HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 8INSURANCE. -pIoNLs2t LLdO!`,Atxl', iTF011 '1IF �vi�sli\i� ,;t.ttitY l'etZ°• - VAN tr.. of Toronto .asst) for the 1' 1,11X 11.,aUYt.t1t e. Ce_KAPA.NI, of1,.:rice Englated, the.1tt/1.�1<cl 1ij..;1�, of Aro,.. treat. ned the tiNTA1110 1It: it. Ali i,xl`t: AsitR.tNCI., CO'1 of Waterioo established laTO.,iseeraulesi.nfnrce,$13,127,300, Bonuses every year after 3rtl year. WE STILL OFFER A NICE Ccliection of Wall Papers. The ia;aiance of our spring stock at rc:.:sunabie prices to Intend- ts^ b y e rs• Our stock (4 Croquet Balis, Express tt"ti Bons and Csen- c i Fancy .cy hoods sun 's c :tl,lletc: with ou i SroCI+: OF tew eece_a. FIRF.t5'ORKS. ti,,ns. Call. . 0 :3 :IGliIONEl)• Loki a cry suit- g-ci;-116. for \\ tar 1t:(x ax• �a�n.Y tc pres nta- i Fli :'.oFizs. ' Zl'rf' 1P . tip i. i`1 wares e1 iilek is :11.1 i12en ening-, th s .civvr- t?-,e'mntt Well receive 1 spm sal tiler notice .A.:A]..&ttl'active Stock Te ' S .'ing,,Tweeds Wors ts',ed.s o nd. T l'(AiXS- ings. ]'1C:\V being Shown by GI lis al T i, 04 tl'ldelt'ltlll values sboots 04 1.1 ..)hoes. 2 cto buys a phis boys' or Oirls' boots, they wen wets ; and 75cts buys a pair of Lassies' lace or button boots, odd lines being cleared out. Some of them were as high as $2 and $2.50. 75ets buys a pair of Alen's plough ,coots ; $1.25 was the price, Those lines we can't repeat, they will go quick. A. full range of Ladies' and child - ,r211,4' Tan Oxfords very cheap. COME. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stook Dealer. Exeter, §ta J 4•Y ,es 1tt v tYYrr ll,G eo, THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 2.890 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. 'Black isnot on Flint Trees. According to the Revised Statutes of ( ntaro,,chapter 202, section 2, it is ob- libatory to cut out and burn all black knt,t found on plum or cherry trees, each aid every year as it shall appear. It is the duty of all overseers of highways or street inspectorsto enforce the provisions of this Act, under a penalty of $10 to $20 fine. After persons have been warned by the inspector and do not cut and burn as directed by statute, they are liable to a fine of not less than $5 and not mare than $20. A word to the wise is sufficient. es Cool Samtner. On the principle that the average tem- perature for a whole year will not differ greatly from that of former years, it is predicted that the coming snmmer will be en unusually cold one. As a matter of fact, .,'it is said that since weather records first began to be kept with anything like their ppesent accuracy and completeness, the ,.range of variation, comparing one year with another, has been not quite five de- grees. The coldest year recorded by the a weather bureau was 1875, the average tem- Derature of which was 48.6 degrees ; the 14 warmest, 1889, which averaged 53.5. (le - o green. But from January 1, 1890, to the fi »resent date, the average temperature has been nearly 7 degrees higher than the rev Breettiea' Wheat and other spring grains are. growing rapidly anal are above ground, The Exeter and Clinton cricket teams wee try w ussons at the latter place on the 30th May. Word has been received from .lir. Chas. Eacrett and family, who last week moved to Saruia. They hate got nearly ,.ettled. "eleeere. Snell Uro':, At Co., are getting their pork peeking house into shape and sill in due season connuenee curing meets. Messrs. Carling Bros. have purchased one of the finest speeinleos of St. Bernard slog we have ever seen • They have dis- posed of their mastiff. 11 hl'st sp'lting Wood the other day, Mr P. 