The Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-02-17, Page 10rt ya 3 . bODEMC THE , SIGN ,TAR l'ioninesday noon is deadline for Classified Ads. Five lines or less, 50c; 10c for each additional line. 25c extra for office box number. 1A, For Sale (General) USED ELECTRIC RANGES. MiactDON:ALD ELECTRIC, Gen- eral Electric Appliance Dealer. Phone 235. -7 W O,P• I E C E CHESFERFW7 r) suite in good condition. LODGE FURNITURE. -7 'FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aidebel elf Hygienic r uppi>,es (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelQ a with price list. Six sam- ples 25c;. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. BRAY CHICKS. FROM CAN- ADA'S largest Hatchery., Can- adian Approved. Standard breeds and crosses, including some popu- lar U.S. Hybrids. Write for full information and prices.,BRAY HATCHERY, 120 John Nort, Ham- ilton, Ont.' ..,(We are interested in a good agenin this district—liber- al commission.) ELECTRIC WASHER, USED, in Al condition, a bargain at $55.00. B•LACKSTONE'S FUR,NI- TURE. Phone 240. TH:U +SDAY, FEB. nth, -1O WAN A 5 Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. ' Charge of 25c extra ir ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication. FOR SAYE. 200 acres clay loam, good house,' new furnace, 2 barns, „yery reason- ably priced. 100 acres clay loam, 5 miles from Goderich on Highway 21, good house and barn, price $11,000. 116 acres 'clay loam, 8 -room house, barn, henhouse, garage, all in good shape. Price only $8,000. Easy terms. • 100 acre farm with a good house and barn, 9 miles north of Gode- rich, close to No. 21 highway. Full price $5,000. We have many farms 10-500 acreee, and have an experienced farm salesman to look after your requirements. NYLON HOSE FROM RELIABLE well 'known makers, Y 79c to $1.29. New plain and printed cot- tons arriving. 'Remnants of vari- ous types of cotton. See us for your sewing needs. THE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. 7x IF ANYONE HAS "OLD WOOL- LENS , for blankets, f have blankets on hand. MRS. A. SMITH, phone 1167. 7x TWO-&URNER HEAVY ,, DUTY electric range, used. Ideal apartment size, iris good working 't -condition, at only $50.00, • BLACK - STONE'S :FURNITURE. . Phone 240. ,-7. KITCHENER BIG -4 HATCHERY has a wide choice of breeds and crosses, including the Ames In -Cross, genuine hybrid chicks. Ask us about them. • Also get prices on their many breeds,. aed crosses. Canadian Approved. G;et birds to produce on your own special markets—eggs, meat—Big-4 ;has the chicks. Agent, RYAN & SON, Goderich. Phone 345. -7 Cosy lie storey 8 -room stucco house, basement, furnace, garage, $6,0.00. TEN PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Phone 1146. CHRIS BROWN - 7x Bungalow, 2 years old, living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, full basement with new oil furnace. Price $7,000.. Buying or selling Farms—Homes 4' Call • JOHN. BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Phone 1108. HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE' FOR SALE • Two Storey—Three' Bedrooms Close to the Square'in an excel- lent' location, this compact house has medium size living room, die- ing room and kitchen first floor and three comfortable bedrooms and bathroom second floor. Full base- ment, hot air heating.' Very rea- sonable price. WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- ' for sale. No charge to you until property is staid.- MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12t1 3. Agents Wanted MAJOR OIL COMPANY HAS opening for two farm distribu- tors in large volume areas. Apply BOX 197, S1GNAL-STAR. , -7-8-9 Wartime House—Three Bedroom Located one block from the Public School this ,three bedroom home may be ,purchased for a low 'down, payment with the balance paya.b'le as :rent at $30.00 per month which includes interest, principal, taxes and insurance. LOVABLE COCKER SPANIELS, six registered, black• and white, blonde and white puppies, six - 'weeks old, $25 to $40 each. MRS. JOHN VAN CAMP, Belgrav'e, phone 622J4, Wingham. -7 AIN OF RHEUMATISM,, SCI- ATICA, Lumbago, can be help- LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- edy-by taking RUMA-CAPS. Recom- VITED mended by thousands of tlhankful I Phone 766 users. Ask your Druggist. 