HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-02-24, Page 10at if if THE G D UCJ� ►1AJ TAR W*dne day noon is' deadline for Classified Ads. nye lines or less, 50c; 10c for each additional line. 25c extra, for office box number. :4Y fritqlsaitiv, .FEL3. Mb*. 1955, WAN DS Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25c -extra 1P ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week' of publication, IA.. For Sale (General). 1B. Real Estate OR SALE --USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing ' machines at R RGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid'battertf liees. RAY CHICKS. FROM CAN- ADA'S largest Hatchery.' Can- adian Approved. Standard breeds and crosses, including some popu- lar U.S. Hybrids. Write for full information and prices. BRA,Y HATCHERY, 120 John North, Ham- ilton, Ont. (We are interested le- a good agent in this district—liber- al al commission.) SOME MORE OF THOSE GOOD chickens at 40c lb., ready for oven. • McClary electric range, old but cooks and bakes O.K. Kelvinator Refrig., 8 cu. ft. capa- city, works O.K. Why put up with an ice boxe'when this can be bought ,cheap. Set coil springs—Inner spring mattress. Walnut veneer 'dining table and buffet. The above items must be sold. Mk, services as Mr. Fixit to do 'those odd jobs around the house— doors that won't shut, locks that won't -work, etc. Rates lower at this time of year. R. A. JACKSON, 131 Picton street Phone'1386 at noon or after 6 p.rrt 1950 "METEOR IN GOOD CONDI- TION. Phone 184J or. call at 51 St. David street. 8x 10 PIGS, SIX WEEKS ULD. Phone 13 r 23, Carlow. 8x A WOODEN DOUBLE, BED- STEAD; a steel single bed- stead; double bed Spring, nearly . new; also two pair plastic drapes. 33 Hamiiton • street (upstairs). -8 I STO.VE, BURNS 'COAL OR wood, ' nearly new; • coal oil ,stove; baby buggy, good as new. Phone Carlow 2911. , 8x TWO. PA DRAPES, 44 INCHES ' wide, 3 yards long;. one pair drapes, 22 inches wide; two vene- tian blinds, .56 inches wide, 6 feet long. Phone 516. -8 SEVEN PIGS, •EIGHT WEEKS old. J'A'S. RUDDOCK, R.R. 5, Goderich. Phone Carlow 21-10. 8x ArRiGE SIZE, NEW ER. ' • Reasonable. STREET LAUNDRY. O L BURN- HAMII ON 8x HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2,000 Down Payment - - Balance $50 per Month This oozy bungalow has a spac- ious kitchen and living room, two medium. sized' bedrooms and mod- ern bath room. Well located on a basement,lar. Full eAttached h t aiir furn eee See this one today. 'VHY SUFFER THE AGONY OF Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. -39-43-47-51-4 $2,200 Down Payment — Balance $30 per Month Storey and one-half wartime house in an excellent location near the Public School. Comfortable living room and kitchen, three bed- rooms and bathroom. Monthly payment covers interest, principal, Taxes and insurance. Oil space heater included in price. $2,000 Down Pay me nt---Balance as Re Two storey, red tick, three bed- room home in an excellent location on a large lot. Modernized kit- chen, dining room and spacious living room on first floor and three comfortable bedrooms and bath- room second floor. Full basement and hot water heating. Double garage. A real buy on exceptional terms. $3,000 Down Payment—Two-Storey Brick This .family size home has three comfortable bedrooms and modern- ized bathroom second floor and kitchen with built-in cupboards, bright dining room and large liv- ing,roam first floor, Oil fired, hot water heating. ..,A very good loca- tion and exceptional terms. YOI5 WANT TO 'stick to the breed or cross you have found profitable, or wish to change, you'll find Hillside Hatchery has the chicks. They also have the Ames In -Cross genu- ine .hysbrid chicks. Canadian Ap- proved. Selling Chicks to Can- adian Poultrykeepers for 35 years. Let us' quote prices, 'take your order. Agent—HARVEY LASSA- LINE, R.R. 2, Goderich. Phone 1599J2. -8 • Bill's Beach Bar At the Goderich Beach, here is a profitable business which will provide a better than average in- come from. early spring to late fall. The building and equipment may be purchased at a very •rea- sonableprice with very good terms available. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street Goderich FOR SALE. 200 acres clay loam, good house, new furnace, 2 barns, very reason- ably priced. 100 acres clay loam, 5 miles from Goderich on Highway 21, good house and barn, price $11,000. 