HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-22, Page 1ifss. ''',1c. — JIM 14; AND IIIM-7 N & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO TSE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE, THEY MAY." TOL, XVII. NO, 31. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAX 22 1890 • ./0H11 Wl'iITe; & SONS li'nblisher s and Proprietor i a. OtOKBO.N, Barrister, Sol1- � 4 ,itor<*fduprente Court,Nataxgl'ublia Couveyancea Gornnaiesioner.ke. Money to Loan. •omeein Fannon'%, Block. Reamer. R 0.01,1aINSa Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., PraIETEI, • oNT. Ofi'ioeSamwell's5lock Itall'sold office.) ELLIOT 8,N E1rLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, rotaries Public, -money &l. 1� Money to 'Loan at Lowest Rates b# j Interest. OFFICE, - MAW RT13.RRT, RKRTDR. B, v Er,Lletri, rtToiMeT. uRNTA.,L, BLIiINGH, . OtFFWE: ova (Air ll*Tit'siIii*aI' Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction, Icy KKINSMAN,DEN TIST.,1i.D ,S Salnvrell's Bleck, Main.st,Faster, Paxtraote Teeth witttoutpabb, byy giviug Veetabls Vapor. Gold kltinge a,n all other dental ork the boatpareible, Goes Zuiien on laetTlrutedayin ooh mouth. XBDICAL '( W. IlltOWNIN( M. D., 0 l P • P.S.IraduateQicteritIIuivare,ity,polce tud,resaidenoe,Doric"rioPia boratorv, Rae ter , RXND IAN, coroner for the Cloants. ot liurou. OlAco, oplionite Air. iut,'s stor<t ,alter. DR. J. A. ItOLLINn, 0. Otllce.Matu S,..ffigeter.Qnt.ResIden eeaouaereeentis occupied by P. Narbonne, Esc• CUTTEN, hI. D. C. AI,, 1t ,A • Qraduato Trinity University, Tor- ontoFol. Trin, Mod. aeboal Toronto ; Grad. Ata Inst.. Craniology ; Member N. Y. Asad. atliohropelogr';oofeather Vol. P. 8., Ont,-- AUCTIONEERS.tt ., FN1tY EILBL.P, Licensed Auc- tioneer tor FTay,Stoplran, and MaQilli- rrayTownehll'a. Seleacoaductedatmoderate sates. O ffl ...At rout-onleo,Oreditou,O ut. _TOEQN G -ILL, Auctioneer for the V Townihlus of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter, All salon protnntly attendod,an t'iattaf<totian guaranteed. Salus rranged at this officio. a �� VETERINARY. SHELLINGLAi,V & CURRIE VeterinarySurgeons can be consulted at Clerk's Hotel, tlretlitan. or at Staffs. A full Meek of Veterinary modioinea kept canatautly on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a spc°falty, 7(7 R. CARR, VETERINARY •` Surgeon. Honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform ibo public that be is naw prepared, to do all 'vorkin Votorinarit line, Calle answered at all h ourrs. Offioe. Kirkt 3mOnt. C. DOAN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College. Toronto. honorary member of the hlodical Society. Calls from a dietetics() promptly 'attended to. Veterinary medioinas kept constantly. on hand. Office, opposite E. Bower borry'a hotel, llansall. N. IL—Vei- erinary dentistry and surgery a spooialty, Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduatesof the Ontario Veterinary College Orman : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Beet ' Loaning Oompaniesrepresented. L.11 . DICKSON, Barrister,Exeter, INSURANCE. THE LONDON MUTUAL "FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. ead Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still oontinues.to offer the owners of farm property. and private residences, either on buildings or centonts.tho most favorable protoetion incase Of loss Cr damage by fire orlightninr, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able compauy can afford to write. 