HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-03-10, Page 3i%.,04:*11,$14tAie -es" 413,tr: • • GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 100., 1955 COL)40aNN TOWNSIBEIP �QTWk— Navel cadets from HMCS Venture, at present on a three-month 'training cruise to Australia and New Zealand in HMCS Ontario, cluster around the Ontario's stern to watch a depth charge exercise being carried out. For most bf the cadets it was the .first view of a depth charge explosion. PLANT A HEDGE Order No* shipped at the proper planting time: FREE—3 Perennial Baby Breath Plants for EARLY orders. "Best Quality Only" CHINESE ELM-0 LeXt and Fastest 'rowing—zUe,s100 for $2.89; 12 -inch size, 100 for $4.50; 15 -inch - size. 100 for $5.S0; 18 -inch size, 100 for $6.95; 2-fi. size, 25 for $3.98 or 515.00 per 100; 3 -ft. size, 25 for 56.98 or $25.00 per 140. PRIVET— "Amurense" v a rie t 9, hi."7779....*growth—the only hardy kind; 18 -in., 25 for $3.98 or $16.00 per 100. ROSA MULTIFLORA— "Nature's Tiede of lie rirriro777±78-in.. bushy, transplanted, 25 for $3.49 or 511.95 per 100. RED BARBERRY—Magoon red all s=r---`617:7767717r $12.95: 12 -in., 25 for 55.93 or $22.00 per 100. • PAEONY ROOTS1-- (Exhibition size) Red, white or pink, 3 for $1.93. FREE With EInst Ordere7o Canaiore d OEM. Garden Guide 4. arooluiale-J(ingsway Nursaies BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone pay or Night: Market, 3-3345 LEGION INSTALLS EXECUTIVE MEMBER At a recent meeting of Branch 109, Canadian Legion, Eric John- stone was installed as second viced president succeeding Aud Smith, who recently moved toWallace, burg. The branch decided to hold a St. Patrick' -s. dance on. March 18 in the hall, for Legion.member and wives and Auxiliary met -fibers and husbands only. Jim Adams and Bob Venus were the winners of a dart tournament held at the hall on Saturday after- noon. Sam .Duckworth was top man in the cribbage tournament staged the same afternoon. • BRIDGE WINNERS Winners at the Duplicate Bridge played on Monday night were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Saunders, 73 points; Mrs. J., R. Wheeler and Mrs. C. A. Reid, 69 points; Mrs A. A. Nicol and Frank Donnelly, 63 points; Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Coffell, 68 points. For quick results—try, a classified ,ad in The Sig -nal -Star • N • LEGION • HAL GODERICH Saturday, March 12 • V" JACKPOT of $48.00 for full house in 58 calls. If not won on Saturdzwr value of jackpot and also Dumber of calls will be raised each .week until it is won. • 15 GAMES $1.00 $10 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS—Share the Wealth JACKPOT WILL BE PLAYED FOR 4 TIMES • Jackpot '25c or 5 for $1.00 Regular extia cards 25c DOOR .PRIZE ---$5, $3, $2. Doors open at 7.45 pm. 1st game starts at 8.30 p.m. mpiamapinmftmEilimamiimWr aeemamil 'AT ""—• THE PARKmo TELEPHONE TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Now—Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— 'TONY C.URTIS, PIPER LAURIE Company engineer designs On experintental sports car and then uses it ,to .win both a race and a bridle. . • , Modern Hardware light Shown For Last Year; Wili Await„ Legislation On'Trailers 'Expenditures eiceeded ,reve'nue Was foithcoining. No action was. by $2,773.14 last year, Colborne taken on building permits. Township Council was told at its Ross McPhee was .present to re - regular meeting la.st week., "In new fire insurance on, the Town - 1953, the township'soperationS ship Hall. The sum of $9,500 was Showed a surplus of $1,99318. placed on buildings and cd'ntents. According to. the' ati4itor's re Melvin Good was given permis- port submitted by A. 14 -Harper, sion to interview Mr. Hays abbut total revenue in 1954 was $80,930,07 the disposal of old records. and expenditures were $81,703.21, The Clerk was authorized to Mr. Harper suggested, that the draw up a by-law allowing those council have the present banking, wishing to have cows exempt from procedure changed so that the tax warble fly treatment to do so. collector could receive tax bank The following motion was re - account statempnts and tax re- corded: That in case a burial can- eeipts from the -banks instead o& not be performed at the cemetery them .being mailed to the treas- due to the inclemency of weather urer. conditions or satisfactory in the Council •received a letter from opinion of the cemetery convener the Department of Highways ap- he has authority to postpone the proving the appointment of Melvin burial until the weather is satis- Good as road superintendent for factory. the township. The only tenders received for A statementfrom the Blyth Fire warble fly inspector and for the Area -showed that transactions for spraying of cattle were those of the year showed a deficit of Harvey Fisher and Bruce Volland. $129,05. Harvey Fisher was appointed war Reeve Terence Hunter said he ole ily inspector at 85 cents per had contacted Township ,Solicitor hour plus 10 cents per mile ivhile R. C. Haysregarding trailers and inspecting. building permits. He said he had Bruce Volland was appointed to been advised to postpone action spray the cattle at 11 cents per on