HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-15, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
VOL. XVII. NO, 31.
D1UK8014, Barrister, Soli -
x -4 *
oli-.1.4• eitore,t3upriono Court,NotaryPublie
aouvoysei Gammiasioner.,to, Money co
4.oati, h mer
0fdeeing,, scu'sBlock, Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Its.,
Odieeaarnwell'aBlotk Bail's old ofilee,1
L iIO " & ELLaIOT,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publie,
Conveyancers tic, (o.
t 'Uouey to Loan at Lowest Ratoa of
P. V. lir.r,4OZ J, Y,reZXQT,
=3N`.i XS',r.',
a1'FI6Eo over 07..VEIVS Batik
!Nitrous Oxide Galt for Painless Extraction.
1K.1NSAiAN,D1 NTIST,tt,l?,S
Sautwe11's #31oek, }Iain-st, Exeter,
i:xtraeta Teeth wltboutpain.
by giving vegetable Vapor. Gold
Mugs anall other doutel
work the best possible. Good
to Unica on laetThurada.yiu
each month.
T 1V.13iiOWNI IU X. D., 11. G
t • P.8, 3radnatoVietoriaUniveraity.OfI cc
and,roeidence,D ore. 'niorli tboratol y, I:xo ter
11R. RYNDIVAN, coroner for the
A ^ Couutyy of Huron. OiAoo, opposite Air.
. Carling's store,Exoter.
IY.. J. A. BOLLINia, M.O..k'. S
O, Office, Main S..Ihseter.Ont-Resides
aohouserecoutly occupied by P, MaPlizllips,
F. •rt CUTTEN, M. D., C. M.
• Qyiiduate Trinity University, Ter-
unto�. Prdu. h1od. school, Toronto •, Grad.
Ani Ter -
unto; 11tomborN. Y. Aced.
o Anthropology;DashweeMemOnber
er hot. P. S.. Ont.—
h317ki,Y ''ILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for iiay,Stephon, and MoGi11i-
tray TOwnehipe. Salesoonduotcdatmodorate
rates.0 oc--a.t7?ost-ofilee.Orediton.Ont•
TORN'' GILL, Auctioneer for the
LY Townships of Stephoit,Ui%y and Ueborno
o3ndtho Village of lkietdix All sales promptly
attended. andsattsf+tction guaranteed. 9aloe
arranged at this oilloe.
Veterinary Surgeons can bo consulted at
Clark's Ilotel, Crediton, or at Staffs. A•full
stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly
on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a
V v • Surgeon. Honorary Graduate of Ont.
Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform
the public that ho is now prepared to do all
work in Veterinary line, Calls answered at all
hours. mooOflteo, Iiirkt Ont,
• Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Toronto, honorary member of
the Medizal Society. Calls from a distance
promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines
• kept constantly on band. Office, opposito
E. Bossei:berry's hotel, Hensel'. N.B.—Vet-
erinary dentistry and surgery a specialty.
Tennent & Tennent
rtduates of the Ontario Veterinary College
0ysrcn: One door South of Town Hall .
:per cent, $25.000 Private Funds, Best
Gob ping Companies repre rented,
t.• t .,•L.H DIOHSON,
Barrister, Exeter,
CANADA. ead Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continuos to offerthe owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
aentents,the most favorable protection in case
'nf loss or damage by fire orlightninc, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company eon afford to write. 42,175 poli
ales in force 1st Jan ,1890. Assets' $378.428.00
in cash in bank. Government dopost, Deben-
tures and" Premium Notes. JAMBS GnANT,
President ; D. O. Mo UoNai,n, Manager. DAVIM
SAuuos,Areut for Exeter and vicinity.
L F.if1E INSURANCE CO. Established in 186x.
=riiie cam `
`ids been over Eighteen
gain ini 4.e04144ftl operation Western
ario,andsontimples to insure againettose or
amass by;'iro'13ni1d1ngs,latt,erehandise,mum
fantoriea,and n[1'othe r teeeriptionsoflinsur-
bte ,rupoi'ty. r.utoodibg i•nsurers have the
ptioaofinstirineon the Premium Note or
O ash System
During the pastton years this Company
lati,e ilssued ;7,006 Policies, coverin R proporty
o Ant) :atnouate/ ;40,872,088 ;and 441d inloss-
e sxa'Tod e a 700,7 32,0 0
ets:,.+ 176,1.00.0o,Ionsieting of Cash
n INttk, Government ller•esit,ani1the unites.
so,t. roniintnNoteson ae.ndandinRorec. J
W WarannAl D.Preside rt, 0.M:TArnoi:
Secretary. 3.r3. Hiroa28;fespeotor. 0HAS:
+tELL.Agentfor Illseterandvleinity,
Since The Creation
.._ 0P..........
