HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-03-24, Page 8• T ALBERT • .4,444.4.4Ta•••••,. ERT, March 23.—Mrs. dams Opened her home 441euild meeting for March 1014110elst Church. The Eon. call 0/naWered lay an item from the Church News. ) Plans were *U Sed to raise talent money at '44Mten season, also for the Callon of the new Organ and a $nio41 -window in May. A new 11110,14 IOW started, The meeting Vas elOed •by Rev. 11. L. Jennings. ,A. birthday card signed by all *embersand visitors present was /sated to Mrs. Jennings, who is at sent confined to her •mother's e in G-orrie. Lunch was serv- ed.* the hostess and her helpers. • c, i I 6'0 THE MIR4CLE CU.STRE ENAMEL RZPORT ISOM THE 1,744111LATVRE-- Difierenes Betwen Two Governments Is Explained By Member In Article By Tom Pryde (Member for Huron) During the past few weeks the various functions of the Ontario Legislature have been explained and a few lin& Will be devoted this week to explaining some of the differences between the Fed, eral Government in Ottawa and the Ontario Legislature in Toronto. Members of the House, of Com- mons at Ottawa and Members of the Ontario Legislature act and do their work in two entirely separ-, ate fields. This is quite different to the system in Britain, where there is only one government and all departments are under the one authority. Under the British North Am- erica Act all subject matters of legislation • are apportioned be- tween the Dominion Parliament and the Provincial LegiSlatures, and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario acts in a legislative field which gives it sovereign power with absolute authority over its territory and the people and the ca. 1 1r 11 .• .••• 21/2 times more energy at the start • . . ij;i. ' Swift's CHICK STARTER Cut the time and expense of raising chicks with Swift's New Chick Starter. Less feed, less time is needed, now.. Give your chicks a better start in life with Swift's new formulation of animal and vegetable proteins, new growth factors, and Calogen. Come in today. We have the starting feed that opens up new opportunities for poultry profit. CALOGEN is Swift's special blend of animal fats and associated trate nutrient'. RYAN IS SO PHONE 345 s ,$9 1111 ,. WilLs gi .„, , . . property wit1 it. Alletatletts The provinces are ,alloe,ated six- teen subjects: Amendments of the constitution of the province; direct taxation. witiiin the province; bor rowing of money on. the sole credit of the province; establishment and tenure of ,provincial offices; ap- pointment and payment of proVin- cial offices; management and sale of public lands belonging t#,,, the province; establishment, mainten- ance and management of hospitals of all types; charitable and muni- cipal institutions; shop, saloole, tavern, auctioneer and other licences; local works and under- takings; incorporation (4 com- panies with provincial objects; sol- emnization of marriage; propertY and civil rights; administration of justice; impoSition of punishment by fine, penalty or imprisonment for enforcement of the law in the province At the time of confederation in -Canada, it was realized that many of the matters affecting the rights of individuals as well as property rights would be 'quite different from province to province owing to the varying conditions in such a vast territory, and the different views held affecting these rights. For this reason, matters relating to the national economy as a whole, such as national welfare, national defence, steamboat ship- ping, etc., collection of customs and excise taxes and indirect taX., ation" in general, were recognized as the prerogatives of the Domin- ion Government. The building of highways, jurisdiction over educa- tion, and any matters relating to the municipalities were recognized as coming within the scope of the province. In several departments, such as health, agriculture, mining, and natural resources, both gov- ernments exercise jurisdiction, and at times there is a tendency to- wards overlapping of services. Enlarge Fields As time goes on there appears to be a growing tendency for the Federal Government to .extend and enlarge its fields of taxation and to absorb some of the activities of the Provincial Government. For instance; under the National Old Age Pension Act, the Federal Gov- ernment pays 100 per cent of the $40 per month pension to all people over the age of 70 years. To _pay for this, a special tax is levied, being paid, at the same time as the personal income tax. Old age assistance, payable at 65; depends upon total income and one is not eligible if income (including the allowance) exceeds $720 per year for single persons and $1,200 per year for married couples. This is administered by the Provincial Government, and the cost shared equally by the Federal and Pro- vincial Governments. In 1952 the Dominion and Pro- vincial Government entered into an agreement whereby j Vie pro- vince receives lump su1I grants from the Federal Government, The