trailers for the present timehead. since expectations were_that .newCouncil adjourned to meet legislation covering trailer cams -Tuesday, April 5 at 8. p.m. sIOwn Testimony Helps Sarnia Woman tore s Manned. To Win Dismissal Of Forgery Charge When the Golden Jubilee of the Canadian Retail Hardware Associ- ation was held .in Toronto recently it was attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. Breckenridge, of Goderich. See- sions were held in the Royal York v, In the early 1900's when, this Association was first formed (but it was known then as the Ontario Retail Hardware and Stove Deal- ers' Association) Gederich was re- presented at the meeting by the late E. P. Paulin. A current issue of Hardware and Metal, a MacLean publication edited by, the aggres- sive Jimmy Thompson, -carries a picture of those attending this first meeting and Mr. Paulin is shown in the group. He had a hardware store on the Square at that time. Mr. E. Breckenridge is marking his tenth anniversary in his -hard- ware store on Hamilton street. For 35 years before that it was operated by the •late• Fred Hunt and for same years before that .by the late J. H. Worsell. Mr. Breckenridge is already at work on plans for a modern, new, hardware store. It will be located on the premises now occupied by the A & P Store. But this store will be remodelled and enlarged. Mr. Breckenridge plans' to com- mence the renovation of his new location just as soorras the A & P Store moves to their new location on West Street. ;The exact date of this move is not known yet but it is likely to be several months from now. Mt. Breckenridge - plans a complete modernlayout when his new location is .readied in order to simplify and make more attractive the job of going shop- ping for hardware. minueemoseensieeor 'Qom "CLEANING COUMENTS" THERE IS NOTHING CHEAP,ER than the cost of having your gar- ments cleaned and pressed—they are renewed to their original freshness at a fraction of their original cost. - GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Phone 122 West St. "Your Cleaner Is Yo-ur Clothes Best Friend" PL.ACE SECOND A. Huron. Coufity seed judging team Placed second' in the inter- coulity seed judging competition held last week r at ,the 17th annual lOddlesex ,• Seed Fair rand Food. Show in London. Elgin reout!ties team placed artrst with 1,611 pDints, while Huron's entry had 1,549 • • , • ‘• points. The fair records With 1,044." township, MAPT7 an. 440.res. .4.14,1P 909 'exhibits Ne.w -evidence figured in' the ferred the accused to Mr. Banks acquittal of .a Sarnia woman who as a matter of procedureWhen a had been charged with, forgery, in cheque is drawn on an out-of-town court here last Thursday after- .branch. noon before Magistrate D. E. In handing down his decision, Holmes:the magistrate said that guilt had Olivia May Blackhall, who was to ibe proven beyond a reasonable alleged to have attempted to pass doubt. He said that he could not ,a, worthless cheque at the Bank of, believe that the woman had gone Montreal here on February 15, into the banks with the intention was found , not guilty. Wilfre,e of . making false representation. Graham, facing a similar charge, "Listening to the evidence tod, was also acquitted. He had- been it has raised quite a doubt in my sentenced previously to three mind. It's net a nice story' t hp months on each of two charges of said. a tte nip tedefraud. He said that he felt if the woman Majority of the evidence in Miss had been left. to herself -without Blackhall's hearing had been given Graham, she would have gone to two weeks ago, when she pleaded Sarnia with Sproul and "none et not gi41.ty. She was represented this business about cheques would by James Donnelly. have happened." Taking the stand in her own Graham pleaded not guilty to a defence, Miss Blackhall, said she charge of forgery • in connection had been brought tp'Goderich from with the same case, and the charge London by Graham. She spent was dismissed. one night at the ,home of John Sproul pleaded not guilty, to Sproul in Colborne Township, she three charges of uttering 'forged said, and Sproul drove her and documents irf connection 'with Ginrgand.amayinto Goderich the follow- charges on , which Graham-- and David • McHardy, Goderich, had Cheques Refused -r been sentenced previously. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays said that She said' that they went first to' the Bank of Commerce to cash a Sproul was driver of Graham's car when the cheques were passed,' but cheque and she was told there was only a small amount in her account he felt that Sproul, had not urged in Sarnia. They went to the Bank writing the cheques and counseled of Montreal, she claimed to verify against the 'scheme. No evidence whether there was any money in was offered by the crown attorney, her name in' the Sarnia bank. A cheque at the Bank of Montreal NORTH STREET WOMEN was also- refused. She said she HOLD MONTHLY' MEET could not believe that there was not any Money for her in an ap- , The regular monthly meeting of count at Sarnia.' '"I never made a bad cheque in my life," she told the North Street United Church 1 the coUrt, She said 4,4e :warted. W.M.S. was held in the church the money to return to Sarnia, Carl Banks, accountant at the Bank of Montreal, said the wo- man's cheque had •been .refused because the signature was illegible He said he had not checked with Sarnia to see if the woman had an account with money in it. • Sproul told the . court he had offered to drive the accused to. Sarnia, and he believed -she wanted the Money to pay for gasoline. It was Graham, he said, who -sug- gested going to the ,Bank of Mon- treal after a cheque had been re- fused at the. Bank of Commerce. Audrey Harrison, teller at the Bank of :Commerce, said she re- GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDN.ESD,Ay.AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. IN 1955, SATURDAY NIGHT—PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS SQUARE ItIANCE NIGHT with CLARENCE PETRIE and the NIGHT HAWKS. • The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 419. AT THE Now—Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— WILLIAM, ELLIOT, ADRIAN BOOTH • Two hrothers_on6 honest—one outlaw—face each other over - a shipment' of gold. A tensg_western story. Mon.; Tues. and Wed.' DRK EOGARto, MURIEL PArOW A well-done British Comedy involving internes and nurses well mixed n medieaj merriment_ Corning—"FATHER WNLDEtECTIVE'D with• Aliet-Oulneitis J4)410 Okie"WO404' THCHNICOLOR Mon., Tues. and Wed.—, LOUIS HAYWOOD, JODY I.AWRENCE '1‘1 3011 of the terrifying Dr. Jekyll attetnpts to prove hia father was not a lunatic but finds himself also accused. "SON. °Fait' JEKYLL" gonnoin,:„AmtiomaiviA t0,100-JoRtiam T4H1Tewit!,. Igtirtii 6%444 • parlor . on Tuesday afternoon .of! h.am, vice-presletent, occupied the meeting. the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. chair and presided throughout the . Mrs,. C. M. Robertson, acted in acDooald last week with 'a good attendance. In the abs•ence of the .president,1 Mrs. Harold Turner, Airs. E. Prid- C. Holland. Mrs. J. M. McTavish, BRITANNIA. ROAD reporting for the supply work, spoke on the need in Korea and discussed plans for the .makin.g of a quilt and the need of donations of 'money to aid in the shipping charges of bales of clothing being sent to Korea. Mrs. Howard Rob- ertson reported for Christian stewardship. The corresponding secretary, Mrs. ' Paterson,' read several thank you letters, among them onefrom Mrs. Mary Phillips, a 1fOrmer valued member now of St. Helen's, Lancashire, England. It was reported that Mrs. Whea'ble, of London, will be the gqest speaker at the Easter thank - offering meeting on April 5. The theme of the, devotional period was "Let this mind be in you." The Scripture readings Were taken by Mrs. Amos Ball. Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. R. J. Howard. A trio from the junior choir sang. Mrs. Howard spoke of Miss Isabel Sharman, one of th-e oldest and most loVed members, who re- cently passed away. A minute o'f silence was observed in her meni- ory. Mrs. H. A. Dickinson gave an instructive talk on the 'Chapter in the study book. The 'meeting was' closed with prayer by Mrs. Pridham. • I Now in your own home- •tie V Reception than Ever Before! • YOU BE THE JUDGE. Our own exhaustive field tests have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the great 1955 Philco Custom -Styled TV will out -perform all other sets in this area. See for yourself PHILCO '2126' • With no reservations, the • 'finest TV set ever built \TES, this great 1955 Philco is the all time' distance champion of 1 the industry...unmatched at any price for sensitivity, freedom from interference and picture stability. Even under the most ad- verse conditions it has proved it will bring in better reception, from more stations than any set on the market today. Compare now! * Power -Proved Custom Chassis —Unmatched anywhere * 21 -inch Aluminized Picture Tube * Exclusive Finger Tip Tuning -'-No groping, No grappling, No guessing * 'Phonorama Acoustic Lens—FM sound with concert hall realism UHF -VHF Built -In Aerial -1n 9 GO of 10 locations just plug in and play Automatic Built -In Range Firaden— Adiusts for peak performance on weak, strong or ;n -between stotiont Custom-Stylect-Mahogony or Walnut Finish. CONCERT PRESENTED AT VICTORIA CHURCH A variety concert was well re- ceived by a good crowd in the basement of Victoria Street Unite4 Church on Friday evening. Rev, D. W. Williams was chairman. Musical numbers were given by gam and Steven Argyle and Don McAdam; a male quartette by Harry Westlake, Charles Breckow, Charles Woods, Sam Argyle; a solo by Affr. Woods; readings .by ,11/1rs. Seabrook and Osbaldeston, and .two short plays by members of, the Victoria Helpers. Those toging, part wore Edth Argyle, Is - may ,McLean and Steiren. Argyle, Ruth Hayden, Jean Patterson and Elv44Thompsw The chom.also presented a. short play., These taking pavt were Patters4,. :Isa1410- Morrie, - Earl CraigiOiorge.itiktullintib and John4..Lotselle. Ws. aliatt Morris demonstrated -. flub swinging,' 0340164 by her daughter, belle, at the, ptario.0 Electric 'ONE 230 \Nk .------.----.-.‘ C ike".„------- - „.>,...-...;-.1-4....... ( h • 774 kommiet. 4 • • '