HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 12ElY COUGIT aa.N a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pec korai will relieve you ? Try it. Ireep it in the house. Yon are liable to have a cough at any timeaud no °thee reree'"ly is so effective as this world-, renewned prepare - ion. No household, with young elaildreni sheuld he without it. Soree of lives are saved every year by its tiaoely use. Amanda B. Jenne; Northampton, liass., writes " Common gratitude ins - lads me to ackelowledge the great beuee Wei I have derived for ray ehildren from the use of Ayes most excellent Cherry Bectoral. I had lost two dear children, from erenp and consumption, and had the gyee-test fear of losing my only re- maining daughter and on as they were delicate, 1apy 1 and that by giving 'them Aye' s Cherry Pectoral, on the ar,st seentiptonas of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved Irene danger. and are be - :coming robest, healthy children." 4lIzt the winter of 18a5 I to a bad cod whieh, in spite a every known, -remedy, grew worse, so that the fetidly physienua considered nee ineurabie, sup. POSAng 1i0 to be in e.easuraptn last resort 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Peetos zal, and, in a sbert time, the cure waa icomplete. Wawa then J. have never been 'without this medicine. I= rifts years .of age, wcigh over ISO poundsawl ata -tribute my gsoa healtb to the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."-sOs'W.Yiniker, .7g. J. "Last winter I contracted a eevere cold, which by repeated exposure, be- came quite obstinate. 1 was nn1011 with hoarseness anti brouolidal irritation. After trying various metils vino. without react. 1 at last puroltased *bottle of Ayes elierr,y Pectoral, On talkiugtds meiliciue, my cough ceased almost irmnscliately, and 1 have been well ever sinee."--Rev. Thos. B. Russell, Becretary Holston Conference arid P. E. cf the Greenville Pistrict, M. E.. C., • Joneaboro, Tenn, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, woman= WE Dr, J. 0. Ayer le Co., Lowell, Men. sou Top an Drags:in. re:cent; temeneal. e completion of the disarmament of Coblenz, AGRICULTURAL, qualifieation; a flock of good. medium siZed, the long run, anti do not let size be the only I LATE FOREIGN NEWS The Gorman Emperor has just ordered the fd md t ormerlyone of the stroiagest fortresses in aquae bodiewell birds a ature the emipre. Chenoes in the methods and Few, realize how dependent we are for our Thanksgiving thne is what you want Depression in Diamond, Cutting, implemente of war, aa well as in the strategi- P - . Two "dump, ten -pound turkeys will fruit crop u on the ininietratiwas of bees d I US et . T tr fr ts ar ot ler e s h ee m e es- bring more money at that ti tit cal situation in Germany, reduced it to a 'all influenced b the visits of inse me an AN EIFFEL TOWEE FOR, GR -of (INT fortress of the third class ten years, or snore Peet Y hose s ' It • et s I o s, all unawares, to this_ one lean, lank fellow that weighs twenty ".ago, and its disarmament ha,s been contem- pounds. I do not strive to get size ht nay plated by the German military authoritiee trlbele thePellee* 'The ape, or illeteuee' breeders, either male or femele., We do surrounding this for the reasoo that the eggs of the larg- Persecution of ,,Tews 'Vienna. ever since. has Ave beautiful plots yetals last will and testament, 5,000Years olds the Yenew P A es hens are not as a, rule ae lerea,e as those TES PROMO ollexabearm ing stamens in the t DI$ADaklaBliT R PRIAM, was. found recently in Egypt, Thetestatore Sekiah, executed it With his own hand lo fevor elide own brother, a priest of Osiris. ceutre. Each of these blossoms as ve frorn fair to good aized 'birds, an it is pretty oeictiesrualliesziormaeniltd hthat for active vitality 66 I ESTIONt tslitiegrenoarse' and "Abtsttilgielnparoisper•tliniteeettehcieltviiitlyll o • ,va e male reuse not be too cinch tigheaugiu Belgium. The property &simed of la the will was to Iteetaries are filled with nectar, when the iTree., oo at the brother's death to soder, flower is prepared to receive the pollen geabie ti nicsu 'near° is a y .1 of feed as relates "aaughter, who the ioterna evidence °Orem' the dusty bees as they ere flittiog to size lea y weights. I have taken the the mule ega iteent.. only, own, eo-m—mo:r tutatey and made them weigh um. n shows, ia e t1`4111°11g The nrivate theatre whiela Patti has ham the doe at Crairg-y-Noa will be 1 meet nnouy one ea opened next autumn right as a man to own and administer and crazy e's4 1°1 t le ° twent -five ousels in two ears 1,Vith by Irymg. eeseeriee mous of the wonderful part they are PlaY- pure breeds of turkeys 0., good' weight can be ing ilia still more wonderful nature. Bot made with ordinary care and a small amount there arefive of these stigmas, and without a of feed. Here nes the superiority of the 'Rennet fettilizatien et' each one eePer4telY thoroughbred over the sernb. In picking . . . 