HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 4Established i 7 .
Tina American Farmer, discuss-
ing the tariff changes says the in-
crease of duty imposed by the Can-
adians will seriously affect the
EXb,TEy4, - f?NT. American farmer. 'Amongst other
—.—._--- • things it says : .
l:ransactsa etteralbaakinghusiuese. "The duty on flour to be rased from
• Receives the accounts of merchants and 50 to 75 cents per barrel ; Mess port,
there on favorable terms. aud Irk from 1 to 1: centsper cool;
Offers every 'tceen nxodation consistent with pp
safeand onservattvebaukingprineiptes. prepared meats Irian 2 to 3 cents per
Five per cent interest allowed on deposits, pound ; tried lard from 2 to 3 cents, and
Eiraftsissael i"Aya'Ste et >Cy
Of of the - untried laid front i, to24:eats per pound.
Merchants Bank,. Live cattle, hogs and sheep to have the
DOTES DISCOLNTFD, & MiONET TO duty raised trout 20 to 30 per cent. and
- LOAN, ON NOTE AND DlowrG AGES. ' fruits, plants and shrubs, which bad
been placed on the free list in ISSS,. are
rs �• to be restored to the same rate of duty
. U1 i . UU .
as existed before that: date, with a slight �
• ,tIblackberries,goose-
in favor m£ -
g e
berries, raspberries and strawberries.
THURSDAY,. MAY Lith 1ST t. Last year we shipped into Canada about
$11,000.000 worth of agricultural pro
The country's finances continue
in a satisfactory condition, the stir -
plus growing as each month passes
by. The etatenlent of revenue and
expenditure to April 3u last, show
these figures ;---
CriSt•'I;1S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*AA ,,, IF' I,997)OjO
Post office ..................
Public works including
railway ......... ......
Miscellaneous.. **.........
Total. .................... $3,315,240
Revenue io March 31stU29.iI 7,977
Total ,3243,38
ExpeEE.liture......• ....., $ 2,393,620
Ex{aer,�i, to 31st :,larch,. 22„t 4,212
Total.....................$25,I scp,83;
This shows an increase in rev-
evenue fair the month of $3gS,42o and
for the ten months ot
as compared with Last year. The
expenditure increased $225,.o35 in
April this year over April i;'$9, but
has decreased $;39.044 in the ten
months. The Let debt of the Do•
minion on April 30, was $233,924,-
415, a decrease of $712o-46 during
the month and a decrease of $575,-
585 upon the debt elf a year ago.
The expenditure on capital account
in April was $294,537. bringing
the total for the ten months to
$434,762. The unrevised state-
ment of inland revenue for April
shows a total of ti64S,594, of which
$642,944 was excise revenue.
The School Book Robbery,
The following is from the Week, an
independent periodical published at
Nothing in Ontario politics is more sure
prising than the complacency with which
the great majority of the people have ac-
cepted. the school -hook system which has
been foisted upon the 1"roviuce by the
present Minister of Education. We refer
mare particularly to the modes which are
not only edueationally iudefeusible, but are
so completely at w ariauce with the prinei-
piesofLiberalism, as commonly understood,
that it is astonishing„ they should have been
proposed by a so called Liberal Govern-
ment, and adopters by a so-called Liberal
Legislature. , Those modes involve the
essential features of, the worst kind of
tnonopoly�-.a monopoly fostered and pro-
tected by the Gover mentand Legislature.
The healthful principle of competition is,
RS we have ahown on former occasions, al-
most entftely eliminated. The Minister of
Education virtually chooses the books to
be used in the schools, and in some cases
even employs or appoints the persen to
SOME ELECTION FACTS- I edit the books. The absurdity of this
arrangement, from a, literary and educa-
tional point of view. is equalled only by
the absurdity, from a business point of
view of the mode of publication, under
which the Department holds the copy-
writ ht, and entere into a contract with
some favorite publisher to produce and
sell the books at a fixed price, We made
no insinuation against the good faith of the
minister, hut it is capable of demonstration,
and has in fact been demonstrated, that in
case of different books now in use, the
prone made by the publishers aro enor-
mous. The single fact that the price of
one set of hooks. of which hundreds of
thousands of copies are required aenually,.
was recently cut down ten to six cents per
copy ata stroke, speaks volumes. It is
not easy to conceive a system combining a
large number of the worat features. Under
it a corrupt Minister would have it in his I ? CT .S l l`l
power to put a small fortune into the Town. Hal. G7 a
pocket of any favorite he might choose to
entrust with the compilation of a school-
book, or of any publisher with whom he
All indueementa to the production
choose to contract for its publiea-
of improved teat -hooka by native authors,
In his sermon on Sunday eve , pier. air. or to the publication of such by enterpris• a --x .s3d.C>. .Frio.
