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The Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 3
t The Safest A/► XJa most powerful alterative is Tt Flyer's Sarsaparilla. Young aed old are alike benefited by its use. ] cr the eruptive els. eases peculiar to cleilclecn nee:Ling; else le so of:cativo AS dais Mcl..c•^.e, while Le clerceae ble flavor realms. it easy to adrliw- ester. "My little boy had large scrota loos ulcers on his neck r.:ut throat F�r" f"ora wiles La , le tcrc1 terrible. Trete physieicr'-s attended him, hut l.. ,ereee continually worse under their tate, and everybody expected he would uio. I bad heard of the rer 1.;tble ^ - f by .per's 1;arsan-it'-1c, awl .t .:.1 tI to have ray boy tr+ tri! - Shortly after be began to take tilde medicine, the ulcers come mewed healing, arid" after using several bottles, he was entirt•ty cured. lie is SKIT as healthy and strong as any boy of his age."--'Willlar:a F. Dougherty, iampton, Va, "Da May haat, 2 oungeaat ghikl, fourteen menthe old, bbegan to have sores gather on I%r head and body,. We ale plied variolas simple ienledies without avail. The sores increased in number and diseherged copiously. Ap ;ysiele Was called, but the some ec:itiuu -1 to multiply until in a few months. they, Steady covered the elaild'e head oral hotly. At last we began the use of Ayers ar• aaparillaa. Iii te few days a marked change for the better was erenifcst. The screeaE9lnnett a« more ZKf•PitI,y teeditior;. tlao tliticha g,t s. u t re gradually (limit. isheti, hand t:alaly cert eel alttogt•i .er, The child fe livelier, its elan is ftesrar and its appetite better than we have ob- served me ta:onths,"—Frank M. Griffin, Long Point, Texas. "The formula ot .e.yer's Sarsaparilla presents, for chronic themes of almost '.very kind, the best reruedy known to the medical wand. "--D. Vii, \i'ilsonl Iii. D., Riggs, Arkauaas. Av4r's SasaarH =stream) $r ' r. J. 0.. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mn..s Trace elf six t etties,85. Worth ES a bottle. f iaett1aC-diaehi,td To et vane establi.h endo to all porta. pt►daG Dor nr+ada: 1,144 cede w11,01 1W horn, ws wail no 4nN CC WOOS Fenton srMn . a eft mate to he warld.wlth all Iter atsa,haaws. tea wilt *Waned free. t-,uphee Nae of our costly' and raiu.141r se melee. to niton we AI* the, yet; how west iii sated. to itie+e who ulsy e*U et yeor heme.en4 'tier P month* all shell haclle yon, ams Propine. T hie frond maeidee to ,crag. seer the 1Sineqrr psieaa, hl.h Lase run oat: beam i,,teiiw rust coat sold ter19ta:t. with the L+mrpmante, and note eta`e ter e�t ailBwt.etnnthe to tor. Machias In Cha trot n a. No tarhnl n3',h.a. hrlafto"trateon, gtrw. Mr whnnilto to at: at rlItd t . cora t1 -no tt,e e,a Ts; eveeh:ao in the word, tad the cerci 1i .of worl,eof hl h ori Iter atwwn te,rtherid America. 'rat LIC,C, CO., Sox 7S0, 6uiaeadte, iitatno. Late British News, A STARTLING I11NOVATION. THE INHITEHOCKSofTEMISCAMINGUE A Strange Legend Brom the Romantio Canadian Northland. for I have yet one dog uneaten. He is not ' :'M'e-tib-i-ce (meaning, it is enough). The very fat, but he was my largest and best• Gleetchie-Manitou is appeased," which may beloved dog; come therefore, and eat him. I have been true, but he neverfiuished baking give him to you, a foreshadow of the greater those cakes, and there they are to this day, sacrifice that I make for your sakes this witnesses to the veracity of this legend, night, and if the Kookookoohoo has not lied, worn and crumbling with age, but still to all It is only durin the last few ears that to•lnorrow, ere the sun again rises, you will appearances gritty, half-baked cake ontintted Bal3if Osteon of English Coins, t. y have meat in plenty, I have spoken. How the Indians managed for food the C 13 --.ion g 1 morethanIsom' wlual bur e has knownbeeneeen to And Cheynah moved majestically Away, legend does not say, but as Cheynah was fat, seeking the solitude of the woods, where no his wife fairly so, and Pieodjeesie by no ZULU CHIEFS TO BE BANISHED, o f I fugal$ iii Bay Coge akeanc .eog'ac pii the Doke one followed aim except Picodjeesie the means slender, it is amore than likely that Remarkable Vo e a. Small a]1 Bat starved 15 •a River took its rise ; a fallacy which has of hertunrequit d lowhom v people paned because mirages, which atrovided a east least9r the ill quality, if not in ya ofm . Boat. been exploded by exploration and the dos- That night W abikeesiek's Point presented quantity, surpassed that provided by the covery that it is only an enlargement of the 1a wild and weird appearance. A circle had Geeteltie-Manitou. C. C F• 1'OItT1'GI ESE TheenNGE ON IaI11TISlo Ottawa River, the real sources of which lie risen cleared ee the beat,in the center of Lake J emiseamin ne, Que. .e.ini oit . tWO or three hundred miles beyond it, which roared and crackld a tremendous g _ One of the most remarkable features of .