HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 13•
TIGER AND HAND OAR. tainly lessened already. I took aim as well 1 A Book Agent's Revenge.
as I could and firea one chamber of my
A Thrilling Experience Or 11.fra In India. revolver. The only effect produced was a , -....eteen5reelyraare:iehile I was canvassing in
i I carnet° a large, fine farm
Long immunity from harm is apt to make dismal roar. I dhl not to another shot, int
men careless and indifferent, blinding thhouse. I walked up and gave the door bell a!em for I remembered that I would probably vigorous. pull, The door was opened by a
to dangers that others can readily perceive, have need of the remaining chamber for use young girl as fresh and pretty to look at as a
and the tale that I am going to relate pre- at close quarters. The sensations exper- new Wawa rose. I bowed with the easy I
sents a forcible illustration of this truth. ienced as the trolly gradually lessened its • gracefulness of an accomplished book agent,
Since the construction of the Dacca. -My- speed were horrible. For the space of five an art attained by long and constant praence,
mensing Railway, a space of two years or minutes I suffered torments as actual and and greeted her with my most bewitching
more, 1 had been permanent wayInspector real as though the brute really had me in smile. She kindly invited me into the par -
of a certain division, ten mi
iles n length, his jaws. 1 was bowling over the level lor, while her two eyes beamed upon me like
that lay about midway on the line, the total track now and the tiger was closing in on rays of light shining through the windows
extent of which was seventy miles. lads the homestretch. I of heaven.
division began on the vergeof the vast 'Made -
A minute or tie: more and the. he seated herself upon the sofa, and L
race wouhis
be ended, for I knew that my revolver was, 1 lah(iiryiknuu‘23,0iuritt mhyeapr t /slms= taoofit r
pur forest, and lay cOmpletely M the midst
of a dense, tangled jungle, which
Nvas in_ about as useless as a pap.gun,
habited by but few people, and on the other , Hardly conscious of what 1 waseaorninite .... i seat by her side. For one short, happy hour
hand was infested with bears, tigers, pamh., turned and emptied the remoinine '' I I telked with that fair. young maiden, when
ors, and hoe -deer
at thetig
0 • I er asfast as I could pull thetrigger, i rust as we were beginneug to get somewhat
I never was much of aeportsma,n, arid per.' °ea or more of the shots nmst have struck e
f oviff and confidential, the door opened and
haps this explains how I fell iuto the careless him, for he stopped' short with a fiendish ea. raw-boned, big-foeted young
habit of going an iny inspections unarmed. I roar, and then came an more furiously than ' - six -loot,
1 farmer entered. He started at us in blank
made the round trip three times a week on a . ever. I amazement for a moment and then ejaeulat-
trolly, which is merely a high seat on wheels, I I hurled the empty revolver at him an 1 „A ,
and is pushed along the track by she trolly then settled back on the, seat in despair. I i — •
1 (.,.
men, who tars usually fleet -footed athletic could hear the soft patter of the cushioned 4a1what in thunder are you doing withthat young-1:reat tecott! It's a book agent !"
natives. A 1 feet on the ties, the hot breath seemed to be , he ended abruptly, catching sight of ray
It was .i very eomfortable mode of travel- scorching my d then y neck, anen a gun shot was i prospectus.
ing if a little slow ; for the seat is provided fired almost beside my ear and 1 caught a •
1 " u, .1 said, rising and politely bowing,
with a soft back -rest, and one can stretch brief glimpse of awhite helmet and a smok- : "I have the honor of introducing to you a I
out at ease with a sun umbrella and a ,good. ingritle 1)111 -1 'tumbled off mytoilly some- 4
cigar. . how, ail there lay my late,pursuer breath- 1 w ti, r, Is; .And
. v,
he broke in, starting for me,
e a par
Occasionally I saw deer run across the ing his life out across the rails. I "have the 011. 4. of kicking you outof my
track, and oncether,gave a brief gliumse 1 My thnely rescuer was not Colonel Dan- house. Youlittle red -beaded"—
of himself as he dove into thejungle. Tigers vas, as I supposedAhut the resident engineer I did not wait to hear more, but catching
I knew there were, of course, for I frequent- teens Deem, wile was spending a week's fur- ' sight of the size of his boots, I grabbed My
ly sass their -tracks in the soft ditch that ran lough in the jungle. My firing had attracted . bet and started. :Just as 'rewired the door
elong.side the raihvay cutting. 1 his attention, and Ile hada:rived. just in time, his foot caught me like a cyclone, and, help -
Tile rainy eeason whieh beeints in the lat-1 lie accompained me back to the station on
_ n teeva 1 ingdme over six Meps, landed use in the
'ter mut of Februat7 alwaeer %axe me extra,
trips on the division; the young trees Nwere "e
ni promptly dismissed from the service,
recreant MIldwe Pershat aud June„, met of it thc°11 ose
evolit. and I was compelled eio make daily 7, , ben I crawled out of that bush I was as
the trolly, for I was completelT u
mad a piece of humanity to the square inch
ant to loosen, at the root and topple over on and I picked out two others, who stoutly as ever existed ; but I smothered the raging
tfw tracks, and sometimes the eerthen bmilis affirmed that they bad no fear whatever of voleano within, arose and bowed politely.
