HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-5-8, Page 11Messrs. James Magee, sr,, James. McGee, jr. and Joan Maguire of Blyth, ArrawAan, loaded eight cars of loose salt in fifteen 1 hours, this week, at the salt works. Mr. W. Williams, Toronto, is moving leis family from St, :dams to the queen city. We understand he has disposed of his property on queen street to Rev M. P. Campbell, pastor or the Baptist denomination. Wholesale & Retail BUILDERS HARD W ARI , :Steel nails, glass, plate, diamond star, detible thick stained and engraved, locks, ,gravity, l,in};ea, piaster hair, calcine Vas- ter, Akron, and Portland, cements, tar, -piach, felt and lining papers, 'CARRIAGE HAP -DWARF, Bar iron, blacksmith's coal, horse nails, :car bolts, patent wheels, bent stuff, hues,. spokes, shafts, rims, pat, leather, dashes, titnmings, cowboy tops, Noble & Hoar or 3rantford, varnishes, muslin. duck, drill, • tenbaeks. -MILL SUPPLIES. Iron piping, valves, n;plea, asbestus, hemp :and Rubber packings, rut tier and leather belting; lace leather, SPORTING MATERIAL, i3reaehloading rifle and shot gulls, powder, 'shot, caps, pruners, wads, fshinie rods, lines, hooks, FARMERS' SUPPLIES. New -seeds, all Minds to and red clover, timothy. flax, mange', turnip, white corn, carrot. etc, These seeds are abs ut y fresh, Barb, Annealed, galvanized,wires, cedar posts ;ma etakes. TINWARE DEPARTMENT. Furnaces. stoves, milk cane, cream cane, pails, Wanzer cookers; eave troughing .anti rooting done cheap, GROCERIES. New goods—full line. Produce taken in exchaege. LThe above ail at ROCK BOTTQ:li TIRICES, W,: , 1encur, Jas, R. Eelvard, Manager. k'roprieter, Mr John Doig, sr,, of Kippen, lsthis week making arrangements to leave for Algoma, where he may settle, bate ing taken up land there. Stir.. Doig is an old settler. The many friends of IIr, Joseph Kydi, formerly of Dudlin, but now of Sioux City, Iowa, will regret to learn that word was received this week by bis son in Goderich, or hie serious Rime; Dogs must be a nuisance in Flesher - ton. for the poetical scribe of the Ad- vance thus centime thine : Let dogs delight to hunt at night. as doggieh 'nature must, but as we pass if they show fight, their doggoned heads we'll bust. Wingham is possessed of a lot of toughs. During service an Sundays, whips, rugs and robes are stolen or misplaced; file othertevg gime partiee brake into the school house and de• stroyed school propert/� to euoh alt extent that the hoard of Trustees wore to. ward constrained offer a reward, , DISTRICT DOINGS. 7rlaeLatest Currennte G Throughout the Distri elteNoah Fried has moved his family from Stratford to Parkhill. The Zirkton btrtel was sold on Satur- day to :qrs. Janet Rhoebottotn of Detroit, for $11Q. The steak of the Parkhill Salt Well Co., was sold to W H Hutchins last 'stook, for 50 cents on the dollar.. Mr.'Geo. Baxter of Mitchell, loaves for a visit to England. Mr. Baxter has croaaed the ocean a score of tones. Mr John Hedging, formerly of the Hastings House, Parkhill, is lying at the point of death at his home in Londou. It is reported that by the death of a relative in Germany, ;Ale. ',Michael lianaucker of Corbett, has fallen heir to $40,000. Mr. S.Coxon of Granton, is going out of the hotel business this week and Mr W Middleton is moving in. Mr Coxon vale resume his business as a painter. ' Mr. A. F. Snell of Strathroy, who went to California about five years ago for the benefit of his health, has realiz- ed a handsome aum by ranching, and is fully restored to health. He will now make a tour ot the Brittsh islands. Mr. H. T. Butler announces in the Stratford Times this week that he has severed his connection with that journal, and the paper will be con- tinued under the management of Mr. Xneitle, his former partner in the con- cern. Mr. Arch. McIntyre, of Dutton, has a chicken with three legs. The extra leg is fully formed and apparently of service to its small owner, who uses it somewhat after the manner of a rower propelling his boat by ineane of a single oar. 'the farm of William Taylor, a reput- edly rich farmer of Bidduipb, formerly of Winchelsea, was seized under a mortgage Tuesday, and the owner with his family ejected. Mr. 