province, in return, relinquished the right to collect personal • in- come taxes, and allowed the Feder- al Government exclusive jurisdic- tion in the field, of corporation tmees. This is noted to show the need for periodic examination of our laws and practices and meet ehanging conditions, especially where jurisdiction may overlap. - Agricultural Work In agriculture, the Federal Gov- ernmett concerns itself withthe national aspect of agriculture, in- cluding the export and import of farm products, research and science.The province goes into more detail with the promoting, marketing and regulating in the sale and manufacture of farm pro- ducts. The agricultural colleges, as is well known, are operated by the •province. Also, agricultural representatives and all their ac- tivities come under provincial jur- isdiction. At times there is a misunder- standing among citiaerres not only. of the difference' in activities of the Federal and Provincial Mem- ber, but also in the salaries receiv- ed. Since the -new Act was passed in Ottawa a , few years ago, a Federal Member's salary is $10,000 per year, $8,000 being taxable as. income and , the • other $2,000 tax free for expenses. In Ontario, the salary of a Provincial Member, as a result of the Act passed in 1952, is $2,600 taxable, and $1,300 tax free. The House of Commons, of course, is in session for at lea six months each year, whereas the Provincial Legislature usually 'sits for two months each spring. • 14' -um covERwit imatuarsT Executive Of Iluron F,idtGrowers Re -Elected At Annuql Dinner Meet GOOERICH •• lapir0111 County it Growers' chist eedtainistratiVe (Meer Itt Association, the oldest. farm organ- Station Clinton, outlined the 1°4lee ization in the'county, at its erintkal meeting in Clinton last Thursday; re -:elected last year's executive for 1955. Named were: William McGuire, R.R. 2, Bayfield, president; Fraser Stirling, R.R. 2, Bayfield, 'first vice- president; Lorne Woods, R.R. 2, Lucknow, second vice-president; G. W. 'Montgomery, Agriculture Re- presentative "for eliuron County, secretary -treasurer; past president, Fred Middleton, R.R. 3, 'Clinton; directors, Don Middleton, Ross Middleton, Both of R.R. 3, Clinton; Benson Sowerby, R.R. 2, Goderich; George Johnston, R.R. 2, Bayfield; torY • the air, force and p aCe •emphaSie on .Clinton's • aehielre- He said the purehaeing pOwer of the 'statien, loeally, , was 31/4 millio4dollars annually in ptiblic funds; 4160,000 annually in non- Putthe fiAnde, and $60,000 for local dairy products. Following the sessiona conduct, ed tour of the air force station was made on the invitation of 0. -Capt. H. C. Ashdown, officer command- ing. INDUCT NEW MINISTER AT HENSALL CHURCH Philip McKenzie, Kippen; L. V. ., Donald A. Smith, R.R. 2, sBarfield; RevDonald MacDonaldformerly Hogarth, Exeter; John Redmond, of Tara, was inducted into the R.R. 5, Goderich; Robert Archibald, pastoral charge of Carmel Presby- R.R, 4, Seaforth; Vic Jeffrey, Ex- terian Church, Heneall, on Tues- eter; George Joynt, Lucknow; Clay- day evening, March 15, by, the ton Laithwaite, R.R. 1, Goderich; Presbytery of Huron -Maitland. Harry Mitchell, R.R. 2, Goderieh; The Moderator, Rev. J. R. Mac - Wilfred' Smith, R.R. 3, Goderich; Donald, Ripley, presided over the Stewart Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton, service of worship and the at of and William' McKenzie, Exeter. induction. Rev. A. Ninimo, Wing - Mr. Joynt will again act as dis- hamk preached an appropriate ser- trict director of the Ontario 'Fruit mon. The cause of vacancy was Growers' Ass•oeiation. narrated by the interim -moderator Highlight of the session was a Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton. The panel discussion on "The Latest newly inducted minister and con - Developments in Fruit and Vege- gregation were addressed as to table Growing." Particular em- ' their respective duties by Rev. N. phasis was placed on new methods of pruning. At a dinner served to about 75 ALRNADY IN JAIL, GETS A174)41) Thitm The fact, that he *as' „alreadY serving, a. sentence in reformatory was taken, int 4 consideration .when four sixeroonth concurrent sent- ences were imposed on a London man in court here last week. . Thetentences imposed by Magis- trate D. E. Holmes on john.,Rice, formerly 01 Seaforth, Will run con- currently to a Six-month sentence received in London, of which he has our months left to seree. As a result, he will have to -serve two more months in reformatory. Rice had pleaded guilty previdus- ly to theft of two outboard motors and a lawn mower from eimuner cottages near Bayfield and to break, enter and theft at Semis Motor Sales in Goderich. Casewell, Whitechurch. Have you renewed ydur siibscrip- persons, Sqdn.