would sink into the treacherous soil of the tiger4.'
juegle. i Ever afterward, however, a loaded rifle 1 " Medal, t " 1 sa"(
who was stlandiug stepttlahtemlgirnii
1(1'. tititeirgooll
One damp, sultry mornine I hall
es jest lay on the seat beside me, awl I kept a. sharp at me, "I beg your pardon for my hasty
started from the station and my trolly men, watch ahead for tigers on the triwk. I exit. Necessity compelled me to leave your
Pershad anti Jung, were bowling me along at 1 1 sweet presence a trine mare suddenly than
vommarlant of the cantonment at liiiennens.
a, gentle rate of speed, when Colonel Danvers, I
ing,stepped on the tra. ek just ahead of me,
I I,n London at the present time an effort is
Ladies Undertaking Service. either peliteuess or iodination inclined me
1 to ; but in the near future I shall do myself
th , ' • *
Q hotter to cell agein "
with his gun on. Ilia shoulder and. a couple of being made in certain quarters to ernploy ' As for you, sir, ' I said, addressing the
native beaters at his heels. i lathes for house servantseeby that it is farmer, " we two shall meet again."
"My dear fellow," sold the C'olonel, as meant the daughters of poverty-stricken "Let me catch your red head shining in
profeesioual men. The experiment is thus my
„ ee my yard again and I will kick you all over
soon as the first greeting was over, "you spoken of by one who hass made it the farm," was the sweet good -by of the
: A
surely dou't make your inspection trips tun '
armed .1" has been entirely successful and my servants _horny -handed son of toil.
Pulling a smell revolver from my poeket I are now always ladies. I have ane, a house- That alght I lay awake all night meds
replied, laughitigly: "Tieets all I carry maid, a charming girl, who is the daughter toting a dire and awful revenge, and by
! of a medical mau and all of whose relatives morning I had uty plans all made.
Colonel, autl I have never had use for tat
even." i are professional men ; alto does her work as I had a piece of thick sheet iron made :to
ressive thoroughly and a$ well as any ordinary that it fitted snugand cozy like to that part
The Colonel uttered a long, exp
whistle. . servant could he expected to do it. 1 do of ray anatomy Whieb got kieked, then I
not find that, after the glamour of novelty
"It's madness," he eald. "You'll repent reured six CalliCed of dynamite and fastened
it mime day, take my word for that," and has worn off, the lady servants tire of mem- carefully in an oil -lined silk bag about
with this parting shoe he vanished lute the a work. If they are real ladies rand it is, sex inches equtire, 'fluis I sewed on the in -
forest and I 4rantinued on my way. i of course, only in yaws where they are that side of the seat of my second bestI
It hall rained heavily the night. before, IretheY• "1/1 suetve4) they will know that — pants anI
my maculae of vengeance was complete.
I work cannot lower them Of mune
and for a while frequent stops were made to nmeh0,--seles possible, e '' ,,-, , S ' els I walked up to the door I saw the far.
trY„ to iv°"" giving mer drop his fork and take a bee line from.
clear &Way the limbs which the storin had them s :-11 11e: -,i; "' ,
blown onto the track at some points in gmat .. o:ta .e ,. 4 erty work. tor example, the hey -field to the house. The e r g1
1 1 to avoid herubbing, I have the floors answer 1 tl - f tl 1 1 41ne '1r
probe:ion. Tide oecupied considerable time, ' in artier el.
and it was toward noon when we approaelted wiping.it great many arrangementsean be " le mig e lileFsIlieeeils14:
coveret with a materiM whit+ only requires seemed .