'Ala HA his eye 1 .3°y e 1 by a stick bs:utt"btr,� uptitiar is and striking that member Ile now wears a bene age, L, vee y. -u ies $eaatnpx =rain tied a Corel sero• s the sidewalk in the vicinity of Mr, I. Houdin d s blacksmith shop, for the purpose of tripping the unwary pedestrian,. The first shipping rope fatality of the eesnn is reported, alittle girl :lying steer cellh,•ttl;� it 900 times. is iev pc,reuts sllenl.l sere tit rt emelt a mode of exercise is iudn!ged rs enly to i ieraetts.. MEREDITH'S PLATFIRM! LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS.. The Liberal C'onsetvative Candidate for South Huron will address meetings on the stirring questions of the oampaiga at the teeming places: May 12, ('oxwortl,'s lists, Henson • 13. A:arduu'e slats, Seafortk lar,Opera IIr lee, Beet r 20. Ton Hate erection " 'i l'eine's hall, Zurich ".Varna 2's levees s Ilan,l3ruecield et. Wes ons Sellout 'Reuse e:S'e p m " 2h. c."oi,k sSehoot ,house. uuderieh town- ship, ,::tip m • '2', (1lfteraneng Turners School House. TueI ersmith ''6, (Evening/ Bed School /louse. Tueker- • srn th I1ills green "• ee. Town Hall. Bee Wel 2i Nomination I. i!•:renin,^.l bunter 3a, Willert's Hall, Dashwood " u1, esraed Berri Jure,!. Township I1all. Elimrilie • 3.Farquhar The C,ru,.rt ativ'es cif Soeth ltlurc'i area Except where otherwise mentioreil. 111 up and doires anti ;are means„ .a vigorbas a the above meetings mill he opened at 7.30 ei cluck p.m. The Nominee of the Reform Party or either Candidates cordially invit- ed to be present and address the meetines. ladies are especially invited to attend all these meetings. ' effort t s ryes! ),nth Heron Dm liere,li;ll,. whn `t kb'S^r or i, as p:.r i3'ally th'it o4 the Rene: ' lets eleeevietien. :l 'v.7 _.-, eeritlemee we; -•.en nn Reeser Ave on Monday evening last, with a c argil f taehed les a •at. '1e %:1d s4-, p';tli there hy_sifre a !mike .if.l rt -'.lel "bee lei r---" -.--llt aladk•it .Sun On unciae i oriisgnext,RevJ.S. iUktn • of l esedire wiB eteet.ii the minuet serneen to the Sens or England Sovii tt of Feeder, in Junes-st 1Ieth. clrureh. Mr. .Allan will alae occupy the iiutpit le the evg;, Mg Coughlin shipped frnm Meter on Mon -lay two ear leach of eattie to Montreal, :Ile. frier ci=s,r sliippetl a ear loa,l of hogs to the ees'ern nrat•k_te, as diel Mr. Oke a ,'cart a'l of -.idle t0 Termite, We have had very heavy frosts of late, lout as yet iso serious ilatettee has been re- p' t;,.l. 1'egetatien has not advanced snf- i],::ie•i tly fair to renter fall wheat or other g ede , nor yet the tree,, liable to damage. ley host, Perseus: s silting letters fur the t'nitetl f liin� e n rest 1 r,at tt G nine ee entries will r re:seemlier that such letters ,stiou".,f he piii; ' with ,i or We pest sse stamps provided for that pushes an -1 not with stamps of a I`v.,.1 : uosuin stuns. Mr. Waaa Ile sri1Zs who leas been supply- ins t • t ewneptenp'e with milk for mere aa a year. has given utter eatisfartion, Me lar o111ptut ee with which be dello makes labs .l, lsvetie"a is a geed recunhmcndatios ha etsaeDt. We are sr.rry to annourkethat since .11r 1"ai:Lair it sing family arrived in Winnipeg they have experienced many drawbacks. The children have all had the black measles, one, little Prt'ddie, aged $ Fears. hada, died. The eldest ,leughtcr is not expectee to recover. Mr..Iuhu c,, it{,:rues, the Liberal (',n- serv,ativice cendi.latte sill addre s a Meteting Fn Drew"-; Opera. l.ese ttti � 1 1 SP�t• on� , i , tr, leu ilny evg neat The i 1, . eitien has Deer, invited, mei pimple will lie offered. an op- portunity of hearing beth aiders tbnlonghl.y tli .:us r,l, The ladies are extended a car Nal hit itat un to attend, Agents Wanted 'I'•e st?ll""Belt" and "Dominion" .iigana and Pianos for Exeter and vicinity. Salary or con1r11ission baits to a goad nten. iat'0T1' 1;f.1i111,, $eaforth. liuuawuy- On Thursday last, two ladies frons Crediton, Airs. Baines and sister, had a zaarrow escape from death or serious in- jury. They had been in Exeter and were returning home, When leaving the village their spirited animal took fright, and turning suddenly around ran Along Main street at a rapid grit, collid- ing with telephone and do ensu. Finally it carne to a halt having; become entangl- ed in the harness and rig. The laadies- ladies— one of whom limped from the bum,. the other being thrown to the ground ---were, not injured. They buggy, however, was totally wreaked, while the horse escaped. Mr and Alts. D. A. Ross left un Mon- day niorsung for bunny lime, Nova