Y cEoo� Wio!
In. Exeter has there been such a remark-
able sacrifice of perfect' goods and peerlees values as we
offer for the next 3o days, Why ? Because we have far too much
grinds, more than we can afford to carry.
We.n ust get a big lot
of money in the next 30 days, or
bust, and rather than bust we will
sacrifice the whole of our Beautiful
Stock. The Pig Bankrupt Store
will be the centre of attraction for
30 days. Remember we oiler you
no old-fashioned, shopworn goods,
but the largest, newest and most
fashionable stock m Exeter.
we guarantee to save you from 25
to .o per cent, on evely dollar you! t
00 Ilvigtn*
leave with us.
just opened a full range of Ladies
,Beaded nc7.
jetted T"isetes
and Shoulder Capes,
the most fashionable goods to the
market for
We Bought them 010Se and: wall
Sell them, Close.
$2.75, $..0 .5.5.0o
A.nd can afford to give you Big Bargains
from QUr big stock. We know you know everybody knows
that our stock of dress goods can't be beat; utteily impossible to describe
the beautiful colorings and combinations. We show nearly a thousand
pieces, surely we can please you.
We guarantee the prices away below any
regular house. Come and see the big values we are offer-
ing. A beautiful lot of black goods, and piles of black and colored
Oui' to± of
a 01
is far too large and right now while they are seasonablewe ar e going to
cut prices so low that they must go. Don't -forget—a wholesale stock of.
beautiful parasols. Long, short and medium handles, all reduced
nearly 5o per cent.
We have an immense stock of
We We Have
ust closed a contract with the
manufacturers of the everything that is new and nobby.
You can save dollars by buying
Famous Rubberrne Ooliars 1your boots and shoes from us.
Some big values in Men's, Women's
and Ohildrens' tan goods, and
or a full line of ladies', gents' and Ladies' and Misses' Oxford Ties.
boy's collars and cuffs. Rub • WSee big drives in Ladies' fine
benne is far superior to Kid and Calf Button Boots.
Celluloid or linen. —_
and Cuffs
this new line we will sell collars for
12j•c., cuffs for 25c.
order. We have the -best tailor
in town and can save you from�Ito
to 6 on every suit. Perfection in
� fit and -style guaranteed. Try us
for .a suit or pair of pants. We never had srch a good assortment
of boyo Ready -Made Suits. Just fan;y, a good suit for $2, or a better
one for $2.50. We are selling lots of boys suits. We control a line of
good all -wool Tweed for boys wear, only 25c. CHEAP AIN'T I C ?
__1 '�T _ 1
enough to supply a dozen ordinary stores. We made a mistake and
bought too many, yes far too many. Can we sell 5000 hats this season ; perhaps we
can, we will see. A line of gents' stiff fur hats 12.00, we will sell:at 61.25: and a fine
Rye Straw 25c. down to 121c, Girls and boys straw hats all go at half price. vVe
must have money and you can save money by buying your hats from us.. Rememi-er
itis impossible for regular houses to touch our prices, For 30 clays you can get big
bargains at the Big Bankrupt Store.
For 30 days, 12}o. Dress Goods for '• 7c. For 30 clays, 61 Colored Merv. for 65e.
ic 15c " 449ic.
20c. " " Mc.
250. " •" 17c.
35c. - " - " 250.
80c. Black Cashmere for 50c.
50c. " " 30c.
$1 25 Black Merv. for 95c.
" 7 papers best pins " 10c•
" 30 per cent. off all carpets.
•' 25 per cent. off boots & shoes.
3 lbs. best baking soda for 50,
' h 6 gents' ties Tor 25c. -
" 20e. Sailor Hats for 10c.
For 30 days there will be a, big crowd at the Big Bankrupt Store, Highest price
paid for all kinds of farm produce. Come early in the defy if possible and avoid the
tremendous rush in the afternoons.
J-_ A• °'T 7C7"AP.,r11
Dealer in B
ankru t
p Stock.
In Brussels, Tapestry and
itetup that we will give
cheaper than any other house
in town, Comparison inv'it.
