big Bateko chief Ngalyema, who figured conspicuously in Stanley's book on the ('eugo State, calve to him demanding a big present on the ground that same of his carriers had taken hennas from his plantation. Stanley had gond reason to believe the wily ivory trailer was lying, and he did not propose to fall into his trap. Almost anyone else would have told the chief he was a prevaricator, and there would have been an angry discussion and bad feeling on ail sides ; but that was mind, then the minutes % a spend while the 4 • • and that a lv as not unlike that menu- rivertlle great explorer said to !line.: "Pat keeps strict order. At sunrise a shrill exhausted its evil wink in England, Second whistle; sounded h Stanley himself, orders everybody to take his place in the caravan attacks of the disease leave iteeu frequei',t in and march. He maintains the strictest die.. London during tlialast two weeks, and there eiplinc, and his !nen know him. Seareely are feat a few villages in the North that are has the last sound of the whistle (lied away now leaving their first experiences of influ- before all stand ready to march, with their burdens on their shoulders, Stanley lights ' ooze* his short pipe, and armed with a long cane: Stanley's new book will he issued about walks at the head of the caravan, followed thesecalad weak in Juno, 'f'hs Pall d(all Ca byy a boy with a. parasol, his servant with a ;tete points ant that while rho English edi- Winchester rifle, and a �i <angwana who tion will cost $1O.triO, the French, Which will leads his ass, Then follows the etaravau..a pear at the same time, will be only $U. After ad hour or two Stanley mounts his 'the fleet English edition will comprise 12,000 CREAM i•,„twee. �.,e a :\ Q\\\\'\tee. .e.. as, ea.. \ save ”"seek for Infants and Children. "Caotorlaissowell adapted tochildren that, Cowell* cures Coife, Ciongtipaafoa. mwn pmeita�riortoanyprescription {SOliir t°444cia,pfarrlyw►, truetstston* iL d. Axcaca, ai.I)„ , rms. givalt ai4dir xsd pmm(tea idb• 312 So. Word St., B. oollyu, N. Wttt om,ju:iou a medlibq. Tina CENTAUR CO.atStA'(Y. ee Murray street, N. Y. GOING TO CALIFORNIA VIA `rift 5an.ta. w,.►MR te. fee Geoeteso S:23 p pl. A. itanrep Cit• fele p. no, Ar. llutchineon n3" p, ta. Ar.`prluIdsd .., •11:18 e. me. Ar. LLas V ettas.. • • •.. I G:US p. in. AT, Albu��et1crgee 12::10 a, ie. Ar DarMow,. •1e:45a. al. Ar. Los Aogelei 4•.2, i • Al. A an Jaiot:o. i!•i5 p, mr You get the only line of threr Angeles, and you save 27 hours tin OFFICE -74 tiRISWOLu i'r bun 'Alen / Med'- Mun Tues Thur Nat `tsatt Sion Tales I1 ,ur ;Pa I81a Tees FY ed 'Fri •till' il[aal Thea !Wed 'The Fri Salt ;lfea Wed Thur "Irl Sat ;sun Toes Thur ,Fri Set .ton Non ' -vets Thur Fri Sat Sun .Bios IA all Their•_'krl 'fat -.-Sun Men 1WPed eh cars without ehen e Chicago to La .DRPRt11T, M 11)1i. Gear. E. til1.�LAN.1'tassenger Agena ass, and the speed of the march is then copies. Added to the sum of Stanley'sdui Oe. much increased, but none of Stanley's men `comes 140w an invitation from Lord Hers lag behind. Even in running, stonley's two ,heli to appear betoro the Royal Commission companies always keep close order, With ;on Vhecivation and to give his experiences the Soudanese it is different. They are:with those of Surgeon Parke touching aniall- forced ahead by the third company in the pox in Africa. rear, But the great traveller can also be; 'l'he World's Fair' that is to be held in merry. He sirs under a tree. smoking his'Glaicaaa made its appearance beton Paella. pp 7ne anti watching the pitching of his tent !mein the other night and had a chilling re `i hen this is done he disappears into it, does a appear again 11 til after sunset. Sir James Fergusson, replying to 1 t not app . ga n n I the question whether Great Britain would think he spends that pert of the day i .gbe officially represented at Chicago, stated writing is notes, for whenever I have that the smatter would only be determined used I have found him sitting by a, large after a review of the probable advantages book. If Stanley is in a cheerful frame of ea tch might accrue to British interests not wtan ley's It ay. He at once sutnmane(t tents are being pitched are the mast inter• / y all his men into line and walked up and eating of the wnole dey, He then tells in•' facttlrers migltt Eo a ;;scat extent be doferl ed down in front of it with the chief, asking cidcnv after incident foam his adventurous frau: trending their goads for exhibition if the him to lick ant the culprits. Ngalyema life with such fire►and such vigorous expres; /American customs duties were =eh as to said he could not do it. sion that we forget howbrnken his