4,11apo,..g of property, Paris tikCftitsientignien's sPring suits.Azi Echo, a Berlin weekly, says that Is Wile grat aPPears "cheviots' Bismarek consulted& jewellera isia orttimea vicunas, and worsteds."... as to the In011ey value of thepremous stones to J1 wuaa The submarine beat GouLet the eroeses, medallions, stars, and °tains cases eonstitutes the wholfalls. P a I rinopposite; out hens do no let great weight influence trials at Chez -boor+. ent the ealdesof five whieh have been conferred on him with or - buoys, cutting Some of them while at full dors by European sovereigns. His purpose speed. "4s aereet: si=3 -.3 ; . , se was to turn the jewels into ready cash. He Themos noticeable feature of modern told the jeweller that on future state occa- I ia par w r p 1 pp g .1"ernalea, One node is sulheient for a dozen hate dres_sing, as shown at the annual fete of shins he woidd wear r.o orders ex. eept the /of a large class of blossoms in which, the4etealee, an ebines considered, i booze found Goodi el, stotl squar ifertilizatthe °-eilovsnee el:dieasea,k on an apple SViIl ibtakenplaeeifany antap all, buying. bbnuomdyirenegite.;:dakiir hs beet°, up°14.4:eywehteetrbe iei et 1111%.e' etireee (Ito tjie an" Mueh the hairdressers iv, paris, ss soiled o (aliens rion cross and the Star of the Black eagle. tanther and Pistil of the smile liolYec 45' nt.'t i the White Holland turkey the most profit - A Moroeco correspondent of the Pak . 1forstiltai8 says that with a quantity of peror William is in favor is said to be thee merchandise which arrived some time since reinstaiement of the laulee of Cionberland as , at Masagen front Morocco there were eight, Oa*. Gooseberriest currants and raspber- i to 1 k ia,w -s and skunks, Like the wilder vari- l sur le front." Among the many plans of which the Ens - mune a sesame tune, • 'able for the farmer to ram, as they are imposeible, and a cross must ohtiorted hardy, mature early, are docile in disposi- lfrom another blossom of the some sPeeies '*tion not inclined to stray oft' and fall victim Kin s of Hanover boxes consigned to parties who could not he ries are also largely indebted to insect life eties in quality of flesh, they are par excel-, .found. At length the boxes were opened to The great question novo" agitat.ing tue coit ots wonld 'dye any hull, , see ; „ Vatican, according to news sent to esenoon, extent of their owner, They eoutamea the is that of ileelaring the necessity of the tem- headless bodies of sixteen young girls awl a poral power as a dogma of the Church, uegree,e, end also Ow body of a man. Eavh An Eitfel tower ina.y rise in Germany, body was carefully embalmed. The afildr is The liavariau Government proposes to 'WW1 a, puzele, ene uear Starenborg Lake as a monument to Biemartit, d secondarily as An observe. I tory. The Vienna .17Ni, Pr.,sie relates that Bis- marek olive said to a friend who asked him what kind of a nom Gen. von faapriei was: ebe supervision oi the prison division of the i"Ceprisi? Ana he is mitt mart who has a prussiau Ministry of Justice, 14,939 men !harder head than mine." and 2,172 woineu are ern lo -ea by manufttc- tutors under contract wit t t prison author. ities. Their average daily wages were about utile cents each. new in the line of strikes is The last prison statisties of Prussia show that in the year 18.S8-I8S9 39,700 Prussien prisoners worked, all together, 11,900,000 days for wages of ten cents each per day. Of the 21,431 MCA and 3,5:i6 Women noder We w113;titVeie,4 reek** PIM 111113 AVOW tewey mei aa. ante AA 4.3ELPtik4. la noire us sot out rse .I.ute what we treat, is twee who 33 On 41 year ittele.eial 41141. he ell 442 letzeleet rig ewt* orauray. pawl 16:331C1.1630 te ..4-,r,40 after Its slaver rgoita ,eithasninia est, uealetstities nIe Oen 466661441A4a. stub Om ostedmeete. wet raw war tu mae. ik4 0,6111144VAI. 611634 664'4. kc'frl tesakaas la the wadi. Aft io No se requirot, Vole, °' who 4 46 gat* OIX .satlialehe* * wo44. elare c satrater J.46433144. Stakes. clp H 1.R, PAIN' EXT ti2,ATIR szr HOUSEHOLD RZMEDY. mammon, Ont. DCAV Sir -1 have used your rid* ExterminAter In DIY foroBY for everything that a family is AP. Meted with. swains Congles,Colds Rheumatism. Sprains and Burns. Toothache, and wherever there is Potts. 