----• n.�-. tet.- ...— -- --, Lake 7'eanistamingue is :i linlestwae cliftf Are, around which the Indians were assent - :More than 2;000 Italian workmen were known as the Wfite Rocks, which PI/SI bled an groups, the natural ferocity of their j faces enhanced by famine, their eyes glaring; Receipts for the 'fable. employed on the Forth Bridge, out into the lake, forming Hold promontory. wolfishly as theywaited in silence the' iC11u 1.E CA$E,—One one cn American tourists are showing more and and presenting on the east side an abru t Yegg, cup o. sugar, '� reel see, but si0 1111+ off to the west in a �,manifes�tation of the power of their t eetellie- tete cups Of flour, enc-tlairtl cup of batteU, l more partiality to much neglected'('1`ales. p P 11• •u- Manitou. Apart from them and further awa • one-half mo of sweet milk, one tt as . onful It is proposed to still further enlarge the of M b tt J8 knows tit W eke sic �s Bes'from the fire were grouped the women, who crena of tartar and one half teaspoonful of London Zoo if the necessary land eau be a 1* sy' were less reticent and wile discussed in soda ; flavor with lemon. beng;ht, where it teeIn estformer tunes it was ae name or is• kfa4orite awed whispers the probable victim, �viaile : P, nenr1X3.---1'4 armauincedmeat ofpoultry i The daily edition of the London Graphic camping ground of the Indians, being not they gnawed the bones of al already s dog, . iu a cream saner, and pile ill the centre of :s not yet tea dlenomenal success that was Basil • accessible a ccs t bywater, and cons- ,1a each, true to hos promise, had already been ' platter• Break each egg rn a hot, buttered predicted for i easily ac such a veep or the fife lake that a teeetaeeai. leookookoolaoo, the conjuror, cup, and bake until the egg is firm ; turn H . •R�SfAi`'S: PAIN. •E T EX TOR xula cxle,ar HOp'SEROLD REMEDY. IiamID03, Oat. Dear Sir—I have ased your Pala Exterminator in my' faintly for everything that a famlty is ar. fllctedwith. each as Con ziI,Coitis Itheumatbm. Sprains andlinrn a. Toothache, and wherever there is pain. I would nut bo 'without 18 fa my house. I can recommend it to the world to be a ilrst•clnss article,both Internalized external Tours rte., JAS. BERBTAIAIl. 'roe. Prohibition Society. 'It hold by all drugziste. F. F. DALLEY & CO., Proprietors, Hamilton. h Bruises FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness S rains Bruises AVOID ALL MITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FACSIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH CUFF WRAPPER. C afing usE Scalds POND'S Piles Burns m Wounds EXTRACT Insect DEMAND POND'S EX - Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL PAIN TRACT, ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT �aaarlltac • THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. GBG Solid Gold Watch. 11 sold for e61,0O. until lately. Bat$85 Teton In the world. Perfect timekeeper. War- ranted. anted. o r $ d eeepry Huntln Qalw. Bot 6 w es and gents' dace equal path. end ones -1 equal ob4,- Ono Person In each !o- caltly can enure one ft.% together with out large aeqdid. table line or,..Rouaehoad Sampled. 'hon ample., n well 0.8 tie watch, we .end Free, and after you hare kept the0 le year home form menthe end shown them to these who may have called, the beeeme your own propper'y._ Mose who write at once can be sure of revel is Ow - teas and Samples. We_pay all to w, ea i, era idrera •ttaeen di Co., box Sig. Z o wad,) t. Work going on at Milford Haven con-,stirprf84 attack, unless tinder `over of lark -sat with Isla keen, cruel eyes glattering with them oast, and arrange around the meat. (firmreport the re rt Haat the Atlantic steamers oras, would be almost an ion y+ay bilit • ap exciteaatent, s4irroaAndel by flat lesser rireth- B0-ertweeem air ren of the craft, four an number, only lees , ra las• Dissol4e one tea - are to land there. ;feature of great value to the timid Ojilrews, 'sinister in apppeearalaee than their high priest, 'spooalfaai of soda (not lteaping) IA two cups Itis stated that the Zulu chiefs who were, who fit former Hanes were tench harassed all carrying lug tltear dra►ani and other ria. of one pint of buttermilk ; add a tableslaoan• last year found guilty of rebellion are to