French is. m. llta lwlo their profitable sale in the United "Now look here, Ngalyema," said Stan - unless you give ole proof that my then have I One raised in abig orchard, end who is stolen them ; and how eau I punish tb a almost as great an admirer of the fruit as unless I know who they are? Wait a Bronson Alcott, with whom an offered +r minute, ] appple was the sign of highest respect .and fellowshi modest) suggests the foliowin ley, how can I pay you or stolen bananas I Favorite Apples. Stanley withdrew into lois tent and pre• p, y gg The Domestio Doctor. A. writer in the eltedical Record cites a number of eases in whieh borax bas proved a most effectual remedy in certain forms of colds. Ho states that in sudden hoarseness, sently emerged with a piece of chalk, "See list, premising that it would be well to find or loss of voice in public speakers or singers here, Ngalyema, ' he said, "this little thing out before ordering the trees if any of the from colds, relief for an hour or so, as if by in my hand makes a white mark on the black sorts named are apt to do poorly in the magic, may be often obtained by slowly dia- skin. Take it; The next time you catch soil of your locality—yet many failures solving, partially swallowing, a lump of bor- my men stealing your bananas you mark the caused bye neglect are charged to the ax the size of a garden pea, or about three thieves an the back with this piece of chalk. variety. Early varieties : Early Harvest, or four grains, hei(lin the mouth for ten min - Then lien I will know who the thieves aro, and Red Astrachan, August Sweet, Summer nes before speaking or singing. This produe- can punish thein, raid Twill pay you for the ' pippin, Sour T3ouggh, Early Strawberry es a profuse secretion of saliva, or " water - bananas they have stolen." I Bemis, Yellow 'Transparent. Autumn ing" of themouth and throat—probably res - The chlor was not quite empty Landed 'varieties : Fameuse, Gravenstein, l' all Pip- toying the voice or tone to the dried vocal whet. leo went away, for loo had the chalk. I pin, Spice Sweet, Alexander, Oldenburgh cords ; just as " wetting" brings back the There are men who have served with Strawberry, Pound Sweet, King. Winter missing notes to a flute when it is too dry. Stanley who do not like him, for he came to varieties : Northern Spy, Baldwin, New- When great muscular strength or agility believe them inefficient, and he has no pa- town Pippin, Lady Sweet, Spitzenburg, follows in the wake of physical exercise, The Most Successful Remedy, ever discos tience with incompetency. But, though Tallman Sweet, Roxbury Russet, Golden these should be regarded as incidental and well, a Llil sem ei its otfeot9and does they complain of his harsh and supercilious 1 Russet. Of the above the Harvest, Astra- entirely subordinate to the health of body' p`T�flipeiowCURE p treatment, they one and all bear testimony chan, Summer Pippin, Gravenstein, King, which the exercise has secured. To ex- KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, to his kindness to the natives. "In his Baldwin and the two russets are as likely ercise for strength alone, and to es- dealingawitll thenatives," writesl3racomliert I as any to be profitable to plant largely for timate it as the chief aim in an in- oyrict or Cam -um A. Simms%, "he is invariably kind, merciful, and polite. `market. A number of the crab stets will EltkEnao or excusable blunder. There is no necessary CLEVELAND BAT AND TROTTLEG BRED Boers P PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST; CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurioes materials. E. Mf. GILLETT, TOnClI CCtG0,� 4L. lion': r ofthecSLEB$ATEn80vAZTalkiro^4r.�'ar TUE EXE't'%tt TIMES.. Is pablisfied ovary Thursday scorn ng.at TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOOSE A1a'u.street,uoariyopposite Eaton's Jewo!ory teen 0. Eizeter.r?ut.,t+y John White k Sone,l'ra urietors ALTUS OP APTERT181(A : Firm insertion, perdue,.•. .....Ie (lents. Rachaubsequw.,tipsertion,perline ..acetate. To insure insertion. advertisement, should e 'cut in initiator than Wednesday morning OnrJ011 PRINTING ARP4R MENTie quer t the largest anti bestequipI+pea in the Coriniya ( Huron, All work entrusted to os will r eeii' u• promptattentiou. Demeans ltegardiug News— papers. Any parsyu whotakesa etapperrea(alarlyfrom• Oa poet -011i co. whether directed in ham name or another's. or weather he hes Iubecribedorno, c a responsible for payment. a- pent= orders his paper discontinued) no =stray all samara or the publisher way continue to send it until the payment le Marie. and then eolleut the whole amount, whether she paper a taken from the office or not. s In suits for subscriptions, (he suit tufty be nstituto 1 in th i,place where the paper is pub. IsGed, a thla.us the subscriber way reside hundreds of utiles away. 4 The courts have decided that reiuuil+% to rake newspapers orpotiodicnisfrom t`'.