42_46_50_3_7 Hamilton Street Goderich HOW TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE to provide "extras" that make life more enjoyable? Become our dealer in your loeality. Write .now for details. FAMILEX, Montreal 24. -7 VLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT. .$1.00 per day. LODGE FURN- ITURE. -7 APARTMENT, HOT WATER heated, self-contained, second floor, two bedrooms. Phone 200W after 5 p.m. 1014J. -7tf 8. Wanted to Rent THREE-ROOM HEATED APART- MENT, fu'rn•ished, refrigerator, electric range if possible, close to Square. Write BOX 199, SIGNAL - STAR. -7 9. Coming Events 4. Help Wanted �ERIOUS MAN TO TAKE OVEN, profitable„ Nationally Advertised Watkins business an Goderich. Established customers. Must be over 21 and satisfied with income of $60 a week at start. Apply in writing to F. RANGER, 350 St. Roch street, Montreal, Que. -6-8 Frame Duplex — Income Property In a good location this income property has many fine appoint- ments. First floor apartment con- -tains a largo living -dining with fireplace, spacious bedroom, and very modern kitchen with built-in cupboards and breakfast ' nook. Wall-to-wall broadloom rugs in living room, bedroom and hallway and mastic, tile on kitchen floor. Second floor contains four -room furnished apartment now rented. In the full basement there is auto- matic hot water furnace fired by' a new Timken oil burner and laun- dry tubs. All this for a very reasonable price which includes furniture in second floor apart- ment. There are terms available. An ideal property for small -family or retired person. TIIE MOST MONEY FROM YOUR flocks. Aim ,f or the extra dozen eggs, the extra ounces. We think Hilleide Chicks is the answer. Selling to Canadian poultrykeep- ers' for 35 years.. Wide choice breeds and crosses, including Ames In -Cross ,genuine hybrid chicks. , Ask us for priees, order soon to get chicks producing on the good markets. Agent --,HARVEY LAS - SALINE, R.R. 2, Groderich. Phone 1599J2. -7 ' 10RGE OIL SPACE HEATER IN good condition with stove ' SIN -ROOM HOUSE,,FOURYEARS pipes. Phone 903 after 6 p.m. old, close' to Square and schools. -7 Oil ; and air conditioned heating. SMALL SIZE CRIB AND MAT- Finished basement, attached gar - moss. Phone 750. 7 age, three bedrooms. Appy' 54 South street. 6-9x IN AN EXCELLENT LOCATION, this comfortable modern home has large living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Full base- mentwith new hot •air furnace. Immediate possession. Phone 270W. 7x TWO-STOREY RED INSUL- BRiICK house, close to schools and arena. Three bedrooms, mod- ern kitchen, air conditioned furnL ace, with contact ,heated apart- ment. GORDON Kr'I"I'ING,e 1 2 McDonald street. -7 THE CANADIAN ARMY OFFERS YOU ' A STEADY JOB WITH GOOD PAY EXCELLENT PENSION' PLAN AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION, LEARNING A USE- FUL TRADE, AND OVERSEAS SERVICE See your local Recruiting Officer TOWN HALL GODERICH EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 A.M. — 6.45 P.M. OR Apply direct- to No. 7 Personnel Depot, LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and education. -4-8• • EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- ER as secretary to general manager of, progressive manufac- turing company. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own nand and sel- ary desired to SOX 196, SIGNAL - STAR. • -6-7 1i. Real Estate MALCOLM MATHERS 416 West St. Phone 11 SW Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker All types of Properties for -sale. • MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE W. A, SHEAFFER PEN COM- PANY has opening for one secretary. Experience preferred, but not essential. Good typing. Five-day week, employee benefits, ideal working conditions, regular increases, profit-sharing. ' Apply in writing or in ,person to Personnel Manager, W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY, Goderich. -7 yUKON. EIGHT YEAR 270 MIL- LION, „,d; ller .construction job. Application guide, "Yukon Facts" $1.00. Write: BOX 252, PERSON- NEL, ULCO, .Kennydale, WasYa.., USA. 7x 2. Real Estate Wanted DETER S. MacEWAN REALTOR Listings and enquiries invited. 48 West Street. Phone 230. WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -39tf OON'TTELL ANYBODY, BUT,.. WE THINK WE HAVE JUST THE GOOD USED CAR YOU'VE t 'EEN LOOKING FOR. .4' COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER. 1 til l fROCKS 344 Reserve Tuesday, February 22, for St. George's Annual High Tea and Bazaar, to be held in the Parish Fall. Fancy work table and candy booth. Turkey supper will be served from 5.30 p.m. Ad- mission, $1.00. -6-7 Rummage sale scheduled for February 12 has been postponed to Saturday, March 5, at 1.30 p.m., sponsored by Women's Hospital Auxiliary. -7 Rummage sale, Saturday, March 19, by St. David's Group of St. George's Church Women's Guild, in Parish Hall. -7 The regular meeting of the Home and School Association will be held on Tuesday, February 22, at 8 p.m., in the Public School auditorium. A talk will be given art"Leisure Time Activities for the School-age Child;" by Miss"Videan. This will be' illustrated by folk dancing by Mrs. Wilkinson's class. An interesting program has been planned. Silver collection. Lunch, -7 DOMESTIC HELP REQUIRED. Write BOX 200, SIGNAL - STAR. -7 6. Wanted (General) ELWOOD ATKINSON WISHES to _thank his customers for their patronage 'while operating the Shell Service Station at Salt - ford and asks their same ppatronage for his successors, Ron Glazier and Franklin Schmidt.' 7x 18. Births WILSON.—At Vancouver, B.C., on February 9, 1955, to Mr. .and Mrs. J. Galt Wilson, a son, John Galt. OAESAR.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 12, 1955, to Mir. and Mrs. Paul Caesar, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a son. ZINN;,e—At. Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 15, 1955, to Mr. and -Mrs. Warren Zinn, R.R- 1, Dungannon, a son. 19. Notice to Creditors feet;• Thence northerly, and par- allel to the eastenly limit of • said Lot 1042, a distance of Two (2.0') feet more or less to the place of beginning.” 1 AND FURIt1I ER TAKE NOTICE thatsuch by-law will be submitted to the ` Lieutenant -Governor in Council for his approval. Dated at Goderich this 9th day of February, 1955. S. H., BLAKE, Clerk ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Ann Hawkins, late of the Town of Goderich;" in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the lst day of February, 1955, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of February, 1955, as after that date the .assets of the. estate will be distributed. Dated -,at the Town of Goderich, in the Cottnty of Huron, this 7th day of February, 1955. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 6-8- Solicitor for the Estate. A Bake Sale will be held in the Lecture Hall of Knox Church, on Saturday, Febreary 19, at 2.30 p.m., sponsored by the W.M.S. -7 The regular meeting of North Street Evening. Auxiliary will.. be held in the church on Monday, February 21, at 8.15 p.m. -7 The C.G.I.T. of Knox Church are sponsoring a Variety Concert on Thursday, February 24, at 8 p.m. Admission 35c. -7 The ' eighth birthday party of Mary Hastings Sunset Circle Club will be held at MacKay Hall, on Friday, February 18, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. "500," euchre and bingo. Lunch served. All members please bring sandwiches. Admission 25e. ' -7 Variety Concert by local