HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 2Ayer's Hair Vigor ,S the "idoaln Hair -dressing. It re., stores the color to gray hair ; promotes a fresh and, vigorous growth ; prevents the formation cf tandrnff; make the hair soft and silken; and imparts a deli, tate but lasting per. fume, "Several months ago my Bair com- menced failing out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald, I tried many remedies, bat they did no good, I final- ly bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and,, after using only a part of the con- tents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recommend your preparation asthe best in the ' world. T, Sunday, Sharon Grove, Ky. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given sue satisfaction. Itis an excellent dress- ing, prevents the hair from turning gray, nista es its vigoroas growth, and Iteeps the scalp white and clean." — Mary A. Jackson, Saleni, Mass. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for promoting the growth ot the hair, and thunk it uaegaaledl, For restoring tho hair to its original calor, and for ailress,. ing" it cannot he surpassed," •Mrs. Geo. Ls Fever, Eaton Rapids, "Ayer's Hair Vigor 13 a most excel- lent preparation for the bah. I speak, of it from ay own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair and snakes it glossy and soft, The Vigor is also a cure for dandruff."—J. W. Bowen, Editor "Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio. I 'save used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past two years, and found it all it is represented to bo. It the r s or e + e t e n _ aCn mat color to ;gray hair, causes the hair to grow fregly, and keeps it soft and pliant--hlrs. M. V. Day, Cohoee, N. Y. "My farther, at about the age of fifty. lost all the hair from the top el his head After one month's trial of Ayer's Hair -Vigor the hair began coming, and, an three tnonths, he had a finegowth ot hair ."f the natural color,"--F.J. Cullen, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. dyer's Hair Vigor, rasa -tate $Y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Mast. hold by Dragoons Ind Periumere,. THE BEST KING POWDER �IcEAA#IEii'SS SENUINE Cook'$._FrioIId No Alum, . Nothing Injurious. REEA!LEB EEEPYYIIIEBE4 GARTH &CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES, Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe. Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam Jet Pumps. Farm Pumps, Wind Mlil:y Crsam Separ- ators, Dalry and Laundry Utensils, 536 CRA116 STREET. MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S SPOOL COTTON( apses Haled and Machine Use. HAS Pi'U SUPERIOR. ASK FOES IT. LEATHEROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all other kinds. Lighhtest and Strangest 1-k b1E 3 In the World. J. EYELEILH & CO. MONTREAL, Wallas. for tno Dominion HOTEL BALMORAL, DMONTREAL. ;Yotr'e Dame St.. opo of the roost central and elegantly furnished Hotels inthe C1ty. Accommodation for 400 guests. Bates: V' 'WOODRUFF, 12 to SS ger day. SI r Manager. fE14,13$9 We Arts lot Canada, £,PALMER &SON Wholesale Imp'trs of *RHGGISTS' SUNDRIES, I943 NOTRE DABSE ST„ MONTREAL. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY, Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing', FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thin is a Perfect Friction RECKITT'S BLUE t THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS wrappitz, Maxilla, C. ALL O SIZES AND CO WEIGHTS To ORDEP. 21 DeBresoles St, MILLS; POR'S 1ZUP, P.Q. JOHriSTSRS V'rLUiDI EEF rCNE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 9PERFECT FOOD 'WoR THE s,cst ARMING & OTRITIOuSBEYERAGC A POWERFUL a 1' INVIGORATOR 9 - din ink enough to write sheetepaper at one/Ming Pen, Inkstand all in one. POI NT = ` PEN. Eyes my pen orkindoftnk r tilled by the =toms radia -rubber reiervolra t thede heed by the DrNsare ant in et Safely, will not leak' finely Docket a l a Pianlekel Tate a aorto tanked -plate; tope &9 P A FALSE FRIEND. A STORY OF MODERN BABYLON, CHAPTER N.V. found that she had gone out of the hotel the • Like a thunderbolt out of a blue sky cattle night of the 10th of June at nine o'clock, and tiie announcement next day that the lung- there was not the least difficulty in finding derer of .largest>t Neale was neither Claude the cabman who drove her to and from Hyde Faune nor Mr. Musgrave, but ---a woman ; Park Corner. • Her elothes were examined, Even to the man w)esse illtelligeuee had put with eriminating, results ; and the fatal in- the police oil the true te-,ack, this announce- atrnlnent itself—a stiletto—was discovered anent was a shock. He had not expected ill ono of leer trunks. it, Musgrave was naw indignant against his wise at the cause of all his trouble{ list for her, Ise would have left London immediate- ly with five thousand pounds, and would flow have been far away and safe. He had no