• post. office, orrem oimLgand leaving them uncalled or is primp, facie evidence of intentional frau?. «obit EW FREE ESSSella d' r eta Watch Worth el0Zi,iili est watchln the world Tel timekeeper Wxrnooddhrtary, sotto Goth huntmtl rases. trot. ladire'aad gents sues with works and eases orf• ,q*,i value. ase rsaro.= ,sett to together talc retard 011a A'ee, leline w,tn our issue .n4 rstasbla Uneofl Iouacbola Sample". Thea eamplea, as vett as the waters unfree. All the work you need de is to show what we send Son to 000 who tell -your Mends .and neighbors and these about you—that always results Invalueblotted@foe ne winch holdsforyearawbenoneestarted. and thus wa Am repaid, We pay ell express, 8eigh , eta. After you know alt. if you would tete to gout week for se. y�m: 3160earn front 0 t0 60 per week and upwards. Stinson Co..Bost012. Portittnd.3Iarne. He palavers with them. He respects their ' come good for preserves or market. It customs, their religions, and their traditions. I may be added that nurserymen are apt to There is not an atom of truth in the accuse,- i countenance the planting of too many trees tions of cruelty against him." i on an acre. Forty feet each way is close The same policy has guided Stanley in his enough for standard apples.—[Charles H. dealings with the semi -savages who by hun- Crandall] ll ungovernablemob than the et deeds „ate been in his service as porter A more rascally, The Charm of Music. crowd of Zanzibar's who have sometimes fol- lowed Stanley's leadership could hardly be A new code of calming the nerves was conceived. It is a fact that on one occasion, one resorted to by a little girl who had to at least, the jails of Zanzibar were emptied have two large teeth extracted. Theden - to supply Stanley with the porters he requir- tist who was to pull the teeth has a pane o ed., But he has always sought to have his in his reception room. His patient came men regard him as a kind, considerate father. and brought a little friend. Instead of pro- -They have involved him in many a dilemma, ceeding to.the chair, however, she paused at en but in his career he has never executed but for you, doctor ?'said she. On receiving an four of his followers, all in his last expedi- affirmative answer she executed a gay waltz, tion: , One man he sentenced to death for and then said: "Perhaps you would like selling rifles and ammunition to the slave- ! to hear both of us play. Shall we try a dealing enemy. Here is Stanley's own story duet ?" This accomplished, the young di - of how he saved this man's life : I plomat offered to sing, and the doctor ex- " I lay awake thinking all night. The man pressing great delight at the prospect she was to be hanged at 8. At dawn I sent for did so; then the two little girls sang to - the chief sheikh of the Zanzibaris. He came. l gether, and then, having either gained cour- I said, ' What is this thing you have done age enough or recognizing that the evil hour to me ? You promised me help, and you do could not be further delayed, she arose from nothing. Look ! I have sworn to take .you I the piano, walked composedly to the chair cl he can be very severe when necessary ; the piano. ``Would you like me to play all across Africa; if you help me I can do it, and stood the tooth pulling without a mur- • if you do not I cannot; if you sell arms to mor. the enemy I must sail. I must stop it. Do RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. 1 P - ERS PP b ra i. R1 8r Manilla,, NEWS; 9: C ALL SIZES AND C9WEIGHTS To ORDER 3 Dalin s l05 St, 21 eo M 1LLSi PUMP', P.C. QH$SLON$ _ E• EF LUID_ SHE GREAT STRENGTH GiVE i PERFECT FOOD ji OR THE K WSICK t ,3 & DTRITiOUSBEVERAGI AP POWER UL ' F INVIGORATOR Ileitis rnh ono ugh to errata iiahccapaper at one MlIng you want me to kill these men ? I don't do It willingly 1 Answer 1" The sheikh replied that he would be glad if my Excellency could see the wayto spare the remaining man. "'T ! N, you 1 You must save him. If you don't want him to die, tell me so, ask his life, promise me help, make all your peo- ple to get pie promise. And then I told. him nothing to the eo- the,other sheikhs, to say i o g p ple, but when I gave the signal, to let them ask his life, but to ask it really, as if they meant it. "t 3t 8 o'clock we were all there again round the tree; the poor wretch hadtherope round his neck., I asked if he had anything ric I raised hi hand