but wittlearYZel.litiliarPorrisi
the venter tif the division. The Colonel's
nude in this way to make lionetwork le ei
s' winsome aillik, on herI'sheagaininvited
evortis had somehow left an impreesien on my . ' . lips
hard and unpleasant, raid if we, the nits -
mind whiell I tried in vain to shake off, . me into the narlor.
treeses, would only spend a little mom - ai t
though what there was to fear I hardly knew'there . . te settee( herself on 1 he eofa, and with a
: houelit on these metiers I am sure
myself. I always carried the pistol with me I t. r 1 % eblush invited me to do the same. I did n
; a ou il ie fewer complaints from and about dare to sit down, but I bent forward,so epts
not from fear of Wild beasts but because the' servants. At the same time, I always Meist to give the farmer a .good opporttitfor' a
few 1 intim who inhabited parte of the for..;
very strongly on m - servantsf I II
est not above suspicion. We had just • ,v 1 they . 5 . t1 -11 --mg square kick, seized her hand and bad hat
grade, which circled round a bend some, to a et:
stria lie commencement of a rather heavy; iite.rlre ( leltes.,,vet I
t, els, .o i itfek my shoes they here
N WIC undertaken to_ perform. lbocog again, though
tpti 04: out ni zit et rs ist,passionately uso ytu(ii II t 4i, tf1nIu tattiesteet
ol , am do it regularly and well. Lut
twenty yards ahead autl then swept on in a' 1 •
heavens slatild foll—"
t na does not prevent me from letving them
8traight line for a distance of a 81110 and a' •
in my drawing -room after dinner and play- I When—well, the heavens did not fall, but
half.-- 1 lug a game of whist or any other gam
e with the
farmer's font did square and fair upon
We were going pretty rapidly, and I than. Their lives are, even under the that dynamite bag. Great Scott ! who
could. hear the quick, heavy breathing of the most favorable circumstances, rather inono- would have thought ix ounces of dynantite Just publiehed, a new edition at Dr. Paver!
tonous, and where we can put a little ttolor could create sutra 11. rumpus ! . wars Celebrated Ilesay out h I redical cute of
Hindus bchieul me as the trolly turned the ,e,
extrve. •and brightness therein, why, I think it our ; i drximarosamar, or incapacity Induced by excess or
1 l'va4 in the ant of lighting a cigar when When I picked myself nut of a straw pile early indiscretion.
duty to do so. I find, as a rule, that these ten rods away, into which I had been for- I is admirable essay,
a loud ery from Pershatl caused me to drop „me„t„ The odelebranilterdftwasutthroomr, lanttirt „Are nomara
prefer tt: take their meals together, tmettely thrown and therefore not much ' p°161447,,,eres
the burning match, and wheeling round I separately. and, as they have to cook and hurt, I saw the farmer crawling out of annul the alarming conformances of self.
saw the two rascally Hindus making off as atm* Islay be radicelly cured; pointing out a mode
servo the meals, tide is the more convenient puddle in the hog yard some fifteen rods .
fast as their legs would carry them. of oure at once simple certain mad e‘tesetual, by
I arrangement. Otherwise I treat them as DAM I the . 1 hanging the fence
y am le gra onwire'Rarer no metter what his
I stared in amazement fora second. or two,means ot whicb every ati ,
and then turned and looked down the rail.:
abuse this treatment."ovaradlytiLndroragtarty cure himself cheaply, pd.
equals, tuul I have not found out that they 1 in the back yard,
way. That one brief glimpse stood my hair i 'rtte et .,,, d servant has al. He i„ea are "I bet that farmer don't kiek another
on end, for sprawled lazily on the traels all the way from 860 to 8125 per annum, ioolt agent, mutteiet as cleat:. out.— sar Tbie lecture elm d be In the halide of every
tBurlington Hawkeye.
barely fifty yards away lay a monstrous teg-, eudtheomeaoy
erprovidesherfindings. There
ress fondling two cubs that were sporting is said to be a great demand for English
between the rails, and beside her q°°11t11°servants in America, employers stipulating Sunday Clara Playing.