42,375 poli: cies in force 1st Jan ,1$90. Assets $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government deport, Deben- tures and' Premium Notes. JAMBS GRANT, President; D. O. Mo OONALD,Manager. DAVID JAQoss, Agent for Exeter andviolnity. .. ;WATERLOO . MUTTJAL T E . UR . -FIRE INf3 ANQE00,.;- Eatabll8hedIn 1$63'. HEAD 'OFFICE • ''WA 'WATERLOO, T RLOO, ONT. This company has been over Eighteen earil inIu000ssfu.l operation in Western On- .ario,andsontinues to insure againetloss 01. amage by arire 13ui1d5:nge,,Meronandiee,Man- factorieti,and 611 01110 ilescrfptfoneoflfnsur- Tile property, Cnt'ending''insurers have the ptionofinsuring onth.o Premium Note or Cash System . past e this During the I? . years hi Company hasissued 1,7,006 Policies. cover inpprop arty o theamountof )40,872,038 ;and paid inloss- ea a lone3T00,752,00 AssetS, 1i6176,1O,Q,O0,consisting of Caeh n/sank ,GovernmentDeposit,audthe noses. asedPremiumNntes'onnandandinforce. J W WALDEN!'! D,Prestd^. t.. O-.•M.,TAYLOR Secretary., J:B, ii UGsus,inepeotor. CHAS;,, NELL Atwitter Eseterandvicinity , The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED l3Y PA aLIAMEN T,1855) Paid up0o.pital ,, ;;2,000,00 RestFund .,, 7,000,00 Bead 0Mee ,'Ureter eal . F, W QLFERSTAN TIIQMAS.Eaq,, 20 branch offices intheliominion. Asanely in theDominlon,U,S.A.and Europe, xeter Branca, Open every lawful day ,'fromle a.m., to 3 p.m SATURDAYS .10 a. in. to 1 p•ru. 4PerCent.i eranunm allowed for money op Deposit Receipts R. E. ARCHEI Manager. cfro Goldsmith 4 Hall! WATCH&5,—, CL.00KS,— JEWEI,RY, SILVERWARE,— AND IL ERnARF,--.ND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED'VALUE. '$ereanalettentioagiven to repairing of watebes,olocks.end jewelry, C. BEICEEENI3.AC E, Opposite Post Office, P.ARKHILL CENTRAL L3arber Shop, PANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Pro Shaving and Hair onttii g in the latest style of the art. Every attention palate outtieg , LadieSatQLhi, dYnn' sH . Eyes Tested A.. S MURRAY, Practical Optician, Graduate *Ti Antic School. ., iV Eyes; tested ; deteotivosigh t rostered by the Mel of flueglass'>s. Largo assortment of the fnoatalasaeaonband, 4 alleolloited. -A, 8. 3str TTS.ek.'X ; 3.00 1nTYlaT t1S-sit-$ t Landon, W.A:NT TED Mon to take orders for Nursery Stoek, on Sal- ary or Comintasion. I oammako a, auocossfal S i .,J1 SMA N ot anyone who will work and follow my in- 8truottona, Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAIIAlVI.Nureeryman, 1416l3 Toron to.Ont. 0 i Court of Revision FOR TUE TOIVNSI1IP OF STI PIIEN. PUI3LI0 notice is hereby given that the firdt Bitting for the Court of Revision for the Township of Stephen, for the ourrentyear, will bo hold an Monduy the 20th day of 314y, next. in the Town Hall Croditon, for the purpose of hearing and deciding all complaints made against the assessment of the current year. All parties desirous to appeal aro called upon to govern themsoxves accordingly. C. PROUTY, Clerk. Court of Revision, FOR THE TOWNSIIIP OF USBORNE, PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Usborne, for the current year, will be hold on Saturday, May 31st, next, in the Town Hall, Elimvillo, for the purpose of hearing and deciding all complaints made against the assessment of the current year. All parties desirous to appeal are called upon to govern themselves accordingly. CG.W,llOLMAN, Clerk Court of Revision, VOR THE TOWNSHIP (1F HAY: PUBLTC Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Hay, for the current year, will be held on Saturday. May 3st, next, in the Town Hall, Zurich, for the purpose of hearing and deciding all complaints made against the as- sessment of the current year All parties de- sirous to appeal are called upon to govern themselves acoording]y. 8. J. LATTA, Clerk, Notice to Creditors ! In the Goods of Williams Whit- lock, tleceasetl. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter ]10; that all persons having claims upon or against the Estate of William .Whitlock, late' of the, Village of Exeter. in the county of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the est day of Mareh,1890, are on'orbefore the 1st day' of July1890. to sendbY post, prepaid, or deliver toth 1 undersigned Solicitors for the. Toronto General rp. is eompany, the adminis- trators, with•the willannexed of the Estate and effects of the said deceased, a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full' p trti°ulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (if any beld by them. And notice 1q further given that after the said last mentioned date the said administra tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate amongst the persons entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of :which uptime shall have been given, as above required, and the said administrators will not be respon- sible for the assets or any part thereof Re dis- tributed to any person or persons of whose claim or.claims notice shall not have been re- ooivedby them at the time of such distribu- tion . ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Administrators, gated this lath day of April, '01 . Exeter. Carpets, Carpets, a carpets,. In Brussels, Tapestry and Hem that we will give p chea Hemp than any other house in town, Comparison invit- ed. Wall Paper Wall Paper, Wail Paper, 7 We are offering a peoiat values in this line to deux out our stock. Ask to see out; odd :lines in dishes. Good goods at reasonable prices, BBUMPTO N BROS. Huron Presbytery. The Presbytery of Huron met at Blyth, on 'Tuesday, 13th lust„ Mr, Acheson, moderator, in the chair.—The Fiaanee Committee presented a report showing the amounts contributed per family for general ohurch schemes and for all purposes, au the verfoua cougregatiene daring the year end- ing Dec. 31st, 1$89, For sobcmes, Clinton occupies the And place and Bengali the second, For all purposes Henson is Brat and Clinton is second, 'rho committee were directed to print and distribute the report. A minute 1 conneetiou with the death of the late Bey. Geo. Jamieson, of Hayfield, expressive of his personal worth, and the value of his services in the cause of Christ, was adopted and recorded, The I'reabytery also expressed its sincere sym- pathy with Mr. Muagravc, of Aiol{illop, in lila recent affliction, through the death of his wife. Mr. Hold Hendoreon, licentiate, having a0cepted the call from Bayfield and Bethauy. was examined with a view to or- dination and induction. The result being satisfeetory it was resolved to meet in Bayfield on the 20th inst., to ordain Mr. Henderson end to induct him into the. pastoral charge, service to begin in St. Andrews' ahurah at 2 o'clock p, in, J. S. Henderson, of Hensel', to preach, lir, Simpson, of Bayfield, to address the can, gragation, and Drf Uro and Mr. Anderson, of Goderioh, to address the minister. A cull from the congregation of Egmond- villa in favor of Mr George Needham, licentiate, was sustained and the clerk was directed to forward it to Mr Needham for his consideration. The call was signed by 107 members, and accompanied with a pro. mise of S800, stipend and manse. The Committee on Systematic Beneficence presented a report, aboivxng the liberality of the people in ooatributing towards the general work of the church to be in the increase during recent years. Dashwood. Bunn—Mrs. Bolden and Mra. Gill are visiting friends in Michigan.—Mr W. Sudor naught six foxes one day last week.—Last Thursday a. lolly number of fiahors passed through our village.—Miss Hauls is staying in our village at present.—Thursday was Ascension day. There were services in the churahei in the forenoon. --Mr F, ;dohroeder has bought 25 acres of land from 1fre. Heidrich.—Mr Jonas Haitleib has bought Mr. Cook's share in the flax mill.—Mr R. Cook was In Parry ' Sound last week and bought a saw mill there.—One of our young gentlemen rather soiled his Sunday go to meeting vest last Sunday evening on his way home.—The young folks enjoyed themselves at a party on the Goshen on Tuesday evening.—Mrs, Moritz of Zurich was in onr village on Monday.—Some one has had too much . cheek lately.—Last Tuesday morning Mr Voelker, Sr, and Mr Sebuleter left for Michigan.