HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 5Hues121.1Mrse411,E, 1 An Open Letter to Xt, Todd,
DEAA, Sm.-Thebrief comment ori your
lectere at EhnenIle whieh appeared in the
Trues some time ago, dealt Madly with
you, but it see= to have struck you hard In
touder place or you would not squeal so
loudly end let your angry passions get the
master of your gmeat as is so plainly
manifest in your letter to the Trues. A
letter that in a disgrace to yoa as an editor
and muds more as ;he Couuty Master of a
iarge body of nien. A letter that does vio-
lence to your consoieuce and is contrary to
Orange principles as exponnaea by yourself.
1 have no love for a warfare of this kind
and do not want to hurt the feelings of
Orangemeu whore I highly esteem, but as
you so loudly issue your challenge and
so boldly throw clown the gauntlet and as
CARRIAGE HARDWARE. your insienattone and slaudersapply equally
Bao blacksmith's coal, horse ne.ils, to the great majority both grit and tory,
calla stle, patent wheels, bent,etuff, hues, et those who beard you, as they hold the
spokes, shafts, rims, pat, leather, dishes, 1, Jame oentirootts, I will gratify you to your
trimmings, cowboy tops, Noble Hoar heart's writer:A.
Brentford, varnithes, meslio, duck, drill, You object to three assertions; but you do
tanbaeks. j not awl can not prove one of them false,
;I but your pent up wrath finds vent in a ter -
MILL SUPPLIES.. I rent of personal abase of one yon know
nothing about. So your unworthy letter
destrees the remnant of respect left for you
when your lecture was eorerluderd.
na Nrik'rERIAL, No 01400410u \YM Made to 'Alia you said,
it wail ail very well in its proper place, bet
Breechloading And shot.ouns, powder, you aid oat tallow the hue it was suspected
shot, cape printers, wads, fearing rode. you, would tette as it was distinctly unaer.
lines, hooks. stood and se published from the pulpits of
this circuit that the subject of your lecture
was "Eflasa 1118143," and if that alone iu
the 441101D41 at the News Record "an
Oraugereen's obligations; it means Mae -
thing altogether different iu the mind at the
Wholesale & Retail
'teel nails, glass, plate. Mamma star,
elouble thick stained and engraved, looks,
;gravity, hinges, plaster hair, calcine Was-
ter, Akron, and Portland, cements, tar,
Teach, felt and lining papere.
Iron piping, yalves, mples, aeatestris, hemp
teed Rebber packing's, rubber and eether
Whine's, lace leather.
New seeds, all kinds to heed, red clover,
timothe, flax, mangel, turifip, white corn,
carrot, etc, These seeds are absolutely
fresh. Barb, Annealed, galvanizea,wires,
cedar posts and atakee.
Furnaces, stoves, milk cans, cream cans,
paile, Waueer cockers; ease; troughing
and roofing acme cheap.
Now goods -full line. Produce take
ahove all at TIOCKBOTTOM
W. II. 11011ellr,
Jas, N, Reward,
Theesetese (torrent New Throughout the
B11138015 111115a population or i,243,
and a total asaeased value of property
at $312.430.
Mr. John IlIcLarty, the noted la-
' Orme player, of Oshawa, has secured
employment in St Marys Lacrosse
The death is announced of 11Irs,
Angus Morrison, of con, 14, West
Williams But fifteen 'months ago she
was a bride in the bloom of youth.
After an illness of several months
Mr. W, Jones, of Stenleton, died on
Thursday at the age of 74 years. Ile
bas resided in, the neighborhood of
Clinton for ftbout 40 years.
A Lucan correspondent says: The
Salvation Army has lel t Lucan, atter
an occupation of six and a half years,
during whieh time they built a corn-
, rnodious barracks, now.olosed up.
Mr. John It- Wita�n, of rireenway,
died last week after a short ,illness in
the 76th year of his age: *His funeral
was conducted hytRev.PM: G. Freeman.
It was largely attended.
Parkhill is about to lase one of its
most prominent and highly respected
citizens in the departure of Dr. R. S.