,ll Paper
Wall Paper,
all Paper,
We are offering special
values in this line to clear
out our stock. Ask to see
our odd lines in dishes.
Good goods at reasonable
Repent Aforrii?cn in returning thanks to his
nunseroua Quatowera.and the public in general
Tor the liberal patronage he has rooeive4 in the
Peat, burs to autumnal that hs'steolt ofgenerad
goud'i for the spring end summer seasons trade
will be found complete, well assorted and at
prides to meet the p, availing hard times.
oliavrngndded largely to his Meek of wall and
cuing papers boeordialti,invitesantnspcetioa
of the ammo
feeling confidant that for volute,
nnaliti and erica tt will oom arec r fnvorab1s
with anyin the (Ave#htn a call for you want. No tumble Mallow goods,
Ilfghcstprice for butter and eggs- Remember
the place -double stores—Marshall's Meltopposite Murdock's Al (`o .Mansion Home.
Bnrnss—A meeting of the subscribers to
the Mechanics' Institute was held on last
',Newby seg, when the following officers
were elected : !'resident, Rev J. S, Bender -
eon ; Seely, J. C :Stoneman ; Treasurer, lir
Harry Arnold. Comtnittees were also tip.
pointed to secure rooms, select library, etc.
The enthusiasm and good will troveiliag is
a guarantee of the success of the Institute..
—We are sorry to state that the item which
appeared in this column some weeks ago,
referring to the accident which befell Mr
Sutherland, was wrongly reported. Mr.
Sutherland's horse did not run away; but
the breechingg straps becoming unfastened
and the buggy crowding the horse, the
animal simply kicked the dash -board off.
Baraas—Mr. Samuel Skinner, sr., and
wife have left the old homestead and now
reside with r R. Kelhsnd on the Gardner
farm not far from Farquhar.—Mr. John
Sleamon has had a brick cellar put under
a d
his house, and Mr Hind is busily engaged
re -siding, etc., and now they will have a
neat and comfortable home. Elimville is
undergoing repairs, but still there is room.
-The masons are engaged. in building the
basement of Mr Richard hunter's new barn.
—Mr R. Herdman lost a horse by death a
short time ago.—Who is to be the candidate
for political honors, is the question of the
hour. A good many are of the opinion that
Mr Bishop's usefulness is gone, and some
other person should be given the privilege
of shoeing what kind of stuff they are made
of.—Mr James Earl who bas been laid np
for a considerable time is able to be around
again. The annual Strawberry festival in
connection wtth the Elimville S. S. will be
held on July lst.—Tbe hotel and bleak -
smith chop still remain unoccupied whi oh
gives the village a forsaken look.—Mr. and
Mrs. Hunt of Westminister have been visit -
mg their daughter Mrs. Penliall.
Crediton -
Raters—Messrs Dan'l Sweitzer and
Harry Eilber Jr left during the week for
Buffalo N. Y. where they are going to ' seek
employment.—Mr. Fred Eilber of this
place visited Detroit to attend the fun-
eral of his grandchild and retn•ned
on Monday. Mr. Ben Eilber return-
ed with him,—His many friends will
be sorry to hear, that master Richard
Harvey who has had a severe attack of the
Grip and measles, has taken a relapse.—
Our village tonsorial artist has again taken
new quarters, this time to stay. He has
rented Mr H. Eilher'a house and part of
the ofizoe and will fix it up in good style.
Report says Sam is preparing to take a
better half—1v1r.Conrad Kuhn is rapidly
pushing ahead his now house, he has also
started making tile for this season and will
have some ready in a few days. -About 15
of our sports visited Grand Bend on Friday
last on a fishing excursion. Having heard
of great catches, they each took a couple' of
grain hags for conveyance, but either 'they
used the "Bait" themselves or there were.
no fish as the only game "bagged" was' e
black cat. We wish them better leak nest
time,—Mise Eliza Siebert has bought a fine
upright Piano, and has put it up iu the
residence of Mr. Sam'! Brown where she
resides. --Mr. Adam Geiser. of the 7th con.
cession, is confined to hit- bed through a
severe illness.—Rev, ilir. Staebler has re-
turned from New Hamburg where he was
called to the funeral of his Hoole, who was
killed in a runaway accident.—bliss Kate
Zwioker is home with au attack of Quinsy.