—Mr J. Snell has had his fence painted. FAT CATTLE.—On Saturday evening last Mr G. Kellerman weighed two heavy bead of cattle. One weighed 1520 lbs while the other weighed 1295 lbs. ,SONEAT FIGHTING.—Last Sunday evening two grown up lads had begun to fight when they were stopped by one who happened to pass at the time. We hope the like will not occur again. Twaxxr-FoZarli Pima -Some cf the boys are talking of having a picnic at the Bend on the twenty-fourth. They had a meeting the other night to talk.abous the matter. BAsa BALL.—The ladies of our village formed a base ball club, We haven't heard whether they wil play a match with any other club or not. FoosBALL—The first eleven have received their snits and are now ready to play a match with any neighboring village. They sent achallenPe to the Grand Bend team to play there on the twenty-fourth which has been accepted. One evening last week thepicked team played with the scrubs which resulted. in • ,2 to 1 in favor of the former. It would be a good idea if the teamwouldhire some one to keep the spectators from the play ground as they sometimes interfere with the game. Bxxsrs—Mrs. Freid is visitingin Zurich at present.—Mrs. Gill has retud ho p e IDs from Michigan.—Messrs Knoll and Birn. stheil of Milverton, paid our village a short visit.—A-nnmber of our married men spent a gala day at the lake on Monday last.— Mrs.l3ossenberry of Zurich has been visit ing friends here. -Last Thursday evening some of the young folks spent the ' evening in Mr. W. Snell'shrinee where tboyenjoyed themselves by singing and playing games etc. We heard someone say that the supper was grand. LEexultse.—.Rev. Mr. Howie .the blind lecturer will speak in the Evangelical0huroh on Monday and Tuesday evenings next 126th and 27th inst..) about Lebanon. As he is a native of that plane and did not lose his eyesight until be was grown up, something gdod may be expeoted, Those E110 heard him in Crediton not long ago, spoke highly of bite, We Trope a large number will turn out to bear Lim„ The admission fee being only 15 cents or 25 cents for both nights. Foor BAatt„--Aa the Zurich team did not turn out on Thursday to play a match with our boys, the 4'8crubs" agreed to play against the Arai eleven. The match was a lively one espeoially at the close and resulted fn 3 to 0 in favor of the first eleven. Bruce ;old, Bows—Rev, Mr. Howie of Brueeela will oeeupy the pulpit of Woo church next Sabbath. The patter will preach naiaaionary see -moue in Br'nasels on that day.--Afr, Jas. Sw.An is erecting a Aim large ham ou his lot. Ur. Af*Beni has the oontrae;, arra when finished will he one of the finest in the villages -:sir, Rabt. Uotham has erect- ed a fine frame house on queen St,•--Tbe old foot -hall clue reorganized last Friday evening with the following ernoora and are apOn to receive challenges from any of the neighboring olubs, Captain, Dot)ald Dallas; sub•Captain, Andrew Scott ; secretary Jelin Kaiser; Treasurer, Bobort Beattie, Zui 1011.. Bonn» or lifeer er.—The members ap. pointee by the municipal oouneif of Hay, for 1890, are as follows : Messrs. F. Hess, reeve. Dr, AfoDairmid, D. Steinbach, ,John Hall and Saar X. Latta, Dr. Buchanan, Medical H'ea?th Officer, and Henry Greb, Sanitary inspector. The board met at Zurich on May 17th. 1890, when the fol. lowing bnainesa was transacted ; ,fleas—Buobauan—that .1r D. Steinbaeh be chairman of this Board for the current. year—Carried. ifess--.Buchanan--that the Inapector, Mr Greb, be instructed to make a tour through the T'p visiting more especially the school houses and grounds and the villages of Zurich, Heusail and Dashwood, also the other villages in the t3lvnehip--Carried. Buchanan—Greb—that the Board ad- journ to meet Again' et the dell of the °hair• utan—Carried, All persons will therefore please govern tiiemaelvea accordingly and ace that every- thing is in proper order for the summer, that closets are properly attended to, eta., ete. Star. J. LAz'rt, Sea'y, Buries ---Mr, F Seigner has had a seeoud. attack of lA grippe, but we aro pleased to see .that he is getting bettor again. -There were services in the several churches on Thursday last, it being Asconsion, Day.