talent, March 4, at 8.15 p.m., in Victoria Street Church, under auspices of Victoria 'Helpers. - 7-9x The Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet on Monday, February 21, at 3 p.m. in the Board Room at the hospital. -7 OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3c„ lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 936 r 32 or 936 r,21. -2tf IARGE ,WARDROBE WANTED. J Phone 1014J. -6tf 7. To Rent" SMALL STUCCO COTTAGE, ALL conveniences, shower, oil heat- ed. Unfurnished but would furn- ish for steady tenant if desired. MRS. KEN. AL,LIN, 54 Victoria street. -6tf A PARTMENT, SELF-CONTAIN- ED, five rooms and bath, new- ly decorated. Close to Square. Phone 668W or 295. -5tf SPACIOUS FURNISHED TWO - ROOM apartment, three-piece bath. MISS MARY B. HOWELL, 10 St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -5tf ONE HEA'rEI) OFFICE, SEC- OND floor Masonic Temple Building. Immediate possession. Apply HAROLD W. ,SHORE, Real Estate Broker, Phone 766, Gode- rich. -5tf m.vy 10. Briefs 20. Public Notice O , q� OWN OF GODERICH" 6-9- 21. Business Notice Guaranteed radio service. WILE REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. , '-12 HAVE YOUR OLD OAK FLOORS sanded and have the new light finish. Phone CREE COOK, Clin- ton, • 23J. -2tf SKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE: Aerials installed as law as $49. Aerials moved -- rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South " street, Goderich, phone 1344M. NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corea ation of the Town of Goderich, by virtue of the powers contained in the 11/funicipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, 0.243 S.469, proposes to pass at its regular meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Goderic, at 7.00 p.m., „on Friday', March 41h, 1955, a by- law entitled By-law No. 9 of 1955 of the Town of Goderich, being a by-law authorizing the stopping up of a portion of Harbour Street in the Town of Goderich and the conveyance of the part so stopped up to Upper Lakes a`tid St. Lawr- ence Transportation Company. AND NOTICE is further given that any person who claims that his land'; will be prejudicially af- fected ,by the by-law, and who applies to be heard, will be heard by the Council at the time and place aforesaid, either in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent. - The portion of street to be stopped up and conveyed may be more 'particularly described as follows: "All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part of Harbour Street, , as shown on R,egistered Plan No. 7, for- the said Town of .G.oder;i. —the bound- aries of said parcel being more particularly described as follows: "Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of Harbour Street, at the distance of Twenty (20.0') feet; measured easterly thereon, from the south-east angle of Lot 1042, as shown on Registered Plan No. 7; Thence westerly, along the northerly limit of Harbour Street, adistance of One hundred and thirty4lve (135.0') feet; Thence southerly, and parallel to the east- erly limit of said -Lot 1042, a distance of Two (2.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the north- erly limit of Harbour Street, a dis- tance of Twentyefive (25.0') feet; Thence southerly, and parallel to the easterly' limit of Lot 1042, a distance of Five (5.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the north- erly limit of Harbour Street, a distance of Thirteen and five - tenths (13.5') feet; Thence norther- ly, and parallel to the easterly limit of said Lot 1042, a distance of 'Five (5.0') feet; Thence easterly, and parallel to the northerly limit of Harbour Street, a distance of Ninety-six and five -tenths (96.5') Order Shell furnace oil and' tove oil from Edward Fuels, tank ruck "dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf- Picture 39tf-Picture framing. We are now equipped to do picture framing. Good selection of mouldings. Mac- Laren's Studio (at Clinton Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). -51tf Call at Johnnie's Place on Nel- son street, known as the "Broad- way of Goderich." We have a couple of baby carriages like new, also a bunk -bed in good condition. 