Clement of the .1,uues•st aletlr, church, ach of teacherspubliaer, whokoun away. The public
Exeter. said in effect. that ho despised men achoot who ought, in virtue of to be continued. weekly,
Eere to art tits wtshe bad no fan• their profeasiou, to be the beat judges of
fi p ythe merits of the text hooks they use, are Ii A.RERT HOURS : i n. us. to 1
victiona et their own : who would roto at utterly without choice or voice in the mat- o'clock p. in.
all times on a certain side simply became ter- These are but some of the features e
This ills
certain party elected Mtn.. He liked to and results of this system•—a system which market is csh blislta 1 b y Village
see a man a patriot, not a political hack. is condemned and denounced by leading b34aw" By ardor'
Now we have Mr. t''en,ertt'a man before educatiouis'sinother countries. Now that
you. Mr Halmea is a patriot, and he will the Province is an the eve of a general
convince you of this feet next Monday eve, aloe tion this matter should be intelligently
Don't fail todear
hint at Drew's Opera discussed and clearly set before the people. rt o
Honse, There will be Opposition. We hope the Opposition candidates will Revision,
The separate schools were inspected study the question, and present it in its
by high sebaol inspectors under the or. true light. We say this not bemuse we
divary law of the land, but after Mr. are desirous that the Government should
Crooke value into Olive avitae ge was made be weakened broverthrown, but because
in the rnrthoit of inspection. ant now two we think there is great need of reform in
inspeet„rs are appointed for the purpose the very important Department teferred
of inspecting the Roman Cathm ie aehoo1s, 50, and would liko'to see whatever 11linicter
paid out of the provincial exchequer, and or Government may be in power compelled
sat pais in the way in which the public to accomplish such reform.
school inspection is paid throughout the
country That may be a small matter, Blanchard Council.
s in'i st•
but it ie. a matter of nnfairnta and l t —
ice to the tnxpaycrs or the people of this The Municipal Council of the above
previnee. Why should not these schouts Municipality mat in the Town Hall Ma-
e way as the just i i two siren1
T u, r
he inspected
publischools ,f the province are inpected? lntyres Corners on Monday. AU members
Roman Catholics Present- Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of
It would be fair for the Ra
and fair for the Protestants to put thein bty
pthe eal3otismeeting read and Confirmed,
by Board.
on the same footing in that .respect. The Committee appointed et last meet.
The ,.onuty council now appoint repre• ing to make an inspection of the Bridge on
seutatives upon the high achiral board in Sideroad over fish Creek between Lots 20
counties, and city conuctls appoint repro- and 21 concession 11 reported as follows.
sentatives upon the high schools in cities, That they bad examiued carefully the said C
Six years ago Mr. Ross introduced an bridge and found the timbers in a decayed s
THE byh' theN HAY.
the law which tlTOWNSHIP OF i
amendment in t condition and unsafe for travel, that the FOR fiIIL Uly S
Roman Catholic separate school board was same cannot be repaired with safety to the
authorized to appoint a member upon, the travelling public and that a new bridge has
high school board. Haven't they the same got to be erected.
voice es the Protestants in the election of Johnson—Berry—that the Clerk be in -
the city and county councils? .And why strutted to advertise for sealed tenders for
should they have a right to select one mem- the atone work construction of the said
her to sit upon the high schcol board ? bridge. Tenders to be received, and opened
It is nor right ou the face of it and un- at the meeting held on tire first Monday in
mistakably shows that the catholics have a June at the hour of two o'clock in the after -
double power, while protectants are only noon—Carried.
allowed toexerciaean appointment through The Town Line between Blanshatd and
the connty councils. Downie was represented by Mr. Lennox
Mr- John G. Holmes opened the cam- who asked for a grant to repair the same.
