HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 14zasseeeesaa IvSTTRANCE. HtiEa Da: [41.0 1%, SetiEeNT # TAI: Wale PI 't\ + 'Z-?t%Nisi' ea -X.)1 S'h t•t incl r ,. t tsc, x clat ?1\ i'^ \tis os! ,353n3, tlit, i tar it(.' 111"'ia� tad tits tl\TANTO :Mr t 1+ /IA NC V. Coas: of vaneerlea est, ,c,l .ian.na!R'esi x.urep,ti.W,-= ,e?., t>,i ;. ?ey yt,,srafter „hal year. WallPaper! "clip ip..t , 5c. per roll, Wallpaper, J. C=F.,ICItx ear roll, J. (Utlt.ti J. C RIGG Wallpaper, I ;c. per roll, t�a:ialp.y;ar°r, 15'. pe.r roil* J. testi(=t= t5"aPag ng- r, Zoe. per r > oll, J. GRIM. J. ORP,1 4i aillpaper, Svc. per r0'1 coal Peed:, Senn ter rills, :' llpaper, pretty, at t'n Pl �`�. J. GR1GG J. GRI( J. ( ICitl'S J. (411.1all;'1 Exeter 1 Attractive Stook o New SpringTweeds Worsteds Einil Trous- .ugs. now being shown , by Exeter Wonderful values in boots and Shoes. 25cti buys a pair of boys' or Girls' boots, they were 75cts ; and 75cts buys a rair of Ladies' lace or button boots, odd lines being cleared out. Some of them were as high as $2 and $2.50. 75cts buys a pair of Men's plough boots ; $1 25 was the price. These lines we can't repeat, they will go quick. A full range of Ladies' and child- rens' Tan Oxfords very cheap. COME. J. A. STEWART, ' Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter, 0.14n. THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1890 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Death of Mrs, Samuel Ooliblediclr. We regret to announce the death at the ege of 65 years, of Mrs. Samuel Cobble - dick of Exeter, which occurred at an early hour on Wednesday May 7th, the anniversary of the death of her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Galloway, of Adelaide, who elied just one year previously, For some time Mrs. Cobbledick's health has been precarious, and successive illness had in- duced a general weakness of the constitu. tion. A short time ago she suffered from an attack of La Grippe, the effects of which never seemed to leave her. She was, however, improving and it was hoped the warm weather would effect a complete recovery. But about two weeks ago she was seized with an attack of erysipelas in the face which acting upon her already enfeebled constitution, reduced her, and despite the best medical aid proved fatal. Her last sickness, during which she suffer. ed severe pain, was borne with Christian. fortitude and her end was peace. Deceas- ed was born in the western part of Ireland on the 12th Nov. 1824, With her father's family she came to this country in early life and settled in the county of Durham. Forty-seven years ago she was married to her now deeply bereaved husband. In 3S85 they moved west to the 1st concession sof McGillivray, where they resided until they retired from active live twelve years ago, when they f then came to live in Exeter. Of their family, besides the daughter already mentioned, five died in early childhood, while the following four remain, David Cobbledick, of McGillivray; .Joseph Cobbledick, of Biddul h ; Mrs. A. ;fli k lt' '1 a "e • and pp v o s of is vi 1 Rev. U. H. , g , Cobbledick, of Guelph. Mr. Cobbledick. and his family willhave the sympathy of a very large circle of friends and acquaint- ances, among whom they are held in high esteem. The funeral will leave her late residence on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock for interment in the Exeter cemetery.;',l,,aa Brevities The sallies (alley AIf. Hastings' -window it apps teeth •t the lass tsnnis club has gone to the \Lail. Mr. J. Heiman, of Pevon is ereetiog a uew been on his tee:lases. Mr. J.. Leathern is meta improvements to the Mansion Nouse. The coming election* are at present ti sins; coucidt;al^!c exsite:ne:nt. Two Irallans 'liscouasetl sweet music on the etre is ou elatutday lest, Mas Jia �ie :+pieer the victim of the evening aveidis recovering nicely.. Mr. John Spat+kman has re-shiugledsnd t,tl el safe a improved his residence, The bend gave the citizens a few tine iceerfons in the opeu air cin Tuesday evening last.. Putting the past week we have hall very fLhie wc: tither. On Tnesshay we vee tre erns to a light fall of snow. Mr. Titns- May,'wbo lives a short ills.. tan,tanee eeath of Exeter, his commenced the a;rt, tion of his new brava. residence. Mr. George glace was in town see Mon- day and will possibly open a grocery and li eor stere in the oIJ premises. The young people fof the James.st. Mt•tho.list chervil will give an "At Hoare the Church, shortly. The eleaf'arth town Pard, owing to lack • of totta.tei.al suplecttt, is varus°tltri:11g dis L: ndmeot. Mrs. Won bvills. of Exeter Nettle was seined by p:taalysis tarn Sunday and nowlies in is rrithe d .t,n+li.ion. her left si.ie and rout hetes; affected, Bide are out am:entwine the 2tth May t ere 1 ail tie n :in: t. AL. lovers of the gemea will ate sunne 1irst•ela 3 matches