HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-04-21, Page 9t minister and bis,. wife were• •discussing two men who were in "the 'news, • "Yes," said the "Minister, "i knew them both as boys. One was ' a clever, • handsome fellow; the other a steady,' hard wo'rke'r. "•The clever, lad was left behind in the race, but the .hard worker --well;, he died and left Bixby thousand pounds to his s.widow. ft's a gra mom." "Yes," replied hie with a smile, at is. I heard this raotxil; g, that the clever one is going to marry the widow." The Chinese were able to 'repro- duce the teachings 'of - Confucius by engraved stone 'blokes in the 2nd century A.D. lilxt organi8401t iir eating to forin a BadMinton Club' wit be lid TUESDAY, APRIL 26 at 7 pat. AT THE TOWN HALL o .EARLY- ,SPRING FISHING attracts thousands Opt Ontario s swell- stocked streams. Scene is. Nottawaiaga Jtiver in Georgian Bay district. I NOW GRANDMA CAN .. are now available in your district through the National Employment Service. Many farm jobs ,provide year-round employment and good working and living conditions. If you need a job and are qualified for farm work, get -in touch immediately with the nearest local office of the NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF... LABOUR Nothing In her ear ---bone or skin receiver free of extra cost. AND HER NEW 3 -TRANSISTOR ACOUST.ICON I:4 ;COST HER 0NLY$9950 LOWEST PRICE EVER! • Save hearing—save money! The new ACOUSTICON 3 -Tran- sistor Hearing Aid can help,.you enjoy hearing again, at, the lowest price ever for -this type of aid and you save on operating costs as well! The 3 -Tran- sistor sistor Acou:ticon costs mot lnore than 2Sc operate for 30 eight-hour days. Acoustican's written • 10 -day money -back guarantee means you must enjoy all these benefits, or IT COSTS You NOTHING! If you wish, pay only $10.00 down, $10.00 a month. Mail this coupon to- day, for FREE Copy of "Mir- acle Hearing" booklet. _- tc Before you buy any truck LOOK UNDER THE HOOD and be sure of true .short -stroke power Look -under the hoodforfie new kind of power that's sweeping the truck industry ... modern short -stroke power! Be sure yoq're getting a true short-stroke,engine—with the stroke as short as, or shorter than, the bore. Short -stroke engines prolong ring lifeup to 53%, .give substantial savings in gas, and last longer. ACOUSTICON Address Please send me FREE copy of your booklet "Miracle Hearing' r",jie, er:Ot ,., g1is `,Pc.004 1%4 died at the age of 26; the .oltsla composer, ,c4opin, at 39- :both` o#. tuber'eu1osjs. W . • They would probably have, six- vived had they-reeeived• treatment with .:ml ern 'drugs - and - if , they had been nursed in aeeordance w4(present dray methods. ' ' Had modern (taws, such. a i peri,. cillin, cortisone, or polyc .clime 'been available not so long� ago, history might have been quite dif- 'ferent! fJ.... Princess .Charlotte, the only child of 'George IV, died in child- . birth. Her son was stillborn. It is said that her obstetrician, Sir Robert Croft, over -bled her dur- ing prognaney. As a, result,..: she was exhausted even before her long and fruitless confinement be- gan.' . Such ,ii catastrophe would not 'occur today. Croft later, shot himself for his mistake. This loss of two people in direct succession to the British thronemeant that George IV was succeeded by his brother William, and he in turas, by Queen Victoria. Is ,it too fantastic to claim that a doctor's error, changed not merely a great dynas- ty, but also influenced the world's history? Infectious Diseases Three celebrated composers died of infectious fevers --t'y'phus car- ried off Schubert, typhoid fever killed Mozart, and cholera Tschai- kowsky. Antibiotics now are often effective against the first two dis- eases, and although cholera is much more difficult to treat, it has been more or less wiped out in many countries by the purifica- tion of water supplies, and by immunization. Another famous composer who died of a disease that can now always be cured in all but its last stages, and which may respond even then, was Schumann. His QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. In dollar value what is Canada's most important export commod= .i,ty 2. In 1945 the average wage in Can- adian manufacturing plants was $30 a week. What is it today? 