'Taylor appear- ed a few months ago in a charge against his daughter of stealing barley. The Fullerton base ball team have organized for the season. The team is called the Diamonds of Fullerton, with the following officers:—J. Musworthy, president ; J, 11.. Keeler, secretary treasurer ; T. Hamilton, captain. The secretary is ready to receive challenges from county clubs, A cow belonging to Thomas Newton, Sweaborg road, near Woodstock, the other due, was delivered of a calf that was somewhat of a freak. The forepart of the body was quite natural; but ap- proaching the hind quarters, the batt bone divided into two parts, forming two sets of bind legs with two tails. While Fred Ford was working in Clark & Carman's flax mill at St Marys the other morning, he got the fingers on the left hand caught in the brakes and had the little finger and one next very badly out and bruised. It will take a tew weeks before they will heal sufficiently to allow him to return to Work. Mr. John MacLeod, who for so many years has been an employe of the firm of A. Beattie & Co., St. Marys, has left the Stone Town to accept a position as book-keepet in manager's office of a railway in Freehold, ,New Jersey. He was f; member and officer in the I.O.O. F. and I. 0. F, for a long time. The members of I. 0. 0. F. previous to his departure prevented Mr. MacLeod with a beautifulurn, accompanied by an address. On Wednesday last a gang calling therngelves the "London;, Amateur Minstrel Company," of London, Ont., visited Lucan. At the town hall gate OonsteblaButler demanded $4 rent of hall, they all went down into their pockets to hunt up the necessary shekels, but they looked in vain—they could not scrape ap 20 cents apiece. They were acoorlingly refused the use ' of the hall. Returning tothe hotel they at once left for the Forest City ainid cheers from the small boys. AND NOW COMES GILLETT and says that it is time there was a good Raking Powder, and that his Imperiat Cream Tartar Baking Powder is far superior to all others. The trouble iu the . Toronto College of Pharmacy over the discovery of an attempt on the part of several stndeuts to steal copies of the examination papers has baso set at rest for the present by the suspension of five students. Rheum atisw is caused by an acid in the blood; therefore, external treatment words no permanent relief, '1'o eliminate the poison and make a thorough cure of the disease, nothing else is so efficient as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Give it .a trial. Pricy L. Worth e5 a bottle, THE BEST AND THE CBE APEST 100 doses for 100 cents. Burdock Blood Bitters, Does your bead ache? Take Barbels Blood Bitters, Ta your blood impure? Take Burdock Blood Bittern.. Are you Costive? Take Burdock Blood Bitterp. Are you Bilious? Take Bprdook Blood Bitters, Are you dyspeptic? Tako Burdock Blood Bitters, 1 cent a dose, 1 eent a dose, Enrdoolt Blood Bitters. EASILY ASCERTAINED It is easy to And out from anyoue who has used it, the virtues of Hagyard's Yellow Oil for all painful and inflammatory troubles, rhe e:14 zblm, neuralgia, lumbago, frost bites, burns, bruises, sprains, contracted cords, atiif jointa. aches, ()line and.tiereueaa of any kind,it hale no suporlor. A very pleasant event occurred on the evening of April 161h, in the join- ing of lir. Joseph H Hodgson. of 1c• Giflivray,and Alias CfarkeofAStephen, together hi the holy bonds of matri- mony, at the Methodist parsonage, Crediton, by Rev Mr Redmond, We extend our congratulations, hoping tbat they way enjoy a long and happy prosperous life. We notice by the report of the 11. cense comrcessionertt that three bowie Red a shop have been granted licenses in b.yfietd. Mr. R. Batley et the Clone. merelat, gets it for only six months, while Mr. Geo. Castle (the reeve) and Tia John Swarm have it for the whole year, As Mr John Pollock is vacating the Albion hotel, Mr. Edward. Elliott will remove there Oda week. A "'Voter in Hay" writes : "Politics are now warming up in South Huron, Mr. A. Bishop's name is freely spoken ot as the coming man for the Local House as well as the strongest man the ridmg can put forward. Our old friend Mr, M. C. Cameron's name is freely spoken of as he right man In the right piece for the Rouge of'lonnnlnns, ile certainly deserves to represent South Huron after the hard.fought battles he has Bona through for the Reform cause." On May est, white Wm Thompson, O T R agent, and Alby Robinson ofPark. hill, were conversing about money due Thompson as rent, the conversation became heated and led to blows. Mr Thompson received a serious blow on the side of the head froth Robinson's fist, rendering him insensible. Thomp. son was at once taken to Dr Caw's office, where his wound was dressed. Robtneon gave himself over to the authorities and paid the usual fine and costs. Mr. Chas, Rogerson, one of Iiullett's enterprising farmers, retiontly made a test of the butter producing qualities of two of Itis cows. The cows are