be- by the fiercer and more warlike l(roquois, 1►erualaa of their order, and clothed oToe- ' y in one 4 4)) ((4 sifted tlenraan41 relit, '1 star in departed to S#, Helene). Nse.aarreh 1of fa -when which theySfoetid far ia*i.oie fo)l scaentaest attire, lvlaiell only just con- cups t1} buckwheat. Bake i ,e and e half The rents of apartments in fashienablei. ease and expeditiously remme a hunt•1foranel tot eLAWSOf even Indian decency. I'aani�i'- '.1 n s. n ;gem pans or parts of London. aro said to have advanced rug thelaunteas than by hunting the nnianals1 .At int the hour had arrived. hect anad. e - :u ngg a G"mals,---Cho clan e 10 per cent, since fast season. Itheanselver, `fhe9e c14113 are not onl}t re•; night saran had l•ast' emerge ed rel and bleed- iliac. Season with pepper Saul salt, also u The English middle classes seem to makelnaarkaable as being; apparently an iselaate4LeA 4t from ot.%behind the pine -clad oral lolls of 'he sash of ettr powder if you like it. Hate a specialty of intoxication and dieorder every outcrop oaf Silurian lfnoestone hemmed in oa `eastern shore, wilco at a g;i1 on saggnal alma Kesel 1,:eatiYor cracker I ambs, moistened time there Is a legal holiday. every side by the llurenian anti Laurentian' Kookookaatlhoo, the Iltdiauts formed a circle teams a little milk. Put ewers of these ani! fornlatioaas, haat file ° ba4e the act t . ; erate owe. round the central fare, baud in hand' elcl anti teams a dee buttered di Princess Beatrice has gro'vla to elarnlln� p ►1►ori y young,from the oldest veteran to the child inp lttert 1 lash, Blake in a proportions, and is undergoing treatment to 1111rtl' a agie o a�sieald*la the er' less tf•omr tt'4 '4 st a able ttr laalk, tlav t uaaanacnc+ tl slowly tltolfi st 14 4.11 lu.ur. fojaboaat a aati hafur (wvrred redduce this too mttcl► aaaortal flesh. b , to move around Hinging' in unison a plain- B , 1 * `tel three Melee sial Thiels have the appear- tive chant led leo Kookookoohoo, whose.. 01.1' F.MIIIt0 .) G!..1.ERKREM .---flue t - Those professing to knew all about K. say , mice of uneoekedl cakes of nasal or dour, a ' of a o ass sthreetablespoonfulsP the ocean racers of t110 lines will for:oke. etenliarit • which is ae tin t among. *Dice could s lie is slate the rest Sas theme a h 1 e , of taael in. Ld4ea Dol for Idol ! 14.4. nest ear. floe I lays a •following c .nit 1 foo Maw v£ a sate is plainly. dlstiuguishable butter, one teaspcxnlful of suds, dissolved na r y Indians d y the follow ung legc-11. :above the roar of the machinery et a saw Ave tablespoonfuls of hot water, ginger, salt :Store hotels are to 11e built at Voltam., i In the dint au11 half forgotten pest; before n ill in motion. suddenly.Y _ ane` half a teas tf,onful of powdered l alum. Isle of Wight, gist, which is reviving its "ancient even the :itelsonn Bey Company • load h ossa' a a bltratl-curdling , , I I r, p > Ekon' announced the arrval of (.'he •nada, . wo and as half elms of sifted flour. Pour glories" as a place of fashionable resort, 'to get rico by befriending; the poor Indian ; who, amidst a dd afezain hnlAbon of drams, inti, we11•buttered Iron pans about half an When occasion reonirete etre Geaestone lsefi,�e the 1 Sassionrry lead Irersaaaclecl lailn lea ed into the circda at�tire(1 era the wiliest . Melt thick, and baa a in a tjtaick raven. helps her husba*d'ssectetary ha aet�fml:lisla, • to aQ,ol,. a au tt and teeter of conyuring: War -paha, airat, wvit)1 his heaviest flint-laeadetl PLAIN Gate:tea l,a:l .an.- •1'..ke two enp- lane, the (luminous comes udeuee daily, ui the pod u1) days when the ears 11 Ow py ,.. 1 .' 1'R y It.ert111'1auit41 w4.7 tickled with tlae tonna t1!l fn hand wlai.lt he Aourishtel over Eula "sponge," two tablespoonfuls ernwta his aid r d " ,. 1 he tl1 tinienemies. li e s w F,ng,l4.4. gi►ls (4f the pt r iaa1 a4i t '44.. ang,• set,aaad t+f tett «lruma, instead of the lull ; twit •c b 10 scares of ; :flour , one tablespoonful oonf*! salt laid g t 11)t n eyeglasses, with a. wide haul 44 black r.1.1, 2, wlleaa the Mighty 1l endig o• stalled nlnvaat1 in`i'1►e►a4. ale now teal et r flour to maize a soft dough. 1111 together. There is nothing? the 2Hattt11 nth their' e4 ee, elir ug;1* 1144 1.usia, w.!.4 'l1Go an winter, snow- = p I e l their heir pi and . heat Brea sale! Bemedise, y before putt with their chart. staudins, still 6n their places : white bread, Immediately i,efol t putting; it Ail the I.enlon lintels are now tilling up neer,'astvhett s a. 4. of 4► ii 141 fitter, and in sum- s but (. i 14.4la1 took up the chant alone, and in the oven, wash over the top of each loaf fast, and at the i hotels amen travellers tare et his awful a,=, s i, leaving the lntpre, with short, jerky '.1) 1 !,'. commenced era torn with water. Blake in a m11114. �te (44111 a1lont 1not re1441 teal nn 1leading rcnetns base 1tt+en tat• f al f L tamped ante the salad a to circle io.sele the ring. Twice he went an hour. Hake three lad, e.