1would not lie without It na 1117 house. I an reconuuend It to the world to be a first -daps article,bot h Inter nal arid external Towns. etc.. JAS. tiF.RlitHMAN, Pres.Prohibition Society. Sold by all cfruy,glsts. F. F. DAILEY & CO., Proprietors, Hamilton. At the PrusSian Festival of Orders this year 1,490 medals, crosses, stars, and the like Were given out. Mid Preacher Stook- er, a rabiirJew hater and reactienaire gener- for the fruit they beer, and in the last two ienee as teble fowls and rolifie la, -ers of iumnfderr.feelcof feedrtpilizarettsimaZ alteinn ftohleinalpipptlase Itl gerilerrienigl etger mi. se ma many as "epee to clover. /tbe number of bens kept for breetibig pm'. It has been stated that mules., we have 4 ,Iwutes, 1 set the first laying of eggs the cur- few hours of suoshine when early cherries' 67, hens lay, under the docken hens. are in hie°40 we shalt have " °berries i 'Wimp they hatch I examine to see if they at all, and we frerpteutlar have 1/ season when baxe any vermin(' on tlibin ; if so, 1 dust 1 cold rain storms eo prevent the bees from them ,itli fused powder and heep them getting out that not a cherry is PtetineetI cooped closely for three or four dap, until they get used to the call of the hen. If al- REGULATES lowed to run out they are likely to stray lamming Wheat, . after any lieu that comes along. I feed THE The immuring of wheat, in spring, If theloften and very sparingly the lirst week, I uot be required, and would probably do with a little barley meal, onion tops and let. ground is in a high State ef fertOitYi maY' Maimed boiled eggs mid corn bread crumbs, 1 UVERt harm, as, when the plant is forced too mueli thee ehopped fine. Milk should be given 1 the disease know as "rust," or "red gum" is, them as a &ilk as it keeps them m a . sure to attack the crop. The colour of the healthy condition. Corn meet dough should CURES DYSPEPSIA., CURES DYSPEPSIA..: CURES DYSPEPSIA.. Mr, Neil McNeil, of Leith, 013e, writes: Ds en reete,-For years and years/suffered from dyspepsia in its worst farms, and alter trying all means in roy power to sicpurpose 1 was persuaded by friends to try BBB., which I did, and after using 5 bottlea was completely cured. ROTS ON THE BOWELS, Cures COAITIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Xaplet Ite VerY. DaArt ave tried your B.B.B. with great success for constipation and pain in xny heed.. The second dose _made me ever ea much better, My bowels now move feeely and the pain ea my aeon um left me, and to everybodY with the same disease, Itheeineaend MAAS F. Ws:mama 40 Dicier Steen:moot°, ally, received the order of the Red Eagle of 'iipresentey the beer drinkers oi Munich. Plant is the surest irldimtieu AS to whether not be given them, as they are liable to diar- the third cleiss.Sodiers, railway employees, tradesmen. and manure is or is not required. When the awe, aud it increases that tendency. 1 l plants look paler than usual it shows flat Their food should be strictly freeb. Heel) Paris cab fares will no louger he a, franc', workers in the taetones have signed a pledge and a half for all distatwee, but the distancejnot to drink any Munich beer because the there is an aoaence of the fieeessarY amount cooped in the meriting until the dow is of is to be emeneeteir immured ;wan app3mtusi proprietors of the breweries hove raised the of nitrogenous food ; and to remedy this, the the grase, until they are six weeks old, for in the cab, and tie vliarge is to be i5e, for prace. In order zo Whig them down to the application of 1 ewe, of nitrate of soda in cold spring rains and dew are fatal to young the first kilometre and 23e. Per kilometre for old ilgurcs the strikers drink Strasburg:beer, April is recommended. It is well to mix the turiteye. The acrond laaing of ess I let furtlite. distauce. Frankfort beer, Dortmund beer, or ane nitrate with about two bushels of ashes, aS the turkey lien sit ou and ram the brood. "' it will be more evenly spread, and as the I do not pay melt attention to them except In il furniture still sells extremely we nitrate of