to give tostay. Silence, y the sign; the sheikhs rushed forward; knelt m feet and mlorecl mercy. Ilmnedi- at ately every man joined in too. yThey wept, they wailed, they implored me. The cul- prit burst out. crying. I said: "Good: for your sakes I give lois life." Then, there was a shout, and they all rushed forward. They • m g pen. li'aetee.eel' fell at my feet; they screamed blessings: they and inkstand , I swore they would follow me to the world's all in one.. end. Thatwaxed the spirit I wanted through the camp, and for two months I had nothing but absolute obedience." , Besides being a strict disciplinarian and r,,, gr• t a master in the art of bending the natives s,lL o3 ,40 • to his will, Stanley owes his success in '" ` largepart to his remarkable organizing and S'OlTNT • i� PEN `•aFa r-: •.o.' ' g g g Mee any pen or kind of ink, filled by the automatic action of India -rubber reservoirs{ feeds itself by the ressure of writing; administrative ability. ewe never under- tLrties in the pocket safety{ will not leak; �n�� tntada sad line takes a mission in Africa without having it idled in ntekel-plater su etior toe sty t P per•+ With a rush. sampteeatisteaid,iascents. I clearly understood before he consents to 5 Pena, -11 Will. P. 0. Stamps token. but silver preferred. act what his actual orders are and what A 100p Pletu('e Book sent FREE. Medtl:la tee paper.: are to be the limits of his discretion. This, 41, W. E Zy V j3 ;grquth, ti, th . done he fulfils his duty at any sacrifices Give the Babies Water. A distinguished children's doctor believes, from his practice, that infants generally, whether brought up at the breast or artifici- ally, are not supplied with sufficient water, the fluid portion of their food being quickly taken up and leavingthe solid too thick to Bather warmweather, , be easily digested.dry healthy babies will take water every r3 hour with advantage, and their frequent fretful- ness and rise of temperature are often dir- ectly due to their not having it. A free supply of water and restricting the frequency of nursing have been found at the nurseryto be a most check he ck in cases of incipient fever, a diminished rate of mortality , and, marked : reduction in the number of gastric and intestinal complaints being attributed to this cause. ;In teeth -cut- `ting, water sooths the gums, and frequently stops the fretting and restlessness universal in children at this period.' physiological, - casual relation between Eratwoon, ILL, Nov. 40,1t�8 strength and health. Indeed it is a notorious Dpi g inti eoelwaye parebased yaltr Sen - fact that professional athletes are often de- dell's Spavin Cure by .the half dozen -bottles, 1 festive in some bodily'organ, and theygen- would like pricesln larger quantity. I think it is g , - one of the bestltnlments on earth. I bave used It erally die early ie life from either heart or to myetablesforthree years. lung trouble. Developing certain sets of Tours trait', Cats. A. Sltrniaa. muscles to the exclusion of others makes the muscular system unsymmetrical and 'alter- KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE a feres with the equable distribution of the BROOKLYN, N. Y., Novembers, 1388. general blood supply. Inordinate develop- oDear sits :: 0 dee ire to give Ton testimonial of my ment of muscular power calls for unnatural good opinion of your Bendall'sSpavin Cure. Ila+, activity from the central vital or ans and used is for ti.atnrneas,- Stiff Jointa an y organs, S ovine, and I have found it a sure euro, Icor - thus it frequently occurs that under the al y recommend n m all horsemen. strain of some special effort the heart or Tours truly, A.H. , hfa>Seger Trop Lnundry.8tab1BWble0. lungs fail, anddeath results.free KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, Opinions differ as to the effect of the ingestion of water at meal tunes, but the view most generally received ie probably that it dilutes the gastric juice and so re- tards digestion. Apart from the fact that a moderate delay in the process is by no means a disadvantage, as Sir William Rob- erts has shown in his explanation of the popularity of tea and coffee, is more than doubtful whether any such effect is in real- ity produced. When ingested during meals, water niay do goocl by washing out the di- gested food and by exposing the undigested part mere thoroughly to the action of the digestive ferments. Pepsin is a catalyptic body, t n 1 a given quantity will work al - most indefinitely provided the peptones are removed as they are formed. The good effects of water, drunk freely before meals, has, however, another beneficial result—it washes away the mucus