Macalpine, who intends to discontinue
his medical studies for several months.
Messrs Peternian and Morrison went
to London last Sunday on their wheels
by way of Lucan, a distauce of over 40
miles, which was made in less time
than four hours. They returned
home the same day. -St. Marys Argus.
One evening lately a little child of
S. W. Rill; of Clinton, met with a pain-
ful accident. She was playing around
the room with the pointed ens of u
pencil inwards, in her mouth, when
she accidentally fell forward, the point
of the pencil piercing her throat.
Mr. Angus McIntosh, sawyer in Sut-
ton's mill, Parkhill, met with a bad
accident recently. While tightening
up the gunge the wrench slipped and
his right hand came in contact with
the saw. The saw nearly cut oft three
fingers and ran up his hand.
As Messrs. Alex, Levi and Wm. Mc-
Callurn, of East Williams, were taking
a pig to Ailsa Craig the other day the
animal got uneasy. and McCallum
under took to shove him to one side
of the wagon box, when it bit him on
the hand, sending its teeth through
bis finger.
While going to, "Mitchell . on Friday
last with the Fullerton mails, tne team
attached to the covered coach became
frightened and ean away. They came
Aollision witheobuggy in which was
Mrelohn i.arburn of El ibbertalitd the
two, rigs were turned clean over, but
fortunately no one was ;seriously hurt.
The Buffalo Exprees says that Chas.
Delernee ' native of St Marys who
I es •
1 Ad se a barb.er at the corner
of ..It' 'Seneca streets is missing,
andift elieved that he. has deserted
his y g wife and children and made
off for Chicago with hls mother-in-law.
The poor wife is lett in a destitute con-
dition with two babies to care for.
Thee. Pell, employed at Hodd
Ciellen's flour mill, Stratford, while
sheteadling bran in the upper,story on
Tulfrearlity laid, by some mishap fell into
thet4eiute and was, suffocated. R is
feet 'appearing through the lower end
.e• of the chute was the • first intimation
es his fellow employees had of the am:
• 'dent, and he was released as quickly
as possible, but lite was extinct. De-
' 'S eased was 65 years of age.
• .e. •
In the neighborhood of Whitewood is
settled a number of intelligent and
• wealthy germane,
who have conic to
• the conclusion that the Western Terri-
tories of Canada are fitted to other uses
than raising wheat. They have looked
over the situation critically. and their
experience is that beat sugar industry
in this country will thrive, They in s AL;
tend going into beet growing extensively, " •*-
and hope to influence the farmersof the c neeeAsiseermen
ses. or Comuitssion,
vicinity of Whitewood to follow their food o. ars and Expen
paid to the right men. I. want men 25 to 50
example. They will atonce o immence years of are to sell a full line of erst class
with the manufacture of beet root Natageorey tttiotetkn. 174 sntodokrefouriternaanetse.ed• po I y
sugar. -Brandon (Man Sun. 0. L. 1.108T1IBY. Rochester, N. Y
ordinary citizen of ()Mario, Compare your
leeture with a speeds on Equal Rights by
Rev. Principal Oweu and you will search
long to and as shadow of resemblance ; so
that on the first count you stand convicted
of deliberately deceiving the people by oh.
taining a ohatme of delivering your lecture
under Wee pretences.
Tim beetiottpowers of obligations is not
very mani
fest iu your letter as it theta not
tally well with what you said at Elina-
vale, hue my truthfulness in this matter
ay be ventiea by inumnerable whiles etal.
That Orangemen declare that Catholics
re not to he treated, etc., you call a alauder
but de not prove it so. It it a sadly no.
tariaus feet wheals needa no demonstration.
Sir, you portray use as a dishonest party
hack, tut for your information let Jae say
have never In my life attended a party
(tattoo or couveution ; but to exercise my
own opinions according e.o the (Botanist of
nty own eenecienee and Om others to do
these:ors without lot or hindrance is the
faiUt and practice in which 1 live, in
that faith aud, practice I intend to die.
deeidedly object sir to you painting your
own picture and trying to palm it off on an
innocent public as tniue.