-Rev, Mr. Rieder, of Sebringyille, Out.,.
paid Orediton a snort visit during the past
weak.—A number of our leading Reformers
attended the Convention at 1-Iensall cal
Tuesday. --Tho band favored us with a num.
ber of selections on Tuesday, much to tho
gratification of the hearers.—A large num.
bar vistted Shipka on Sunday to sea the
reins of the fire -Mr, Wenzel 13 having a
large demand for his new patent road oart.
d'aatra wssi E 4i SOlaiss.
r"ubtlehert. and proprietor.
Kirutou, -
EItte rs—.3Ir Joseph Stephens is seriously
in at time of writing, —W. It Carr, V. S.,
of this place, who cowniemced Liteinesshere
a few weeks ago, is working up a good
practise.---Ilr. Irving was visiting friends in
Hamilton last week, Dr Ferguson was left
in ebarge of the pra3tiee herr.-.lir, C,
Switzer took the patio's et the Meth. church
on Sunday eveuipg of last we+k.—J1r. John
Ooruieh is giving his dwelliug hoose a
thorough overhauling and tepairin•g,- 1rs..
John 4eCurdy brought a number of cuttings
of currant bushes, etc., front Ireland last
fall, and they are now thriving, vigorously,
and laden with fruit.—>.ir. J. ('13r!eu has
returned home from London,
4.- ..
The following is a report of the;mile of
5, S. No, 8, Hay, for the month of April,
The report is bard on efileieney and con-
Fourth geese -H Calfs -i, 202; ;Sleigh
Coot, 239 ; Ida Conk, 227 ; Fi Hofirn.aa,
201; L lileinetiver, 20d ; (x Snider, 122,
Third Sr --D Reber, 2G2 ; D flartlelb
241 nI.o roe tr
3G Atl
dos, 214; W
J3ea.200 ; I) Deaver, 201,
Third Jr—M ---1 lYall i
er, 97 ; L Lindeufeld,.
51; John Eidt, 49.
Secort Sr—W Eckstein, 213 ; Il: Stein -
bogey, 221; H Hs•ileih, 206 ; Wrn Krell.
stiver,180; A ltiller,17 1; ti Mtllor, 170;
F Welds. 102 ; Annie limit. 147 ; M Liven*
gord,152. :II Rater, 149 ; S Deaver, 130;
L McCallum, 117 ; J i iven;;ooti,118 ; L
Ati11c ,
107; T Goianiau. S0 ; F. Iles'ernay'er,
75 ; Eidt, 70 ; L Watt'er. 36 ; E t Then,
61.; a Restemayor, 51.
a. M. Ffaust , TCaeber.
Ratsre--Seediug dotle.--. Fall wheat
looking fairly well --Riede n it in very
goad condition.—Building oreratiens bava
cgtumonced, (ieorgo Nilson I -q., is
buil ling a new house, and when tete cage is
ready what than ?•--Ata meeting on MOP -
day night, Freewill S. S. th e'ded to have
a garden tart on. let plc -meals i ..8.11 C 1 i ',
party y P
ea sail
of library fend. The scheme is in the hand
of competent Committees and with favor-
able weather will n•a doubt, prove a success.
—Quito a numb•'r of fruit tree; have been
planted this spring, chiefly bought from
PntP r t
agents. if farmers vaned Baal directly.
with some reliable nuraery man they would
save money fled get better satisfaction.—
Some Grit. M. P., is attempting to convert
the Tories around here by sending them a
pamphlet, 'Teets and Fignrts for Farmers",
being extracts from apeecheb by Erastus
Wimau. It is a wonder those wicked Tories
oro kept in office by the fermata of Camila,
when it rests in their hands to elect the
Grits and open the gates to brut great mar-
ket of 65 millions acmes the line?
Bnters—Tho pupils and' teachers of our
public school were busy on Arbor day. The
yard was thoroughly cleaned and about
thirty trees planted. The flower beds were
renovated and a general revolution made all
round adding much to the appearaneo of
the school and grounds.-1Ir. Prang has
returned from his visit to Berlin.—Mrs.
Hill is absent from the village visiting her
daughter.—The first quarter for the singing
class has passed round and there 1e acme
talk of re.organization. This is a step in
the right direction as Mr. Gavel is an ex-
cellent teacher of vocal music.—Mrs, S.
Latta has returned from, her visit to Chisel.
hnret.—Our village was visited by a stroll-
ing musician on Monday last.—Tramps are
the order of the day.—It is rumored that
the foot ball team is negotiating for a
,Hatch on the 24th May.—The Commercial
hotel is about to undergo thorough renovat-
ing and receive a gnat of paint internally
and externally.—A number of Reformers
attended the convention at Heusall on
Tuesday, as did also it number attend the
convention of the Equal Rights Association
at Clinton.—Messrs Mentors attended the
funeral of their uncle at Hamburg on Fri-
day last, who was killed during a runaway
in that town a few days previously.
ltfr, J. C. Cole of the subscription Deport-
ment of the London Flee Press paid Zurich
an official visit on. Mondey last. lie sus.
ceeded in adding a few new names to his
list of subscribers hare.—Mr. Harry Weber
of the firm of Appel and Zeller met with a
very painful accident on Tuesday.—Mr F.
Reummel had the misfortune to break his
leg in two places, be was atfendrng to a
sick cow when his leg went through the
planks in the floor, the cow in home way
falling back against his lag.
From another on
( ere roe.)
AooinENT—tile many friends here will be
sorry to learn of the fat.1 accident which
befell Mr. Jacob Monier of Hamburg on
Thursday afternoon last. He was driving
away from his residence on Peel street with
his horso in a light wagon, when the
animal got uncontrollable and started to
run away. Coming to the corner of Boutlee
street, the Horse made a short turn upsett.
ing the rig and giving Mr. Monier a bad
fall. He was immediately picked un 'and'
carried home, where medical aid was at
once in attendance, and it was found that':'
ono of his lege was broken in three places
and had received other internal injuries.
He died a lew hours afterwards. `In this
connection we might state that the 3ferner
family has a history- and its members aro
proverbially long lived, and oau be traced
back quite readily. The first of two brothers
tocowe to Canada frorn Canton, Berne,
Switzerland, was Chris Meruer, who with
wife and one sen settled in the township of
Wilmot'iu the year 1834. The son went to
America and was killed in the American
war. Claris. Merrier died when 87 years old.
In the year 1837 his brother Jacob Merner
witti a strong family of seven sons and
three daughters immigrated to this country
also settling in the township of Wilmot.
The children have attained manhood and
womanboori and none have died with. the
exception of the above named decea=ed
brother, and all are in good circum,tances,
Tho children have each enjoyed a silver
wedding and no accident other than the
above has ever befallen any of them: Jacob
Meruer, died:when 81, his wile passing
over the bourne at the age of 87 Third
now remains to pepetuata the life of Jacob
Merrier and wife, six eons and daughters,
82 grand children and 110 great grand,
children, The name Mercier is famil'arly
known shrougizoat Abe Dominion and tits
States and also in tee Senate of Canada.
T1 sborue•
HorsE-Wanmx).--The festivities in co i '
neation with the rt: -opening of tberesideuca
lately oecnpred by Thos. Shute, Esq., ok
Exeter. under the aaspices of his son, Ur.
John S4nte, who has lately taken to himself
A wife', took place on Thursday evening, the
Sill inst. Invitations were issne1 to a large -
number of the most intimate friends of the
young couple, to which most of Owe invite -1
responded, and partook of the hospitality of
the young bride and groouit The large
table in the dining room whish did noble
service in the days gone by, was literally
loaded down with all the delicacies of the
amen gegen up in the meet telaptiug w in-
ner. It would be waste of worts to say t,it
the guests did ample justice to this part of
the program. After the inner num had
been satisfied and the house formally de-
clare e
d Qp n, all settled down for a good
night's amnsor.ent. Choice music was
discoursed during the evening by a spiendi:[
orohesera composed of Messrs. S. (Haley,
violin ;, Thos. Oka, Cornet; A. Snell, Trom-
bone ; and Prof, Ilawkin9, organ. un
another table were displayed a beautiful lot.
of prea nts consietiag of silverware, glass-
ware, table linen, etc., which together with
those rereivetl by the young couple at the
time of their marriage amounted to revernl
hundred dollars' worth. Iu the me oma
hours all departed fee ing satisfied that d,+nu
and his fair partner Nati fully sustain(d the
reputet:lon of the house of hospitably.
4St ,
llruers—Thin roads aro justt begiuniug to
get goo 1 agree after the Heavy mina last
weer:,—Dr.H. Williams of Loudon, was in
the village lass week visiting his friends,—
Mrs. Raiser of Heesali, is atayiug a few
weeks with her daughter Mrs. J. Zeefle of
C an eb --\
1 A a t
e, —Mr. Anson
JQnea who has
} ,
been attendingthe r '
T tatty Medical College
izt Toronto, has emu home for vacatiou.—
Mils Dot Bice has returnee Immo after a
visit among her .friends la London.-3Ie
Zwiker.merchant fn Crediton, was in town
last week.—Mr. Martin of St, Thomas, who
has been selling out the Flanagan bankrupt
snick, has packed up all his goods and taken
them to St. Thomas he did not thine: mnoh.
of Claudehoye as a business stand.—Tho
wife of our village shoemaker Mr. John
Zeefle recently presented her husband with
a bouncing baby boy. John feela quite
proud over his heir, and . declares he will
have him at work making shoos in ^ aro
weeks.—Mr. G. Settles of this vicinity has
what is Q.nite a novelty around here a fine
white colt a few weeks old.—Mr, Eli Mee is
preparing to move his liiiok house fiom.
one of pia farmsto the one he is now living
an. It will bo a difficult thing to do but
Eli thi4ka be can manage it ail ripbt. He
is alao going to build a huge banked -barn
which will niaterialy improve both the
value and the look of his place.—Mr. Irum
Collins of Tilsoubnrgis visiting friends and
acquaintances in the village•—Mr. North -
grave of this vicinity is preparing b nniltl
a large brick house this summer. Mr N.
has it'
ofeverqt an
trees in front of
his farm and when he gets his house finish-
ed he will have one of . the finest places
around bare.--Micbigan seems to have
quite an attraction for our citizens, last fall
one of our most popular villagers, Dr 5. E,
Hooper moved over to Tyre villiage Satiable
county and last Thursday another ,.ue of
our young men. Mr J. W. Blaokwelt hit for
the same place to start up in the egg bred -
nese, he will be much missed here—Mr.
George Lintott also intends moving, over
with his family nestfol
Stephen Council.
Craditon. May 5th, 1890.
All members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and signed.
Petition of W Rhode fend others or,lered
to be fired, Resolved that a by-law be
passed empowering the river beat to com-
mute their statute labor.
Wuerth—Eilber—that the Crediton path -
masters post up in post office a detailed.
statement of receipts and expenditure.
Eilber—Sberritt—drat the reeve take the
necessary steps to have the water ou S 13
opposite Lot 28, kno vn as N MoLellai,'s int,
removed in accordance with the drainage ,
aot 011883, as amended by'subsegnept• nets.
Tbe court of revision wtli be held on
Monday, 26th inst. other and g.r,eral
business will be taken up. There will he
nn meeting of oounei
1 n first
Monday in�
Tee following persons were appointed
commissioners; Crediton Road, div 1 and
2, and from McCoy's.corner to Deem', 3
eaman ; div 3, id Winer ; div 4, J bink
beiner ; div 5, Chris Eilber ; div 0.7. A
Me0ormick; div 8, T Keys; div 9, D Ditch -
alien ; cliv 10, J 13 Hodgins ; J Tet -can,
around • carves Centraliaroad,: W Nariu;
il'airfield, east, D French ; west, W Bilcer ;
6th con from river, J Edwards; Exeter 5
road, div 1, T Shapton ; 2 and 3, J Wine ; ;
Kestle. '
' The following orders were grantedI—Part
court expenses, 364 10 J Young, witness,
31 75; G Towle do, 31 70; JG Qa trry, .
uail4, 38 ; Mrs Newcombe, 310 ; Wood 13. us,
gravel, $3 40; G Ford, N B, Soots; S Stan -
lake and others, 32 ; J Trevethiek. ren
bridge, 31 ; W Thompson, ditch, 32 ; L'
McKeever rep 14th am, 32 ; G E+'abun, bit y -
lug ,lroreo, $1
Parties who have appealed would do well
to attend the court of revision, or swt.fv
some member of council that the complaint
is well founded. 0. PBOIITY, 0lark.
of Mr. D,yspepeta. Itis said he wag driven
and is k»pt away by the use ' of Imperial
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all %•room s,
Never had a }.reparation a more appro-
priate name than Ayer's Hair VIgor, 1\'14en
the capillary guilds become enfeebled by
disease, age, or, neglect, this dressing int
parts renewed life to the smrlp, so that the
hairassuiues ranch of its youthful felluofe
sift bennty,