— Inspector Tom paid his official visit to our school a few days ago.—Court of Revision will be held in Zurich on the 31st. --The man at the flea mill have finished their work in the mill for this season,—Tho ex- cavation for the town hall has been com- pleted and nearly all the brick is on the from ground.—Mr Greb is entertaining visitors Detroit,—The teachers of our public school will attend the convention at Exeter this week —Mr Sol. Hardy bas alerted his rounds with the butcher-cart.—Mrs Monter is entertaining friends from Ham-burg.— Last week Mrs P. Kibler presented her husband with a little daughter. ,Crediton. Beiers,—Mr, Simon Stahl, editor of the Unionville, Mich. Moho, spent a few days in Crediton visiting his parents,—,Mr. Chas. Higgins (Ross) is visiting in the village. — Mr.Chas. Taylor has gone to Michigan on his farm.—The base ball boys turned out on Tuesday, and with the aid of n good team of horses got their grounds in good shape for playing.—A number from the village at- tended the Hensel' races on Wednesday.— The tile yard is having a great rush, and in order to get any tile, farmers have to take their wagons to the yard several days ahead. —The centre roads .are being repaired with briokbats. They have proved better than gravel for bad holes and the council are wise in using them,—Mr. B. Brown is erecting a new verandah in front of his house which will greatly and to the appear- anee.—On Saturday last, an infant child of Mr Chr. Finkbeiner of Shipka, was buried in the cemetery here. Mr. Finkbeiner was unable to attend the funeral himself, as he was very seriously ill with an attack of inflammation. POLITICAL MEETING,—One of the most enthusiastic politcal meetings ever held in Orediton, was the meeting on Tuesday night. The attendance was very large and the town hall was fairly packed to the doors. Thronghout the meeting the best of'order was kept. Mr. Holmes, the Opposition candidate, made his first appearance in Crediton, and judging by his reception, has made re meet, favorable impression on the public. Mr. Bishop spoke for half an boar, fol- lowed by Mr. Holmes for the same length of time. Mr.ollin C i e then took an hour in the interest of Mr. Bishop, and Mr, Holmes replied during the next hour. Mr. Holmes was laboring at a disadvantage, being very hoarse. but in all Other respects the •diaad• dantage was on the opposite side 'of the platform. Mr. Holmes showed up the iniquities of the present government in a Manner which' could not be and was not contradicted by Isis opponents. Fie hod a large number of Catholic hearers and in laying down tris platform be did it so :clearly and impartially that no one could take any offence. He achieved one thing never done fu Crediton before "Knocked out Collins." Equal Righters, after hearing his Speech. surely will not doubt hie veracity now; and we feel confident that in this coutoetMr, Bishop will find Mr. Holmes the ,'warmest opponent he ever had+to deal with, Mr, H. Either occupied the chair very^ creditably' and impartially, and: managed to keep excellent order. 