Yon preheat to be opentliug your life in
opposing Room, the mother of iniquities,
the dread enemy of liberty and progress ;
but you are living and laboring in a way
that will noticed to success. Let me remind
you that the only poteut fora in the tearing
down of the strong holds of Satan and the
givieg.of light and liberty to the slaves of
the Popo, is the blessed gospel of the Son
of God. Wield therefore the wont of the
Spirit which is the word of tied and not the
word of thirstier and abuse which will injure
no one but yourself.
My letter hi already too long, so offering
you 8 word. of advice I will close. If you
love the cauao you ativocate so well as you
profess, never go out to lecture on Equal
Rights again, as you did your Cause irrepar-
able injnry et Elimville.
Ana now sir, hoping that your anger
has abatsd awl your better nature holds
sway, I will oloso my letter and append my
name expecting suou to hoar your further
details. Yours truly,
%Tesaue. Jones.
itlimville, May I2th, 1800.
Mitobell and Goderieb have decide&t upon
keeping the 26th of May as the Queen's
Ladiee who are troubled with roughness of
thoskin or cracked. showd keep a bottle of
Parisian Balm in the house, It is delightfully
perfumed and softens, heals and beautifies the
The ooroner's jury in the Shelburue, Ont.
murder case returned the foliating verdict:
"That Arabella Morrisou, Thomas James
Morrison, William Edgar Morrison, on or
about the 24th April, ewers to their death
by drowning, the lives haying boen taken
by their father. Thomas alorrisou, now de,
ceased, while the latter was lettering under
a at of temporary insanity."
The quickest, surest and. best remedy
for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore
throat, soreness and lameness, is Hagyard's
Yellow Oil. It (platy eaves sprains,
bruises. burns, frostbites chilblains, etc.
For croup, colas, quinsy" eto., tale 10 to
30 drops on sugar, and apply tile oil extern
ally also, when immediate relief will result.
Speaking at au emigration meeting at
Elora, Ont., Mr‘ McMillan, the alauitoba
Government agent, said that front the re,
ports of agents all over Ontario, fewer far.
niers are now leaving for the Western
States than for many years past, and the
number is annuals deoreasing, whilst an
increasing number are yearly going to
The strength of this article is extmoteli nem
After beteg cemented mast articles will break
in another place rather than where own ented,
Primo 15 (meta from druggists,
Red Whoat ... ..., ... SI 09 to g 02
Spring Wneat... ... ... 00 90 '10 (10 95
tiarley ,, ... „, ... 40 to 00 42
Oats .. .. -, 32 to 33
Clover $ as d ,.. - 300 So 3 23
Timothy •, ... :-. 1 50 to 2 es;
53 to 55
Oorn ... ,. ... 0 40 to 52
Kgga ... .., ... 8 to 8
Outtex .„ .., 14 to 0 15
Flour pe rbb 1 ... .., Op to 5 10
Potatoes.per bushel ... .,. 40 to 0 30
Apples,por oag .e 1 co to 1 (0
DriedApplespr b ... 0 4 t0 0 50
(series per De .,, .., o oe to 007
Turkey per lb ... 0 08 to 10
Ducks per Ib ... 0 05 to 0 07
Obickentiper pr ,„ 0 25 to 0 30
itogioreosedper1C0 - 450 to 500
Beet ,. ... I oe to e 25
RiA0S Vele;
Dyspepsia MOOS depraved blood, whicli,
in time, affects every organ and fouction of
the body. As the remedy for these troubles,
nothing eau approach Aped Sarsaparilla.
it vitalixes the blood, strengthens the
atanntoli. and correote all disorders of the
liver and iticlueye.
To secure good health. The great speeitio
for all diseases arising faun diaorderea
stomach. such as overflow of bile, sick
headache, loss of appetite, nausea. palpit,
mien, indigestion, censtipetion and All
blood diseases, 18 Berriook Blood Bitter'.
aletelretie of people owe their health to 13
13., nature's regu:ator and twaic.