paign at Hensall ou Siooday evg. The Mr. Thomas Epplett addressed the
hall was filled with the most intelligent Council in the interest of that road known
citizens and farmers. Dr. Rollins opened as the Blind Line. He hoped the Council
the meeting and atter a resume of the when making appropriations to -the several
situation in general, Mr. Holmes gave one roads this year could not overlook this
of the most stirring addresses ever delivered portion of the Highway.
by any man in the county. He fairly Committees were appointed to inspect the
shattered Mr Mowat's camp and caused the different roads and see the amounts required
hearts strings of the old-time Reformers to to be expended thereon.
contract He won the respect, if Mr. Bonis appeared before the Board
not all the votes of the older, and in many drawing their attention fors short time in
cases was assured the hearty support of the explanation of the roadway which he claims
young men. Partyism has not become in- he is entitled to. He would give a Deed of
atilledintominds of the young men and Mr. the land provided the Council would con -
Holmes offering to unflinchingly support tribute towards the building of ,the road.
and protect their civil and religious fiber- Berry—Johnson-that the Reeve and
ties, they cling to his platform almost to a Deputy Reere be appointed a Committee to
man. Let all young men work diligently meetMr Bonin in the above matter -Carried.
and they will have the satisfaction, on the A Communication was received from Mr..
5th of June, of seeding to the Legislature a E. Harding on behalf of Mr Wm Rundle
worthy representative in the person of Mr. ' picturing to the Council the fact that he
John G. Holmes, a man who is not a afraid Mr Rundle would not allow any gravel to be
to utter his convictions and a Representa- taken out of his pit until an agreement be
at between the Council 1
ive who
arrived hI and himself
regarding price : the of the same.
NEMS NOTES. Hutchings—Berry—that Ibe Reeve and
— Councillor Sinclair be appointed a com-
The world i indebted to the Wildmitten to interview Mr. Rundle, and it
West for manycurious and fantastic matters cannot be settled amicably, to
have the same settled by Arbitration.—
absurdities in thought, language and
conduct, but perhaps the moat amusing Johnson—Hutchings—that the court of
western story that has been told for a Revision for the Township of Blanchard
long time comes from Lincoln, Nebraska. for 1890 be held at the town hall Meintyrea
Dr. Hutchins, of Des Moines . attended Cora on Monday the 2nd day of June at
a Prohibition convention at Hartford, the tour of 2 o'alook P. m, aud that the
Conn. When the question of a location clerk inoerl the neoessary Carried,
for the next convention came up Dr.
Hutchins made a strong bid to have it On motion duly made and seconded the
held at Des Moines, and when objection ihlowtng amounts were paid :—Ruth Rhcbie
was made to holding it there, because charity, lea ; P 13 Armstrong $20 15;
Iowa was a prohibition state, the doctor rebate iw taxes-; George Fletcher $2, Tyle
across road T Line B and N ; William
gave his prsonal pledge that there Sansburn $2, filling approach Flat C bridge;
would be no difficulty in securing all the Robert Knowles $14, repairing fish C bridge;
"budge" that any one might want ! The Paul Sutherby $1 50, shoveling gravel on
delighttul coolness of this assurance 0 S R ; 0 D Swanson $7, plans and • speci-
is said to have caused a sensation in the fixations of fish 0 bridge; Richardson
convention, as well it might. $1 25, rep scraper ; J Jameson $30, eon- G -O To—
solidating bylaws.
Mayor Clarke of `Toronto (lounoil adjourned to meet on the let
r , Monday in Juin at the hour of 10 o'clock
will address a Maes Meeting .a. m. 7 JAMrses.01er1.-.
o4 the electors of Exeter and •A MARVELLOUS RECOVERY.
vicinity in Drew's Hall, on I Nos so ill with inflammatory rheumatism
Friday evening. Opposition in 1882 that 1 was given up, and had all
my earthly business put in order. One of
speakers are cordially invited my sone begged me to get Burdock Blood
to beresell t' A special in- Bitters. After the third bottle I could sit
p 8 11 up alone and eat a gond meal, and in six
vitatlon to ladles. . weeks I was out of bed feeling better than I
This does not interfere ever felt., I. take three bottles every spring,.
and two every fall.
with Mr. .dolmes' meeting mit, M N D ammo). Main St,
on Monday evening. Winnipeg, Man.
f hildrei, erl for gitcf,er's C.stor z
UoOliverTho Government of the n O t
Mowat has Leen in power for about 15
oears, and durin • all that time the books
f the Province have not been omitted by
impartial hinds. Where is there a eom.
pany or banking institution, whose mem-
bers would permit such a state of affairs.