419t3t'sit. cr for p tcher's Castor s Hensall Races, The racea yesterday (Wednesday) were a success. The attendance was large, but -the weather being cops Tire horses- labored under a disadvantage. TheTwo-thirty five trot was espeoially interesting, Following is a synopsis of heats, with entriea :— Two -thirty five —three entries,—R. T. Thompson's (Goderioh) " Baldwin" John Beacom's (Clinton) "Tom Burke" ; B. Roe's (Wingham) .'Bella Roe." In the first heat Baldwin led, Burke second, Burke left hie feet and fell back, but on the stretch crowded Baldwin and both horses reaghed the poll head and head—a dead treat; time, 2.37 . Second heat, Baldwin led. Burke .a good second, Bella Roe third. These pos- tions were maintained with Burke a very good aecond time 2.36. Third heat Bald- win again led, Burke second, Bella Roe a poor,third. :These positions were held an' til eeaohing the stretch, when Burke leased won the beat by a head's length ; time 2.8 i. ironrth heat was a bad start, but Baldww led, Burka second. Bella Roe third. These positions were held until stretch when Burke again took rho lead and creased the wire a head's length ahead ; time 2.36. The fifth beat was interesting, Tota Burke lead. Baldfn second, .Bela Roo third. Burka maintained lead throughout with Baldwin crowding him very closely, 'Tom Burke won by a half length, Bella Rosa bad third ; time 2,41e, Follewiug is the summary ;-- Baldwin 1 2 2 2 Tom Burke - 2 1 1 1 Della lion - - 8 3 3 The Arid heat was a deed treat Three minute trot ---five. eatripa--T S Johnstan'a ((loderich)'Gray Tobe; Dr White- ley's (Goderieb) Daisy L ; R Rosch, (Sea forth) Tommy 0 ; Robt lieatty's (Brussels) Latter B ; E Livingston', (Blytb) Dr Lir- iugeton, In first heat Lady L. led, Gray Tape second, Letter 13 third, Dr Livingdtene fourth, Tenney 0 fifth. ttray Tobe.seour• ed first place, Tommy 0 second, with Daisy a good third, Tirne, 2 45, Second heat Gray Tobe led. Tammy 0 aeeoud, Daisy L third, Far the first pelf the position was kept, but in the second 13risy L secured second place, witch she kept, Gray Tobe rcachrngthe polo first, Daisy L n good sec- ond. The other horses held a separate race iu the distauoe. Time. 2 42. Third heat Gray Tobe led. Tommy 0 second. Heise L third Tbeee positions were heli to finish. Tommy 0 keeping a close second Time 2;43 Following is the summary ; ab• •1 1 1 TomGrymToy boa - - 2 3 2 Daisy 3 2 3 The management deserve credit for tbier efforts in bringing about smell a successful meet Rabort.3lorrisan in returningthanks to his numerous customers and the pulic in general for the Menai patroness° ho has roeeived in the poet, begs to announce that hie stook of general goods for the spring and summer someone trade will be found complete, well assorted and et prises to meet the p evailing hard times. Having added largely to his stock of wall anti soiling papers he cordially invites an inspection of the same feoltng confident that for variety, quality and prieoitwill earn parevoryfavorably with any in the market. tkkive him a °all for auythtes you want. No trouble to shaw goods. Highest prion for butter and eggs. Remember the place—double stores-8larehall's Bleck opposite Murdock's k Co , Mansion House, Bidduiph: The Atkinson estate near Liman was sold en Saturday to M.' Thee Hodgins, for the auto of 35210 The farm oonteiall 114 ahres, and Mr Atkinson refused 88500 for th;a farm some eight yaara since, air F. Davis also purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr John. Dagg, and fatly 000upied by Billy Taylor, for the cum of $3800 this was boagbt two years ago for $5200 It is to be hoped however that land hal touched its bottom prices, and the coming harvest will again revive trade. • • •- • Greenway. Bnx>.re—_Mr. Isaae Wilson returned home last week after attending the funeral of his eldest brother, Mr. J. R. Wilson.—Measrs D. Webb and M. Cronyn sent a model of their new farmers' choice fence to the commissioner of patents at Washington a short time ago, and expect to be granted a Patent in;a few weeks.—Mr. J. Shervith was appointed to represent the Grand Bend circuit of the district meeting held in Park- hill.—Mrs. E. Clement of Detroit is home on a visit to her mother.—Birth, on Sun- day 18th inst., wife of Mr. Robert English of a daughter.