that flay. Admission :5e, Oct your chimney cleaned out for twenty twenty-five eents : was the salute ow citizens get from asweep who Fisited town last week. Mr. Riclier•l Davis, who has leen laid up for the past ',seek with as serious attack .a; 030111114,tiaisa, We ate glad to say i' ab.e to lac about again. Rem . Meeste. Flett'her. t4 the Thanes Road Preetyterian Church, and Cement of the James St, Metin elist Church ex- t.haege,l pulpits en .Sunday evening last. The atniatr nl a>:t sting of the >lechanies' Inez ere tuts sae ,s on ;.lt messy evening, There re WAS a, tale attt nti annul, The follow - fug" t divers were elt•ett d ;. :lir. John E. Toms, of c,it:lerieh, Publie Scheel Intsswestor for South Huron, arrived Iin town on Tuesday to itaspeet the alid'urent tlepartnseuts in our public eeltool, \r. E. Grigg. who has been at }'tleMas• ter Ilal°, Toronto, for lime time, is home t as a vacation. Mr. Grigg will leave in a few :lays for Perth, Quebec. Mr. Wm. Downe, of Stephen township, bee rented the :,0 aero farm belonging to ter• Iliidae, on the London road, for a tea m of five years I^rhsay last was rubor Day throughout the province. In Exeter there was little tree planting. but in the rural sections eon sitlerahle leautifying was alone. A intmbt r of our town people no doubt are anxiously waiting for the 15th day of the present month to Derive, after which date they will be allowed to let their cows pasture in the streets. A meeting of the Conservatives of Exeter, was held on Thursday evg. last. '.finer a was a large attendance. Short addresses were made after which delegates to attend the convention hell on Tuesday, were aappnintell. Mie AND isms—Spaekman's Boot and Shoe Store is the best place in Exeter to laity your spring suits. Largest steel:, best quality, Best fitting and Ready.made clothing in the Bounty. Call and see them. E. J Spackman. The open shed, to be used in oonneotion. with the produce market is being erected. The market will be opened in the forenoons every Saturday, tut farmers aro nit cont pelted to go there: and if pleasing may trade in,.the stores as usual. Mrs. Jane McAnsh of St. Marys, will, through the death of an gncle in Ireland, come into possession of about fifty thousand dollars, This will be sufficient to make things very comfortable for the rest of her days. She is mother of Mr. D. A. McAnsh, formerly of Exeter. The merchants of Exeter have entered into a verbal agreement to close their places of business at seven o'clock, p.an., on and after May 1st. This is right. No one can help it along more than the custo- mers. ustomers. Make your purchases early and give the clerks a chance to breathe a little fresh air. The Sanitary Inspector is looking sharp after back yards, and has given notice that all must be cleaned before May 5th. That date has coma and gone and any premises found to be in any other than a perfectly sanitary condition is liable to be put right at the owner's expense. '',LADIES,—If you are in need of any Lace Curtains this spring call and see the big stook at Specimen's Boot & Shoe store. 500 pairs from 50c a pair upwards. Beautiful Lace Curtains at $2, worth $4. Don't wait long as they are going fast. B. J. SPACEMAN, Boot & Shoe store, Fanson's Block, ]Dxeter. The poor editor was dying, and as the doctor placed his ear to the patient's heart he sadly muttered "poor fellow 1 circula. tion has gone." The editor raised him- self up and gasped."tis false ! we have the largest circulation in the country." Then he sank back upon his pillow and died w with a triumphant smile upon ,his, face. He was consistent to the end. On Friday last the teachers and scholars of the school went to considerable trouble inbeautifying the ground by making beds and pianting flowers. On Sunday some destructive youths destroyed the plants and beds, besides throwing stones through the school windows. The Board had a meeting on Monday evening, and what action is to be taken in the matter remains to be learned. A reader writes ; Can poll tax be legally collected from a man who works in the town on and off for a year and over, but who has property in another town on which he has paid taxes and has a receipt for the same ? He goes home every few weeks. :RNs.'Yes ; he is an inhabitant' of the town and therefore liable to noll tax, not• witl'standing he owned and paid taxes on property ia'another municipality. On Saturday last the town was visited by a couple Italians with harp and violin who paraded thestreets and played sweet music to the attentive listener ; they did not forget at intervals to pass around the hat for the free will offering. On Tuesday they were again visited by another couple who went through a similar performance, with the exception that the instruments resembled Scotch bag -pipes:' ( tlito k,o GPI) ear ('ftcret''s Castor? Exeter Municipal Council,. The council met atthe town. ha1l,Exeter, 30th .April, '99. All present. The minutes of the previous meetiug were read and cot, firmed. Orders were granted for the fon lowing sums viz : Jas C'reeln, 52 .chaeity to Mrs Piper; dot?, to H Mclutosh.