Scotia, to visit Mr. Ri„'s' parents. --iter. John (1. Holmes the Liberal Conserva- t:ivt, candidate for S 'nth Huron was in town on lfi nday and made many f rieuds, amongst the number being several Re- formers, who stated —"1t will bo hard t.a vote against you Mr, llobnes ; you have an hottest faro and the words you speak, unmistakably come from the ,. These tea :,.: sentiments , rt That are the f , c 0 .t.iltl 1 9 1 uE It fall who meet Mr. Ilultncs To see and hear hint is to respect hum -Mr. Wm Fan - on, who has been in Exeter for some time caring for ids father, /Eft on Mon- day for Thoruhury, r;tltitrg• his father Mt ssra, J, ,i• D. C'obt !e,lit•k delivered at with hint. -- Fion, Thos. (lreenway, Pre - the Fleeter stetion on Moni ey 24 cattle for ries of Manitoba, spent yesterday the Mr. 1;, Coughlin, to he shipped to Aber- guest of Dr follies.—Mr. R. H. Verity leen. One yearling weighed 845 pounds, leaves shortly for Manitoba and British Fix ether yearlinga averaging 650 pounds (e,eembia, each. On the whole they composed the finest drove ot cattle ever brought iuto Exeter. .Although the spring is not yet far ad. teemed, our gardens are already begiuning to we:tr a different aspect, in many eases one vieing with another, for the best, prettiest, neatest gardens. Spring time especially reminds one of that promise, that while the earth remaineth, summer and winter, day and night. seed time and and harvest. shall never cease. The anrnal spring meeting of the Hen- sall driving park association will be held in Hensall on Wednesday, May 21st. The track is one of the fastest in Ontario, and already the -a being fifteen of the very beat horses entered for competition, the public may look forward to witnessing some of the keenest contests that have ever occurred in this section for some time, Next Wed. nesday will he a galaday for the associa- tion. Read Messrs. Carling Tiros' change of advt. We might just here mention that those people who are disposed to believe that advertising does not pay, should con• ver,e with Mr. T. B. Carling, the senior partner of the firm, who has told a reporter that since advg in the Tiers their business has increased ten fold- During the past week their business doubled any previous week The TIMES reaches the better class of people, and it is the paper in which to advertise. corded average for that period of former. years ; and the inference is drawn, with apparently very good reason, that the -of summer now approaching will le one of ih', ti el low temperature.- ,Te is no 1•),°'telavy temp l ' such thing as certainty in weather predic- tions but there is in this case seclegree of 'ag' probability which is at least .entitled to be respect. The wise man, taking.note therc- and of, will not, be in haste to forsake his heel'. flannels. The constable has decided to have the by-laws of the village strictly adhered to, more especially that clause referring to street loafing. The habit of some young men in standing in crowds on street corners, and especially at the church doors on dis- missal of service, is daily, growing and be- coming more shameful. Such conduct creates an adverse impression in the mirds of std angers and lowers the dignity of our highly -reputed village. The boys had bet- ter accept this warning lest they should fall into the hands of the police. One of the measley men who took a newspaper for a year or two and then sent it back marked "refused" or"not wanted", was sued by a Goclerich publisher a few days ago, and the Judge gave a verdict for the plaintiff for full credit amount with costs. The court decided notice to discon- tinue was not sufficient if the subscriber was in arrears. He must first pay up. In any event he wasresponsible for all the time he took the paper from the office ; and if he refused to tate it and the post- master does not return them to the pub- lisher, with the notice giving reason why it is returned then that "official becomes responsible because of his neglect. Following are the names of the officers elected at the recent annual meeting of the