—A large yawl boat found on the shore of lake Huron is being repair- ed on newsails put on, and will be to launched on the lake as a pleasure boat. Olandeboye. lenxsrrs—The fall wheat is looking very good aronud here, much better than this time last year. The prospects fcr fruit is splendid. If the frost does not conse too strong, fruit ought to be plentiful next fall. —Miss Lucretia Collins of London, is visit. ing relatives in this place.—Albert Carter at this place,has gone to London to fill a position as clerk in one of the stores there. We wieh•Albert success as he is a steady and industrious boy.—Mrs 3. Hedging of Londou, was visiting her relatives, the family of Mr B. Blackwell, of this place last week.—Mr G. Cunningham of Seoond`Line of McGilhivray is actively engaged buying lambs at present,—Clandeboye seems to be fated to have .no base ball this summer, ibis should not be as there are lots of yonug men around he.e, Waken Tip boys and organize. -The coming election is the topic of conversation hero jnst now, the opinion around here is that Mr. Hutchins is going to win the day,work hard 0 ye ooi,servatives and the day will be ours,—Mr. Adam Neil of the 2nd line McGillivray had the mis- fortune to lose a fine yearling colt last week. It seems the animal got into an old well and got stuck in the nand it was dead when found.—Jas. Miller of 2nd line McGillivray hes sold his.oelebrated' Clydesdale stallion to Mr. F. R. Neil. proprietor of. Maple Stock Farm who intends to travel Iriin thie suis mer. He is a splendid animal and deserves the patronage of the public.—The belles of the village are now practicing foot raping; for exercise. Practice' time is from sunset nntil`dark, some of Omni a -fl pettiug Tine expert. i Political Meetings. On Friday evening last the first shot e the presentolitical camps%gn_. for South Ifur< n was fired hi Exeter, Mayor Clarke, of Toronto, was expecte 1, but owing to ill health could; not be'present, and his place was taken by N. Clark Walleee, one of the. `• Noble Thirteen," The attendance was very large, hundreds having to leave, be- ing unable to gain admittance. The cbair was taken by Lawyer Hickson, who gave a short address. Dr. Rollins wee the first speaker and he sueceeefully dealt with ` the ninny acts of iniquitous legislation oe the part of the Alewat administration, Mr. Bishop, the government supporter, war next called. He spoke for half an hour, advancing reasons why he and Oliver 'Mowat should be returned. he stated that their course had been an honest one. and should commend itself to alt right. thinking people. Mr. Bishop made a creditable speech. !lir. Holmes followed, and although hoarse, shattered Mr, Bishop's arguments and soon with* house wild in plaudatiou. Mr. Clare; Wallace then took the platform, and in a speewh al ne,rly two burs' duration, lucidly expial:n* efl the Meredith policy. Ho was Tile the men who opposed the Joanit Bill and was present on this occasion to oherrt iwi. the cause of Equal Rights. 13o woul;tnot disparage the Catholic religion, but would in the strongest terms denounce their Tet- ting epeoial privileges. He would for the present concede to them all the eonstitu- tion allowed, but would favor the abolish- ing of amendments thereto. Mr. Wallace dealt with other phases of the WOO, and WAS so sueeassfut iii hie appeal that Re. formers as well as Couaeryatives felt that he was pleading a righteous cause ant% that Meredith's platform would ultimately win. On the whole the meeting was one of the beet ever held in the county of Morass. The meeting closed with the usual formal- ities. Un Monday evening Ur. Rolmea held one of his rega'ar meetings in Exeeete Tlria meeting was also over -crowded, and hundreds were turned away. Tile meet- ing duly opened, Mr. Holmes took the platform, and speaking for one hour pie. sented his claitna most clearly and in a mariner which defied contradiction. Ile labored under