soda isecareellysoluble, the chances to fetid a little eaeli evening to get them ae- .Parisreeeutly two Louis XV. cabinets, of its Wog washed away before the lent eisstomed to come up at night, and keep o. comateil with aueient Sevres porcelain can snake use of it will 'be lessened, i it is them growing. They mill pick up most of loved thet the offending breweries must h N. ' light 115.000 francs, a Loafs . A . idles drawers 13,000 francs, and a. jardiniere i sown at two different times, a fortniglit's e down or shut up. their living in their males. Productive. ' The tierman E.aiser's new rules for duel,. ta sewes poreelain 4.000 frames . . ug in the army will in the future permit .4 . arali Bernhardt is learning an historleal ink ouiy when approved by a, o comma of her kind of beer that does not COMO from he Munieh breweries. This strike has been full force sinee the 1st of April, and it is play, " La Dame du Cliallant, adaptedfronij m Honor," presided over by two Colonels, and the Italian. The action passes at Milan in the„ only m two eeses, namely ; actual in. the sixteenth eentury, when Lombards was. suit (thailichc lltitiaigung) for which au the battlefield of French and imperial ass. saoshas been refused ; and insult to a armies. There will be great scope in it for la'ily a5lio is either a relative or wife of the dress. officers. fluels are strictly forbidden for The recent persseution of the Jews hr quarrels in a ebb, casino, cafe, or similar Yampa became SO elIttlge.YOUri to all shop- locality; when either party has already keepers that the eity reeently appeared fought three duels ; aud when either is mar. covered with silt+ signs as e I am a Chris.l ried and the father of a family. tian Tradesman 16 ' ' i', UnasBrandy:4nm; 61 The quarrel between Frekmann and Chat- tum " Christian Cheesemonger ;" " Christian Old rian had led to a. severe puuishment of the Clothes Shop."man. M. °carpi, who published an account The position of the Japanese artist is a of it from Chatrian's point of VIM Erck- FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing USE Bruises Spicleaslcis POND'S ‘B+Vuorunnsd s EXTRACT Insect Bites Stings Sore Feet NRAMMATIONS and •HEMORRHAGES ALL PAIN AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAc-sIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT, ACCEPT NO SUBSTI7UTE FOR IT THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. Depended on the Result. Passer-by (to Tommy, who has just been fighting).—"Wouldn't your father whip you if he knew you had been fighting ?" Tommy.—"Well, that depends. If the other boy whipped me, pop would whip me too ; but if I licked the other boy, pop would just say, wouldn't fight, if I were you, Tommy.'" A census just completed places the popin lation o Winnipeg at over 25,000, interval 'between eaela It is calculated that 7 cwt, of nitrate of soda gives an inerease of four bushela of grain, and half ton of straw per acre. Unless the land isin a fairly fertile condition the application of nitrogenous manure!' alone is not Writable. These manures merely net as stimulants, and un- less there is plenty of other food available in the soil to back them up and keep the plant going, after the temporary assistance of the nitrate or sulphate of almoonia has passed off; the crop will fall away and deteriorate greatly toward the harvest, and be in a worse position than it would have been had no stimulant been applied. When, therefore, dealing with land in a low state of fertility, manures of a more general character should subject for earnest consideration in his own mann sued the writer end pubbehee for abuepeelillPiliXeldia,' teast»fogle.tano. Soot is frequently instance 2 or 3 cwt. of :country. He is still ranked with artisans, defamation, and the Paris court senteete_ed whether Ito be the greatest of painters or George,. to a ms the " imprisonment, used as a toparessungfor wheat early ni th sculptors or workers in any other handicraft. publisher to 00 fine, and both "ointl.,3to le spring at the rate of 20 or 30 bushels per The Mild Meld Bhimbun, suggests th4.3' 00 atdamages. M. Erdman injay a.1s; inspeit acre; it produces similar results to nitrate at the detentlants' expense the judgment in of soda, and the remarks made with refer- ence to that manure apply also in this case. arists should receive titles and rank. . ten Paris joinamis. This is said to be one In Madrid when an actor has a benefit Soot is recommended as a remedy for SlUgS, a the heaviest sentences known in a French but no topdressing is as effectual as sat, his admirers eend to the theatre little gift8, be appeal. iof stra such as vanes, suppem „awe, and such libel 04150, therw bid e ill an wheli also increase the strength w. trifles, just as if it were a 710uation party, The Soloman are not all dead, so long as _ end the employees hand these gifts arenal. a certain judge:it Dorpat lives. A plaintiff among the audience for inspection, while sued for a eow for which he saline bulimia rt. Home-Shoeineo next day a complete list of them is printed but he could bring no other proof against et a conference of horses -shoes recently in the papers. the assertion of the former owner that he - hail not. The Judge, after hearing the , held in London Eng., the folleivino rules 0 Sardou is writing a play for Coquelin, which will be played at the Corneille Fran- case, pronommed in favor cif the defendant, were adopted : I. The foot should only have so much horn and then invited the audience, including the video next season. It is founded upon an removed from it at each shoeing as is neces- defendant, to make up a subscription for the incident in the life of the actor Labussiere, who, by destroying the papers drawn up plaintiff. The defendant willingly gave three againstthecompany by a committee of the rouldes, whereupon the Judge, looking. at Convention in 1703, succeeded in restoring them, said. "V1, hat do you mean by rising to them. their liberty. connterfeit money ? Explain how you got this or you will go to Siberia." Thereupon A "Congress of Beauty' is to be held in the defendant confessed tint he had got Rome shortly. Only Roman ladies of "the them from his enemy, the plaintiff, and as a strict four to -and branches, viz., brunette, punishment he was compelled to pay them blonde, auburn red, and flaxen," will be back again and to deliver the cow. allowed to compete, and they must be be- German journalists have sometimes a hard tween the ages of sixthen and twenty-five. road to travel. Herr Boshart was arrested There will be only two prizes, the first $2,- for criticising too severely the conduct of 000, and the second$1,000. the Duke of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha. Ile was The Empress of Austria • is building a convicted and sent to the Ichtershapsen magnificent Pompeilan palace at Corfu, to prieon, and although the Court did not cost nearly Ss2,500,000. It is being con- inflict upon him the loss of his civil rights, structed of Carrara marble. The gardens will his hair and beard were cropped and he had be elaborately ornamented with terraces, to put on the prison uniform. All his un - fountains, and electrScity. Three hundred derclothing and even his pocket handker- men are at work. Corfu is perhaps tbe most chief and spectacles, were taken from him. beautiful spot 021 the globe. Soap, towels, combs, and brushes formed a Marshal MacMahon is in favor of retain- jail luxury that could not be permitted ; ing the red trousers of the French soldiers. and, although he offered to pa,y for feed He says that the fuss made about them is different from the prison fare, it was denied altogether too great, because future fighting him. His treatment was recently brought to public notice by a lawyer named Muller must be at long. range, and red is a .color which is lost sight of at a comparatively in a complaint to the authorities. The ease short distance. has created considerable excitement in • Gotha and a thorough investigation of it is A law for the insurance of ailing working- 3 now going on. men, after the plan of Bismarck, was recent - An International Postage Stamp Exposi- ly submitted to the people of Basel at a t" b ' Vienna on April 20. All the special election. Under its provisions all _ ion began nin stem collectors of England, men with less than $400 annual income were best w . p _ .t , to be regarded as bound to its obligations France, the United States, Belgium, Swi zei- and. benefits. The proposed law was rejected . e 1 . . lend Italy, Germany, and the Orient, have by a vote of 5,015 against 229. signified their intention to be present, and 0 most of them will make exhibits. The pro - Kaiser William seems rather friendly t gramme of the Exposition includes two the Jews than otherwise. He frequently in- to the banquets and. a tour to and through the vites an old friend, Dr. Sommer, Kahlenberge. The Austrian Government Palace, and, as the latter is an orthodox has placed in the Exposition building a cont- ., ew, dinner for him has to be sent in from plete set . of the machinery used by, it in a Kosher restaurant. The Emperor has also manufactueing postage stamps, and. , will appointed a Hebrew named. Reichemberg to strike off souvenir stamps for every visitor be one of his private secretaries. at the Exposition who wadies them. The A protest against long and poorly paid most valuable stamp in the Exposition will hours of work comes from the grave diggers be one of the first series of Mauritius. It of Paris. They are officially employed by me two pence when it was new and is, now the city, and number 125. Ten hours a da 37 valued at about $3,000. is their average labor, and they are liable to • , The servants and mistresses of Vienna be called up at any time of the night. They have to manage their affairs under the super - are beginning to organize for the purpose of intendence of the police. The latter keep a doing less work, and for six franca a day „ instead of five. Servants' Book," in which each girys dis- missals and reengagements are recor , ded - . All the actors and actresses of the Nation- together with copies of character given by al Theatre in Lemberg are out on strike in each employer. This character has to con - consequence of a reduction in their salaries thin the three words, "tree, fieissig, sit. of 20 per cent. The actors are treated as tsaesei •honest, industrious, and well -con, public officials by the Galician Government ducted. A mistress may leave out any of sn consequence of the theatre being subsidiz- these three words if she finds cause, but few ed by the Government, and the Galician venture to do so. The day after she has Diet has invited them to lay their grievances dismissed a servant with a defective charac- before the House. ter she receives a summons to the police Of the 10,000 diamood cutters at Amster- station, where she has th swear on the cruci- dam, who are all Jews, 7,000 are stated to fix that the girlie either not honest, indus- be now without work, as the principal trious or virtuous. She is rigorously cross - mond -cutting establishments have ceased examined, and if the girl insists with her operations in consequence of the enormous denial, the visits to the police are repeated rise in the price of raw diamonds. The over and over again. A written character Handelsblad attribotes this crisis of the fact in Vienna, therefore, means nothing, and that the London house of Rothschild has imonopolized the tradein them. mistresses resert to other means of getting information. ness depends on the wire. If you breed thoroughbreds, breed only from the best, and if you succeed, in raising good birds let It he known by exhibiting and advertising. The owner of really good, higlescoringstoek usually gets for them all his conscience will allow him to ask. A Rorse's Souse of Smell, The horse will leave musty bay uutouelted in his bin, however hunery. will not drink of water objeetionable to his question. ing miff, or from a. bucket which some odor makes offensive, however thirsty. His Intel- ligent nostril will widen, quiver and query over the daintiest bit offered by the fairest of hands, with coaxings that would make a mortal shut his eyes and swallow a nauseous mouthful at a pip. A mare is never satisfied by either sight or whinny that her colt is really her own, ' the fact. A blind horse, now living, will imtil she has a certified nasal certificate to I not. allow the approach of any stranger with- out showing sips of auger not safely to be disregarded. fhe distinction is evidentl made tri• his sense of smell, and at a consh • °rabic aistance, Blind horses, as a rule, will gallop wildly about a pasture without stale - mg the surrounding fenee. Tim sense of smell informs them of its proximity. Others will, when loosened from the stable, go dila ectly to the gate or hers opened to their no- oustomed feeding grounds, and when &sir - sexy for the proper fitting of t o shoe, andm g to return, alter hours of careless wander - no more. ing, will distinguish one outlet and patiently 2. The frog should take a bearing on the 1awaitits opening. The °dried that particular ground, but no other part of the frog should!part of the fence is their pilot to it. The horse in browsing, or while gathering be weakened to give this healthy action. 3. Shoes camiot be too tight if they give !herbage with its lips, is guided in its choice of proper food entirely by its nostrils. Blind horses do not make mistakes in their diet. In the temple of Olympus a bronze horse was exhibited, at the sight of which six real horses experienced the most violent emotions. A01(1,11 judiciously observes that the most perfect art could not imitate nature sufficient- ly well to produce so strong an illusion. Like Pliny and Pausanins, he consequently affirms that "in casting the statue a magiciau had thrown Hippomenes upon it," which by the on the foot, extending from the toe th the odor of the plant deceived the horses, and heel. therein we have the secret of the miracle. 8. The ground surface of a shoe should The scent alone of a buffalo robe. will cause follow the form of the ground surface of many horses to evince lively terror, and. the an floating scent of a railroad train will frighten ruonasdhd foot which ha* travelled on a level .o and hearing. sufficient wear. 4. The width of a shoe need be no more than is necessary to cover the bearing sur- face. 5. Nails are the most secure and simple fastening for horse shoes and a properly driven nail never does any harm. 0. The most important requisite in horse - shoeing is the adoption of a correct system, not the use of any special form of shoe. 7. All shoes should have a level bearing some long after the locomotive is out of sight Costly Scrubs. I attended an auction lately where some yearling steers sold for $8 it head. I sold a yearling to -day for $16, and could sell any number of such steers at this figure. I took Every Fanner Should be a Painter. Every farmer ought to learn how to use the paint brush. Then at odd times he can do much at home improvement that without inme ; my neighbm this accomplishment would certainly go un - some pains in breeding. done. Paint itself is not so expensive as its did not. I have a two-year-old heifer whichapplication. Occasionally a city painter will girths, just back of the forelegs, 80 inches; ! just forward of the hind -legs, 87 inches. She break over the trade union regulations when has a fine head, and her ribs spring out out of a job and hard up and work at prices that farmers can afford to pay. But in all nearly straight from the back -bone. She such cases they are very particular not to be has a fine -shaped udder and it good escutch- eon. I anticipate a great milker and good found out, as if industry could ever be a dis- credit. We do not especially blame those breeder. She and the yearling just sold, who paint for a living for asking high wages. are from a good, commen cow, served by a To work continuously in paints, especially of purebred Durham bull. Now, any farmer lead, is unhealthful. Herein is another rea- can do as well as this. son why the farmer may often with the best By a:little care and judgment in selecting of motives do his own painting. "What," breeding animals—mares, cows, ewes and it will be asked, "if it ia an unhealthful swine, and breeding to pure -blood males, business?" Yes, because to do a little paint. one can double the return from stock sales ing will not injure any one. It is the con - in a very short time, while the money out stant employment in forms of lead and other will be very little more than if one kept scrub mineral poisons that breaks dOwn health and stock. Another thing: A thrifty animal, shortens life, ' Considering how easily the well kept from the start, is ready for market painter's trade at least for common work, any aisle. Some cows though havieg good may be learned, there is reason in the argil - points, do not prove good, lareeders—their ment that everybody ought to know and do calves do not start and grow and develop a little of it. Country life, 'especially, would early. Such animals should be got off the farm as soon as practicable. It is serprising to see how many such animals there are in every neighborhood, and farmers complain they are not getting prices they should for their stock.—(Charles Betts. Sow to liaise Turkeys. Turkeys are considered by many farmers very delicate and hard to raise, and for this reason they are not found on many farms. If farmers understood their nature better, turkeys would become more common. Eyery poultry man or farmer that has ten acres of land or more can easily raise turkeys to ad- vantage; if the conditions are favorable they are one of the irnost profitable kinds of poul- try to raise. Get a pure breed, either for market or home use. Such are cheaper in be brighter if old and young on the farm took their turns at brighteningit with paint. 1 Wagons, tools and farm buildings of all kinds Exeter /31.1.totter Shop are more durable when painted frequeotly, and painted they will not be, as experience Cures RILIOUSNESS, Cures IHZIOUSNESS. Cures DILIOUSIVESS. Direct RXDOZ ente,-; was troubled tor Ave yeare with Liver Complaket. 1 used sgreat. deal of medicine which dld inc no good, and 1 wee eettieg sorrel all the tiMa until I tried Purdoek Blood Bitter,. After taking four bottles I alAl now well. 1 con also rerorinnenditfor the cure Prapepsio. Maur A, R. DRAcon, Bookstairs. Ont, REGULATES THE MONEYS. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. A, Wenn* Cttre. Sin., -I was Tory had with headache and pion iu TOT back; Toy bande aud feet swelled ive 1 could 4QUO worX My sisterdikiew advised mato try 11.11.13. 'With one bottle I telt so muck bettor that I got ono more. I am now well, and can work as well AA over. Amax Mrnor.ss. Tslsouburs, Ont. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. vorgememma.aa./.... Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD B4 Bad Blood may arise o wrong action of the Storeseb, Liver, Ridneys and Bowels. B. 11. B., by regulating and toning these crgitee, removes the cause and makes new rich blood, removing all blood diseases from a. pimple to A serofulons ooze. THE OF ANY "x " TIMES. ass Mend Geld watch, 8elelforlill00. until lately. Nit OM NYhtch at the world, Parfest timekeeper. War- ranted. Heavy e Hooting Cam. Datil Is s* nut slate slaw, wi eh walks atal eases of equal *Atm One rarsenat each lo. ealtly can see= oute fru, toothier with ow bale sedAs!, ,,able flees of .floessiehold Semple*. These samples, am well as tlea 'wraith, 14( Ma rrOC, and after you Dm kes Ib. m In your home for AB months andel:town these to thou, who may lures called, thsybscome your own propers'IChowi .ed Samples. We_per all swats, *al tote,__Alldress who write at ones ole be $ere ore r eetethe iAnd bit Virat.eh Stleaseia dee Voo Sea 812e rars msams• EMORY Blind trandoring ourod. Books learno4 n ono reading. Tentirnontala from al Paris of tho globe. 'Prospectus Po= 11155, dent on application to Prof. A. Loisotto, 117 Fifth Ave. NOW York. ,aggstmANY IMAINsmum. e who Is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who tu hill Folly and Ignorance has Trl- fimeadnahw a .0 yo .0/33: a LI giz go r et Body, Mind and exhausting drains upon tho Ft:omits:0,ns _af _Life. Headache, glaekache, Dreadful Drealna, Wea knees f maserh Bashfulness Soolety, 41tripleg upon the Face and an the Effeoell, ealtag fo larlY Dewey, consumption Tolenitaaneltyduwrtlaaaintinatsbtoarspecilelio. 23 ivYouthful of upgriogr, iirtresetioirgtelas et: Vitaland iThvil:0011/tee5F2it es] dra iannd Ind Nerves, builds uP the muse system Int arouses into segos the whole physical energy of the human frame. t. With our speedo No, se three reenths, and recent ones in less than thirty the most obstinate case carenatt.bnoor rrn Private days. aeon p.aace:smitoonttaanhosweetoonageeskstaiirendat: tni4elet...zro. 24Priiralli2infaDiniirbefie Gctium rr e .en oe pfseadies Sold under our written Guara ntee to Me . e 0.01,tereoritou. roan.t. rrice E5 . Toronto dicine • dorm LADIES ONLY. -1221m 1 FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far suporle_r to Ergot, Tansy. Pennyroyal or I ?,:c17,4 'aLE dmitiONri er tholcrri!ntdasl of IlVts pain, isi REGULA. N -t? 9 l' R9 1 9 R1T , PleaRaeit aria kg Effectual. rice. $2. Toronto Medicine Co. i Toronto. Ont. 11• • READ -MAKER'S 50 VIE118.1161? Ilate FAS To ars SATISfalica FOR SALE BY ALL CUMIN proves unless the farmer does it imself. The division of labor that in most other things works well is a mistake here. In the country at least each man may do some paint- Butcher &General Dealer ing with benefit to himself, and prevent the entailment of misery and early death on ...-....-12‘ ALL UNDO Or— a class of professional painters. rn , When it takes a fellow eighteen •minutes L I to assist a girl to don her sealskin sa.cque the natural inference is that he hopes to be instomerssupplied TIJR13DAYS, THURS. more than a brother to her. 4/SS AND SA,TUBDAYB at Omit residenoe Be quick. You can't iuse a minute but OBDBEIBLISIT AT THR SHOP WILL BB Once—make the most of it. 0111113 PROMPT A.TTENTION. R.1)AVIS,