--Carried .A rate of Gets per foot frontage for watering a portion of Main st was agreed to 13y -law Na 10 for street 5ra ermg was duly read and passed. hptekman---Ross--that by-law No 11, 1859 to establish a market 031 the town hall grounds be read a second and Mitt time and finally passed, Moved in ananendweet by 34 ,G Bisseit, sec by J Oke. that ra provisional clause be added to disestablish the said market in caro the sante remains unused as a market for six months. The anotk,n was rlecla: ell carried. Ily law Ne 11 was then duly read and passed. Bissett--Spaebioan—that a court for the revision of the assessment roll for 1890, be held at the town hall on Tuesday. the 27th daa: of May at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Carnie,l. The eouneil adjourned until Saturday the JOth May at 7.3:a p m. M. kiec aETr, Clerk. Anooiter our Settler come.. By the death of Sarah Dearing, wife tIf Abraham Dearing, on Saturday last, Stephen has lost one of its oldest and most respected residents. Deceased had been sutler/0g ft,r some time with tmnor, and with an attack cif h grippe her death was hastened. Site came to the township with iter husband from Devonshire, England, a great many years ago, and hits lived ti ie versince. She was a chri+itian lady and bore her illness with muchfatrtitude. Tito funeral which took on Monday was very large, the rewainsbeiug interred in the Exeter cemetery. Stealing. The Seaforth Sun, which by the way is an enterprising (0 and luminous sheet; as its pante indicates, has a bad habit of stealing uews,---drat isgcdmiugthe news of other papers t,f' as its own. The Toms is published Thursday mornings, and reaching Seatorth Thursday' after- n after- noons, district correspondence—the u , section in which the Slue circulates -is clipped; and without ctadit being given, is Inserted in the Sun wlneh is published Fridays. It might be ,Metres convenient for our cutout. were we to send advance proofs. ersonals. Mr. and Mrs Dal Moir of St Marls, spent Monday in town. Mr. Mon' is. having a new residence built in that town, which would indicate his intention of locating there permanently.—Mr. Deichert and sister of Zurich, spent Sunday with friends in town.—Mr S. Balkwill, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity for some time, returned to his home in California last week.— Mr. Chas. Eaerett and family left for Sarnia on Mondry.—Mr. Parkinson left Tuesday for Trout Creek, Algoma where he will open a general store, -The Clin-. ton New Era says : "Mr. Chas, Eacrett, who recently sold bis farm in Exeter, has decided to locate in Sarnia." The New Era editor had bett'ar discontinue the profession if he don't know the dif. fcrenee between a farm and a harness shop. Political Dols, It is now generally conceded that'11'ir. A. Bishop will get the nomination for South Huron in Refornt interests at the convention to be held at Hensel' on the. 13th: inst.; and that 1 ir. McLean, will be the standard-bearer of the Reform party in the Federal oleeaio'>s, vice, John McMillan, Esq., M.P., .who will have to step down anal out.—In .North Mid- dlesex the candidates will be: John Waters, Esq., Reform ; W. H Hutchins, Esq., Conservative. Mr. Macklin the choice of the convention, owing to un- forseen circumstances, was compelled to resign the candidature, but his place was readily accepted by Mr. Hutchins. of Parkhill —The Equal Rights people of South Huron, seem determined to place a candidate in the field. Such a procedure will mean disaster to the Con- servative party, as two of its adherents to one of the Reformers' are inclined to the Equal Rights platform, it being al- most identical with thatof the Conserve - tire party as prescribed by Mr. W. R. Meredith, leader of the noble opposition. —The Conservative Convention at Hen- sall on Tuesday was largely attended, all present being enthusiastic in the Con- servative party and good government. •e Agents Wanted To sell "Belk" and "Dominion" Organs and Pianos for Exeter and vicinity. Salary or commission paid . to a good man. SCOTT BROS., Seaforth. To all who took part in the progtam.