Dur- ham grades. During the second week in April he kept the intik of one cow *for seven days. When the cream from this milk was churned, it produced 12 pounds of butter. The second cow was subjected to a similar test on the following week, and her milk produced 13 pounds of butter. The teats, also, were made under adverse circumstan- ces. In the first, the milk got obilled tw.ce, while in the latter, the meal which be had previously been feeding to the cows got done, and for three days the animal did not receive her usual meal rations. Mr. Rogerson in. tends melang another test as soon as his cows are put to grass, and will let us know the result. The St. Thomas police Thursday re- ceived a telephone message from Sea. forth asking for a descriptton of the man found dead on the 12th concession of Yarmouth. A description and a reply came that there was no doubt that the dead man was Thomas Whitesides ot Seaforth, and that some ot bis friends would start at once for St. Thomas to claim the body. White - sides was a butcher by trade, and also hal learned the trade of cooper. He is 40 years of age, and a married man with family. He left Seaforth for London on Tuesday to look for work, and that was the last heard of him un- til the news was received of the finding of the body of a dead man on the road- side on the 12th con. of Yarmouth. It was Whitesides' intention, it he did not get work in London or St. Thomas, to go on to Streetsville. Re is report- ed to have been an industrious, hard working man. i teIRBLT REPORTS. ExEssR Bed avhoat ,, -, Spring Wheat.., Barley .,. Oats Clover Sett 'Timothy Peas Corn Sags Batter Flourperbbl . ,,. Potatoes,per bushel APp3es,per nag DriedA.pplespr b cxeesa Per lb, Turkey per lb Pucks per le Thickensperpr Aogs,dreesedperlCO Seef widesran h, 'Adressed Sheepskins, each Oaifekins Wool per lb lieypertan Onion Fnerbnah• Woodperoord 0.4 W ▪ IN ealk 00 00 to 00 95 • 00 99 ;o 00 93 • 40te004,5 . , 30 to 30 • $Oa to 325 • 50 to 2 se 53 to 55 40 to 52 ;.. 14 so 001.0510 40 to 050 1cotoltO .,, e 4 t o. 0 50 0edto00? ▪ 008 to 10 ,,, 00010007 • 025to030 • 450to500 • 4OQto5;25 200to250 .• 350 to35y • 0 60 to 80 050 to099 • 018to029 651 to7 00 ,. 05010000 ; 25Q10$00 eT !Sears $ s all tlfhoat • . 0 h5 090 Spring Wtieat 0 85 0 90 Barney Oats ▪ ...... : 0 14 323 Ttovere1. ;150034% .,,,,,,,, 0 Pose 058 054 Ladies who are troubled Isitlt roughness of the skin or cracked. should keep a bottle at Periiier, Bata mo the house. itis delightfully perfumed and softens, heals Anti beautifies the A luau is said to have gone to the City Hospital of Hamilton, Out., some time ago angering from a diseased kidney!, the other Wine perfectly sound. The doctor in at, tendaneo remeved the Bound kltlney ill place of the diseased ono, and the man died short. ly afterwards, THE PUBLIC WARNED, 'Many people are deceived into negleetiug bad blood, dyspepsia, oouatipatiou. ale„ and thus allow these and other diseases to become established. Act promptly by using natnre's blood purifying tonie, Burdock Blood Bitten, which regulates the entire system, curing all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, A SEASONABLE HINT. During the breaking up of winter, damp, chilly weather prevails. and rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, croup, quinsy and other painful effects of sudden cold are common, Ragyard's Yellow Oil is a truly valuable honseno1d remedy for all such complaints. Thiele TIME TO BEGIN. After a lona„ winter the system needs a thorough cleansing, toning said regulating to rt:movo impurities and propare for sum. mer, Thousands of testimonials show that Murdock Mloud Bitters is the beat spring modicum ever dlscevered, producing a feel. ing of buoyancy and strength. It removes that tired, worn out feeling, and reetoaes lost appetite. - limner has it that l:uglisb syn iicates are to buy up all the cotton factories iu Canada, sTlx. 