3. What is the originof the nam of 'the name of the e province • of Alberta? 4. In •1954 by show .much did the value of imports exceed the value of 'Canada's safes abroad? 5. Of Canada's total 'nationa'1• in- come does taxation take one- ten'th, oneafi'fth, one-quarter, one- third? ANSWERS: 5. Taxes now take - more than a• third of national in- come. 3. The province was named to honor Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, wife of an early Canadian Governor-General. 1. Newsprint. 4. 'Imports exceeded' exports by $146 million. 2. Average wage is now $60 a week. r—••r ems,. , •{�3 NC1� l:• lift. J .:{c:�JsY3TrJ:: �ri�53� '000°°°oi 4oeeoeee.''� I� 3y -- ur-- - r33�it3fit;•3 HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPfiI0N TO THE SIGNAI . SAAR l :r Z r rr r: Pf•: •• rr+r .•A')!G�M•W. { '!h••••n••MIA•+V:Y:N:MIr•.4YlV%A•!'•ViYJ,•J.�W.:.•,w4. • BARBECUE .SAUCE FOR ZIPPY FLAVOR' o; s a date Mani estatx m � ;"t ►e brain and nervous :.syyster.. Today this ... A w t,_ t its treated jy de1ibei ately'dnfe eting the... -patient With !malaria, The malaria Parasite and .ilia syrphilis. -, bacteria fight each other, and when penicillin is a•Iso given, this treat- ment' usually ' saves" the. patient's ufe, although he is not cured of the damage 'Which the disease may have a..lrea;dy caused. • The. •French • short -story 'writer, Guy d0 Maupassau.t,. was another victim. of paresis. ' There seems Rite doubt that . Henry, VIII died of syphilis. ' !Penicillin; or even the earlier salvarsan, would probably have saved -him. .Alexander ,the. Great was carried off, by mialeria at the height of his power and In :the prime of life. The English statesman, Oliver 'Cromwell, iney have been another victim of malaria. He ' certainly died' -'of a fever closely resembling that illness. Itis great enemy, Charles .II, was cured of the dis- ease by quinine, which 'was intro- duced to Western Europe after Cromwell's death. • He and Louis XIV of France were among the first notable Europeans to receive - the drug, which still remains the best 'treatment' for many types of malaria. • Drugs Could 'Cure Another famous -victim of a now - curable 'infection was the poet, Byron, who fell ell in Greece of what doctors think was rheumatic fever complicated by pneumonia. Treatment With the derivatives of salicyclic acid and with penicillin would probably have saved this - great romantic poet. Like Byron, the French painter Ganglia, died a tragic' death far from home. He caught leprosy during his sojourn on Tahiti, in the South Pacific. Drugs of the sttlphone group- might have produced a complete clear- ance of the disease. All these people died wpm dis- eases or conditions which medical science has since learned to deal with. , Other well,known persons died of complaintsthat modern surgeons frequently Conquer. Napoleon died of cancer — prob- ably of the stomach. This is now often eradicated by en early oper- ation. The successful treatment of the Emperor Frederick III of Germany might have had impoQrtant con- sequences. , He died •of cancer . of the larynx only a few months after ascending the .throne. His prin- cipal -doctor was Sir Morrell Mac- kenzie, the leading throat specialist of the day. ' Fatal 70 