father of the family sweeping his big tad to that the girl shall continue to wear her Cal. Not very long ago the majority of good
and fro, and calmly watching my approach. 1 The average Englishservant is not in America, Christians in this country looked upon card
Just there the trolly struck a steeper part; very long before she learns to roved the cap playing as sinful in itsell. It was .classed
of the grade, and away it went with a rush. 1
1 as a mark of servitude, and in due time she with theater going and other crimes of
The sensations of that moment were indes- becomes as cranky and despotic as others of like magnitude. But, to -day good church-
I grasped the brake wildly and threw all
my strength against it. For one brief sec-
ond the speed slackened perceptibly. Then
came a quick, sharp cmck, and oft he went Statistics prove that the people ot the feature is eliminated. Nevertheless, it must
again at such a die.' zy speed that the tangled Umted. States use more soap per capita than shook them tolearn that in Germany card
foliage of the jungle shot past him like a, any other people on earth. For every hun- . playin,g is a favorite Sunday pastime, even
wavy green curtain. tired pounds used by aur neighbors Italy uses in the devoutest households. Nay, it is even
Tae brake had given way. The thought thirty-seveie Spain forty, Bulgaria thirty- ; told there how a venerable clergyman re -
of jumping off never occurred to me. I Inme five, Sweden seventy, France eighty-five, proved his boys for playing. cards on a week
to the seat in helpless terror, my gaze fixea England .eighty --five, Glermany eighty-three . day, since they certainly -had more useful
with a resistless fascination on the group of and Mepeo twenty-seven, In toilet soaps work to do then, while they had all Sunday
tieers ahead. They were terribly close now, 1 nary oer na, the United. States uses double the quantity of for enjoying themselves.
Indeed, the Ptuitan Sabbath has never
found favor m the barthplace of the Re-
formation, and the Protestants rely on
Luther's authority for the right to reason -
bounded into the air. "You are like Joshua," remarked Mrs. able enjoyment. Further they urge that
I have a very faint recollection of seeing Snodgrass to her daughter, as young Dolley the Puritan Sabbath 15 an innovation even
the tigress walk leisurely off the track at, uncovered and remained standing while she ,
"Whist -
the last moment, followed by one of her passed. in England, and Reinhardt, in his scores, cies John Evelyn and Hayward to
"Why, mamma ?" prove that in the seventeenth century, and
" The son stands still for you." even later, clergymen used to meet of a
Sunday evening for a quiet game of evhist.
Her Husband Wasn't In. He also makes the startling statement that
"Husband in ?" asked the gas collector, in the middle ages laws were enacted in
France forbidding card playing on working
"No," answered the woman, "he isn't at (lays.
Indian Pale 41 e and XXXBrown Stout
Highest awaras ant Medals for Purity and Excel
tenets at Centennial inxhibitiou, adelphia,
1876; Canada. 1876 ; Australia„ 1877; and
Paris, Fmece, 1878.
Prof, if II Croft. Public Analyst, Toronto, sayst—"t ilnd it
to bo perfectly sound containing no impurities or zdadter-
Waits, and can strongly recommend It as perfectly para.:v.14
a very superior meat liquor,"
Johnildwa,roo, Professor of Chomiatry. Montreal, says:
"1 findthem to be remarkably sound aloe, brewed Junin
Pure melt and hops.
Rev. P. J. ltd. Ptege,Prolessor of Chemistry, Laval Un,ver
sity, Quebeci.says s—“I have analyzed the Indian Ptue,',Ale
manufactured b y John Labatt, London, Ontario, and P, awe
fond it a lightele, isoutaining but little alcohol, a of u0li-
e/oug fig,yog. and of a "Jars, agreeable taste and superior
quality. and compares with the best imported ales. I have
silo analysed the Portor XXX Stout, of the same brewery.
which is of oacellerre quanta;Sla
its yer is very agreeable;
it is a tonic more energetio than the above 2,1e, for it is a
little richer In alcohol, and can be compared advautaeo-
mealy With any imported artio111510110.ASK. TOUR %ROVER FOR IT.
eintzman& Co
Grand, Square Upright
The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion
Save* Thousand Pianos Nov in Use.
The Heintaman Pianos ire noted foi
Their Full,.Rielk, Pure Singing Tone,
Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch,
Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced See&
The Whole Composed of tie Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship
Send For Illustrated Catalogue.
Factory :-West Toronto Julloti*Warerooms and Office,
1 17 Kng-St.
How Lost, How Restored
her own class in the free -and -equal country. men have no scruple in taking a hand at
whist or euchre, or even a,t a friendly game
The Cleanest People. of poker, Le. a game in which the gambling
and I closed m.y eyes with a shudder as I re-
membered what would happen when the
trolly struck that great tawny brute and The Young Man Bowed.
I remember the big tiger, too, crouching
in the ditch with his great red tongue lolling
out, and then, as the trolly bounced and
grated over some obstacle, andmy ears were
deafened by a most fearful snarling, I
knew that I had run over one of the cubs.