Cougla, No More,
Your cough:ger lead to disease of the tunes.
therefore do not neglect it, Wilson's Wild
ellerry will cure it quicely and effeetuslly.
For ecidi,Cr Whoopi ire 7ough, Jk,sehttss
Loss of voice, oto.. no medicine equals Wilson's
Wild Ctierry.as thousands testify. Said by
all dtuggiats.
An old lady named Mrs. Catherine Sooles
and her grandson, Wm. Wynn, were burn-
ed in a house in Campbellford Tuesday
Stanley thinks England is altogether too
apathetic with regard to her interests in
Africa, and that Germany will got ahead of
Four White men and 47 blacks were lost
by the wreck of the schooner Eliza Mary on
the coast of the New Hebrides, many of the
victims being tomaliawked by the savages.
Mr. Pollard, lately keeper of the Railway
hotel at Clinton, left there recently, says the
New Era, without the formality of bidding
his friends adieu.
At Brantford on Saturday the confidence
woman, Dolly Beely, alios Mrs Blaineevas
sentenced to two months in the common
jail for obtaining money under false pre-
tenses last December from Rev Dr Cootie ane.
Baird, Laird, Agnes Ashton and Nellie
Leslie were on Saturday committed for
trial at Montreal on the charge of larceny
of S18,000 belonging to the Pacific Express
Company. The women were admitted to
The Marquis of Dufferin, British Am.
bassador at Rome, Italy, has sent a sub-
scription of 1125 to tssist m the erection of
the monument in memory of Major Short
and Staff.Sergt. Wallicks at Quebec.
Mr John Hodgins. 38 years of age and a
welr.known resident of Middlesex county,
died sit the McFarlane House, London San.
day. Mr Hodgins was born Feb 2, 1852,
near Birr, in London Township, where he
lived and worked at his trade for a number
of yeas. Afterwards he went into hotel
keeping, and carried on a thriving business
at Parkhill. About two and a half years
ago his wife, Martha Webster, died. His
health failing him he removed from Parkhill
to London wbeie he had since resided.
. -
It is announced that H. W. Darling
of Toronto, willeretire from the presid•-
ency of the Canadian bank of Commerce
to accept the position of arbitrator for
the O. P. R., the position. formerly filled
by W. D. Matthews, now director of the
Mesen.-In Bengali, on Tuesday May 12,
1890, Caroline Meyer, aged 65 years.,
Jeenesoir-Iu Hibbert, on the lOtis inst.,
John Jamieson, uged 77 yrs, 6 inos:
•—. e ee to 2 50
Sheepskins eaaaa e. ... 0 60 to 20
Oalfskinsa 50 to 0 4... ...
Wool perlb ,..."' '" 0 18 to 0 SO
Elayper ton „77 peo, .,. ,... ,
Ofli00*DerbUS0 0 50 to 0 (5
Woodier corcl - - 2 e0 to 3 ou
se:Brea-re a,
Vali Wheat.. ......... . ......- ... . ..... .. 0 95 091
Spring Weea,V.:'-,. .......... -......- 0 in 0 93
lear.ey 1 0 32 0 38
Clover seed..,............ -, ............ .... s ne 3 59
Timothy ---- - ............ ...-- 2 50 4 00
Pe s „.053 004
The Brandon (Mari) -Through-
t this entire district the brightest Pro-
spects sire in store far the farreess. TIt
seed has never been played in 11:10 ground
cider mere favorable coudilions, It
has been well covered, and the rains that
followed have secured it against auy possible
windstorm, which iu lsrnvioua relations have
blown the earth from the :molly Talented
seed. Anil rendered the crop more or lees a
matter of speoulatiou, This year WS ate
pretty safe iu saying it is no tioyond any
fear of claimer from that Karoo,
The effective mem on the glandular
system and the bleed, and the general
regulating tonics Anil purifying aotiou of
/3 1313., ermeeially adept it for the Willem!,
nervous, costive or serefulone. Ether 3 to
6 bottles will cure all blood diseases from a
common pimple to rho woret scrofulous
Teacher of painting, including pencil draw-
ing---era5 one, water colors, and oils ; also
China decorations, silk, velvet, etre Pepe of
lato Prof. Chapman .flolrauth Coll ogc , Londou
Terms modorate Iho Rectory, Xirkton.-Lm
If you will send us your alldress, we willma 11
You our illustrated pamphlet explaining all
about Dr. Dye' Celebrated Eleetro-Voitath
Reit and Appliances. and their charming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore vou to vigor and man-
hood health. Pamphlet ire. It roam e thus
afflicted, w o will send you a Belt and tkpplianees
on trial. VOLTAIC BELT CO.. llarshalhillich
'Last March mother caught a severe
cold, terminating in a very bad ouugh.