scruple, therefore, in ofl'eriu; his testi- limey against her as the price of his own immunity ; but the man's mortification was piteous when be found that his evidence was declined on those terms, and that he would have to take his trial, We May dismiss this couple by stating that retribution dealt with Musgrave in a striking faslaioe. His wife, seeing all hope lost, poisoned herself in her cell, no one being able to tell hawshe obtained the poison; and \lusgrave had to stand his trial alone, Ile was eondenmed, and the sentence coin- muted to penal servitude for life, Faune was released, and sent onee more into the world from which he had so nearly been removed as at felon. As this took place another malt retired into the solitude of bard work and resignation. This was Frank Holmes, The Clad tons, father and slaughter, were gone to Westgate.. Holmes trembled for what would next happen. Faune was free --cleared of the awful charge ; and Mary `• the reader will recolleet the two main facts in the narrative of 'ars. Burton whieh 'shed new light on thebrain of Frank Holmes. These were the private marriage of the ;two personswho hadpassed as man. and wife on the first day the la* allowed; and the visit of the woman to Faune's rooms the morning he was arrested. Thefir it feet suggested to 3olmes• that Musgrave might himself be Julius Veroos ; and the seeond, that the woman's purpose in going there Was to drop that parcel of the dead woman's letters in the rooms. They might have heard privately of the arrest at the time ; they alight be aware the detective weshunting Faunedown; !theyeertainly knew that, owing tothe man's P flight after Isle suspicious presence in the Park on the night of the murder, the train was laid, ready to he tired, for his arrest. Cireumst:twee all favoured the suspicions against Fauns above all, his expeeted lonr- riage wills Mies Clayton. The chain of evidenee against the Mus - graves was quickly forger., When the man felt it elosing round hole with fatal strength, he made one last desperate and revolting roost 10 SPCUe his awe safety b}}offering; his evident e against his wife ! Ile admitted Clayton would be the last girl living to ab. that Ise is dlnllfi Vernon," an l that he hail s alv a herself of the reproach of havirng been desertedf hisn, t t wife. He evert his •'o principal seeond a ps uclpal Canso of the aasllicityn under wife abreail, and told her of his former 1 whit 1. he had suffered. What would she skis marriage..in i that be believed Margaret + to make reparation ?---rather, whet would Neale was dead ; hat without legal proof of I she not do: considering that she loved the this Ise could ub,t make Lucy Morelli his• auman. To her merciful audgeutle eyes suffer- , wife. She taupe to England witls hint, when I lug would kava purified tuns of much of iris Ise explained to her that, in ease he was free, I unworthiness, So be it a certain terns of eesidenee was necessary 1 ?Usutting himself in from all knowledge of ',efore they could be married. This term what w.istaking place, and work ing hard in bcine short, they put up at the (iraufl iloal, order to drive h out of his mind, Huhnes eon. When he found.- a no doubt he hail expected tiru,ed in his rooms for a fortnight, only that Margaret Neale was living, and in going out late in the night for a solitary London with Lady Southfort's family, he walk on the Eusbaukmeut, He can hardly had much to do to prevent Lucy llorrcllt realise to this day that the period was only ,from c am'uittis'g suieide Then her passion a fortnight. Then one morning came to him suddenly subsided, andlte was pura,.led wit se a letter bearing the Liverpool postmark in 1 it meant. Then came the fatal night of a hand which Ise knew too wall. It was the 10th 9f Juue, He was not dining with from Faune, aunouneing bit embarkation for Isis wife that evening ; but when he was Australia ; but it contained more. Ile had standing in the Park with Faune he was seen \Ir. Clayton ; and Holmes inferred startled at seeing her pass outside the rail- from the terms of the letter that Mr. Clay - ins ; she halted an instant and looked ton had; furnished him with money to start l towards them, but trough her face was not, in a new world. But it was not this that visible he recognised her. He walkers hack brought the bl•,sd to the young man's face; • to Charing Cross, and she was already and the light to his eyes. Fauna's letter' there before hint. By her looks, he knew went on: that something had happeued, She admitted I know now that I wrote to hiss Clay h e had been to the Park. toss from Dover. Ask her to Shaw you that " You know what an Italian. is," he said, letter, because it Concerns you. When yon cNplanatorily. She did not look at her have read it, you will perhaps perceive why act with English eyes. She had lured the I refused to explain the reason of my de unsuspecting victim to the spot W1101'e parturefront Lonilon, I