^, spoken,' ruck: there was la famine iia the land, "1'lto completely around` without slaking; au at.' Diaaeo ANPIa. I1t•mplallos,„--One pint of Au annn,'auont+ friend has doltatt 1 i 4.',;,at0 foolish tslblsits load dlisaappearty) Saud filo tempt to shty dais victim, reercly'T.iraiadishing:, (dried apples, cut, one-half ,int or sweet towards the support of ten donat 41ees a0 titrwise to Ster refused to be (nu1lat. so that his tomahawk by way of reminding them milk, two teas/endure of ha lie ,,,leder poor and neglected districts of Landon for and people a eeteee. antim en ow tee he ail f of starvation r a L►Ily. -that sumo one diad to dao tllaln. (21t Use third and one talalesppi.onful of batter or land. C :ae tive ears, f n y' round, however. he stopped dead before flour sufficient to make into small biscuits, Y 11ad1 east ongting eyes upon his fattest rola. Pitot` '•este who seemed to hare 'ken made , An Englishman chinas to have dis;co4ercai tive, with a view to re leais)lin g the larder. j and drop into are lug, e. t'ututt 1x11 quickly a means by which the juice of grapes orf In those days Cheynah was chief, and be - apples for hive than for sacrifice, for she `till the apples115'4 are done. Cnt the apples he apples can be preserved unfermented for so Ic►y0d of the perp "e; ins lie was hold, and a tae121)11ed eEteetllnp ly and !coked pttecusi to small lets with %Abser t, andsoa4.In warns long as seven years. I mighty hunter. Though he was well ad- AL him. He raised his tomahawk On htgt i fi 11;ater before tanking. trait with cream sauce I a f about t strike while t tl flame: in Years. the tire of his youth was in `a a .1,t u 1 o s is :c 3t aI o a 10 sarllt' flayertd with nutlueg; There are said to be three arfour lalie< ec•Il' tae►la all` cot11 lro Ircarii ane t 1e d mune 1,t,t up au unearthle 1l n and not at hendsouter anon ono tweet 1 known iia London society wllo are cleterailfn•' alae far a sive ---•-•.�.»•«.r.•....+----•--• 'car hit:'dc+1 iia ti r+rt •tet, 116(1 1 indel : •a i n a ow t rip rmu ,.lag srn11ix ala (rag It the use tt whisk it tar ec ipsed them all. earthquake:,1 L Cheynah 1' 1 t t •l, l ed t< a Apear at the nett meet of the Miele them tram tat. dos?v *lazes of the war dance, 1 • i; 11' i 1.' tl ing; t lu f ou hotseintcl , ,tetitde. ) 1 1 It le la a�, 1 earth to snake like unto the .hock of an Things not to be Disliked. �l . D. Sett' i, all Indian Government MB- 31 t 1( ?N, S rl •e, t lr'at t wise, you pe know, to have when Striahr^, esaal. captured fort °,scyen elephants in one It was 1114(14. that well as BeIleal` 1lruut' with wee ere be j)44 til 011 Hinging the like., and d1-4111('4 e.,e0fa11 • when they aro drive al 'r d f rr ill the (Mian lull, on mer in ii blanket, or Chesterfield in war sante rltant anti with the seine gait, nor did only direetetd vainest wc.43s11 sate'. Life is I cl .e et Tht• • made his total catch for two paint, would escape the adnuratlon. of the he (•gain Mauer until lie had completed the tee shine, my friend,for y 1 t hate They tI y • if mouths nearly 1, ). n t � lecke- spouse f e this roti man ha 1au though , y P greet ;11 •ocljceatt with tp 111 ah wl• uplifted about 'tl f•l" ex, and many maidens envied Ow third' round, when he again stood before phatieelly so many tiol gs. you out are Sie "h,• , The two brothers Davles, of ('r0e e. were in these good old times polygamy was not to strike.drums gavea mit 11ru1,1, tet a ret. your skiu and make 11 rink - sentenced to death at balf•palst four in the counted a sin, vet Cheynah had but one Again the 11 urs forth the les come shout your ;Hoath. If you are a day, and b . ten minutes lfter live' portraity death rattle and the earth shook with an 'plan it '4111 affect your digestion. y yr wife, for he loved her so, that he had sworn' awful noise. But Picodjeesio overcome by Dont dislike the woman who is prettily models of the condeimed youths were Placed to her by the sacred drum, that while she fear of deatla'aad swooned away, and lay on . gowned ; she is not necessarily a fool 'Madame o •r rs at . I, i "Chamber the(.liar ,• lived, no t outer woman should share his wig- the ground prone hefote him, and Cheynah Don't dislike the book that is interesting , Toussaud's, London. tram. a devotion which his wife repaid by lad t stril.e,1 tit p.t,. c on • frit liven g a ver 1 no . • 1 • :sal h drag ging it is not bound to he trash. It alleged that the fal siltuatiou of counterfeiting s b 3� long time cesie,ch to t�`nn131T1 f' I steps, his tomahawk hanging limp and list-' Don't dislike the mush: that is catching 1 venf0nce of one I1col' lish coins y clipping g, u 1 g, Fly" , less in las bend, while the plaintive chant it s it much greater mission than any of gone to as greater extent during the last few 1t°l10 adored him, but in a maidenly, modest had now become a perfect wail of agony.: Wagner'saoperas. years than for a long; time before, and that manner, sada as becomes an Indian maiden. 1\0e1[OOkotllt(1n'»fat 0 lit t .Mlle neifet by 1131-1 Don't dislike a woman who changes her things have got to such apass, that it is hare Seo would throw wild berries at him. as lie 1lolical, and n.0 t'heynah 1ra9 about corn- mind—be thankful that she knouts when she ly safe to accept coats at all. sat at meat in his tent; or when he weatrl meedeg his third roundlet fiercely whisper. has made a mistake. The insignia of the British Order of the forth,platy bc1•PPcep with hint hi the ed something to Min as Ile passer`. jl lie' Don't dislike men who dress well and are l `lath, which has heretofore been 'lade of 1)391eau%]tt' apt( re,r ly afield 1 lestshe should be effect was magical.Claeyn:ah WAS himself good-looking ; it is just possible the are gold, is to be of siker• t11t hereafter, and in- g ' J l lace lg 11049011 in lits •way , again, and with a shout that made the gentlemen. y tead of beingmade by .. jeweller they will sot at he cren ould catch ker if lie felt se in echoing -forest ring he buried his tomatt k into Don't i' 1'k children i remember some -1 he turned ontt on conract at so lineal the heroine sate e.g eh tide ttl esla data ntlens, the skull of leiswife, the daughter of Kookoc• body nlla d to bear with you score by a Birmingham first.p n 1a ley i nc escape koohoo (for did he not love his wife the best] Dou'tdislikewomen who have toearn their 1 the notice of the favored wife, the daughter . of all? How many men of recent tittles otvn livings ; there's not a single one of them The British cruiser Reindeer, just arrived of the chief conjuror, who by his powers of 1„„, give their wives the sumo token of who wouldn't rather have a man doing it for at Zanzibar from Mozambique, experienced divination could know all things, and who; their (Lection if their duty required it of het•. a rough time at the hands of the Portuguese. 'could have told her all about it, had she not i them?) D dislike The officers were completely boycotted by found it out herself. She indeed, consulted' r Don't c 1 r e this world and find it unfit- The Portuguese, all the merchants absolute- her father concernin the matter for nor Then followed a deathly alienee. No to oneng and tiresome ;yyon may have to go lyrefusing to sell them even the necessaries g sound of dram was heard, no noise of tum•' to where things wilI be more intense and olife. ,heart was full of jealousy; and he counselled bung earth ; even the fire seemed to burn more distracting perhaps, but even less to her to wait. liked. ( i low and cease from crackling Cheynah 1 be ! Tasmanian and Australian apples and; Now the famine was great ;and the people,was the first to break it. Standing there Don't dislike anythingexcept that which pears are once more appearing in the London cried to their chief for food. But Cheynahwith his bloody ax uplifted in one hand and t is mean, low, vulgar and wicked. market, and by their good looks ensure a could not help then in their strait, though', with the other pointing to the lifeless form ready sale. In respect of flavor these fruits he did what most modern rulers do in like' of his wife, he said : are mostly good, but there is a certain flat- predicaments, lie called a meeting for con- 1 "Kookookoohoo, thedeed is done. Where ness, due doubtless to deterioration in sultation, at which many resolutions were ad-, is now the food that you have promised ?" To which leookookoohoo replied :"Indians, if your chief has not lied to theGeetchie- Manitou, then"—pointing eastward—' `your food is there. Follow Hoe. . Saying which, followed by the hungry, wondering crowd, he led the way to the eastern side of the promontoryy. Here they beheld a wondrous sight. Tliat which had transit. I opted, all amonntmg to the fact that they The master of a brigantine has been fined, were hungry and they must procure some - by the Board