-- At the regular meeting of Lodge Plymouth No 63, S. 0. E. B, S. held on Monday evg., May 5th, the followille resolution was unanimously passed: "that the hearty thanks of this lodge be and is hereby ten- dered to all who so ably assisted in carry- ing out the program at the conversazione on the evg. of St, George's Day, Ap12,":r 3,' WI.:. SWEET, C. G. VERITY, Pzesident, Sec'y;. Arhor Day among schools has become one of the most interesting days of the year. During 1885, 38,940 ; in 1886, 34- 087 ; in 1887, 28,057 and in 1888, 25,714 trees were planted. In a very few years every rural section in the province will have its pleasant shady bower where the pupils can find shelter from the scorching sun during the summer months, and where their taste for the beautiful in nature will find the same gratification. While returning from Hensall on Tues. day afternoon, M r. Jas. Handford's horse took fright and ran away. With.a view to stopping the animal the driver pulled it into the gate, but instead of halting the horse ran along the fence and into a deep ditch., upsetting horse, buggy and oc- cupants The buggy was broken bat the occupants escaped without serious injury. Rev. 'Joseph Cooke of Newall, will give' to stereoptioan entertainment in the Main at Meth. church, on Wednesday evg, next. Subject.: "Wesley and His Time v s. His address illustrated by the aid of his Bine lights, will be very instructive and well worth listening to and enjoying, Admission 15 dents. Minerd's Liniment Cures Distemper. ea All We are showing the largest and most taxing stock ever exhibited in this vicinity. We import these goods direct #rom the old country Don't fail to see our special line of all -wool Henrietta Cloth in all shades, one yard and a quarter wide for 50c. per yard. We also make a specialty of DRESS ROBES of all descriptions. Swiss embroideries braided Oheneille trimmed., hand worked, etc., etc. 1\1~''�''1 ;p We can show you just what you want and at prices much below the regular: figures. e pay cash for all our goods and by buying from us you can save a large discount, `* Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Olbthing, Crockery, , Glassware, aud Groceries at xoolK bottom pxioes, Gold Watches We have just completed the purchase of a large Whole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled.. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation. to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell roods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call on its. Dere since '55. N. B.—Masonic aprons, best quality, $2. 50 eac. A. MORPHS.' & CO., Car. Richmond and Dundee Ste., Loudon, Ont. Pubho School Board Minutes. Board met in the Town Hall, at 7.30 p. tn. on the 5th May, 1890. Absent, W. Treble. Items passed : Minutes of previous meet- ing ; Principal's report for March and April showing an overcrowding of No. 6 department, to be relieved by judicious promotions. A resolution based on the School Act to prevent truancies and irrertularity of at- teudence. To wit : That in a case of ab- sence for three consecutive days the parent shall be duly informed per general report by the teacher, said report to be returned bearing sufficient reasons for such absence ; also that no scholar shall be allowed, to leave school during the session, save for sickness or upon written request of parents orguardians, recommended by Principal, Moved by H. Bueston, seconded by A. G. Dyer. An order closing the school grounds to all parties after hours of session, duenotice to be given by signs conspicuously placed, moved by W. Hoskin, seconded by H. Huestan. W. Howey's account for desks, etc., of 514.50 ; and J. Popplestone's account of $4 50, for cutting wood, moved by H. flueston, seconded by W, Hoskin Suggestions by W. Hoskin re shingling of wood shed, by the Principal re seats for school grounds, by a lady resident re toilette and sitting room for teachers use referred to a special committee. The Board to be a special committee to visit the school ground, on first Wednes- dayat9.30 a. m., to inspect school and take action re aforesaid suggestions, mover W, Hueston, seconded by A G. Dyer. .Adjournment. J. Gam, Secretary. Read J. P Ross' change of advt. Several correspondence and other news were received too late for this issue. • It is said that already seven clubs have entered for the base ball tournament to take place here on the 24th May. The trees are mostly out in leaf, and with the green grass and beautiful foliage, every- thing looks pleasant and cheerful. A tweeting of the Equal Rights Associa- tion for the county of Huron will be held in Clinton on Tuesday, May 13th. The band have engaged Miss. Laura Mc- Manis, the whistling soloist to give an entertainment in Drew's Hall, on Saturday evg., May 24th. Miss McManis is sup- ported by upportedby a first class company, and all who wish to have aware treat will do well to see her. What the Toronto World says about her :-- The —The feature of the Opening, however, was the whistling of Miss Laura lu eManis, a charm- ing little lady from Indianapolis, with piauo accompaniment by her sister. She gave an operatio selection, and later on, by request, en- tertained the audience again. She was well reeeived: Toronto World: Mr. Armond Davidson accompanied Mr Parkinson to Trout Ceeek, and will con- tinue as