left so suddenly, en ' Julius Vernon' had more than once snot account of. Musgrave's persuasions, but her in years gong by, and the swift and sure chiefly because I meant never to return. Italian hand with one silent stroke nsade Had Musgrave sent ale my clothes and the Musgrave free. She demanded her bond money, I should havegano to the Continent. now. As soon as he realised the awful posi- The letter I refer to will explain why I went tion in which they steed, he warned her and why I kept silent. I knew too well that immediate flight wins their only chance. that there was nothing to stay or come back The woman laughed—called hint' ' white- far, and 1 hdd staked and lost everything. livered'—and told him not to be a fool : he My silence is the only credit Clue to use. I heti been near the spot with another cyan, cared little about my life. Even now 1 cure and his sudden disppearanee now would be little about it," sure to bring suspicion quickly on his track.,Seizing his hat, Holmes rushed out to Musgrave was struck with the force of this haring Cross Station and caught a Margate warning, She was determined. to stay trail, i y mid -dee be arrived there, and there and watch them working in the started along the cliffs to Westgate. He dark—determined to stay there until he cared nothing now about that Dover fulfilled his promise and made her his wife. letter --he knew its purport as well as if he The event showed it to have been the most hall read it—knew why Mary Clayton re - :prudent coarse. When they heard of the fused to let hint sec it. Ois, fool and blind police being on Faune's track, the woman that he had been ! not to have known better ; took the parcel of Margaret Nea1e's letters not to have known that it was to her pride and dropped them hi Isis rooms, exactly as —wounded by his own blindness—that Holmes concluded it to have been done. Faune owed Isar tolerance of him Perhaps, The police, it will be remembered, had in tjme, when the sobbing of the late been kept in ignorance of the transaction of troubles was over, she would forgive him ; the cheque. Musgrave was asked what VMS and if forgiveness was ever worth waiting Isis business with Fauna in the Park that for, that of Mary Clayton surely was, night. He told this story, too, without re- He met her en nye of the walks in front servation—he wanted to save his neck, and of the St. Mildred's hotel, going down to the was willing to tell everything. Musgrave beach. Some of the color had returned to had bought up a large amount of Faune's her cheeks already; but the moment her eyes gambling debts, which, with some money met those of Frank Holmes all the tell-tale due to himself of the same character, came blood in her glad heart bounded to her face. to thirteen hundred pounds. Faune's con- He took her trembling hand in both his own, fidence in his matrimonial prospects made caressing it tenderly. him a little reckless ; but when, on pressing "I had a letter frow Faune this morning, far Isis money, Fauneasked flim if he would Mary, which has sent me down to you, and be satisfied with a ten days' draft, accepted now, I can't say what I want." by Mr Clayton but "not negotiable," he con- '• 'Don't say it, Frank,"she answered shyly, s:nted. He got the acceptance, which was looking away. ' Does it matter very much?" due on the 10th of June ; Faune was to Fur his look had said it already. notify him through the newspaper when "Were you soon going in ?" he asked, ready to pay it. On receiving the five then- hungering for speech which this public place sand pound cheque he retained the acceptance would not allow. until the cheque was cleared ; he believed i ""No Frank ; I was going to have a sail. the acceptance to be a forgery, but destroy- There are the boats on the beach. Will you ed it on receiving the value of the cheque. 1 come with me?" Had he returned Faune the balance of the t Would he indeed? He threw back Isis cheque ? No. On learning, that night, of shoulders and strode down tlse cliff in ad - the murder, he at once resolved upon flight; vance: and when the girl came up, he had it was 'not till Monday that he finally decid- the boat ready, and had sent the boatman ed to remain. He should want this money away to cool himself with beer for a couple more than Faune. He knew the signature of hours. "Frank Holmes" on the back of the cheque ""Because," he explained, helping her in, was spurious, though he was ignorant of ""I'm going to pull the oars myself. I could Feline's motive for putting it there. He pull a barge -load of bricks this morning ; and saw Faune that evening (Sunday evening), 1 I want you all to myself, Mary." and perceived that he had been drinking. i He told Faune that he would have to re- Before they returned, Frank Holmes and turn the cheque to him, as he dreaded the Mary Clayton were as one in—amongst , other things—the opinion that this was the risk of taking it to Clayton's