of Trade at Plymouth for ne- I thing to eat or die ;resolutions that perhaps glecting to serve out lime juice to his crews relieved their feelings a little, but not their on a long voyage. He offered them grog in- necessities,and the meetingwas about break - stead, which the Wren refused. The refusal ing up, when a shrill fierce voice cried out of grog by Jack in any circumstances what -I " Kish ! which Means " Hold." All eyes were turned upon o the speaker, who 't e isprobably unique.with t v r ,rob b er, rY tl P r a - P, been a comparatively level shore had now been raised into an abrupt precipice, from the sides of which issued volumes of steam, and,morewonderful still, the whole face ' lvoud i 1 of the liff was composed of cakes, piled up one above the other, almost as far as the eye could reach, apparently just hot from the oven. Kookookoohoo seemed rather deject- ed than elated at the suceessful indication of his reputation as a prophet. However, like Moses in theilclerness he commanded the people to eat, not wdithout restric- tions, saying : "Indians, your chief has not lied. Great is the Greetchie-Manitou, and great is Cheynah, the chief." Wherat the Indiaus fell upon these cakes and commenced to devour them witha vora- city begotten of starvation. Hardly, how- ever, had they swallowed the first mouth- ful, when with cries of disgust they flung them down, saying : " We are deceived. Matchi-a-waygwan (meaning, the devil's in it.) The cakes are not half cooked and are more than half - sand." Then Kookookoohoo arose and spoke with a loud voice " Ye have been deceived. Cheynah has deceived you, and tried to deceive the Geet- chie-Manitou. He has sacrificed his wife, whom he hated, and has spared Picodjeesie, who he loved. The Geetchie-Manitou, who knows how to cook, began to make the cakes in a proper manner, but in his wrath at the deception of Cheynah, he did not finish cook- ing thein and has thrown sand Into them as well. Indians, be avenged ! Hasten back to the camp and tear the traitor to pieces." At which the W:4 ,le rabble started with a rush for the camp. -here, in confirmation of Kookookoohoo's d ,nunciation, they found Cheynahin the act A. consoling Picodjeesie for the fright he ]1 e1 given her. His arms were around her, and the attitude was such as to justify the suspicion that all the love was not on Picodjeesie's side. . . The Indians, like wolves upon defencless deer, fell upon them and, obeying the injunc- tion of Kookookoohoo, literally tore them to pieces. Indeed, they would have slain. every one in the chief's family, but Kookoo- lifted hand emphasized his command. It Mr. Brundell, Maple, M. P., will was " Kookookoohoo," The Night Owl," shortly introduce into the House of the chief conjurer, the mostaged man amongst Commons a bill to be called the Salaried ' them.His nose resembled the beak ofShoP Assistants WeeklyHal Holliday bill, the bird from which he took his name. His This will entitle each paid assistant, who 1 hair was white as snow ; an unusual thing has been three months in the same situation, amongst Indians, who often arrive at a good to have a weekly half holiday, commencing old age before a single hair turns grey. But at four o'clock. his figure was erect, andhis eyes shone fierce- Dr. Danford Thomas says that in the ly bright; an uncanny -looking mortal, and Central Division of the county of London one whose face betokened craft to conceive, and that of Middlesex, for which he is the and cruelty unspeakable to execute. At his coroner, some two hundred deaths of infants word a silence fell upon the people, a silence oeour annually from suffocation, the great of awe and expectation, while Cheynah, if majority of which might be prevented if the the color of his akin had permitted him, children were laid to rest m cots instead would have turned pale, for in his heart,he of sleeping with their parents. I dreaded " The Kookookoohoo," and feared - The patent lifeboat Storm King left Cape lest his interference at this crisis might por- Town on April 18 for Melbourne. The little' tend evil for himself. craft; which is only 30 feet long, with an ail " Indians I" said the conjurer, " hear me ! foot beam left London on Sept. 12,, 1889, II dreamed a dream last night, a dream of and was expected to reach Cape Town on blood. I looked upon the face of the Geet- Christmas Day. She did not arrive there chie-Manitou, and he whispered in my ears until March 2. She is manned by her in- awful things, too awful for you to listen to ventor, Capt. Joergenson, and a comrade, and live, but I could