Years Ago Mackenzie is criticised for not having removed '' the emperor's larynx. He was perhaps justified in not dieing so, since it would have left his royal patient dumb. In any case, this operation was us- ually fatal 70 years ago. Nowa- days it often succeeds, and the patient can be supplied with an artificial larynx, or taught t� speak by resonating a column of air brought up from the stomach. Another rayaIe victim of cancer Was Mary Tudor, Queen of Eng- lap'd, who ' died of an ovarian growth: An 'operation, to remove this is noWW fairly common- and successful. Hers was a most tragic case, for the growth led at least twice to the production of false symptoms -of pregnancy. Had she' given birth to an heir, would the Roman Catholic faith that she re- stored in England have remained the national religion? These- are some of the fascinat- ing IF questions of historyposed by 'the, absence •of , a ' scl l a hypodermic o' needle, or a dose of some drug. e nr .Q. 34- and 22.. oz4; .. �,i, !leg. Magnesia Tale s 1:4163,7;:" 9C ...•••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.D.A4. BRAND Sari Grin TABLETS !grain 100's 1gc 500's %9C Reg. 20; Reg. 55c 3i grain 100's '"500'x Alin Reg. 23c 196 Reg. 6SeifIli •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••B•• Peroxide 4 $ 16 2 for 49c Reg. 19c, 29c, 45c 15C, Mc, 39c •N•••••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••IO• Vegetable Laxative TABLETS 36 39c 1,001111/414 ••••••••••••••00410••••••••••••••••••4111 Moth Proofers Adequate protection of stored garments against moth damage is important and we can supply you with a reliable "moth proofer." •••..••••1..••••••••••110••••••••••••••••••••• PROTECTION! for Clothing, . Rugs and Upholstery! MOTH BALLS MOTH FLAKES Full strength -1 pound net 20c 2 for 39c 11b. 59c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••es•••••••••t SAVE 29c EVELYN HOWARD Two 59c Tubes Hand and Bod "" Lotion with free dispenser 12 oz. 98c 1.20 value FREE! Comb and Hair Style Booklet with regular size ,, HOLLYWOOD WAVE SET �}5C Cutex Oily Polish Remov Special Wildroot Cream -Oil and Combination --1.41 value Cutex $1 Hand Cream combination Only 65c IDA Health Salts 59c Odo-Ro-No Specials --Reg. 1.25 Spray in plastic squeeze bottle 98c "Reg. 1.00 "jar'Cream " 69c- Woodbury's Toilet Soap 4 for 31c � 'J • • • • • • BARGAINS. ,IN ODD' LOTS—EN,I) OF LINES. 'SLIGHTLY SOILED ' SATVIPLE•S. • • • • SPECIAL BUYS IN NEW MERCHANDISE. SALE STARTS APRIL 21—ENDS • • APRIL 30. . • • eiso••••o•••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••®••••r••4 •®®!e••••• • 36 inch Print and Broadcloth. Mill,. end' lengt'hs.. 36c yard 4 • Old Colony, high quality printed Broadcloth. Reg. ,69c 2 yards for $1.00 i • • •• White Flannelette, 27 inch. :.yard 29c I I White g'lannelettte. 16 inch. va.rr7 36c 10 yards $2.79 Standard quality 3 yards $1.00 • • • They're' here --the new "Money -Makers" —Ford Triple:Economy Trucks for '5 5! Come in and see them --get the full story on Triple Economy-'lookuinder the hood. for money -making "short -stroke engines, new' overhead-valve,design in every series. Examine the cabs, for .driver -saving ,com- fort,newca gate tr .. payloads, see how. Ford's money -saving capacities fit into your hauling picture. For economy—for durability -for tuatability, haul with Ford Trucks .. , the new "Mosley - M (kers" for '551 5 Great .SHORT -STROKE V- e4fre of the most advanced overhead-valve design! Ford ,Trucks for '55 offer yciu five proved short -stroke V-8 egies of advanced, low -friction overhead-valve design.— i32-Hp, to 170-Hp.—in,every series from pickups to tandem - axle giants! There's new engineering in valves, heads, ' crankshafts, electrical systems and cooling—new savings in fuel and increased engine life! f 3 J ��i�A • �,, �. ' •4 i .CSM•: ^ir. :•w'' •�:: :tri:%l.�':�r: J :vY •� P•100 P,cKtfr • 'PAYLOAD --'r, -5f' i'O 1618 1.1%.S. gYtO Driverized Cads .::Trew power options cut driver fatigue permit more work per: gay Again in '55, Ford's famous Driverized Cabs.,/eaca- .t-v.wuy., in comfort, convenience acid riding ease. New woven plastic upholstery on deep foam -rubber -cushioned seats! New power options—Power Steering*, ,Power Brakes* (even on half-tonners)4improdled automatic transmission* with - new low -gear starts—make all driving easier! (*Extra -cost options on certain models.) Over 125 models ... G.V.W.'s up to' 40,000 extended range of spring, axle and tire o tie l s In every series, from half-tonners to giant "Bi;r o.s", Ford offers you high payload capacities. For example, the new F-100 Pickup 'now has payload capa>rfty op to 1618 tbs. Gross Vehicle Weights range from 5000 lbs. to`40,000 Gross Combination Weights go righ('up to 60,000 lbs. Axle' and spring capacities have been increased. THERE'S A1-955 FORD TRUCK MADE 44 MEASURE F'CiR EVERY HAUILING J013"1 ICOi4VFNIIONAt 00415 • 6 CAR FORWARD 21240 ' 2 TANDO4 AX1I'Sl*IFS Ise—r_s2C17-"‘ ANEN— ••4 S6.Hbor BUS 0,140 ROAN OIIIVFRY " SOUTH - 1 - rut a new spring.dress on your r wri s InZa • :- ' r••FIs4-t u t •n $ izippy Barbecue Sauce. And for a, change in contour for '55 try shaping our rrteat loaves in individual sizes: That way they're ready to be slipped iatd buns for easy eating. 4"''1'`t'y`this idea next time you take a tifiOgt loaf to your association or church afjper. Your friends will say that pot dui is good luck. ere s the recipe pe to make 21 cups ps t ' your family and in brackets we've $�;..err the quantities for 8 cuPr• *cop cup (134 cups) finely 'Chopped oniony Wimp (134 Cups) finely chopped celery X(2 large) ciove.garlic, minced '3' 'tablespoons 04 cup) Merfed "shortehufg, or otl, �2;tablesppons (3- cup) brown sugar 2 rtea'spoons, (2 tablespoons) prepared Ttrutstard . M,f dean (5 ca.na)'Condensed tomato soup 2",talilesptions ,04 cup) Vinegar or Ierhoit juice• — - 400k oniony eelelty tied fcarlic in sh i'tening until soft. filend to brown ;r . and mustard.: Add remaining iitgredientariimmer 10 minutes. Good too, on broiled steaks, ch'ops', chitken, baked spareribs, hot dons acid any roasted meat • • e 11/4 inch,Satin Ribbon --pink only. Reg. 25c yard. On sale . .... 3 yards 25e g • • ® Boys' cream ribbed Combinations. Sizes 30 and 32 only. Reg. $1.50, for 50e • • 4 7 only—Misses' fine wool Gabardine Slacks. Sizes 12 and 20. Regular �$ e . • $4.98. Clear at - $22.99c8. 20$ I • • 1%en s Athletic Underwear Tops --mostly large size. 29d. • 4 . • Boys' striped string knit "T" Shirts. Size 14. Reg. $1.50. • 13$c . . I • 4 3 only boys $2.95 Negligee Shirts " • _ i CLEARING LOT OF HIGH QUALITY MISSES NYLON ANKLETS ` Elast'i'c top and'` turned down ton 536; 2 pr. for $i.00• •� . : .---Vorttitfi-OtgaL cotton Anklets. Sizes 81/2 to 101/23 for $l:f#D • • • Children's Sunu r ti ton Vests. Sizes 2 t o 10. S'econdis 27c; 4 for .$1.00r. Ladies' knit cotto'n Elooth ;;Both banded and elastic knee. c : Children's rayon Panties. Lace tris, Seconds of 49c line. Sizes 2-4-6 ... ........: 2'�c Ladi•es' rayon Panties. Somme marked s Y .", _.... _-' 39e :•. 4 LADIES' SILK GLOVES • Red shade only. Il`teg $ 1,00. • • 25cpair • LADIES' & • *'+ pS Rayon ay n or Cotton. Most sigma • 4 '•, p. 22c, 5 pair $1.000' 6 . only girl's 51/2 oz. denim Jeans... Size 10. 'p ` ,,, .. .. ' 8 Pillow Cases, Plain help,Mediutm sturdy quality;*..... ..... , ... j -'a ggc for 95c Children's training PantF�es. Sizes 2-4.6 White and colors �. i h, New ' !•Tett! Printed � nth Cotton r��,, � i I [ .r �\y`�� ! !;;tett i C `�`.� �?•:? j' � ,. '� - �;;: �q. °Pillow Slips $1;75 pr. 5 West Street CODEJ