Everything we could hoar of was tiled
without avail. Hagyard'aPectoral Balsam
was at last recommend= and procured.
The first dose relieved, and one bottle
entirely cured her."
Miss El. A. STAIINANAN, Hespoler, Ont.
"Seven years ago I was tronblea with
lame back and could scarcely move. Sev-
eral remedies failed, but on trying Hag.
yard's Yellow Oil I found immediate relief,
and two bottles effected a complete cure."
Mas Humnr,e, Corbett P. 0., Ont.
An old physician, retired from erre:idea, hav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent euro for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and lung affeetious, also a positive
and radical care for nervous debility and all
no Vous eomplaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, lin s felt it his duty to make ie known to
his suffering fellows- actuated by this motive
ana a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of chaige, to all who desire it, the
reelpe, in German, Frances or English, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NoYEB, 820 Powers' Block, Roth-
ester,N. Y.
When Baby was sink, we gave no: Custom
When she whs a Child. 5110 cried for Castoris,
When she beearae ;Sills. silo ening to ;Amara.,
Ince. alio Lad Children. oho gave thew Cestoria,
Barber Shop
flue & 0 5
Butter la 0 16
Potatorie per bag .... 75 9'
Apples per blithe.-- 054
Wool per lb ......... ----ass ....... -a.- ea e 20
AftYPOrton....... ......... .... ..... ... 5 51 6 50
Drina per ton.. ...... .„ ,. ,, „„„1,4 09 14 00
Shorta " " ,,I.• t• ..• ...I 1111 ..,1•20 00 20 til1
ClatmealPer labl..,. •T •• '0,14 9.•...' 6 (4 7 0
Wheat, 990 to $1,05 per bus. Oalla,25}9
31e per bus, Peas, 6010 to Ole Poe bus. 1lr
NI thing. 43 to 49c per bus. Barley Feed,
ba,:uiteheti.o414 per he.a Con, Pc to 47le per
Toronto. e'er 14. -Wheat Spring- No. 2.1.01
to 4.0 pox bus : red winter.No.2.1e7 to) trS per
bus. MacRae, Noe hard,1 15 to 1 17 No. 2, p9
to 1 12 t PEAS 5 Ni to 52c per bus. OATS 330
to S60 Per bus. FLOUR. extra. Sale to $4.15
per but: straight, roller 4l1 to 4.G0;S
a roue bakers. 44.00 to $4.410. BARLEY. No 2,
47e to 4"o; No 3 extre. 41e o ites ; No S. 33r
to 490.
Sleeping car passengers for Pacific coast
paints; via she Chicaeo, Milwaukee $e St.
Nut and Ilitiou Pacific Overland Fast Mail
Line no longer have to wait in line at Conn-
ell Buffs Transfer Station to Olean elm),
Mg car berth roservatione west of the Mis-
souri River.
Tho now arrangements made by the Chi-
cego, Milwaukee a St Paul Railway obviate
all *itch delay and annoyauee.
For f urther pu rticulare empire of mistreat
Coupon Ticket Agent or address A,E.R.
Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil.
waukee, Wis.
W. H.
198 .King Street West,
Toronto, Ont,,
TREATS CHRONIC DISSFS---andgives Special
atteution to SKIN pasEAsxs, as Pimples,1;leers, etc,
• PRIVATE DISEASES -end Diseases of a Private
News*, as Impotency, Sterility, Terhocele, Nervous De-
kte., (the result of youthful folly and excess, "Gleet
and Stricture of long .standing,
DISEASES OF WOMEN-Pei:AO, Profase or Sup-
• pic6e041 alemaru.atiou. Mee:Mien, Leueorthesa. and
;Nue yroairs-e eau to 5 p.m. Displaceinents-of the Womb,
Suedaes.f p.m. to 3 p.m.
,ADVIOn TOAIOTIIWIS.-Arcyon dtsturue0at
niglitaml broken of your rest by a sick child
autforIng and crying with pain of Cuttine
Teettit If 50 401111 to1100 and get a bottle
of".11 re. Wins loves Soothing eyrie!" for Chit.
&en Teetbing. Its value is incalculable,
15 wiils'lleve the poor little nufferer int
mediated amend upon it, mothers ; there
Is 1..mistalca about it. It caree Dysentery
and Dierrbeet, regulates the Stomach and
imwmudares tnirel Cane, emcees the Gems.
minces Intlareination, end givea tout Ann
energy to the whole uyattun .51rs.1Vluelow's
Suetniug Syrup' for children toetlling it
pleasant to the taste audio Dm preseription
of ono of the oldest Fula host female
physicians and nitrites in the 'United
states, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout tiro world, Price twonty-flve
(tents a bottle. De sure and ask for"Mits
Wissnow's R"Q1071115 Ir'AtTP "'OA00
other ind,
rice Seeds
Mangel Seed,
Carrot Seed,
Fodder Corn Seed.
Turnip Seed, etc..
and raise a first-class crop.
It will pay you.
It always pays.
O17$E FOrt.
eatsormacee, ch MG -GS W_A-MTTMDD.
ashiongli I
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hair anteing in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladiesana Children' s
Eyes Tested
—BY ---
Practical Optician,
Graduate Zatic School N.Y.
Eyes tested ; defective sight restorodby the
aid of fine glass^s. Large assortment of the
finest glum:, Oil hand. A oallsolicited.
160 5Do-0w3:3_81.s-ST London.
Somebody Must
who bought that bankrupt stook ? Several bare advertis-
ed as belling cheap- I, want it distiuvOy understood
I did not get it and. do not want it.
manufacture all ray own Tinware and
handle no Bankrupt stocks, tt, d am in a position at aa times to offer
good well -made tinware at lower prices than any other how.e can sell
their two years and a half shop worn goo Is tor. I ask yon to come
And inspe4 try stock and you will be emwinced that 1 am speakiug the. truth. My
stock is all made of the best tin that esti be had in the market and am selling away
down. CO,A.r.4 OIL Always on band. Don't forget tint stand.
Overooatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price; Pantings
at any price,
BIG Elephant,
One door north Dr. Lutz.
est Ordered: Clothing produced in Exett r
Gentlemen I eave your orders early, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stock of Fine Trimmings, and the bre
Cuttinp in Town , you aro sure of edam, -
.. 3. NLL.
Large assortment of Builders Hardware
at lowest prices.
Barbed, Buckthorn, Annealed and Galvanized 'Wires—
full line.
Eavotroughing, 8c. per foot, Agents, Raymond Machines
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds oi
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter..
Spring !, Stock
Dress Goods,
Prints, Ginghams,
Cott en.ad es
and Tweeds,
all marked down in price to meet the
hard times.
13 est Value i Teets
in the country..
Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries and
Cheap Sugars. Call and see. The
prices will astonish you.
Market Store, EXET RR.
Nov.13. 1889.
Boot Shoo Mak
Has opened business in the
premises bf R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his old customers and as
many new ones"
Sewed VI/ o rka8 Decialty
Repairing promptly and sat-
isfactorily done.
Reliable Goods
At Prices Lower that so -es,"
led. Cheap Houses can givf
Undertaking in all i
(Successor to 0 se Fl. Gidley)