Not on the coutineut we trots.
What does the Opposition party pronose
with respect to the license question 27
They say that three commissioners should
he elected directly by the people, and then
see would have the very beat men iu the
cemmunitr, you woald not have party
heelers and. ward heelers upon these
boards.—[Mr. Meredith in his Toronto
Mr..Tobu G. Holmes the eantlidate 01
the Liberal Conservutiye Convention of
South Huron is a liberal minded man, not
a begot nor a f tuatic. He stands on a
plain broad platform - a platform on which
all liberal citizens should stand t1e eon -
cedes Equal Rights to all, epvctal privileges
to none. He 18 no politieal hack, but en
intelligent, candidate. He is worthy of
the suffrages of all honest people.
THE saying that there are more
politics to the acre in Canada than
rny where else is pretty well borne
out at present. As we are a prac-
tical people who do not waste our
energies on unprofitable concerns,
there must be a good deal more in
politics than appears on the surface
to the unsophisticated.
THE London Advertiser admits
that Mr, I4Towat has asked civil
service employees to contribute to
his campaign funds, and can see
no harm attached to it. There
would be no harm providing the
salaries of these officers were not
made compensatory to the amount
Just Received a di
Hennesey'sBrandy in 'asks
Also other grades Brandy
Lake Huron,LabradorWhite
rent Irpportation of
and Cases. Corby Whiskey.
French Domestic Wines.
Fish & Trout in Lbls.1-2 Eb1g.
dust received a consign- ment of This Season's Teas.
Our Grocery Deuartrnent is Complete
xi Every Branch.
m,„ yr The'Thoroughbred Running Stallion. INTERCOLONIAL
I I lE D I N- B U R -" 131.
4111"1/111 I will stand for mares this season es follows : OFC CANADA.
FOR. Monday..april28th, leave lits own stable, #iet�,
salt. and north to Dixon's hotel. B-ueetiela,
for noon ; theses o cart's ho. a Seafort o ret route between the West and 1.
t z -4 1, h for Titodi o u a n all
nicht, Taesltay,twomntoratal hotoL t'lintan. psin#s au thoT.awerS#, f,.awrenaea.ndilalo
POULTRY, BATTER, lorliaon; thenoo toSwartz'e hotel. Bayfield, dee Chalour,Provinoe of Quebec, ossa far
. tor nicht. Ysednesdav, south o0 Bronson Newllruuswiak,blove Seotia,PrineeEdwvard
Line to Blake, for noon; thence to Dashwood, Caportrotonlslends and lNowfoundlandowl
T forntght. Thui'sday southtoR0h-a,theuee,St ricrac,
S (,v� (',� ►. y e C'�ua bi.e�a east to lirlt'ahatel,t'•redl#an, for noon • thence 1i press tempsleave Montreal and Halifax.
1 vin Landon iioad to Exeter. re llawkshaw's daily (Sunaays exnopted) and ran through
—and all— hotel, for eight. Frrday.viaLondon Read to without change between these palate in 80
his own stable for neon aud remain until she bouts,
�7 following Monday morning. Jaatns Betinv, The p
Farm Produce. e. prop.
Wool, n
r i and
Dressed, �" s; DAVIDSON IIROS., Builders and tlentree-
will be opened on the
B. ot T.
P1aI}LIG notice is hereby riven that the Drat
•sitting for the Court of Revision for the
Township of Stephen, for the eu rrent year, will
be held on Monday, the 20th day of stay. next.
ir, the Peen Hall, t'rediton, for the purpose of
hearing and deciding all complaints made
against the assessment or the current year,
.ill parties desirous to u ppeal arc called upon
to govern tl.atnsetves aeceeli1tgly.C. Clerk.
Court of Revision,
r ire t} at t A
�1;siLZC\ofthereby n,
tiittiug of the Court of Revision for the
'Township of Osborne, for the current year,
will be hold on Saturday, May 31st, next, in
the Town 1ien,Elimville, for the gurpose of
bearing and deeiding all complaints made
against the assessment of the current year.