Mechanics' Institute, of which mention was omitted in our last issue : Pres., Rev, S. F. Robinson ;.Vice do., Wm. Sweet; See'y, Fred Collins; Treas., D, Johns ;,Librarian. Geo. Kemp ; Direct. tors : Messrs Rev. W. Martin, R. Spicer,' P. Johns, B. H Archer,. John Muir, A. G Dyer, John Taylor and Dr. Lutz. The librarian's report showed an increase in the number of members and also of the im- provement in"athe gaality of books during �the year. There are now nearly 1,900 's lumes in the library. The librarian's- e4lia,ry was increased $5. ••: We are pleasedp to notice that Mr. Chas. Neil as sufficiently recovered to be able to be about. I,;ry far Pitcher's (iastori2 ';ample vaareCardy.-r A case of considerable interest to parties in this locality was trie•1 at the Londcn Assizes last Frideay before Mr. Justice Street. Samuel Sample, jr., brought an action against John McCurdy, assignee of Swill. Sample. sr., of t aborne, tan Insoi vent, to establish claim against his father's estate for $2500, claiming that his father owed him that sum for money lent, and the amount due on a note made by his brother John, and his father as surety. The plff's father was examined at his house by the local master, being too old and infirm to attend court. His evidence was read and quite a sensation was caused by the plff, and his brother fainting during Mr. Osier's cross-examination, and His Lordship after hearing argument of pill's counsel dismissed the action with costs and said an attempt had been made to manu- facture evidence for the plff, the father's signature to the note appearing to have been but recently added. stir R. H. Colhns acted for the plaintiff, and Mr B. B. Osier and John Elliott for defendant. -Vestry laIeeting A special vestry a,eeeing was held in the Trivitt Memorial church on Friday evg., the 9th inst., at 8 o'clock. Mr. B. S. O'Neil was chosen Secretary on motion. Moved by Mr. Spackman, seconded by Mr Billings, that Mr. N. Dyer Harden be the people's Warden for the carrent year. Carried. The Rector then showed by figures the increase of the parish financially during the five years of his incumbency. In 1886, at Easter, there were 31 subscrib- ers to church funds and the amount of offertory, exclusive of that for missions, amounted to $118.40. In .1890 there are 90 subscribers to church funds (an increase of ten since lastyear) ancl$363.96 offertory. The envelope system is else in use now, which always reduces the offertory- In 1885, $555 were raisedfor church purposes; 1890, $$1.426 The church wardens report- ed an increase of at least $150 in subscrip- tions for the current year. The Sexton accepted the sum of ,$125 for his services, tendered on motion of Mr. 13illings, seed by Mr. A. G. Dyer. Wheat at $1.02 attracts largenumbers of farmers to town. Read Messrs. Brumpton Bros' change of advt. Mr. Balkwili, who recently left for California, has arrived at his destination. Mark C/lark's palatial residence is be;. ing moved onto a lot opposite the mar- ket. Remember the public meeting in Drew's Opera House on Monday evg. next. Mr. E. P, Clark of Toronto, will be among the speakers. A. couple of days' rain, followed by sunshine has had a stimulating effect on vegetation's growth as the lawns and shade tress of the various avenues show, Mr. R. H. Collins will go on the stump in opposition to John G. Holmes, the Conservative candidate and plead in behalf of Mr. Arch. Bishop, the Reform candidate, Notice of Mr. Holmes' meetings appears elsewhere. He was first in the field and it will now fall upon Mr. Bishop to follow him. e Lena Them.. All We are showing the largest and most stook o � � al.t SAL 4Jt� U: taxing 17� 0�,./ ever exhibited 2n this vicinity, We import these goods. di.reot from the old country Don't fail to see our special line of all -wool Henrietta Cloth in all shades, one yard and a quarter wile for 50e. per yard. l'e also make a of DRESS ROBES BES of 1 = „. specialty � � a�l descriptions, Swiss embroideries, braided Obeneille trimmed, hand er=.orrk�edd 'etc,, ��etc .,1-1�I II..4 -1-.A We can show you just what you