-Ldr. E. D. Finley, tion to the Signal-Wr. NIMMINMMNIMMININItariNNIM ...rfrfs•wmmffawsims•sams -12 , • • Take no more chances with unidentified fuels 6 E INTER WIT lute coa • Male' THE ' COLOR GUARANTEES.. THE QUALITY Don't takes chance'with fuel or weather! Replenish your bin NOW with lhlue coal'. Come snow, cold or bitter temperatures, you'll be all set with a fuel you KNOW will give you better heat, more economy, more satisfaction, more value for every cent spent! • Order now! Get acquainted with a -fuel that\ takes every risk out of coal buying—'blue coal' is colored BLUE—your identification, your protection, your guarantee of the world's finest anthracite. • • FOR- LOW COST AUTOMATIC HEATING Cut &viva basement trips . . save fuel, money, time, trouble. with the' 'blue coal' - TempMaster. "Electric Eye" thermostat regulates damperikrom liv- ing room ...gives you simple, inexpen- sive; automatic heating day and night. Order `blue coal' now ° Leo, WARD COAL CO4 "THE IlE4.y. routs" 5 • 4. c,,c, „ • , Gobs „ . •,•!, „' :.„`45,..i The first person trisattemPt the ride over Niagara Falls .wes a woman, Mrs. Anna Edson Taylor. In 1901 she made the drop in a barrel with an anvil for ballast, and survived. ARE YOU Adlicated? IF NOT, JUST TRY SIGNAtrSilAR CLASSIFIED •ADS! ' to : the existing.- 90-Year*old school, Ratepayers nape to see -it corn. pletet fee *be aUt441m. In January At a sPoelat z,neeting in- Baytfteld, the advalltages of forming- a 'eehoO1 area were pre - seated. -to trustees of B.S. N. 8 GodericliroOliti and B.S. Nos. 3 And43 of ey Toymship. However, the Godericb, Township section turned ;down the offer by a vote of the ratepayers and shortly after the two school boards in: Stanley Townsbip decided not to fall in line. WOO irtIll.Ciill1)70E011961)'01111,, '• 'Thou kidneys Wild •retuove exopp stoldit catt !al ki N EY and ryilirstes:oft bartl- -,.. late kidneyo to PILLS „ f•KiGo ,editliywoci.pudis,D soaadttizadanytut normal duty. You feel betve;_de, N-118`,00 50 bdd,,,4:::Eilow;okythibeoudt:cour. WILL BUILD $40,000 SPHOOL Al' BA.YFIELD, Ratepayers of Bayfield voted in favor of building a new two -room school in the village at a special meeting held on Wednesday night of last week. The school would cost approximately $40,000 and would mean a three -mill tax rate increase. A secret .ballot showed 83 rate- payers in favor, one against 'and one spoiled ballot. , About 103 reg- istered property owners were elig- ible to vote. Mrs. C. T. Bailey, a member of the village school board, said • a meeting would be held March '31 when particulars would be decided. She said it was probable the new structure would be built adjacent ON "There is no more noble and humanitarian _organization in the whole world than the, Red Cross” GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Your donation to the Red Cross helps provide: *Preparedness for Disaster .Outpost Hospitals .War Veteran Services .Free Blood Transfusion Service .Nursing and Health Services Il/Vilo the Riff C0118.5' Cheerfully... Gre4efulig... Genecr:ousig $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR 6510 ISPLAY NOW! • • • • szeee,:%.,•: jaie::::,„„:„:, • iaaaessaftee • • • •• eieeme°4 1 IIELIEu CONVERNItt • 14, three superb seiies.... the Custom series, the Lucerne series, and the completely new RICHELIEU series MI/ • ••• , egSaaaaMaiiiiigsas :eeseeaeee-eesaee'-s • ........ •• .. . .......... . ..4t:fro* • • n.•••• ,• • :•:V.MM:"...,10,M,'"Ir•., cia-eaereesseeee • •• . • ' ...... :•••• • RICHELIEU COUPE • • „d111,1.1111.1111M10111°Milk 1.1111.;::11: the entirely new 1955 COM= Inc ••• , • „,.• , • • i Monarch for 1955 is a dramatic new car, with its entirely new and completely restyled body! More than ever ii '55, Monarch belongs wherevir people live with excitement, colour and flair!. MOnarch for 1955 is longer, lower and roomier than ever before. There's a wonderful verve and vitality in its'Iong, lithe lines a brilliantly irnaginatiye use of colour and texture in its beautifully appointed interiors. Performance is dramatic, too— excitingly responsive and lively. There is new,smoothness, new steadiness and new ease of steering with Monarch's improved Ball -:Joint Front Suepension. In beauty and performance, in ridilig luxury and driving ease, Monarch is dramatically new and different: Your dealer invites you to discover it for yourself—behind the wheel! s, 711.vo neuradvanced-design overhead-valve V-8 engines -188 -Hp. and 198 -Hp. '•••••vo monpp,cwi In busy traffic and on the open road', Monarch's performance is as exciting. as its new look: Here are huge reserves of power, at your ebnulnand at a touch of your toe, with instant and eager response . bringing you a new measure of safety, a new feeling of security, wherever you drive. k '41 cam -=4 lict4 here a r n car matters -- Monarch belon • •"11.• c• . 14' ks .•••• ••;;;,, 54 (cow): features tiontror4 Of inenOtonectt die -Slandahr on soon moVels. optIoN)/1 extra COM on galena , . NOW AT ,YOUIC-11101101141Anell 10111EALEIVirr- 1:rit'Otelitt' Err • • ,•••,.. •••1 '4' •.„"Sisis.„44'444.4ss„4„.4„...co,„44..,..t eeveefaesee • • WHINE SEDAt4 by the buifder of more V.8 engines than all other manufacturers combined! PHONE Si • •••••••••,... • a• • ij