All parties desirous to appeal are called upon
to govern themselves accordingly.
O. W . IIO LMAN, Clerk
ourt of Revision
The Globe claims that Mr. Bis-
hop has a majority of over 50o in
South Huron. Granting this state-
ment, the Globe on the evening of
the 5th of June will tell another
story,and if Mr. Bishop isnot 33sio
feated, his majority will be reduc-
1' ed to something less than one hun-
dred. Election day will tell on
. what side popular feeling hes.
THE following appeared in the
Mitchell Recorder of lass week:—
"A letter received a few days ago by
Mrs Clark, of the west ward, from
Mr. Joseph Pedlar, Millard, Dakota,
announced the death of Mrs. Pedlar
there on March 23rd. In his letter.
Mr. Pedlar says, after speaking of his
great loss, some of our boys are grown
up to young men nearly. I do all the
cooking and can make good bread and
cakes. We have plenty of everything,
though times are very hard here. We
lost our crop last year by drought, but
the American Government is very good;
they have shipped in grain and feed,
coal and clothing free. If we have a
failure this year Dakota will be deserted.
I shall leave it for one, though I have a
nice house and barn, etc."
A few days ago the Recorder was
lauding Dakota, and stated that
the people of our Canadian North-
west were as badly off as their
brethren across' the lines. The
Reform Journals occasionallyforget
themselves; and make innocent
confessions, such' as the above.
Pt'BLTC No'ice is hereby given that the first
sitting of the Court of Revision for the
Township of Ray, for the current year. will bo
held on Saturday. May 31st, next, in the Town
Rall, Zurioh, for the purpose of hearing and
deoiding all complaints made against the as-
sessment of the current year All parties de-
sirous to appeal are called upon to govern
themselves acoordinglys J LATTA, Clerk,
Notice to Creditors !
ex .rase train cars of lboIn.
tareolonial Railway are brilliantlyl.ghtad
byolootricity;sett heated by steam from two
locomotive thus greatly increasing the cora-
fort and safety ot travellers,
New end elegant huffoteleeping And day
caro run on through express tram a.
Canadian-European Mail and
Passenger Route.
,rshave removed toSwat low's old stand, for Piscengersfor Groat Britain nrthe Conti-
nerMainandOidlo;'streetsand are prepared neat by leaving Moen ealann'ridaymorning
to sell Doers, f;aeh and Blinds and Moulding will join outward mail steamier at Halifax
cheaper than any other firm in town 'Build- on Saturday.
nesaontraotod for. Plana. Speoifloptionaand, The attention ofawlepers
.. p rsis directed to
.stimesesfurnishee if required. 411 work superioriaeilttios Ueere by his rout for
done with neatneas and despatch and satisfae- the transport of floor and ,enrol morehan-
ion given. Seasoned Lumberelwrays on hand dtsoNowfouudlintondodand fortalso ho fors3eathe irpnmProvtucoeentaatgrain and
Da.v'iciscp2t. Bros., i xdpxoduooinieodottfortooEuropeanwar-
WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON T#eketsmas be obtained and inform rattan
abon; the route ; also freight and ipassenger
rates on tip pllcation to
Weetorn3reigbtkPaseongor Agent
eali,rcuinUouseBlook,York 1St ,Torontlo.
Obtef Snperintendozit
Railway o8loo,Monotoa.R, R.,Nov. 14, '8p
Fresh, awl t;vezu
Just arrived at the harelip Grocery. Also
Pure Extracts and ;apices.
A. beautiful piece of glass—
ware given away with oue lb.
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
Coll and examine our goods before pur:
chasing elsewhere. -
Stanley has accomplished more than any
other discoverer before him and has made 1
for himself a name that will go rolling
down for coming ages. People will hear
of his achievements with wonder and
amazement, and on all sides decorations
and honors will overwhelm him.
During his late expedition mnott labor
and inconvenience would have been obviat-
ed by a liberal use of
in the Goods of Wil]iiain Whit-
lock, deceased.
NOTIOE is hereby given, pursuant to the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter
310, that all persons having claims upon or
against the Estate of William Whitlock, late
of the 'Village of Exeter. in the county of
Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the
1st day of Maroh.1S90, are on orbefore the 1st
day of July, 1890, to sand by post, prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for the
Toronto General Trusts company, the adminis-
trators, with the will annexed of the Estate
and effents of the said deceased, a statement in
writing of their names and addresses and full
particulars of their claims and the nature of
all securities (if any) hold by them.