bank or passing it through another bank, and point- i most delightful spot on England's coast ; ed out that hi this case he would be obliged and Mr. Clayton, on discovering their to present Mr. Clayton's acceptance to that opinion, showed the practical side of his gentleman next day for payment. Faune character by engaging furnished, for the was terribly scared, and too intoxicated ' summer, the prettiest house upon that to suspect Musgrave's sincerity. Mus- ! sunny cliff. The house was occupied very the grav•epase ngtuaofy the LOchequeosed tOifatFaune 80011. OOne clay, two months later, when they would allow him for the risk two were again drifting on the pleasant waters, thousand pounds in all, which was only, Holmes, after observing his bride's face seven hundred more than his debt. Faune thoughtfully for some time, asked : ""Mary, agreed ; and then Musgrave carried his main , are you conscious of it when your eyes are object, which was to get Faune out of Lon- I speaking?" 1 don, and so leave the coast,clear for his own She blushed and laughed. 1 escape the moment he got the money. He "It is wonderful," he said slowly, ".low frightened him to start for Dover, to be ready they do speak. They are always doing it, to cross if he received a telegram of the I.have been watching them just snow, speak- cheque being refused ;Faune being probably ing to the ripples. 1 know every word they sensible that Holmes would owe him no say t° mc." leniency for forging his name, doubtless, " Dear ane," said Mary, smiling, anciblush- mnade him all the readier to adopt this ing again. This young man was always bring - course. He had another motive too, which ' ing blushes to her face now. Musgrave knew " nothing of, abut which. I "But you can control them, too, Mary," seconded the proposal He started forhe went on. ""They never said an encourage Dover, and of course received neither money I ing word to me when I was in darkness. ner telegram ; and Musgrave, tied in Lon - they You said you gave no -answer to Faune ; but den, and hourly expectiizg him to return, they gave it—he understood, you see. Ah, fait that fate was favouring,him when heheard of those eyes ! and they would not speak to oa the fugitiveeion having fallen So naturally rryeThey did, Frank—one day, over on the 0.,1 Meanwhile, however, the police had ob- cliff, when they were penitent," she said eel � tained evidence enough of the guilt of Mus- softly, leaning forward and putting Iser hand tmrt gr grave's wife without his assistance. The in 1515. a and _, hue handwriting was identified ; the unobservant Onto END.] >ie" ants as asples,poaryaid,$ti0ea[ee _ .' advertisement clerk, confronted in the prison 0 s. sd.with a rowe rt 5 Pen I bNi. P. . Stenon theft but Aver nater' of ten women sin' ala rl dr eased re -First ' Pens,Little Girl— Is lirdoll Yo a French gg I y A iOOp Pictu"e Bonk sent FREE. Yrr,�4.ta thio �, cognized Mrs. Musgrave;so also did the doll?" Second Little. Girl °"I don't know; JECINITET 78a>t.'4020tl;$, N. Erg ; commissionaire and Mrs. Browning. It was she can't talk JOHN LABATT'S Indian Pole 4fe and XXX Brown Stoat Highest awaels ana al'edals for Parity and Excel lence at Centennial 1s xhibition, Phil ade)phia, 1576; Canada,. 1870 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. TESTIMONIALS SELECTED: Prot. PI If Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says:—"I find it to be perfectly sound containing Ino impurities or adulter- atioLs, and can strongly recommend it as perfectly pure and a very superior halt lignor," John B Edwaras, professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says: "I find then) to be remarkably soun.i ales, brewed from pure malt and hors. Bev. 1'. 3. ltd. 1'age.Profeeeor of Chemistry, Laval Uu ver city. Quebec, says :----"I flava analyzed the Indian Pale 'Ale manufactured 1)yJohnLabatt London. Gaelic), and have found it a light ale, containing but little alcohol, of a dell- eious Haver, and of a vert agreeable taste and superior quality. and compares with the best iinportea ales. I hive also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same hrewery, which is of a toeileut quality; its flavor is very agreeable ; it is a tonin more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richer in aleohol, and min be compared advantage- ously with any imported artieke. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CT. eintzman& Co 111,�ANUFACTURER5 OF Grand, Square E Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Heintzmau Piauoa are noted fol: Their Fail, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalogue. Factory :-West Toronto Junction Wareroo►ms and Office, rrio^a 1 I7 king-St.Wel How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver. well's Celebrated Essay oni hi radical euro of SranrtAroarteceL or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion, The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, Nearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sucoenatul Practice, may that the beradically cureedg; consequences f ing out amot e of cure at once simple, pertain and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, psi• lately and rediesliir, t Tide Isoture shot}ld he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land g,nt under peal, to a plain envelope, to any ad dfis, post-paid, on receipt of tour Dents, or two postage stamps. samples of Me.deice free. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York Past 051es B)x 450 4586,1y WEAK MEN and WTOIVIED7 eau quickly cure them- selves of Was Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthfigi errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 80 years' experience. Address-- GZLDBD BILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIESour'•nel1.U.wave n"teaafeandalways reliable.; beu.r then Iraot, Oxide, Taney or pmayress pole. Insures regnlnelty. (fond fpr pardonless. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCE ioermootbeatfaoer,hatr m, bet est heads, in eu days, seismal Latent gad gronco a ac of the. a or modern sobe.e 1 e net derfw Magical, cur cry o1 the sap, Like no otker Beare wiskersura, /Comet instantaneous t ounce prepare wi whiskers 1 lysed hoods "hewed l" Curious epeeaaolor, hat positive troth,. Only genuine ratio's in market, and rria o 55 siva absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Prise 51 a bottle, or three bottles for 53. Each bottle hale one month. Address A. DIXON, Box 908, TORONTO, CANADA. }y pM IME�tCIEVIISI�NI'SS PREPARATIONS. y�,� P1�t11PLUYUs njsylQ Appeeermanentyy��tion t remove superfluous hair without mlmy to the skin. Warranted. Prlae 91. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS pesermanencymen from le to s0 days warranted. Prlcofore0 days5r-flatulent,5r-flatulent,, 51. 6�1TI-COD laDL,ENC€ PILLS topebalne. point is amatter of soNeitnda, whether Immure it in �.. -n. fortablo or unfnohlonebre--FAT POLES using" An ^O111'ULENCE PILLS 151 mon aatL bn a 1. They oraee 0o slolcuesx ; contain no poison, and peter tail Prion far one !cum i o trees uent, SS; re three months medicine, e5. %Tenanted. CDIAPI EVION WAFERS alovAntlaArlre-. ARSENICAL,. eh the akin, develop the form. Maralete. Permanent kat. Warranted. Pride $ a a box, or Mx boxes for 55. 'areas 75 aDA13921IOV ANI, 1t g,e Wangf3troot Wert woronto, One • 4 4 C • ��vc ��`ti,+o , `�O ��b d yet oc"V1e hh jib 0 {~��. i. `4 O Zo �� i�� fi d`b,'0 • e. to `e, ,z, ono star- ,fib .geP \�Q '12.�1e' , fie•0i6� icy so- a ,Ati N.o �` �• �o b Nse, • AV, If `"p' 1, 9g' Cis' �O s ofl C)° 0oc"`s%c 4". co, fl op"Go4' e4a e\`.4. a 4y�90 c?`e <>`' 3 ,a9 •1;. b' 5 � t • Manufactured only by Thames Holloway, 78, Now Oxford Street, .'1 lets 533, Oxford 5tr.et, London. NT Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Boxes and Petaki the address is not 583, Oxford Street, Lindon, they are spurious. Exeter Lumber Yard The Underaistued wishes to informhe public in general that he keeps —constantly in stock— All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A large stock of Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding dr ssed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all FinishingMaterial, Lath, tic. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. --Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. ,Yr Gl)rJSr'ply se ti palm ani reedy for Use, No shri'1 assured. A Call will bear out the above, ,r }It OLD ESTABLISHED Jas. Y>r illis,Manager A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Bond ani Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Rellof, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarr such as headache, partial deafness, lapsingwase of smell, foul breeth hawking and spitting,lessen, general feeling of debility, etc, If you aro troubled with any of those or kindred sy eptotns, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time to procuring a bottle ofASAL' BALM. .Z. teerrla so ' N d tame neglooted cold in Lead results is Catarrh,, fbllow by e0nsagmptionaad death. NASAL BALM is sold y tttt drsgglsts, or will be sent, past paid, on receipt *CO*(5o seate Rad $r.00) byadiressiag FVLFORD & 00., Bs cIcvILLE,`Our. • ka. Beware of imitations similar in news r:r rl QLTZ `lir t AGENT : Hay Township Farmers' Mut- ual Firs Insurance Co. A PURELY FARMERS' COMPANY. Live Stook also insured, when in the deeds. or on the road in aherse of owner, or servants alsomanafaoturer of the Improved 6e*pniae Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent for Tomb Steam and the Watson .implomea*s. Underbakicg promely attended to O. HOLTZMAN. . TSDOR DR O . a- p- • immanent Clone guaranteed. Salary and lexpensea Paid. at advantages to beginners. Stook Complete, with faeteHling apeogati•L VTC'IT 1'REE. We guarantee whet tea advent/a. Write HROWN " ; ROTIIiffi86. liuruerpnaen, Toronto. Oat. (This boas. 15 r i.bI.,1