'Ike strength of this artful() isextraordivare. After being cemented most articles will break in another place rather than where cemented. Price 15 o.nts from druggists. Philip Jones of Doherty Creek, N, respectable farmer, went to his barn yester- day morning, struck himself with a hatchet on the head several times and then deliber- ately cut his throat with a penknife, elash- ing hia body pith the same instrumout. Finding that iiia was not leaving him he threw a rope over a beam in the barn and hanged himself. He was found dead about half au hour afterwarde. No cause assigned. POPULAR PEOPLE are invariably pleasant to use and certain in their results, Mr. John McConnell, of Chea:ey, Ont., says:—Nasal Balm rs a good medicine for cold in tha head. It is a popular remedy. The fifteen year old daughter of Pesahol Nadena, a farmer of SI. George Beanee, Que., was burned to death in .a fire that burned their sugar house. AUTUMN ANXIETIES. I had a very bad Dough this fall, but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me cam. pletoly. E. ROntNSOx, Washago. Halifax butchers have put up the price of beefsteak to 18 cents a pound, and a movement is on foot to establish r co-oper- ative association in opposition to them. Cough No Blore. Your cough may lead to disease of the lungs. therefore do not neglect it. 1Vilson's Wild Cherry will cure it quickly and effectually. Per Colds,Crcup. Whooping (lough, Bronchitis. Loss of voice. etc.. no medicine equals Wilson's Wild Cherry, as thousands testify. Sold by all druggists. A couple of years ago a gentleman in this county paid a visit to the old country. While in Glasgow he happen- ed, one night, to drop into a variety theatre. Before the performance was over he came out, and as ie the usual custom in such places a cheek ticket was given him by the ticket seller which would admit him again without paying. This ticket seems familiar to him. On the top were the initials S. H. A. S.," and in the centre "Admit Bearer," On the bottom ot the ticket appears the initials of the secretary. This ticket seemed fami,iar to him as he thought he Ahad seen one of the same kind before. His suspicions proved correct. Tbe initials stand for the South Huron Agricultural Society, and the ticket proved to be one of the admit tickets used by that Society It r one ot its shows. He went to the sae °• place next night with a friend, and both retiring before the performance was over they each got another South Huron Agricultural Society ticket. '!'hese tickets have since been compar- .ed with some old tickets of the Society and prove to be identically the same and of the same Issue, Now the question arises, how did these tickets get into the possession of the Glasgow theatre manager, and who took them there? 51ARRIE l). CLODS—BARTLETT—In St. Marys, on Wed- nesday, April 23rd, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. T. M. Camp- bell, Mr, Charles Clode of Toronto, to 7•. iss Lizzie Bartlett of St. Marys. STACEr—BARCLAY—By Rev T. M. Campbell, at Methodist parsonage, St Marys, Mr. J. A. Stacey of kirkton, to Miss A. Barclay of St Marys. THOMAS —TAYLOR.—IR Exeter, on the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. B. Clement, Mr. George Thomas, so Mies Emma, third daughter of Mr. John Taylor, sr. KUNG—VANBTONE—At the Manse, Goderiob, on the 26th April, by Rev. Jas. A. Ander- son, B. 1., Mr. Thomas King,to Mise Ida Lenora Vanstone, both of the village of Bayfield. DIED. PArvran—In Blanchard, on the 24th ult, Rachael, relict of the late John Paynter, aged 71 years and 7 mos. Coni;rEDleit—In Exeter, on the 7th inst., Jane Allan. beloved wife of Samuel Cobblediclk, aged 65 years, and 6 months DEARING—In Stephen, on - the 3rd inst., Sarah, beloved wife of Abraham Dearing, aped 51 years. • Whon Bub}' was sick. wo ,Gave her Castoris whoa she }sus a Child. she cried for Castorfa. Whon she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, Wkon she had Children, she gave thorn Castoria, 32.016 Potfatoes per bag t5 9Q Apples per §noir , 0 55 Wept per ]la,. , 20 020 1layno'toA„ S 50 6 5+1 Bran per sou ,14 00 14 00 shorts ,.. , .,20 00 2tl 09 C�tulealPorbbl...,•.. ............ 0Q 700 LONDON, Wheat. 990to $1,05 nor bus. Oats, 22 *to 310 per bus. Peas, 6010 to 610 per bus. Bar- ler, 51 iltiux, 43 to 48a per bus. 13ar1ei Feed.. 3.1>,o to 410 per bus Corn, 4:5o to 47io per buahol, TORONTO. Toronto, ,May 1. --Wheat Spring— No. 2.1.01 to 1.03 per bus :red winter,Nc.2.1 es tol 07 per bus. Manitoba No.1 hard.1 10 to 117 No- 2,1 09 to 1 12 : PEAS 58c to Ale per bus. OATS 37a to290 per bus. FLOUR. extra, $4.10 to 54.15 Per but; straight roller. itt.30 to 4.60; re rang bakers,S4.00 to 54.10. BARLEY, No 2, floc 10 Ole. . Trans -Continental Inttova,tiQu Sleeping ear passongera for Pacific coast pointa rte the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Uuiou Pacile Overland Fast Mail Line no longer have to wait in Wiest Coun- cil Bluffs Trauefer Station to obtain stem- ing car berth reservations west of the Mite souri Rirer, The new arraugemeufa =ado by the Chi- cago, Milwaukee et St. Paul Rnilway obviate all twill delay and annoyance. For further particulars enquire of nearest Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.B.