a had disadvantage, being yet horse ; but notwithscentling he pieta - el the Ifowat administration as it never before bad been pictured, and exposed, the truckling influences it courted. Ile tap. pealed to the O'.ceters as an Equal Right's supporter, and gave proof to show he had always held the seine views, lie would not do the Catholics an injustice. Tru giving them Equal Rights with the Protestants, and this he would always vote to do. Tie said the Catholics, if they would look into the matter dispassionately, would .not ob. ject, but woutri consider be was doing them a fever. Mr. Holmes made a conetnetug address, aria WW1 testily applauded by the more liberal Reformers. Mr. R. II, Collins, Barrister, on behalf of lir. Bishop, spoke atsonto length, and WO must admit that be gave one of the most eloquent and powerful addressee we ever heard -one that would do credit to any crater on the continent. Bnt Mr. Collins has a very ,bad erre°. and with a bad case it is difficult at the best to snake en impression. He dealt at some length on the Separate school question, and while he strongly held the relies, the prord in support came abort. Mr Collins made Some valuable points, but they turned out to be valuable to lir. Holmes. Mr, Holmes :replied to Mr. Collins in a successful manner, showing wherein Mr. Collins had told only a part of the truth and also where he had made some Inisrep- resentations. Having the chance of reply Mr. Holmes had an advantage, of course, and therefore it would ba unfair to infer that Mr. Holmes has everything on his aide. The meeting was orderly throughout, a pleasing characteristic of an Exeter audience. Mr. Jos. Senior has sold hie fine driving horse to Mr. Edw. Christie. Mr. J. A. Stewart has purchased at a high price, from a gentlemen in Guelph a fine specimen of bull terrier dog, for watch dog u the store. Burglars had better be- ware. The prevalence of sorofnlons taint in the bloodis much more universal than many are aware. Indeed, but few persons are free from it. Fortunately, however, we have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most potent remedy ever discovered for thie terrible affliction. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION Miss Jennie A McNair Lions Head, Bruce Co„ Ont. tells the following remarkable experience:—I called upon a poor woman who was very sick. She had not left lier bed for weeks. Her friends Raid alis wag dying of conaumptiou.; indeed the was so low it seemed shat it would be but a Tory short time until she would pass sway. I looked around on her little ehildret, and. resolved if possible to pure her, but how to do it was the gnestiuo, I was well used to the different forms of consumption 'Lust knew her trouble all came from the and that her lungs were being destroyeil by breathing the poisonous, .secretions into them. I came . home praying 'that God world give Ina what was wanted to care her —and he did in a strange way. A. little ho;, came into the room where I was and wonted me to look at star on a piece of Paper. it provedto be auadvertisement of Nasal Balm. I entered it at once and it proved to be just what I wanted as to -day the woman's head is all right. Slade able to do her own work roadie gettiug,stroug:vet;y fest. This remarkable change .was 'effected .bv enc bottle of Nasal Balm. Enclose. 50 Ceuta for another bottle which is fora young lady here who has lied catarrh for a longtime. Plenee send at once and I will try and nt:tke iia worth kno.cu in this .place.It is it' pleasure for mo to work for ase aLae,:i:i and praise the medicine that deserves it. Notice • TO MIIMBERS. (0P S. 0, F,). All members of Plymouth Lodge, No. 6 2-0.0 11, S. wishing to +6ttend Divine Sorvi'oe in Clinton arolleroby rc rucstod to be atthe 'Lndr;o roomsnext cis y, gar 9ith, not late/ t1i26;1. 6,95 a,m WM. SWEEET, C. F. PERT eV • Freaiden . Sco:etary,