And notice is further given that actor the
said last mentioned date the said administra-
tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the
said Estate amongst the persons entitled. there-
to. having regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given asabove required,
and the said administrators will not be respon-
sible for the assets or any part thereof sO dis-
tributed to any poison or persons of whose
claim or claims notice shall not have been re-
time ceived by
at the tic of such distribu-
Solicitors for Aduiinistrators,
Dated this 13th day of April, 'W. Exeter.
The Molsons Bank
by the means of which all dirt and infec-
tions of disease can beremoved and utterly
Paid up Capital ... .. 59,000,00
RestFund ... ],000,00
Head Office, Montreal.
• 20 branch oleoresin tn. .ueminion. Agencle
in theDominlon,U,S.A,and Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day ,. from 10 a. m.to3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 a.m.to 1 p.m.
4Pereent.per annum allowedfor money on
washing compound that has ever been dis-
covered, and the people of Canada use
and appreciate it more every day.
Be sure and ask your grocer for C. W.
C. and let no amount of plausible excess
induce you to take a substitute.
BgRT coo ro 4r, Loudon, Ont.,
iyholosale Agent
Goldsmith 't. Hall!.
You 6nuo la Life
gerPersonalattention given to repairing o f
watches,olocks and jcwelr3-:
-� N C ,
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
Coos 314ausosti.
0x1,e Door South
of Bost office
—ITS BAS-- .
coo a. �`. 0E
foots &
Sho s.
Sewed work a speoia ity.
Repairing promptly attended to. '
Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure
land in the most fertile region in the world,
close to the great markets of St. Paul. Minne-
apolisrend Duluth, where there is 0 ready mar-
ket for all the products of the farm, 1 n one
year you can save enough 1n railway freights
alone to pay fur a farm in a thickly settled
district whore exist all the advantages • of
schools, churches, and general eivilizathon,
You can procure fori t
n c a xt cents an Wore as
first instalment—balance on long time, low
interest --a farm in the flourishing
mo t
s State
on the continent, described by the celebrated
English officer, Col. Butler, as "Femme BEYOND
DESCRIPTION." Remember that 400milos from
e shipping port moans 15 cents a bushel for
freight and elevator charges, all of which 3700
can save by settling on the lands here offered.
You are certain of employmett at high
wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled
laborers of every kind who want to better their
fortunes should go to the progressive State of
Minnesota. Bs:iraurnn that less than twenty
dollarswill carry you to the great cities and
rising towns of Minn, seta which are growing
faster than any others in the world; St. Paul
and Minneapolis aro practically one great city
with a combined population of half a million..
Spring Goods:
In order to make space for Spring Goods
We will close the
Balance Our ,Winter Stock
Overcoats for Men and Boys,
Ladies' and Gents' Furs,
Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs,
Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,'
A nice stock of Fur Trimmings,
Cents' heavy wool -lined bid Mitts and
Gloves, for
75 cents, worth $1
Ladies' Fur Capes $2
We cannot be undersold in
Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash
of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail-
way -much of it withheld from settlement for
years—is nowthrowu wide open and papule ion Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco, r'
is flowing in amain, but there is room for all.
SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Also a large assortment
At Rates which are Practically of Toilet and Bath
From date of sale. will leave all Canadian .
points for Prescriptions carefully pre-
MINNESOTA pared from the purest
April 22nd and May 20th, 1890
Special indnacments to 1• omeseekers accom- Remember the• place, Sign,
ponying May excursion. G OLDEN MORTAR
Further Particulars on application to
BOOIiWALTL'R, Land Commissioner Great Main ,S'+t..,.;
Northern Railway, St. Paul. Minnesota, or. to
the iTravellngIan gen o d A t f the Cornpany,
Masonic Temple, LONDON, Ontario, Canada:
Dominion IaIaiy
Pure Drugs; Patent Medi
cines Dye -stuffs,
Perfumery and Toilet
School Books and StationaryFrames, rames, Albums,
Purses, etc.
.,... 1
Mitlr►rd, s Liniment Lumberman is friend. WIt BrininE