which is secreted by the mucus membrane during the inter - vales of repose, and favors peristalsis of the whole alimentary tract. The membrane thus cleansed is in a much better condition to receive food and convert it into soluble compounds. According to Dr. Leuf1 .who has made this subject it special study, cold water should be given to persons who have �e sufficient vitality to react and hot water to ASK the others. In chr'onic'gastric catarrh it - is extremely beneficialto drink warm or hot water be fore meals, an salt is said In most YUR O SANT, WISTON COUNTY, On10, Dec. 19,1t$8. Dn. B. 3. KENDALL Co. Gents: I feel 'tray duty to say -what I bave dope with your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that bad Spnvina, ten or 81NStevbdneol and n of BiJw.laI with aoof your boots and followed the directions. I hive never lost e- case f4 any hind. Yours truly, AhnREw Tanwrtit, Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN °'URE. Price 6iper bottle, or six bottles for 10.. `mg. gists have It or can get it for you, or it will.. o,. sett to tors. B. address KENDALL CO ,f Enno burgh the Fella-Vs SOLD BY ALL (DRUGGISTS. ,usE .SSBRpNp BA�ESHRERS Strange Restoration of Sight, A most remarkable case of the restor- ation of eyesight has just occured at Mace- don, Ohio.. An elderly lady named Taught has been practically blind for a great many years, with no hopes of ever recovering her sight. Not long ago she took ill and has been confined to her bed ever since, but since her prostration she has gradually been recovering the use of her optics until she can see aimostas good as in her youth. The case is smut remarkable one when the fact that she is pretty wellup in the seventies is taken into consideration. cases to add to the 'good effect produced. The Lack he Had. C�'! ON R "Well," said the merchant to the young clerk whom 11e had sent out collecting, "did enR THS you have any luck ?" rid a� "Some." ` /�� "I suppose you ggot the amount Mr. Fath-yji / it Orin ton owes. You swirl tie was a persona_ , F g friend of yours." - "No, I didn't get the J money ; the fact is, I don't exactly know what to make of my experience there." "How was it ?" "I went in and said : '1VIr. Fatherington, I called to speak about a matter—' T didn't , get any further when he put in with : 'That's l all right, my boy she is yours.; take her and behiappyV" i C.H.PEARSON & C°.-}— Long veils grow longer and fuller. I '--* c A Li' 1 M 0 R E. MD. - KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO CALIFO R NIA, ARIZONA, OREGON, And all points west of the Mincer Rive via the Santa Fe Route FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and ticke s a e ycur earest ticket agent, or address (GEO. E. GILMAN, Passenger Agent, 74 Grstwold as, Detroit, AIM GEO. T. NICHOLSO Y, General Past. ens Tioket Agent Topeka, Kansa9. 9 Cords Di 10 woues Runs Easy NO BACKACRE. tngesmai descriptivePiconainittionilsIron, hundreds pe Who have sowed from 4 to 1) cords daily. ?S 000 now emcees - fully used. Anes be hat where there is a vacancy. A Sun' 18111141008 for filing SAWS sent free moo doeverybody with each t othethis e the c bywasOf iitet ev e {y can Ole their own euros now and do ii;better than the greatest expert can without it. Adapted to all cross -cut saws..: •Every one who owns a saw should n to ,fool r •ln Canada. Mk. have nrod titeS'woma. n e n A your dealer or write FeLIanal SAWINo , U1. OVINE CO., 808 to 811 S. Canal St., Chleamo, .1'L n11ITIS 100810* fag MANY MILE Cel P 1 'fV. Di�Jt� L l p � BEST Tel i n ■ REE Our faofiiaea aro ' to introduce our n 9 , to 08E ritn oNIn ilt each locality, oco$ a roost; . OnlyIneachhowrit s hove .011�y thorn who write 70 'I oa � o P et 10 one, mane am 0 -:tuna ,� the thence All wyouour to do )n these iso allow our gotde to re rhos, who all—your notgghbaro. L. "r `' and thosa.atouna you. The be- ginning of ' gronisn of th4 Rdverthetnona show, the email and of the tele- scope. The ..t.0.., int .^r- the appearance oft reduced to - One eef the esco c tbe4uorld.0 ua r11 0114 u e re, ,.r about the fiftieth part of its bulk. It is a grnn.l, dequblo else tele- scope, as large as is easy to ,,rt•v. We will oleo ehofr you how pyow+ can make from 53 to $10 . day at tenet, from the star,with- ont experience. Better write 9, owe. We pay all expreee chargee. Address, I(.11ALLe1T a CO.. hos SSO, PORTLAND, MAINE, FREE7 16 GRAND LOVE STORIES,, a package of goods worth. two dollars to manufacture, and it large loop Picture Book, that will surely put y on the road toe, handsome fortune. W quick, and send So. silver, to help pay tilS$ tags. Mention this paper. A. W. IiEINNEY►'Yarmouth. 141. tit..