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil- waukee, Wis. DR, W H. G ' H&M, 198 King Street West, • Toronto, Ont.' TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES—arid gives Speeial atteutiou to SKIN DISEASES,. as 'lents,, Ulcers, ate, PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Private Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, 'Varicocele, Nervous De. bility. etc„ (the result of youthful folly and excess, Gleet. and Stricture of long standing, D1SF;A$ES OF WOMEN—Painful, Profuse or Sup• pressed hfeuatruation, Ulceration, Letterer/area, and ell Displacements of the Womb. °like Wars-0am to 8 p.m, . enda%,s.) p • m. to 3 p.m, .IAV;011 ToMoTtfEna.—Areyou dieturoedat nigbtand broken of your rest bye slob child satforing and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"1trs,Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for ChB - dna Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrnlleve the poor 111110 sufferer im toad; .tel• ,tonetidupon it, mothers ; there is t:., mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Dtarrl'ma. regulates the Stomach and flowols,cnroa Wind Colic, softens the Ceras, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy tothow.hole system. 'airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste null. is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status and is for sato by ail druggists throughout the world. Price twenty.five cents a bottle, 13e sure and ask for •Mae Wiramow's A^nTruNG s`'Stur "and no other int). Choice Seeds Mangel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc., B i,ZOTLC COUPE &CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. IIOU$ _' FO3. SALE Ca/HEAP. HEAP. BUTTER & EGGS'W-.ANTED. DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton. aianb t 0 TO NERVOUS,DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address,we willmail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Bolt and Appliances: and their oharmin g effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood health. Pamphlet•freo, It you arethus, afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Apppliances, on trial. Vor.rATc BELT 0o..Marshaf.Mich Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori2 0 0 za a 0 0 0 1-3 THL BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET t Overcoatings at any price; Suit- ings at any price Pantings at any price. Somebody must ICATT1 THE QUESTION I who bought that bankrupt stock ? Several have advertis- ed, as belling' cheap- I want it distinct;y understood I did not get it and do not want it, I manufacture all my own tinware and P pl; handle no Bankrupt atcicks, al am In a position at ail Limes:to offs good well -made tinware at lower prices than any other house can sell their two years and .a half shop worn gaols for. I ask you to come and inspect my atook and youwill be convinced that I em speaking the truth. My stock is all trade of the best tin that can he had in the market and am selling nwt.y down. l'OAL OIG Always au bawl, Boot forget the stand. est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen"! eave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bee Cutting in Town, yon are sure of atisfao- 100 /,�1y1 �q A,. J. b' °BLL. Will SIGN OF BIG IMPIMIONIMOINIONMIS One door north Dr. Lutz. OW IN SOOKt Large assortment of Builders Hardware at lowest prices. woao Barbed, Buckthorn full lrUO, FIELD ANIC'dARDIN SEEDS. Anne, ed and Galvanized Wires— BABY CARRiACrES and BOYS WAGONS, LAWN- ,OWRS, Eavetroughin g, $e. per foot. Agents, Raymond Machines BISSETT B ROS, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. OUR Spring :; Stock COMPLETE . Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Skirtings, Cottenades and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. WE OFFER THE Best Valu© iia, Teas in the country. Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries and Cheap Sugars. . Call and see. The prices will astonish you. W.H.TROTT Boat Shoe Maker Has opened business in. the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new oneso Sewed WorkaSpecialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. DO YOU WANTTOBIJY J. P. ROSS, I Market Store, R,, EXETEf Nov,1., 1880 . 3 FIBST—C1:.t SS FU R NITURF! AT LOWER BATES THAN SHAM GOOD( —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN GALL AT— G' I D L Y' S -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Go�ds A.t Prices Lower that so-csr led Cheap Houses can givf ».da akin in t x g all Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C & f4, Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S 73LO.Ci.