116 acres clay loam, 8 -room house, barn, henhouse, garage, all in good shape. Price only $8,000. Easy terms. �ET YOUR BIG -4 CHICKS IN good time. Get the extra eggs, the extra weight, when prices. are hest for You. The Hatchery also carries the Ames In -Cross ,genuine hybrid chicks. Ask us about them, and • prices also on theirUsual breeds and crosses, bred,' to produce on egg or meat markets. Canadian Approved. Agent ---RYAN & SON, Goderich. Phoate 545. -8 SIX -ROOM HOUSE, FOUR YEARS old, close to Square and schools. Oil and air conditioned heating. Finished basement, attached gar- age, three bedrooms. Apply 54 South street. 6-9x plus ONE -STOREY MODERN home at 92 Lighthouse street, has large living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Full base- ment and new hot air furnace. Immediate possession. Apply ED. TAYLOR, 87 Quebec street, Phone 270W. 8x SIX -ROOM HOUSE ON MARY street, heavy wiring; also two lots 50' x 100' each at rear. ,$2000.00 will buy both. Cash need- ed to pay doctor and hospital bills, Write L. NICE, Clinton, Ont: 8-9x 2. Real Estate Wanted >ETER S. MacEW AN REALTOR Listings and enquiries invited. 48 West Street. Phone' 230. `,'ANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone ,18W. -39tf • \yANTED,—LISTINGS OF PRO 4 PERTIES for sale.. No charge to you until property is sold MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode rich. Phone 115W. -12tf 100 acre farm with a good house • and barn, 9 miles north of Gode- rich, close to No. 21 highway. Full price $5,000. We 'have many farms 10-500 acres, and have an experienced farm salesman to look after your requirements. Cosy 11 storey 8 -room stucco house, basement, furnace, garage, $6,000. Bungalow, 2 years old, living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, full basement with new oil furnace. Price $7,000. • Hygienic ruppnes (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope ,w,ttlf price list. Six sam- ples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 'l -53.„ NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91,, Hamilton, 9nt. Buying or selling Farms --Homes Call JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley& Street, Goderich Phone 1108. • APARTI< N+T, HOT WATER heated, self-contained, second floor, two bedrooms. Phone 200W .after 5 p.m. 1014J. -7tf 3. Agents. Wanted INVITATION. TO MEN WHO Auld gamble a stamp to secure business opportunity. No time like now to sell 250 products. ' De- tails an request. FAMILEX, Montreal 24. -8 4-4 ALE'S MAN TO - SELL COM' PLETE line of mens', ladies', and • children's clothing; furniture and appliancesincluding Television. Sell right in and around- Goderich on easiest terms. Highest cone - missions paid. No investment necessary. Car essential. Write BOX 2, S'IGNAT,-STAR. -8 MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker All types of Properties for sale. MALCOLM MATHER INSURANCE AND REA -- TATE OFFICE matdillbalk 4. Help Wanted TWO,:STOREY RED INSUL- B'RrICK house, close to schools and arena. Three bedrooms, mod- ern kitchen, _ air conditioned furn- ace, with contact 'heated . apart- ment. GORDON KAITTING, 142 McDonald street. -7 r. �N. IF FROM THE USED 00 'LOT ,. •y .a, CLERK -CASHIER, FOR GRO C - ERY store. Write P.O. BOX 684, Goderich. 8x YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED WO- MAN to assist with housework, preferably able to drive car, two adults in home with all conven- iences. MRS. J. J. HOGGAiR.TH, P.O. Box '540, Gbderich. Phone 561J. 8x `'ER3OUS MAN TO TAKE OVER '' profitable National'l'y Advertised Watkins business in Goderich. Established customers. Must be over 21 and satisfied with income of $60 a week at start. Apply in writing to F. RANGER, 350 St. Roch street, Montreal, Que. -6-8 MEN l �',IVE•'ROOM .AP„ARTM'ENT, heated. Phone 741J. -8 VIVE-ROOM HOUSE, OIL FURN- ACE, all conveniences, $50 per month. Write BOX 4, • SIGNAL - STAR. -8-9 'THREE-ROOM SELF-CONTAIN- ED downstairs apartment. 171 Newgate street. Phone 273. 8x 9. Coming Events The eighth ` birthday party of Mary Hastings Sunset Circle Club will be held at MacKay Hall, on Friday, February 18, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. "500,” euchre and bingo. Lunch served. . All members please bring" sandwiches. Admission 25c. -7 Variety Concert by local talent, March 4, at 8.15 p.m., in Victoria Street Church, under auspices of Victoria Hielpers. 