The jolting was over m an mstant, and the , „
trolly, withoutleaving the rails, swept on
down the the grade at a terrific rate of speed. "Expecting him soon ?" asked the collect -
There was one tiger less in the Madapur For- or
est, I knew, for, glancing down at the foot- "Well," the woman replied, thoughtfully.
,board, I sew spattered drops of blood. "I don't know exactly; I've been lookin1
vaesS All of a sudden I heard, above the dizzy for him seventeen years and he hasn't turned
' -.bum of the wheels, a most terrific mar, and, up yet. You travel about a good deal and
earning instantly around, I was startled to if you see a men who looks as though he'd
see the big tiger bounding over the rails in
make a pretty good husband, tell him I'm
hot pursuit. still awaitin' and send him along."
At every jump he roared, and my first im-
pression was that he would overtake the
trolly in about one minute. Rememberin
Dramm.ers' erienoes,
Write Them in English.
A New York druggist struck a true
note when he remarked that there is no
good reason why doctors' prescriptions
should not be written nowadays in plain
English, so that everybody could read and
un erstand them. There is absolutely no
necessity that requires prescriptions to be
still written in a language that even a well
educated man is not now supposedtoknow."
The Latin of the pharmacies is about as
much like the Latin of Cicero and Horace
First Drummer—"On the C. P. R. railroad as it is like Portuguese and the technical
my revolver I took it from my pocket anc a few days ago a locomotive lost its smoke- tsvaddle is no longer of' use to anybody ex -
cocked it. Another glance made it apparent stack in a collision. Well, sir, they just stuck cept quacks who like to prescribe saccharum
that the tiger was not gaining any, and as a barrel over the hole and. went right along and aqua pun, to a lot of hypochondriacs
the trolly was now on the very steepest part as if nothing had happened." whose woes would vanish if they knew they
. of the grade, I felt pretty confident that I I
Secoud Drummer—"That reminds me of were taking sugar and water from a tea -
would ultimately leave him behind.
m accident that happened to a train I was ! spoon. There would be fewer mistakes in
For the next quarter of a mile I actually on recently. The engme. jumped the track the compounding of prescriptions if dru s
did gain,. a,ncl then, as I began to draw near and was smashed all to flinders; but in five were called by their English names. • e
the foot of the grade, the situation assumed minutes we were moving along towatcl the have got rid of the Latin as a language for
a very ticklish phase, for, astonishing to . next station, where we arrived only a little ' other sores of learning, a,nd medicine will
relate, my vindictive pursuer showed no late." harbor fewer imposters when patients know
what they are swallowing by order of phy-
One Way of Reasoning.
Man so-called diseases are simply symptoms of
" Ma, I've an idea that some of the folks eaareK: „ a
eh s headache, partial daaMess, losing
in this graveyardof smell, foul breathhawking anti spitting,
haven't gone to heaven." . sumo -
" You don't say 1 What makes you think muqe.s, general fooling of del; Iny, ete. If you are
they haven't ?" itroleal with any of these or kindred symptoms, you
have Catarrh, and should lose no time In procnrYng
" Because I read it on the tombstones." ' g bottle of HAW., BALM. Be warned in '
" No 1" pogistmed cold in head results in Catarrh,. follow
ever SO many, --'Peace to his ashes.' Now, , 10 (50 cents and tiloo) by atdressing
"Yes, I did, though. It was carved on lietr.
consumption and death. NASAL. BALM Is sold by
reels* or win be sent, post paid, on receipt of
signs of giving up the race. He was bound-
ing gracefully over the ties, thirty and forty
yards behind, without, the faintest trace of
weariness. Of course, if I could keep up
the present rete of speed I would be all
right, but just there was the rub. The
bottom of the grade was close at hand, and
then came level track. The momentum I What's been the matter ?'
"I've been making my speech for the de -
had gathered would of course carry me a
mile further, but somewhere in the space of fense for three days now ; and, tired or not,
I'll have to go right along with it to -morrow,.
that mile I would be over -taken by the
tiger. The cold chills ran over me at the and perhaps the next clay."
"Can't you cut it short 1"
"Humph! How could that be?"
"We got out and walked."
A Hard Week's Work.
Great Lawyer—"I am tired to death."
Sympathetic Wife—"You look tired.
umg .