clerk. Mr. D. is an industrious young .man and will yet make a good mark for himself.: , i00` repair of Children's s and Misses Prune w. foxed Shoes, from 25cts to 40cts pair. ;.These goods are cheaper than may , "'lin t stock canbe bought t '� ktiwxt;:. p ght a . We are bound not to he undersold by any one.. Largest stook of Boot: & Shoes in the Bounty to pick front. E. J SPAoicainv, Boot & Shoe stop e, Fanson's Block, Exete ia� Minard's Liniment cures Gorget in Cows' CA LING ROS We shall not be stocked Because SOLD) we will not be. We shall not be overstocked .Because we will not be undersold.. T =f- E Largest STOCK we have ever handled now load our shelves and counters. To sell it We must do the Largest Business we have ever done. We expect to accomplish this by the magic power of Low Prices We knowthat you cannot get lower elsewhere because you cant go lower than the lowest and We 'ire LOW]>i. The lowest remind yon, and as good goods as are offered for sale anywhere. 0—TRY US. CARLIN-G BRAS Mamma (to her little boy). "Now, Cash For Bennie, if you'll be good and go to sleep, mamma'll give you one of Dr. Ayer's nice BullEn eager -coated Cathartic Pills, next time you need medicine." Bennie, smiling sweetly, dropped off to sleep at once. Ontario farmers are making the wiperi- ment of growing beets for making sugar, and lithe crop turns ont as well as that of est year leads them to expect there will 1 e, it is said, an opening for forty large fac- tories to work up the product. FRED W. FARNCOh1B, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- Gi-TN'EER, niSC., Omoe. upstairs. Samwell's Block, Exeter. Ont. TS3T CELEBRATED TROTPING STALLION, vox,o,.. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at illssett's Livery 5 table, Exeter. W. G. BISSETT. Tz�rrngr�s. S13ALEp TENDERS marked "Por Mounted Polios Provisions and Light Supplies;' and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Railways and Canals,Ottawa,will be receiv- ed up to noon on Tuesday, 3rd June, X890. Printed forms of tender, containing full in- formation as to the articles and approximate quantities required, may bo had. on application at any of. the Mounted Police Posts in the North-West, or at the office •of the undersign- ed. • No tender will be received unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any 'tender not: necessarily . ac- cepted. Each tender'must be accompanied by an accepted Canadian bank cheque for an. amoun equal to ten per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party declines' to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fails to completethe service contracted for. If the tonderbe not accepted the 'cheque will ba returnod. No ,a ment will be made to a 1 y newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority having been first obtained. h'REI) ryIII'1'E, Comptroller,N. Zy. M. Police. Ottawa, April 22nd, 1890. anti EGGS A. Q. BOI3IER, having leased Drew's Block, will be pleased to pay HtG 3EST. Cash PRICES at all times for butter and eggs. ilea,. Q. E3013XEIR., May 1st, '90. Drew's Block, Exeter. EQUAL RIGHTS - .a,ssocxgTxomT, A Convention of the friends of the above Association will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ON Tuesday, May 1,3, At 10.80 a. m., for the purpose of completing local organization and the formation of a county branch. A representative member of the Provincial Association will be present and address the Convention. A public meeting will be held in the evening in the Town Hall, at 8 p. m•, when addresses w.11 be delivered on the questions agitatedby the Association. .A representation of 35 or 20 from en oh municipality is desired -a By authority of the Ex -Cow. OF Pnov. As800IATION. Clinton, Apri11890. (IOUNTY OF HURON TEACH. V ERS EXAMINATIONS.1890. Primary(srd) and Junior leaving and Pass Matriculation (2nd) Examinations at the Col- legiate institutes and High' Schools in the County, on •Tuesday, 8th July, 8 4 a.m.; Senior leaving end Honor Matriculation Exammina- tion (1st C.), Tuesday July 16th, 8.40 a,m. Can- didates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth must notify D , M. M alloch, Esq., I. P. Schools, Clinton P. O., not later than the 22nd of May. stating which of the two schools they intend writing at; and those who wish to write at Gloderich trust notify 3. E Tom. Esq., I. P, Schools, Go0erich P. 0., at the same date. The notice must be accompanied b'y a fee of $5,00. No name will be forwarded to the De- nartmert unless the fee is paid. Headmasters of the Collegiate Institutes and HIigh .Schools will please send the applications of their candi- dates to the Inspector of the division is which the Collegiate Institutes or lfigh Schools are situated. Forms of applications may be had from the Inspectors or Secretary. PETER ADAMSON. e . 26E Secretary B. Examiners,, God rich,April 11.l t