7 9x The regular meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I,O.D.E,, will be ,held on Tuesday, M'areh 1, at 8.15 p.m. at the hone of Mrs. Bert Baechler, Gloucester Terrace. -8 Keep in mind the annual Sty Pa'trick's supper in St. -Peter's School, on March 17, sponsored by St. Deter's C.W.L. -8 The regular meeting of the- Goderich Graduate Nurses' Associ- ation will, be held' in the Public Health Offices, Britannia :road (old collegiate), on. Friday, March 3, at 8.30 p.m. Miss Cunningham, Pub- lic Health Nurse, will be guest speaker, , • -8 "Landscape your home," colored slides ansa informal address by , Downham,., nurseries, sponsored by Horticultural Society on Monday, February 28, 8 p.m., .in Public School auditorium. �Srlver collec- tide. -8 THE CANADIAN ARMY OFFERS YOU A STEADY JOB WITH GOOD PAY EXCELLENT PENSION PLAN AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION, LEARNING A USE- FUL TRADE, AND OVERSEAS "SERVICE See your local Recruiting Officer TOWN HALL GODERICH EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 A.M, — 6.45 P.M. OR ” Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot, LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and education. -4-8 5. Employment Wanted �>AB'Y SITTING, ANY EVENING, � Monday and Wednesday all day. Phone 917M. -8 6. Waned (General) The regular monthly meeting of St. George's Chur: h Woman's Guild will be held in the Guild Room, on Tuesday, March 1, at 3 p.m. , 8 Goderich Little Theatre Drama Festival, April 20, 21, 22, at Mac- Kay Hall. Tickets on sale soon -8tf 10. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and tove" oil from Edward Fuels, tank ruck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf Picture framing. We are now equipped to do picture framing. Good selection of mouldings. Mac- Laren's Studio (at ,Clinton Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). -51tf Wallpaper sale—special lc sale at Henderson's, and also many room lots. Sale ends February 28. -7-8 ,OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -2tf ARGE WARDROBE WANTED. Acme 1014J. -6tf PIANO WANTED, REASON- ABLE. Will pay cash. Reply to BOX 5, SIGNAL -STAR. , • 8x ROOMERS 'WANTED. MRS. OHLER, 36 Cambria road, South. - -8 7. To Rent APARTMENT, SELF-CONTAIN- ED, five rooms and bath, new- ly decorated. Close to Square. Phone 668W or 295. -5tf will be offered for sale. On this farm its` a two-storey modern eight - room cement block dwelling with a full- ized basement; a new fur - pace, :and a pressure system; a bank barn 54' x 54' with silo and in the stable are all steel stanchions and pens; and an implement • shed 24' x°84'. On this farm is a never - failing well, FARM NO. TWO — Subject to sale of, farm No. one, the 100 ;acre pasture farm adjoining the above mentionod farm will be offered for sale. Further particulars on farms and livestock will be made known on sale day. . TERMS—On livestock, cash.- On farms -10% down on date of sale, 40% in 30. days and -balance upon a mortgage. :Farms sold subject to 'reserve bid. CLARENCE AND JACK STURDY, DY, Proprietors. 1 EDWARD W.'FT,Ti0TT, 8-9- - • Auctioneer. Clearing 54 i'ilch plastic, regular 79c, now 59c. Blenback table oil.," c,oth by the world's largest maker, 46 inch, 85c; 54 inch, 98c. The Textile Shop, West street. 8x 11. 'Auction Sales AUCTION SALE TO BE HELD at Elton MeLelland & Sofas, Bervie, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 at 2 p.m., the following` 30 fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers, really a good lot of cows; 10 cows and heifers up close, including a few,Dtirham )sows; 8 good yearling Holstein heifers; 4 good Hereford heifers, rising two years; a few sows due soon. Delivered reasonable in closed, trucks. Every buyer gets; ticket for lucky draw; also three door prizes. -8 ONE HEATED Qk,t'1;CE, SEC- OND floor Masonic' Temple. Building. ;Irnine'diate ' possession. Apply' HAROLD' W. SHORE, ;Real Estate Broker, Phone- 766, Gode- rich..--,.. - -5tf 1E-4, A"'P A.itT M' XV' T 401 . r -ii, 'ee h Apply WAN UZON, st s retie% 4tf • O O M APAIi:T`M ?T41, : �"�rY stars, ori :b oo r,, 4 rt 1 trate: Availai i 12. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up until March 31, for a heat- ing system for Victoria Street Un- ited Church. Anyone interested contact MR. JAMES H. JOHN- STON, phone 102, Goderich. Low- est tender not necessarily accept- ed. • 8-9x OP- ARIO - ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS NOTICE TO, 'SUPPLIERS OF CEDAR POSTS SUPPLY CONTRACT No. S-55-3047 Separate sealed tenders marked "Supply of Cedar Posts" Supply Contract No. S-55-3047 'will, be re- ceived by the Tenders Secretary, Room 2636, East Block, Parlia- ment. Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, until 12.00 o'clock noon, E.S.T. TUESDAY, MARCH 15th, 1955 Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained' from the Division. Engineer, Mr. B. R. Heavysege, Stratford, Ontario. A marked cheque for 5% of the amount of the quotation will be furnished by the Vendor as a Deposit when submitting quota- tion, and this cheque to be en- closed in the same envelope; as the quotation. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. M. A. ELSON, ' Deputy Minister, -Ontario Dept. of Highways. Toronto, Ontario, Feb., 1955. -8 13. Personal 'URSING. HOME, PLEASANT surroundings at 53 North street. Operated , by Registered Nurse. Properly balanced home -cooked meals—tray service: Phone 1593. • -45tf THE FAMILY OF: THE LATE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Cook take this means to' express their deep, appreciation to Dr. J. W. Wallace and the staff- and nurses at the hospital as well as the friends who sent flowers, messages of sympathy,' loaned cars for the funeral, or assisted them in any way in their • bereavement. -8 16. 'Engagements Mr. and '. Fletcher Fisher, R.R. 4, Got rich, announcethe engagement ,of their youngest daughter, Lois Elaine, to Edward Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Walter Rowe, Paris, Ontario. The wedding will take place. in Benmiller -United Church, March 12. 8x The engagement is announced of Helen Isabel, only daughter of Mrs. Victor Young and the late Victor Young, Colborne Township, to Mr. Harold Edgar 'Dougherty, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dough- erty, Port Albert. The marriage will take place Saturday, .March 12, in - Knox Presbyterian Church Chapel, Goderich. • 17. Deaths STEVEN'S.—At Victoria Hospital, London, Tuesday, February 22, Carmen W. Stevens,. Resting at the Ledge funeral home, where service will be held Friday, February 25, at 2• p.m. Mem- orial donations to the Cancer: Fund preferred to flowers. 18. Births CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE ROME OF TASTY PASTRY" Orange Layer Cakes -40c each. with , raspberry Milne and Orange Creme Icing; Both cake and icing made with fresh oranges. HOT CROSS BUNS EVERY DAY -35c doz. CREAM -FILLED CUP CAKES -4 for 17c LEMON AND RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL -25c each, WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY AND BIRTHDAY CAKES • A SPECIALTY PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY on Friday, March 4th, 1955,. a by- law entitled Bylaw No. 9 of 1955 of the Town of •Goderich, being, a by-law authorizing 'the stopping up of a portion of Harbour Street in the Town of Goderich and the conveyance of the part so stopped up to Upper Lakes and St. Lawr- ence Transportation Company. AND NOTICE is further given that any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially af- fected by the by-law, and who applies to be heard, will be heard by the Council at the time and place aforesaid, either in person ..oi __by-__.h>ts . cuuunsei, .solicitor,,. or - agent. • The portion of street to be stopped 'up and conveyed may be more particularly described as follows: "All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part of Harbour Street, as shown on Registered Plan No. 7, for the said Town of Goderich, the bound- aries of said 'parcel being more particularly described as follows: "'Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of Harbour Street, at the distance of Twenty (2Q.0') feet, ,-Measured easterly thereon, from the south-east angle of ,Lot 1042, as shown on Registered Plan No. 7; Thence 'westerly, along the northerly limit of Harbour Street, a distance of One hundred 5nd thirty-five (135.0') feet; Thence southerly, and parallel to the east- erly limit of said Lot 1042, a distance of Two (2.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the north- erly limit of'Harbour Street, a dis- tance of Twenty -fide (25.0') feet; Thence southerly, and parallel to the easterly limit of Lot 1042, a distance of Five (5.