I stole another glance at my pursaer. "Not until the jury have had time to for- there ain't any ashes 'cept where it's very , WORD & CO., BreocvatE, Ooti
get the evidence against. my client." hot, is there, ma ?"--Idippincotee Magcvane. g fiin ill in
Horror 1 The distance between us had cer- la. CWAr0 0 01 tit Ona ar name.
ythith end every Duni theism&
'gent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
inks, post-paid, on receipt ot four cents, or two
pintas° stamps. Samples of If/lib:sine tree. Address
41 Ann Street New York
Past Office Box 450 dfSC-ly
selves of Wtorting
VitalitY, • Lost ItsTsrshrod, from youthfui
errors, eta., ciniotly at home. Book on all
private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly
reliable. Over SO years' experience. Address--
0=ED =AL CO., 'TORONTO, Canada.
our "Relief for Women" le safe and always
reliable; better than Ergot, Oxide, Tansy
or Pennyroyal Pills. Insarea xegalarity.
Bond for particulars. Address
LD111) 2I -L7.. CO., TORONTO, Canada.
BEARDS FORCED= smoothest races, hair
on bat oat heads. in 80 to 00 days. Magic. Latest and
greatest achievement of modern science 1 Bloat won-
derful disoovery of tho age. 1,114 no other preparation!
Marron!, sure. almost instantaneous in SOZ101, I Boys with
whistlers I Bald heads "hairod I" Curious spectacles, but
boultivo truths. Orly genuine article In market, and certain
to give absolute ratisfaation. Goarantsed. Price 81 a bottle.
or throe bottles for 82. Each bottle lasts ono month. Address
A. DIXON, Box 805, TORONTO, 011iADA.
DUPERFLUOUS HAIR A RaPrraPansuaratilth_r_aetml
tincyrItt0us hair without injury to sneinasta, %ermine&
pit4LES AND BLACKHEADS 11 arreTutenvT3 idtg
rrom 10 t080claya.Vorrimted. Pricefor 80 days tnetment, $1.
NCE PILLS Re.r.i..,"..-F.43g13?
point is a matter o o4114iludc, whether beam" 41. 80 uquorn
fortable or nri Sortable—EAT romis using Ar
VOEPULENCE P 5" lose 11 tba s month. They cane,
no' eloknees ; contain 00 poison, and never fall. Price for ono
Mon treatment, $9; or throe months Media:me. 56.
Bicaelt thp INC. develop the form. Harmless. Permanent
18 Olga. Warranted. Price $1 s box. or six boxes for es.
address MADELEstli cirovasexcarrx,
29O Ring Street sweet Ton:onto. Olt,
,,e), ,, ei b , 0,$' %t)- cl• al' \e,.
4 i' `'.,.9ezi'' 4‘.%Vv,.4" 'I.
4Sta.. ,, e•L NO 0' 11' - ee4o 0 .,ec
4s, s% "koi. of e 4v.seese.: 00;*a.ee ,,e$ea, .s
CF '`,. y„,... e,
.S' ,c‘b
.0 9?)* SC" .,,e, 1. . .. 4,• rai,KA tr Z,..CY
e.,..*.q • o , de!'
.t. ..e,•g
,os). 6c ,>\
.cefa IP 0 •;ct'41.4,0-
o• ..T. 0 it,
* e Pi
MartUfacturecl only by Thomas Holloway, 7S, Now Oazford Street,
late t133, Oxf.mdSirc.ot, London.
rff' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Ilomos and Pots:,
the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are
Exeter Lumber ard.
The Undersigued wishes to informhe public itt general that 11,3 keeps
—coristantly in stock—
A large stock of Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding
dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Blinds,Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c.
SINGLES A SPECIALTY. —Competition challenged. The best and the
largest stock, and atbrbehrstorpordigcashiy. sSellisionageleasaA1.
for use. No shrIrika
assured. A call will bear out the above.
A certain and apeedv cure for
Cold in the Head and Catarrh
in all its stages.
Instant Relief, Pormartont Cure,
Failure Impossible.
Hay Township Farmers' Mut-
ual Fire Insurance Co.
Live Stook also insured, When in the fields,
or on the road in charge of owner, ar servants
alsomanufaeturer of the ImProVed Surprise,
Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent far
Tomb Stones and the Watson ,Implements.
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liar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, viddifitstreelling sueeesitior
tnovinge ratirm. eree guarantee what we aftertise. 'Write ISROWBS
ESEOTIBLZINCS, Narserynuesl, Toronto, Ont. (Th10 house tfreliabtal.