wash and at prices much below the ze blas h ores ` ro pay cash for all our goods and by buying from. us you can save l o discount. .,ot ani.Shoes,Ready-made Clothing, 1 Glassware, and Groceries at rook bottom prices. CC) CAN GET AHEAD - OZ Carling13ros,,by out ing out this picture brat n,o competitor van get ahead of Carling Bros. in auy other way. GEN 'T'1,EMEN'S QoId Watches. We ha.''e ,jiuit completed the purchase of alarge Whole- sale sale Bankcrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and ale now offering our oilstone- ers these goods at prices never main to be equalled. With those of aur Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently on- en ently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call ort us, 1 -Here since '55. T N 4 '.aprons, N. , I3. ---17.a nllzc /,est quality, ;?. 5() ea. A. M©RFI Y & CO., Con Richmond and Dundas Sts. � London, Ont. Exeter Municipal Council. The council snot on Saturday evg, pur. anent to adjournment All the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Mr Hawkshaw asked for a grant of lung ber to bridge a part of the drain on Aun street. He was about to build a shed, as his accommotletion in the respect was lacking, and it was necessary he should have one,. It was decided to grout llr Hawkshaw 2,500 feet of plank and nails for sante, providing he supply ceder and labor for same. The following sums were granted for charity t— Mrs Mclntcab, $2 ; Mrs Piper, 83 ; 11 McIntosh, $2. H L. Billings was given a grant of $5 to pay for the closet built for band instru- ments. The clerk was instructed to ask for ten- ders for Treasurer's Order Book. He was also instructed to write W Milne re -cedar pests, the toad commissioner being in- structed to order hemlock lumber. New tenders for tile to be received in clue sea- son. Council adjourned to meet on Saturday evg. next. ..• . Exeter Promotions for May. Below are the names of the pupils pro- moted by the Inspector from the senior class in each of the three lowest rooms to the room above : From Miss Pringle's :—Mabel Brooks, Mabel rollick, Norma Bobier, Etta Smaila- comne, Alfred Peterson, Jennie Handford and Evelyn Gill, equal, Garfield Sheere and Jessie Wolper, equal, Lorraine Hooper Norman Phair and Olive Treble, equal, Hunt Vasey, Fred Moore, Bertie /toss, Norman Pickard, Frank Walter, Lottie Hyndman. • From Miss Walrond's:—Hebra Ford, Charlie Weir, Cora Prior and Ellen Brown, equal, Olive McLoughlin, Allis Handford and John Cann, equal, Berrie Piper, Stella Gregory, Ada Powell, Harvey Dignan, Eney Cudmore, From Miss Gill's :—Asa Williams, Bertie Haggith and Wilbur Cudmore, equal, Louisa Eacrett, Herbert Trevetlhiek and Wilbur Haudford, equal, Via White, Etta Smallacome, Chest Dennis, Eddie Eacrett Rhoda Handford and Hilda Hersey, equal. Tommie Welsh, Tommie Creech, Carrie Davis and Lily Huston, equal. Mr. Geo. Samwell has beet appointed Returning Officer for South Huron in the coming election. A more worthy appoint- ment could not have been made, Our worthy station agent, Mr. Knight, informs ns that there is by a very con- siderable amount more goods coming to Exeter every week than during correspond- ing weeks of any previous year. The flax mill at Shipka owned by :tieasrs. Switzer, was destroyed by fire on Saterday morning last. The fire occurred efbout 7.30 o'clock, and its origin is a mystery. By hard work the saw mill was saved ' A quantity of manufactured fax was saved. The tui 1 contained over $800 worth of finished flax. The machinery was also: in a good courlition having been overhauled very recently,.and was worth in the neigh- borhood of $1000. The total loss will be about $3000, with no insurance. :Mr. Switzer has been very unfortunate in busi- ness usiness and has teen continually in hard luck. We understand a list is being passed for. his'assistance in rebuilding, by some of his. well wisher:, and are glad to hear that the subscriptions are quite liberal. ('00 0at:0000 oir00000000et0000o0 M ) eo00000000t1 n 0 000000000000"10000' SILENCE IS GOLDENY Peelle 0000000 00000000000 00000000000000 0 00000 0000900000000000 that is a good motto to hang up at home•W--specia]ly to married women and children. ALL TRAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD." Brass is a good deal of a glltterer you know No reflec tion intended on the glittering promises being made by others. Car1izzg Eros, Zama Seen Silent, Long enough, because noise has an influence with some and people will believe that Carling Bros. are silent because they have nothing to say to the blatant boasting of those who claim all quality and cheapness as their own. rt LEND US YOUR E ARS. We can bury competition—not with blow and bluster but deeds. Quality for quality and •.r.tlue for value. We will meet and beat any prices made by those who vaunt the cheapness of their goods. We back this speech with our entire stock, not just only with a few lines. Highest cash price paid for eggs at all times. CARL. NG BROS. Huron Equal Righters. Cash For The Equal Rights people of the County of Huron met in convention on I Bulm na.s Tuesday. There was alargeattendance,'� many ministers being among the num- ber. There was considerable spouting done, which all amounted to absolutely nothing. The Reformers held that un- less an Equal Rights Reformer was nom- inated they would not support him. The Conservatives were than constrain- ed to make a similar threat, and in this way the meeting dispersed, to call sep- arate conventions of the three ridings, and try it again. - South Huron Reformers. The Convention of the South Huron Reformers was held at Hensall on Tues- day. There was a large delegation pres- ent, Stephen, Hay and Exeter sending a majority of the whole 114 delegates. Using the words of a Reformer present, "Mr. Bishop was too sharp for MacLean and had his men all on hand." Up- wards of a dozen persons were nomin- ated, and after short addresses by each all declined the nomination excepting M. Y. MacLean, and Archibald Bishop. These two men were pitted against each other, the vote resulting 75 to 37 in favor of Mr. Bishop. Mr. Bishop's' candidature was in no wise unanimous, the northern people going away, much dissatisfied, thinking; that Mr. Bishop, after a term of eighteen years in the "old arm chair," should have offered Mr. McLean an opportunity of showing the people what sort of stuff he is made The band have engaged Miss Laura Mc - Mania, .the whistling soloist to give an entertainment in Drew's Hall, on Saturday evg, May 24th. Miss McManis is sup- ported by a first class company, and all who wish to have a rare treat willdo well to see her. What the Toronto World says e,bout her o l.Glte•f_e tura of the Opening, however, was the whistling of Miss Laura meManie,acharm ing little lady from Indianapolis, with 'piano accompaniment by her sister. She gave an operatic selection, and later on, by request, en- tertained the audience again, She was well received—Toronto orld• W A. Q. 13OBIER, having leased Drew's Block, will be pleased to pay Hid iiEST Cash PRICES at all times for buttez and eggs. A. Q. EOEXER, May lst,'90. Drew's Biock, Exeter. FRED W. FARNOOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- ei-sivmmm Office, lipstairs. Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ont. TH.TSS CELEBRATED TROTTING STALLION, v,-0yp, „, Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at Bissett'srtivery S table, Exeter, W. G. BISSETT 5 Packs of Cards, FREE . One Pack, May 1, 0. TJ. Home: One, `Pack Escort; One Pack, Flirtation; One Pack, Bold to the light; One Pack, °Our Sofea just holds two. One sample book full of Novelties, all F$EE, if you send 5o. silvert,for postage. A: w • SxxeST IY. Yarmouth N.S. WANTED Han to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal- ary or Oomimssion. Z can make a successful SAT. ESMA N; ot anyone who Will work and follow my in- structions.. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay our" salary or commission. every Par_ your ritefor ernes at once. E. 0. GItA}IAM.Nurseryman, Mph1613t. ' Toronto. Ont. The market on Saturday was not very largely attended, owing tothe wet weather.