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the north- erly' limit of 'Harbour Street, a distance of Thirteen and five - tenths.. (13.5') feet; Thence norther- ly, and, parallel to the easterly limit ofsaid Lot 1042, a distance of Five (5.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the northerly limit of Harbour Street, a distance of Ninety-six and five -tenths (96.5') feet; Thence, northerly, and par: allel to the easterly; limit of said Lot 1042, a distance of Two (2.0') feet more or ;less to the place of beginning." • AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such by-law will be submitted to the Lieutdriant-Governor in Council for his approval. Dated at . Goderich •this 9th day of February, 41955:: ' S. L . BLAKE, Clerk. 6-9-` FINCHER.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on February 19, 1955, to Mr and Mrs. Dennis Pincher, Goderich, a daughter, • Karen Violet. FREEMAN.—At Alexandra ,Hospit- al, Goderich, on February 17, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley" Freeman, Goderich, a daughter. GLEN.—At . Alexandra ' Hospital, Goderich, on February 3rd,' 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. ' Hugh Glen, Goderich, a daughter (stillborn). JEWELL:—At Toronto General Hospital, . on February 13, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jewell, a daughter, Mary • Elizabeth. KELLY.—At Alexandra Hospital, , Goderich, on February 17, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Charles Kelly, Goderich, a son, Timothy. MacADAM—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, ''on February 18, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bert MacAdam, Goderich, a son, Ian Bert. TAFEIT.—Art Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 22, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tafeit, Goderich, a daughter. VAN ROY.—At Alexandra • Hospit- al, Goderich, on . February 19, 1955, td Mr. and Mrs. John Van Roy, R.R. 3, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Maria Ardina. • WILLIAMS. - -- At , Sari Fernando, Trinidad, on February 15, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wil- liams, a son, Andrew Talbot. KLEEREX BABY OINTMENT and Soap prepared., particiilar- °ly for infant skin conditions.. Amazingly effective against eczema, rash, etc. Also Kleerex Ointment I for adults. :All Druggists. -8 �`� %JR, AND ,MRS. HENRY LEISH- MAN will be at home to' their friends at 188 Palmerston street, on Monday, February 28, from 3 to •5 in the afternoon and 7 to 9 in the evening on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. •Zlx CLEARING AUCTION S At1E OF CLEARING AND FARM STOOK • from lots Nos. 85 and 87, Goderich Township. No. 8 .Highway, 4 miles west of Clinton. or 8 miles east of Goderich, on WEDNIESDAY, MARCH: -9t h at 1.30 peon., the fcllow'ng: :CATTLE --50 head- of registered dual parpc.,e Snortho'-ri cattle; 20 milking cows, some due tinge of sale, balance clue Mar^h, Mei] r r, d May; 12,.heifers, 2 year: oio, 'red; 14' yearling heifers; 0, yearli g steers; registered bull, 2 years old; :a number of young caves. , In this her'l are .rutstandirg family lines such as Tidy Beauty, Robirt Adair and .Wildwood May Chieftan. This is an exceptionally good ' herd of cattle, being high producers and of good quality. FARM NO. ONE—At 3 p.rn., the.= 100 acre -choice ,clay • 'loam -farm A 'AH'I`r1�T A 0 s-"1-` a T 0,.° Itrini, it e pi)ssessioru T&'lep dile 282. 0)4 t' 3c1fri snail e 'tfrith pr 8b f : ei at t . Oca ed,,4n1,1$ lig" e G*I• #dtritti� 15. Cards "of Th tn1zs -, THE FAMILY OF THE LATE John S. Howrie are anxious to express their appreciation for the marry acts ' of kindness and sym- pathy extended them in •their re - tent bereavement; they wish to ,thank also those, who sent floral ributes, loaned cars for the fun- eral -and those, who sent messages of sympathy. -8 'THE . FAMILY OF THE LATE Clarence J. Walters wish oto extend their _thanks to the neigh- bors and friends who assisted them in any way; those who loaned cars, sent flowers or expressed their 'sympathy in so many. ways. -8 PLEASE ACCEPT 1VIY SINCERE' thanks and appreciation, my many friends and neighbors, for „the`llovely treats, cards,. flowers, 'and gifts While a patient in the hospital; special thanks to 'Dr. N. r_C. Jacksop, nurses and stag of , Alexandra „ Marine end General Hospital, Lieut. J. Mayo and Lieut. J. Gracie of the Salvation Army, and to all who were so kind to me. MRS. ISABELLA 'CAREY. ,8 - 19. Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Ann Hawkins, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County. of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 1st day of February, 1955, are re- quired, to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of February,, 1955, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in -the County of . Huron, this 7th day of February, 1955. R. C., HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 6-8- Solicitor for the Estate. ,ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS, against the estate of Jennie May Cook, wid.dw, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or 'about the 15th day of February, 1955, are required to file''the same with full particulars, with the under signed by the.1day , of March; '1955, as after that'' date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 22nd day of February', 1955. • R. C. HAYS, t.; . Goderich, Ontario, 4• 8-101 Solicitor for the Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Williaxri (1. Cook, retired .farmer, Pate of the Town of Goderich, in ' the County of Huron, who died on orb about the 14th day of February, 1955, are required' to' file the same with full -particulars with the under- signed by the 12th day . of March, 1955, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron; this 22nd day of February, .19.55: R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, • 8-i0- Solicitor for the Estate. 20. Public Notice 'TOWN OU' GOD'Ettitti NOTICE is herojay si'eti that trim J turiicipal ,fr✓ohneii 't f the eorpor a.tion 'oft ,the -1%10'h—if Goderich, b : ,virtue .of 1;hApPo i r's'Col`ttltii'reff an it tinici a AO, .U7 IOW, X143 .469,, leo ses to vitsS til r .'' ttlOr eet4x�l X't0 be ':h T'*le I lk► fit ,.. SKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE. Aerials installed as low as $49::' Aerials moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION,. South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf FINANCING' AND LOANS 'AT lower cost on new and late. model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47tf £ARPENTRY VS'01kK _QF ..'L....._ • ' FINDS 21. Business Notice Guaranteed radio service. WILF REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. ' -12 HAVE YOUR OLD OAK FLOOW: sanded and have the new light finish. Phone CREE COOK, Clin ton,' 231 -2tf Kitchens remodelled, built-in• cup- boards, etc„ hardwood or tile floors laid, also plumbing, bathrooms in- stalled at low cost. Epps pumps. sold and installed. FRANK Mc, MICHAEL, Goderich, phone'Carlow 1108. 7-9x. BE A BOOKKEEPER, STENO-_, GRAPHER, or typist. Lessons 50c. CANADIAN CORRESPOND- ENCE COURSES, 1290 Bay street,, Toronto. 8x FURNIITURE. — REPAIR = RE- M,ODFT,ING — Refinishing — Re -upholstering. Phone 892W. 8-11x WATERJ00 OA i'LE , BREED- ' ASSOCIATION, "Where. 'Better Bulls are used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service • or infornl- atipn phone -Clinton 242 collect, between 7:30 and 10.00 a.m.. on. week days and 7.30 and '9.30 a.m. on Sundays. -6tf ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, ''Feb. 23. — Mrs. Frank MacLennan is visiting this week •with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ains1ie,-oof Cleveland. Miss Gail Compton visited her brother, Donald, a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, over the week -end.• . )Congratulations are due to Mr. and Mrs. " Jack MacKenzie on the birth of a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson on the birth of a son. Cecil Blake, Donald MacKenzie,. Andrew Ritchie and Donald Simp- son are attending the Good Roads, Convention in Toronto this week.. We've A Magic Touch - A 10 With Watches For prompt guaranteed Watch Repairs be sure youlr, watch is repaired by a "Certified Watchmaker" Specializing in Fine Watch and Jewellery Repairs,. N. T. Ormandy JEWELLERY - Phone 83S 34 Kingston St. FORCED WARM AIS FURNACE OUTFIT FOR AVERAGE 5 or 6 ROOM HOUSE. GURNEY .,or EMCO--69,000 B.T.U. FURNACE, Complete with Blower, Motor arid Control. GUN TYPE OIL BURNER, with 3' electrical controls, -precast combustion chamber and draft regulator. 200 GALLON FUEL OIL TANK with tank gauge, whistle, oil filter, and shut-off- valve. 1 DELIVERED IN GODERICH $4,5.0 Q�. ectric VICTORIA ST. 1' fi