hear and not die, for named Nelson. the Geetchie-Manitou is my friend. He, .the Journalistic criticism is a dangerous calling Great One, knows your strait and has offered in Hungary. An article which appeared re- you a way of getting food. Let your chief, cently m a journal at Klauseriburg gave so dearly beloved sacrifice to him that 'which much offence that it led to no fewer than he holds dearest in his heart, and you will thirteen duels. The editor of the paper be fed in abundance. The Geetchie-Manitou fought four duels, in one of which he killed , has said it. , It is not I that speak of myself, his opponent ; the author of the obnoxious I speak for him; look ye to it." article passed safely through three encoun- And so saying, he glided from their midst ters and the sub -editor took the lion's share and entering his conjuring tent, oommenc- with six combats. A census just completed places the popu- lation o Winnipeg at over 25,000. , The high front trimming on callotes is pre- ferred, and it is the most becoming. Motto for the chucked out chaace11o r.- (Bis)marck, learn, and inwardly digest.— A dynamo has just been designed for use with a gas engine. The practical value of such a machine is shown by the fact that a given amount of gas will give more light through the medium of a gas engine and dynamo than it will directly. In other words, any one within reach of gas may use electricity for domestic lighting at a cost less than his present gas bill, ed a vigorous tattoo on his conjuring drum, a i that he was engaged s gn in holding inter- views with familiar spirits, and no one dare interrupt him by further questioning con- cerning this great sacrifice that Cheynah, was called upon to make. Cheynah however hunghis h s head in silence, and in spite of his great love for his people, seemedrather bewildered, until the shouts of the people calling him by naive re- called him to a sense of his position and his duty. "My children," lie said, "the terms of the Geetchie-Manitou are hard, but for your sakes I am ready to do his bidding. .Assemble therefore, this evening on Wabikeesick's Point. Let every man, woman and child be there. I do not ask you to come and starve, koohoo prevented them by saying : Shadows. If a cloud should come between us And the splendor of the sun ; If the rays of golden sunlight Should be hidden, one by one ; If across the stream and meadow Suddenly a darkness came, Should we question for a moment If the sun shone just the same? Uwe hold to wrong opinions Till they form a mighty wall; If we harbor thoughts of error And forget the good in all ; If we live in moital blindness Are we not ourselves to blame, Since God's truth beyond the shadows, Shines in splendor just the same ? Although pain and sin and sorrow Seem to darken earthly. days, We may learn a simple lesson From the sun's obstructed rays ; And though life itself seen` clouded With the darkness of despair Remember that the shadow Proves the light is always there ! To Preserve the Skin. You want to keep your skin nice all sum- mer ?, hWell, then, here are some rules for you: Dont bathein hard water ; soften it with a few drops of ammouia or a little born. Don't bathe your fac©while itis very warm and never use very cold water for it. Don't wash your face when you are trav- elling,unless it is with alcohol and water or a. little, vaseline. Don't attempt to remove dust with cold water ; give your face a hot bath, using plenty of good soap, : then' give it a thorough rin- sing with water that has had the chill taken off of it. - Don't rub your face with a- coarse towel ; just remember it is not made of oast iron, and treat it as you would the finest porce- lain—gently and delicately. . Don't use a sponge or linen rag for your face ; choose d. e. : 1 0 e insteaa flannel on' , Don't believe you can got rid of wrinkles by filling in the crevices with powder. In- stead, give your face a Russian bath every night—that is, bathe it with water so hot that you wonder how you can stand it, and then a minute ,after with cold hater that will make it glow with warmth ; dry with a soft towel and go to bed, and von ought to sleep like a baby, while your skin isgrowing firm- er:and coming from outof the wrinklesand your rest. . • B1 -B1 BIC Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable cornpound,possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the system, and controlling their secre- tions. It so purifies the blood that it CURES ,All blood humors and diseases,from a corn- mon, pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and/ this combined,with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a cure for all diseases of the SKIN From one to two bottles will euro boils;, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, totter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure saltrhenre or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, all► Inetaes,runningsores,anda)l skin eruptions It is noticeable that sufferers 'rem skltut, DISEASES Are nearly always agg;ravatedbyintolerable itching, but tins quiekly subsides ea the removal of the disease by B.B.B. passing on to graver yet prevalent Mti0ases, aueh aaa scrofulous swellings, humors and SCROFULA We have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a cure. Ti'. great mission of B.11. B. is to regulate the liver. kidneys, llnwele and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the atomach, and to open the sluice -ways of the systems to ea.77 oft all clogged and impure Resta Lions, allowing nature thus to sad rooter; andnr re,u a without tail. BAD BLOOD Litercornplaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,atielc headache" dropsy, rheumatism, and every species s er, kidnedisease seas omach,nbowels and disordered We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B, Should any person be dissatisfied after uaingt the first bottle, we will refund the money o11 application personally or by letter. We will els o be glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects ot B. B. B. fee the above named diseases, an application to T. MILI3IJRN tt CO., Toronto, Ont. rRF. OF ANYEx FE� £M.:'RY Mind wanderingenrol. Bookstrsn,e4 ung. in ono roa,Tosttmoniaas from ea parts of tho glcbo, Proppectus POW rim; AI'nt onn p1 A. Lei:stte, 237 P tth.Ase. New York. ®ANY MANS` . Who L Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, whoin his Folly and Ignorance as Tri- fled away his Vigor of Body, Mind ane' Manhood, causing exhausting 'trains upon the Fountains of Lite. Headache, 4aokache,,Dreadfullircame, Weakness t alomory, Bashfulness b Socloty. filmiestwonthe Face and ail the Effects ening to Early Deoay, Consumption r Inealnhyy wilt Sari, in our spocitio ivo. 23 a beitivet Cure. It imrarta Youthful Igor restores the Vital Power in old and °slag strengthens end invigorates the Braid) Ind Nerves builds up the monocular system n arouses into action the whole physical energy of the human. frame. With our gppeelfo No, 23 the most obstinate case can be cored la three months, and recent ones in less than thirty da Each package contains two weeks tneet- m Price Sa. Gua 414 o, 5411 sal infallibCuresle Cure forranteed. all Our privatespeo- DFseases uo minor of how long stand- ing. btt old under our written Cuaranteeto Cb.. e}ieoTorontt a Oou. rat. Price e5. Tosonta ]Medicine ® LADIES ONLY. omin FRENCH RECULATION "dLLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy. Pennyroyaval1 or Oiclde. l atdorsted bag the thousands n' iadtes wlyo nseI MONI'IjLY. Never tail. ReUeve ppstn, TIME REGUULARITY, Pleasant and 61Fectual. Price. $2. Toronto Medicine C0. Toronto, Ont. BREAD -MAKER'S 50 N"ISIALEVW N>;+r¢s FA t 0.. C OfVI ,. r ATiSr7tC'alta; ••F _R FOR SALE BY ALL OFJ►. Bs Exeter -»:int^ tier Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --iN ALL KINDS OF— EATS lastomerssupplied TUESDAYS, THURS. .LYS AND SATUBDAYS at their : esidenee ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILT., RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. To Save the Lips. Thisis good weather for a woman to keep her mouth shut and her tongue in. An open mouth exposes thethroat to unnecessary cold, which chills the delicate membrane, and - to impurities which, lodging in it, are frequently producive of serious results while a hanging or rolling tongue keeps the lips wet and in <a constant state of eruption. Lips will never chap or crack if kept dry, as there is sufficient oil in the skin to protect them. Soreness, of the lips is an evidence of - some disorder of the stomach. Fresh, rosy lips mean health of body. There is no better cure for rough^ lips than glycerine diluted with water. I,eep the mouth wet with the mixture for a clay or two anti the skin will become soft anal smooth. Just before going out the oil should be applied and allowed to dry on the lips. Many ladies have a habit of nabbing cologne on the lips, a practice that should be discontinued, as the alcohol, which is the base of all perfumes, burns the skin by arresting the action of the oil glands. Biting the lips bruises their surface and when exposed to cold they- become, swollen and ulcerated.