7x Wallpaper sale—special lc sale at Henderson's, and also a many room lots. Sale ends February 28. -7-8 EE -ROOM. APARTMENT THREE-ROOM three-piece bath. Apply IVAN LOUZON, East street. 4tf FOUR -ROOM, APARTMENT, oil heated, private kitchen and washroom. Available at once. Phone 288. ' -4-5 FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, UN: FURNISHED, down stairs, one block from Square. Mailable now. Phone 328. - -4tf APARTMENT , CLOSE T O Squa°re.- Immediate possession. Telephone 282. -40t1 A PAVEMENT, THREE ROOMS, -ground floor,self-con.taingd, hot and cold water, newly decorat- ed, reasonable rent. Apply 167 Cambridge street, phone 1193W. 7-9x 12. Tenders Wanted "TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED on or before March 1 for the purchase of 'a 1952 Mercury ',6 -ton pick-up truck; also 1 West Test Set and a Weston Model 697 Volt- Ohm-Milliameter; 2 sets of Buffalo grips for pulling wire and 2 sets. of •l•ineman's spurs and belts.' Any of the 'above items may be' tend- ered for separately. For inspec- tion of same contact any one of the Commissioners, John Watson, Clarence Sturdy or Edgar Rath- weIl. Address tenders to CHAS. E. WISE, Secretary -treasurer, Goderich Township Municipal Telephone System. -6-7 THREE STANDARD REMING- TON typewriters 1954 models, to rent. GobERICI4 BUSINESS COLLEGE, phone 428W. -7 '►S`AaaISiE•itT..IS , BUSINESS FOR' '' :rent, mall garage with a fully egitipped, ' profitable, specialized work. Located on highway in east end a G•oderi:oh. Write BOX 198, -7tt • 3 HM OR .1.11 >r 3 N1M-I '` t'� Wirt an 'hinge) 4 bedgbohas 'up- stei s, Irvin> rontxli.„ •dizl n ; r'oo `arid Welter),do n, net hot as iu'a!"nb:aee.T e gettab1 rent. -Write 1,, , (I It rl • 13. Personal FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used Gars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street,4t Goderich. F`XPERT FURNITURE REPAIR, REMODELING, REFINISHING. PHONE 892W, GODE'RICH. 4-7x IaIA1fOS AND ORGANS TUNED and repaired. J. C.- BLACK - STONE, Piano Tuner. Phone 131, 4-7x CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" NEOPOLITAN CAKES -50c each A three -layer cake with Raspberry Filling and Butter Creme Icing. HOT CROSS BUNS -35c doz. Every day until Easter. APPLE PIES -45c each. Made with fresh Spy Apples. CREAM PUFFS AND CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS -2 for 15c WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY AND BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY 1 For quick results—try a classified ad in The Signal -Star WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION, "Where Better"Bulls are used:" Artificial Insemination service for^ -all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation ' phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and" 10.00 a.m,, on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. -6tf CARPENTRY WORK OF ATeL KINDS • Kitchens remodelled, 'built-in cup- boards, etc., hardwood or tile floors laid, also plumbing, bathrooms in- stalled at low cost. Epps pumps. sold and installed. FRANK' Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Carlow 1108. "7-9x NURSING HOME, PLEASANT surroundings at 53 North street. Operated by Registered Nurse. Properly balanced home -cooked meals—„tray service. Phone 1593. -45t1 HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP, VIM? Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets revitalize iron -deficient hod'; increase vigor. -- "Get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. • -7 15. Cards of Thanks OBITUARY' MRS. J. J. MERNER 'Claire Edith Graham, widow of J. J. Merrier, at one time ''M.P. for South Huron, and a resident of Seaforth, died, on February 8,' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Atkinson, Norwood. She was -a daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Ed. Graham, who years ago conducted a store on East street in Goderich. She is survived by four 'daughters and three sons. ;Burial took pace at Windsor. J. R. MEGAW A former prominent resident of Goderich, Robert James Megaw, of 3866 West 13t1r avenue, Vancou- ver, died on January 29, in his. 93rd year. He is survived by his wife, the former Alice Addison ,of Gode- rich; two sons, Frank,, of Van- couver, and Bert, of Midland, 0n't.; a daughter, , Mrs. D. ••A.. Yeomans, of Vancouver, and two grand- children. It was ove'r,fifty yearsago that Mr. Megaw- and his brother Alex., who 'had been away from their home town for some years, return- ed to Goderich and reeapened and renovated the flour mill at the harbor, known locally as the Big Mill. Later they joined with Western milling interests in estab- •lishing the Lake Huron and Mani- toba Milling ,Co., which with fur- ther extension became the Western Canada Flour Mills and still later the Purity Flour Mills. •'The Megaw brothers had dropped out of the management, R. J. remain- ing here as superintendent of the local mill until retiring and mov- ing to Vancouver. His brother died years ago. R. J. Megaw was a member of. Maitland Lodge No. 33, A.,F. & A.M., Goderich, . also of Victory Masonic Lodge and other 'Qrganiz- ations at Vancouver, and of Scot- tish Rite, Rose Croix, London, Ont. The funeral took •place at Van- couver on February 2, with a ser- , vice conducted by Rev. H. Parker and interment in the Masonic cemetery, Burnaby. ;IR. JOHN H. TREBLE Ali family are grateful to the neighbors and friends who exten f- ed their sympathy in so M'ari's Ways during the illness' and subsequent death of Mrs. Treble. They would thank talso those who sent 'flt areiis; cards of sympathy or loaned cats for` the funeral. WISE. Me0ALLU1VI, S+I I F Mrs. J, Rabin, Wigs press her thanks to all he's, i riends an Goderieh fat'"their grout. Via' 'd-• nen to her, during her. Stay, he 'e,.. e; sad news of the death oti y daughter ecessitatetl„ 'siieetly return to Soathind.: - 7W ac For anyone who needl a hearing 'aid. It provides a facility that makes life more worthwhile It's fine to hear them say- • ITr �,'S WONDERFUL TO Yes, that's right! Acousticon, facturer"of electrical hearing aid for folks like me -- who can't afford a higher priced aid. And den I thankful, One- piece, small, and lightweight, foo-thi aid is wonderful for me.e Why"don't you . drop,, in, or write to The Acocsticoq• people lust like '1 did ar ;phone ,. Dleby 4-8108 OW Hear y gain --and my brand new Acoustiran Cost me only $6950 the world's first and oldest Menu - aids, now makes a papular -priced �rw waiwwraairiwr'Iwriwilrswrwerewer,� " �AarOUSTICLN, ' a i15'2 Victoria •street, . ' • Sarnia.. .:,. 'ai. 111 I Please Send Information N • •• I S�TAME 1 ' 1. n r�azr-ss• .,4 • i , 9. Jri Y. . . lrwrw�ewwfw«r+�wrtirwui�wlw+.w�ww�►w•eiw� Obit Alt,AB ` oti.iIl xlltifi J Compare these typically low A&P Prices . ON MANY ITEMS EVERYDAY ! Special! _..r... Jane Parker FIE BLUEBERRY . PIE -each 5 5 C Reg. Price SAVE 4o ifiPENiair BAGS ..PANCAKE FLOUR COR143YRUP SYRUP PEA SCUP SHREDDIES ZONA PEAS box of 90 8 5 c 9 ' 20 -oz pkg 1 9c 2 -Ib tin'28c 16 -oz btl 2,3c 2 28 -oz tins 2.9c 28.0z pkgs 31c 2 20 -oz tins 31c NEW LOW PRICE! 8 OCLOCK COFFEE 89c �16bag 2.b1 Jane Parker, Daily .Dated WHITE BREAD Heinz, Gerber's Pablum (All Varieties) BABY CEREAL Choice Red Pitted A&P CHERRIES - Produce Specials ! California No. 1 Navel—Finest for Eating ORANGES Ontario No. 1 Hot House Strawberry Red RHUBARB Prices .,• effective until Saturday Feb. 19th 24 -oz loaf 1 5c 8 -oz pkg 19c 1.5 -oz tin 19C 5 -Ib cello bag 9c lb 1,9c THE GREAT AZLANYIC & PACIFIC TG COMPANY 1.10 Ytt ,r: